View Full Version : Who can beat Iron Man?

2007-06-28, 01:03 AM
Ok, I'll admit it, I'm an Iron Man fanboy. And due to this, I'm willing to argue on Shellheads behalf against any super hero posted here, with a couple of caveats:

1) I'm not dumb enough to even imagine him beating any cosmic powered being that doesn't have an extreamly obvious flaw he can exploit.
2) Iron Man has full access to any gadget or specialty armor that's been described in the comics, though I will say he doesn't have time to build a WhateverBuster Armor against your suggested hero.
3) If the character is morally opposed to killing, the character will not kill Iron Man, but can still defeat him if you argue properly. That means Nightcrawler won't teleport IM's head off, but he might teleport the shell off of Shellhead.
4) Lets assume that both characters know enough about each other to know their basic powers.
5) We're also assuming the battle is taking place in a non-descript city unless the specified character needs to be fought else-where (Iron Man is proactive enough to seek enemys out in their homes if he thinks its necessary).
6) Iron Man's main goal is to subdue his opponent and ship him off to the Negative Zone Prison. However, it has been shown that IM will kill to save his own life or the lives of others, its just not his first choice. Also, if he's been shown to stop a foe's heart and then recessitate him to expidite a fight.
7) We'll also assume that IM is kind enough to ask for a surrender and give up any advantedge he'd normally get from suprise unless the character in question is known ahead of time to be unlikely to be persuaded without a fight. (ie. He'll try to talk down fellow heros and villains with morals, but a rutheless enemy like Dr. Doom isn't getting the surrender speach).

Now, I'm going to be including Iron Man's new Extremis enhanced powers in my rebuttals, and they're fairly new (and ill-defined so far), so I'll provide the definitions I'll be working off of so you don't get blindsided:

Healing Factor: Extremis provides Tony with healing greater than a normal human, the exact extent of which is unknown. I'll be assuming that he can heal any injury a normal human could heal from, but not something like a removed limb or brain damage. We'll also assume this healing isn't fast enough to make too much of a difference in a fight, even though a different character with the same treatment had a hole blown through him in one panel and two panels later he was fine, we'll assume that was an artist's mistake (even his shirt repaired itself).

Superior endurance/strength: Tony's organs got completely replaced with newer, better ones. However, he still got his ass handed to him in a sparring match with Captain America, so we'll assume they're mearly "good for a human" as opposed to "super-human".

Datalink: Tony can see through satelites and security cameras and basically anything hooked up to the internet or cellular network. He can also control said items remotely (as much as they normally can, he can't add remote control functionality to something that doesn't normally have it, though he can send text messages and hold phone conversations without actually talking). The main advantedge this gives him during combat is an increased ability to utilize the terrain to his advantedge.

Spider-sense: Alright, this has less to do with extremis and more to do with a carefull analysis of the biometric data given to him by Spidey's "Iron Spider" armor, but IM has installed in his armor a rudementary Spider-sense (called "Phera-sense" a few issues after it first appears). We'll assume it's not as insta-win as some Spidey fans seem to think spider-sense is, either because its an imperfect imitation or he's simply not used to it yet. Also, he has the ability to create "false-positives" and mask his own actions from similar powers of other heros (OK, so only Spider-Man is mentioned in the comics, but I'd wager any character that got their powers from Spider-Man such as Venom would be similarly vulnerable).

So, any takers?

2007-06-28, 01:15 AM
Anyone that can create an EMP or otherwise scew with Tony's circuitry.

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-06-28, 01:26 AM
The Flash. Neat suit- can it stop a man running so fast that it makes Newton teleport out of his grave and give a tap dance routine?

2007-06-28, 01:32 AM

Since we're going to go for cheesed-out powers, Squirrel Girl!

2007-06-28, 01:38 AM
WARNING: Everything I know about the Flash I learned from Justice League cartoons.

Against the Flash, Tony has two options.

1) Put an electric charge around the shell of his armor and wait for the Flash to hit him. Even the Flash gets hurt by 10,000 volts.

2) Fly out of the Flash's reach and wait for him to get tired. Then beat the snot out of him.

(I know it was a joke, but) Against Squirrel Girl:
Full form Repulsor (or the above mentioned electric charge) pretty much negates the squirrel swarm tactic she used on Doom, I don't see much how she stands a chance with that option down. Her claws aren't sharp enough to pierce his armor, and she has no super-human resistance to damage, so he just blasts her with a repulsor and she's down for the count.

Also, EMP has shown time and again to be a temporary solution for Iron Man. His armor auto-reboots in about a page and a half or so, give or take for story purposes. Name a specific character and I'll give a more specific rebuttal, but until then, I'll have to say EMP ain't good enough.

2007-06-28, 01:40 AM
What about that EMP thing? What's to stop Magneto or the Vision or whoever from screwing up all of Iron Man's circuitry?

Also, the Flash can just run around in circles to make that tornado/whirlwind thing.

EDIT: The Flash can move faster than a normal human being can think. Also, vibrating through Iron Man's armor would be... explosive.

Green Bean
2007-06-28, 01:55 AM
Yeah, Flash doesn't need to actually touch Stark to kick his butt. Of course, that's because his powers are totally cheesed out. If I remember my comic book history correctly, the Flash has the following options:

1. Circle running: Flash runs in a circle, creating wind and suffocating his foe. Of course, Iron Man's suit has pressurization, but he's still going to get tossed around by hurricane+ winds.

2. Time Travel: Flash at the full extent of his powers can travel through time apparently :smallconfused:. Who knew? But anyways, this makes battles a bit easier.
Flash: I'm not going to fight you, so I went back in time and introduced your pregnant mother to the joys of whiskey. Thanks to FAS, you now have an IQ of 50.

3. Vibration: If I had a nickel for every time the Flash 'vibrated his molecules at just the right frequency' to save the day, I'd be rich enough to hire Bill Gates to mow my lawn, and have enough left over to get Queen Elizabeth to clip the hedges. Molecular vibration is the Flash's plot device, and you can't beat a plot device. Flash vibrates his molecules at just the right frequency to make Iron Man's head explode.

But, to be honest, the power discrepancy is enough that Flash written wit all of his powers qualifies under the 'cosmically powerful guy with no real weakness'. YMMV

2007-06-28, 01:57 AM
The Flash's weakness is that he rarely has the intelligence or the willingness to use his powers to their full extent. Imagine Bruce Wayne with the Speed Force. Scary, isn't it?

2007-06-28, 04:45 AM
a junk yard employee with the key to the crane magnet.

Ninja Squirrel
2007-06-28, 04:51 AM
The hulk? consdering hes more or less beaten tony already
I think capt america could have given him a good fight as well
Spidey seems to be some guy who can defeat anyone, so him as well
Wolvey too.

Finn Solomon
2007-06-28, 05:07 AM
Against a metal man, this one's obvious. Magneto for the win.

2007-06-28, 06:53 AM
Well as of the last issue of Avengers I read it would seem Ultron killed him so I'm going with Ultron.

2007-06-28, 08:21 AM
Alright, first of all:
Yes, if the Flash vibrates his molecules faster than the speed of plot nobody can beat him. I was assuming he wouldn't think to do that, but the whirlwind idea does have some merit. Unfortunately for him, running in circles makes him an easier target (the Flash has been shown to be relatively easy to trip when you know where he's going).

The Crane Magnet:
Don't make me laugh. I mean seriously, how stupid would IM need to be to be under a unidirectional, slow moving magnet? And even if he did end up stuck to the magnet, he'd find a way out before Junk Yard Employee found a way to do anything to him.

The Hulk:
Both Tony and Bruce have won this fight in the past, depending on why they're fighting and who's writing the comic at the time. As for the current incarnation of the Hulk verses the Current Iron Man... it seems Hulk is winning at the moment, I'll have to wait till next issue comes out to see if ol' shellhead can pull through. Assuming he doesn't: Point for the Hulk.

Captain America:
During the Civil War Cap and Tony fought twice. The first fight, IM wiped the floor with Captain America to the point where if Herculese didn't throw a truck on him the war would have ended there. The second fight, Cap required the assistance of another and a cheap tactic to beat IM.

Another confrontation that happened during the CW: Iron Man kicked Petey's butt from here to Shea Stadium. While simultaniously taking out Luke Cage and other hero's I can't identify.

Tony knows how powerful Wolvie's regen is, so he wouldn't have a problem disintigrating his flesh with a full blast from his unibeam. By the time Wolvie woke up he'd be in a cell in the Negative Zone surrounded by magnets to keep him from moving.

This character specifically is why I put the caveat in that Tony has access to contingency plans described in the comics. At one point Tony built a suit of non-magnetic plastic armor just in case he ever had to fight Magneto. Seeings how outdated the tech is though, it'd still be an interesting fight. IM in plastic armor: 50% chance of victory. IM in standard gear: Magneto doesn't even break a sweat. Same reasoning goes for Polaris and any other magnetically themed character you can name.

Seings how he was designed to be a threat to the combined might of the Avengers, I'd be silly to state this'd be an easy fight. Not counting silly stories where Ultron springs forth from Tony seemingly killing him in the process (I mean seriously, WTF?), IM by himself versus Ultron would be a very tough fight. I'd give Iron Man maybe a 40% chance of victory. Point: Ultron.

Added more to the Crane Magnet description and fixed a homophone error.

2007-06-28, 10:13 AM
This character specifically is why I put the caveat in that Tony has access to contingency plans described in the comics. At one point Tony built a suit of non-magnetic plastic armor just in case he ever had to fight Magneto. Seeings how outdated the tech is though, it'd still be an interesting fight. IM in plastic armor: 50% chance of victory. IM in standard gear: Magneto doesn't even break a sweat. Same reasoning goes for Polaris and any other magnetically themed character you can name.

I'll grant you the plastic armour, however it would be relevant to state that Magneto was capable of locking onto the iron in the bloodstream to manipulate or kill in the past.

Point of fact, that is how both Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were able to make the transition from bad to good, is they were taken out of the range of his influence long enough.

So all Mags would have to do is play like he's reformed, work with Tony on things and every day manipulate the iron in his blood bit by bit until he is able to form a massive clot in Tony's brain.

It has already been proven that an Electromagnetic surge can shut down Tony's armor for long enough to peel it off him and beat the living daylights out of the alcoholic within. Magneto has that ability as well.

You can't lump Magneto in the same category with Polaris and other magnetic-control mutants; recall at one point Magneto was able to manipulate the entire EM field of the planet and held the world hostage.

