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2017-03-16, 07:11 AM
Lan paused at the sight of the items, then thought back what he saw to the others, finishing with, he others, I'm going further in ...

pass along the loot and clues(?) to the others, keep searching. If there's blood, he should be able to track ...[roll0]

HPs: 68/70; AC: 20
F +9, R +12, W +6
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Trident/Bow: +15, 1d6+2 (+16, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-03-16, 12:57 PM

I suppress a momentary pang of guilt that I felt elated that the corpse before me is likely Eligos and not Celeste. If what Lan said earlier is true, there's no coming back from death for her. If her body does lie within the house, it's not worth searching.

Lan wait, we don't know how long the floor will last! Grab Eligos' effects from the table and get out!

Tal, do you sense anyone else still alive in the building? If not, you're stronger than me! Free master Eligos' body and take him outside. I may be able to raise him.

Myself, I grab Okoral's swords and Celeste's shirt and prepare to leave via the window. I'm still holding my breath and it's past time I got out.

2017-03-16, 03:18 PM

I detect no one else here but us, but Mirriana: I could never detect Celeste. She could still be here, and I would not know it.
Think about that, next time, when you block your girlfriend's telepathic teammate from communicating with you!

Taliesn considers the burned body pinned to the couch. Claws are not the best for the task, but he tries to latch two of them around the hilt of the sword to wrench it out.

If that doesn't seem to be working, he'll just try to push the whole couch through the window.
He returns back inside to help Lan search the remainder of the upstairs, offering the little man his saddle again for a leap from the upper story once they are done.
[roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

FWIW, staying all six additional rounds, and counting fast healing, Taliesn is at 1 HP, so I'm leaving then. :smalleek:

2017-03-16, 05:16 PM

I frown worriedly.

Can't be helped. Don't endanger yourselves, get out as soon as you can!

2017-03-16, 05:57 PM
The search of the top floor reveals no more living survivors, or indeed any sign of Celeste. THere is an almighty crash as Zarina, Merrick and Goat scatter as the couch with what appears to be Eligo's horribly scorched body is hurled through the window to smash upn the street, and Okoral's armless corpse on the pavement beneath. Shortly after Talisen with Lan astride and Mirriana leap out of the window. None too soon as the building starts to groan and moan, the sounds of the rafters and floors collapsing as the roof of the building sags dramatically.

THe crowd on the street give you all a wide berth as you drag bodies (2 dead, one merely battered) a few tens of feet away to a quiet alley opening. Zarina looks at the bag in Lan's grasp. "Are these Eligos writings. It's important." She asks politely if she cans ee the bag before taking out a thick piece of vellum with a neat hand written in draconic scrawled across the front. Clearing her throat she reads "My dear friend Allustan. What your adventurers have stumbled on sickens and terrifies me. You and Marzena were right to send these to me, and, I think you would be proud of your motley band. They have acquitted themseves well. That will be crucial in the coming months I think.

The worm, the talisman and the return of the spawn and the spread of the cult it all feels wrong. Every secret I reveal turns darker and sickens me further as I feel we are on the verge of something truly awful. I think we both fear the same thing taht he has found a way free of his prison. If that happens then all are at risk. My notes are here, please read and see if you agree. If we are both in agreement we can take them to our Master, though even he may ill equipped to deal with this and what writhes in our futures. I have asked Celeste to investigate the la....." Zarina stops and looks up. "It just ends there and then it looks like he stuff it in the bag. He must have been writing it even as they were attacked by these assassins." Looking in the bag she frowns. "Scrolls, tomes and riddles. I think we wil have to study these properly as I do not recognise the tongues. THere is also the preserved worm you found. A nasty looking beast." She looks at Mirriana. "Once we have rceovered here what are we to do? Will we return to DIamond Lake to speak with Allustan?"


2017-03-16, 06:15 PM

Merrick is eager to read Eligos' notes as well. Undead hordes, the fabled Sphere of Annihilation, all of this was much deeper than he ever expected when inquiring about doppelganger physiology.

In for a Farthing, in for a Crown.

2017-03-18, 12:23 AM
Lan listened to Zarina's read, then glanced at the others. "La ... labyrinth? Lair? Lake? But if she went, wouldn't she say goodbye or send word to Mirriana? Why did they have a lossy dress? And where is Elgios' hand?"

Turning to stare at the mansion, he shook his head. "We'd better search those remains before we go anywhere ..."

Not sure what to do just yet ...

HPs: 68/70; AC: 20
F +9, R +12, W +6
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Trident/Bow: +15, 1d6+2 (+16, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-03-18, 10:01 AM
Later that night....

The Autumn weather has turned and the rain had arrived with a vengeance but even as you had watched the vilefire hissed defying the rain and after an hour the soot marked Free City citizens gave up as Eligos's stout house collapsed inwards on itself in a smoking heap of rubble and burnt wood.

Back at the Crooked Inn the crowds had thinned and the inn keep had put your trophies up in the private dining room (and library) on the second floor in amonfst the rafters. After saving his life he is grateful to you and happy to turn his back on the slashed and "dis-armed" body, the burnt corpse and the prisoner dragged back from the fire. As the party sit on the low chairs around an old wooden table carved with images of yuan-ti fighting giant furred monkeys in front of an exotic looking tempke in a jungle. Zarina and Lan both notice that although the proportions are wrong the likeness is good. The door opens a crack and when allowed one of the ber wenches sways in - tray laden down with flasks of ale, glasses of wine and massive haunch of well roasted venison with vegetables and potatoes.

As the food is enjoyed the party surveys what's been taken from Eligos's house. A search of Okoral's body is productive, the assassin clearly was experienced before Talsien tore his arms off. Both sword and snake shaped dagger magical and after some thought between Zarina, Merrick and Mirriana the magical gear is identified. The smoke coloured blade with a razor thin edge appears to be made of chitin or strange resin of interest possibly for Lan. The black chain armour sleek and strong, even if the chains are disturbingly like claws and wriggle and writhe.

The prisoner stripped of weapons and armour sits in the corner gagged and bound in the corner says nothing merely watching with dark eyes. Though he seems calm, clearly he knows the "Owlbears" fighting prowess and has just seen Talsien tear his master apart.

Viperblade (MiC)
Kaorti resin shadow hand short sword +1
Poison belt (8 doses blue whinnis, 2 doses purple worm)
Kyton chain (MiC)
Cloak of weaponry

Studded leather +1
Short sword +1
Darkweave vest of resistance +1

Looking at Eligos's body now wrapped in a sheet. It's clearly his body, though a pair of stab wounds suggest the stabbing rather than fire was the cause of death. Even his magical robes and dispelling chord are destroyed, melted by the vilefire. Although it doesn't explain where his hand has gone! Mirriana can also tell that the extensive burn damage and missing arm would make a raise dead relatively challenging.

The papers are interesting as Zarina and Mirriana look at them at the table. Ancient books describing a jungle Empire sacrificed to a Dark God, details of the cults of Hextor, Erythnul and Vecna and the Ebon Triad. Although not clear how it goes together it clearly had Eligos rattled. The sightings of undead, the rise of cults of Kyuss and Ebon Triad in various cities and the damned green Worms and their spawn spreading all over the lands rapidly plauging adventurers in tombs and the wilderness. Above it all is a picture of an ancient temple in a jungle, a floating dark orb above the spires circled with an inky mark "Where is it?"


Zarina looks at Mirriana. "It's all linked together isn't it? All of what you've seen with the Cult in that mine in Diamond Lake, the lizard tribe guarding those contaminated eggs and Bozal and Raknian's plans under the arena. Can we stop this? Do you think anyone else realises?"

2017-03-18, 11:47 AM

What new pieces of gear we've picked up don't really interest me right now, though I do manage to focus on Eligos' effects long enough to get the gist.

"No, I don't think people do realise," I tell Zarina. "I think we know as much as anyone bar Eligos, and I'm not sure we have the cash to risk a Raise Dead, with this much damage he may require a Resurrection, which is probably beyond our means right now. As for whether we can do it... Not too long ago I'd have said that we should find some more powerful group and impress upon them the urgency of our quest. But we have just won the games... Who is there better equipped that ourselves for this vital task? In the next few days we should go and talk to Alustan. I think he's the only one left who can guide us."

After we've learned what we can from Eligos' notes, I turn my attention to the prisoner. I advance like the wrath of a storm, ripping off his gag, taking no account of his comfort. Then I backhand him across the face with my mailed fist. I hold the bloody rag in my other hand up to his face.

"Where's Celeste?"

2017-03-18, 12:38 PM

Always ready to help out a friend, Taliesn pads over to where Mirriana is confronting their prisoner, does his best to bristle his fur, and growls meaningfully while flexing his claws.
Aid Another: Intimidate [roll0]
Note: skill intimidation has never been Taliesn's thing, which is why he's merely trying to "aid" Mirriana.

Edit: . . . and all he does is succeed at looking ridiculous. "Back to your doggy-bed, boy. You're not fooling anyone."

2017-03-18, 01:09 PM


Merrick channels the formidable will of Naberius in this command, anything to speed this interrogation along.

DC 16 will Treat as command.

2017-03-18, 02:25 PM
The assassin quails from the imposing threat of Mirriana, something about the cleric the iron mail beneath the silk glove. Ignoring Talsien his eyes drift between Merrick, the massive Goliath polishing a club bugger than the assasin and the rest of the party.

At Mirriana's words he sinks back. I don't know sheriff Conlon. We was sent with Okarol - the clan leader. We were told kill the mage and the woman. She was pretty tough as was he and they got 3 of us. Simeon was killed by her in the stairs then we lost Akeric and Lacille at the library door. Okarol git the mage then we both got bits of the woman, she chopped off the crispy mage's hand as she ran and locked herself in the antechamber off library. When we battered door down there was nothing in there bar the clothes. Blooded so we know we winged her but don't know where she went. She were alive when the door slammed shut." His stark words have the ring of truth to Mirriana and the others. "I don't know who said to kill them. Okarol told us and that was enough. We were his hand - obedience or death. That was his way. Doesn't pay to ask too many questions." Looking around, shifting uncomfortably in his tied he asks rather boldly - "When you turning me over to City Watch? I know how it works. 3 squares a day then my bosses make a deal, I do some pro-bono work and then back to business. I didn't hurt any of you. No foul done eh?" He is so matter if fact you wonder how often this sort of thing happens. You've all heard how rough and tumble Free City politics are but this may be your first cast iron proof.

Ignoring the interrogation Zarina sits with Goat and Lan. "I need do some studies and learn some new spells. If we are all buying some new weapons and tools cab we tarry here for a further week before we head back to Allustan? That should be enough time for me to have the guild of mages finish my orders and me to complete my studies."

2017-03-18, 02:44 PM

"I can distract the others long enough so you can kill him. He clearly tried to escape while taking him to justice," the wizard says in a low voice.

He wills his shapesand into a sturdy gag around the hired killer's mouth.

2017-03-19, 03:19 AM
Lan was only half listening to Zarina, nodding absently at her question about staying in town. His sharp ears were focused on the conversation with the assassin, even if his focus appeared to be with the gathered items. He was fiddling with one particularly nasty blade, when he caught the last thing the assassin said, missing Merrick's response. Standing up swiftly, blade seemingly forgotten in his hand, he strode towards the interrogation, murmuring "Parson me a moment ..." to Goat and Zarina.

Approaching the tied man, Lan stepped and whispered something in his ear before plunging the viperblade into his gut, letting it spit all the poison into the man's system. His small hand covered his mouth, muffling any screams, as he waited for the man to die. With a sigh, he turned back to Mirriana and Merrick. "You keep me around to do the things you can't or won't do. Now, no one knows that we know your lover is alive. Keep up the tears, cuz you'll need it to convince Raknian's spies that both Elgios and Celeste is dead.

Good news - she cut of Elgios' hand for a reason and took off. My guess, she'll find us ... or at least you. Unless she's stuck on another plane ... but maybe you can summon her."

The halfling ignored the body of the assassin, almost too easy. But he was a survivor at all costs - letting this scum come back at them (or someone else) wasn't going to happen on his watch ...

Machiavel-Lan...dontcha think? I took some liberties, but hopefully we don't need to play out full mechanics ...

HPs: 68/70; AC: 20
F +9, R +12, W +6
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Trident/Bow: +15, 1d6+2 (+16, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-03-19, 10:42 AM

Taliesn turns away in disgust. It is one thing to rip a man's arms off in the heat of combat and something else entirely to knife a bound prisoner. Relaying Lan's comment, he thinks to himself, You don't know Mirriana like we know Mirriana (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17210919&postcount=924), remembering that they had rescued Lan shortly after the summary execution of Kullen the Half-Orc.
Took a little digging, but an excellent incident to highlight what GoatT and Taliesn know about Mirriana that Lan (and Merrick and Zarina) do not.

2017-03-19, 11:03 AM

Returning the shapesand to his possession, Merrick nods.

"Sometimes I guess I over-complicate things. Er. I'm sorry about your loss, Mirriana."

He joins Zarina and brings forth his spellbooks.

"This should be fun. A spellbook is like a fingerprint of a wizard."

2017-03-19, 05:11 PM

"I would not have allowed him to circumvent punishment," I say coldly. I'm not unhappy that the assassin is dead. I'm not even sure I wouldn't have killed him. But I do not approve of the method or the presumption, and my head gives an almost imperceptible shake of disappointment. I take myself to bed without further words. I am not going to be good company in my present mood, and I'll be much more useful in the morning after praying for the appropriate spells.

2017-03-20, 12:14 PM
It all happens so quickly. Merrick and Mirriana interrogating the prisoner until Lan walks over and jams the serpent handled viperblade into the mans stomach. The assassins screams are muted as his feet drum and thrash, blood pooling in his lap and strange yellow froth leaking from his mouth before his eyes roll back and his body goes limp. In the aftermath neither Goat nor Zarina initially say anything and Zarina mutely nods to Zarina as the tall warrior cleric stalks out of the room. Merrick, then as if nothing had happened rejoins her at the table. Zarina looks at Merrick with shock as the wizard sits back down leafing through spell books as Zarina begins to look at his. Wisely saying nothing....

In the morning the dawn dawns grey and overcast as the rain continues. Zarina, after a making a quick trip to the guild house settles down with Merrick studying her spell book and beginning the difficult task of writing new spells into her book, trying to ignore the bodies of Okorral, the assassin and the burned corpse of Eligos all laid out under sheets.

Whats the plan? I think Merrick has 10 days worth of down time? Zarina has 7, what's the rest of the party doing?

2017-03-20, 01:00 PM

Before setting into a week of crafting magical items and copying spells, Merrick seeks out the innkeeper.

"There a number of unsolved killings and other crimes that may be linked the the man we brought in last night. Do you think you might be able to find out what cases were dismissed or still remain unsolved?"

The man was a wretched piece of otyug, and it might help his companions if his actions and impact were put into perspective.

"I will pay any costs required."

2017-03-20, 01:50 PM

I wake early the next morning and pray for spells I suspect will help. Three castings of Sending, and two of Speak with Dead among them. Also Gentle Repose, in case proceedings take a while.

Immediately that I'm done praying, I cast my first spell - Sending, to Celeste.

"Relieved you got out! Are you ok? Okoral and assassins dead. We have Eligos' notes. Could use his hand for raise dead attempt."

I bite my lip for a moment, and then append: "Miss you." She should be able to reply in like fashion.

After that it's breakfast, and I believe I need to have some words with Lan after yesterday. My tone is firm, but not unkind.

"Landahl. I appreciate you haven't known me as long as some of the others and you mean well, but when have I ever given the impression that I am not capable of doing what needs to be done? I remember someone arguing that I should stay my hand from the infant illithids, and before you joined us in Diamond Lake there was Kullen."

"The assassin did harm to our cause and injury to Celeste. In that light, do you think I would have let him off lightly?" I quirk an eyebrow like a stern professor.

"I could have observed the niceties, but now regardless of whether it is believed we must spin a tale. I will not censure you for your actions - I am not your mother and the victim deserved it. Mostly I'm hurt you did not trust me."

With that said, it's time to turn my attention to the corpses. I cast Gentle Repose on Eligos. "I have sent Celeste a missive requesting the return of Eligos' hand. I think we should wait until we have his hand before attempting to restore him to life. We would also need to buy a scroll - over 6000gp that we would need to contribute."

I agree with Merrick concerning the Assassin's victims. Luckily I have a spell for that! I cast on the unnamed assassin first. Four questions. Hmmm.

