View Full Version : Help making the best scorpion

2016-06-04, 11:05 PM
So in trying to figure out the best scorpion build I've come up with this.

Race: V human (for starting feat)

Class: way of shadow monk

Feats: Magic initate (Druid)

Okay, so my reason for taking druid is to be able to start with thorn whip, for obvious reasons, and create bonfire to represent his hell fire attack, and shadow monk for shadow step at lv6 for the teleport punch,

Now i thought this was the best options for what i was trying to get done, but, i started looking at worlock for the ability to get devils sight, cause after all, what good is the shadow monks ability to make magical darkness if he can't look through it himself?

So i guess what I'm looking for is opinions, do i multi class and lose the two other signature moves "Get over here" and "Hell fire"? Or do i lose out on being able to actually use my Darkness effectively?

I could go pact of the tome, and get the cantrips i was going for with magic initate, and the devils sight,

Or i could go pact of the blade, and use that to create scorps signature chain blade and/or swords (could always just carry regular swords, just say'n) and of course, the eyes of el Diablo.

Okay, oh great and creative minds of giants,
What's your two copper on this?

2016-06-04, 11:09 PM
I think you really need EK 7 to pull off a successful "Get over here".
That move wasn't just pulling someone close to you, it was pulling them close to you and stunning them long enough for you to get an attack in. The EK's level 7 ability represents that.

2016-06-04, 11:48 PM
Shoot, didn't think about EK being the only way to actually hit a guy after pulling him in, but i lose so much else i was going for that i don't think that one extra upercut would be worth it :P

But thanks for pointing that out, something else to keep in mind for this build :)

2016-06-04, 11:59 PM
Shoot, didn't think about EK being the only way to actually hit a guy after pulling him in, but i lose so much else i was going for that i don't think that one extra upercut would be worth it :P

But thanks for pointing that out, something else to keep in mind for this build :)

Are you sure? Shadow Monk doesn't really bring much to the table for a Scorpion Build that EK doesn't bring too (with Tavern Brawler or being a race with enhanced unarmed attacks). You could just replace Shadow Monk with EK and call it a day.

2016-06-05, 12:16 AM
If you're looking for the "Get Over Here" experience without going Druid, there's always Lightning Lure. The Storm Coast Adventurer's Guide puts it on the spell list for Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards (and anything that uses their spell lists, like Eldritch Knights).

2016-06-05, 01:05 AM
But what about teleport punching people in the back of the head? I know EK gets a straight up combat teleport, but that's not till lv15, and I'm not sure his adventuring career would last that long, highest character i ever got was a kung-fu luchador chicken man (aarakocra) who made it to lv14, plus there's the flavor of the whole thing, it just doesn't feel like scorpion if he's not throwing a flurry of punches and kicks, ya know?

But don't get me wrong, i appreciate the tips, after looking into it, the EK does have all the spells and abilities, over time, to make a darn good scorpion.

2016-06-05, 12:01 PM
But what about teleport punching people in the back of the head?

There are a couple options I can see that could get you what you wanted.

You could go Shadow Monk to 6 to get Shadow Step, then multiclass into Warlock for 2 levels to get Create Bonfire, Lightning Lure, and the Devil's Sight invocation. Pros, you get your flurry of blows, Hellfire, Get Over Here, teleport, and the ability to see through darkness. Cons, you can't attack your enemy after pulling them in and you can only use your teleport if you've got shadows/darkness.

Another option is to go Eldritch Knight like Giant2005 suggested. You pick up Tavern Brawler either with your V Human feat or burn one of your ASIs for it, giving you an unarmed attack. You take Create Bonfire and Lightning Lure as your two cantrips, pick up Darkness at level 7 (it's an evocation spell), and at level 8 you pick up Misty Step as your non-abjuration/evocation spell. Pros, you get your unarmed attacks, Hellfire, Get Over Here, teleport, and you can attack your enemy after pulling them in. Cons, your unarmed attacks can't flurry and you can't pull the darkness/devil's sight combo (although you could go Eldritch Knight 8/Warlock 2 if you want it that badly).

2016-06-05, 10:23 PM
That all sounds really good, thank you very much for spelling it all out for me lol

I appreciate all the help and perspective on this, y'all the best, thanks :)

P.S. Should i ever get to put a Scorpion build to use I'll be sure to share his exploits