View Full Version : DM Help I have a archer in my group and I am giving out magic items..

2016-06-06, 04:27 AM
So the group just found a horde of treasure and they are all getting a nice magic item at level 8, However I don't really know what to give the archer of the group..? He uses a longbow currently if that matters at all.

2016-06-06, 04:40 AM
the obvious one is a +x bow, something i've seen is a bowstring instead so he can switch it between bows if he likes.

that said i prefer loot that isn't directly attack focused so maybe a cloak of displacement or a ring of jumping, just something to add flavor out of combat or even a wee boost if used smartly in a fight. all depends what your archer is like, does he scout and stealth, party face?

2016-06-06, 04:56 AM
5 Arrows of Doppelganger Slaying. Just to mess with their minds.

2016-06-06, 05:02 AM
5 Arrows of Doppelganger Slaying. Just to mess with their minds.

Not 5. The number of other party members, instead.

As for more serious ideas, you could give him a set of magical arrows that either come back or can be summoned back somehow, as a guarantee that he never runs out. I would suggest non-attunement, unless you apply an additional bonus.

2016-06-06, 05:08 AM
Give him a quiver of infinite arrows or some kind of magic returning arrow or something. Anything to alleviate ammunition woes is the most valuable magic item to any archer, and as a bonus, it doesn't break the game.

2016-06-06, 05:34 AM
Quiver of Ehlonna. Extremely useful, I like to use them to hold various sizes of ranged weapons.

2016-06-06, 06:33 AM
Give him a quiver of infinite arrows or some kind of magic returning arrow or something. Anything to alleviate ammunition woes is the most valuable magic item to any archer, and as a bonus, it doesn't break the game.

the above is one thing that's absolutely godly since ti eliminates bookkeeping. If you already didn't check arrow stashes, then something like an ehtereal bow and scope: a bow accompanied by a monocle (combined item, attunement) which allows once per short rest or x times per y time to ignore any sort of cover and armour. the bow funtions like a shot made with an ethereal arrow that hits through solid protections (but not from behind walls of force).

2016-06-06, 07:23 AM
Among the standard magic items:
-Longbow +X
-Bracers of Archery

2016-06-06, 07:51 AM
Longbow +X, Quiver of Ehlonna, Bracers of Archery, Arrows of Slaying (and choose useful creature type).

2016-06-06, 09:36 AM
+1 Token of Retraining

2016-06-06, 09:46 AM
Eyes of the Eagle
Figurine of Wondrous Power: Ebony Fly
Goggles of Night
Winged Boots

OR something unrelated to their role; e.g. a Bag of Holding, Ring of Protection, Decanter of Endless Water, etc.

2016-06-06, 09:47 AM
How about a quiver that changes the damage type: whatever the rolled damage (literally the number on the die roll) is, say, acid damage, or lightning damage. The remainder of the damage is piercing as per normal.

2016-06-06, 02:50 PM
A lot of good ideas here, just curious was there any worthwhile magic bows or something from 3.5, pathfinder, or 4th that I could import? Roughly of "Rare" value

2016-06-06, 03:26 PM
A lot of good ideas here, just curious was there any worthwhile magic bows or something from 3.5, pathfinder, or 4th that I could import? Roughly of "Rare" value

The Oathbow (DMG 183) is pretty epic, but that's very rare.

2016-06-06, 03:55 PM
The Oathbow (DMG 183) is pretty epic, but that's very rare.

I feel like the Oathbow doesn't deserve to be very rare, it is just a normal bow except for once per day..? Am I missing something?

2016-06-06, 04:02 PM
I feel like the Oathbow doesn't deserve to be very rare, it is just a normal bow except for once per day..? Am I missing something?

Once per day, but it lasts until the target dies. It's basically Hunter's Mark, but awesomer and you don't need to be a ranger. And it's not just advantage and extra damage, it also bypasses cover and long range penalties.