"Who were your assassin group's ten most recent victims?"

"Who, besides Okoral, were your bosses?"

"Where did you stash your money?"

I think for a moment more. Can't think of any good questions, he was fairly plain in living interview.

"Favorite Greyhawk tavern?" I venture.

2017-03-20, 02:27 PM

"I must depart for some time, I regret I cannot be of more service. You can reach me at the Mages' Guildhouse in the Midnight Muddle."

Using a simple Amanuensis cantrip, Merrick copies the writings from Zarina's spellbook to decipher and transcribe later. He then binds himself to Naberius and Astaroth, to benefit from their granted powers.

Before heading to the guildhall, Merrick stops at a cordwainer and purchases a sturdy pair of small boots.

I spend 75 gp for boots, supposing the price for a noble's outfit should be enough for a masterwork pair of boots.

So I now have 3473 gp for anyone who needs it. Just text Muddy.

Merrick O'Fey (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=249687)
Male N Human (Onnwal) Wizard/Binder/Anima Mage, Level 3/1/6, Init 1, HP 31/31, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16, Fort 7, Ref 7, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus 4
Quarterstaff +5 (1d6, x2)
Ranged Touch Spell +5 (-, x2)
25% chance to avoid critical hits or sneak attack damage Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt of Light Fortification +1 (+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 14
Naberius Bound
1. Heal 1 point in each damaged ability score every round and 1 point in all drained ability scores every hour
2. Disguise Self
3. Can direct a verbal command at a single living target within 30 feet as if using the command spell, Will DC 16

Astaroth Bound

1. Angelic Lore: Treat as bardic knowledge ability as a 9th level bard
2. Breath weapon once every 5 rounds, can exhale a 60-foot cone of foul-smelling gas [DC 16 Fort save or be nauseated for 1 round and sickened for an additional 1d4 rounds]
3. +4 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks
4. +4 competence bonus on all Craft checks and select one item creation feat as a temporary bonus feat,
5. Suggestion, as the spell with a CL 9, once every 5 rounds. The number of people under the effects of this ability is equal to Charisma bonus.


0- Amanuensis
0- Amanuensis
0- Amanuensis
0- Amanuensis

1- Protection From Evil
1- Charm Person
1- Magic Missile
1- Wall of Smoke
1- Sticky Floor

2- Protection From Arrows
2- Resist Energy
2- Gust of Wind
2- Spider Climb
2- Invisibility

3- Haste
3- Haste
3- Haste
3- Haste

4- Charm Monster
4- Evard's Black Tentacles

5- Break Enchantment

2017-03-20, 05:25 PM
Lan didn't speak with any of the others; their avoidance of him was fairly obvious. He cleaned his weapons, leaving the viperblade behind, and found a spot to sit guard for the evening over the bodies. When he awoke the next day and joined the others downstairs, Mirrana was the first to approach him, chastising him for his lack of faith. He stood stoically, eyes fixed on the woman as she spoke. Once she finished, he snorted, shaking his head. "First, the assassin had a choice - those baby squids didn't. Second, keeping that man alive, or letting others know he was alive puts your woman in danger. Finally, I didn't do that cuz I don't trust you. I know you've got the stones to do what's necessary ... but it ain't all on you. You've made plenty hard calls ... and there'll be more before this is all done. I took one off your plate; an easy one, sure, but one less thing you have to shoulder.

Maybe now you can trust that we can make the hard calls, too."

At the discussion of money for Elgios, Lan shrugged. He didn't need much, so he figured that meant his share was forfeit.

Now Lan gets the stink eye ... oh well :smallsmile:

HPs: 70; AC: 20
F +9, R +12, W +6
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Trident/Bow: +15, 1d6+2 (+16, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-03-21, 05:32 PM
Writing in her spell book Zarina keeps out of the way of the cleric and the scout as they speak with slightly brittle tones to one another. As Lan settles down Zarina moves across to him, a hand resting his shoulder. "Thank you Landhal. I do not approve of what you did. Heironeous's teachings are too ingrained for me to not wish him to see more traditional justice. But," she pauses to kneel beside him to make sure he knows she is being sincere "I can see you did that to spare any of us from doing that and to keep us safe from reprisal's from the rest of that assassin's gang. So I thank you." Looking around she shrugs, "We will no doubt be on the move in a few days so best take the time to rest and be merry whilst we can."

On the other side of the room Mirriana appears deep in prayer as she focuses on the sending. An agonising few seconds hang there before she hears a soft reply in what she can recognise as Celeste's musical voice. The message short and to the point but reassuring in its content even as it frustrates with the lack of detail.

I'm here. I'm alive. Eligos is with me. We must hide. A part of me is with you. We will see each other again.

Turning to the slightly less enjoyable task of interrogating the corpse she weaves her spell as the shadowy remnant of a soul rises, grimacing and writhing at the spectral echo of the viperblade's poison. At her demands the corpse whispers through its dead lips ina shallow rusty voice. "We kill who we are commanded. The two night guards, the witch and the sage. A cook and the maid, butler and merchant prince. The dwarf banker and the arrogant judge. the answer to the first demand, slightly cyptic but possibly clear enough to help track down the guild's activites. "There are two hands, Okaroal the left, the red-queen the Right. At the pinnacle the faceless one..." the last sendinga shiver down most of the group's face at the mention of possibly the same mage you dealt with many weeks ago or possibly merely a coincidence. "The guild pockets run deep, the chests filled with the glory of the kill behind the vault doors" - suggesting taht the guild keeps most of the wealth in its coffers at the guild house wherever that may be. The final question gets a hint of a ghosltly smile, a happy memory as the semblance of life flees the body "The pig and whistle". Zarina nodding, she has heard of it - a dowdy place in the slums where most people would try and avoid.

2017-03-22, 04:49 PM

I smile to know she's safe.

"Celeste and Eligos are fine," I tell the others. "No need to raise him."

I turn my attention back to the remaining corpse. Okoral's corpse. A short prayer later and I'm asking him questions.

"What do you know of the Red Queen?"

"What do you know of the Faceless one?"

"Do you know where Raknian can be found?"

"What do you not want us to discover?"

2017-03-22, 05:04 PM

Merrick winces inwardly as he prepares for the assassin's literal answers.

The dead are such a pain.

"Before I go, consider finding that Filge fellow you mentioned from the crowd. If you return to Diamond Lake, he might alert unseen enemies you still have there."

2017-03-24, 07:04 AM

I smile to know she's safe.

"Celeste and Eligos are fine," I tell the others. "No need to raise him."

I turn my attention back to the remaining corpse. Okoral's corpse. A short prayer later and I'm asking him questions.

"What do you know of the Red Queen?"

"What do you know of the Faceless one?"

"Do you know where Raknian can be found?"

"What do you not want us to discover?"

As Mirriana sits with Okarol's mangled corpse she communes with the spirit. This time the results are less forthcoming. The ghostly soulform of Okarol sitting up but snarling hate on his face. " Curse you and your friends b*tch of Mystara. Raknian or another will succeed, the Worms shall rise and the dead shall rule...." it spits spectral spittle at Mirriana before fading away.

He saved.

Shivering Zarina looks up from the book where she works, a smudge of ink on her face from the careful writing and formulae. "The assassin's corpse was helpful." she offers, a grin at Mirriana and Lan. "Merrick and I are busy much of the day but we an pursue the guild if you wish Mirriana or we can ready to seek out Allustan. "

OOC: any plans for seven days or a montage then on the road

2017-03-24, 04:35 PM

I wipe the ectoplasmic spittle from my face, and refrain from punching Okoral's corpse in the mouth only because that would be ridiculous.

"No point pursuing the guild. They're probably not generally connected to this affair and I can think of few worse enemies to make! I have a few errands to run this morning. I'll be back in a bit."

Mirriana goes shopping! She purchases the items listed in the OOC.

After her shopping trip, I make my way to The Crown of Thorns, where Arcane Aurigia and Queen Rennida said they'd be waiting.

2017-03-24, 06:34 PM

Taliesn, too, excuses himself. He needs to visit the Wizard's Guild smithy to be fitted for maile and then some other orders to place with them. Going to be better prepared in my next fight.

After that, it is off to see his reading tutor again. Will she be impressed to be tutoring one of the Champions? He wonders. Just remember to let her down gently, if it comes to that. Can't have anyone getting the wrong impression. :smallredface:

2017-03-25, 01:04 AM

Merrick settled into the novice cell granted to him by the Free City Mages' Guild. The slight wobble of the uncomfortable stool took him back to the days he arrived in the Free City, a shell shocked refugee.

Here's some mood music for you:


His father had sold all of their remaining possessions to afford his tuition, and got himself hired as a groundskeeper for the Guild's Endowment.

Then one night father vanished, leaving only a note offering an apology and explanation:

My son.

I'm sorry. I must seek her out and end this.

Remember who she was, not what she became. Be strong. Do not forget.


Their well-rehearsed story was repeated so often, Merrick had almost forgotten the truth.

"We are survivors of Scant, razed to the ground, all the citizens slaughtered. My wife among them."

"My mother stayed behind to afford our escape. Though a powerful wizard, she succumbs to their numbers."

"She sacrificed herself so I and my son could live."


"Scarlet Brotherhood..."

The locals soon tired of the story. Looks of sympathy eroded into contempt, and finally cold indifference, just as they intended.

Now Father had to face the truth.

This was eight years ago. Hearing nothing told Merrick his father failed. Soon the task would fall to him. He knew that even now he wasn't strong enough to face his mother.

They never lived in Scant. They lived several leagues to the east, father as a humble herbalist and apothecary, Mother of course archdruidess of steading Tir Ag Uc.

When the Brotherhood surged through Onnwal, destroying all before them, Mother rallied the people and the Land itself against them. But the Brotherhood seemed to never ebb in numbers. Mother had to draw forth more and more power from herself and the Land to repulse them.

Soon the sacrifices began. Power older than the elves and more alien that the Far Reaches were tapped and channeled through Mother. The steading began to weep blood, and while the Brotherhood was driven back a much greater evil took root.

Father took Merrick and told him not to look back.

Years passed. Father sought out power that could counter Mother. Dark pacts, forbidden biding rituals, grafts of inhuman flesh. They either consumed him, or he fell. Either way, the task now lay with Merrick.

Despite his promises to Father and himself, Merrick sought the same quick paths to power as he did. But he also knew that such power was fickle, thus his fierce dedication to arcane studies. This "Age of Worms" unsettled him. If Mother learned of Kyuss, the Ebon Triad, and rituals of Godhood, she would truly become unstoppable. Better to annihilate this cult now, then focus on her.

After all, she always told him to deal with the problem in front of him before dealing with the one out of reach.

"Ye don't worry about the rain if yer house is on fire, me fine boy."

After so many years, her voice still made him ache...

No matter. He had a burning house to put out first.

2017-03-28, 04:13 PM
A few quiet days pass. Merrick crafting quietly in the Guild chambers creating a fine pair of boots for his halfling friend. Zarina busied herself in the Inn for the most part, rarely leaving as she paused only for food and drink from her rapid scribblings into her spell books as she considered what magical spells she might need for what would no doubt be battles ahead. The others busied themselves with whatever they wanted, Goat, Lan and Talsien both spending much time at the market seeking new items of power and in the case of Lan also picking upa few things that Zarina had described.


Across town in the noble district at the posh and impressive Crown of Thorns - a solid three storey building with one half of the building coated with creeping vines Mirriana is soon recognised and seated with a fine bottle of wine and a small crowd of admiring onloookers who wish to see, speak with or merely greet the champion of the games. THey leave quickly as Rennida and the other female elves come down to greet Mirriana. The tall, silver haired elf, radiant in a metallic silk gown that seems to move more like liquid than cloth and with a grace that no human will ever possess. She curtsies a fraction to Mirriana. "Mistress Conlon, Crellion illume your day. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"


Let me know anything you'd like to do in the 6 remaining days before Merrick/Zarina are finished wizardly things.

2017-03-28, 04:59 PM

Across town in the noble district at the posh and impressive Crown of Thorns - a solid three storey building with one half of the building coated with creeping vines Mirriana is soon recognised and seated with a fine bottle of wine and a small crowd of admiring onloookers who wish to see, speak with or merely greet the champion of the games. THey leave quickly as Rennida and the other female elves come down to greet Mirriana. The tall, silver haired elf, radiant in a metallic silk gown that seems to move more like liquid than cloth and with a grace that no human will ever possess. She curtsies a fraction to Mirriana. "Mistress Conlon, Crellion illume your day. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"



"A star shines on the hour of our meeting," I greet the queen and her kin. "On the field of our battle I promised that should I survive the games I would find you and attempt to raise Alieth."

I smile warmly at the elves. "Fortune has favoured me, so here I am. I am not quite powerful enough to cast the spell for myself, but I believe I may cast it from a scroll without trouble, and my newfound fame should allow me to procure one at a slight discount. I am afraid I must reserve most of my recent gains for a difficult quest laid before me by my goddess, but I can contribute perhaps half the material price. It is the best I can offer."

I think very hard about whether to tell them not to fear for Celeste's safety, but in the end caution restrains me. I don't know how close they were, and Celeste's could be depending on my keeping her absolute confidence.

2017-03-28, 05:13 PM

"A star shines on the hour of our meeting," I greet the queen and her kin. "On the field of our battle I promised that should I survive the games I would find you and attempt to raise Alieth."

I smile warmly at the elves. "Fortune has favoured me, so here I am. I am not quite powerful enough to cast the spell for myself, but I believe I may cast it from a scroll without trouble, and my newfound fame should allow me to procure one at a slight discount. I am afraid I must reserve most of my recent gains for a difficult quest laid before me by my goddess, but I can contribute perhaps half the material price. It is the best I can offer."

I think very hard about whether to tell them not to fear for Celeste's safety, but in the end caution restrains me. I don't know how close they were, and Celeste's could be depending on my keeping her absolute confidence.

Rennida looks almost stunned at Mirriana's words before a tear rolls down her cheeks. The elven princess clearly stunned that a promise on the sands of the arena would still stand after Mirriana's victory. "My thanks, words cannot describe how grateful we would be." As she listens to the gold she embraces Mirriana, "We have some savings from the battles and some ready cash from the Elven realms to draw upon but time is short as even that potent magic cannot call Alieth back".

Need 6125 * 0.9 = 5510
Elves have 3200 GP
Party can stump up 2310
(If Mirriana needs she can grab 1000 from Zarina)

A few hours later finds the elves and Mirriana in the quiet marble shrine of Corellion. Marble, flowers and a harpist adding to the tranquility as you surround Aelith's body dressed in fine silk robes covering the wounds - the body preserved by gentle repose. The scroll Mirriana had acquired at cost and influence from the golden domed Temple of Pelor glows in her hands as she begins the spell, the paper fading and melting to motes of gold as the spell completed and surrounding the body for a long minute before with a pulse of the sun's warmth life is restored and the young elf maiden jerks upwards, a hand reaching for a bow that is not there as the elves rejoice. Rennida taking Mirriana's hand. "Truly you are a true friend and a heroine among your kind. Take this brooch - show it to any elves from my nation and they will aid you."

Word of Friendship (Sp): You learn a short magical phrase that identifies you as a ruathar. While anyone can learn to mouth the words of the phrase, only ruathars are taught the magical key that makes the phrase more than just a few words in Elven. This is a sonic, language-dependent effect and is equivalent to a 1st-level spell. The word of friendship does not influence the hearer's mind in any way, but all elves know that only ruathars are taught it. Elves addressed in such a fashion generally begin with an attitude of friendly or helpful toward you, unless you are obviously engaged in an evil act.

2017-03-30, 01:36 AM

As he poured the last of his own spirit into the enchanted boots, Merrick reminisced about the first time he created a magical item.

"Your arcane sigil is as unique as your voice. Once you create it, it can never be duplicated by another magus. Begin."

Onto the scroll of vellum, Merrick the young wizard's apprentice etched the 'wizard's mark.' As he finished, the quill with which he wrote crumbled into dust which evaporated into the very aether. Then as proof of his success, the sigil glowed on the scroll.

Many years and many scroll since, Merrick smiled with satisfaction at his masterpiece.

Soon, Papa.

Quicksilver Boots for Lan.

Nobody interested about digging into the reappearance of Filge?

