View Full Version : DM Help Building a Diety

2016-06-05, 01:55 AM
Okay Playground I have a challenge for you. I need someone to build a Lesser Deity for me. I have been trying but I cant seem to figure out how to. I can build a character but this has been challenging for me. So if any of you skilled players can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

Here's my idea for what I want.

Name: Nocturnal (Yes from Skyrim)
Divine Rank: 10
Medium Outsider
Alignment: CN
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Trickery
Portfolio: Thieves, Shadows, Rouges, Luck, Darkness
Classes: 20 Rouge, 20 Swordsage (For the Shadowhand maneuvers)

You can change the Classes and Domains if you think something else would fit her better

2016-06-05, 11:23 AM
I'd drop the rogue levels for spellcaster of some sort; like Beguiler or Sorcerer, definitely levels in shadowcraft mage and shadowcrafter, and fatespinner (she is Lady Luck after all)

She probably ought have the shadow and darkness domains too

Ought have a familiar or two...

Honest Tiefling
2016-06-05, 01:41 PM
I'd drop some shadowdancer levels on there, simply for flavor. (Or somehow just weld the abilities on). Depending on her beliefs, Fatespinner might go well when paired with a spell-casting class, or just change the fluff around. If that is not to your taste, I do recommend some sort of luck based class.

Seconding the Darkness/Shadow domains.

And what do you mean by rogues? Because the 'rogue' class aren't typically 'rogues' in the literal sense. Do you mean people out on their own, or scoundrels? Kinda makes a difference, especially since she is inspired by someone who is somewhat in charge of a thieve's guild.

2016-06-05, 01:46 PM
Deities are basically high-level characters with a bunch of bonus abilities. You build them like any epic character. Typically, they have 20 hit dice of outsider, which means you will only ever get epic attack and save bonuses from your class - concentrate on skill points and useful class abilities.

In this case, go with warlock 20 and the Shadowmaster epic feat, then houserule the deity to qualify for Shadowcraft Mage, and finally top off with Telflammar Shadowlord, houseruled to progress invocations, instead of its native casting. Yes, that's two houserules, but you're building a deity, not some lousy NPC.

At that point, you have a lot of super shadowy abilities, but how do they work together? Telflammar Shadowlord works well with a high-level swordsage dip (which also gets you the SA to qualify for TSL), to pick up the standard, move and swift teleports. Now, you want a way to use your warlock powers as part of a full attack, so I'm thinking Eldritch Claws, refluffed to daggers. Now, your Nocturnal can wreck things in combat, by casting shades at-will and with over 100% reality, followed by two full attacks with 10d6 eldritch blast (and some SA) on each hit. Out of combat, it's all shades again, which is by itself better than most salient divine abilities. Make sure to pick up the Automatic Metamagic SDA (it does work with SLAs, maximize all your EB, or just twin your shades), and Instant Move, which gets you an extra full attack each round. Supreme Initiative is nice, as well.

Honest Tiefling
2016-06-05, 01:55 PM
In this case, go with warlock 20 and the Shadowmaster epic feat, then houserule the deity to qualify for Shadowcraft Mage, and finally top off with Telflammar Shadowlord, houseruled to progress invocations, instead of its native casting. Yes, that's two houserules, but you're building a deity, not some lousy NPC.

Question, is this deity an ally or an enemy? If ally, I would consider allying these house rules to her followers, because gods in many cases should be able to bend the rules (and the lack of warlock prestige classes is quite annoying) and it might appeal to some players.

Or it'll confuse the ever-loving bejeebus out of them if they encounter NPCs who can do that, but then remember that oh yeah, one of the other gods was mentioned to be able to bend other rules...

2016-06-05, 03:01 PM
Shadowcaster + wizard or beguiler into nocturnamancer and shadowcrafter/shadowcraftmage with then swordsage dip...

2016-06-05, 03:07 PM
About the fluff, that names, "Nocturnal", screams "knickname". That's not the deity's real name, it's an alias its followers use, keeping its true name and origin in secret for some reason. That has potential for background building.

2016-06-05, 04:10 PM
About the fluff, that names, "Nocturnal", screams "knickname". That's not the deity's real name, it's an alias its followers use, keeping its true name and origin in secret for some reason. That has potential for background building.

The Fluff with her being in the campaign is that she will give them a side quest I want to send them on. The quick version of it is that she needs someone to go into the underdark and kill the Drow queen in order to weaken the control Lolth has over them so that she can move in and start gaining support so that she may become stronger by amassing more followers.

2016-06-06, 11:48 PM
I'd drop some shadowdancer levels on there, simply for flavor. (Or somehow just weld the abilities on). Depending on her beliefs, Fatespinner might go well when paired with a spell-casting class, or just change the fluff around. If that is not to your taste, I do recommend some sort of luck based class.

Seconding the Darkness/Shadow domains.

And what do you mean by rogues? Because the 'rogue' class aren't typically 'rogues' in the literal sense. Do you mean people out on their own, or scoundrels? Kinda makes a difference, especially since she is inspired by someone who is somewhat in charge of a thieve's guild.

Rouges are the closest thing to thieves in the games

2016-06-09, 05:02 AM
Normally, I wouldn't bother starting out a deity, except in the loosest sense, unless you plan for them to actually be engaging in combat and checks.

Plus, gods as quest givers always feels odd, unless it's the classic, vague, prophetic dream. I would suggest rather than having the god speak to the party, have a cleric of said deity ask the party to do this. It becomes more about the motives of the church, which while ultimately from the same source, helps alleviate the "Why don't you do it, since you're already here?" problem.

2016-06-10, 02:16 AM
Normally, I wouldn't bother starting out a deity, except in the loosest sense, unless you plan for them to actually be engaging in combat and checks.

Plus, gods as quest givers always feels odd, unless it's the classic, vague, prophetic dream. I would suggest rather than having the god speak to the party, have a cleric of said deity ask the party to do this. It becomes more about the motives of the church, which while ultimately from the same source, helps alleviate the "Why don't you do it, since you're already here?" problem.
Thats a Good point. I was thinking of having her Champion being the one to give them the quest.