2016-06-06, 05:25 PM
Depending on your flavor of game you could out a bow that did alternate damage.

For Example. Divine Wind (attunable by someone with archery style) Longbow that does 2d6 radiant damage, has +1 to hit and does not need arrows to shoot beams of light.

I used 2d6 instead of d8+d4 since that is easier to roll. Essentially this has elemental weapon permanently cast on it.

Refluff at will for different damage types.

Lightning version was issued to the ranger in the 80's Saturday morning cartoon.

2016-06-06, 10:19 PM
Depending on your flavor of game you could out a bow that did alternate damage.

For Example. Divine Wind (attunable by someone with archery style) Longbow that does 2d6 radiant damage, has +1 to hit and does not need arrows to shoot beams of light.

I used 2d6 instead of d8+d4 since that is easier to roll. Essentially this has elemental weapon permanently cast on it.

Refluff at will for different damage types.

Lightning version was issued to the ranger in the 80's Saturday morning cartoon.

Hmm this could be interesting, I think 2d4 would be more in-line because having the damage of a greatsword on a bow feels wrong somehow..

2016-06-06, 11:07 PM
A lot of good ideas here, just curious was there any worthwhile magic bows or something from 3.5, pathfinder, or 4th that I could import? Roughly of "Rare" value

Well, there was Hank's Energy bow, but that was soon outpaced by bows with the splitting enhancement. There were also de relics named RAptor Arrows, which had auto extra damage, were vorpal and were returning.

2016-06-06, 11:48 PM
Well, there was Hank's Energy bow, but that was soon outpaced by bows with the splitting enhancement. There were also de relics named RAptor Arrows, which had auto extra damage, were vorpal and were returning.

Those seem more legendary quality than rare, but a chopped down version of Hank's Energy bow could be really cool.

2016-06-07, 03:31 AM
Those seem more legendary quality than rare, but a chopped down version of Hank's Energy bow could be really cool.

The thing is, why not make it a bow that fires cantrips, where the cantrip you select (form a list, each morning in an hour of meditation) dedicates the damage you do as if you had cast a cantrip.

Good cantrips are Eldritch Blast, Firebolt, Ray of Frost (or any other ranged cantrip, cast at characterlevel, once per action obviously, not on iterative attacks). It would give the energybow feel, without doing stuff that's OP. I woudl keep the dex bonus on damage, though maybe apply it once per casting (and not on every attack roll like EB and Agonizing blast). It would give the caster some flexibility, the magic weapon something to grow along with the character, introduce some planning (which cantrip to use for the day) and eliminate the ammo problem. The bow woudl naturally require attunement.

2016-06-07, 07:50 AM
Does he already have a magic bow? Doesn't even need to be +1, because bypassing resistance is a great gift for any fighter.

2016-06-07, 08:16 AM
I gave one of my players a quiver that grants him 1 temp HP every time he kills an enemy.

Doesn't seem like much until you start facing hordes, then those temp HP rack up.

Last battle, that PC was effectively immune to damage, as every time he got hit, it just stripped away his temp HP, which he built back up rather quickly.

To make it more powerful, the temp HP can stack up infinitely and doesn't go away except through damage.

To make it less powerful, there's a limit to how much temp hp you can get, and it resets on a long rest.

2016-06-07, 09:55 AM
I gave one of my players a quiver that grants him 1 temp HP every time he kills an enemy.

Doesn't seem like much until you start facing hordes, then those temp HP rack up.

Last battle, that PC was effectively immune to damage, as every time he got hit, it just stripped away his temp HP, which he built back up rather quickly.

To make it more powerful, the temp HP can stack up infinitely and doesn't go away except through damage.

To make it less powerful, there's a limit to how much temp hp you can get, and it resets on a long rest.

I really like this idea. For a reasonable limit, how about the character level as the limit? It seems like a level where he is unlikely to reach it in combat (so he never feels it is wasted), but low enough that any farming cheese is not worth it.

