View Full Version : How to paladin of Io?(roleplay)

The Shadowdove
2016-06-07, 12:48 AM
Hey everyone,

So in my new sandbox d&d group I play character with the half-dragon template from the monster manual.

In a nutshell he is a half dragon with a feels the lack of a sense of purpose. He is kind of in search of his purpose on life, especially knowing that he cannot reproduce.

Well, he was chosen by Io as a champion. I dont know why yet. Really it adds another layer of unsurity and confusion to my character. As he doesn't even know what it means to be a champion of a god such as Io, which so little is actually known about.

Part of this stems from my personal lack of understanding and knowledge of Io. I dont know what Io would want from a champion, let alone what he wants in the world.

Even Google isnt turning up much results. Everything just seems copy and pasted from the other.

In short:
What does a paladin of Io want, live for, and pray for (if at all).
What does Io want of his followers,in the world, in the universe?
Does Io have an active cause, or does he oppose anything openly?

Thanks in advance everyone, your superior book smarts and experience are much appreciated.


Professor Gnoll
2016-06-07, 12:57 AM
In the end, Io's primary attribute is being dead. This does not make for the most active of patrons.
So what was Io? Io was dragonkind. Therefore, you will be very closely tied to dragons, and be considering them at all times. I would say Paladin of the Ancients is probably the most appropriate, but I'm sure you can make that choice for yourself.

Now, Io contained both Tiamat and Bahamut, chromatic and metallic- perhaps your goal is the reuniting of all dragons, so that they might live in harmony? Perhaps you wish to see Io recreated? The fact that Io contained both of those diametrically opposite beings means that he was presumably either True Neutral or embodied all of the alignments, so you should seek to do so as well. You probably won't be able to, and that might be a source of conflict in your character- how can you possibly embody so many ideals?

You will be concerned with the fate of Dragonkind, with the majesty of Io, with the summation of all things Draconic. It's not going to be a particularly easy thing to roleplay, I imagine, and might not even work at all, depending on what kind of party your in. Io is very much an overdeity- a force of such utter, unknowable power that only the strongest of wills might comprehend his majesty. Do you possess such a will? To do so will be your challenge. To understand what it means to be a Dragon, and to understand what it meant to be Io.

2016-06-07, 03:02 AM
As I recall, Io wants to be ignored. Groups that spring up to worship him tend to end up as a mass-amnesiac confused mess.

He directly avoids worship from the mortal races. His alignment is Indifferent.

2016-06-07, 07:03 AM
3.5 draconomicon says this about Io:

Io cares only for his "children", the dragons, and heir continued existence in the world. In some cases, this means taking the side of the dragons against other races. In ohter situation, Io may actually help nondragons fight against a dragon who would otherwise jeopardize the ongoing survivability of the species as a whole.
He prefers to remain uninvolved in conflicts between dragons, though if such a conflict threatens to escalate, he may step in (either personally or by dispatching Aasterinian or some other servitor).

Clergy and Temples
Io has even fewer clerics or shrines than most of the other draconic deities, since his outlook is so broad and all-encompassing. Still, even the most devoted cleric of Bahamut, Tiamat or any other dragon deity pays at least a modicum of homage to the Ninefold Dragon. He also occassionally finds cleric or adepts among the reptilian races, such as kobolds and troglodytes.
That's about it. I don't know if there's more in other books


That's only 4e's Nentir Vale setting. In others, he's fine (or possibly non-existant, like Eberron)

As I recall, Io wants to be ignored. Groups that spring up to worship him tend to end up as a mass-amnesiac confused mess.

He directly avoids worship from the mortal races. His alignment is Indifferent.

That's Ao, FR overgod.