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2016-06-05, 09:04 AM
The sun is rising, and you with it.

As has been prearranged, you are to meet with the Calicos at the edge of town on the road to Khu'Berat.

What do you do?

2016-06-05, 09:10 AM
Groff did not sleep well. His roommate, Malthus, snored voraciously the night before. He dons his nicest black scholar's robe, fixes his greatsword, fills his pack, and wakes his new protegee, Ovak.

Ovak, due to her insistence on looking like a wizard-to-be, also wears a black robe. She has light green skin, coarse hair pulled in a pony-tail, and has a morningstar around her waste that she doesn't know what to do with. She pesters Groff while they walk to the edge of town, Groff riding his horse (henceforth named Joffrey).

Though they have only known each other for two days, Ovak appears to be far more comfortable annoying Groff. Today, she wants to know why she can't immediately begin setting things on fire.

2016-06-05, 09:18 AM
Malthus awakens late, grabs his belongings, and having noticed that Groff and his new acquaintance have already departed, rushes to the meeting location.

2016-06-05, 09:22 AM
Elli rises early, and waltzes to the preassigned meeting location, only to be distracted along the way by a clump of particularly beautiful flowers.

Elli is pleased. But, this also causes her to be a couple minutes behind the others.

2016-06-05, 09:24 AM
The Calico's ignore you as you arrive.
Only the mother, Gael, and trouble child, Jasper, are there to represent the family.
Also present is the family butler, Stonehouse, laden with what appears to be an entire household's worth of luggage.

Despite the presence of a carriage with ample open storage space, Stonehouse is still carrying the luggage, bent half over under the strain.

As you grow closer you hear Jasper talking to his mother. "And that, mother, is precisely why we cannot allow Stonehouse to put down the baggage. He might start thinking he has rights or somesuch..."

2016-06-05, 09:25 AM
Along the way to the meeting place, Groff informs Ovak to keep her mouth shut. The Calico family has a certain predisposition for ... crass comments towards orcs, if the rumors are to be believed. Groff steels himself for this encounter.

2016-06-05, 09:26 AM
"Should we..."
"No, don't even make eye contact" Groff informs her.

2016-06-05, 09:27 AM
Malthus arrives and stands at attention, waiting for the rest of his company to arrive before initiating conversation with the Calicos.

2016-06-05, 09:28 AM
Elli walks up, nods her head and smiles warmly at the child (despite any lack of reception), and extends a hand to the mother. "Hi there! I'm Elli, and these are my friends Groff, Ovak, and Malthus. How are you this morning?"

2016-06-05, 09:33 AM
"I take it then that you're the brains. Which makes those three the arrow fodder. Excellent decision on your part. I've always found that those things make excellent meat shields."
Gael ignores your outstretched hand and begins to climb into the carriage.
"Stonehouse! Load the bags, then load yourself."

"No Stonehouse! Load yourself under the bags! I want you to feel every pound of those rocks until we arrive in Khu'Ber-ass."

2016-06-05, 09:34 AM
Elli blinks only once before recovering from the rudeness. She looks back at her friends and shrugs, seeming to suggest "Well, they're paying us." She didn't consider the child's comments worth taking seriously-yet.

She climbs in.

2016-06-05, 09:36 AM
Groff expands to twice his size, picks up all of the luggage, and dumps it all on the carriage.

To Jasper he says I will protect you with my life, but I will not tolerate slavery for any amount of gold. This aged man will sit where he wants

2016-06-05, 09:43 AM
Visibly shaken, Jasper jumps into the carriage, crawling over Elli, shouting as he goes, "Mother! The help is acting up, do something."

"For the sake of Pelor, Jasper, just ignore them. The brute's undoubtedly too stupid to try talking to. Let them do their job and we'll be in Khu'Berat, and done with them, all the sooner." From somewhere, Gael has produced a large glass of red beverage with a sprig of celery in it.

Jasper, visibly disappointed, non-magically shrinks to half his size and sinks into an annoyed silence.

Malthus meanwhile volunteers for the vanguard, wishing you all the best, promising to keep the road clear, and expressing how he cant wait to see you all again upon your arrival in Khu'Berat.

2016-06-05, 09:45 AM
Elli goes over and whispers to Groff, "Would you like me to say something? I really don't think it'll do much good. They seem to be incredibly... um... dense? Bull-headed? Insufferable? One of those."

2016-06-05, 09:45 AM
I think she is right, Master Groff.

Groff thinks for a moment. These people are eccentric, but they are paying us a lot of gold for an easy job. AS long as they don't actively abuse that man we have no issue. Besides, it appears only Jasper is truly worrisome, and he is getting shipped off over a thousand miles from home. His family has the right idea.

Groff and Ovak will be on top of the carriage as look outs. Groff begins praying to Wee Jas, Pelor, and Kord for the strength to last 30+ days with these people.

2016-06-05, 09:49 AM
Elli nods, and takes up keeping a somewhat detached watch on the family. She will move about as needed.

2016-06-05, 09:50 AM
With that, the company descends into an uncomfortable silence as they carriage heads off.

Groff and Ovak, make will saves now

2016-06-05, 09:54 AM
Groff: [roll0]
Ovak: [roll1]

Additionally, while on the carriage Groff begins to educate Ovak on historical knowledge.

Knowledge imparted to Ovak: [roll2]

2016-06-05, 09:54 AM
Don't Fail, Please

After days of snide comments about 'those people' your character snaps and decides to confront Gael about what she means by 'those people'

2016-06-05, 10:02 AM
After successive days of the comments, Ovak and Groff have had enough. It occurs during the night, while Groff is sparing with Ovak in an attempt to teach her self-defense. The particular comment that set off both of them was Gael wondering aloud if Those people are so good at war because hogs are naturally violent.

To which the following happened:




Ovak: ... c**t.

2016-06-05, 10:05 AM
Elli was sitting on a nearby post observing their sparring session when the comments began. Her eyes widened a bit, as she had grown so used to ignoring the hideous comments from the woman, and most of everything that the child said.

She hopped off the post, and drew her spear, but said nothing. Much as she would love to solve this diplomatically, Groff and Ovak both had good points...

2016-06-05, 10:07 AM
There is a very good chance that this is the first time in decades anyone has spoken to her in this way. She is stunned, quite literally, doing nothing for the next six seconds, just staring at you.

Eventually, she snaps out of it, turns to Ovak, mutters "B***h" and then walks over to Stonehouse and command that he make her drink. She then continues talking to Jasper about hogs and their tempers.

2016-06-05, 10:13 AM
Groff turns to Ovak and whispers:

"Look, you're too old to begin training to be a wizard. Our lives do not last long enough for you to excel in that hard career. Furthermore, I am not the proper person to train you in wizardry. But by the gods, you will be a respected member of a field that earns praise not through the swinging of a sword but with the power of the mind. When we get to Khu'Berat, we will find you a master - be it of divine magic, sword and sorcery, or what have you. But you will never be seen as a brute if I can help it."

With that Groff storms off to try and calm down.

Ovak spends the rest of the night talking to Ellidine, who she has gotten to like over the past few days because of her spunk.

Wisdom roll: [roll0]

Though Groff would like to rip the old hag a new one, he does not. Instead, he continues teaching Ovak her letters and informing her on arcane and historical knowledge.

2016-06-05, 10:18 AM
Groff succeeds in passing on some of his wisdom to his young charge. She is now minutely more wise than she was before the evening's events.

Perhaps because of the confrontation, and perhaps, simply just because, Gael is far more quiet over the next few days, allowing the carriage to travel in relative peace and quiet.

2016-06-05, 10:21 AM
Character Stuff
Groff and Ovak both gain 300 xp for dealing with Gael
Elli receives 100 xp for not throwing her spear at her despite having every reason to

2016-06-05, 10:22 AM
It has been an overall peaceful and mundane journey, despite the interpersonal squabbles and bickering.

Now the journey is almost over, and your time with the Calicos at an end.

2016-06-05, 10:23 AM
Groff praises Wee Jas every day for her blessing.

2016-06-05, 10:23 AM
Make Spot Checks Now

Ahead of you on the road you think you see Malthus, and he appears to be in trouble

2016-06-05, 10:25 AM
Pleased but somewhat bored in the new-found silence, Elli takes it upon herself to have girl time with Ovak.

She brushes out her hair, and has her put on a nice change of clothes. There! You see? You are so beautiful, Ovak. She points out all of her nice, half-orc features, including how pointy her tusks are. Even her cheekbones are well-defined. How you present yourself is important in and of itself. Sometimes you'll find people like Gael... but other times you will find people who will just judge you on how you present yourself, and in those cases, you want to come out ahead.

Elli smiles encouragingly, and tells Ovak imaginary stories about tragic accidents befalling Gael and her insufferable son.

2016-06-05, 10:25 AM
Groff: [roll0]
Ovak: [roll1]

2016-06-05, 10:26 AM
Spot: [roll0]

Elli squints, wondering if she is just seeing things. But no, that appears to be Malthus. Guys, I think Malthus is in trouble! She points ahead on the road.

2016-06-05, 10:30 AM
What Elli sees

Malthus seems to be in the midst of a fight against three short opponents armed with what look like scythes and wearing bright red hats

2016-06-05, 10:32 AM
Groff tells Ovak to stay back, and then jumps down from the moving carriage to begin running to help his best friend.


2016-06-05, 10:33 AM
Groff lands the roll and begins running down the road

2016-06-05, 10:34 AM
While running, Groff castes Mage Armor on himself. These creatures do not appear to warrant his Large Form.

2016-06-05, 10:34 AM
Elli daintily climbs down from the wagon before breaking into a run. Curse these short legs... she mumbles.

2016-06-05, 10:35 AM
Nature Checks, if you wish and are able, as well as Spot and Initiative

2016-06-05, 10:35 AM
Groff was never trained in Natural knowledge, and therefore cannot make the check.

2016-06-05, 10:38 AM
Spot: [roll0]
Knowledge history: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]
Initiative: [roll3]

The Spot is to see Malthus, the Listen is general, and the Knowledge history is to see if these squirts ring any bells.

2016-06-05, 10:40 AM
Despite her love of traveling, Elli knows nothing of nature. Just that flowers are pretty.

Spot: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

2016-06-05, 10:43 AM
Groff Results

You are now 1 round away from the melee

Spot/Listen: You see Malthus land a killing blow on one of the creatures, at the cost of exposing himself, allowing the other two to slice into him. With a quiet moan he collapses to the ground.
History: Nothing of particular historical note strikes you, but you do feel a slight sense of recollection - like something from an old, half-remembered fairy tale

2016-06-05, 10:46 AM
Elli Results

You are two rounds from the melee

You see what Groff sees, but also notices that the creatures resemble rough old halfling men with mouths full of sharp, protruding needle-like teeth. Despite their size, the weapons they hold are sized for a human or elf

2016-06-05, 10:47 AM
Groff feels immense terror at the sight of Malthus going down.