Mind if I steal this? And what rarity do you think it would be?

2016-06-07, 10:12 AM
I gave one of my players a quiver that grants him 1 temp HP every time he kills an enemy.

Doesn't seem like much until you start facing hordes, then those temp HP rack up.

Last battle, that PC was effectively immune to damage, as every time he got hit, it just stripped away his temp HP, which he built back up rather quickly.

To make it more powerful, the temp HP can stack up infinitely and doesn't go away except through damage.

To make it less powerful, there's a limit to how much temp hp you can get, and it resets on a long rest.

Temp HP don't stack at all in 5th edition. If you get two instances of temp hp, you have to pick one and lose the other. [picking one is because you might want a longer-lasting instance of temp hp over a bigger one that doesn't last as long]

Also, temp hp are not an overshield. If you have 1 temp hp, and take 5 damage, you lose the temp hp and four hit points.

2016-06-07, 10:16 AM
Temp HP don't stack at all in 5th edition. If you get two instances of temp hp, you have to pick one.

Also, temp hp are not an overshield. If you have 1 temp hp, and take 5 damage, you lose the temp hp and four hit points.

Specific rules trump general rules: while the item might be counter to the general philosophy, that is the way it functions as created by the GM.

I would definitely never stack it with another source (like Armor of Agyths).

2016-06-07, 10:21 AM
Specific rules trump general rules: while the item might be counter to the general philosophy, that is the way it functions as created by the GM.

I would definitely never stack it with another source (like Armor of Agyths).

I think the idea was it would build with itself (kind of like Arcane Ward). Thus it could not work with AoA or other THP sources, just itself.

For the previous poster, it may have been that he had Horde Breaker against many low-HP enemies that just gave him enough THP to tank the attacks that got through his AC.

2016-06-07, 10:30 AM
Specific rules trump general rules: while the item might be counter to the general philosophy, that is the way it functions as created by the GM.

I would definitely never stack it with another source (like Armor of Agyths).

I know that, but it sounded like mgshamster's group was simply misreading the temporary hp rules, so that 1 per downed enemy was much stronger than it should have been.

2016-06-07, 11:32 AM
I really like this idea. For a reasonable limit, how about the character level as the limit? It seems like a level where he is unlikely to reach it in combat (so he never feels it is wasted), but low enough that any farming cheese is not worth it.

Mind if I steal this? And what rarity do you think it would be?

That sounds like a perfectly reasonable limit. I'd rate it as uncommon if it resets on a long rest and rare if it does not. It also requires attunement.

If magic items are more common in your games, I'd drop those rarities by one level each.

In my group, the player who is attuned to it is a paladin with heavy armor master. So pretty much all non-magical damage is reduced by 3, then his temp HP usually soaks up what's left. He also has very high AC, so it's difficult to hit him - when enemies do manage to hit him, he's racked up a couple of points of temp HP, which soaks the damage. And when facing hordes, each individual enemy is typically only doing less than 10 damage each, so he's nearly untouchable in those situations. It makes for some fantastic story. The quiver is not as useful when facing fewer, more powerful enemies who do a lot more damage and have a higher chance to hit. But in those situations, he can nova a bit more to help end the encounter earlier.

I know that, but it sounded like mgshamster's group was simply misreading the temporary hp rules, so that 1 per downed enemy was much stronger than it should have been.

My apologies for the imprecise language. The intent was for it to stack with itself, not with other sources. Thank you for the clarifications.

2016-06-07, 12:01 PM
Winged boots have been mentioned, but there could be any number of mobility enhancing items that could work, particularly if they had limits that made them better for the archer than other characters. A flotation item that just lifted them off the ground by about 15 feet, but then prevented further movement would be great for instance, while also being pretty useless for melee characters.