Aside from Magneto, I would think any powerful telepath/telekenetic would be able to shred Tony, all you have to do is remove the iron from the man and he's no harder to beat down than a miscellaneous kung-fu villain. (yes, i do recognize that Tony has hand-to-hand combat training)

I'm not going to cheese out and go for brute strength; as Hulk, Thing and possibly Guido would be able to go either way.

Cosmic powers aside, we could look at the Inhumans and easily see how Black Bolt or even Crystal could readily put him out of commission.

Heck Namor has smacked the shellhead around on multiple occasions!

Iron man is pretty cool, but he's not an unstoppable badass. Like anyone else who relies on technology for his powers, there are definite limits.

Actually, I think a fight between Iron Man and Batman would be fun.

Mostly to see Batman use his gadgets to defeat the Iron Man armour and then Batman will ALWAYS have the upperhand in the hand-to-hand combat.

2007-06-28, 10:20 AM
Wait... this is a versus thread started by a self-confessed Iron Man fanboy? Boy, this doesn't seem futile in the slightest! I'm totally gonna do this.

So okay, we just got used to the idea of Spidey's powers being based on an Astral signiture of the attacker which goes through interspace "webs" and somehow T. S. duplicates it with science, molecules, pheremones, and science again... whoa, that's pretty impressive.

Let's see... Tony's still pretty much a normal guy under his armor, so whatever hero it is would need to be aggressive enough to pierce his armor, or circumvent it somehow. They'd also need to stay out of the way of his attacks long enough to do it. I'd say Spidey could do it, but it would've already been a tough fight when we assumed Spidey's sense was an advantage, if it's nullified and even working against him, this would be basically a shoe-in.

Cloak or Dagger could probably take him. T.S. has enough darkness in his soul since his atrocities during Civil War that Dagger's light could pretty roundly KO him, and since it's a blast that hits you in your soul, I'd say it'd go through his armor. Then again... duplicating a mostly psychic/astral/paranormal sense with technology means he can do anything he wants, even if it doesn't make sense. Cloak just dumps him into the Dark Dimension to stew for a few minutes and drops him out again when he's down.

Uh... well, Hulk pretty roundly squashed him in WWH #1, and Dr. Strange can pretty much perfectly evade notice, and could whip up Crimson Bands that can hold the Hulk if he needs to. Versus Namor while underwater (where Namor is strongest, and where T.S. would have to use a bulkier, slower armor with less effective weapons)... uh... Blackbolt and Sentry can pretty obviously wipe any floor with him that they please, and speaking of Inhumans, Karnak could always get lucky and knock off Iron Man's armor with one blow. When you propose an open contest like this, it can get kind of weird. This isn't "I think Iron Man could take Blackbolt, and here are my reasons why.", this is a "Give me a list of names and I'll think of a list of reasons why Iron Man can take them."

Still, EMP isn't as effective as you may imagine, given Iron Man's exclusive reliance on electronics. Hawkeye (not Clint, the girl from Young Avengers whose real name I forgot) shot him with an EMP arrow and it was enough to knock him out of the fight long enough for them to run away as fast as they could. Iron Man was up in moments, due to his redundancy of systems, or partial EMP shielding or something... A more aggressive Superhero could've done more with it, tearing his armor off while T.S. is helpless, but it's seriously an opportunity window of maybe 15 seconds.

2007-06-28, 10:58 AM
Still, EMP isn't as effective as you may imagine, given Iron Man's exclusive reliance on electronics. Hawkeye (not Clint, the girl from Young Avengers whose real name I forgot) shot him with an EMP arrow and it was enough to knock him out of the fight long enough for them to run away as fast as they could. Iron Man was up in moments, due to his redundancy of systems, or partial EMP shielding or something... A more aggressive Superhero could've done more with it, tearing his armor off while T.S. is helpless, but it's seriously an opportunity window of maybe 15 seconds.

Like I said, in about a page and a half, depending on the needs of the plot :smalltongue:. The amount of time he's out is very inconsistant, and might be handwaved off as something dumb like different EMP effects are harder to overcome than others. By the way, the girl's name is Kate Bishop.

As far as duplicating the Spider-sense being implausable, 6 months ago I would have agreed, but there he goes and does it in Iron Man #14 vol. 4.

IM has also recently fought Sentry, and beat him by overloading Cloc, effectively paralizing Mr. Reynolds for a few hours. (IM vol 4 #8 I think).

Blackbolt would be a tough fight for sure, I don't know the Inhuman king well enogh to know how much collateral damage he's willing to accept. If he cares nothing for human lives (just Inhuman ones), then IM is pretty well screwed. If he'd like to avoid as many civilian casualties as possible he's effectively powerless in a city as even his smallest whisper would kill a couple dozen people. Of course, if he doesn't care for humans IM would move the fight to somewhere where no one can get hurt, then probably get his ass handed to him. Unless, of course, he moved the fight to space, where Blackbolt would either a) suffocate assuming he still breathes, or b) Be powerless as sound doesn't travel in space. Seings how I know the most about Blackbolt of any inhumans, I won't try to counter the others until I have time to do some research.

Cloak and/or Dagger could probably give him a run for his money, I don't know enough about the two to make a fair rebuttal.

Dr. Strange officially counts as a Cosmically powered being, considering he's the protector of the dimension and all. If he wanted, IM would turn into a crate or something. Not what I consider a fair fight.

Versus Namor, I wouldn't be so sure that he'd lose. It's probably just the author underestimating Namor's power, but a rogue drone Tony built was giving Namor a hard time in IM vol. 4 #12 before IM came and took care of it for him. Admittedly, the only reason he beat the drone (it was built for underwater combat) was because he knew its weak points (considering he built it). Assuming that they have to fight underwater, Sub-Mariner has a good (80% or more) chance of beating IM, even in his special underwater armor. Above water, IM wins.

2007-06-28, 12:45 PM
Against anyone who cannot fly (Wolverine, Spiderman, etc) all Iron Man has to do is fly around and take shots -- eventually he'll hit or knock someone down in an explosion. By the same token, anyone who relies on fisticuffs is going to have a hard time dealing with the fact that hitting the electified armor is going to hurt them more than it'll hurt Iron Man.

For flying characters, it gets trickier. For folks like Magneto or Ultron, it'd be a tough fight. Against anyone from the future (Kang, for example) who relies on tech logic would indicate that he's get his butt kicked if only because their weaponry should be better than his by orders of magnitude.

2007-06-28, 01:00 PM
3. Vibration: If I had a nickel for every time the Flash 'vibrated his molecules at just the right frequency' to save the day, I'd be rich enough to hire Bill Gates to mow my lawn, and have enough left over to get Queen Elizabeth to clip the hedges. Molecular vibration is the Flash's plot device, and you can't beat a plot device. Flash vibrates his molecules at just the right frequency to make Iron Man's head explode.

<rolls eyes and sighs> have you actually read his comics, or are you just going by that retarded "Super-Friends" TV show that was AIMED AT KIDS, and yet seems to have ruined the reputations of plenty of cool heroes?

Flash (and I'm going with Wally here- both because I've read most about him and he has no silver-age silly-ness on his modern record) could:
Suck all the air away, but Tony certainly has air-tanks, otherwise he doesn't deserve to live.
Dodge just about anything but a laser. I don't know how fast Tony's fire, though, so he might still be able to get out of the way.
Get some metal and friction-weld it over Tony's faceplate, thus blinding him.

In Marvel...Thor (normal Thor) could wipe the floor with him, as could Hulk, Hercules, or anyone else with high-level strength. Someone with disintegration abilities could give him a run for his money as well.

Really, though...Iron Man seems to be hitting the deus-ex-machina level of tech. His own spider-sense, those %&#%*#% "SPIN nanites"...ridiculous, above and beyond Batman. Marvel has always had a problem with over-the-top pseudo-science, but man...

2007-06-28, 01:32 PM
Really, though...Iron Man seems to be hitting the deus-ex-machina level of tech. His own spider-sense, those %&#%*#% "SPIN nanites"...ridiculous, above and beyond Batman. Marvel has always had a problem with over-the-top pseudo-science, but man...

See, the alterior motive of this thread was to prove that IM doesn't need DEM-tech to win, he can do it with already established and not-too-OTT tech and brains. I personally didn't have a problem with the Spider-sense thing, but I can see where other people might. I specifically pointed it out as something I was going to downplay because Spider-sense seems to be SM's DEM power in the Spidey vs. thread. I am unaware of the SPIN nanites of which you speak. Clarification?

As for beating Thor:
We'll assume that Thor's lightning powers are rendered useless by the fact that A) the outer shell acts as a Faraday cage, preventing the lightning from hurting Tony, and B) It has been shown in the past that the IM armor can actually absorb the lightning to make it temporarily more powerful (though I'm not sure if they've ever used this as a battle tactic... hmm...).
So that leaves Mjolnir and Thor's super-strength/indestructability to deal with. We'll assume that this is top of his game but not quite ultra-god Odinforce powered Thor so he doesn't have the "lose-his-hammer-for-a-minute-and-lose" weakness.
IM's repulsors would be all but useless against Thor's Asguardian hide, but he still has plenty of other tricks. He can blind the God of Thunder with his Unibeam, perhapse using it to cause some severe burning, though I doubt that would slow Thor down. In all honesty, Tony's best chance would be to simply outsmart our favorite Thundergod. Thor's never been known for his keen intellect, though he does somehow manage to keep beating Loki...
I know they've fought in the past, though I'm not too sure as the results of those fights. I'd give it a 50/50, advantedge depending on which one was being manipulated into fighting the other :smallamused:. In all seriousness, IM has self admitted to being second fiddle to Thor in terms of fighting ability, though that was a long time ago and before his new Extremis powers. From rumors I've heard, we'll actually be getting a modern rendition of this fight in a few months, so we'll see then.

And yeah, Flash would probably win, unless we assume Wally makes a huge mistake. IM can beat Quicksilver, but the Q never compared to the F in terms of interesting crap he can do with his speed other than just run fast.

2007-06-28, 02:41 PM
Couple of ideas:

1) Beast
Hank McCoy is a genius level scientist, certainly on par with Tony Stark.

If he can't come up with some kind of contingency plan/device/biochemical mechanism for overcoming the IM armor, I don't know who can.

Using his super strength, and super agility, he should beable to dodge any kind of beam (repulsor or uni) that IM can throw out. His strength, conceivably, should allow him to rip apart/off the various pieces of armor that make up the IM suit.

2) Ghost Rider
As has been previously mentioned...apparently IM/TS has done some things that were not very...um..."nice" during this civil war period.

Can we say "Penance Stare", anyone?

Also, his powers/hellfire are mystical...and I'm not quite sure (besides 'enth' metal) what kind of technology can resist/contain that.

Besides all that, he's super strong and super tough.