Groff charges at the nearest creature.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Potential crit confirm: [roll1]
Normal damage: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

Groff's AC is a 13 for the next round.

Groff's emotions from seeing Malthus hurt prevent him from making a hit.

2016-06-05, 10:55 AM
The greatsword swings down at one of the creatures, who just barely manages to dodge out its path.

It and its sole surviving companion approach you with bloodlust in their eyes, their sharp teeth clicking together in anticipation

C1 Attack: [roll0]
C1 Crit Chance: [roll1]
C1 Dam: [roll2]
C1 Crit Dam: [roll3]

C2 Attack: [roll4]
C2 Crit Chance: [roll5]
C2 Dam: [roll6]
C2 Crit Dam: [roll7]

Both Scythes pierce deeply into Groff's sides, rendering him unconscious, and providing him with an extra pair of breathing holes for his lungs.

2016-06-05, 11:03 AM
Groff is unconscious, which is good because he otherwise he would be howling in agony.


2016-06-05, 11:05 AM
Elli quickly assesses the situation and realizes that the creatures do not look like the sort to have mercy on her unconscious friends.

She runs in and gracelessly slaps the one that just sent Groff into unconsciousness with an Inflict Light Wounds spell.

2016-06-05, 11:06 AM
Groff and Malthus are both unconscious, but they do not seem to be any nearer to dying than they were previously. Despite the creatures standing over them, their state is non-critical.

2016-06-05, 11:07 AM
Will Save

C1 Will = [roll0]

Despite shrugging off the brunt of the attack, the creature appears very staggered, and struggles to remain standing.

2016-06-05, 11:11 AM
The creature Elli touched recoils backwards and begins gasping for breath

His acquaintance turns to Elli with a look of respect - and perhaps even fear - raising his scythe and swinging at her legs

C2 Attack: [roll0]
C2 Crit Chance: [roll1]
C2 Dam: [roll2]
C2 Crit Dam: [roll3]

His swing falls short, missing Elli's legs by inches.

2016-06-05, 11:16 AM
Elli is slightly overwhelmed by how dire the situation seems, and lets out a loud, almost feral growl. She backhands the creature that she just slapped with another Inflict Light Wounds.


2016-06-05, 11:19 AM
"Will" he make it?


No he won't!

Elli's slap lands and discharges a blast of energy that sends the creature flying. It lands with a thunk and lies perfectly still.

2016-06-05, 11:24 AM
The last creature looks on in shock and awe as its friend goes flying.

It regains its composure and attempts to avenge both of its fallen friends, swinging wildly at Elli's head.

C2 Attack: [roll0]
C2 Crit Chance: [roll1]
C2 Dam: [roll2]
C2 Crit Dam: [roll3]

The combination of fear and anger prove just right, and the Scythe slashes across Elli's chest, making a long gash that cleaves through her armor and leaves a shallow red canyon across her torso

2016-06-05, 11:28 AM
Elli reels with pain, trying to focus on the battle and not her searing wound. She lets out a yell and punches the creature that just hit her with yet another Inflict Light Wounds.


2016-06-05, 11:29 AM
Fortitude: [roll0]
Will: [roll1]

2016-06-05, 11:30 AM
Will Save Time Again


The hit makes contact and discharges its full power into the creature. It is thrown back a few feet, but recovers. It seems to be in considerable agony, but in this moment it realizes that either he or his foe will fall in the next few moments, and there is no other way this situation could possibly end.

2016-06-05, 11:36 AM
Groff begins to stir, but is unable to will himself back into the fight

2016-06-05, 11:39 AM
The last creature, knowing that its time on this world is most likely about to come to an end steps forward and swings its scythe one more time

C2 Attack: [roll0]
C2 Crit: [roll1]
C2 Dam: [roll2]
C2 Crit Dam: [roll3]

The scythe swings directly for Elli's face, and in a moment of divine inspiration she raises her quarterstaff, catching the point of the scythe's blade mere centimeters from her face, allowing her to wrench the weapon from the creatures hands

2016-06-05, 11:48 AM
After nimbly tossing the weapon behind her, Elli reaches in for another shot with her Inflict Light Wounds, focusing on hitting him with her palm, as if she suddenly remembered that one has to work to hit opposing creatures..

Melee Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-06-05, 11:49 AM
Good Will Hunting!


Elli's palm makes contact with the creature's chest, and a wave of dark energy pulses out from it, rippling across his body. He collapses to his knees, crying out in pain, grievously injured, but still alive and conscious for the moment.

He stares up at Elli and clutches his hands together, begging and cajoling in Common and another language Elli does not understand, "Oh! Forgive me Ma'rm! We knew not we were warring against such a mighty &*(^#^&%, with such a deep grasp of the !@!**^! Please allow me to live! I am not worthy! I beg of yer, Ma'rm let me live! I can serves yer, let me live and I will swear a ##*(^% to yer, I's promises, I der!"

2016-06-05, 12:01 PM
Without missing a beat, Elli grabbed the creature by its shirt/edge of its armor (or whatever), pointed her spear at its throat, and looked it dead in the eyes. You dared to attack my friend, creature, and then have the gall to ask that I spare your life? Your life has little worth to me right now. But if you can answer my questions satisfactorily, I may consider it. Why are you here? Under what pretense did you attack my friend? And where did you come from?

2016-06-05, 12:04 PM
Also, sense motive.


2016-06-05, 12:08 PM
The creature is scared senseless and wouldn't dare lie.
Even if it did dare to, it believes you to be a powerful spellweaver, of the variety dishonesty does naught but anger.

"We's came her to hunt, we's did Ma'rm. As is the way of we's and our kine, and many of our *&*%$, and we's attacked 'em because he was looked like 'ed be a good fight Ma'rm, that 'e did. And we's came forth from our #@*&('s @(^&!! at the feet of the mountains to the north and east. Told us to go south 'e did, 'e did. Is there anything else I's can tell yer, Ma'rm? Please don't kill me Ma'rm..."

2016-06-05, 12:11 PM
Yes, actually. Who is he? Who told you to come south? And what are your people called, anyway? And what is your language called, in Common? Also, how am I supposed to know I can trust you to not attack me or my friends again?

2016-06-05, 12:20 PM
" My #@*&( is the Prince, Thistledown Hair'd be what e's called in yer tongue. E's the one who told we's to come down south, we's and our kine and the kine of our kine. And we's'd be called in yer tongue 'Those of the Red Caps' I's thinks, as for our tongue, I's knows not what it'd be called in your tongue... Mayhaps the 'Fair Tongue' or somesuch? As for I's not attacking you's or your kine, Ma'rm, you've proven quite clearly you can kill me if yer so wished, and if you were to be so kind as to spare me's miserable life, I'd swear to you one of the's Unbreakable Oaths, on me's grave, and the grave's of me ancestors all the way back to the Red Queen 'erself, Ma'rm!"

2016-06-05, 12:26 PM
Very well. I shall spare you. But I am warning you that if you attempt to cause us harm, it will be the very last thing you do.

With that Elli, twirls over to Groff and uses her last remaining strength to heal him.
Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

Afterwards, she throws 3 of her Cure Minor Wounds at Malthus to heal him for 3.

2016-06-05, 12:29 PM
The Creature begins to thank Elli, kissing her boots and declaring his undying loyalty to her!
He also mentions in passing that he is called in the Common tongue, Rusty.

Elli's healing allows both Groff and Malthus to regain consciousness, and the four of them begin to head back to the carriage.

2016-06-05, 12:29 PM
Groff arises slowly (with 6 health), and looks at the small weakened thing kneeling before Elli. After Elli explains what has been said, Groff replies:

There is no way I'm sleeping at night with that thing around.

And then quickly decapitates the creature with his greatsword. He then proceeds to search the area for any other creatures like it.


2016-06-05, 12:30 PM
Elli searches the surrounding area while her friends are recovering.

2016-06-05, 12:37 PM
Groff searches the area and finds nothing, Elli searches and discovers that the three bodies of the red-capped creatures have dissolved, leaving behind their scythes, single teeth and small piles of gold.
Also nearby are the bodies of several more travelers, who in total posses a neat sum coins and gems.

3 Long Sharp Glowing Teeth
1,352 Gold
54 Silver
5 Rubies
1 uncut Diamond
3 Scythes

2016-06-05, 12:39 PM
Groff summon Ovak and gets her aid in filling his three sacks with the gold and treasure. The scythes he leaves behind.

Elli, presumably, travels along with the Caravan (with Ovak) while Groff and Malthus catch up as the vanguard.

2016-06-05, 12:39 PM
The threat dealt with, Elli returns to the carriage with Malthus and Groff in tow.
Gael acknowledges them with a terse, "Took you long enough." and nothing more.

Stonehouse resumes the carriage's journey towards Khu'Berat.

2016-06-05, 12:51 PM
The remaining days of the journey passes without event, and in time the carriage arrives in Khu'Berat.

The process of entering the city itself is quite laborious, requiring the filling out of many forms - often in duplicate - and an inordinate amount of standing in line.

At long last however, the carriage and its occupants pass through the gates, through the 30-feet-thick stone walls, and onto the main boulevard of Khu'Berat.
Most of the traffic around you is on foot, and a few cracks of the whip into the air allow the carriage to pass down the street with relative ease.

As for locating the Legal Academy of Khu'Berat, that's the easy part, for all roads in Khu'Berat eventually lead to the massive complex at the city's center that is equal parts palace, library, academy, guild hall, and garrison.

You arrive at the Complex shortly after noon, depositing the Calicos, their servant, and their carriage. They pay you the remaining 500 gold that is owed and inform you that despite everything, they would hire you again if the need were to arise, and that having 'mostly competent help' was quite an enjoyable experience.

As you turn to leave and begin the long trek home, an alarm begins to ring and a booming voice echos across the city...

2016-06-05, 01:10 PM
"Citizens of Khu'Berat!" the regal, old, and booming voice rings out, "This is your Queen, Sophia Diogena Khu'Berat, second of her name, High Librarian, and Lady Protector of the Realm. We have grim and terrible news for you, my citizens. We had hoped that we could live out our days in peace, but alas, it seems fate has something different in mind. This morning, the Goblins of the Far North launched an attack upon our ancient allies in the Northlands, the Centaurs. Even now they are called to Rilindor to assemble and prepare for the coming war. We have been called upon, to offer aid and succor and men to fight alongside them. Now I know many of you must be wondering why should we get involved in a war half a world away. The answer is quite simple. The war is far away now, but if we wait, it will come to us. When We were a girl, the armies of the Hob King were unknown and unheard of. In Our life alone these warmongers have advanced ever southward, and now they are on the edge of our own trade routes. Imagine where they will be in ten years' time if their growth is left unchecked? We will tell you where they will be then. They. Will. Be. Here. Now, while our allies and allies' allies are still strong is the best and only time our strike could hope to succeed. We cannot force you, our citizens, to march to war. But We do ask, on bended knee, do this for us. We implore you to see what is happening and what will happen if nothing is done.