Another fun option would be material shattering arrows, which have combat applications in cover removal, and all sorts of non combat applications. Something like a quiver that let one shatter wood with arrow strikes would be ideal, particularly as it could be later enhanced - maybe it develops the ability to blow up earthenworks, and eventually stone. The size of the effect would have to be limited, but even then it stays pretty useful without being overpowering.

2016-06-07, 12:58 PM
Another idea I have heard is to make the bow able to be used as a quarter staff. Take an object interaction to have the bow magically unstring itself, straighten out, and then you have a strong stick to beat things with.

2016-06-07, 01:29 PM
I like a magical trick arrow quiver, sort of like the quivers that superheroes use. I don't think one officially exists though. It could have like 10 charges, and regains 1d5 +1 chargers at dawn of each day. Choosing the type of arrow uses your bonus action, and only one of each trick arrow may be shot per round. (additional attacks can be made with regular arrows) Each effect costs 1 charge:

- Grapple arrow, where arrow sticks to the surface it impacts on, trailed by a magical rope. The arrow/line can support up to the weight of the individual who shot the arrow.
- Firebomb arrow, on impact it explodes, causing 4d6 fire damage to everyone in a 10 radius
- Flashbang arrow, on impact it burst in a blinding light and thunderous boom, which causes the blind and deafened conditions on a failed Dex save that lasts for 3 rounds
- Binding arrow, on impact with a target the target must make a successful Strength save or is entangled in a rope net with the restrained condition, until freed from the net
- Impact arrow, on impact with a target, the arrow detonates with concussive force, knocking an enemy prone and stunned on a failed Dex save, the arrow can also be used to remove cover, reducing cover by 1/2 of it's effectiveness, rounding down (full cover becomes 1/2 cover, for example)

2016-06-08, 03:17 PM
For lower level arrows make some that are blunted tips or bladed slashing tips.

A bracer that allows 1/day advantage or an extra bow shot per round.

Bleeding arrows that require a DC 10 Con save on hit or they take 1 point of bleeding damage each round for 5 rounds.

2016-06-08, 04:17 PM
My DM gave my ranger an idea that his bow was growing in power after I hit a couple of crits in a single combat. Then a session or two later, I was able to crit again, and he said a short rest would give me more information on the change. Turns out he turned my bow into a +1 longbow, so now i'm a bit more accurate. A very neat way for the non magical guys to get their own 'scrolls'

2016-06-09, 10:16 AM
How about just a quiver with 20 magical arrows?

If you do give a magic bow, I agree with earlier posts: there is no need to have it be magic and +1. Just magic is fine.

2016-06-09, 03:11 PM
How about just a quiver with 20 magical arrows?

If you do give a magic bow, I agree with earlier posts: there is no need to have it be magic and +1. Just magic is fine.

If it is magic, make it something interesting and something that can grow with the player, instead of just something to overcome resistance.

The cool thing about magic items is that you have this myriad of possibilities and effects. And since 5e has dropped the pretence of magic items as they were in 3.5 and instead let the magic be magic, instead of just another resource constraint to put on your gear, and think of what the rule of cool could mean for your player. Hell, at lvl 8 I tried to convince my GM to put an enchantment on my bow (which I was going to craft from Xorn tongues and Minotaur Horn for the strings and bow respectively) to do bonus damage whenever I would make a bond worthy pun, putting the hurt in words.

2016-06-09, 06:58 PM
If it is magic, make it something interesting and something that can grow with the player, instead of just something to overcome resistance.

The cool thing about magic items is that you have this myriad of possibilities and effects. And since 5e has dropped the pretence of magic items as they were in 3.5 and instead let the magic be magic, instead of just another resource constraint to put on your gear, and think of what the rule of cool could mean for your player. Hell, at lvl 8 I tried to convince my GM to put an enchantment on my bow (which I was going to craft from Xorn tongues and Minotaur Horn for the strings and bow respectively) to do bonus damage whenever I would make a bond worthy pun, putting the hurt in words.