3) Deathlok
An "oldie" but a "goodie", I think this would make for a very interesting fight. The AI in the Collins Deathlok version could verywell provide the edge needed to defeat IM. He also uses the nanobots to repair/alter his body, so the healing factor is probably better/faster than IM's.

He's probably as strong as IM, and as durable too.

4) Doc Samson
He once beat the Hulk into submission, by himself.
He is a genius, as well as a psychiatrist...so I can see him saying "Tony, tell me how you feel." and reducing Stark into a quivering ball of tears without confrontation.

5) Metamorpho
Super strength, excellent hth skills, and of course the ability to transform himself into...well...any of the elements naturally found in the human body.
That covers quite a few different ones, and combinations of them.

6) Atom (Ray Palmer)
A nano-technologist (i.e. genius!) he should have very little trouble coming up with some kind of technological weapon capable of neutralizing the IM armor.

If he can't, then how about just shrinking down to sub-atomic size, entering the armor, and disabling the powerplant from within...eh?

Just a few ideas.

2007-06-28, 02:44 PM
Yeah, I'd like to go with Batman - he has the gadgets and the hand-to-hand fighting that would make the fight pretty awesome, plus the fact that Batman usually doesn't have many qualms over killing people.

There's also Apocalypse, but he might fall under the superior cosmic being.

I would have to agree with Hushdawg that any telepath/kinetic would surely destroy Ironman. They can kill him with a thought (telepath), rip off his armor, make him kill himself, the possibilities are pretty endless.

Finn Solomon
2007-06-28, 02:50 PM
Yeah, I'd like to go with Batman - he has the gadgets and the hand-to-hand fighting that would make the fight pretty awesome, plus the fact that Batman usually doesn't have many qualms over killing people.

Since when? Batman's not Wolverine.

2007-06-28, 03:00 PM
Yeah, I'd like to go with Batman - he has the gadgets and the hand-to-hand fighting that would make the fight pretty awesome, plus the fact that Batman usually doesn't have many qualms over killing people.

WTF? Batman NEVER kills. MODERN SUPERMAN has killed more people then Batman.

2007-06-28, 03:01 PM
He's probably one of the darkest characters out there, maybe he doesn't directly say, 'I'm gonna f- you up, bub' and go on a killing spree, but he certainly is not a goodie two shoes and if you look at the original idea of batman, he was supposed to show no remorse over killing as apparently it was originally supposed to be a pulpish comic (though I guess they toned it down, so he's not 'supposed' to kill), of course he may be indirectly involved with a lot of deaths. He's probably run over a couple people in his batmobile and accidentally killed some cops.

[edit]Plus I just like thinking of batman as a badass who doesn't give a damn ::shrug:: I like to think he killed some people, or at least the baddies even if he never did.

2007-06-28, 03:01 PM
Professor X, Molecule Man, Green Lantern, Mr Fantastic(can invent a solution for any problem), Captain Britain(stronger than the Juggernaut, invulnerablilty, and flies), Rogue(has all the powres from anyone she's ever absorbed them from), Black Panther, Superman, Wonder Woman, any of the Eternals of Earth.

2007-06-28, 03:04 PM
He's probably one of the darkest characters out there, maybe he doesn't directly say, 'I'm gonna f- you up, bub' but he certainly is not a goodie two shoes and if you look at the original idea of batman, he was supposed to show no remorse over killing as apparently it was originally supposed to be a pulpish comic (though I guess they toned it down, so he's not 'supposed' to kill), of course he may be indirectly involved with a lot of deaths.

Modern Batman does not kill, he says it all the time. It's the major problem betwwen him and Jason Todd (the Red Hood, 2nd Robin). Even though they basically use the same methods to do the same job, Jason crosses the line. He is willing to kill so Batman feels obliged to stop him.

Finn Solomon
2007-06-28, 03:04 PM
Hey, he's dark. He's nasty. He'll do whatever it takes to win. But not kill, never kill. Even in the Dark Knight Returns, the darkest Batman I've ever seen, he doesn't even kill the Joker after thoroughly whipping him in a fight when it would have been so much easier all around to simply off him. Dark, Gothic and Emo though he may be, he still fiercely resists the idea of killing.

2007-06-28, 03:11 PM
that's true, he certainly is emo, so he may just end up killing himself before anyone (j/k of course, kinda) that might be a nice psychological perspective to see for batman, just going on suicide missions trying to get killed, meh

Mr Croup
2007-06-28, 03:36 PM
My first couple thoughts were Green Lantern and Professor X. Well, okay, they were my second thoughts. My first being a whole bunch of bourbon.

2007-06-28, 03:53 PM
<rolls eyes and sighs> have you actually read his comics, or are you just going by that retarded "Super-Friends" TV show that was AIMED AT KIDS, and yet seems to have ruined the reputations of plenty of cool heroes?

Uh... what? Flash has used vibration in the comics. And to cool special effects as well.

2007-06-28, 03:57 PM
Jack Daniels and Jim Beam DEFINATELY defeat Iron Man. Except that he currently has his addiction under control, to a point.

2007-06-28, 03:58 PM
My first couple thoughts were Green Lantern and Professor X. Well, okay, they were my second thoughts. My first being a whole bunch of bourbon.

Amen to the bourbon brother

2007-06-28, 04:02 PM
Uh... what? Flash has used vibration in the comics. And to cool special effects as well.

Barry Allen used vibration all the time. When Wally West vibrates through something it explodes.

2007-06-28, 04:15 PM
To be honest some of batman's plans to take out the justice league would have been fatal to several members (ie superman and aquaman, and Martian manhunter, but they aren't human and there simply isn't a feasible way to contain them without killing them) So I think if you aren't human then bats would have less problem with offing you if that seemed the only option.

Now to get back on topic, Martian Manhunter should be able to take tony but I think it would be a good fight because I'm allowing for him to retreat and come up with some sort of crazy anti martian device.

Also the only reason Tony can beat spiderman in civil war is because he can counter the spider sense now and that means spidy isn't dodging nearly as much as he would otherwise be. before that I think spidey would have pulled it off, Hmmm but then Tony has a lot more experience than spidey so who knows

2007-06-28, 04:18 PM
Now to get back on topic, Martian Manhunter should be able to take tony but I think it would be a good fight because I'm allowing for him to retreat and come up with some sort of crazy anti martian device.

Like a flamethrower? :smalltongue:

2007-06-28, 04:25 PM
I'll have to do research on a few of those, since my knowledge of them is limited, but the ones I can cover at the moment:

Iff Hank focused entirely on dodging, yes, IM would have a hard time stopping him without getting creative. However, as soon as he goes on the offensive, IM ignores his attack and puts him out in one hit. As far as I know Beast isn't terribly resistant to damage (hence why he attempts to avoid it most of the time), but IM will not go down to a single one of his attacks. Grappling might work for a few panels, but will end badly for Dr. McCoy. So, barring any "I win" devices Beast pulls out (which is fairly rare IIRC), IM takes him out in less than 3 pages.

Ghost Rider:
Mystic characters tend to be a problem for Shellhead. Assuming he actually tries to fight him instead of just escape, yeah GR will take him out with a combination of Hellfire chains and Penance Stare. Point to the Rider.

Doc Sampson:
If the Doc went for the brute force attack, he'd lose. Plain and simple. He might be strong, but IM is just as strong, if not stronger. He may have once beat the Hulk into submission, IM has done it at least twice. Plus IM has cooler toys. If he tried to use his psychology degree to reduce Tony to a whimpering pile, he might stand a chance :smalltongue:.

Batman... is worthy of a full length post of his own when I have more time.

Proffessor X:
If he found it necessary to combat IM, there is nothing Tony could do to stop him. Note that Tony has developed a slight resistance to mind controll throughout the years (mentioned in one of the early issues of Volume 3 when he's fighting the Controller), I don't think its good enough to face off against the most powerful psychic on the planet. Point to the man in the chair.

Green Lantern:
GL uses his ring to destroy the armor, then further uses his I-win level powers to pwn everyone shy of the Pheonix in the entire Marvel universe. Assuming that he doesn't count as a cosmic being: Point to GL.

Mr. Fantasic:
Ahh, the battle of Marvel's two smartest heroes...
Well, Mr. F. has the advantedge in single handedly producing more DEM devices than Tony, though barring that, it'd be a more even fight. Reed would wrap Shellhead up trying to suffocate him, only to feel the brunt of a full-force repulsor from the inside. I'm not entirely clear on what affects Mr. F's powers in what way, but IM has a wide variety of heat and electrical induction powers in his arsenal. Reed's been shown to go down to a single shot (from the Taskmaster's gun, not sure how much that counts for anything), so I think IM would eventually land a telling blow before Dr. Richards could come up with a solution that works for more than 2 panels before IM figures it out.

Contrary to the statement the origional poster made, Rogue usually loses absorbed powers within a few pages, (the big exception being the strength and flight powers of Ms. Marvel). Rogue's primary mode of attack (power absorption) is wasted on IM, as she has to touch his skin first. At that point she's already won. That leaves them fighting it out in the sky in a super strength vs superstrength fight. I'd have to look up the numbers to be sure, but I think IM has the slight advantedge in raw power here, if not, his other attack modes and whatnot make up for the difference. Rogue has maybe 30% chance of taking out IM, if she's lucky. Higher if she unfairly uses the powers of another character as well (ie. she just drained Wolverine's regen before the battle started to give her an edge).

Black Panther:
If IM isn't armed with his plastic armor, BP needs to get one hit in to win. With Plastic Armor, its a more fair fight. I'd say Unibeam flashlight probably counters BP's stealth abilities, but I'm not sure how effective repulsors would be against the vibranium weave BP wears. Maybe 60/40 in IM's favor.

Unless IM comes up with some kyrptonite, the Man of Steel beats the Man of Iron 7 ways from Sunday. Superspeed + super strength + super indestructability, yeah. Supes has more powers than 90% of the characters in the Marvel universe. I imagine this'd look a lot like the fight betwen IM and Sentry, only without Cloc to overload. IM might have some chance with the sonic weaponry, but I think Supes would just power his way through the effect and whack IM in the face until he's down. Point to Superman.

Wonder Woman:
Again, see the above fight, only without even the Kryptonite option. Might have a chance as she doesn't have the Superspeed and she's not quite as strong as Superman. 80/20 in WW's favor.

More later, I'm out of time now.

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-06-28, 04:39 PM
I mentioned it before in a different thread, but Steel when he was (briefly) superhuman would be monstrous to Iron Man, except in the mentioned situation where Tony uses a completely plastic suit. Even then he's quite dangerous, being the DC version of Iron Man for all intents and purposes. For those that blinked and thus missed it, Steel once had the power to directly manipulate, melt, or outright destroy metal with a touch. And that was on top of his impressive tech that made him a match for Superman-sized threats.