2017-04-01, 05:36 PM
The few days pass. The Elves all grateful to Mirriana after celebrating for an evening are planning on leaving the City to return to the enchanted forests to continue to recuperate as even though she may have only been dead for 5 or so days it is still a traumatic experience. There is also the slight embarrassment for the elven nobility that they were so roundly beaten in the first round despite their vaunted elven skill at arms. They do leave with promises of debts of honour with Mirriana and her friends. Not only for the hnour in the arena but for the great serveice they did them after the fact.


The morning of the 9th day dawns on grey and cold. But Zarina, like the others is happy to look to leaving. Seven long days of arcane formula's not that interesting and leaving her fidgety and tired and looking forward to swinging a sword and going through her kata once more. It feels good to slipon the strange gith craft chain and strap the heavy dastana and armoured gauntlets onto her arms as she lays out her gear to inspect one more time. The delivery from the mage guild had supplied a new set of gloves, one studded with small stars that glowed with a faint internal light. Even more exciting were the willow wands that she had purchased and the new capsules of alchemical fire, acid and others that she clipped into the contraption around the long hilt of the full blade. Heading into the library where they had been storing the bodies she glanced at the others. "So... what should we do now. Are we ready for the long walk back to Diamond Lake. That is, if I can join you?" SHe pauses, looking between the faces of the party. "I know Eligos and Celeste only invited me to help you with the games but with the notes we have discovered and the things we fought in the shrine to Kyuss something is coming. I have been trained to fight evil and that's what I want to do."

OOC: Are you guys walking the 3 days back to Diamond Lake?

2017-04-01, 06:18 PM

After his absence for over a week, Merrick returns with a finely crafter pair of small boots.

"My practical friend, I cannot count the number of times your quickness has saved my life in this past few weeks," he says, handing the boots to Lan.

"I hope these can go part ways towards paying you back."

He looks at the corpses still in their possession.

"We could give these to Khellek. Raw materials to replace golems we destroyed."

As befits our MW station, we should hire some mounts. Walking's for level 4 characters.

2017-04-01, 06:26 PM
During the down time, Lan is was intent on learning more about their foes. He spent quite a bit of time looking through the library. When he wasn't there, he went to search the catacombs, presuming at least one or two of the others would join him; he was focused, but not stupid.

When Merrill found him and gave him a set of fone boots, he was surprised to say the least. However, he gave a heartfelt, if simple, word of thanks. Upon putting them on, a small smile, genuine (and just a bit grim) lit his face up. With the items he had purchased on his own, he would be able to take the fight to their enemies even better. Touching the stones around his neck with the new gloves he wore, he nodded to himself; yes, he would be a force to be reckoned with.

When the others gathered a week later and spoke of leaving, he shrugged. Raknian was still at large, and there were elements supporting him within the city. However, if they could not find him, they must follow the next clue. Aloud, he said, "It's probably better we stay here and continue our search for that fiend. I've heard a rumor he may have left north."

However, across the link they shared, he thought Best we remember Taknian probably has spies all around. If we leave for the Lake, let's do it unannounced and under cover of darkness. Recent events has proven one truth - we are being watched by our enemies.

Ready to pres ... with a little obfuscation. If possible, the mean little halfling would have tried to clear out the catacombs. And research Kyuss. And buy his gear.

HPs: 70; AC: 20
F +9, R +12, W +6
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+15, 1d4+2 / +16, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+15, 1d6+2 / +16, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Bow (+14, 1d6+1 / +15, 1d6+2 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-04-02, 07:16 AM
During the week

Talsien and Lan, as the two not engaged in arcane or magical shenanigans head out over the course of the week to explore further the doppelganger and mind flayer lair.

Creeping down the long shaft to the watery entrance to the doppelgangers lair it seems like a long time since you came this way after meeting Merrick and sadly with poor Julienne. The lair is deserted though! Dust, scraps of paper here and there and a few dropped items of clothing are all that remain. You suppose it's to be expected, perhaps not all the gang were present when you killed the clan leader.

The mindflayer lair though is still as you left it. Although the body of Zyrxog is now a mass of decaying white maggot ridden rubbery flesh. And the pool of baby flayer tadpoles is cloudy with rot filled with a film of mould. Zryxogs's chamber is undisturbed with a small library of books about the Free City which while interesting to a library are heavy and not that rare. The laboratory is far more obscure with books written in strange squiggly writing but the pictures depicting weird grafts, anatomy and monstrous amalgams of fused flesh. The library is the last of the places of interest and remains full of the weird and the wonderful if all 'odd'. Although you cleared out the magical loot previously the rest remains. Oddities like an empty cage if thorns around a foot in size, the preserved head of a black dragon -it's eyes still glowing - dozens of jars with preserved organs and sometimes babies from a host of creatures including 4 beholder eye stalks and a weird metallic fleshy hammer like arm. The books are for the most part clearly evil and a scroll depicting demons torturing humans is held down by an amazingly life-like statue of a small pseudo-dragon.

In the present

Zarina shakes her head Merrick's suggestion. "We can't do that! Those things were an abomination. I'm glad Goat destroyed them all." She looks to the door. "We could ask the inn keeper to pass them to the Wee Jasians where they can be buried properly."

Glancing at Lan admiring his new gloves, boots and charms she self consciously flexes her new gloves. "You look ready Lan. Though it does seem strange seeing you without that trident in your hand. As to how suggestion - you are probably right . She winks making it obvious to the others she means the sneaking out the town.

The chatter is disturbed by a knock at the door and Lucille the maid poking her head in. "Excuse me Sers, but there is some men at the door looking for Mistress Conlon and Master Goat. They said they was sent by Sheriff Cubbin of Diamond Lake. The village needs help they say - a black dragon gas attacked the town!" Although she sounds surprised she clearly thinks this is something normal for the likes of the "Owlbears". " You'd best be quick! Once word gets out hunters 'll be arriving from far and wide."

2017-04-02, 03:47 PM
The few days pass. The Elves all grateful to Mirriana after celebrating for an evening are planning on leaving the City to return to the enchanted forests to continue to recuperate as even though she may have only been dead for 5 or so days it is still a traumatic experience. There is also the slight embarrassment for the elven nobility that they were so roundly beaten in the first round despite their vaunted elven skill at arms. They do leave with promises of debts of honour with Mirriana and her friends. Not only for the honour in the arena but for the great service they did them after the fact.


The morning of the 9th day dawns on grey and cold. But Zarina, like the others is happy to look to leaving. Seven long days of arcane formula's not that interesting and leaving her fidgety and tired and looking forward to swinging a sword and going through her kata once more. It feels good to slipon the strange gith craft chain and strap the heavy dastana and armoured gauntlets onto her arms as she lays out her gear to inspect one more time. The delivery from the mage guild had supplied a new set of gloves, one studded with small stars that glowed with a faint internal light. Even more exciting were the willow wands that she had purchased and the new capsules of alchemical fire, acid and others that she clipped into the contraption around the long hilt of the full blade. Heading into the library where they had been storing the bodies she glanced at the others. "So... what should we do now. Are we ready for the long walk back to Diamond Lake. That is, if I can join you?" SHe pauses, looking between the faces of the party. "I know Eligos and Celeste only invited me to help you with the games but with the notes we have discovered and the things we fought in the shrine to Kyuss something is coming. I have been trained to fight evil and that's what I want to do."

OOC: Are you guys walking the 3 days back to Diamond Lake?

I join the elves in subdued celebration. I am glad for their pledge of help, and the feeling of having successfully restored the spark of life to one killed too soon is one I will not soon forget. I remind them that besides the Owlbears, Arcane Auriga were the last team standing and that the other two teams in that fight were not nearly so fortunate as to survive basically without casualty. It may have been the first round, but there is no shame in going out to the eventual champions. I pass a pleasant evening and then head back to our accommodations.

I give Zarina a look that says I think she's being silly, even as I clap her on her shoulder. "Zarina, you may not have been with us long, but you have already proven yourself a valued companion and a true friend. If (knowing what we most likely face) you wish to remain with for the trials ahead, I would be honoured that you accompany us."

And, no. I bought a horse, obviously. Also a saddle and a lance. Still haven't figured out what I'm going to name her yet though.

In the present

Zarina shakes her head Merrick's suggestion. "We can't do that! Those things were an abomination. I'm glad Goat destroyed them all." She looks to the door. "We could ask the inn keeper to pass them to the Wee Jasians where they can be buried properly."

The chatter is disturbed by a knock at the door and Lucille the maid poking her head in. "Excuse me Sers, but there is some men at the door looking for Mistress Conlon and Master Goat. They said they was sent by Sheriff Cubbin of Diamond Lake. The village needs help they say - a black dragon gas attacked the town!" Although she sounds surprised she clearly thinks this is something normal for the likes of the "Owlbears". " You'd best be quick! Once word gets out hunters 'll be arriving from far and wide."

"A... a dragon?!" I ask, stunned. Why would a dragon want to attack Diamond Lake? "Lan, I think your idea has merit but I think we need to leave right now!"

2017-04-02, 05:00 PM

"Yes, let me prepare and bind accordingly. You spoke of a dragon egg at the Blackwell Keep. I doubt this is a coincidence."

resist energy of course, but also remove fear and barkskin for dragons and little worms?

Binding Buer and Focalor.
Spells on character sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=249687).

2017-04-02, 06:09 PM

It's a welcome relief from the boredom of waiting for Merrick to finish his crafting, Zarina her scribing, GoatTracker his drinking and cabor tossing, to join Lan in a more thorough search of Zyrxog's lair. He equips a special meld to allow for sniffing out any magical signatures.
Disenchanter Mask, detect magic at will. Not expecting to find anything.
Later in the week, when the others go to purchase mounts, he snorts with disdain. Mounts are for those who are not already blessed with four legs.

Though if food is hard to find on the trail, I suppose a mount might have some use, he thinks to himself.

2017-04-05, 03:06 AM
"A... a dragon?!" I ask, stunned. Why would a dragon want to attack Diamond Lake? "Lan, I think your idea has merit but I think we need to leave right now!"

The maid brings the two guards in. One Mirriana recognises, Jamis- Cubbin's deputy - though now disfigured by acidic burns on the left hand side of his face and his hand. The second deputy looks vaguely familiar so probably a local to Diamond Lake but younger by far than Mirriana so must be a recent addition to the deputies. Jamis griamces and almost stumbles as he see's Mirriana. "Conlon. What manner of joke is this? I demanded to see the bloody champions not some jumped up little girl that used to work for me." Rounding on the mage as the younger deputy looks terrified he shouts - "I said Champions not fools like this woman and her massive brute lover" the last said with a mocking bite towards Goat. Being burnt by acid it appears has not appeared Jamis's demanour....

2017-04-05, 04:25 AM

"Congratulations Jamis," I begin acidly.

"You've always been a **** up, but to come here and insult me - not through your words (which are expected) but through your utter ignorance - and also insult my friend and by extension my other friends - at the very moment you most require our aid is a new low even for you! Yes, we are the champions you seek."

I point to the champions belt worn proudly at Goattracker's waist.

"We triumphed in the games. We are adored by this city. Queen Renida of the elvish nation names me 'Elf Friend', 'Ruathar', 'A true friend and heroine', and swears to my debt. I have slain abominations, summoned griffins and restored life to the dead. That you can't believe the little girl you knew has grown so far and surpassed you so much is your problem, not mine. You should also know that my lover Celeste was assassinated barely a week ago because my enemy dared not face me personally."

I pause for just a moment to let Jamis squirm as he realises what he's said and to whom. It may not be a true fact, but it will by now be common knowledge in the city that Celeste was dear to me and was killed in the fire at Master Eligos'.

"Were I to walk into the street and declare how you have just now insulted me most likely you would be dead by daybreak. I would not have to lift a finger. You are nothing but a petty crook; a bully masquerading as the law! Diamond Lake is exceptionally lucky that my aid is not contingent on anything you do or say. However I do suggest you say nothing lest you provoke Goattracker here to invite you to leave via a window!"

Having thoroughly chewed Jamis out, I turn to the other deputy, my tone much kinder.

"What is your name, deputy? Of course we'll help. We should leave at once! Perhaps you can tell us what happened en route?"

2017-04-05, 01:49 PM

"Yes, yes," the wizard says impatiently, "we all going to kill the dragon. Don't worry your... by the Gods man, your face!"

The influence of Buer compels him to offer healing to scarred guardsman.

Without asking, he lays a hand on the acid-scarred face and passes healing energies into... whatever he said his name was.

"Don't pick at it, it will just become putrescent. No, don't bother thanking me."

Merrick clops over to his recently-purchase wagon and mule team, and checks their readiness.

"If you are invalid, you may ride back in my wagon. Stay downwind."

1 HP healed if he's still damaged. Wagon can carry anything we humanoids can't carry.

2017-04-05, 04:08 PM
Jamis backs down rapidly. Cowed by the intensity of Mirriana's scorn, and the sudden and terrifying realisation that she is probably right! Most in the area know of the games and the realisation that Mirriana and Goat are the champions would suddenly make him feel as pathetic as he is. Stammering he leaves quickly, a hand to his face suprised as some of the scars fade. "I ain't coming with you. Cubbin has other tasks for me. Take Jake if you want. He's no bloody good to me anyway." The young guard flushes as Jamis storms out angrily.

Stammering the young lad (who can't be more than ~15) looks at the party. "Twas a big black dragon. Bigger than the buildings themselves.... It started roaring and hissing about Allustan and the folks who broke its egg in the mistmarsh.
When we couldn't tell it what it wanted it began tearing the buildings apart and killing folks. It weren't till that weird hairy freak Solomon (a quaggoth) shouted about Allustan exploring some sort of magical mirror in a Cairn did it fly off." He shakes as he relieves it a little. "I was terrified. Nothing stopped the beast, arrows bounced off and everything. But it ran off to the Cairn 2 days ago and we ain't seen it since. But we ain't seen Allustan either so we's reckon he's dragon dung by now."


Over the next day and a half as you push the horses hard on the small wagon that creaks under the weight of the Goliath the boy continues to talk. Mainly quizzing Mirriana and Lan about what's its like to adventure. His eyes rarely leaving Mirriana as she talks or rides alongside. The boy, Jake, is the son of a miner from the nearby hills so has had a thoroughly boring life until recently after the cult was discovered did he join the militia under the corrupt sheriff so has been part of it for all of 3 weeks! Soon enough though you crest the low rise and the muddy silty water of Diamond Lake stretches out in front of you and you can see the demolished ruins and rubble of the half a dozen buildings and still see a mournful crowd of mourners still visiting the only recently laid to rest in the Wee Jas cemetery.

2017-04-05, 05:15 PM

Back to where it all began, Taliesn muses. Shall we head directly to the Cairn, or is there someone to see in the town first?

2017-04-05, 05:34 PM

"Is there a place we can park our mounts? I don't think we'll need them with us."

Knowing what they face ahead, Merrick prepares a great many acid resistance abjurations.

[roll0] With the vague description of size, perhaps I can estimate the beast's age.

Casts Greater Mighty Wallop on Goat's tree.

Casts Overland Flight on self.

Merrick O'Fey (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=249687)
Male N Human (Onnwal) Wizard/Binder/Anima Mage, Level 3/1/6, Init 1, HP 31/31, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16, Fort 7, Ref 7, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus 4
Quarterstaff +5 (1d6, x2)
Ranged Touch Spell +5 (-, x2)
25% chance to avoid critical hits or sneak attack damage Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt of Light Fortification +1 (+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition Buer Bad Pact -
Focalor Good Pact
Overland Flight (9 hours)
0- All
1- Lesser Orb of Sound, Lesser Orb of Electricity, Shield, Charm Person, Protection From Evil, Ray of Flame, Wall of Smoke, Magic Missile, Color Spray, Sticky Floor, Feather Fall
2- Protection From Arrows, Resist Energy, Web, Invisibility, Knock, Spider Climb, Gust of Wind, Baleful Transposition
3- Heroism, Halt Undead, Prismatic Mist, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Greater Mage Armor, Haste, Hold Person, Fireball, Greater Mighty Wallop, Mass Snakes Swiftness, Protection From Energy, Evard's Menacing Tentacles, Fly, Displacement, Dispel Magic
4-Charm Monster, Dimension Door, Mass Resist Energy, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Evard's Black Tentacles, Improved Invisibility
5-Dismissal, Break Enchantment, Teleport, Overland Flight
Born Freeday, the 14th of Readying.