Here is one that could be fun and is totally not ripping off Once Upon a Time :smallwink:

This magic bow has the unique ability to create and fire arrows of golden light. These arrows never miss, even changing course in flight to catch their target, and they travel at 1000' per round with unlimited range. Those who have seen these arrows streaking through the sky often confuse them with shooting stars due to their speed and light.

The light arrow is completely harmless, however, and the seeking ability only works on those whose hearts are bound to the user through love and friendship. So long as the user holds this bow, he will always be able to find the path to his loved ones, even if they are separated by death itself.

No mechanical advantage other than being magic, but a great tool for RP and a potential plot hook as others seek out the bow for their own purposes. It also lends itself to additional effects as the user becomes more in tune with love.

Yes, I'm a cheesy romantic.

2016-06-10, 04:14 AM
Here is one that could be fun and is totally not ripping off Once Upon a Time :smallwink:

This magic bow has the unique ability to create and fire arrows of golden light. These arrows never miss, even changing course in flight to catch their target, and they travel at 1000' per round with unlimited range. Those who have seen these arrows streaking through the sky often confuse them with shooting stars due to their speed and light.

The light arrow is completely harmless, however, and the seeking ability only works on those whose hearts are bound to the user through love and friendship. So long as the user holds this bow, he will always be able to find the path to his loved ones, even if they are separated by death itself.

No mechanical advantage other than being magic, but a great tool for RP and a potential plot hook as others seek out the bow for their own purposes. It also lends itself to additional effects as the user becomes more in tune with love.

Yes, I'm a cheesy romantic.
seems nice for RP, but ultimately useless (except for resistance, 'cause, magic...). If I were the archer, I'd rather have something useful that offers options in combat. Liek trick arrows, or a ranged cantrip bow.

2016-06-10, 04:38 AM
Our DM recently gave our archer a Longbow that has +100 foot range (this is almost never going to matter if your archer has Sharpshooter like ours does) and also has the effect of a Javelin of Lightning (a cool, interesting thing once a day that isn't gonna break anything).

2016-06-10, 05:07 AM
Maybe give them a magical bow or glove that enchants the arrows with special abilities x/day, rather than giving magical arrows, or simply damage boosting equipment. This may just be my personal preference, but i prefer new options as a PC, rather than just numeric boosts, though they are of course also welcome :smallsmile:.

Say a bow that 1/day you can teleport to the location the arrow hit (with longbow thats a 600ft teleport, could be quite interesting. Or an arrow that on impact detonates in an AoE of damage/debuff. One interesting bow I gave my players in one game could cause the arrows fired to cast 5ft radius fog cloud at the point of impact, allowing them to strategically block LoS. Or Maybe its an Elvencraft bow or a bowblade, either way the bow is designed in such a way that it is an adequate melee weapon.

2016-06-10, 07:57 AM
seems nice for RP, but ultimately useless (except for resistance, 'cause, magic...). If I were the archer, I'd rather have something useful that offers options in combat. Liek trick arrows, or a ranged cantrip bow.

Not everything needs to have a mechanical boost :smalltongue:

Eventually, I Would see about adding other effects. Maybe a charge system (ten maybe, recharge 1d8 at dawn) would be implemented when the user is more in touch with the bow (read: when you need to give another magic item). A Philter of Love that only works on people the user doesn't like could take three, an AoE effect that only harms enemies (I see firing the arrow into the air and then having it break and attack enemies) could take five, and then toss in the ability to spend a charge to get advantage on one attack.