Non-super powered Steel would probably lose to Stark more often then not, but I think the match up would be both satisfying and pretty close anyway, with an Iron Man win about 60% of the time or so. For the record, up until Marvel decided to defecate all over his good name in Civil War, I love Iron Man.

2007-06-28, 04:52 PM
I would also say Franklin Richards, if he weren't a child - the strongest mutant in the marvel planet, strong enough to take out Onslaught.

One other thing, seems like everyone and their mother can get their hands on kryptonite, so why not iron man? I mean superman is always somehow in danger of dying from it...seems like they have factories manufacturing the damn thing.

[edit] with green lantern if he can't overcome his fear of yellow, ironman might win if his whole outfit were yellow...

2007-06-28, 05:01 PM
Contrary to the statement the origional poster made, Rogue usually loses absorbed powers within a few pages, (the big exception being the strength and flight powers of Ms. Marvel). Rogue's primary mode of attack (power absorption) is wasted on IM, as she has to touch his skin first. At that point she's already won. That leaves them fighting it out in the sky in a super strength vs superstrength fight. I'd have to look up the numbers to be sure, but I think IM has the slight advantedge in raw power here, if not, his other attack modes and whatnot make up for the difference. Rogue has maybe 30% chance of taking out IM, if she's lucky. Higher if she unfairly uses the powers of another character as well (ie. she just drained Wolverine's regen before the battle started to give her an edge).

That is the way that Rogues powers originally worked. They evolved a few years back to where she could use all the powers she'd evr absorbed. Admittedly I have not followed her series or X-Men for a while so this may have been reversed. If so I agree with your assessment.
I would not expect Mr Fantastic to fight IM without gadgets. He would lose unless IM forgot to seal his armor, then he could squeeze through the openings and smother him or burst his armor. Mr Fantastics advantage is that he is the smartest human in the Marvel Universe. He doesn't just attack, he has the rest of the FF keep the bad guys busy while he invents something to save the day. He wouldn't fight IM unprepared without a very good reason.
I would also put in a vote for Martian Manhunter. Most of Superman's powers, shapeshifting and telepathy is hard to beat. Supergirl, Power Girl and the Marvel family for the same reason as Superman.
X-Man, Iceman, Vulcan and any other Omega level mutants you can think of as well.

2007-06-28, 05:02 PM
I would also put in a vote for Martian Manhunter. Most of Superman's powers, shapeshifting and telepathy is hard to beat.

Again, unless Tony get's the surprise and has a flamethrower handy.

2007-06-28, 05:04 PM
One other thing, seems like everyone and their mother can get their hands on kryptonite, so why not iron man? I mean superman is always somehow in danger of dying from it...seems like they have factories manufacturing the damn thing.

Lex Luthor has created artificial kryptonite. Also it's only a danger at close range. Supes could stay out of range until he got a hold of some lead to wrap himself in then snatch the green K away an get rid of it. It isn't shown much in the comics because he doesn't need it, but he's highly intelligent.

2007-06-28, 05:06 PM
As always, the reality manipulators win the fight.

2007-06-28, 05:57 PM
But iron man can infuse bullets, gadgets, projectiles with kryptonite in them, could be deadly enough.

Gavin Sage
2007-06-28, 06:53 PM
There's someone on the X-men's roster who can beat Iron Man without breaking a sweat. Not Professor X (telepathy is a general enough threat in Marvel for Tony to have blockers set-up) and or any of the Omega level owners.

Answer: Kitty Pryde, intangiblity with the side effect of disrupting technology

One pass, shorts IM out, second pass scoops him out of his armor. A few blows to the head and we're done.

Emperor Tippy
2007-06-28, 07:35 PM
Or she just unphases her hand in his head and it goes pop. IIRC she did it to someones heart.

2007-06-28, 07:41 PM
Again, unless Tony get's the surprise and has a flamethrower handy.

True but the rules stated in the original post said he could only use gadgets he's used in the past. He's never had a reason to make a kryptonite repulsor, so by those rules he can't have one now. No arguement that he could invent one given some time.

Edit: Ummm, yeah. I was tired, quoted the wrong person. This was obviously referring to Superman's vulnerability. My bad,

Yuki Akuma
2007-06-28, 07:54 PM
I'm going to second Squirrel Girl. Nothing can get through that plot armour. Nothing!

Also, any characters with acurate phasing or teleportation powers, like Kitty Pryde or Kurt Wagner could simply bypass the armour and beat on the alcoholic center.

2007-06-28, 08:51 PM
True but the rules stated in the original post said he could only use gadgets he's used in the past. He's never had a reason to make a kryptonite repulsor, so by those rules he can't have one now. No arguement that he could invent one given some time.

So he's never used a flamethrower? Ever? How about starting a fire with his lasers?

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-06-28, 10:44 PM
Mind you, Martian Manhunter is no longer afraid of fire. And I don't think you want to light him up anymore either, given what happened last time.

2007-06-28, 11:12 PM
Kryptonite quite possibly wouldn't be enough for Iron Man to beat Superman, if Supes knows he has it. Heat vision has a much greater range than kryptonite radiation.

2007-06-28, 11:31 PM
Mind you, Martian Manhunter is no longer afraid of fire. And I don't think you want to light him up anymore either, given what happened last time.

Wait... what? I don't really follow DC that much. They've taken away GL's red weakness and now MArtian Manhunter's pyrophobia?

Lord of the Helms
2007-06-28, 11:59 PM
Martian Manhunter without any weakness is just sick. I mean, doesn't this guy basically have every superpower ever?

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-06-29, 12:05 AM
It didn't just go away. It turns out that, originally, there wasn't green and white martians. The Guardians of Oa split them up thousands of years ago because they were extremely dangerous. They also gave every Martian an innate fear of fire to prevent them from reawakening their true power. MM tried to remove his fear of fire, but in doing so became one of the original martians and went on a rampage that caused quite a bit of destruction. After J'onn gained control over it and turned back into his green form, he finally overcame his fear of fire, becoming truly invulnerable to it.

EDIT: Also of significance is his picking up of a new weakness in Fernus, his original martian alterego that he's presently in control of. It's still there.

2007-06-29, 12:21 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Spot...'Nuff said.

2007-06-29, 05:35 AM
What's with Doc Sampson and Iron man beating the Hulk into submission, the Hulk's strength is limitless and he's practicly invulnerable that doesn't doesn't make much sense that either could go toe to toe with the Hulk, not that they couldn't beat him somehow since they are both smarter than the Hulk and could easily outwit him, (unless it's the Professor Hulk in command at the time or possibly Fixit) That seems to defeat the entire point of the Hulk in Marvel since that point is that the Hulk is biggest scariest thing to walk the Earth. (I hate it when writers do stupid stuff like that)

2007-06-29, 08:31 AM
Yeah, Doc has actually beaten the Hulk into submission once.

He didn't let him "catch a breath" and just kept pouring it on, and on, and on.

2007-06-29, 11:51 AM
I believe that when IM beat the Hulk it involved pushing him over a cliff or other suitable use of terrain in his favor. In a straight fight on a flat plain Hulk wins. Like I said, the times that they've fought (and it's been a few, Marvel seems to like the matchup) have come down on both sides of the line.

As far as Martian Manhunter... well, I'll answer that with a general statment:
DC heroes that actually have powers will more than likely beat IM. Ones that are just normal people with cool toys will probably loose to IM. Steel with melter powers? Wins. Steel without them? Loses.

If we go by the current incarnation of the MM, then J'onn will kick Tony's ass up and down the street. If we go with a pyrophobic MM, then IM wins handily.

I was waiting for someone to mention Kitty Pride, and yeah, Shadowcat (or Vision, or any other phaser) would pretty well screw up IM. Funny thing is, Tony would have a better chance of beating Shadowcat without his armor on than with it. Vision, on the other hand, would kick his ass either way. When I said Cap beat Tony through outside interfearance, it was the Vision coming up through the floor behind him and disabling his armor. Cap then proceeded to wail on him until he was stopped (read Civil War #7 for the full fight).

The Spot:
Isn't he that goofy Spider-Man villain with the portals?

I'd pay to read that fight. It'd be hilarious. And probably end in Bobby losing. Though I don't know enough about the way he works currently to say for sure, I'm pretty sure IM can melt the ice as fast as Bobby can make it, and IM is definately stronger and probably faster physically than our sub-zero hero.

Jean Grey or any of her offspring would probably win. Note that Cable isn't technically Jean's offspring, so IM stands a better chance against him. Depends on what the extent of his powers are, but from what I've read of him recently I think IM stands a chance.

Emperor Tippy
2007-06-29, 12:02 PM
I'd pay to read that fight. It'd be hilarious. And probably end in Bobby losing. Though I don't know enough about the way he works currently to say for sure, I'm pretty sure IM can melt the ice as fast as Bobby can make it, and IM is definately stronger and probably faster physically than our sub-zero hero.

Iceman would win. He is an omega level mutant with the ability to crash a system down to about 1 Kelvin in an instant.

Iceman became badass.

Jean Grey or any of her offspring would probably win. Note that Cable isn't technically Jean's offspring, so IM stands a better chance against him. Depends on what the extent of his powers are, but from what I've read of him recently I think IM stands a chance.
Cable has telekinesis strong enough to levitate a fairly large island.

I think we can safely say he wins.

2007-06-29, 12:14 PM
Iceman would win. He is an omega level mutant with the ability to crash a system down to about 1 Kelvin in an instant.

Iceman became badass.

Cable has telekinesis strong enough to levitate a fairly large island.

I think we can safely say he wins.

Dear god. When did the X-Men start overpowering the Avengers so hardcore? And why didn't Cable use his god-like powers during the fight at the chemical plant in Civil War? He was barely there as far as I could tell. If Iceman can do that then he seriously wins Earth.

Edit: As a side note, is anyone else getting a security dialog when they view this page? It's really annoying and poorly done phishing.

Mr Croup
2007-06-29, 12:21 PM
Edit: As a side note, is anyone else getting a security dialog when they view this page? It's really annoying and poorly done phishing.

Yeah, I think it's connected to jazz1m somehow, as it pops up when you open any page that contains one of their posts.

2007-06-29, 12:38 PM
The Spot:
Isn't he that goofy Spider-Man villain with the portals?

Well...yeah...He does look kinda' goofy... but the Spider-man writer guy SO downplayed on what his powers could really do! If they made him a serious villain he could own all up on Galactus, IM, and...well pretty much anybody except teleporters...they would be a hassle and probably kill him...