2017-04-06, 02:51 PM

"Pay no heed to Jamis," I tell Jake as Jamis flees my sight. "His approval would fill me with shame. You did well to face the dragon though you had no hope against it. Bravery is not the absence of fear - it is being terrified and still doing what needs to be done."

As we come up on Diamond lake, my mouth sets into a line. "Finding Allustan and the dragon is important, but we should see to the needs of the people first. Tal, did you have time to check up on Duke? the last thing the people of Diamond Lake need now is a panicky encounter with a juvenile owlbear."

2017-04-06, 11:21 PM

"Very well. I will tend the most grievous wounds. Conserve your prayers, with my gift of Buer we should be able to heal all of them without expending any of your spells."

He takes in the damage and grimaces. The beast was still out there and could return without warning.

"We should find whomever is in charge. Depending on the carnage, it may end up being us."

Hold off on Overland Flight until it's time to leave town.
Use Buer's 1 hp healing until all dying/unconscious are stable.

Let Diamond Lake sing the praises of Saint Merrick the Healer. :cool:

2017-04-08, 09:59 PM

While the others head into town, Taliesn takes a foray into the wilderness to the north. Hopefully, his tribe has given Duke some solid training in avoiding civilized areas ("Humanoids taste bad and aren't nearly as nutritious as a good stag or boar.") and established him in his own territory well away from Diamond Lake. It would be good to warn the owlbear of the threat of a dragon -- Indiscriminate, irascible eaters! (overlooking any irony in making such an observation to an owlbear).

2017-04-09, 12:37 AM

The shifter heads north into the hills where he finds a few of his people. Impressed by his skills and powers now they are happy to point to the forest some 6 miles south of Diamond Lake where the Owlbears has grown to the size of a large pig. If it's spoor are to be believed Duke seems to be existing mainly on grouse and rabbits. The Owlbears is happy to see the shifter and the two shareca happy few hours.

Before he heads home a pair of wolf-like creatures approach, both sending out mental words "We were right to send you. Evil is coming, we can smell it onyou where you have shed it's blood. We chose well little pup. Make the ancestors proud".

Diamond Lake

The town do rush out to greet the Champions of the arena. Dozens of rough looking miners, shouting for help and vengeance and other shop owners, whores and towns folk. In the square you can see the emporioum - normally the heart of the town entertainment smashed and in ruins. Allustans's house us likewise nothing more than rubble. Worst of all is her small home, grotty on the outside yet neat and a sanctuary on the inside is smashed, charred embers all that remains of her life before she fell into this adventure.

It's Cubbin who approaches first looking at the young deputy angrily before words vanish as he sees the fullblade armed warrior mage, a wizard with a bizzare clearly magical clan, the halfling, Mirriana now with full plate and a crystal encrusted blade and finally Goat with the heavy belt of the Champion! "Conlon! We had heard rumours but I though they were lies. You got our message to the Champions. Are you here to avenge your people?"

There are many people after that cheering and pushing. The high priest of St Cuthbert - Jierian Wierus, odd looking in chain with a hammer at his side - pushing forward as well. "Welcome back. I recall you had the blessings of a goddess, cab you help with the healing? Many lie in the halls of the Temple of the Cudgel injured, too many for myself or Velias". The old grey haired man grimaces "Velias is the current high priest of Heronious. Valkus was killed defending the town from that dragon. He showed no fear and died well."

The creak if a gibbet draws your sttention as Cubbin speaks up. "Aye, Conlon. That be Lanod. The townsfolk didn't like him and that wizarding brother of his drawing a wyrm to our town. He got justice. Now the mine council is in charge. Proctor Parrin would like to see any folk that come a visiting " (she was one of 5 remaining mine managers)

2017-04-09, 02:50 PM
Diamond Lake

The town do rush out to greet the Champions of the arena. Dozens of rough looking miners, shouting for help and vengeance and other shop owners, whores and towns folk. In the square you can see the emporioum - normally the heart of the town entertainment smashed and in ruins. Allustans's house us likewise nothing more than rubble. Worst of all is her small home, grotty on the outside yet neat and a sanctuary on the inside is smashed, charred embers all that remains of her life before she fell into this adventure.

It's Cubbin who approaches first looking at the young deputy angrily before words vanish as he sees the fullblade armed warrior mage, a wizard with a bizzare clearly magical clan, the halfling, Mirriana now with full plate and a crystal encrusted blade and finally Goat with the heavy belt of the Champion! "Conlon! We had heard rumours but I though they were lies. You got our message to the Champions. Are you here to avenge your people?"

There are many people after that cheering and pushing. The high priest of St Cuthbert - Jierian Wierus, odd looking in chain with a hammer at his side - pushing forward as well. "Welcome back. I recall you had the blessings of a goddess, cab you help with the healing? Many lie in the halls of the Temple of the Cudgel injured, too many for myself or Velias". The old grey haired man grimaces "Velias is the current high priest of Heronious. Valkus was killed defending the town from that dragon. He showed no fear and died well."

The creak of a gibbet draws your attention as Cubbin speaks up. "Aye, Conlon. That be Lanod. The townsfolk didn't like him and that wizarding brother of his drawing a wyrm to our town. He got justice. Now the mine council is in charge. Proctor Parrin would like to see any folk that come a visiting " (she was one of 5 remaining mine managers)


"Cubbin," I respond curtly. I don't like him, and I know he doesn't like me - that he thought the news we were the champions was a lie is proof enough of that - but at least he doesn't insult me directly like Jamis. I frown at the fate of the mayor and the former high priest. Neither deserved it. I nod in agreement with Jierian; my services will be required. I raise my hands to the crowd and wait for them to calm before I begin my address.

"My fellow people of Diamond Lake! We are the champions of the arena come to your aid: myself and Goattracker you know; also Landahl who grew up here now returned. Those you don't: Zarina, warrior of the free city, and Merrick, a mage also of Greyhawk! We count one other who will be joining us here shortly: Taliesn Marten of the tribes to the north. You have all suffered a great injustice! For this crime we, the champions of greyhawk, shall deal with the dragon responsible!"

"However, you should know why this has happened such that your anger shall not be misplaced! You have all become caught up in a conflict larger than you know! Evil forces loyal to the demon Kyuss are in motion even now! If they cannot be stopped they shall unleash an age of darkness the like of which the world has never known! But this is not inevitable! Already we champions have struck threefold blows against Kyuss's cause! Allustan is our ally in this matter, and it is for this reason you have been targeted! You are not the only ones! Words cannot express our regret that bystanders have been caught up in his matter however the cultists MUST be opposed! Stay strong! Stay united! Do not give in to scapegoating and infighting for that will only serve our enemy!"

"We WILL heal your wounded! We WILL slay the dragon! We WILL banish the shadow of Kyuss forever! This I swear, my promise to you!"

"But first... We had better speak to Proctor Parrin. "

2017-04-09, 03:35 PM

Merrick works his way to the most-grievously wounded, laying on hands with the power of Buer behind him.

1 hp a touch or 1d8+9 every five rounds as needed.

2017-04-09, 05:00 PM
At Mirriana's words there is a cheer from the crowd of Diamond Lakers, a few waving at the heroes they recognise. Some others, more cautious perhaps look worried and drift towards their homes - or the tents that have been strung between the alleys around the surviving houses and as Lan heard from speaking with a few folk the upper levels of the mines that now play home to many of those without a home. The sheriff nods towards Mirriana and beckons her towards the manor that was once Smenk's. Leading you in past the few militia who look at Lan and Mirriana in near awe and Merrick, Zarina and Goat in curiosity you are led to the council chamber where 4 of the surviving mine managers have formed their council.

The youngest Mirriana recognises as Chaum Gansworth, a young man who was set against Smenk in his efforts so likley has profited greatly since Smenk's death. Beside the young man sits "The Prince" an elf of unknown origin that Mirriana nd Goat know had refused aid to poor Hal' when he had arrived. Ellival Moonmeadow is rarely seen outside the Lazzare's gambling parlour and whorehosue so the fact that he is sat here is a rarity. The oldest man on the council is Gelch Tilgast who a decade ago was the most important man in the town before Smenk and Dourstone had weakened him and led him to forming an alliance against them with Chaum and Luzanne. Luzanne sits in the centre, her chair now raised some 6 inches taller than than the others. She was the target of Smenk's affections and the weakest of the managers but now playing Chaum and Gelch against each other she stole much of the Smenk and Dourstone mines. As you enter the chamber all of them rise to their feet, their normal smug arrogance of the "most powerful personages in Diamond Lake" (the clerics Jerian and Amarris of Cuthbert and Wee Jas play little part in the town politic on the order of their high temples in the Free City) slightly shaken by the confidence and clearly magical and armoured might of the heroes. All eyes drawn to the massive golden belt around the Goalith's waist. THey look to Parrin as the young woman, younger in fact than Mirriana herself rises - "Greeting all. We have heard of your heroism and are gald that you have returned to make amends for Allustan the wizard's folly. The worm Illthane has pursued the wizard to a cairn to the North where he swore there was some ridiculois magic mirrror or some such. If the beast does not find the wizard it vowed to come back and slay all those hear if it could not find suitable others." She grins a little, and you can see the strain on her face and the sweat dripping down the other managers faces' as their trick becomes apparent. "The beast mentioned you all as destroying its eggs. She knows ALlustan is the master and you are the puppets but if she cannot have him then she will accept you as payment for not destroying the rest of the town.."

2017-04-09, 07:54 PM


The shifter heads north into the hills where he finds a few of his people. Impressed by his skills and powers now they are happy to point to the forest some 6 miles south of Diamond Lake where the Owlbears has grown to the size of a large pig. If it's spoor are to be believed Duke seems to be existing mainly on grouse and rabbits. The Owlbears is happy to see the shifter and the two share a happy few hours.

Before he heads home a pair of wolf-like creatures approach, both sending out mental words "We were right to send you. Evil is coming, we can smell it on you where you have shed it's blood. We chose well little pup. Make the ancestors proud".
Taliesn bows on his forepaws in respect to the pack elders, glowing inside at the words of praise. The Age of Worms is upon us, but I have found powerful friends determined to defeat it. They are even now in the nearby town to fight an acid dragon we think seeks to advance this dread.

With Duke, he enjoys a few playful cuffs. Someday he'll have to find a good mate for his foster "son," but thankfully that is some years away yet. He nudges the cub to seek prey further to the south, at least for the next few days -- Danger, to the north. BIG danger. Pappa and friends will hunt it.

With tribal and familial obligations addressed, he slinks back to the Diamond Lake, scanning thoughts for Mirriana and the rest. Remembering the presence of demons in Greyhawk, he also keeps alert to anything out of place in a small mining town.

2017-04-10, 12:40 AM
Lan kept to the shadows of his companions as the moved through the town. He was less than enthusiastic with the circumstances of his homecoming. When Mirriana, or any others, pointed him out, he would simply scowl, often turning away. The attention was not something the scout craved; he would prefer anonymity to game any day. More often than not, he found himself flexing his fists, resisting the desire to pull out his trident.

Soon they found themselves in front of the mining council, being offered up as tribute to the dragon. With a growl, Lan stepped forward and hurled his trident into the wall. It hung for a moment, then faded and reappeared in he halfling' hand. "We come to deal with the dragon and you sorry lot are busy plotting to offer us up as tribute? Frack you all. We'll take care of the dragon ... then we'll be back to handle you."

He glared at them, disgust evident across his face.

Stir the pot ...

HPs: 70; AC: 20
F +9, R +12, W +6
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+15, 1d4+2 / +16, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+15, 1d6+2 / +16, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Bow (+14, 1d6+1 / +15, 1d6+2 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-04-10, 01:27 PM
At Mirriana's words there is a cheer from the crowd of Diamond Lakers, a few waving at the heroes they recognise. Some others, more cautious perhaps look worried and drift towards their homes - or the tents that have been strung between the alleys around the surviving houses and as Lan heard from speaking with a few folk the upper levels of the mines that now play home to many of those without a home. The sheriff nods towards Mirriana and beckons her towards the manor that was once Smenk's. Leading you in past the few militia who look at Lan and Mirriana in near awe and Merrick, Zarina and Goat in curiosity you are led to the council chamber where 4 of the surviving mine managers have formed their council.

The youngest Mirriana recognises as Chaum Gansworth, a young man who was set against Smenk in his efforts so likley has profited greatly since Smenk's death. Beside the young man sits "The Prince" an elf of unknown origin that Mirriana and Goat know had refused aid to poor Hal' when he had arrived. Ellival Moonmeadow is rarely seen outside the Lazzare's gambling parlour and whorehouse so the fact that he is sat here is a rarity. The oldest man on the council is Gelch Tilgast who a decade ago was the most important man in the town before Smenk and Dourstone had weakened him and led him to forming an alliance against them with Chaum and Luzanne. Luzanne sits in the centre, her chair now raised some 6 inches taller than than the others. She was the target of Smenk's affections and the weakest of the managers but now playing Chaum and Gelch against each other she stole much of the Smenk and Dourstone mines. As you enter the chamber all of them rise to their feet, their normal smug arrogance of the "most powerful personages in Diamond Lake" (the clerics Jerian and Amarris of Cuthbert and Wee Jas play little part in the town politic on the order of their high temples in the Free City) slightly shaken by the confidence and clearly magical and armoured might of the heroes. All eyes drawn to the massive golden belt around the Goalith's waist. They look to Parrin as the young woman, younger in fact than Mirriana herself rises - "Greeting all. We have heard of your heroism and are glad that you have returned to make amends for Allustan the wizard's folly. The worm Illthane has pursued the wizard to a cairn to the North where he swore there was some ridiculous magic mirror or some such. If the beast does not find the wizard it vowed to come back and slay all those here if it could not find suitable others." She grins a little, and you can see the strain on her face and the sweat dripping down the other managers faces' as their trick becomes apparent. "The beast mentioned you all as destroying its eggs. She knows Allustan is the master and you are the puppets but if she cannot have him then she will accept you as payment for not destroying the rest of the town."


Ok! Well I guess cheering is about as good a reaction as I could hope for, given my revelations. Meeting the managers rapidly sours my mood though. It isn't long before my glare turns as icy as Lan's is hot. The tip of my enchanted blade slams two inches into the flagstones of the council chamber!

"One. Allustan is our mentor, not our puppetmaster. Two. The dragon's egg was already worse than dead when we found it. Three. If these cultists succeed everyone everywhere faces that same fate worse than death. Four. You have killed Allustan's brother. I would think hard on that ere we return with him safe!"

I yank my blade free and turn on my heel to leave, determined to give these fools no further cooperation.

2017-04-10, 02:02 PM

Suddenly the compulsion to heal these... animals diminishes.

"Now then, good leaders of Diamond Lake, what sort of price will you pay me for eliminating this dragon threat from your townsite? We have much more important duties to engage in beside exterminating problematic wildlife."

[roll0] Diplomacy Sigh... why do I even try?

"Our master Allustan is a far greater wizard than even I."

Merrick uses Focalor's gift to bring a bolt of lightning down where Mirriana's blade had just cleaved the stone.

"I suggest you preserve his brother for his return and ready him to be raised. I may then be able to convince him to spare your lives."

[roll1] Now That is more like .

"Now again I ask, how shall you reward us for saving your squalid little mud hole?"

Allustan? Did I say his name right? He was the wizard, yes? I wish Taliesn was here.

2017-04-10, 03:04 PM
At the raised voices and crack of Lightning and steel on stone a bevy of half a dozen guards rush in blades drawn before qualing in front of Mirriana and Merrick's rage and Lan's scorn and threat, the javelin quivering in the wall still brought by his gauntlets.

Chaum rises - "Out! Damn you!" he barks, voice cracking as the elf looks up, eyes glazed from drugs of some sort. Zarina says little, a muttered "This town is not the most welcoming you know... " to Lan as she follows the halfling.

The council looks at Merrick and Mirriana, " Leave now then. You can flee to the Free City or die in the Cairn, either way you will cease to be our problem. Your house is destroyed Conlon, you have little reason to stay here now "

Looking at Lan and Merrick the lady stands up. "You dont scare us with your tricks. And Master Landhal, you are about as welcome as Conlon here. We are the lawful council here, not even the Free City will interfere with that. You want to get us out you find your selves a mine to manage!"

Leaving you can still see crowds in the street, more now they've heard of free healing from Merrick. Looking to the hills you wonder how Allustan fares. ..

2017-04-10, 03:34 PM

"Mirriana, please let me know when your interpretation of Diamond Lake law requires us to arrest the current council," Merrick says after they leave.