2016-06-10, 09:52 AM
Not everything needs to have a mechanical boost :smalltongue:

Eventually, I Would see about adding other effects. Maybe a charge system (ten maybe, recharge 1d8 at dawn) would be implemented when the user is more in touch with the bow (read: when you need to give another magic item). A Philter of Love that only works on people the user doesn't like could take three, an AoE effect that only harms enemies (I see firing the arrow into the air and then having it break and attack enemies) could take five, and then toss in the ability to spend a charge to get advantage on one attack.

or use one charge (max 20 charges, recharche 1d4 after short rest, 1d10 after long rest) to 'cast' a cantrip through the bow (describe it as you make an attack with the bow and it fires off a cantrip) where the cantrips offer the following effects (feel free to alter this list or pick jsut a few along the way for selection as the bond between weapon and wielder gets stronger):

Ice Arrow (like Ray of Frost)
Fire Arrow (like fire bolt)
Splitting Arrow (like Eldritch Blast)
Combustion Arrow (like Green Flame Blade, but dex dmg instead of int)
Tethering Arrow (booming blade, triggering on increased range between you and target)
Reeling Arrow (like lightning lure)
Liquefying Arrow (like acid splash)
Forceful Arrow (like thunderclap)
Prideful arrow (like Vicious Mockery)
Withering Arrow (like Grave Chill)
Shock Arrow (like shocking grasp)

then mention that you can't use sharshooter on these cantrips, but that the use of spellsniper is possible.

2016-06-10, 10:30 AM
or use one charge (max 20 charges, recharche 1d4 after short rest, 1d10 after long rest) to 'cast' a cantrip through the bow (describe it as you make an attack with the bow and it fires off a cantrip) where the cantrips offer the following effects (feel free to alter this list or pick jsut a few along the way for selection as the bond between weapon and wielder gets stronger):

Ice Arrow (like Ray of Frost)
Fire Arrow (like fire bolt)
Splitting Arrow (like Eldritch Blast)
Combustion Arrow (like Green Flame Blade, but dex dmg instead of int)
Tethering Arrow (booming blade, triggering on increased range between you and target)
Reeling Arrow (like lightning lure)
Liquefying Arrow (like acid splash)
Forceful Arrow (like thunderclap)
Prideful arrow (like Vicious Mockery)
Withering Arrow (like Grave Chill)
Shock Arrow (like shocking grasp)

then mention that you can't use sharshooter on these cantrips, but that the use of spellsniper is possible.

I'm a sucker for good stories for my magic items, so let's see what that could work for.

Magehunter Bow

Arcane runes are inscribed across this bow. A DC 10 Arcana check indicates that these are similar to basic magical explorations at the level of a wizard's young apprentice, but far more elaborately done. A DC 25 History check reveals that this was created by a failed mage who was abandoned by his master. The apprentice became obsessed with revenge and crafted this bow with his limited arcane knowledge to punish the master who failed him.

Would it be overkill to inflict disadvantage on any concentration saves for targets with 20+ Int?

2016-06-10, 03:01 PM
I'm a sucker for good stories for my magic items, so let's see what that could work for.

Magehunter Bow

Arcane runes are inscribed across this bow. A DC 10 Arcana check indicates that these are similar to basic magical explorations at the level of a wizard's young apprentice, but far more elaborately done. A DC 25 History check reveals that this was created by a failed mage who was abandoned by his master. The apprentice became obsessed with revenge and crafted this bow with his limited arcane knowledge to punish the master who failed him.

Would it be overkill to inflict disadvantage on any concentration saves for targets with 20+ Int?

woudl be strong.

My story for it would be:

DC 7 history:Once created by the Fey Lord Oberon for his charge: a human who was promised the tutelage of a wizard, but who forsook him and left him in the Fey Wild. For his sworn fealty the charge was then given this bow to enact his vengeance. DC 10 history: This weapon, once sworn fealty to will produce magic arrows for the wielder to strike with the elements (basic elemental cantrips dealing elemental damage). DC 15 history: After swearing fealty for every full moon to Oberon he will appear through an envoy (a white stag int eh woods, a white elephant in the steppe/desert or other appropriate albino animal) and when deemed appropriate he will grant you the full use of the bow to even arrows that can root your enemies or blow them away. Some arrows the bow draws forth can even hurt your enemies in their soul. DC 20 History: There is one final secret of the bow: The wielder of the bow can swear an oath to kill an enemy. If so, when you use the bow to attack your sworn enemy, the bow imposes disadvantage on concentration checks to maintain the spell This oath functions as a Geas spell and will hurt the wielder if the wielder does not actively take steps to hunt down his sworn enemy.

