View Full Version : Storm Cleric/Sorcerer Help

2016-06-04, 11:22 PM
Okay so I think I have this figured out, but I wanted some input to make sure I'm not missing something.

So I want to Multiclass as a Tempest Cleric into Storm Sorcerer.

*I want to do Variant Human for Polearm feat (thematic purposes)
*I want to start as Cleric for obvious reasons (armor etc)
*I kind of want Call Lightning, but I don't know if I should stay in Cleric that long

Sailor Background seems like the best and we're doing point buy

Should I do 2 levels of Cleric/Sorc X
5 Levels of Cleric/Sorc X
or go back and forth to be effective at low levels

We're starting at 3- so I could do the first option and be on a decent path.

Thoughts and opinions are appreciated!


2016-06-05, 12:02 AM
I'm playing this combo right now and it is a heck of a lot of fun. I stuck with cleric until level six for no real reason other than that I hadn't planned on multi-classing into sorcerer at the time. I also took polearm master and use a pike (I know, I know, less than optimal but sometimes concept beats crunch at my table). Anywho, I'm really glad I did because booming blade from reach + thunderbolt strike + a quickened lightning lure + polearm master's reaction attack + free 10 foot flight to reset the whole thing has been a really fun once-in-a-while combo. As of now I'm 6 and 6 and regret nothing. I'm not sure how optimal it is but it has been a really fun and really versatile character who the whole table has loved having around.

2016-06-05, 01:11 AM
I'm playing this combo right now and it is a heck of a lot of fun. I stuck with cleric until level six for no real reason other than that I hadn't planned on multi-classing into sorcerer at the time. I also took polearm master and use a pike (I know, I know, less than optimal but sometimes concept beats crunch at my table). Anywho, I'm really glad I did because booming blade from reach + thunderbolt strike + a quickened lightning lure + polearm master's reaction attack + free 10 foot flight to reset the whole thing has been a really fun once-in-a-while combo. As of now I'm 6 and 6 and regret nothing. I'm not sure how optimal it is but it has been a really fun and really versatile character who the whole table has loved having around.

Not to burst the bubble or anything, but unless you have the Spell Sniper feat and Polearm Mastery, you can't be making BB attacks at reach...

2016-06-05, 03:36 AM
quick question about this build, i've looking at this kinda thing and it seems really kl, almost exatly the same build. but how do you balance wis/cha, do you just take cleric spells that don't relly need the modifier or are you actually balancing the stats?

2016-06-05, 05:12 AM
For this build, a hill dwarf may be a better choice, if only for purposes of heavy armor. A 15 in strength at creation is very expensive.

2016-06-05, 08:22 AM
I'd take Cleric spells that don't require a save or attack roll, because boosting 3 stats (cha, wis, con) along with str for melee will be tough.

2016-06-05, 09:11 AM
I'd take Cleric spells that don't require a save or attack roll, because boosting 3 stats (cha, wis, con) along with str for melee will be tough.

He could dump strength as hill dwarf, that could help. And maybe he could snag shillelagh somehow?

I would just dump strength and go hill dwarf.

Its a tough, but very cool build. And the OP is only going to 6th cleric?

What do you think?

2016-06-05, 09:23 AM
Not to burst the bubble or anything, but unless you have the Spell Sniper feat and Polearm Mastery, you can't be making BB attacks at reach...

Oh, sorry, yes. Spell Sniper is a part of the package. We rolled stats and I did better than average so ASIs have been less of a priority for me.

2016-06-05, 11:23 AM
For this build, a hill dwarf may be a better choice, if only for purposes of heavy armor. A 15 in strength at creation is very expensive.

I don't understand that? Hill Dwarf does not allow you to by-pass the Strenngth restriction of the armor?

2016-06-05, 12:11 PM
So again I'm probably doing Humant Variant for Polearm master..

So here's where I need help..

At what point should MC into Storm Sorcerer? The Storm Sorcerer bonus action to fly up after casting a spell sounds really appealing so I kind of what it sooner.

Any disadvantage to Cleric 2/Sorc1/Cleric 3,4,5,(maybe 6)/SorcX? You get a taste of the Sorc early, but still get the better Cleric stuff like more Channel Divinity and Call Lightning.