"For those of you who decide to aid Us in this matter, We promise good pay, good feed, and good equipment. Do what is right in our eyes, the eyes of our god, and the eyes of your ancestors. Assemble on the parade grounds, and venture north to save our belabored friends. Go North to Rilindor and put an end to the Scourge of the Goblins, while you still can.

Thank you, my citizens, my children."

2016-06-05, 01:13 PM

Final Payment: +500GP


Elli: +2100
Groff: +1700
Malthus: +1700

2016-06-05, 01:16 PM
Gold begins to dance in front of Groff's eyes. He ponders in the middle of the street what to do now. He thinks he has an answer, and broaches it to the group.

The rulers of Khu'Berat are very gracious with their aiders; we could earn land, treasure, and glory for helping now! Plus, his eyes turn towards Ovak, we could find a tutor to help you down your path while we are away. There are good priests and shamans here, as well as masters of blade and sorcerery. I will pay a tutor for you while we handle this. To the others he turns and asks What say we join the fray?

Ovak seems contemplative while the others speak.

2016-06-12, 05:02 PM
As he begins to head towards what seems to be the market district, Malthus responds to Groff, saying, "Count me in, for sure! But first I'm in dire need of some better armor, and with any luck I can finally learn what this ring actually does, haha."

With that Malthus makes his way to the marketplace, hoping to find a chain shirt and some answers about his ring.

2016-06-12, 05:42 PM
Elli also readily agrees with Groff. To her, it sounds like an exciting adventure. After all, she has never met a centaur before. But she agrees that she would also like to learn the mysteries of her ring.

Elli and Malthus both head off to the market district, leaving Groff and Ovak to themselves. What would they like to do?

2016-06-12, 05:54 PM
Well... that was quick.

Yeah... I was expecting more of a desire to head home.

Groff smiles. He likes his guild. He turns to Ovak and discovers she, on the other hand, is not too happy. She clutches her morningstar nervously, and shifts her weight from one foot to the other.

What's wrong? Groff asks, worried that he missed something.

You'll come back, right? Ovak's eyes shift to Groff; she has the look of a dog that had been kicked by its owner one-too-many-times.

Groff was startled. Of course he was going to come back! This was just the simplest way to give her and the party a chance to do what they wanted.

Well... yes! What on Tirindor would mak-

Save it. Either you will or you won't. But... Ovak stops for a moment, unsure of what to say. After my tribe was overrun I've been alone. And you seem nice. Your guild, party, whatever - they seem nice. I get that I've been a burden for a few weeks, and I'm sorry about that. But that won't last for long, Master Groff. I promise. So please... don't lie to me. Don't say you'll come back if you won't. I can handle being by myself, or with whatever you find here. But don't be a liar. You're too good an orc for that.

Groff stands in silence. He doesn't know what the right thing to say is, but he's able to bark out:
No, I'll come back. You have my word.

Ovak gives him a look. She wants to believe him, but life has taught her to be careful of things - and people- who seem too good to be true.

Alright, Master Groff. Where are we going?

Roll: [roll0]

2016-06-12, 06:05 PM
Groff and Ovak begin asking around for any possible leads on someone who may be willing to train Ovak. Most of the people they speak to are very off-put by two half-orcs trying to speak with them, and put their heads down and walk away quickly.

However, one dwarf in particular looks them up and down and smirks. He suggests they try a librarian at the high temple of St. Cuthbert by the name of Theo. "He's a sucker for helping out... those who aren't really accepted otherwise, around here."

The duo is easily able to find the temple, as it is the tallest in the city. Upon entering, they are welcomed relatively warmly, and led to Theo himself, who is surrounded on all sides by books in the main library and muttering to himself.

2016-06-12, 06:08 PM
Groff has previously established with Ovak that he would do the talking.

He musters up his friendliest smile, and tries his hardest to be likable.


Greetings Mr. Theo! My name is Groff Nomansson, and I come seeking your aid!

2016-06-12, 06:13 PM
Theo looks up from his books, and at the member of the clergy who led them here. "Clarence, look around me. What do you see?"
"Um. Books, sir."
"Precisely. And what does that usually mean, with me?"
"That you're.... reading, sir?"
"Yes. I do not like to be disturbed when I'm reading. You two," he waves towards Groff and Ovak, "I do not know what kind of aid you may need, but you remind me of my youth. So eager. So adventurous. And I was rather fond of a half-orc then, too. But I HATED my youth. So if you don't mind. I'm busy." He attempted to resume reading.

2016-06-12, 06:18 PM
Groff sighs. This will not be easy.

Mister Theo, this young lady's name is Ovak. She lost her family a couple of years ago, and is looking for a respectable trade. People all over this city have told us that YOU are the only one here who would be willing to help a poor half-orc in a time of need. Furthermore, you alone are respectable enough to not take advantage of this young lady.

And... if you would be willing to teach my fair friend, here, as her tutor I will be willing to pay you 35 gold pieces a month for your hard work, minus her living expenses.

2016-06-12, 06:23 PM
There is a pause as Theo finishes the page he is on, carefully marks it, and closes his book. He looks at Ovak, and for a brief moment, looks very sad. But this is only momentary. He looks back at Groff. "Ah, I see I've acquired a bit of a reputation for that. Well, no matter, I couldn't care less what people say about me. 35 gold, you say?" He looks at Ovak once again. "I suppose I could teach her some things. Young lady, can you read?"

2016-06-12, 06:25 PM
Ovak looks startled.

Time to earn the -2 Charisma modifier.

Umm... Well, sir, I have some lear- i mean, experience with letters, yes. Sir, I can pen common a fair bit and Orcish a little better, sir, I can.
She says the above very quickly and is very nervous.

2016-06-12, 06:30 PM
Theo smiles. It is clear that he is completely unphased by the girl's dreadful social skills, and in fact, might find them charming. He stands to shake her hand. "The name is Torall Barrowen. If you would like to stay here for a time, I would be happy to teach you many more letters, and what you can do with them." Theo looks at Groff, "I will expect 2 months payment up front, and the rest can be sent to this temple with my name, as time necessitates. Is there anything else?"

2016-06-12, 06:36 PM
Ovak sheepishly shakes his hand.

Groff does as well, and then begins reaching into his various sacks-o-gold.

Well, that is simply good business practices. He pulls out (and counts) 350 gold pieces.

Here is 10 months's time. I am the leader of a guild that is about to volunteer to aid the Centaurs, and I don't know how long that could take. I'll leave a little bit more with Ovak, just in case this isn't enough.

After counting the money and giving a heartfelt hug to Ovak, Groff thanks the librarian for his aid and wishes them well. He gives an additional 50 gold to Ovak and tells her to keep it safe in case she needs it.

After that, Groff heads down to the marketplace to buy a chainshirt and meet up with the rest of the group.

Groff's three sacks are crying at the loss of their loot. He now has 252 gp, 7 sp.

2016-06-12, 06:41 PM
Meanwhile, Elli and Malthus have found a store called the Walloping Wizard, which seems to be a large store conveniently full of anything an adventurer could ever want. The shopkeeper comes over. "Hi folks. I'm afraid that the main stocks of this store are only to be sold to those volunteering for the upcoming war efforts."
"Oh, don't worry. That's where we are heading right after this!" Elli offers.
The shopkeeper looks at her skeptically. "I... ok, little halfling. If you're sure." Elli is unphased, as she is used to being underestimated.

If there is anything you want, it should be available at the price listed in the PH, aside from magic items which will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

"Oh, do you happen to know where we could find a place to get our rings identified?" Elli holds up the ring she has been holding. The shopkeeper looks at it.

"Oh, yeah." He points to the back of the store. "My mother can help."

2016-06-12, 06:46 PM
After leaving his measurements for a chain shirt with the shopkeeper, Malthus makes his way to the back of the shop, Malthus coughs and says loudly, "Excuse me, Ma'am, could we ask for some help in getting these rings identified?"

2016-06-12, 06:49 PM
Elli runs over to join Malthus. An old woman in a rocking chair looks up at them from where she had been knitting a scarf. "Rings, you say? Sure, sure, sonny. But that will likely take me a moment. Identifying is kind of like knitting. You have to go through all the magic fibers of the object to really see what it is. I'd say it'll take an hour. Also, I'll need 115 gold from each of you."

2016-06-12, 06:53 PM
"That's an awfully steep price, Madam, is there way we could negotiate that? As my comrade was just saying to your son, we are about to head off in service of the greater good of Khu'Berat...


2016-06-12, 06:57 PM
The old woman glares at him over the rim of her glasses and points her needle at him, "Sonny, do you know how old I am? Old. I could keel over any day now!" She cackles, and then resumes her serious face. "The pearl I need for this spell is 100 gp, leaving me with 15 gp for the hour I spend. I'd say my time is worth twice that, but I am trying to help you young 'uns with your war."
Elli looks nervously between Malthus and the old woman. "Oh, no ma'am, he was definitely not implying that! He just isn't much of a magic user and doesn't know how to price them. Thank you ma'am." Elli hands her 115 gold pieces and her ring.

2016-06-12, 07:00 PM
Appearing as much like a dog with its tail between its legs as any human who wasn't a druid could, Malthus hands over the gold and the ring and mumbles an apology, before retreating to the front of the store to talk to the man about light armor and bladed things.

2016-06-12, 07:03 PM
Elli doesn't really feel the need to buy too much fancy equipment yet, and contents herself with buying 4 potions of cure light wounds.

"Is there anything else you need, Malthus? Or should we go try to find Groff now?"

2016-06-12, 07:08 PM
"I'll grab four of those potions as well as the chain shirt, ater that I'm just about out of coin."

9 Gold 28 Silver

2016-06-12, 07:08 PM
Groff appears as though magically summoned, along with his toad, Charlie.

Ovak is taken care of. So long as we can come back in 10 months, we should be fine. Also, Malthus... did you accidentally piss off Fiora while I was gone? You look castrated.

Groff buys his chain shirt and 3 potions of cure light wounds after convincing the son that, yes, he was an orc and, yes, he did intend on helping the good races.

Provincial a****le.