Edit: As a side note, is anyone else getting a security dialog when they view this page? It's really annoying and poorly done phishing.

Yeah, and it's really anoying...

By the way the Spot was kind of a gag thing...I just remembered him and thought..."wow, I need to put him into a discussion on who could beat up whoever..."

2007-06-29, 12:55 PM
Dear god. When did the X-Men start overpowering the Avengers so hardcore? And why didn't Cable use his god-like powers during the fight at the chemical plant in Civil War? He was barely there as far as I could tell. If Iceman can do that then he seriously wins Earth.

Edit: As a side note, is anyone else getting a security dialog when they view this page? It's really annoying and poorly done phishing.
Cable had ridiculous powers when he came into contact with Deadpool and their blood mixed giving him both a healing factor and the ability to control his virus but afterwards he was sent back in time, retrieved as a child, re-aged, and had a labotomy and now he can only read minds and do a few little tricks. He now relies on the prototype forcefield technology created to trap him and his people from leaving their island. He can basically use it to shield himself and as a hand to crush people but I haven't seen him lift any islands with it yet. Also I'm pretty sure if someone gets too close he can't use it to shield himself. So I think Ironman might have a chance somehow although Cable could still overpower him with his fake telepathy.

2007-06-29, 12:58 PM
Done, sorry, it's not a phishing attempt by the way, I had my picture on a secure server, and forgot that others would have to sign in since I was constantly signed in, it didn't pop up for me :-/

By the way GL's weakness was the color yellow, not red kpenguin (which I always thought was kinda dumb, he's afraid of yellow?)

Hmmm...what about Scarlet Witch? Mess up with probabilities, in the more recent ones creating temporal reality distortions - depowering 90% of the world's mutants with 3 words...

Emperor Tippy
2007-06-29, 12:58 PM
Nah. He got his tk back from some alien thing. That is post lobotomy. At least according to wikipedia.

2007-06-29, 01:09 PM
On further thought, I think an IM/Cable fight could take a few issues (probably one of each's main comic), but it would only start out a phsyical fight and end up in cyberspace as IM tries to use his new Extremis powers and Cable taps into the Infonet and then they go at it with an computer hacking war. That'd be fun.

Scarlet Witch.... pre-world altering mega awesome powers, IM would probably win. There's only so much Wanda can tip in her favor with her probability altering.

Post reality altering awesome... not even Dr. Strange could stop her. The House of M ended because she wanted to end it, not because anyone forced her to. Plus she killed like half the Avengers, then brought Clint back from the dead! Yeah, I'm thinking IM is screwed.

2007-06-29, 01:10 PM
The character "Neverdie" of which I'm actually writing for a guy.

He uses top of the line alien tech hunting/military armor from a twin planet to earth.

He'd be a tough match for IM if not having a slight edge.

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-06-29, 01:14 PM
I think one-on-one match ups are sort of punishing to Iron Man. Iron Man makes a good leading man, but he always shines best as support when thrown in with other heroes. In classic Avengers comics, they called on Tony to work interference, distractions, and quite often to come up with clever ways to stop some of the trickier messes. He could mesh well on a team with anyone, really.

It's one of the things I'll miss most about Captain America. Cap and Tony, together, could ensure the success of practically any mission, filling nearly every critical role a superhero team should have in just two roster slots.

2007-06-29, 01:36 PM
Nah. He got his tk back from some alien thing. That is post lobotomy. At least according to wikipedia.Yeah, you're right. Kinda lame how he gets them AGAIN after such a short amount of time.

2007-06-29, 02:08 PM
...afterwards he was sent back in time, retrieved as a child, re-aged, and had a lobotomy and now he can only read minds and do a few little tricks...

:smalleek: When was this?

2007-06-29, 02:13 PM
Alright Researched the Spot...

He could be a hassle for IM theoretically... and he'd definately be impossible to contain. From what I can see, Spot has no superhuman level of damaging attacks, so his normal punches will probably hurt himself more than IM. I can't see IM firing randomly into a portal as it might come out the wrong way, so I'm not entirely sure how he'd handle it. Probably just go for the man himself rather than dealing with the portals. His sonic attacks would work well (he states that the frequency he uses disables normal humans, though I'm not sure why he doesn't use it more often).

2007-06-29, 03:03 PM
Alright Researched the Spot...

He could be a hassle for IM theoretically... and he'd definately be impossible to contain. From what I can see, Spot has no superhuman level of damaging attacks, so his normal punches will probably hurt himself more than IM. I can't see IM firing randomly into a portal as it might come out the wrong way, so I'm not entirely sure how he'd handle it. Probably just go for the man himself rather than dealing with the portals. His sonic attacks would work well (he states that the frequency he uses disables normal humans, though I'm not sure why he doesn't use it more often).

Yeah I did some more research too...I had been mistaken on his powers. Heh, I guess it has been a while since I've seen him. He would be alright against IM but I would say it would be 75% IM TS 25%

2007-06-29, 03:16 PM
well, in the name of suggesting characters who probably won't come up otherwise:


Death's Head 2

2007-06-29, 03:33 PM
I have also been getting the security message. Not today though.

2007-06-29, 03:33 PM
Deadpool could take him.

He heals almost as fast as Wolverine (at least before 'I'm a skeleton now I'm a naked man-beast' mode) and is skilled in practically every weapon and martial art out there. And Stark is a self-indulgent prig, he'd never think this wise-cracking little Spiderman lookalike would be a threat until Wade had put eight RPGs into him.

2007-06-29, 04:03 PM
:smalleek: When was this?

This happened in the Cable and Deadpool series.

Deadpool is hired by a religious cult that plans to turn everyone blue to eliminate racism by using his dna to help unleash a virus throughout the world. Cable stops him temporarily and tries to take the device for himself by literally ripping it out of the building with his telepathy. He gets his powers totally unlocked when Deadpool starts melting from being a test subject to the imperfect virus and Cable is too badly wounded to keep his techno virus in check. The two have to mix the unique properties of their blood to save eachother. Cable's techno virus helps Deadpool fight the one given to him by the blue people while his healing factor saves both of them and Cable inherits his fealing factor to an unknown degree. Later after creating his own little paradise by using his powers to lift parts of a future tech spaceship to form an island his powers go out of control and Silver Surfer beats him down and rips off his techno organic part so Cable asks Deadpool to use special future tech to give him a lobotomy to limit his powers which he really does call a lobotomy. Later they need to use a techno organic baby/fetus to save his life since he was dying in a coma after the operation. Then he fights the alien Skornn and vanishes. Then people travel to various alternate realities to find him as a baby with Mister Sinister in a House of M reality. A bunch of stuff happens, they bring Cable back, restore his memories and then Cable heals Deadpool of his mental condition depowering Cable again because of the strain. Then he fights some aliens again later and he gets his powers back but this is in some other books.


I can't see Deadpool beating Iron Man since the only thing he could use to get through his armor would be special explosives/weapons he'd have to drag around with him. Without them his swords and regular guns wouldn't really do anything unless IM's armor suddenly starts sucking the same way Captain America was able to smash through it with non superhuman strength.

2007-06-29, 05:18 PM
Deadpool has used vibranium weaponry before. I think he carries around vibranium bullets as a matter of course.

Gumbo T
2007-06-29, 05:25 PM
I'd like to see him tangle with Luthor in his battlesuit.

Obviously, Iron Man has far more experience in, uh, armored combat. Luthor is smarter and more ruthless, though, and he is accustomed to battling the best.

The only thing that would make me nervous is Lex's lack of a helmet. (Unless he's got a hidden force field protecting his head, this is inexplicable.) His kryptonite won't do him any good here, either, although the suit has plenty of strength without it.


Illiterate Scribe
2007-06-29, 05:26 PM
For my random comment du jour, I've got to say that 'the Hoopster' probably has something that will work. Remember, there are 999 besides the giant wheel -



2007-06-29, 06:18 PM
For my random comment du jour, I've got to say that 'the Hoopster' probably has something that will work. Remember, there are 999 besides the giant wheel -



I am pretty sure that IM still has a shot. He would probably fly away and return in a few days with anti-hoop technology and a new set of armor made from millions of nanohoops.

2007-06-29, 08:28 PM
I'd like to see him tangle with Luthor in his battlesuit.

Obviously, Iron Man has far more experience in, uh, armored combat. Luthor is smarter and more ruthless, though, and he is accustomed to battling the best.

The only thing that would make me nervous is Lex's lack of a helmet. (Unless he's got a hidden force field protecting his head, this is inexplicable.) His kryptonite won't do him any good here, either, although the suit has plenty of strength without it.


meh. First time out, even WITH kryptonite and everything, Superman wiped the floor with him. And yeah, there is a forcefield. The new version, though, stood up to Supergirl before he split off her evil side...then she superheated, froze and snapped his arm. Yeah, it's complicated.

With Steel, they'd wind up in a bar drinking beer and comparing armor designs.

2007-06-29, 10:17 PM
Contrary to the statement the origional poster made, Rogue usually loses absorbed powers within a few pages, (the big exception being the strength and flight powers of Ms. Marvel). Rogue's primary mode of attack (power absorption) is wasted on IM, as she has to touch his skin first. At that point she's already won. That leaves them fighting it out in the sky in a super strength vs superstrength fight. I'd have to look up the numbers to be sure, but I think IM has the slight advantedge in raw power here, if not, his other attack modes and whatnot make up for the difference. Rogue has maybe 30% chance of taking out IM, if she's lucky. Higher if she unfairly uses the powers of another character as well (ie. she just drained Wolverine's regen before the battle started to give her an edge).

Rogue currently possesses the deceased Sunfire's powers. So flight, plasma control, melting Iron Man in to alcohol stained blobs... things like that.

2007-06-30, 07:05 AM
Just a random thought.

What about Storm? Crackaboom :smallbiggrin:

2007-06-30, 03:03 PM
Scarlet Witch.... pre-world altering mega awesome powers, IM would probably win. There's only so much Wanda can tip in her favor with her probability altering.

I think you're underestimating the limits of her probability alteration. She could easily bring the probability of a total armor systems crash to 100%. She could also use magic.

2007-06-30, 05:14 PM
Juggernaut - IM isnt a telepath and while IM might be able to get that old skullcap off, he cant do anything after that.

Pretty much any psi-talent. White Queen, Jean Gray (pre-phoenix even), Stepford girls, etc etc.

Pretty much any of the Omega mutants but I'm assuming you're throwing them in the celestial category. (Does this include Thor, Hercules etc?)

Obviously Magneto as has been mentioned but the plastic armor still wont save him. Magneto has been able to strip the iron from the blood of a human, and just because he cant shred Tony's armor doesnt mean he cant chuck an I-beam at relativistic speeds that will punch a hole in any armor shy of adamantium or fry the control mechanisms of his armor.