Do the benefits of being Sorc outweigh Cleric Levels 3-6? Maybe I'm overthinking this and should stick with only 2 levels of Cleric and do the rest Sorcerer for optimization?

Point Buy Recommendations-
15 Str
15 Wis
13 Char (Necessary for Sorc MC)
10 Dex
10 Con
8 Intel

Then +1 Str and Wis with Human Variant

Weak Con/Low HP (Really relying on the Heavy Armor)
Last in Initiative
Sorc Spells will be a l

Basics are covered
Good Proficiency Bonuses ( Sailor Background/ +5 Athletics, Insight, and Perception - +3 Intimidation and Persuasion)
Fits theme

Alternatively I can start with a 14 Charisma and 8 Dex. This would allow me to hae 3 16s at Level 4 (We're starting at 3 so not a huge wait) I would fail a lot of Dex saves though..

Question Regarding Tempestous Magic- It reads "Use a Bonus Action on your turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you cast a spell of 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. "

Do I stay in the air if I fly up? Can I use this repeatedly to go up higher and higher? or do I reset each turn? It's not very clear.

I think this will combo well with Polearm master because I can force opponents to enter my reach again (and potentially take less damage)

2016-06-05, 12:32 PM
So again I'm probably doing Humant Variant for Polearm master..

So here's where I need help..

At what point should MC into Storm Sorcerer? The Storm Sorcerer bonus action to fly up after casting a spell sounds really appealing so I kind of what it sooner.

Any disadvantage to Cleric 2/Sorc1/Cleric 3,4,5,(maybe 6)/SorcX? You get a taste of the Sorc early, but still get the better Cleric stuff like more Channel Divinity and Call Lightning.

Do the benefits of being Sorc outweigh Cleric Levels 3-6? Maybe I'm overthinking this and should stick with only 2 levels of Cleric and do the rest Sorcerer for optimization?

Point Buy Recommendations-
15 Str
15 Wis
13 Char (Necessary for Sorc MC)
10 Dex
10 Con
8 Intel

Then +1 Str and Wis with Human Variant

Weak Con/Low HP (Really relying on the Heavy Armor)
Last in Initiative
Sorc Spells will be a l

Basics are covered
Good Proficiency Bonuses ( Sailor Background/ +5 Athletics, Insight, and Perception - +3 Intimidation and Persuasion)
Fits theme

Alternatively I can start with a 14 Charisma and 8 Dex. This would allow me to hae 3 16s at Level 4 (We're starting at 3 so not a huge wait) I would fail a lot of Dex saves though..

Question Regarding Tempestous Magic- It reads "Use a Bonus Action on your turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you cast a spell of 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. "

Do I stay in the air if I fly up? Can I use this repeatedly to go up higher and higher? or do I reset each turn? It's not very clear.

I think this will combo well with Polearm master because I can force opponents to enter my reach again (and potentially take less damage)

So you're planning on being in melee range right? With only 16 AC? And a 0 Con modifier? You're going to get absolutely shredded in melee range. You're going to be failing all the big Con and Dex saves that will come for you in melee range. This build will result in you being akin to paper being held over a flame.

Your only saving grace, is 16 AC. TBH, you'd be better off going with the shield, especially since you have such a low Con. I'd also advise you to never be in melee range of something as you're going to start getting hit by things consistently once you're at level 5+. Even with your Shield Spam, you're going to get beaten up very quickly.

The main reason Seeker is having such a great time with it is he rolled his stats and is able to support the massive MADness this build requires. If you didn't roll for stats and do extremely well, I'd definitely advise you away from a martial focus and towards a spellcasting focus. If you're really set on Call Lightning, go for Cleric 6 and then decide if you really want those Sorc levels.

2016-06-05, 12:39 PM
I don't understand that? Hill Dwarf does not allow you to by-pass the Strenngth restriction of the armor?

The only thing the Strength restriction on heavy armor does is lower your move speed if you don't reach the minimum. It's specifically stated under Dwarf movespeed in the PHB that Dwarves aren't slowed because of wearing heavy armor.