2016-06-12, 07:11 PM
"Ok great!" Elli clapped her hands. "Let's get moving. We can come back after we finish signing up!"

Across the city, young squires and pages have already begun posting notices about the various places people can go to enlist. After stepping outside, the party is easily able to discover that there are two main posts where one could go to enlist, both in the Legal Academy. There is one on the north side and the south side, and the south side is currently closest.

2016-06-12, 07:12 PM
Groff, with his long legs, leads the way to the South Side.

2016-06-12, 07:13 PM
Malthus takes off after his friend, singing silently a marching song he remembered from his childhood.

2016-06-12, 07:15 PM
The party easily finds their way to the south entrance, as there are already large signs outside, simply saying, "Khu'Berat wants YOU." The Queen is pointing dramatically at the reader. It is strange.

As you enter, you see a stern, human recruiter at a makeshift desk that looks like it may have been put together today for this sole purpose of recruiting at the Legal Academy. The recruiter is sorting through paperwork and muttering about the inefficiency of bureaucracy. Elli bounces ahead of the group, “Hi there! We are here to enlist.” The recruiter looks up, and then down at Elli. He notices the party behind her and sighs slightly.
“Well, I appreciate your enthusiasm. But you all are the first ones here, since we gave such short notice. There’s not much a small, untrained group could do alone. You’ll have to wait for more to join up so we have a full regiment. In the meantime, give me your names and I will put you down in the ledger. “
“My name is Ellidine. These are my companions, Groff and Malthus. But sir, surely there is something we can do besides waiting around. The queen sounded very urgent in her request.” The recruiter shook his head, and was very nearly about to reply when the doors of the academy burst open.

“AHAHAHA Oh, Gerard. You flatter me. But then again, of course I’m good.” In staggers a much frumpier, drunker Gael than the one the party left about an hour and a half ago, clinging to the chest of a tall human man. The recruiter stands and salutes the human whose name was apparently Gerard, who hardly even notices.
Gael suddenly notices the group around the table and becomes visibly excited. “Oh, Gerard, this is the group I was telling you about. Oh Elli! Nice to see you again my dear!” Gael comes over and bends down to give Elli a giant hug, accidentally thrusting Elli’s face into her bosom. Elli looks over at her friends helplessly. Gael stands and returns to Gerard, “I didn’t have to lift a finger on the trip over, and it was all thanks to this little one, the tall handsome lug over there,” she pointed to Malthus, “and their… uh, helper.” She shrugged, indicating that the effort to find a nicer word had proven too difficult. “If you need anything done, have them do it.”

Gerard, who was also visibly intoxicated began to laugh, “What a crew ya have here, Gael! Nell!” He motioned towards the recruiter, “My friend here and I adventured together. You can take her word. Assign these young ‘uns to the alpha mission.”
“But, sir, we don’t actually know anything about thes—“
“Ahhh, do I look like I care right now, boy?” Gerard looked down at Gael, who was very blatantly petting his biceps. “Why waste good talent sitting around? Give them their assignment! And you better go with them to make sure it ends up in the right place. That’s an order!”
The recruiter sighs. “But… Yes, sir...”
“That’s my boy. Come on Gael, my place is this way.” When Gerard and Gael are nearly out the door, the group can barely make out Gael saying, “Ooh, have you ever done the Orc’s Grip? That’s my favorite positi…” And then they were gone, leaving the group with more information than they’d ever needed. Nell, the recruiter, sighs once again.

“Ah, son of a cudgel. Here.” He hands Elli a piece of paper marked “Top Secret//REL KHU’BERAT, HT” at the top. “We don’t really have an official vetting process, but clearly, my boss stumbling in with some woman who knows you is close enough. This is top secret information, release only to Khu’Berat officials or the Holy Trinity. I’m not really sure the top secret part means anything… but the Holy Trinity is Khu’Berat, Duranda, and the elven kingdoms. Your mission is to take the cart of supplies parked outside the stables on the outskirts of town to the nearest Centaur settlement, and then assist them in any way you can. I will, apparently, be abandoning my post to join you. I’ll drive. Any questions?”

2016-06-12, 07:20 PM
Groff stands there silently. THIS is the greatest crusading nation the world has ever seen? But, coming to business is easier for Groff and so he silently accepts this fate and asks the most important two question one can ask:

How much are we getting paid and how long will this mission take?

2016-06-12, 07:24 PM
"Also can we swing back by the market district before we head out? We have some rings there waiting to be picked up."

2016-06-12, 07:28 PM
Nell shrugs. "We're unsure how long the mission will take. It depends on how eventful the trip is. It would normally take around 40 days. And once there, it depends on what the Centaurs need from us, and any further orders we get. Anything further is beyond my current information. As for pay..." he reaches down and grabs a box, which he unlocks, "The Queen has been very clear that money is to be no object here. This mission is considered very crucial, since we are the first responders. We can offer you 50 gold now, and 200 gold upon successful arrival at the Centaur's settlement."

"And yes. You will have time to prepare as we finish loading the wagon. We will head out first thing tomorrow morning."

2016-06-12, 07:31 PM
Groff ponders this.

Does the Queen have any objection to battlefield looting? We serve as a mercenary guild and most of our overhead is paid with captured equipment.

2016-06-12, 07:32 PM
Malthus stands quietly, waiting for Groff and the recruiter to come to terms.

2016-06-12, 07:33 PM
Nell laughs, somewhat bitterly, "you saw my commanding officer, right? We're good people around here but... we have little room to judge on some kinds of morals. Besides, the Queen wants you all to be paid as much as possible, and that sounds like a good way to do it."

2016-06-12, 07:35 PM
Groff shakes Nell's hand and thanks him.

He turns to his friends and says he will be returning to a tavern he saw on the way in, The Chalice of Charles, for a night of good drink and music.

He buys a few tankards of ale and speaks with a very nice woman who seems very interested in him. However, she leaves after wanting a handout, or something.

Otherwise, he listens to a bard until bed.

2016-06-12, 07:42 PM
Malthus heads back to the shop to pick up four more potions using the gold he had forgotten he had gained from the conflict on the road to Khu'Berat, and also to get his ring back.

2016-06-12, 07:51 PM
Elli joins Malthus to pick up her ring. They head to the woman in the back of the store, who smiles warmly at them this time. She clearly harbors no ill will towards them, despite Malthus' failed attempts at haggling earlier. "Oh good, I just finished! These were so much fun to identify. Very unusual rings you have here." She hands the first to Malthus, "Yours is a Ring of Shadows. It appears it will give you the ability to cast Darkness once a day." She hands Elli a ring, "And yours, child, is a ring of Improved Toughness. Or so I'm calling it."

Malthus, your ring is a ring of shadows. The wearer may cast the spell Darkness 1/day, with a DC of 13, at a caster level of 3.

Elli, your ring is a ring of improved toughness, adding +1 hp per HD.

I totally rolled for these, so take up any complaints with RNGesus.

2016-06-12, 07:55 PM
Taking back his ring and looking at with a new respect, Malthus thanks the old woman before heading to the inn he Groff had noticed earlier. There he spends the night playing with the ring, figuring out how it works.

2016-06-12, 07:58 PM
Malthus picks up his potions, and he and Elli exit the shop. They agree to meet up tomorrow morning at the wagon, as that is probably where they will find Groff. And they go to find sleeping arrangements at the local inn.

The next morning, Elli (a morning person, naturally) arrives at the cart to find Nell waiting. Groff and Malthus show up a few minutes later. "I was wondering if you all would make it," Nell said, shaking his head slightly. "But you did! So let's get moving. Everyone ready to go?"

2016-06-12, 08:01 PM
"Onward to adventure!"

2016-06-12, 08:02 PM
Elli nods, "Looks like it! Let's go." They climb up onto the open but covered cart, taking up positions that allow for easy watch.

The group heads along a trail to the northwest.

You are about two hours into your journey, and have come upon a deep, wooded area that is between Khu’Berat and the Centaurs. Make Spot and Listen checks.

2016-06-12, 08:03 PM
Groff replies affirmatively. He is wearing his new chain shirt and does not like the extra weight so far. This might interfere with his spells.

2016-06-12, 08:04 PM
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2016-06-12, 08:06 PM
Spot Check: [roll0]
Listen Check: [roll1]

Malthus attempts to stay alert as they travel down the road, sadly the words to the old marching song keep popping back into his head, deafening him to the world.

2016-06-12, 08:09 PM
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Thanks to Charlie, who resides in a pouch around Groff's neck, his poor eyesight and hearing is compensated for. That being said, Groff REALLY has to stop reading historical tomes by candlelight while listening to Heavy Bard Music.

2016-06-12, 08:12 PM
No one sees anything out of the ordinary. However, Malthus and Elli both hear distant chattering in a foreign language, several feet to the right of the cart. It does not sound directly threatening, but it does have a very... distinct lilt to it. It almost sounds goblin-like.

Elli immediately goes on alert. She whispers to the others, "do you hear that? Could it be... goblins?"

2016-06-12, 08:13 PM
"You hear that, Elli?"

2016-06-12, 08:16 PM
"yeah, I think we should check it out. You two go on ahead, and I'll stay here in case others are around."

2016-06-12, 08:21 PM
Jumping off the cart, Malthus holds his spear, ready to throw, and begins channeling the new arcane energy he recently had found in himself.
Malthus attempts to sneak closer to the sound of the voices, gesturing to Groff to follow his lead.


2016-06-12, 08:23 PM
As you get closer, you make out 4 figures. 2 are definitely goblins, 1 looks like a very tall goblin, and the other one... a tall, hairy goblin. They are still talking, and laughing, amongst themselves and do not notice you. They appear to have a camp set up in the woods, though it seems they are preparing to leave.

2016-06-12, 08:23 PM
Groff lowers himself to the ground, following Malthus.

Hide: [roll]1d20-1[roll]
Move Silently: [roll]1d20-1[roll]

Specific Spot check to see these creatures: [roll0]

2016-06-12, 08:25 PM
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2016-06-12, 08:28 PM
Groff is relieved! It's just goblins.

Groff straightens up and begins to sheath his greatsword.


(Common) I thought we would be the only adventurers out in this area! Good morning, fellow travelers. How goes your day?

2016-06-12, 08:28 PM
Malthus whispers to Groff, "Goblins... let's burn 'em, mate..."

With that, Malthus throws his spear at the big hairy one

Attack: [roll0]
Spear Damage: [roll1]
Eldritch Damage:[roll2]

Crit Confirm: [roll3]
Crit Dam: [roll4]
Crit Eld Dam: [roll5]

2016-06-12, 08:29 PM
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2016-06-12, 08:33 PM

Groff begins cursing his lack of planning with Malthus. Goblins are great! They never pick on orcs...