"Shall we go slay the dragon, rescue the wizard and be done with this cesspool once and for all? no offense of course"

Once given the go-ahead from Mirriana, Merrick prepares to cast Overland Flight.

2017-04-10, 04:19 PM

I take a moment to catch my temper after stepping out onto the street.

"Yes, I think it would be best if we departed for the cairn as soon as possible. But before we leave we should attend the wounded at the Temple of the Cudgel." I tell Merrick.

"You take the minor wounds, I'll take the serious?"

2017-04-10, 05:19 PM

"Very well. Better to present ourselves as protectors and not itinerant murderers."

2017-04-11, 12:52 AM
The Temple of the cudgel is busythe Temple dominating one side of the Vein (the market square). The Vein is still thronged with people, all ignoring the swaying gibbet and even with the emporioum destroyed tents and stalls fill that side of the square and both the Hungry Gar and the Feral Dog are packed with people drinking cheap ale. Walking through the throng you can hear more than one person mentioning "feral dig" "Mirriana" and "Kullen" in the same sentence. The emporioum is still running you'd guess as you glimpse Esmerlda the two headed cialf behind a sheet and Kurkag the massive half ogre stood beside a pile of crates all marked with Zalamandra's sigil.

Thechurch of the cudgel is a stout hall where normall the poor wouod gather to hear Jieran bellow and rant. Now however, two dozen wounded lie on pallets in the churchwith Jieran and two of his junior cleics tending to them. Jieran looks up as you enter "Conlon, Lan welcome. And to your friends. What can I help you with?" he nods approvingly as Merrick stats moving around the injured healing those with Buer's touch. Neither cleric understanding the tears. "Your friend has impressive magical skills. What God dies he follow?" Jieran asks Mirriana and Goat about Merrick.

Remember many religions have witch hunters that hunt binders

Zarina stands near the door locking up at the garrison on the hill where the surviving 20 or so militia (sadly out of 60) work to recover what they can. She can see through the ruined beams where the Hall of Glory had stood and felt a land of sadness about the death of Valkus. She had not known the man herself but he had fought and adventures with her father. "What was Valkus like Lan" she asks the halfling noding up the garrsion. "Do you not like your hometown, you seem disquieted? ".
As she talks Lan can see amongst the plumes of black smoke and cooking fires from the town a single plume with relatively vivud green smoke.

Inside the Temple Mirriana tending the wounded can see that none ae critical and all are in need of rest and care something that seems to be easily possible. Even more so when an old hunched man with a staff and simple white robe arrives. A simple silver holy symbol of the lightning lord let's you guess he is Velias Priest of Hieronius. He nods to Zarina as he sees her symbol round her neck and the lightning etched patterns on the Fullblade's hilt before getting Jieran. " Ah Jieran. Cornering our guests and saviours yes? It is good to see you all. Jieran let's mevtend my flock here as well after my tempkevwas destroyed. Good to see strength between the Invincible one and the Cudgel. It's good to see a son of Kavaki. How is the Ram Lord?" he asks Goat.

2017-04-11, 01:44 AM

Since he tapped into the power of vestiges Merrick had the same lie prepared:

"I am a mystic, originally from Scant. I serve no God per se, though I draw my devotion from the primal divine."

[roll0] would you believe... a Druid?

How about a necromancer who keeps casting vampiric touch incorrectly?

Since the cleric was preoccupied with Goattracker and Mirriana, and seeing his tale fall flat, Merrick quickly finds more wounded to tend. Far away.

2017-04-12, 04:59 PM
The Temple of the cudgel is busythe Temple dominating one side of the Vein (the market square). The Vein is still thronged with people, all ignoring the swaying gibbet and even with the emporioum destroyed tents and stalls fill that side of the square and both the Hungry Gar and the Feral Dog are packed with people drinking cheap ale. Walking through the throng you can hear more than one person mentioning "feral dig" "Mirriana" and "Kullen" in the same sentence. The emporioum is still running you'd guess as you glimpse Esmerlda the two headed cialf behind a sheet and Kurkag the massive half ogre stood beside a pile of crates all marked with Zalamandra's sigil.

Thechurch of the cudgel is a stout hall where normall the poor wouod gather to hear Jieran bellow and rant. Now however, two dozen wounded lie on pallets in the churchwith Jieran and two of his junior cleics tending to them. Jieran looks up as you enter "Conlon, Lan welcome. And to your friends. What can I help you with?" he nods approvingly as Merrick stats moving around the injured healing those with Buer's touch. Neither cleric understanding the tears. "Your friend has impressive magical skills. What God dies he follow?" Jieran asks Mirriana and Goat about Merrick.

Remember many religions have witch hunters that hunt binders

"I believe Merrick worships a pantheon," I comment to Jieran. "I find it a little hard to keep it straight myself," I say honestly. "He's a strange little man, but he's a faithful companion and a powerful ally. We came to help with the wounded. Goattracker and I have been well-blessed since last you saw us; I'm sure we can contribute a lot before we have to go."

2017-04-14, 01:37 AM
Inside the Temple

Jieran eyes Merrick with suspicion before shrugging. "We cannot afford to turn away help and you seem like a good soul. Even more so that Master Goat or Miss Conlon clearly respect you. My thanks."

Looking at Mirriana and also taking Lan he nods to the town outside. "A word of warning. People here may like that you deposed Smenk and Dourstone but it has caused upheaval amidst the mine managers. They are uniformly small and petty but they spoke - trembling with fear - with the Dragon so theymay betray you. I would love to intervene but my tenants of Faith bar me from acting and I cannot disobey the Cudgel. " He looks around before finishing "Be wary of Moonmeadow. He may be glazed from his smoking mist of the time but he is sharp enough and had a visitor from the city. Lori's something or other with a coach bearing a crest like that on the Goliath's belt. He stayed two days then headed onwards, I don't know where".

Bong, Bong, Bong, any further discussion is interrupted by the tolling of the bells of the Monastery a mile into the hills and a moment later Lan and Talsien can see why! The shadow of a massive bat like lizard zooming towards the town, still some 3000ft distant but moving fast!

PC turn in combat rounds. Its 3000ft away currently and I'm assuming all PCs are in the church in the main square or like Zarina / Lan sat outside the church doors

2017-04-14, 02:23 AM

"Yes, I knew we should conserve your holy spells."

Merrick quickly casts abjurations against acid. A dragon of this age will have many more tricks, but any edge could not hurt

Suitably warded, he casts more spells as the wyrm closes the distance.

In this order:
Mass Resist Energy [acid] of course: 20 points, 90 minutes
Displacement on Taliesn: 9 rounds
Overland Flight: 9 hours
Protection from Evil on self: 9 minutes

Enlarge Wand on Goatt
Enlarge Wand on Tal
Enlarge Wand on Mirriana
Enlarge Wand on Zarina

Someone else with levels or UMD is welcome to borrow it.

Once the dragon draws close, the wizard rises into the air, ready to face his greatest challenge yet.

Muddy, stay by the Mine owners. If they show signs of treachery, immolate them.

2017-04-15, 08:16 AM
Zarina watches in growing horror as the monster approaches like a black storm wind. Her skin darkens as black scales spread over her shoulders, arms and ridges protrude from her face. Other enchantments from wand and sorcery billow around her as she quickens the party and finally gathers her magic in a massive ball of raging flame that streaks over the city, the dragon screeching loud enough to be heard as it flaps trailing smoke through the cloud of fire.

Beside her on the steps Merrick does similar as he protects the party from acid and rises into the air to meet Ilthane. Talsien starting to shimmer on the ground as the displacement takes hold. Mirriana flaps her cloak as a wave of bravery embraces the party, the warrior cleric beginning to shimmer with power as she layers enhancements upon herself. Taking up a position in the centre of the courtyard the Goliath glances at the golden belt around his waist as he swells and ripples becoming a 12 foot tall mountain of destruction!

Making some assumptions
Round 1: Enlarge person (+2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 sz mod)
Round 2: Brambles (+8 damage)
Round 3: Shield of faith (+ 3 Deflection to AC)
Round 4: Divine favour (10 rounds +2 luck to hit/damage)
Round 5: Divine Power (+6 Str, +2 BAB, +8 Temp HPs)

Beside them as the "Owlbears" assemble in the square the town breaks into apabic, especially as the monstrous form swoops lower, a wave of terror breaking over the twin asthe massive dragon swoops on in huge bat like scaled wings each easily twenty foot long as the full majesty of her huge frame becomes apparent! You can feel your minds screaming to flee as the dragon fear washes over you all as she swoops over the town! Diving to the "vein" the main square where you await her in front of the Temple to Cuthbert!

Behind you Jieran shouts at his flock "Get inside, bar he doors. Pray to the gods for salvation" His bellowed prayers coupling with a pulse of holy power as he blesses you all for the fight to come! The other people scream or just drop to their knees overcome by the terror.

Dragon:"run" Flap to 50ft away (other side of the square) 50ft up in the air
Dragon fear Will DC23 or shaken for [roll0] rounds

Zarina save [roll1] (Thanks Mirrana!)

go go party. Map to follow tonight

2017-04-15, 09:20 AM

No time to lead it away from the town... I think to myself grimly as the dragon descends upon us. But the fortitude of my cloak lends me courage and I stand firm.

"What do you think Zarina?" I ask my companion, by now fully aware that she's usually the best of us for knowledge of our foes. "Is this a fight we can win, or should we be making a fighting retreat?"

As the dragon descends upon the far end of the square, a relevant passage of scripture comes to mind, and I cover half the distance to the beast.

"And lo, on the 5th day of Richfest, the dragon came for the library and the second book of Nerus contained therein! But brother Trakis was not affeared! Though a frail and scholarly man he stood on the steps and defied the dragon, saying 'Fool! Thou hast read and performed the rituals of Nerus that thou hast not fully understood, and now you seek his second volume! Alas that it contains no spells! Only warnings! For the warnings come after the spells!' And the dragon quailed, for it saw the truth in brother Trakis' words and knew that it was doomed."

A burst of sacred energy pulses out from my sacred text, engulfing the dragon, my allies, and any townsfolk still close enough to benefit.

"Your egg was already dead, Illthane! Consumed by the maggots of Kyuss!"

25ft in the middle of everyone (slightly to one side) is sufficient to get both allies (Inc Merrick)
and dragon with a 60ft burst.

Allies get +2luck to attack rolls and saves.
Lan and Mirriana get +3 for worshipping Mystara.
Dragon takes -2 to attacks and saves. No save. Spell Resistance [roll0] CL10, +11 ASR(cast at +1CL due to div school).

2017-04-15, 09:54 AM

With the aid of divine blessings, the dragonfear fails to take root.

Merrick rises up above rooftop height, and wills Focalor'a aura into effect, and drops a bolt of lightning once the dragon closes range.

[roll0] supernatural ability D.C. Ref 16 for half damage

2017-04-15, 11:20 AM

Zarina gulps as the wave of dragon fear washes over her, but one look at Mirriana's proud countenance gives and the feel of her father's sword in her hands gives her the steel she needs to shrug off the effects.

She looks at Mirriana, "We have no choice Mirriana, we must defend these people. Even if we can't kill her we can drive her away." Then, much quieter and to herself, "Or she'll kill us and devour our still warm bodies".

As Mirriana runs forward, her words inspiring them all even as they sap the dragon, she looks at Lan, "Here, it will be able to sense your presence but not exactly where you. Gods be with you". As Lan vanishes from view she runs forward towards the dragon a swirling golden haze settling on her brow as she angles the shimmering field of force towards the dragon. Glancing at Mirriana as she stands shoulder to shoulder with her she gulps at the sheer immensity of the dragon "Heronious bless us Mirriana, all the Gods help would be useful..."

Swift: Cast protection from evil
Standard: cast improved Invis on Lan
Move: move to stand beside Mirriana, sword poised!

Hps 82/82 +16 temp
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 33 FF 30 Tch 15
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Haste +1, Morale +1, Shield +7

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, recit +2, Haste +1, KDev +5 = +22/17
Dam: +5 devotion

Shield (+7 AC, 16 mins)
Haste (+1 AC/Atk, +30ft SPD, 6 rounds)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Heart Earth/Air (resist bullrush, +10 jump, Light Fort, +16 HPs)
Bulls strength (26 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 297 rounds)
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 80 rounds)
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)
Bless (+1 to hit, Jieran)
Recitation (+2 luck attack, Saves, Mirriana, 8 rounds)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-04-15, 08:19 PM
Wandering through the town, Lan was quiet, remembering his youth ... and why he had left, with a stoic glance at Mirriana. To Zarina, he simply shrugged at her questions and comments. "Place is different than I remember. People, too. I've been gone longer than Mirriana, since her brother ..." He trailed off, gazing blankly off into the direction of the mines. "Damn mine masters running this town into the ground. Should take a lash to the lot."

When the roar announced the dragon taking to the air, Lan grumbled to himself, pulling free his trident. He growled to the priest, "Get the people clear while we handle this!" As Zarina cast her spell, the halfling gave her a wink of thanks. Then he moved away from the group quickly, looking for an opportunity to attack. He thought to the others, I can't hurt it this far away ...

Wasted round! Moving 30' away from the group to activate skirmish, hoping it will come down. Ready an entangle should it touch the ground (but only if I can avoid the party)
Not activating travel or attacking yet ...
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]+[roll4]=21
[roll5], [roll6]+[roll7]=24
[roll8], [roll9]+[roll10]=27

HPs: 70; AC: 24 (26)
F +10 (+14), R +13 (+18), W +7 (+11)
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+20, 1d4+2 / +16, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+20, 1d6+2 / +16, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 89 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 100min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 58 rounds)
- haste (+1 att/AC/Ref, +30'; 9 rnds)
- Recitation (+3 saves/attack [luck], 10 rounds)
- improved invisibility (10 rounds)
- bless (+1 att/save vs fear [morale], 6 rounds)

2017-04-15, 10:40 PM

As the dragon draws closer, Taliesn feels first the wave after wave of magical energy washing over him. Seeing that the others are busy, he pulls out one of his enlarge potions that he keeps in reserve for just such a time as this.

Steeled by Mirriana's cloak of bravery and other boosts, he watches the great, black, beast approach, first with anticipation, then with concern, then worry, as he feels the instinctual terror building to a crescendo within his heart! Flee! Run as fast and as far as you can, and pray that it hunts some slower victim!

He takes a step back, starts to turn --

Only by mustering every ounce of concentration, feeling the soulmeld and belt around his hips, becoming the focus of his thoughts -- he at last tunes out the panic. Muscles tensing, claws flexing, he turns back, locked into "Warrior Mind." He paces away from Mirriana and the others: no sense in making it easy for the beast by bunching up.

Mass Resist Energy (Acid) (20 points) -- 90 minutes, from Merrick
Displacement -- 9 rounds, from Merrick (as this is the shortest duration, I'm assuming it's cast last; Thank you, Merrick!
Recitation+2 luck to attack & saves -- 8 rounds, from Mirriana
Cloak of Bravery +10 vs fear -- from Mirriana
Bless +1 to attack -- from Jieran
Divine Protection +1 morale to AC and saves -- from Mirriana
Enlarge Person -- from potion

2017-04-16, 09:41 AM

The Goliath gives a mighty cry as he sees the massive winged horror flapping towards the town, darkness and blurred shadows wrapped around its form as it gets closer.

"Come and face the club of Kavaki! You shall be as the nut to a hammer and shatter from my blows winged grub!" . Standing firm in the middle of the marketplace he stamps his feet and waves his club, skull crusher glowing as Kavaki's might flows into him!

As he does so a shimmering spiritual club streaks towards the dragon striking at it with a great booming blow. But the dragons innate magical resistance leaves the spiritual club dissipating like mist.