This does present a problem though in that the OP wants to play as a Martial, and swinging that Polearm without a decent attack modifier is going to hurt (or not hurt I guess, lol). Only way around that would be to somehow gain Shillelagh.

2016-06-05, 02:35 PM
So you're planning on being in melee range right? With only 16 AC? And a 0 Con modifier? You're going to get absolutely shredded in melee range. You're going to be failing all the big Con and Dex saves that will come for you in melee range. This build will result in you being akin to paper being held over a flame.

Your only saving grace, is 16 AC. TBH, you'd be better off going with the shield, especially since you have such a low Con. I'd also advise you to never be in melee range of something as you're going to start getting hit by things consistently once you're at level 5+. Even with your Shield Spam, you're going to get beaten up very quickly.

The main reason Seeker is having such a great time with it is he rolled his stats and is able to support the massive MADness this build requires. If you didn't roll for stats and do extremely well, I'd definitely advise you away from a martial focus and towards a spellcasting focus. If you're really set on Call Lightning, go for Cleric 6 and then decide if you really want those Sorc levels.

You have valid points. So alternatively I could do this..

Cleric2/SorcX (Probably ditch further levels in Cleric)
Switch to Aasimar (+2Char,+1Wis)
Point Buy:
16 Charisma
14 Strength
14 Wisdom
12 Dex
12 Con
8 Intel

Helps with the HP and to have more rounded saves

Not overly strong in any one area, but I can boost Strength at Level 6 and then max out Charisma thereafter. This gives me Heavy Armor, the Channel Divinity (seemingly makes up for being weaker at lower levels when I can max dmg lightning bolt), and the ability to take a hit.


2016-06-05, 03:23 PM
The main reason Seeker is having such a great time with it is he rolled his stats and is able to support the massive MADness this build requires. If you didn't roll for stats and do extremely well, I'd definitely advise you away from a martial focus and towards a spellcasting focus. If you're really set on Call Lightning, go for Cleric 6 and then decide if you really want those Sorc levels.

Probably true. However, it is also worth putting this in to the context of your table and what else is going on. I have actually found with my group of typically suboptimal cohorts that when I focus too much on creating a good 'build' I end up having less fun because I'm either holding back so as to not overshadow or I'm overshadowing and inhibiting my friends' fun. "If your group is populated by goofy dumdums then scraping by on stats may not be the end of the world", says the guy with a lowest stat of 14.

2016-06-05, 07:53 PM
If you want to do Cleric 6, do Cleric 6. I would argue that what you gain offsets the loss of the Sorcerer levels. I am actually playing this build in one of my games. I have a 20 AC (25 with Shield) and do more damage than anyone else in the party. Shining moment so far was taking out 4 dragon wyrmlings with one spell.

2016-06-06, 09:01 AM
If you want to do Cleric 6, do Cleric 6. I would argue that what you gain offsets the loss of the Sorcerer levels. I am actually playing this build in one of my games. I have a 20 AC (25 with Shield) and do more damage than anyone else in the party. Shining moment so far was taking out 4 dragon wyrmlings with one spell.

Any chance you could detail your build a bit more? Did you start with point buy?

Blue Lantern
2016-06-06, 09:28 AM
If you plan on going anywhere near the front line, I suggest you start with sorcerer and take cleric at lvl 2, getting proficiency in CON save is important.

2016-06-06, 09:59 AM
If you plan on going anywhere near the front line, I suggest you start with sorcerer and take cleric at lvl 2, getting proficiency in CON save is important.

I was going to say this as well.

The funny thing about a Cleric MC is that it's the only way to get heavy armor through multiclassing. So you can start Sorc 1, then take Tempest 1 and still get heavy armor.

I did exactly this with my Tempest Sorcerer. Currently he's at character level 7 (tempest 2 / storm 5).

2016-06-06, 06:42 PM
Any chance you could detail your build a bit more? Did you start with point buy?

Variant Human (Warcaster or Elemental Adept), 15 Wis, 15 Chr, 14 Con. Start with a level of Sorcerer, then two cleric, then four more Sorcerer (Cleric 2/Sorcerer 5) From there it is up to you how many levels of cleric to take.