2016-06-12, 08:34 PM
Malthus' spear misses the bugbear by an inch. The party of goblins (a male and female goblin, a male hobgoblin, and a female bugbear) stops talking immediately and draws their weapons, except for the male goblin. He frowns, throws out a hand, and shouts at the party, "Stop! What quarrel do you have with us, human and half-human?" He says something to his friends in goblin, and they look at him like he's crazy before stepping beside him and cautiously not attacking Malthus.

2016-06-12, 08:35 PM

Let the battle begin! or not...

2016-06-12, 08:37 PM
WHAT THE F*** IS WRONG WITH YOU? Groff says to Malthus, his hand over his chest as his heart races. Good gods.... Damn....

To the Goblins: I am so sorry. We heard something from the road and my friend here is a little bolt-happy. My name is Groff, called the Educated. We have no quarrel and I would love to buy you all a round if I could. This is Malthus Malcolmsson Temple, and we are members of the Portly Bluebird adventuring group. Who are you?

2016-06-12, 08:42 PM
The male goblin looks somewhat smugly at the female goblin, who rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. He clears his throat.
"My name is Kazimir. This is my twin sister Katka, and our friends Lukas," he indicates the hobgoblin, "and Polina," he indicates the bugbear. "We are an adventuring group with.. well, as of late, very little in the ways of real goals. We had heard that our people were to be involved in a war, and figured it must be our duty to return to them." Lukas audibly groans. "But... we are also dragging our feet a bit on that. My friends here aren't particularly fond of our people."

Lukas nods. Polina shrugs. Katka sighs.

2016-06-12, 08:44 PM
"Huh, what a coincidence... Could I have my spear back? Sorry about almost shishkabobbing you..."

Bluff: [roll0]

2016-06-12, 08:46 PM
Groff's eyes widen. He internally thanks Wee Jas for this gift.

Really? Well it is interesting you say that, friends. Me and my group are actually travelling to assist the Centaurs in this war that started. The Khu'Berat pay good money, and having Goblins working on the inside could be very lucrative.

Groff smiles to them all, oblivious to the fact that this will either make him permanent allies or get him into a bloody fight to the death.

If you would be willing to join us, both our guild and your group could profit from this war like Kings! Well... not kings, per say. But you could certainly buy a decent house in a nice neighborhood. And isn't that really, what we are all working for?

2016-06-12, 08:47 PM

Polina picks up Malthus' spear, looks at it, looks at him, and shrugs. "Maybe in a minute," she says. It is clear now that all of these goblinoids speak pretty good common.

Groff, meanwhile, has picked up on something that may be of actual interest to the goblins. Kazimir's eyes widen and he looks at his own party. They begin discussing amongst themselves in goblin.

2016-06-12, 08:52 PM
Groff turns to Malthus and whispers to him in Common

Do you think Nell will go for it?

2016-06-12, 08:54 PM
Malthus discreetly tries to shrug while warily sizing up the bugbear...

2016-06-12, 08:58 PM
They seem like our type of people. If Nell disagrees and tries to kill them, I say we just take him out and sell the supplies at Redford. I doubt anyone other than the drunk commander knows anything about who left on this journey anyway.

2016-06-12, 09:01 PM
Visibly shocked, Malthus turns to Groff and whispers in a slightly more urgent voice, "What in the nine hells are you saying? You'd betray one of the greatest cities for the sake of some stragglers in their barbarian hordes?"

2016-06-12, 09:03 PM
The goblins stop talking. Polina is clearly disgruntled, but sheathes her weapon (a battleaxe), along with the others. Kazimir clears his throat again, as if speaking in goblin requires a great deal more phlegm than common.

"Your idea is intriguing, half-human. But we are very familiar with the racism and hatred of their kind. We can not believe, even if you have good intentions, that the people of Khu'Berat, let alone the Centaurs, would be accepting of our help. We do wish it could be so, but we are not naive to the ways of this world." He looks at Lukas, who had very clearly directed this line of thinking.

"However, we would be willing to stay out of this war, now that we know there are alternatives. And if you can find a way to guarantee us safe passage, we would join you. Provided the pay is very good. Our kind does not deal kindly with traitors."

2016-06-12, 09:03 PM
Groff is surprised by Malthus's reaction.

We aren't betraying anyone. If these people trust us, and if their lives become in danger, then I say we pick the people we can work with in the future. One cart-full of supplies won't do anything long-term for the war effort. Otherwise, they'd have sent more men.

2016-06-12, 09:05 PM
I'm sorry, I require clarification: to where would we be taking you and to why would we be paying you? I understand the distrust, clearly, but I am confused as to what you are referring to? Please specify.

2016-06-12, 09:07 PM
"We said we would deliver these supplies to the centaurs, and I for one plan on following through with that. If you want to leave with these honorless deserters, go with them. The supplies, and I, are going to Rilindor. " Malthus desperately whispers to his friend.

2016-06-12, 09:10 PM
Deserters? They haven't even joined the army yet!

2016-06-12, 09:12 PM
"Their countrymen have called for them, and here they are, plotting to ignore that call! I don't know about you, but that makes them deserters in my book."

2016-06-12, 09:14 PM
Oh, Malga couldn't care about 4 rag-tag goblinoids who haven't seen home in a few years. Honestly, they only considered it because they feel a tinge of love towards their home. Nothing wrong with that, and certainly not enough to make them deserters.

Groff thinks....

At the very least, we shouldn't kill them if Nell orders it and they did nothing other than trust us. We just let them go. Deal?

2016-06-12, 09:17 PM
"When your people march to war, is it not your duty to march with them? Is that not the honorable thing to do? If Redford were marching, would you not heed their call?

Malthus sighs
"But yes, if Nell says kill them we should let them go. It might mean meeting them again under a very different set of circumstances, but it feels like the right thing to do..."

2016-06-12, 09:19 PM
Redford?? Hells no. Redford is a militaristic country led by a maniacal, bloodthirsty emperor! Being born in a nation does not entitle them to your support. If a cause is not just, there is no dishonor in not fighting. You yourself believe the Goblin cause is unjust, so why do you call them deserters? They stand for their beliefs. That is honor. On this, we must agree to disagree for now.

2016-06-12, 09:21 PM
Right and wrong aren't worth a damn in the face of duty! Jingo is your home, isn't it? Would you not fight for her?"

2016-06-12, 09:22 PM
Kazimir blinked, "I apologize if I was unclear. I meant to say that we would come with you as suggested, and perform missions for you as required, with the condition that we were paid well and had a full guarantee of our safety among your people." Katka whispered in his ear. "However, it seems that your friend has a problem with us not joining the goblins, after all?"

Lukas finally spoke up, "Look, Human. I spent my life being pushed around by other goblins. We left after... a particularly bad incident. Polina here was of the mind that we oughta go see the world instead of worry about goblin affairs... for my own good. If that makes me a deserter, then I'm damn proud of it. Because that's not my home." Polina looked at him sadly. "But I also don't wanna get pushed around by humans, next, Kaz. Can we please just go?"

2016-06-12, 09:28 PM
Groff is saddened by this, and a little embarrassed that they overheard the earlier conversation.

If you want to join us, no one will harm you without hurting us as well. However... I think this conflict may be best to be avoided. It will likely only lead to pain, and not the physical kind. But if you wish to join us, we would love to have you.

2016-06-12, 09:33 PM
Kazimir looked at his friends. "If even you, half-human, are uncertain of this, there is no chance we could feel safe joining you. We will be off." The group began moving to finish grabbing their things. "However, I appreciate that we were not forced to violence. We will attempt to steer clear of the humans and goblins for as long as possible, in the hopes to stay out of this conflict. Perhaps someday we may meet again under different circumstances, and can join forces. Until then, farewell."

The goblinoid pack leaves, heading west.

2016-06-12, 09:35 PM
Groff sincerely hopes that he will see them again in the future, under better circumstances. Groff heads back to the Wagon and thinks on this and his conversation with Malthus. Eventually, he nods off in a nap.

2016-06-12, 09:36 PM
"I guess I'll get a new spear in Rilindor..."

Malthus remarks several minutes later when he realizes the Bugbear kept his spear.

2016-06-12, 09:37 PM
Malthus and Groff both get 500 XP for not resolving the conflict peacefully, both between the goblinoids and themselves. Elli receives 200 XP for valiantly defending the cart from a butterfly. Because the goblins left peacefully, there are no spoils. However, you may potentially have a group of goblins on your side someday. Who knows~

2016-06-12, 09:37 PM
"I guess I'll get a new spear in Rilindor..."

Malthus remarks several minutes later when he realizes the Bugbear kept his spear.

Upon hearing this, Groff laughs heartily.

I'll buy you the new one, friend.

2016-06-12, 09:40 PM
When Groff and Malthus arrive back at the cart, Elli and Nell both ask the two what they found.

2016-06-12, 09:41 PM
Groff says he saw nothing other than travelers.

2016-06-12, 09:43 PM
Malthus glances at his friend, before agreeing that, aye, they had seen nothing but travelers, and that they had best continue on the road.

2016-06-12, 09:45 PM
The two shrug, and don't bother to ask for more information. Elli tells them excitedly about a beautiful butterfly she saw while the two were away, with red wings and blue stripes and...

The party continues along the road, continuing on their quest to reach the Centaur settlement. Though Elli feels that she has gotten a lot out of the day in her observations of the wild-life, it is likely Groff and Malthus who have gotten the most out of today. They were faced with their own misgivings and prejudices, and forced to realize what they would do in a very new situation involving 4 rather innocent creatures who just happen to be of a very un-innocent, brutal race. They perhaps know themselves a little better, and each other.

Regardless, the rest of the day passes in relative quiet, with just idle chatter from Elli. And the road goes on.

2016-06-16, 06:48 PM
The weather quickly soured after those first two days towards Rilindor. The sky was constantly overcast, and thick rain pelted the cart consistently over the next three days. Groff, though usually affable, seemed rather upset at this development. Donning a (somewhat) weather-proof cloak that Nell provided to each of you when the rain started, Groff often rode out on Joffrey to scout ahead. He found nothing during that three day period.

On the sixth day of the journey (4 days after the Goblin incident), Nell was forced to take the Cart off the slightly worn path and into a nearby cave, lest it get stuck in the worsening mud.

Nell had been taking a path close to the mountains to avoid finding the usual trade caravans that went from the borders of Khu'Berat to the Great Savannah. No merchants had been found, but the slightly forested area was not conducive to travel in the rain. Thus, the party is now stuck in the cave until the rain stops and the path dries.

