View Full Version : Ways to make a Monstrous/Dragon Cohort useful?

2016-06-06, 01:56 AM
Joining a ongoing campaign that's level 19.

I'm playing a Ranger 5/master of many forms 10/Warshaper 2/Stonewarden 2 and I thought it might be neat to have a Cohort like a Fire Giant or Dragon or something that could be explained as me adopting them as their parent.

I'm going to be a diplomancer/disguiseomancer and Bruiser/Tank the party is going to go into epic levels.

What is the best way about getting a Dragon/Monstrous Cohort and still having it be useful to the party?

Party is:
Dwarf Cleric of Pelor
Human Wizard/Beguiler
Human Ranger

I mean a Young Red dragon counts as ECL 16 (If you have Dragon Cohort that is) but to me it doesn't seem like it would be useful in combat. I suppose making a Dragon Shaman wyrmling cohort might be a decent idea for the auras.

But i need suggestiosn so my Cohort isn't dead weight.