2007-06-30, 05:44 PM
Or Magneto could pick up Wolverine and chuck him at Iron Man. Even if Wolverine didnt do anything to IM, itd still be funny as hell.

Spider Man could probably do something to IM cause of hes reflexs but id say that he could only really annoy IM since hed have some trouble hitting him.

2007-06-30, 06:01 PM
Or Magneto could pick up Wolverine and chuck him at Iron Man. Even if Wolverine didnt do anything to IM, itd still be funny as hell.
That would be funny.

Spider Man could probably do something to IM cause of hes reflexs but id say that he could only really annoy IM since hed have some trouble hitting him.

Coincidentally enough, just yesterday I read a comic where Peter completely encased Iron Man in webbing, immobilizing him. Now, that was the end of the issue, so maybe Iron Man just burst out three seconds later, but at least for the moment it looks like Spidey totally shut him down.

2007-06-30, 06:12 PM
Batman might lose to Iron Man once, but then he would figure out how to hack into the Iron Man suit and give Tony Stark motor neuron disease.

2007-06-30, 07:28 PM
I'd say most of the X-Men mentioned could probably take Iron Man, with the main excpetion probably being Wolverine. He'd have to get close enough to cut the armor, which would be a problem for him.

Storm fries the armor with a lightening bolt. The Psychics turn Tony into a drooling toddler who wet his pants. Beast outwits him. Kitty and Nightcrawler both tap him out of his armor, and both have better combat training then Tony does. He's used to fighting in his armor, with the enhanced strength. They've been partly trained by Wolverine, one of the greatest melee fighters in the 616 universe. Cyclops blast him hard enough to crack the armor, then hard enough to knock him out. Collossus would probably use Tony as a giant hammer at his next construction site. (He shrugs off blasts the same way Tony does, with the added benefit of not being able to lose his armor. Even the SPIN nanites wouldn't be able to get through it, just as they can't pierce Emma's diamond form.) Drake freezes him, and Rogue has full powers, after Sage zapped her in Xtreme X-men. She can whip out anything.

Hulk in his current state will kill Tony. Tony is the cause of all of his problems after all.

Fantastic Four could beat, with the exception of the Thing. Reed outpowers/outhinks Tony, Johnny superheats and melts the armor, and Sue fills his lungs with shields, though just long enough to knock him out.

There are probably others. Tony's biggest problem is that he has custom suits for everything, rather then one suit that adapts. That makes him vulnerable in the initial encounters.

2007-06-30, 10:32 PM
First of all, the Iron Sense thing is so retarded it made me feel dumber to read about it. There is no way Stark could copy the Spider Sense...it's mistical, NOT "Pherome based", as the crack monkey who wrote that issue said. Generating false positives, sure, there's plenty of ways Stark could pull that off, but a virutal precog sense with no limitation of what type of threat is sensed? No way.

That said, I don't see any way Spidy could take Iron Man with out some sort fo Parker invention.

flash, OTOH, would wipe the floor with him. one brick, thrown at mach 10=TKO.

2007-06-30, 10:47 PM
Lots of people could beat him. I like Iron man, but he's not exactly the strongest marvel. Actually Cap, and vision would have killed him in Civil War if it weren't for his fans protecting him.

2007-06-30, 11:01 PM
Lots of people could beat him. I like Iron man, but he's not exactly the strongest marvel. Actually Cap, and vision would have killed him in Civil War if it weren't for his fans protecting him.

And conversely, Iron Man took Cap apart two or three issues earlier; if not for Cap's buddies, he would've been out.

2007-07-01, 02:50 AM
I can't see Deadpool beating Iron Man since the only thing he could use to get through his armor would be special explosives/weapons he'd have to drag around with him. Without them his swords and regular guns wouldn't really do anything unless IM's armor suddenly starts sucking the same way Captain America was able to smash through it with non superhuman strength.

Captain america has superhuman strength (unless you mean this fight took place at some point where he lost it)

Yuki Akuma
2007-07-01, 05:06 AM
Captain america has superhuman strength (unless you mean this fight took place at some point where he lost it)

No, Captain America has the highest possible non-superpowered strength. He's the strongest, fastest, toughest, smartest, nest human being in the world who isn't actually superhuman.

2007-07-01, 09:59 AM
No, Captain America has the highest possible non-superpowered strength. He's the strongest, fastest, toughest, smartest, nest human being in the world who isn't actually superhuman.

Well, I don't think he's the smartest. Tony Stark is definitely smarter and his intellect is not superhuman. But he is the peak of human physical perefection. He was once shown lifting 1000 pounds, after losing and regaining his abilities. However that was only once (that I know of), the standard is that he maxes out at 800 pounds.

2007-07-01, 10:53 AM
No, Captain America has the highest possible non-superpowered strength. He's the strongest, fastest, toughest, smartest, nest human being in the world who isn't actually superhuman.
Yeah, it's kind of silly how Cap was able to smash through Tony's armor after Vision took him out. If it's that easy to get through why does he even bother using it? Then again Cap's illustrators have artistic license since he can stomp anyone into the ground/floor and leave a big dent no matter what the material is.

2007-07-01, 11:39 AM
No, Captain America has the highest possible non-superpowered strength. He's the strongest, fastest, toughest, smartest, nest human being in the world who isn't actually superhuman.

Hmm a quick check to wikipedia... huh I guess you are right, I think most people just assumed he did (the artists you mentioned proboly assumed that as well) although for the record benching 1100 seems pretty superhuman to me. However I also take back my statement on the who can beat batman thread that cap would nessacerily win, as that was based on the idea that cap was super human.

2007-07-01, 02:14 PM
Well, I don't think it was so much that Captain America had the strength to physically break it himself, but that he was using the edge of a Vibranium/Adamantium alloyed weapon, which would be taking 800 pounds of pressure and reducing it to a more narrow band of area than a striking hand. Also, he was striking a prone and practically helpless opponent and had the time to work out the weak points where continued pounding would give and tear.

2007-07-01, 11:08 PM
And conversely, Iron Man took Cap apart two or three issues earlier; if not for Cap's buddies, he would've been out.

Look I'm not biased here I'll agree with you there. But people like Wolverine, deadpool, sabertoothe, Namor (actually came close to killing him once, but was stopped by Dr Strange), Dr Strange, or thor could take him.

2007-07-01, 11:56 PM
I am really and truly surprised no one has thought of this one yet. Its just so obvious.RUSTMONSTER! DUH!!

king korath
2007-07-02, 12:17 AM
What about Bucky? The man most likely to replaces Cap. And also wants to kill IM to boot.

2007-07-02, 12:45 AM
That he does, as does Wolverine if stark was involved in caps death, and when thor comes back I doubt he's gonna be to happy with Stark either. Now I'd wager any one of these three (sept maybe bucky AKA winter soldier) could best him single handedly. I'd say we may just see the end of Iron Man.

2007-07-05, 12:37 PM
In my opinion, as Stark is so smart, he would be able to defeat a LOT of beings mentioned above if he had some preparation. But, my best bet is on Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat). After all, her phasing ability scrambles electrical devices. Right?

2007-07-05, 04:41 PM
[edit] with green lantern if he can't overcome his fear of yellow, ironman might win if his whole outfit were yellow...

Okay, first of all, the ring just doesn't work on yellow things, it's not a fear. Second, does the Silver Surfer fall under the cosmic beings category? Probably, but if not,
1. Flight. Like, faster that LIGHTSPEED flight.
2. Strength. Easily as strong as a passive Hulk.
3. Power Cosmic. Nuff Said.
4. Durability. Doesn't half to breathe, indestructable, need I go on?

2007-07-05, 07:13 PM
Okay, first of all, the ring just doesn't work on yellow things, it's not a fear. Second, does the Silver Surfer fall under the cosmic beings category? Probably, but if not,
1. Flight. Like, faster that LIGHTSPEED flight.
2. Strength. Easily as strong as a passive Hulk.
3. Power Cosmic. Nuff Said.
4. Durability. Doesn't half to breathe, indestructable, need I go on?

Forgot to mention his energy is specifically called the Power Cosmic.

Yuki Akuma
2007-07-05, 07:17 PM
Okay, first of all, the ring just doesn't work on yellow things, it's not a fear.

Actually, the whole weakness to yellow is because of a yellow fear entity trapped inside the Central Power Battery that gives all Power Rings their, uh, power.

It was released from the core, though, so Green Lanterns can now affect yellow. If they realise that their inability to affect yellow is due to fear and overcome it.

So... yes. It is entirely to do with a fear of yellow. For some reason.

(Additionally, Qwardian Power Rings run on fear, and are coloured yellow. Yellow is definitely the colour of fear when it comes to Power Rings.)

2007-07-05, 07:53 PM
Ok, I'll admit it, I'm an Iron Man fanboy. And due to this, I'm willing to argue on Shellheads behalf against any super hero posted here, with a couple of caveats:

1) I'm not dumb enough to even imagine him beating any cosmic powered being that doesn't have an extreamly obvious flaw he can exploit.
2) Iron Man has full access to any gadget or specialty armor that's been described in the comics, though I will say he doesn't have time to build a WhateverBuster Armor against your suggested hero.
3) If the character is morally opposed to killing, the character will not kill Iron Man, but can still defeat him if you argue properly. That means Nightcrawler won't teleport IM's head off, but he might teleport the shell off of Shellhead.
4) Lets assume that both characters know enough about each other to know their basic powers.
5) We're also assuming the battle is taking place in a non-descript city unless the specified character needs to be fought else-where (Iron Man is proactive enough to seek enemys out in their homes if he thinks its necessary).
6) Iron Man's main goal is to subdue his opponent and ship him off to the Negative Zone Prison. However, it has been shown that IM will kill to save his own life or the lives of others, its just not his first choice. Also, if he's been shown to stop a foe's heart and then recessitate him to expidite a fight.
7) We'll also assume that IM is kind enough to ask for a surrender and give up any advantedge he'd normally get from suprise unless the character in question is known ahead of time to be unlikely to be persuaded without a fight. (ie. He'll try to talk down fellow heros and villains with morals, but a rutheless enemy like Dr. Doom isn't getting the surrender speach).

Now, I'm going to be including Iron Man's new Extremis enhanced powers in my rebuttals, and they're fairly new (and ill-defined so far), so I'll provide the definitions I'll be working off of so you don't get blindsided:

Healing Factor: Extremis provides Tony with healing greater than a normal human, the exact extent of which is unknown. I'll be assuming that he can heal any injury a normal human could heal from, but not something like a removed limb or brain damage. We'll also assume this healing isn't fast enough to make too much of a difference in a fight, even though a different character with the same treatment had a hole blown through him in one panel and two panels later he was fine, we'll assume that was an artist's mistake (even his shirt repaired itself).