The cave itself is unremarkable. It extends slightly downward for forty feet, and is around ten feet wide throughout. There is a rocky overhang that enables a fire to be build close to the mouth of the cave. The cart has been pushed into the back of the cave. The cave is on the same grade as the path, and enables a somewhat wide view of the surrounding landscape. Gentle hills dot the area, with brush growing sporadically. There were a few wild boar in the area that Malthus was able to hunt; you are currently waiting for one to finish roasting in the fire.

The rain is heavy, and the wind howling. Yet through this, Elli sees a group of medium-sized figures wearing mustard-yellow cloaks walking in the rain. They are around 100 feet away and are on top of the tallest hill. She cannot determine their number, though they are greater than five.

Malthus is cooking the boar. Nell has grown fond of Malthus during this trip, and seems to sigh less than usual when conversing with the young warrior. Currently, Nell is telling Malthus a story about how St. Cuthbert, back when he was a man, fought the legendary Troll Jornin with his great warhammer, Hrump. The story is moderately interesting, as it features a captured maiden and an evil wizard.

Groff seems sad, but is being kept busy tending to his horse, who is frightened by the thunder.

2016-06-17, 07:47 PM
Malthus turns the boar one final time, and hating that he has to interrupt the engrossing story, announces to his companions that dinner is ready.

2016-06-17, 07:58 PM
Elli hunkers down and tries to quiet Malthus. She motions to the group to indicate the figures that she has seen in the distance.

"Up there," she whispers.

2016-06-17, 07:59 PM
Let's see if Groff can hear the whisper

Groff slowly ties Joffrey to the cart, whips out his greatsword, and heads towards the entrance of the cave

Every year, every damn year, I always get into a fight in the rain on my birthday.

He sighs.

What is it?

2016-06-17, 08:02 PM

"What is it, Elli?"

2016-06-17, 08:02 PM
"Your guess is as good as mine, but I don't like it," she said. "....Maybe they're friendly, though? What do you think? Should I try talking to them?"

2016-06-17, 08:09 PM
Everyone can now see the group, their cloaks billowing in the wind and the rain. They stop, appear to turn towards the fire in the cave, and stand there for a few moments.

The air seems tense.

Suddenly, they break. One or two of the figures runs back from where they came while the rest begin running towards the cave.

The figures in cloaks have trouble moving in the mud, and end their turn 20 feet from the cave. Several cowls fall while they run towards the cave, revealing Orcs.

There are 7 Orcs in total. From those you can discern, there are 2 Female Orcs and 3 Male Orcs. The other two have their cowls still up.

All of them are wielding large single-bladed weapons that seem incredibly dangerous.

Orcs: First
Elli: [roll0]
Malthus: [roll1]
Nell: fourth
Groff: fifth

All non-magical ranged attacks suffer a -4 penalty due to the severe rain. Concentration DC check is 18 to cast spells. The mud is difficult terrain, preventing 5-foot steps and reducing speed outside the cave by half.

2016-06-17, 08:15 PM
"Orc Raiding party! And they don't look friendly! Groff, I wouldn't recommend diplomacy here...
"Try to hold the cave mouth, their numbers will do them less good if they have to move in a limited manner!" shouts Malthus as he throws an eldritch blast at the Orc closest to him

Attk: [roll0]

Crit: [roll2]
Crit Dam: [roll3]

2016-06-17, 08:18 PM
Groff unleashes a guttural war cry upon seeing the Orcs, appearing to not need a reminder that Diplomacy won't work. Having never seen Groff facing a full-blooded Orc, this is a rather surprising development.

Malthus's blasts strikes a Male Orc in the abdomen, causing a fair amount of blood to appear on his dirty yellow cloak.

2016-06-17, 08:22 PM
"Full orcs are my LEAST favorite travelers," Elli growled. She cast Shield of Faith on herself and stayed back away from the entrance.

Elli now has a +2 bonus to deflection, making her AC 18.

2016-06-17, 08:28 PM
Nell internally wonders why everyone feels the need to telegraph their thoughts and feelings. It is almost as though it was being recorded in a physical format. Regardless, he grabs his light steel shield and heavy mace, and stands up.

Groff readies his greatsword.... Of all the creatures on Tirindor, none anger him as much as the race that caused all the vitriol he experienced throughout his life.

The Orcs rush into the cave. The injured Orc goes to Malthus, a second Male Orc goes to Groff (who will attack at the end of this post), and a female Orc with Blue lines tattooed on her face and arms goes to attack Elli.

Male Orc 1: HP: 3
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Male Orc 2: HP 6
Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Critical Damage: [roll7]

Female Orc 1: HP 6
Attack: [roll8]
Crit Confirm: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Critical Damage: [roll11]

The injured Orc moves too slowly, and Malthus dodges the blade with ease.

The healthy Orc provides a deep cut on Groff's chest, going through his armor.

Elli, who appears much taller through 100 feet of rain, feels a rush of wind as the Female Orc harmlessly slashes 6 inches above her head.

Attack: [roll12]
Crit Confirm: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]
Critical Damage: [roll15]

Groff grabs his Orc's arm, yells violently, and proceeds to cut off both of the Orc's arms with his greatsword. He is covered in blood, and pounds his injured chest in a testosterone (and catharsis filled) moment. The Orc dies quickly from bloodloss.

2016-06-17, 08:31 PM
Malthus dodges out of the blade's path and takes a five foot step backwards, drawing his bastard sword and throwing another eldritch blast at the injured Orc standing in front of him. He feels the heat of the fire behind him, realizing he has nowhere left to run.

Attk: [roll0]

Crit: [roll2]
Crit Dam: [roll3]

The blast strikes the Orc in the same spot as its predecessor, and at first it appears as though the brute will shrug it off and continue his assault. Then, suddenly, the beast's face turns a sickly shade as blood begins to flow from its nose, eyes, and ears. With a violent cough, the warrior ejects what appears to be most of its left lung, and then collapses to the ground.

2016-06-17, 08:35 PM
Without hesitation, Elli thrust her spear at the female orc who had clearly almost fallen as she got close to Elli.

Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Elli, too, almost fell as she tried to get her spear into position. Fighting in the mouth of the cave in such bad weather was turning out to be pretty difficult.

2016-06-17, 08:39 PM
Nell cannot move to attack the Orcs. He feels a little bad about this, but then realizes that he, too, is now commenting internally on his thoughts. This seems strange...

The second female Orc rushes towards Malthus and goes to attack him! She has no tattoos, but several nose piercings.

Groff is beset by two other Male Orcs. Their features are covered by the cloaks.

Male Orc 1: DEAD

Male Orc 2: DEAD

Male Orc 3: HP 6
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Male Orc 4: HP 6
Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Critical Damage: [roll7]

Female Orc 1: HP 6
Attack: [roll8]
Crit Confirm: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Critical Damage: [roll11]

Female Orc 2: HP 6
Attack: [roll12]
Crit Confirm: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]
Critical Damage: [roll15]

Groff and the two Male Orcs seem to both desire fighting in the rain. They move out there and begin swirling their blades at each other in the rain. It seems slightly Matrix-y, but Groff does not get hurt in this scenario.

Elli is able to dodge a downward slash fairly well. Elli is very graceful!

Malthus, on the other hand, gets a nasty slash on his right thigh. He cannot speak Orc, but Female 2 REALLY is giving him a talking to.

2016-06-17, 08:43 PM
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Groff, in the Matrix-fight, has beheaded the Third Male Orc.

2016-06-17, 08:46 PM
Crying out in pain, Malthus grasps his sword with both hands and swings it at the Orc's head

Attk: [roll0]
Eld Dam: [roll2]

Crit: [roll3]
Crit Dam: [roll4]
Eld Crit Dam: [roll5]

Malthus slips on the mud as his swing comes down, causing him to spin around, and for his left hand to slip off the handle and slap the She-Orc squarely on the face.

2016-06-17, 08:48 PM
Elli keeps attempting to flail at the female orc with her spear.

Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Amidst her flailing, she is able to knick the orc across her shoulder. Elli is pleased.

2016-06-17, 08:53 PM
Nell, by this point, is just too entertained by the ass-kicking to jump into the fray. These guys really know how to fight!

The Orcs, other than Female 2, attempt to blindly cut down their foes!

Male Orc 4: HP 6
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Female Orc 1: HP 6
Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Critical Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Crit Confirm: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Critical Damage: [roll11]

Ellie gracefully dodges a second downward slash. She really COULD have been a dancer, like her mother said.

Groff and the Fourth Male Orc lock blades in the rain and have begun yelling at each other in Orcish.

The second female Orc, upon being slapped, stares at Malthus with a steely gaze.

Melee touch attack:[roll12]

The Female Orc drops her weapon, steps up to Malthus, and begins kissing him deeply.

2016-06-17, 09:00 PM
Malthus, while slightly flustered at having slapped a woman he intended to kill, and then having that woman kiss him, steps sideways 5 feet, regains his composure and picks back up where he just left off, swinging his blade at the Orc and praying to all his childhood gods...

Attk: [roll0]
Sword Dam: [roll1]
Eld Dam:[roll2]

Crit: [roll3]
Crit Dam: [roll4]
Eld Crit Dam: [roll5]

His blade cleanly chops off the Orc's head, and as she collapses, Malthus, confused, and feeling very small, feels a single tear run down his cheek...
"What in the nine hells..."

2016-06-17, 09:04 PM
"Gonna have to do better than that, sweetheart." Elli says to the orc in front of her who still has yet to hit her. She is intently focused on the orc in front of her and doesn't seem to even notice the ones that Groff and Malthus are... handling, anymore. She continues to flail with her spear.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

She is finally in the zone, completely focused. And she manages to catch the orc off guard, pivot, and stab her through her throat and into her head. She glares at her as the orc falls to the floor, instantly dead, and then looks up to see if anyone else is still trying to mess with them.

2016-06-17, 09:06 PM
Groff and the Male Orc continue their rainstorm fight.

Male Orc 4: HP 6
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Critical Damage: [roll7]

The Male Orc slashes deep on Groff, striking him in the right shoulder. Groff, staggered, kneels and drives his sword upwards with his lift arm. The sword cuts through a weakpoint in Male Orc Four's armor, impaling him. Male Orc kneels in the rain, staring at Groff. He says words in Orcish, and then falls down.

2016-06-17, 09:10 PM
All PCs get 300 XP.

Unbenownst to the party, the Seventh Orc never entered the fight. He watched the party's skills, and then fled to report his findings.

2016-06-17, 09:12 PM
Everyone still breathing?" Malthus inquires, as he wipes the blood from his blade and approaches the cave mouth.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2016-06-17, 09:15 PM
Elli looks around and tries to determine whether anyone is injured badly.


"Groff, Malthus, heal yourselves. You have potions, right? Use them."

