View Full Version : Leadership and Cohorts with LA when using LA buy-off

2016-06-03, 07:27 PM
Not aware of any rule on this so I suppose it should be more of an opinion. If you are a higher level character, say 12th, and pick up leadership gaining a 10th level cohort and decided to pick up something with say a +2 la and no racial HD. Since by 10th level the character would have bought off all of his LA would you allow him to come it at 10th level, at 8th level but with his LA removed, or would you take the minimum XP for 10th level (45,000) then subtract the XP he would have spent to buy off each LA (7,000 to go from +2 to +1 at 6 HD, and then 9,000 to go from +1 to +0 at 9 HD) giving him 45,000 - 7000 - 9000 = 29000 xp (admittedly not much different from the base 28,000 of level 8 but still something)

If your cohort was using a template class and broke up his LA so that he could buy off 1 LA of it at a time would that change your answer? For example character starts with 0 la at level 1, picks up a +1 la template class at level 2, then 2 more class levels buys off his first LA at class level 3, then picks up a 2nd level in the template class, gains 3 more levels to class level 6 then buys it off, etc.

2016-06-03, 07:33 PM
Sounds like a case of "ask your DM", I would personally look at the power level of the table. If it is a high OP table, to do otherwise might be a self nerf that you really dont need, although at a low OP table, taking leadership at all might be the hight of optimization at the table, which I wouuld think that LA buy off for your cohort should not be allowed