Superior endurance/strength: Tony's organs got completely replaced with newer, better ones. However, he still got his ass handed to him in a sparring match with Captain America, so we'll assume they're mearly "good for a human" as opposed to "super-human".

Datalink: Tony can see through satelites and security cameras and basically anything hooked up to the internet or cellular network. He can also control said items remotely (as much as they normally can, he can't add remote control functionality to something that doesn't normally have it, though he can send text messages and hold phone conversations without actually talking). The main advantedge this gives him during combat is an increased ability to utilize the terrain to his advantedge.

Spider-sense: Alright, this has less to do with extremis and more to do with a carefull analysis of the biometric data given to him by Spidey's "Iron Spider" armor, but IM has installed in his armor a rudementary Spider-sense (called "Phera-sense" a few issues after it first appears). We'll assume it's not as insta-win as some Spidey fans seem to think spider-sense is, either because its an imperfect imitation or he's simply not used to it yet. Also, he has the ability to create "false-positives" and mask his own actions from similar powers of other heros (OK, so only Spider-Man is mentioned in the comics, but I'd wager any character that got their powers from Spider-Man such as Venom would be similarly vulnerable).

So, any takers?
Your theory on the spider-sense has already been debunked; his Spider-man data didn't avail him against Peter during Civil War. He still has damn good odds against Spider-Man, but the one-shot takedown that people were speculating about just isn't there.

Nova, after the events in Annihilation, could turn Iron Man into a fine paste. He killed Annihilus by breaching his armor and pulling out the soft, slimy bastard inside...I don't see why the same tactic wouldn't work here.

Monica Rambeau, being made of pure energy, should in theory be immune to most of Tony's non-conventional weapons, and I don't see blasting her with repulsor rays as being terribly effective either. The problem is that she's usually written as being a complete moron about her powers, but if we remove the dreaded Plot Induced Stupidity, Tony Stark is a dead man.

Magneto. It doesn't matter that Iron Man's suit isn't magnetic. Non-magnetic materials haven't been an effective deterrent against Magneto for the past 40 years, and I don't see why it would matter now. The guy has screwed with the earth's magnetic poles before. He is the definition of ridiculous power levels. In fact, I might disqualify him from this list based on that. Nevermind.

Back to "fair" fights...Black Panther is also a genius, also biologically enhanced (via the heart-shaped herb), and was *born* into a culture that already had technology on the level of what Tony Stark has been inventing. He also has an effectively infinite supply of vibranium to work with, political influence, an entire kingdom including hi-tech soldiers, deadly bodyguards, and probably some assassins in there somewhere. T'Challa is more likely to work towards neutralizing Stark without direct confrontation, but in a straight fight, he could take 'em.

The Invisible Woman: Iron Man still breathes...eventually. If she caught him at the right moment with the force field around the head trick, it could work. Otherwise, this would be a good test of just how strong her force fields are.

Namor has already spanked Iron Man, as recently as the Illuminati special that preceded Civil War, when they were arguing about shooting the Hulk into space. The repulsors were completely useless against Namor, and once they hit the water Namor peeled that helmet off like an overripe banana. It took the Crimson bands of Cytorrak to pull him off, and there is older precedent for Namor breaking those as well.

Nocturne, if only because Tony has no defense, to my knowledge, against her possession powers. It's pretty hard to keep her out. If she's with the rest of Excalibur, I'd give her good odds. Solo, I think Tony would blast her before she had the chance.

Black Bolt, for obvious reasons.

Iron Man has no chance whatsoever against a full-on, concentrated attack from the X-Men. I'm sorry, I'm sure it's been done where he wins, but that's bull. Kitty Pryde will disrupt his circuits, Cyclops has knocked over mountains with his optic blasts, Wolverine can cut Sentinels apart, Colossus can knock him across town, and if Jean Grey happens to be alive, then you can just forget about it right there. Too many experienced combatants, trained to fight as a team and combine powers against foes far greater than Iron Man.

Any of the Eternals, for obvious reasons. In fact, they already embarassed him and Hank Pym in the Eternals mini-series.

Tony could have a good, competitive fight (could go either way) against Wonderman or Ms. Marvel.

And that's just off the top of my head. If we go outside of 616 Marvel, you can get into guys like Hyperion, Dr. Spectrum, Wonder Woman (remember that sword that can cut Superman?), Big Blue himself, Black Adam, Batman, etc.

2007-07-05, 07:57 PM
Also, for anyone who read Civil War: The Confession...Ghost Rider's Penance Stare would stop Tony cold in a second. Instant win.

2007-07-06, 12:19 AM
WARNING: Everything I know about the Flash I learned from Justice League cartoons.

Against the Flash, Tony has two options.

1) Put an electric charge around the shell of his armor and wait for the Flash to hit him. Even the Flash gets hurt by 10,000 volts.
5000 m/h brick to the face.

2) Fly out of the Flash's reach and wait for him to get tired. Then beat the snot out of him.
Someone here doesn't know what the speed force is. :P

2007-07-06, 12:48 AM
The Crane Magnet:
Don't make me laugh. I mean seriously, how stupid would IM need to be to be under a unidirectional, slow moving magnet? And even if he did end up stuck to the magnet, he'd find a way out before Junk Yard Employee found a way to do anything to him.

I don't have anything to contribute to this, except to say that there's a PROUD history of metal themed people getting trapped by crane magnets. It happens every week in the comics. I think you're underestimating them!

- Eddie

2007-07-06, 01:08 AM
In my opinion, as Stark is so smart, he would be able to defeat a LOT of beings mentioned above if he had some preparation. But, my best bet is on Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat). After all, her phasing ability scrambles electrical devices. Right?

Point in case: Not really no. Since he has his armor so prepared for anti-hacking and anti-emp effects, and yet it still happenes on a regular basis, I think not.

Especially when some random, previously unnamed civilian took him out in seconds by depowering the armor in Civil War.

2007-07-06, 02:05 AM
Yes, but Shadowcat also has a few other abilities that could help with the eventual defeat. For example, she can fly, is an expert hacker, and depending on writer, wields a sword that breaks dimensions etc.
On the whole Stark has defense against hacker/emp, I don't think I've ever seen it used. So - until someone corrects me - I resolve to think he has none!

Occasions when his suit has been easily compromised include CIVIL WAR, when both the Vision, and Nick Fury's electron scrambler took him out pretty quickly.

Emperor Tippy
2007-07-06, 11:34 AM
Considering that Kitty has shown the ability to phase someones heart out I don't think tony stands a chance. She just punches him and he is missing a heart or a brain or that part of his armor.

2007-07-06, 12:01 PM
OK, this is entirely ignoring cosmic and/or psionically charged uber death beings right?

Well, ignoring them, I have just thought of Husk (Paige Guthrie). She can "shed" her skin, leaving a material of her choosing underneath. So.... becomes something like phosgene, and gasses him to death.

If not that, what about Nocturne, of Excalibur? She could possess him. Or just blast him with her hex-thingummies. Though, admittedly he could probably smite her with raw energy first.

2007-07-06, 01:50 PM
OK, this is entirely ignoring cosmic and/or psionically charged uber death beings right?

Well, ignoring them, I have just thought of Husk (Paige Guthrie). She can "shed" her skin, leaving a material of her choosing underneath. So.... becomes something like phosgene, and gasses him to death.

If not that, what about Nocturne, of Excalibur? She could possess him. Or just blast him with her hex-thingummies. Though, admittedly he could probably smite her with raw energy first.

I already mentioned Nocturne. For that matter, Blink could probably do it too, just by teleporting him into someplace inconvenient.

He can probably withstand gas attacks for long enough to retaliate by using his suit's built-in air supply, but if you breach the helmet (Namor has done it, anyone with reasonable super-strength could probably do it too) he's just a human being in there. Even with Extremis, he has to breathe.

2007-07-07, 05:06 AM
I am sorry if I insulted any of those who mentioned Nocturne earlier.

Rare Pink Leech
2007-07-07, 08:33 AM
Yes, but Shadowcat also has a few other abilities that could help with the eventual defeat. For example, she can fly, is an expert hacker, and depending on writer, wields a sword that breaks dimensions etc.

Kitty can fly? When did that happen?

2007-07-07, 09:50 AM
Kitty can fly? When did that happen?

She's always been able to "walk on air", which is effectively a retarded form of flight.

On another note...I'm wondering if Dazzler has the watts to open him up?

Lord of the Helms
2007-07-07, 10:29 AM
I already mentioned Nocturne. For that matter, Blink could probably do it too, just by teleporting him into someplace inconvenient.

Hmm, if we assume they know each other's powers beforehand, Blink may have some trouble. She has to hit him with her crystals to teleport him or his armor, and can't Iron Man put up a force field type thingamajam?

Though thinking about it, there's plenty of other things Blink can do. Can Iron Man's own repulsors hurt him? Because Blink redirected opponent's attacks at them before. Or she could just teleport something (say, a sedative) into his body. I'll assume she won't go the brutal route like she did with Hyperion and a half-ton of sand, because she would only do that to very, very few people/creatures and I can't see her hating Iron Man enough for that.

2007-07-07, 11:20 AM
She's always been able to "walk on air", which is effectively a retarded form of flight.

On another note...I'm wondering if Dazzler has the watts to open him up?

Also, Kitty has occasionally been known to basically briefly phase herself off the planet and use the earth's rotation to travel while remaining relatively stationary. It's not as good as true flight since it only works one way and isn't terribly accurate, but it might allow for a good surprise attack.

Dazzler's power is to convert sound into light, so she is dependent on her environment. If the conditions were right, maybe.

2007-07-09, 02:25 AM
Point in case: Not really no. Since he has his armor so prepared for anti-hacking and anti-emp effects, and yet it still happenes on a regular basis, I think not.

Especially when some random, previously unnamed civilian took him out in seconds by depowering the armor in Civil War.

That wasn't really a no name citizen (even though he didn't have a name) but someone who worked for Stark and had a hand in the creation of the current suit as well as other Stark tech. Basicly he was a no name genius disgruntled employee.

2007-07-09, 09:56 AM
That wasn't really a no name citizen (even though he didn't have a name) but someone who worked for Stark and had a hand in the creation of the current suit as well as other Stark tech. Basicly he was a no name genius disgruntled employee.

His name was Kenny, so he did have a name. A first one at least. Not that it mattered much. And apparently he was a genius considering he created an anti-matter generator, foiled Starktech security systems, and helped create the current IM armor and the tech used by SHIELD capekillers.