2016-06-17, 09:18 PM
Elli see's Groff bleeding profusely, but he is still strong enough to be yelling in the rain.

Malthus is injured, but he could sleep off most of it with a proper bandage.

Groff rises slowly, pulls his sword out and wipes it on the yellow cloak, and then meanders over to the cave. He is soaking wet, bleeding profusely, and heads over to his horse. He pulls out two potions and drinks them both.

Damn them all. He says loud enough so that all can hear him, but clearly to himself.


2016-06-17, 09:21 PM
With the coast seeming to be clear, Malthus takes a swig of a healing potion and begins searching the bodies.

Healing: [roll0]

Search for Loot: [roll1]

2016-06-17, 09:21 PM
Lets try this again.

Malthus spends 4 minutes searching the bodies. He finds 56 gold, 23 silver, 12 copper pieces combined from the orcs.
Malthus finds 6 Falchions.
6 (damaged) studded leather armors.
and 3 amethysts about the size of grapes.

2016-06-17, 09:28 PM
Elli sighs, and finally relaxes when she sees that the party has successfully healed themselves.

She goes back inside the cave to get further out of the rain.

"Ok, so what the hell was THAT about?" She wonders aloud at Groff, who usually seems to have the answers.

2016-06-17, 09:30 PM
Malthus collects all the loot, striping the Orcs and dragging them out a ways away from the cave as he finishes going through their possessions.

Returning from dragging the last body, Malthus turns to his clearly upset friend, "You okay, mate? You aren't looking too happy considering the results of that melee..."

2016-06-17, 09:34 PM
Groff, still sore from the fight, takes a swig of beer from his "waterskin" and thinks for a moment.

Today, according to my count, is my birthday. Every year since I was left at the Redford Wee Jas Academy, without fail, it has (1) rained and (2) been violent on my birthday. Usually, it was the other acolytes choosing that day to torment me for my heritage.

Furthermore, I have never actually seen the murderers that I spawned from. I have tried, throughout my now 17 years to show others that how one is raised is more important than where someone comes from. Yet, without fail, those Orcs engaged in the very stereotype that I have fought against for my entire life. They engaged in the behavior that has made my life a level in Hell.

I don't know where that rage came from, but damn did it feel good. But I feel fine now... I just, needed that release.

2016-06-17, 09:37 PM
Elli goes over to Groff and gives him a tiny Halfling Hug. "It's ok. You're one of the best people I know, no matter what you are."

She smiles at him reassuringly. And then goes to check on the horse.

2016-06-17, 09:40 PM
Malthus walks up to his friend, and puts an arm around his shoulder
"That's real ****ty mate, and I'm sorry you had to put up with all of that growing up, but I guarantee you're stronger for it.

"Life sucks, and most races, not just the Orcs, or the Gnolls, but everyone, Man, Elf, Dwarf, in general they want to screw you over. Some do it immediately with violence, some do it later through treachery.

"Meet every encounter with your sword hand ready, and at the very least you'll never be disappointed, my friend."

2016-06-17, 09:59 PM
Groff gently pats Elli on the head and thinks over Malthus's words.

I wouldn't say most... Not in my experience. People just have... Groff looks over to Malthus carefully, problems seeing the world past their own experiences. I may have horrid sight and hearing, but I have been blessed by the gods to see people like you all who can overcome internal prejudice... mostly.

Nell says nothing, feeling very awkward as everyone ignores him. He loudly breaks off a leg of the boar and begins eating.

The group holds watch, and the rain eventually lets up in the evening. However, the ground is still too muddy. The Orcs were burned away from the cave, and the party eventually settled into the night.

The night was uneventful, aside from a particularly loud Owl that wouldn't shut up at 4 in the morning.

However, the sun rose to a terrifying sight: set on the hill are two small carts driven by mules. Leading them both are two Orc males, dressed like the people you fought yesterday.

Standing 10 feet in front of the cart, 90 feet from the mouth of the cave, are three imposing figures.

The one in the forefront is holding a trident of the blackest metal. In his left hand is a thick, well made metal shield of Elven origin. He is covered from head to toe in thick armor made from the hide of wolves. His tusks are large, his muscles larger. His thick black hair matted in a dreadlock ponytail.

To his left, your right, is another Orc male. This one is thinner than the middle one, wears no armor, and is clothed primarily in a very dirty grey robe. His hair is cut short, split down the middle. He holds a short spear gingerly in his left hand.

To his right is an imposing Orc female. She has a red tattoo of an eye on her forehead, and wears high quality, custom fitted chainmail. A barbaric-looking spear, full-sized, is held towards the mouth of the cave.

In a thick accent, the leader speaks the following in Common:

The smell of blood brings more wolves to the field! He laughs loudly. Come, show if you be lamb or lion.

2016-06-18, 09:41 PM
Groff looks out the cave opening into the early morning light, scratches his yet-unshaved-head, and simply says

Red thong of Wee Jas, we can't catch a break can we?

He grabs his greatsword from its sheath, tosses on his chain shirt, and then stands by while the rest of the party gets ready.

2016-06-18, 09:48 PM
Readying his blade, "So how's this work, do they come to us, or do we go to them..?"

And shouting to the Orcs, "So do you talk first, or do we talk first?"

2016-06-18, 09:54 PM
Elli looks back and forth between Malthus and the orcs in the distance. "Maybe we could ask?"

She steps out of the cave. "Excuse me, good orcs. Would you mind explaining to me and my friends here your terms of engagement? I am also curious as to your desire for blood. You see, there is plenty of orc blood on the ground already that you could help yourselves to if you liked." Elli said, seriously.

2016-06-18, 09:57 PM
How big are Elli's balls?


Quite large, apparently.

2016-06-18, 10:02 PM
The Orc in the Wolf Hide blinks slowly at the small Halfling who responded in such a way. He smiles a large, toothy grin and says:

We are aware, that is why we are here to kill-

Enslave, Orthal, the female Orc with the red tattoo says, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Orthal shakes his head. Sorry, I forgot. Need my grog. He turns his attention back to the cave. kill OR ENSLAVE you!

The smaller Orc Male, seemingly bored by this display, then answers Malthus:
We never really had this planned out beyond arriving here forty minutes ago. Gruumsh is rather particular that we fight face to face, but otherwise this whole system of friendly disembowling is poorly coded.

The Orc in hide armor gives side eye to his thin companion. Those words are large... Do not use large Common words.

2016-06-18, 10:08 PM
Nodding and approaching the cave mouth, Malthus proclaims, "Yes, indeed, his words are very long, and a few months ago i would have had difficulty understanding what he meant as well, but many, many things have changed since then.."

With that Malthus leveled his left hand at the large Orc in the wolf hide, and a blast of green energy darted off in its direction.

Attack: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]

Crit Chance: [roll2]
Crit Dam: [roll3]

The blast appears to be headed straight towards the warrior's chest, but then about 30 feet away from him, abruptly begins to flicker before audibly popping and generating a small shower of sparks by the Orcs' feet.

"Bugger all..."

2016-06-18, 10:13 PM
Elli shrugs. "Well, I'm not exactly fond of slavery... or, it seems, full orcs."

She casts Shield of Faith on herself.


2016-06-18, 10:17 PM
Groff sighs, tells Nell to stand back, and begins running towards the Orcs. He makes it 30 feet away from them.

The Orcs seem to enjoy the display, and don't appear to be in any rush to come from down the hill.

The female Orc's tattoo begins to glow, and she says strange words. Her eyes glow red, and Malthus feels a little strange.


Malthus feels a horrible dread come over him. He suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability check

2016-06-18, 10:22 PM
Malthus feels fear unlike anything he has known in over a dozen years, but that fear brings with it a memory... Fear like this means one thing, and one thing only. Kill, or die.

With that Malthus stands his ground, readies his defenses, and prepares to fire another blast as soon as the Orcs are within 30 feet of him.

2016-06-18, 10:25 PM
Elli goes after Groff, nervous after what happened the last time he ran out ahead of her. She isn't able to do anything else, but she readies her spear.

"Come on, Nell. We can't leave Groff out there."

2016-06-18, 10:31 PM
Elli moves forty feet in the mud.

The Orcs seem interested in Groff's ballsiness (aka a -1 to Wisdom), and the two Males ready their actions.

The Female Orc notes the other spellcaster she has seen, Elli, and her magic again swirls around her.


Elli's nose crinkles, but she is otherwise fine.

Groff charges up the hill, oblivious to the fact that he is all alone.

Attack: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Critical Damage: [roll4]

Attack: [roll5]
Crit Confirm: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Critical Damage: [roll8]

Groff is able to bury his blade deep in Orthal's arm, for Orthal's shield was too slow. It is a grevious wound. Unfortunately, Groff was also impaled by Orthal's trident as he struck the Warchief. Both appear to be in considerable pain

2016-06-18, 10:34 PM
Seeing that his friend has charged headlong into the melee with no thought as to his support, Malthus rushes after him, charging at the Orc Groff took a swing at.

2016-06-18, 10:38 PM
Malthus is now 30 feet away from the Orcs

2016-06-18, 10:41 PM
Elli makes a silent note to pick up some kind of ranged weapon or spells in the future, and casts Guidance on herself.

She now has +1 on her next attack roll.

She continues heading towards Groff and the orcs, with her spear ready.

2016-06-18, 10:45 PM
Groff gurgles in pain, wrenches his sword free from Orthal's shoulder, and attempts to bring down his opponent.

Orthal doesn't feel pain anymore, and tries to skewer Groff again.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Critical Damage: [roll7]

Groff is impaled through the neck by Orthal. He reaches exactly -10 HP. Groff the Educated is dead.

The thinner Male Orc notes the nearing of Elli and Malthus, and castes a spell over himself.

The Female Orc, alarmed by the gash on Orthal, goes to heal him. She says something in Orcish while she does.


2016-06-18, 10:49 PM
Arriving at last to the melee, Malthus, shocked at the sight of his closest friend falling to the ground, grasps his blade firmly with both hands and, feeling eldritch energy flow from him and into his blade, swings it at the Orc responsible for the deed.

Attack: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]
Eld Dam: [roll2]

Crit: [roll3]
Dam: [roll4]
Eld Dam: [roll5]

At first it appears as though the blade will strike true, but then, at the last second, a tremor of fear causes Malthus to jerk his blade and the sword glances off the hide armor, before arcing around and digging into the Orc's calf.

2016-06-18, 10:58 PM
Elli screams out, and charges at the orc that felled Groff.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-06-18, 11:03 PM
Orthal looks seriously injured. However, he smiles a simple smile of a man who thoroughly enjoys almost dying.

Drok, now!

The other male Orc, Drok, turns to Malthus and throws his short spear with his left hand.