Move to middle of market place
Swift: sacrifice Bulls strength for DR 3/chaotic for 4 roynds
Std: Spiritual weapon SR [roll0]
+ hit [roll1] force [roll2]

Goat Summary

HPs 98/98 +8 temp +20 rage
Saves +14/3/10
+2 Fort/Will rage, +10 vs fear, +1 morale, +2 luck

AC 20 (Touch 12, FFoot 19) = 20 FF 19 touch 9
-1 sz, -1 dex, +2 SoF, +1 ward, -2 rage, +1 haste

Atk +17 dam 2d8+11 (+2d6 vs evil)
Hit: +3 Div PoW, +1 Haste, +1 bless, +2 recit, +2 rage = +26
Dam: Str 32 +15, +8enhance, +2 luck = 3d8+25 (+2d6 vs evil)

Rage! 1/9 rounds
Divine bulwark 4 rounds (DR 3)
Enlarge person (+2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 sz mod)
Brambles (+8 damage)
Shield of faith (+ 3 Deflection to AC)
Divine favour (10 rounds +2 luck to hit/damage)
Divine Power (+6 Str, +2 BAB, +8 Temp HPs)
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)
Bless (+1 to hit, Jieran)
Recitation (+2 luck attack, Saves, Mirriana, 8 rounds)
Haste (7 rounds, Zarina)

2017-04-16, 10:54 AM
Round 7 (Players to go)


The party runs forward as the temple doors slam shut, the towns people inside screaming loudly, others in the square dive into the alleys or into the Hagfish and Feral Dog as more screams can be heard from in them as the town scatter in the wave of dragon fear that washes over them. Clearly a brave few militia resist the wave of terror but the paltry few longbow arrows that fly upwards merely bounce off the massive scales of the huge black dragon. She is beautiful, her long sinous tail and neck muscular and gleaming black, her thin body bristling with spiked scales and wreathed in smokey magic that blurs the eye. As she flaps downwards on her huge bat like wings dust swirls around you all. Her scream is loud and bellowing in common to answer Mirriana's shouts DRAGOTHA SAID THE WIZARD WAS HIS... BUT YOU, YOU ARE ALL MINE! MY EGG WAS BLESSED BY THE WORMS STUPID LITTLE HUMAN. YOU FAIL TO UNDERSTAND THE BLESSINGS OF THE GODS EVEN AS YOU MEWL AT THEIR FEET. I WILL ENJOY FEASTING ON YOUR REMAINS..".

Still wreathed in flames the sky darkens as Merrick (and the vestige bound to him) summons down lightning that crackles around the massive beast running over her hide a she soars over the square circling lower to land between the party and the temple of the Cudgel, Merrick now above her. As she circles lower she reaches some 10ft above the ground, tempting you in range, black acrid smoke and ichor erupt from her mouth in a wave of acidic and toxic breath that soaks Mirriana, Zarina and Goat with the caustic spray!

Even as she approaches the ground she laughs, "EVEN THE SUN FLEES AT COMING. RUN MORTALS, I WILL DEVOUR THIS TOWN AND ALL THAT LIVE IN BEFORE THIS DAY IS DONE!" and a vast wave of darkness rolls out from her engulfing the town in a wave of darkness

Move: To where she is on the map, but 10ft off the ground (so either need to jump or have reach to hit her)

Std: Cone of toxic acid on Goat, Mirr and Zarina
- Ref DC23 for half of Acid - it clings so you take 50% damage (so either half or quarter of the dice roll depending on if you passed or failed the initial save)
- Fort DC23 or poisoned [roll1d4 Str

Swift: Cast darkness - the centre of the town is wreathed in a cloud of darkness. Unless you can see cunningly in the darkness then it 20% miss chance time

Dragon's spells that are active that Mir, Mer or Zarina can see
- Darkness Spell like ability
- Mage armour
- Blur
- Gleaming claws suggest "Razor fangs"

She has 15ft reach with tail or bite, 10ft with claws/wings

2017-04-16, 12:15 PM

Wincing at the dragon's onslaught, Merrick attempts to dispel the darkness and other enchantments.

[roll0] darkness SLA
[roll1] Mage Armor
[roll2] blur
[roll3] "Razor claws(?)"

My caster level vs spells or spell-like abilities.

2017-04-16, 04:33 PM

I wince as the dragon catches with me with a spray of acid and I fail to interpose my shield in time. I feel my strength sapped by the toxic fumes, but that doesn't affect my plans.

I utter words of arcane power, attempting to strip the protections from Illthane more effectively than Merrick managed. Then I move to defend Goattracker with my shield whilst staying out of reach of the dragon, which I know must continue to fly away before it can circle round again.

Dispel Magic. Rolls OOC.

2017-04-16, 07:18 PM

Still somewhat rattled, Taliesn tries to muster the best "verbal" attack he can to draw the dragon's attention away from the others. You're a lousy mother! You fed your own spawn to the worms. They tricked you. I saw your egg: it was rotten and dead when I BROKE IT OPEN!
I lied: all I remember about that adventure was the taste of sh!t and sick in my mouth (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18816583&postcount=139), and in point of fact, Hal burned the egg with a flask of alchemist's fire (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18979697&postcount=272).
All this he relays as he lopes around "behind" the dragon before leaping to attack.
I should have enough move to get on the opposite side of the dragon, remaining 15' away, then [roll0]
[roll1] [roll2], [roll3] [roll4], [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7], [roll8] [roll9], [roll10]
[roll11] [roll12] [roll13], [roll14]
[roll15] [roll16] [roll17], [roll18]
(Only misses due to blur if both miss rolls are 1s.)

Edit: If the mage armor is still up, I think I only hit twice, for 46 total. If we got the buff down, it's one more hit, for another 20. Reminder: I penetrate DR/magic now.

Edit2: Swift action flourish to refresh maneuvers -- always a good idea, if I finish with a swift action still available.

Mass Resist Energy (Acid) (20 points) -- 90 minutes, from Merrick
Displacement -- 9 rounds, from Merrick (as this is the shortest duration, I'm assuming it's cast last; Thank you, Merrick!
Recitation+2 luck to attack & saves -- 8 rounds, from Mirriana
Cloak of Bravery +10 vs fear -- from Mirriana
Bless +1 to attack -- from Jieran
Divine Protection +1 morale to AC and saves -- from Mirriana
Enlarge Person -- from potion

2017-04-17, 03:25 AM

The goliath shudders as the wave of corrosive gas washes over him burning flesh and searing armour and weapons leaving a pitted surface. In response the raging 12ft tall cleric of war and the Ramlord leaps forward towards the dragon Skullfinder glowing with a pure white light as he swings it towards the massive scaled beast, a cry of "KAVAKI!" as he calls ipon Kavaki's power! The spiked tail lashing out snapping at Goat's massive torso with bonecrushing force.

Goat charges the dragon. Goat smites. Goat power attacks for 4
Hit [roll0] Dam [roll1]+[roll2] holy
-- blur [roll3] (miss 01-20)

AoO [roll4] dam [roll5]. Edit: +5 due to Zarina's stance

HPs 72/98+20 rage
Saves +14/3/10
+2 Fort/Will rage, +10 vs fear, +1 morale, +2 luck

AC 20 (Touch 12, FFoot 19) = 20 FF 19 touch 9
-1 sz, -1 dex, +2 SoF, +1 ward, -2 rage, +1 haste

Atk +17 dam 2d8+11 (+2d6 vs evil)
Hit: +3 Div PoW, +1 Haste, +1 bless, +2 recit, +2 rage = +26
Dam: Str 32 +15, +8enhance, +2 luck = 3d8+25 (+2d6 vs evil)

Rage! 1/9 rounds
Divine bulwark 4 rounds (DR 3)
Enlarge person (+2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 sz mod)
Brambles (+8 damage)
Shield of faith (+ 3 Deflection to AC)
Divine favour (10 rounds +2 luck to hit/damage)
Divine Power (+6 Str, +2 BAB, +8 Temp HPs)
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)
Bless (+1 to hit, Jieran)
Recitation (+2 luck attack, Saves, Mirriana, 8 rounds)
Haste (7 rounds, Zarina)

2017-04-17, 04:00 AM

Zarina ducks as the acid washes over her, the blade of the fullblade shielding most her from the horrific blast and the rest is warded by Merrick's abjurations. She looks up as Talsien and Goat run in to combat the massive dragon, takes a deep breath and follows suit. Seeing it's reach and long claws and horns she triggers her heart of Earth, stone blooming on her skin as her form thickens and takes on a granite sheen.

Hefting the fullblade she runs in, her mind focused like a razor as she tumbles along the ground, leaping up into the air to slash at the dragon's underbelly. Its teeth flash fown to catch her mid leap until Mirriana is there, shield bashing the snout to one side. Her mind a point of focus, blade seeking the gaps between scales.

Swift: trigger stoneskin effect of Heart of Earth

Move: tumble (and pray to avoid the AoO) [roll0]
-- Bite AoO if needed [roll1] dam [roll2], grapple [roll3] vs [roll4]
-- Jump [roll5] (+10 Heart Air, +12 Speed)

Standard: Emerald razor (PA for 5)
Atk (vs touch) [roll6] dam [roll7]

Hps 82/82 +16 temp
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 33 FF 30 Tch 15
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Haste +1, Morale +1, Shield +7

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, recit +2, Haste +1, KDev +5 = +22/17
Dam: +5 devotion

Shield (+7 AC, 16 mins)
Haste (+1 AC/Atk, +30ft SPD, 5 rounds)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Heart Earth/Air (resist bullrush, +10 jump, Light Fort, +16 HPs)
Bulls strength (26 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 297 rounds)
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 80 rounds)
Stoneskin (80 dam, 8 rounds)
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)
Bless (+1 to hit, Jieran)
Recitation (+2 luck attack, Saves, Mirriana, 8 rounds)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-04-19, 01:26 AM
As the dragon came closing in, Lan touched the gauntlet and nodded to himself. If his aim was true, the dragon was about to have a bad day...
At the end of round six, activate true seeing. On Rnd 7, activate travel domain, move to w/in30' and full acttack. Here's hoping!
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]+[roll4]=25
[roll5], [roll6]+[roll=Skirmish - 5d6[18]=x
[roll7], [roll8]+[roll9]=B]32[/B]

HPs: 70; AC: 24 (26)
F +10 (+14), R +13 (+18), W +7 (+11)
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+20, 1d4+2 / +16, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+20, 1d6+2 / +16, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 89 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 100min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 57 rounds)
- haste (+1 att/AC/Ref, +30'; 8 rnds)
- Recitation (+3 saves/attack [luck], 9 rounds)
- improved invisibility (10 rounds)
- bless (+1 att/save vs fear [morale], 5 rounds)
- travel domain (9 rounds)

2017-04-19, 02:02 AM
A powerful double wave of antimagic flows over the dragon stripping her if many of her enchantments, her snarl a clear sign she had noticed and was less than impressed!

The party swoop in, Lan running around behind her where no-one can see him but they can see the volley of Javelins and a trident, two striking her hard as she can't see them coming!

Talsien, Goat and Zarina engage with blade, club and claw. Two of Talsien's long claws drawing blood as the dragon focused on the raging barbarian, a flicker of her wings as a second set of magical wings unfurl around her taking the blow harmlessly. Her bite is denied by Mirriana's shield as Zarina leaps underneath her striking in mid air at the exposed belly.

The dragon roars deafening and stops! Her flight held magically as her wings, claw, tail and bite lash out at the three fighting her. Magical power rippling though her body as she uses her arcane powers to further attack, drifting upwards fractionally at the end to hover 15ft in the air. The damage is incredible as magically charged blows smash and thud into the party. Blood flowing and spraying as claws tear into Zarina, a wing smashing her to the ground before the dragon scoops her up in its powerful claws despite her sudden scream! Goat is slapped by a wing before the tail once more cracks him powerfully with rib shattering force. Near the "head end" Talsien can let out a sudden shout as the long sinous neck snaps out. Jaws crushing and closing around him as they snap shut like a steel vice.

Cling breath: Mirriana and Goat take 19 damage = resisted, Zarina takes 10 resisted

Immediate (round 6): wings of cover

Free: arcane strike (3rd level)
Full attack (PA 6): see below
5ft step "up" with fly Spell

Bite Talsien [roll0] dam [roll1]+ [roll2]
+ miss chance [roll3] (01-50 misses)
+ multi snatch [roll4] vs Talsien [roll5] +???

Claw Zarina [roll6] dam [roll7]+ [roll8]
Claw Zarina [roll9] dam [roll10]+ [roll11]
+ multi snatch [roll12] vs Zarina [roll13] +??? (first claw that hits. If both hit I'll roll the second snatch in the OOC)
Wing Zarina [roll14] dam [roll15]+ [roll16]

Wing Goat [roll17] dam [roll18]+ [roll19]
Tail Goat [roll20] dam [roll21]+ [roll22]

EDIT: Well that's good to see the dragon kicking some serious arse there

2017-04-19, 09:52 AM

Taliesn tries (unsuccessfully) to bat away the dragon's snout, but she's just to big. Grasped in her jaws, he flails away with his claws, still taunting. Is that the best you can do? Because I've had worse from things smaller than you.
[roll0] [roll1] plus [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]
[roll5] [roll6] plus [roll7], [roll8], [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11], [roll12], [roll13]
[roll14] [roll15], [roll16], [roll17]
(two 1s are a miss)

2017-04-19, 10:24 AM

Merrick flies in close enough to enlarge the grappled war wizard.

"You delay the inevitable, Illthane. Flee now and pray to your false God that we never find you."

With a thought, he activates his circlet and launches a volley of magic missiles, while taking his wand and aiming a charge at Zarina.

Move to square closest to Zarina as Overland Flight will allow. If out of dragon range, all the better, but we all have to make sacrifices.

Circlet of Rapid Casting charge
Swift action magic missile
[roll0] [roll1] vs SR
[roll2] [roll3] vs SR
[roll4] [roll5] vs SR
[roll6] [roll7] vs SR
[roll8] [roll9] vs SR

Wand of Enlarge person on Zarina (if within 35 ft. Presuming wand crafter at least level 5)

He sighs as the missiles fizzles before hitting the dragon.

"Final warning!"

2017-04-19, 01:59 PM

"Everyone stay alive..." I warn, stepping back slightly from the fight I can't reach. "Dark fire" I mutter, and an invisible source of incandescent heat springs into life in my hand.

Dark fire, duration 10 rounds.

This is round 8. In Round 9 all manoeuvres except Shield Bloc (which is expended) will be ready.

2017-04-20, 04:47 PM

The barbarian barely notices the blood spraying from his chest as a wing slices through his armour or the crunch of a leg fracturing as the tail whips him. Seeing the opening as the dragon is momentarily distracted by the sudden expansion of Zarina and the wriggling clawing Tal the goliath steps in, club blurring as it hums with power and the might of Kavaki!

Goat Full attacks the Dragon Goat power attacks for 4
Hit [roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2] holy; MISS [roll3] (01-20 misses)
Hit [roll4] dam [roll5] + [roll6] holy; MISS [roll7] (01-20 misses)
Hit [roll8] dam [roll9] + [roll10] holy; MISS [roll11] (01-20 misses)

HPs 19(39)/98 (+20 rage)
Saves +14/3/10
+2 Fort/Will rage, +10 vs fear, +1 morale, +2 luck

AC 20 (Touch 12, FFoot 19) = 20 FF 19 touch 9
-1 sz, -1 dex, +2 SoF, +1 ward, -2 rage, +1 haste

Atk +17 dam 2d8+11 (+2d6 vs evil)
Hit: +3 Div PoW, +1 Haste, +1 bless, +2 recit, +2 rage = +26
Dam: Str 32 +15, +8enhance, +2 luck = 3d8+25 (+2d6 vs evil)

Rage! 2/9 rounds
Divine bulwark 2/4 rounds (DR 3)
Enlarge person (+2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 sz mod)
Brambles (+8 damage)
Shield of faith (+ 3 Deflection to AC)
Divine favour (8 rounds +2 luck to hit/damage)
Divine Power (+6 Str, +2 BAB, +8 Temp HPs; 6 rounds)
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)
Bless (+1 to hit, Jieran)
Recitation (+2 luck attack, Saves, Mirriana, 8 rounds)
Haste (6 rounds, Zarina)

Starbin and Zarina to go

2017-04-21, 11:34 AM
Lan growled to himself, knowing full well that he was not supporting his team as effectively as he would wish. Focusing, he moved again, practically flying across the field. Then he threw the trident and magic javelins again, trying desperately to hurt the dragon.
Swift action to move 20' (stay w/in 30') and full attack.
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]+[roll4]=24
[roll5], [roll6]+[roll7]=33
[roll8], [roll9]+[roll10]=27

Here we go again!
HPs: 70; AC: 20 (26)
F +10 (+14), R +13 (+18), W +7 (+11)
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+20, 1d4+2 / +21, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+20, 1d6+2 / +21, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 89 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 100min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 56 rounds)
- haste (+1 att/AC/Ref, +30'; 7 rnds)
- Recitation (+3 saves/attack [luck], 8 rounds)
- improved invisibility (8 rounds)
- bless (+1 att/save vs fear [morale], 4? rounds)
- travel domain (8 rounds)

EDIT: maybe one hit?