2016-06-10, 04:52 PM
I like to come up with unique items for my groups. Although I don't necessarily recommend giving out loot specific to a class/build, here are some ideas that might work for it.

Adamantine arrow: This arrow is made from the strongest, hardest material known to the civilized races of the material plane - adamantine. No known forces can damage the shaft, point, or fletchings of this arrow - it is, in essence, completely indestructible. (Note - if you miss with it in an open area, you'll have to go looking for it, and it won't show up with a "detect magic" spell).

Immovable Rod Arrow: This arrow contains a modified immovable rod as its shaft. On your turn, when you fire this arrow, you may spend a charge from this arrow to speak a command word to cause the immovable rod to activate, which will last for either one hour, or until the command word is spoken again. The rod follows all normal rules for an immovable rod otherwise. The arrow regains 1d3 charges at dawn, with a max of 4.

Phase arrow: When you nock this arrow, you may spend a charge to gain the effects of the clairvoyance spell, and the arrow can be fired at targets with full cover without penalty at any target that you can see with the clairvoyance spell. After it leaves your vision, or when it hits a target, it immediately re-materializes, dealing 2d8 weapon damage instead of a normal 1d8. If the arrow misses its target, and it travels outside your visual range with the clairvoyance spell, it will rematerialize at that location, displacing whatever matter was there. If you roll a critical hit, and multiple targets are aligned, you may have the arrow deal its critical hit damage to both targets, finally materializing in the second target. This arrow regains 1d3 charges each dawn, with a max of 4

2016-06-10, 05:54 PM
I like to come up with unique items for my groups. Although I don't necessarily recommend giving out loot specific to a class/build, here are some ideas that might work for it.

Adamantine arrow: This arrow is made from the strongest, hardest material known to the civilized races of the material plane - adamantine. No known forces can damage the shaft, point, or fletchings of this arrow - it is, in essence, completely indestructible. (Note - if you miss with it in an open area, you'll have to go looking for it, and it won't show up with a "detect magic" spell).

Immovable Rod Arrow: This arrow contains a modified immovable rod as its shaft. On your turn, when you fire this arrow, you may spend a charge from this arrow to speak a command word to cause the immovable rod to activate, which will last for either one hour, or until the command word is spoken again. The rod follows all normal rules for an immovable rod otherwise. The arrow regains 1d3 charges at dawn, with a max of 4.

Phase arrow: When you nock this arrow, you may spend a charge to gain the effects of the clairvoyance spell, and the arrow can be fired at targets with full cover without penalty at any target that you can see with the clairvoyance spell. After it leaves your vision, or when it hits a target, it immediately re-materializes, dealing 2d8 weapon damage instead of a normal 1d8. If the arrow misses its target, and it travels outside your visual range with the clairvoyance spell, it will rematerialize at that location, displacing whatever matter was there. If you roll a critical hit, and multiple targets are aligned, you may have the arrow deal its critical hit damage to both targets, finally materializing in the second target. This arrow regains 1d3 charges each dawn, with a max of 4

Too good to pass up:


2016-06-10, 10:46 PM
Too good to pass up:


That is spectacular. Expensive, but spectacular.

2016-06-11, 12:27 AM
I would consider a couple of arrows with magical effects, which can each only be used once. On successful hit, the magical effect is cast from the arrow to the target:
- Thunderwave lvl 3
- Dispel magic
- Hold person
- Grease
- Fireball
- Lightning (this one triggers prior to hitting the target)

If the arrow misses the target the spell is not triggered and thus not lost.

2016-06-11, 12:56 PM
Thank you guys for the great responses, I think I know what I will be doing. I'll be giving the player a set of trick arrows to mess around with!