2007-07-11, 04:20 PM
Hmm a quick check to wikipedia... huh I guess you are right, I think most people just assumed he did (the artists you mentioned proboly assumed that as well) although for the record benching 1100 seems pretty superhuman to me. However I also take back my statement on the who can beat batman thread that cap would nessacerily win, as that was based on the idea that cap was super human.

The current record in the Bench Press is about 1010 lbs. You can find clips of the guy doing it on YouTube.

2007-07-11, 10:50 PM
well Hulk certainly kicked IM's @$$ pretty hard didnt he now

2007-07-15, 12:55 PM
The current record in the Bench Press is about 1010 lbs. You can find clips of the guy doing it on YouTube.

Yeah but Cap seems to do it with ease I don't think the record holder can say the same thing.

2007-07-15, 04:17 PM
Yeah but Cap seems to do it with ease I don't think the record holder can say the same thing.

What gives you the impression he does it with ease?

2007-07-15, 05:18 PM
What gives you the impression he does it with ease?

In general the lack of grunting and look of strain on his face when he does some sort of feat of strength.

2007-07-15, 11:49 PM
That kind of thing is rarely shown in comics in my experience. According to the handbook that I've seen his max is 800 lbs. Though I did see a comic where he hit 1000 after his lost his abilities and they came back. As I remember it they said at the time that that was his max. Of course I haven't seen it since, so I wouldn't necessarily consider it canon.

2007-07-16, 08:52 AM
Dosen't really matter much what is max is now, does it?

He's dead. :xykon:

2007-07-16, 09:54 AM
Dosen't really matter much what is max is now, does it?

He's dead. :xykon:

For now.. then there will be four semi-Caps to arive and spread all over the earth, each one trying to take the place of Captain America. Then inexplicably, Cap will regenerate and break out of his casket and go into hiding while his strength rebuilds and discover that one of the counterfit Caps is really an enemy, one is a clone and another is a fanboy with way too much timeon his hands; the fourth one will die in a battle with the enemy Cap and then all his powers will transfer to the real Cap who will put the Holy Smackdown [TM] on the bad guy.


Blue Paladin
2007-07-16, 10:58 AM
So that would be Winter Soldier as the cyborg (Hank Henshaw), Punisher as the one that acts too cold-blooded to be the original (Eradicator), Patriot as the too-young successor (Superboy)...

Who's the one with the powered armor? Maybe they could pull out Nomad for a spell... Or grab USAgent from Omega Flight. *imagines USAgent taking a Box suit out of Flight storage* Heh. :)

2007-07-16, 11:33 AM
So that would be Winter Soldier as the cyborg (Hank Henshaw), Punisher as the one that acts too cold-blooded to be the original (Eradicator), Patriot as the too-young successor (Superboy)...

Who's the one with the powered armor? Maybe they could pull out Nomad for a spell... Or grab USAgent from Omega Flight. *imagines USAgent taking a Box suit out of Flight storage* Heh. :)

I was thinking of those EXACT characters in those EXACT positions.

USAgent is still around, I kept wondering what part he was going to play in the "Captain America is dead, but maybe not; perhaps resurrect him" storyline.

2007-07-16, 03:26 PM
What about Bucky? The man most likely to replaces Cap. And also wants to kill IM to boot.

He wants do, but I highly doubt he'll be able to. :smallwink:

So that would be Winter Soldier as the cyborg (Hank Henshaw), Punisher as the one that acts too cold-blooded to be the original (Eradicator), Patriot as the too-young successor (Superboy)...

Who's the one with the powered armor? Maybe they could pull out Nomad for a spell... Or grab USAgent from Omega Flight. *imagines USAgent taking a Box suit out of Flight storage* Heh. :)

The Powered armor one would be Steel, in this case probably War Machine. He's someone willing to fight for Superman's beliefs, but not actually claiming to be the man himself. Personally, he's my favorite DC hero, and not just because of the armor :smalltongue:

2007-07-16, 03:28 PM
actually, this double post might have some use :smallamused:

Look at this little "gem" I managed to find. Adam Warlock, gives one of the Infinity Gems to each of the members of the Illuminati. Iron Man gets Reality. All well and good, but what does it mean? Allow me to quote Wikipedia.

"Perhaps the most powerful and difficult gem to use, it allows the user to fulfill wishes, even if that wish is in direct contradiction with scientific laws. It can result in disaster if not careful with the nature of the wish. When pulled from the edge of reality, it causes catastrophic damage that can be barely stopped by the power of the Space, Soul, and Power Gems."

Well, then. :smalleek:

Iron Man wins.

Oh, and why didn't he use the Reality Gem to prevent/erase the events of Civil War? 'Cause the current Iron Man's a Skrull, that's why! :smallsmile:

I don't know if he used any of his Extremis abilities at all recently, but that also might be explained by the Skrull duplicating his powers. Or it might have even been the Skrull himself that had received the Extremis.

Emperor Tippy
2007-07-16, 04:27 PM
No, none of the Illuminati use the infinity gems they have because they swore not to and its pretty much one of those things that will get everyone else in the world to stop what they are doing and bash your head in.

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-07-16, 04:30 PM
Just the world? Word gets out to the stars, battlecruisers are going to start dropping on his head for using it. Perhaps some cosmic entities, too. Nevermind the mess of trying to defend it once a few super powerful beings decide that it would be worth the effort of invading Earth for a chance at owning their very own Infinity Gem. Even worse if they then learn that the rest are here, too. Yikes.

2007-07-16, 10:19 PM
So that would be Winter Soldier as the cyborg (Hank Henshaw), Punisher as the one that acts too cold-blooded to be the original (Eradicator), Patriot as the too-young successor (Superboy)...

Who's the one with the powered armor? Maybe they could pull out Nomad for a spell... Or grab USAgent from Omega Flight. *imagines USAgent taking a Box suit out of Flight storage* Heh. :)

Unfortunately Nomad is dead. I'm not sure, but I think it was The Winter Soldier that killed him.

2007-07-16, 11:07 PM
Unfortunately Nomad is dead. I'm not sure, but I think it was The Winter Soldier that killed him.

Yep! July 2005 is when Nomad (III) bit the bullet.

Though a fourth incarnation of the Nomad would be fitting since the original Nomad was Steve Rogers himself.

2007-07-17, 12:48 AM
Yep! July 2005 is when Nomad (III) bit the bullet.

Though a fourth incarnation of the Nomad would be fitting since the original Nomad was Steve Rogers himself.

..and Jack Munroe, the second Bucky is the one that got shot. Who was the other one?

2007-07-17, 10:07 AM
..and Jack Munroe, the second Bucky is the one that got shot. Who was the other one?

Nomad (I) was Steve Rogers, he took off the Captain America uniform for all of six issues because he was pissed off with the government. Then he realized that he could still fight for the ideals of America without supporting the government blindly.

2007-07-17, 10:23 AM
Nomad (I) was Steve Rogers, he took off the Captain America uniform for all of six issues because he was pissed off with the government. Then he realized that he could still fight for the ideals of America without supporting the government blindly.

But who was Nomad II?

2007-07-17, 11:59 AM
Nomad II was short-lived... introduced in Captain America 261 and died in Captain America 263

The guy's name was Edward and he was given the suit by The Red Skull in an attempt to discredit Captain America.

Lame concept = fast death

2007-07-17, 02:07 PM
I would've thought Iron Man would have made his suit immune to EMP's, magnetism, etc. by now. Heck, it's been done before. It's not like he doesn't have the technology.

2007-07-17, 02:39 PM
Victor Van Doom
Victor is also a Genius, Sorcerer & has diplomatic imunity.



I think its clearly obvious Iron Man has "stolen" technology from Vicotors robots & robotic armors, that has been confiscated/salvaged when Dr Doom has had his "friendly visits" in the US.

2007-07-17, 04:18 PM
No, none of the Illuminati use the infinity gems they have because they swore not to and its pretty much one of those things that will get everyone else in the world to stop what they are doing and bash your head in.
But in an emergency, he could use it. If he overwrote the events of Civil War I don't think too many people would be mad at him. :smallwink:

I think its clearly obvious Iron Man has "stolen" technology from Vicotors robots & robotic armors, that has been confiscated/salvaged when Dr Doom has had his "friendly visits" in the US.
No. Just...no. :smallyuk:

Scott Haley
2007-08-05, 05:18 PM
Madison Jeffries, The Box.

This is from the Marvel Datbase:

Inorganic Psionic Transmutation: allows him to mentally restructure glass, plastic, and metal to anything within his imagination. He can psionically levitate objects made of any of these three substances. Jeffries can psionically rearrange parts of machinery into various forms, and he is particularly skilled at psionically restructuring machinery into duplicating the form and functions of parts of the human body. Jeffries can also psionically manipulate metal on the atomic and molecular levels.


2007-08-06, 12:39 PM
Who can beat Iron man?


And if his outfit is made out of anything else, then he is no longer "IRON" man he is "Steal and Plastic Suit wearing" Man or what have you...

2007-08-06, 12:58 PM
Who can beat Iron man?


When I read this, I couldn't help but picture an 8-bit sprite coming up as a Megaman boss.

2007-08-23, 06:14 AM
Mr Immortal. Eventually, Iron Man will die, one way or the other.

2007-08-23, 07:07 AM
Mr Immortal. Eventually, Iron Man will die, one way or the other.

Doesn't Iron Man have power-removing nanites? I forsee a fight lasting as long as it takes for them to be injected, no great feat considering Mr Imortal has no other powers, advanced tech or fighting abilities.

Considering the preview for the next issue of Thor( available on Marvel.com), I'm saying thor would easily beat him.

2007-08-23, 10:04 AM
Doesn't Iron Man have power-removing nanites? I forsee a fight lasting as long as it takes for them to be injected, no great feat considering Mr Imortal has no other powers, advanced tech or fighting abilities.

Considering the preview for the next issue of Thor( available on Marvel.com), I'm saying thor would easily beat him.

Not all powers are removable.
I'm almost certain Mr. Imortal's is in that category.

2007-08-23, 10:16 AM
Mr Immortal. Eventually, Iron Man will die, one way or the other.

Considering the conditions for victory that Dalenthas set up involves capture, I'd say Mr. Immortal wouldn't even be a challenge. He has no other powers and is only moderately competent acrobat.

2007-08-23, 11:52 AM
Does Mr immortal need to eat or otherwise intake energy? All I know about him is that he pretty much has super-fast regenerative healing that only kicks in when he dies.

2007-08-23, 12:42 PM
Yeah, Mr. Immortal is a funny but useless character. IM would just grab him and drag him to the Negative Zone himself.