Truestrike, he mutters.

The female, in turn, moves to pierce Elli with her barbaric spear.

Orthal tries to recover, and hit Malthus.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Critical Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Crit Confirm: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Critical Damage: [roll11]

Elli is sliced in the abdomen, while Malthus is stabbed in the left arm with the trident and hit in his right arm with the spear (which broke once it hit Malthus).

Malthus, upon being hit with the spear, feels a tad faint. As though he were hit with a poison...

Ability score damage: [roll13]

Malthus suffers 1 point of strength damage.

2016-06-18, 11:10 PM
Elli, overcome with sudden realization, looks at Malthus. "Run, Malthus. DON'T ARGUE, JUST RUN."

2016-06-18, 11:11 PM
Malthus feels the blade and the spear bite deep into him. This might be the day. Memories flood back to him. Of his father, of the multitudinous masses which made up the horde, but most importantly of the stories that were told about those brave few who died in battle and brought with them the vanquished soul of they that died with them...

With these thoughts flying through his mind, Malthus lets loose a primal scream and slashes at the Orc before him.

Attack: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]
Eld Dam: [roll2]

Crit: [roll3]
Dam: [roll4]
Eld Dam: [roll5]

Missing him cleanly.

2016-06-18, 11:16 PM
"Well, I guess this is it, then." Elli again attempts to spear the stupid orc in front of her.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

She is able to jab him in the shoulder.

2016-06-18, 11:19 PM
Orthal is severely wounded... And something... seems off. His eyes turn towards his trident... he seems confused, but then sharpens his brow and yells:

Drok, capture them.

Drok looks confused, but tries to oblige.

[roll0] Elli
[roll1] Malthus

Malthus falls to the ground, snoring.

2016-06-18, 11:21 PM
Orthal and the Female attempt to knock Elli out:

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Critical Damage: [roll7]

They both miss the pissed off Halfling

2016-06-18, 11:26 PM
Noticing that a spell was attempted on them, Elli looks over and sees that Malthus has fallen asleep.

She goes over to him and slaps him as hard as she can with a Cure Light Wounds.

Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

Elli is good at maximizing her time. But slapping Malthus as hard as she could also made the healing less effective than normal.

2016-06-18, 11:32 PM
Malthus is healed and is awake. Unfortunately, he will move after the Orcs do.

Orthal sighs. Drok, again.

Drok obliges.

[roll0] Malthus
[roll1] Elli

Malthus returns to sleep

2016-06-18, 11:33 PM
Orthal and Karra say something to each other in Orcish, and then attempt to lethally hit Elli.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Critical Damage: [roll7]

Orthal is too wounded to be as effective as he normally is, though Karra pierced Elli. Elli has 10 HP

2016-06-18, 11:40 PM
Elli curses in halfling, looks around, and makes a split-second decision. She starts sprinting as fast as her tiny halfling legs can carry her in the direction of Nell, past the cave.

She does not stop cursing.

2016-06-18, 11:45 PM
Nell comes out of the cave riding Groff's horse, Joffrey. He grabs Elli up and puts her behind him as he rides off.

"Oh ****oh****oh****,Iwasgoingtocomeoutbutmyfootgotstu ckinmysackandmymacewasmisplacedandTHISISWHYIDIDNOT WANTTOLEAVEKHU'BERAT"

He says super quickly and apologetically.

With that, Elli has escaped the Orcs. Malthus has been captures. Groff has been slain.

A young half-orc female is humming a tune to herself, lazily tracing a name in draconic letters. She smiles as she hopes beyond her own self-doubt to see her former master again

Elli receives 1400 XP
Malthus receives 700 XP

2016-06-18, 11:52 PM
Elli stopped cursing when she was grabbed up onto the horse. She is completely silent until they are far away from the orcs, from Malthus, and from Groff. She is completely silent as she allows her very-nearly-useless companion to carry them away.

She thinks of a million things to say to Nell, about how he didn't help. About how Khu'Berat trains their warriors to do paperwork, but not to fight. About how Groff is dead, and Malthus captured.

But instead, she is wise enough to understand that blaming Nell would not help the situation. Eventually, she just says, "They're gone." And is quiet for the rest of the day.

2016-06-25, 08:22 PM
As far as days go, this one has been particularly terrible. One of your friends, possible both of them, are almost certainly dead, and you're currently fleeing as quickly as you can away from the scene of the conflict with a cowardly bureaucrat-***-fighter.

What do you do Elli?

2016-06-25, 08:31 PM
Elli eventually gathers her composure.

We're going to get them back.

"Nell, where are we headed? How far away is Khu'Berat?"

2016-06-25, 08:34 PM
"We need help, and Khu'Berat is too far away to rely on. Our, and your friend's best hope is the centaurs. We should be able to get there in a month and a half or so..."

Nell is clearly shaken, and is perhaps behaving in an irrational manner.

2016-06-25, 08:39 PM

She pauses, considering whether there might be any other kind of settlement of help around.

Wisdom: 1d20+3

2016-06-25, 08:41 PM
Wisdom Check:


2016-06-25, 08:43 PM
Nell becomes even more distraught, and while you can clearly tell that he is trying to communicate to you, what's emerging from his mouth is more of a random assortment of noises and whimpers

You know of no settlements in this region, but then again, this a region you are not particularly familiar with

2016-06-25, 08:49 PM
Elli starts to feel bad. She sighs. "I'm... I'm sorry Nell. You know I wouldn't do that. I don't want to lose anyone else. I'm sorry... But, a month is too long, we don't have that kind of time. There has to be something else we can do. Maybe we could sneak up on them at night and rescue Malthus... Or at least go back and get Groff's body and return it to Khu'Berat. Let's start there. I doubt they would have had reason to take that with them."

2016-06-25, 10:20 PM
"If you want to go to your death, by all means, go. I am not dying here in this gods forsaken woods."

With that Nell stops the horse and offers to let you down.

2016-06-25, 10:25 PM
Elli looks at him. "I can't carry a half-orc body a 6-day horse-ride by myself."

2016-06-25, 10:28 PM
"The cart and the other horses will still be there. Odds are those pig-faced monsters took them along with the bodies."

Nell looks ashamed, but his fear outweighs the shame. There is no way he will voluntarily return to the cave.

2016-06-25, 10:30 PM
Elli hops from the horse. "Very well."

She begins her cautious walk back to where she left her friends.


2016-06-25, 10:34 PM
Nell whispers a goodbye before mournfully riding off at full speed to the north.

You begin to make your way back down to the cave and the clearing, keeping moderately quiet, but due in a great part to your current distraught state you do snap a few twigs that you hadn't intended to, startling some of the local wildlife.

As you near the cave, you begin to hear something over the general murmur of the forest.

Roll a Listen Check.

2016-06-25, 10:36 PM
Elli's Listen Check:

2016-06-25, 10:37 PM
Hide, move silently checks

hide: [roll0]

MS: [roll1]

2016-06-25, 10:41 PM
As Elli approaches the clearing she begins to hear a quiet whistle, as of someone diligently working on something.

Entering the clearing she sees a stout dwarven figure, closely examining the site of the battle.

2016-06-25, 10:43 PM
Elli assesses the situation to try and determine whether the figure is friendly.


2016-06-25, 10:45 PM
As best as Elli can tell, the figure does not appear to be overtly threatening to her.

He is armed, but between his demeanor, his race, and his current occupation, it seems a safe bet that he will not attack her on sight.

2016-06-25, 10:49 PM
"Well hello there, sir. What are you doing there? Any chance you've seen the body of a half-orc lying around somewhere?"

2016-06-25, 10:52 PM
The Dwarf is completely startled by Elli and accidentally fires an arrow 2d20 feet in the air by accident. The arrow does not land anywhere close to anything that would require a damage roll.

He collects himself.

Damn... A half-orc you said? Well, that would explain the drag marks...

2016-06-25, 10:54 PM
Elli smiles slightly. "Sorry, I didn't intend to scare you. You didn't say though, what are you doing here? Would you happen to be looking for work....?"

2016-06-25, 10:58 PM
He scratches his nose and moves his head in a circular pattern before responding.

Sorry, that was rude of me. I am Fargus Giantsbane, and I am on a holiday from my hometown over west. Been hiking this lovely area for a few weeks now, between stops at this lovely village call... Is it a village? He looks questioningly at Elli and then off to the side. At what point is a village a hamlet... Is it a Dale? Are Dale's a unit of town measurement in the human tongue? Hmm He seems perplexed by this issue.

He looks off to the side for a solid five seconds before tutting and continuing.

Ah hells, doesn't matter. Anyway, I've been hiking these parts and came across a battle. Looks like an asskicking too, by the amount of blood that's been spilt. And not really, no. It isn't a holiday if I am being paid. If you need help gutting some Orcs, though, I do that in my spare time.

2016-06-25, 11:03 PM
Elli shrugged. "Yeah, you could say that.. my friends and I were attacked. We were overwhelmed by a large band of orcs. We had taken down several, but a much stronger group of three showed up and, well, it wasn't pretty. One of my friends is dead, and the other was knocked out. I have to get them back."

2016-06-25, 11:05 PM
Fargus nods sagely
One guy stood back while another charged, didn't he? S***, miss, sorry to hear that. A couple of guys in my militia did that during a Giant raid. The whole crew was lost, except for me and Dingy. Have you ever met Dingy? I feel you two would get along. He was a short lil' f***er.

2016-06-25, 11:09 PM
Elli blinks, still feeling out of sorts. "Well, yes actually. Good call." Elli realizes that this might be a good opportunity and tries to muster her best diplomatic skills. "You sound like you really know your stuff. Would you be willing to try and help me? I promise I can pull my weight. Twice that, really. And I don't plan to try to fight orcs... just, sneak in, grab my friends, sneak out."

2016-06-25, 11:11 PM
He shrugs Alright, if you want to handle this thing - he air quotes strategically then sure. But if things go so far south they hit the Gnomes, then just start hitting em. Orcs aren't easy to sneak up on, if only because they stare vacantly off into the distance so much.

2016-06-25, 11:15 PM
Elli smiled in spite of herself. "OK. Thank you! You seem to know where they may have gone. Would you mind leading the way? Let's try and find them. And the cart that was here... and maybe the horses."

2016-06-25, 11:16 PM
Fargus tracking check

Reminder, the ground is muddy from past rain.


2016-06-25, 11:17 PM
Search: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]

2016-06-25, 11:19 PM
Between the mud, and the fact that the objects being drug through it were a dead half-orc, an unconscious barbarian, and a cart full of material, it would be next to impossible to not see where the Orcs took their spoils.

A new path lies in the woods, beaten down by heavy boots, and heavily stained with blood.

What do you do?