2017-04-21, 04:18 PM

Zarina lands catlike, draconic blood spraying down over her as she skids to a halt before she is buffeted by a massive wing stroke and has a time for a brief "Eek" as the claw grabs her around her waist, claws and talons tearing through her chain into the flesh beneath. She is yanked up in the air and gives another small shout of surprise as she expands hugely, the claw's widening as she grows to some 10ft tall and massing much more. Bracing her muscles she pushes against the massive dragon's claw trying to break free.

Her struggles are to no avail as the dragon's talon grips vice like around her chest, the sword sized claws tips drawing blood...

Swift: Minor shapeshift temp Hps
Grapple Dragon [roll0] Vs Zarina [roll1]

Hps 73/82 +8 Temp
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 31 FF 29 Tch 13
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Haste +1, Morale +1, Shield +7 - 1 dex -1 sz

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, recit +2, Haste +1, KDev +5 = +22/17
Dam: +5 devotion, +1 str (enlarge) and 3d8

Enlarge (9 rounds)
Shield (+7 AC, 16 mins)
Haste (+1 AC/Atk, +30ft SPD, 4 rounds)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Heart Air (resist bullrush, +10 jump, Light Fort, +16 HPs)
Bulls strength (25 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 296 rounds)
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 79 rounds)
Stoneskin (20/80 dam, 7 rounds)
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)
Bless (+1 to hit, Jieran)
Recitation (+2 luck attack, Saves, Mirriana, 8 rounds)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-04-21, 05:34 PM

The dragon roars loudly, the acidic saliva and tongue soaking over Talsien as he is trapped in the massive maw of the beast. His bulk almost choking the monstrous dragon! The beast almost jumps as Zarina enlarges in its hand before whirling to face Goat's massive onslaught. As the first blow screams towards the dragon's face spectral wings bloom around Ilthane and skullcrusher connects with the field of force with an explosive boom that surely must be heard across the village! THe second and third swings from the raging barbarian hammer down, one hitting home as the holy energy of the club lets of off sparks of lightning around the massive crater in the dragon's side. Distracted by the club and the raging goliath beneath it the dragon barely see's the barrage of javelins and the trident that come flying from seeing nowhere- the halfling's magical headband easily able to pierce the blurring effects surrounding the black scales. One of the javelins sinks deep causing her to hiss in pain.

As Talsien and Zarina thrash and wriggle ineffectually clawing or struggling Mirriana's hands erupt in darkfire and Merrick boosts Zarina to a larger size. Feeling some pain the dragon looks to skywards and easily able to bear the weight of its two victims boosts itself into the sky on massively powerful wing beats! Spiralling and spinning to avoid any attacks from Goat as its streaks towards the water, both Zarina and Talsien seeing the massive expanse of the lake and the the piers approaching! As it flaps into the sky it flies past the hovering Merrick lashing out with its tail at the wizard. As the tail impacts Merrick can see the strange looking alchemical capsule surmounting the tail... Even as it injects the toxins into him.

Ouch! Feeling some pain. So fly 60ft "down" on the map and 60ft higher (75ft off the ground in total) so its getting near the edge of the square and closer to the lake (probably bad for Talsien and Zarina). It doesn't get auto-snatch damage due to not enough size differences.

As it circles to the south a Tumble check vs angry Goat! [roll0] VS DC 15

As it flaps near Merrick give him a tail slap [roll1] Dam [roll2]
-- if it hits trigger toxic weapon capsule (Huge scorpion venom) Fort DC18 [roll3] CON :smalleek:

go go go party

2017-04-21, 06:00 PM

The impact knocks the wind out of the wizard, and only his pact with Buer prevents his immediate death.

He barely avoids going into shock, but immediately goes back into action, drawing healing from his belt.

HP 0. Does Fast Healing 1 supersede being disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled), or can I only take one standard action? Ignore next action if the latter.

Buer also gives immunity to poison which makes for a very happy Anima Mage.

1 Charge --> Healing Belt [roll0]

"You are a mediocre alchemist. You cannot even harm a mere human with your concoctions!"

Activating his circlet a second time, Merrick fires a lesser orb of sound toward yonder dragon.

[roll1] ranged touch
[roll2] sonic damage
[roll3] SR

2017-04-21, 11:18 PM

This, Taliesn reasons, isn't working so well. Caught in the dragon's maw and high above the ground, he just can't find the leverage to bring his strength and claws to bear. Time to try a different approach, as he reaches a clawed "hand" out to lightly stroke the black scales, sparks of electricity dancing on his talons.
[roll0], [roll1]

Edit: Oops -- that should be -4 to hit, due to the grapple, but I think I'm still good.
Are you holding up alright, Zarinda?

2017-04-22, 06:11 AM

Zarina looks down as she is dragged up into the air. "This doesn't look good Tal! These things can swim and breathe water." As she yanks vainly at the talons the dragon twists it's head, lightning crackling around its mouth. It's eye a pool of dark malovent evil as it regards her confirming it's plan of taking them to the water to tear them apart!

"Bring it down. Bring it doowwn" she shouts to Mirriana, raging Goat and invisible Lan as the dragon shudders as the BOOM of the sonic orb lands.

See OOC for abject failure

Hps 73/82 +8 Temp
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 31 FF 29 Tch 13
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Haste +1, Morale +1, Shield +7 - 1 dex -1 sz

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, recit +2, Haste +1, KDev +5 = +22/17
Dam: +5 devotion, +1 str (enlarge) and 3d8

Enlarge (8 rounds)
Shield (+7 AC, 16 mins)
Haste (+1 AC/Atk, +30ft SPD, 3 rounds)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Heart Air (resist bullrush, +10 jump, Light Fort, +16 HPs)
Bulls strength (24 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 295 rounds)
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 78 rounds)
Stoneskin (20/80 dam, 6 rounds)
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)
Bless (+1 to hit, Jieran)
Recitation (+2 luck attack, Saves, Mirriana, 7 rounds)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-04-26, 12:04 AM
Lan watched helplessly as the dragon flew off with their friends. He couldn't do anything to this beast as long as it flew up that high ... but something else was irking him. Somebody warned the dragon and I'm betting it was the mining council. Once this dragon is dead, I'm going to carve my name into the arse's of each and everyone of them ...
Swift action to move 60' towards the dragon. I suppose a chance some damage is better than none. Full attack (no rapid shot, unless it turns out the dragon is w/in 60')

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]

HPs: 70; AC: 20 (26)
F +10 (+14), R +13 (+18), W +7 (+11)
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+20, 1d4+2 / +21, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+20, 1d6+2 / +21, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 89 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 100min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 55 rounds)
- haste (+1 att/AC/Ref, +30'; 6 rnds)
- Recitation (+3 saves/attack [luck], 7 rounds)
- improved invisibility (7 rounds)
- bless (+1 att/save vs fear [morale], 3? rounds)
- travel domain (7 rounds)

2017-04-27, 01:07 PM

Goat moves up and readies himself to be launches into combat!

2017-04-27, 04:26 PM

I fling some invisible fire at the dragon, then give chase do that it can't get too far away from me!
Round 9
Ranged Touch attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Move to chase 60ft.

Manoeuvres for next round [roll2]

2017-04-28, 02:05 AM

Concerned for his sister mage, Merrick taunts the dragon in her own tongue:

"Flee now, O 'brave' IIllthane! Warn your master Dragotha of the terrible humans who thwarted you at every turn!"

2017-04-30, 03:14 PM
A crackling touch of lightning leaves Ilthane hear head violently as Zarina struggles vainly to no effect in the claw's grasp. Lan, Mirriana and Goat all chase after the massive beast, fire crackling around her and another javelin hitting home as they chase her down. Merrick the wizard launching the sonic orb that slams into the dragon with a loud "boom". Ilthane screeches loudly before rocketing skywards, going "vertical" as she shoots straight up into the air some 30ft reaching some 100ft high in sky, a bitter crunching of jaws and claws before she flings both Zarina and Talsien aside letting them fall the 100ft towards the ground.

The dragon hangs there, a shadow in the sky before more darkness blooms out from around the beast. Its voice booming out across the sky. "MY MASTER WOULD CRUSH YOU WITHOUT PAUSE. HE WAS CONSORT OF TIAMAT HERSELF, LORD OF THE DRACOLICH's AND THE RIGHT HAND OF KYUSS ITSELF!"

Fly vertical 30ft to 105ft total height
Squeeze/Bite the grapple victms

Claw grapple vs Zarina [roll0] vs [roll1]+?? Damage [roll2]
Bite grapple vs Talsien [roll3] vs [roll4]+?? Damage [roll5]

Free action "Release" the grapples and drop Zarina and Talsien onto the square below at the feet of Mirriana and Goat. Falling [roll6]

Swift: Darkness 70ft radius

Go go party

2017-04-30, 05:36 PM

"Perhaps he will protect you then. This is your final chance to yield, you high-functioning wyvern!"

Can you blink yourself Tal? Zarina, do you have fall protection also?

The knowledge that a dracolich was in league either cultists unsettled Merrick. He was happy for the unsolicited warning, however.

"People of Diamond Lake! Witness your oppressor's cowardice! Tonight we shall feast of the meat of kings!"

2017-04-30, 07:58 PM

Triggering his safewing emblem, Taliesn manages to land safely. The dragon is now at such a height, he cannot reach her even with telepathy, so no point in trying to taunt her.
Assuming the dragon is running, Taliesn will start healing people next round. Can't do it this round because I need to shift essentia and I already used my swift/immediate action on the feather fall. Curse you, Action Economy!

Healing, when it comes, is 12 HP per person.

2017-05-19, 09:24 AM
Mirriana delays for the dragon to come back within range.

Hold actions to full attack when the dragon next Congress within range.

2017-05-19, 09:51 AM

Feeling compelled to prevent Goattracker's untimely demise, Merrick flies touching distance and gives up a belt charge to aid the goliath.

Fly to head level of enlarged Goat, healing belt 1 charge.

2017-05-21, 04:35 PM

Zarina tumbles down towards the cobblestones before she triggers her Heart of Air, the enchanment flowing from her body suffusing the air around her as her fall slows and she lands cat like on the ground with a dull thud but ready for action as opposed to the hammerblow that the fall would have been. Staring up at the dragon she snarls slightly another massive orb of fire racing up to explode in a great arc around the flapping creature. "Eat that you flapping lizard." her words short and angry.

Immediate: Trigger Heart of Air = feather fall to avoid the falling damage
Std Cast Fireball [roll0] SR check, DC 17 Ref for half of [roll1]. Save [roll2]+

Hps 73/82 +1 Temp
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 31 FF 29 Tch 13
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Haste +1, Morale +1, Shield +7 - 1 dex -1 sz

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, recit +2, Haste +1, KDev +5 = +22/17
Dam: +5 devotion, +1 str (enlarge) and 3d8

Enlarge (7 rounds)
Shield (+7 AC, 16 mins)
Haste (+1 AC/Atk, +30ft SPD, 2 rounds)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Bulls strength (23 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 295 rounds)
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 77 rounds)
Stoneskin (20/80 dam, 5 rounds)
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)
Bless (+1 to hit, Jieran)
Recitation (+2 luck attack, Saves, Mirriana, 6 rounds)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-05-21, 04:38 PM

The dragon hisses again as the wave of fire washes around her scorching scales and burning wing membranes. The dragon dives from view zooming with a great splash into the water of the bay out of your current sight. The screams from the fishermen as their boats rock and shudder from the great wave as the beast hits the water trailing water and and a great cloud of steam....

Take 3 rounds of actions. Remember spell durations as that will wear the haste out. We aren't dropping out of action mode yet though :smallwink:

2017-05-21, 04:50 PM

"Our enchantment fade. We must regroup and prepare for a counter-attack. The wyrm is likely healing its wounds now."

He touches Goattracker again, the gift of Buer flowing through him.

I have water breathing and dimension door if you want me to harry Ilthane with the lightnings.

2017-05-23, 10:25 AM

[Wrongly] assuming the fighting is over for now, Taliesn makes his way to the others to offer his healing, as well, giving a touch to GoatTracker, who seems the worst for the wear, followed by Merrick (each heals 12 HP).
Two standard actions to use Lifebond Vestments on GoatT and Merrick, with Fast Healing, I have a net decrease in 6 HP. I'm too far down to try the full-action-heal-10-hp-concentration-trick, so I guess beyond that, I will take on overwatch duties.
That done, Taliesn moves toward the water where the dragon disappeared, and extends his senses to their fullest, seeing if he can find where she has gone or may be going.
Mindsight 100' radius, detect evil 60' cone.

2017-05-24, 09:53 PM
Lan cursed under his breath. He thought to the others, Damn flying lizard! We need to keep it on the ground, or find a way to chase it. But we're about to be exposed ... should we retreat? I'd suggest back to the Council's digs ...
Will move to whereever we need to, but waiting to see if the others have a plan of attack. Any chance we could grab some buffs from Macoby's Potion Cart or Wilbur's Kiosk of Scrolls?

HPs: 70; AC: 20 (26)
F +10 (+14), R +13 (+18), W +7 (+11)
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+20, 1d4+2 / +21, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+20, 1d6+2 / +21, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 89 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 100min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 52 rounds)
- haste (+1 att/AC/Ref, +30'; 3 rnds)
- Recitation (+3 saves/attack [luck], 4 rounds)
- improved invisibility (4 rounds)
- bless (+1 att/save vs fear [morale], ? rounds)
- travel domain (4 rounds)

2017-05-24, 10:20 PM

"Should I pursue? She may be healing even as we speak."

2017-05-26, 06:39 PM

No offense, Wizard, but could not the dragon end you with a single blow? The idea of Merrick pursuing the huge black dragon alone does not seem sound to Taliesn, no matter how urgent the need to end the beast as soon as possible.

2017-05-26, 07:18 PM

A fair point, but currently I am the only one here who can breath underwater, Merrick retorts.

He then recalls the crushed sternum that Taliesn just mended.

I suppose we should regroup.

2017-05-27, 07:36 AM

Bustling to the others she shakes her head for a moment and then stumbles as works slows down, the haste ending. Reaching out a hand she grabs Merrick, UN aware of what has been thought between Merrick and Talsien. "I admire the bravery but possibly wait with us. Whilst you can pursue her, she would be in her element."

Walking towards the river bank and the wooden piers where panicked fishermen still cower she looks at the water. "Has she gone really, or is she just biding her time? I suspect she will come back at some point but we must have hurt her."

She looks at Lan, and shrugs. We could shelter there for a minute or so? she offers nodding to the fish market now full of knocked over fish and crates of spilled river crayfish.

Hps 73/82 +1 Temp
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)*
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 31 FF 29 Tch 13
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Haste +1, Morale +1, Shield +7 - 1 dex -1 sz

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, recit +2, Haste +1, KDev +5 = +22/17
Dam: +5 devotion, +1 str (enlarge) and 3d8

Shield (+7 AC, 15 mins)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Bulls strength (13 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 285 rounds)*
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 67 rounds)*
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)
Bless (+1 to hit, Jieran)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

Either on the shore watching the cold water splashing against the pier or walking slowly back towards the main square she suddenly shrinks as the enlarge wears off. Smiling as Goat calms down from the rage machine and feeling the spiritual blessing of Mirriana wearing off

Reaching back to the main square you can see some of the villagers peeking out, a faint cheer and wave of hands as it seems to become apparent that you have scared the colossal beast away!

After first 3, additional 7 rounds pass. A total of 1 minute past last active combat round. As you, probably walk back towards the market square!

2017-05-27, 02:44 PM

"Very well. There might be something we can use," Merrick says.

Grab anything useful. We can pay them back by not dying.

Merrick mentally summons Muddy away from the council hall and back to his side.

2017-06-02, 01:44 AM
As you reach back the market square you can begin to feel more exhaustion and the pain from the wounds. Some of that from the adrenaline wearing down, rage fading and the mist potent of magics expiring.

It's hen you hear the screams start once more, this time from the piers but further east from the outskirts of town. It may not be the dragon, but, you suspect the worst.

Coming from the lake side at the East edge of town maybe 300ft away through the tight confined streets.

2017-06-02, 11:07 AM

As the growth potion wears off and Taliesn shrinks back to Medium size, he shakes himself until his fur stands on end. Merrick, I could do with another growth, if you can spare it, or I will drink another potion. Turning to the others, he "says," I can carry Lan and either Mirriana or Zarina -- I suggest Zarina. If GoatTracker can keep close enough, Merrick can transpose him with one of us once we reach the dragon.

He shrugs, indicating that is all he has to suggest. His wounds continue to close before your eyes.
Fast Heal 2 HP, now at 59.
Will delay to allow anyone who wants to mount, then take a full round action to move. If it's not "difficult terrain," (and if my riders can hold on!) I could run 240'. Otherwise, it's 120'.
Assuming a Ride check is needed, it's DC 5, or DC 3 for whoever gets to use my military saddle. C'mon, it'll be fun! What could possibly go wrong?

FWIW, while enlarged, at Str 22, Taliesn's medium load is 346. I'm expecting that's sufficient.

2017-06-02, 12:00 PM

"I am the master of space and matter, Taliesn. I need to ride."

With a flick of the wrist, Tal is enlarged again.

Oh grow up.

2017-06-04, 03:31 AM
Lan sighed, moving to leap into Tal's back before he was enlarged. So how do we deal with a flyer? Especially one in the middle of town ... Maybe we threaten her lair ...?

HPs: 70; AC: 20 (26)
F +10 (+14), R +13 (+18), W +7 (+11)
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+20, 1d4+2 / +21, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+20, 1d6+2 / +21, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 88 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 99min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 42 rounds)
- bless (+1 att/save vs fear [morale], 10 rounds?)

2017-06-10, 02:19 AM
Talsien grows with Lan now riding him in his strange saddle. Merrick holding the wand and the others looking around the square. Then the wave of dragon fear - though one you are now familiar with fills the square as you can see 200ft down the main Greyhawk road - the road that runs through the town - a cloud if darkness rolling and cloying with the occasional flash if a tail or wing. Ilthane gas returned.

200ft down the road in a cloud of darkness

2017-06-10, 09:01 PM

With his familiar sharing his overland flight spell, the wizard and earth elemental rise up to meet the dragon.

Merrick mentally commands Muddy to fly behind the dragon-darkness, readying the liquid fire to throw.

Can you summon your griffon, Mirriana? More targets in the air will keep her attention off you.

He uses another wand charge to enlarge Goattracker.

2017-06-17, 04:17 PM

I throw the griffon figurine on the floor and speak its command word, climbing on the back of the beast that springs up in its place.

"We should try and draw her away from the town."

2017-06-19, 04:21 PM

The young mage trots after Talsien and Mirriana, skidding to a halt as she concentrates summoning forth another huge ball of fire. Releasing it the ball streaks towards the cloud of darkness.

Swift: minor shape change +8 temp HPs
Move: 30ft towards the dragon
Std: Fireball [roll0] SR [roll1] Save [roll2] +? Vs DC17

Hps 73/82 +1 Temp
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)*
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 31 FF 29 Tch 13
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Haste +1, Morale +1, Shield +7 - 1 dex -1 sz

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, recit +2, Haste +1, KDev +5 = +22/17
Dam: +5 devotion, +1 str (enlarge) and 3d8

Shield (+7 AC, 15 mins)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Bulls strength (13 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 285 rounds)*
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 67 rounds)*
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

The cloid, glowing red and trailing smoke from the fireball races forward, the crunch of claw upon stone and a sudden THUD as the flapping tail tears a massive chunk out of a villagers house eliciting screams from within!

In cloud of darkness
Closes to 80ft (50fr Zarina)

2017-06-19, 05:01 PM

Merrick closes the distance between him and the black dragon.

"These people are under my protection. I shall enact payment when I sell your body to the lizardfolk," Merrick jeers.

Gripping his metamagic rod of empower, and using his last charge of his quickening crown, Merrick launches a quickened, empowered, lesser orb of electricity at the cloud of darkness.

Fly 30 towards dragon, 45 ft. range [roll0] Ranged Touch
20% chance of miss [roll1]
[roll2] damage * 1.5 = 22

Realizing he is now quite vulnerable, drops a bolt of Focalor lightning at the dragon/cloud to hedge his bets.

[roll3] 20% miss

2017-06-22, 09:54 PM

"Whispered" thoughts with Lan to coordinate their action, Taliesn lopes closer to the dragon, letting Lan slide off and then moving a couple of paces further away, himself.
Move action to take Lan up to 30', but as far as possible from Zarina. Taliesn will then move even further, maintaining that 30' range but circling as far around the dragon as possible (using a second move action).

And +2 HP from fast healing.

2017-06-26, 11:56 PM
Lan tried to slide from the saddle deftly, but caught caught his trident and nearly took a tumble. He managed to unhook himself and catch himself before falling on his face. Standing, he sighed and called upon the spirit of the beast - eyes glowing, he could now see through the dimness and sense the dragon within the darkness.
Since I suck, we'll go move action to dismount and standard to cast embrace the wild.

HPs: 70; AC: 20 (26)
F +10 (+14), R +13 (+18), W +7 (+11)
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+20, 1d4+2 / +21, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+20, 1d6+2 / +21, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 88 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 99min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 42 rounds)
- bless (+1 att/save vs fear [morale], 10 rounds?)
embrace the wild (low light vision, blindsense 30', +2 Listen/Spot; 40min)

2017-07-01, 05:52 PM
Mirriana, followed by the still fatigued Goat advance towards the dragon reaching Zarina who unleashes a massive ball of fire that seems swallowed up by the clouds of darkness. Beside her the goliath swells once more as he seeks Kavaki's blessing enlarging himself once more to go back into the fray. Lan drops off Talsien by Zarina and the other two as Tal accelerates sweeping around a small cottage to try and get behind the beast. Merrick moves violently, swooping forward unleashing crackling lightning. A fizzing and crackling orb missing the nimble beast before another crackling bolt slams down from the heavens

THe dragon responds bounding froward at the isolated wizard, massive jaw snapping out from within the swirling darkness as the wizard is swallowed up the cloud of darkness and pain and teeth follow...

Bite Merrick [roll0] dam [roll1] + snatch [roll2] vs Merrick [roll3]+??

Go Go party

2017-07-01, 06:38 PM

Damn. I was sure that would hit... is all Merrick could think before fierce jaws snap down and hold him in their brutal grip.

-3 hp in the mouth of a dragon. I'm sure I've been in worse places, but none spring to mind.

2017-07-05, 06:20 PM
Sensing Merrick’s distress through the telepathic link, Taliesn leaps to attack the dragon “from behind.”
[roll0] (+2 for flanking), [roll1], plus [roll2][roll3] [roll4]
[roll5] (+2 for flanking), [roll6][roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] (+2 for flanking), [roll10][roll11] [roll12]
[roll13] (+2 for flanking), [roll14][roll15] [roll16]
(1-20 misses, both rolls must fail for an actual miss.)
Current buffs of which I’m aware:
Enlarge Person – 8 rounds left.
Mass Resist Energy (Acid) – over 80 minutes left.
Not sure about anything else.

Good time for a threat! Good time for a threat! Good time for a threat!

Edit: No misses due to concealment, but one auto-miss for the Nat 1; not bad rolls otherwise, I think. 28, 52, or 73 damage, depending on how many of the other three claws connected.:smallsmile:

Edit2: Reminder, also: Taliesn's attacks penetrate DR/magic, thanks to his Wyrmfang Belt -- Yes, I am clutching at straws for every possible bonus to help take this monster down. :smallredface:

2017-07-09, 04:28 PM
Zarina see's the wizard go limp as he is thrashed around in the huge beast's maw. She takes a deep breath and glances at the blade, a prayer to both the Lady of Glory and to her father before she whispers an arcane word, the blade becoming mistlike as she ghosts forward, trusting to her arcane protections as the claw swipes at her as she runs in!

It's not to be, a flicker of darkness, a twist of fate and the blade cleaves through thin air. The void replaced seconds later by the claws and wings rearing up above her!

Swift: wraith strike
Charge (PA6): atk [roll0] dam [roll1]
Miss 1-20 [roll2]
- if hit trigger Alchemy [roll3] Elec, [roll4] fire, [roll5] fire

Hps 73/82 +8 Temp
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)*
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 30 FF 29 Tch 12
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Morale +1, Shield +7 - 1 dex -1 sz

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, KDev +5 = 19/14
Dam: +5 devotion

Shield (+7 AC, 15 mins)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Bulls strength (13 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 285 rounds)*
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 67 rounds)*
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-07-10, 01:04 PM
Lan moved around the dragon, trying to find a good shot through the darkness ... but his damn eye kept hindering him. Can anyone get rid of that darkness?
Move 20' (w/in 30') for skirmish, attack with javelin. Rolling twice for miss
[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]
[roll3] or [roll4]
HPs: 70; AC: 20 (25)
F +10, R +13, W +7
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 88 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 99min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 42 rounds)
- bless (+1 att/save vs fear [morale], 10 rounds?)
embrace the wild (low light vision, blindsense 30', +2 Listen/Spot; 40min)

2017-07-10, 01:26 PM

Prime Master again gets killed. Water Beast all dark. Fire fights dark and water. Muddy throw fire.

The elemental still shares the overland flight, so maybe its "Prime Master" still lives. With no other options available, Merrick's familiar tosses the liquid fire vial entrusted to it.

Fly close enough to toss
[roll0] Ranged touch vs ?
[roll1] damage if hit
Splash if miss [roll2]
[roll3] splash damage

Okay then, I've used all the natural 1s. Go go Melee types!

The vial bounces off the dragon and bursts into flames on the ground instead.

Throwing is not easy. How does Small Prime Lan make it look so easy?

2017-07-11, 02:24 PM

I let out a wry snort at Lan's comment. No, I didn't ask for Daylight today. And fighting the Dragon in the middle of the Darkness does not strike me as a good tactic. But what choice do we have, with Ilthane devouring the villagers? I direct my Griffon to move in for an attack run.

Griffon charge! Pounce, plus two rakes.
Bite [roll0] [roll1] Miss [roll2]
Claw [roll3] [roll4] Miss [roll5]
Claw [roll6] [roll7] Miss [roll8]
Rake [roll9] [roll10] Miss [roll11]
Rake [roll12] [roll13] Miss [roll14]
1-20 misses.

Concentration for Mirriana to also cast: [roll15] DC 14
Casting Delay Death on Merrick.

Hp 73

Manoeuvres next turn:
Shield Block,
Mountain Hammer
Tactical Strike
Douse The Flames
Charging Minotaur

2017-07-11, 02:32 PM
Also to attack because Delay Death is an immediate action:
Ride [roll0] DC10
Tactical Strike [roll1]
Damage [roll2][roll3] Magic and allies get 5ft step.
Miss: [roll4]
1-20 misses.

2017-07-12, 11:36 PM

Although winded and tired, the Goliath rushes up to save his friend the only way he knows how - by attacking the dragon! He brings his mighty club up and smacks the beast not once but twice!

[roll0] // [roll1] -1 for Power attack, +2 Damage

+1 Enlarge
-1 Size
+1 Bless
-2 Fatigued
+1 Weapon Focus
+1 Plus 1 weapon
+0 Smite
-2 Power Attack
+4 Strength Domain

+2d8 Normal
+1d8 Enlarge
+1d8 Wallop
+10 STR (with Enlarge and Strength Domain)
+5 Two Handed
+7 Smite
+4 Power Attack
+2 Arm Bands

[roll2] // [roll3] -1 for Power attack, +2 Damage

+1 Enlarge
-1 Size
+1 Bless
-2 Fatigued
+1 Weapon Focus
+1 Plus 1 weapon
+0 Smite

+2d8 Normal
+1d8 Enlarge
+1d8 Wallop
+6 STR (with Enlarge and Strength Domain)
+3 Two Handed

2017-07-13, 03:57 PM
The party descends upon the massive dragon even as Merrick's now limp form droops in its huge jaws. Talsien leaps from the side flying into the mist with a slashing pair of claws raking down Ilthane's massive back causing pain and misery to the huge beast. Zarina and Goat run forward wielding sword and club but all miss, going wide of the mark in the darkness or bouncing off the inch thick scales. Seconds later Mirriana lands amidst the chaos, the griffon tearing a lump from the dragon even as the sudden landing throws the priestess off. Matching Zarina and Goat;s unluck the trdient vanishes into the darkness hitting nothing.
The dragon roars loudly as a flask of fire splashes on the ground harmlessly, Merrick dropping from her mouth as she glows with crackling energy and lays about with tooth, claw and wing seeking to just rip the party apart woth savage fury.

Swift: Arcane strike (2)
Free: Pow Atk: 4
(I've included the -4 for IGG)
Zarina vs Bite [roll0] dam [roll1]+[roll2]
Goat vs Claw [roll3] dam [roll4]+[roll5]
Mirriana vs Claw [roll6] dam [roll7]+[roll8]
Talsien vs Wing [roll9] dam [roll10]+[roll11]
Goat vs Wing [roll12] dam [roll13]+[roll14]
Talsien vs Tail [roll15] dam [roll16]+[roll17]

2017-07-13, 04:36 PM

Prime Master not quite dead. Belt will make better.

Muddy flies towards his unconscious master to engage his Healing Belt.

So I will presume it takes this round action to have Muddy fly over to Merrick.

Merrick O'Fey (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=249687)
Male N Human (Onnwal) Wizard/Binder/Anima Mage, Level 3/1/6, Init 1, HP -2/31, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 12, Base Attack Bonus 4
Quarterstaff +5 (1d6, x2)
Ranged Touch Spell +5 (-, x2)
25% chance to avoid critical hits or sneak attack damage Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt of Light Fortification +1 (+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition Buer Bad Pact
Focalor Good Pact
Mass Resist Energy
Cloak of Bravery
Delay Death
0- Detect magic, Read Magic, Acid Splash, Light
1- Wall of Smoke
2- Resist Energy x2, Protection From Arrows, Gust of Wind, Spider Climb
3- Protection from Energy
4-Dimension Door

2017-07-13, 08:09 PM

In vain, Taliesn tries to block one of the dragon's blows, only to be knocked this way (by a wing) and that (by a tail). Badly bruised but still breathing, he flings himself once more into the fray.
Immediate action to try (unsuccessfully) to block the wing attack (roll in OOC).
Move action to get around the dragon and jump ([roll0] to avoid AoO) -- if I wasn't positioned to flank her before, I must be now.
Standard action, Tora! Tora! Tora! (Tora!)
[roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] plus [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11] [roll12] [roll13]
[roll14] [roll15] [roll16] [roll17]

1-20 misses; I've added +2 for flanking and +1 for Bless to the hit rolls.

Now down to 19 HP, including the +2 recovered this round by fast healing. If we don't take her down now, one or more of us may be fertilizer by next round. :smalleek:

Edit: good hit rolls, passable damage. I might even have landed all four claws this time?:smallconfused:

2017-07-15, 12:58 AM
Lan continued to move around, trying desperately to find a shot. Of course, given the urgency of their situation, he decided to expend some of his resources to attack ... even if the darkness played havoc with his eyes.
Swift action to use one charge of the Horizon Walker Chronocharm and move 30' (remaining w/in 30' of the dragon. Full improved skirmish attack w/rapid fire ... for what it's worth. All Javelins ...on concealment low misses

[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]=21
[roll3] or [roll4]

[roll5], [roll6]+[roll7]
[roll8] or [roll9]

[roll10], [roll11]+[roll12]=27
[roll13] or [roll14]
HPs: 70; AC: 20 (25)
F +10, R +13, W +7
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 88 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 99min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 40 rounds)
- bless (+1 att/save vs fear [morale], 8 rounds?)
embrace the wild (low light vision, blindsense 30', +2 Listen/Spot; 40min)

2017-07-18, 11:18 AM

The goliath tries swinging again, this time with more gumption!

[roll0] // [roll1]

+1 Enlarge
-1 Size
+1 Bless
-2 Fatigued
+1 Weapon Focus
+1 Plus 1 weapon
+0 Smite
-2 Power Attack

+2d8 Normal
+1d8 Enlarge
+1d8 Wallop
+6 STR (with Enlarge and Strength Domain)
+3 Two Handed
+7 Smite
+4 Power Attack
+2 Arm Bands

[roll2] // [roll3]

+1 Enlarge
-1 Size
+1 Bless
-2 Fatigued
+1 Weapon Focus
+1 Plus 1 weapon

+2d8 Normal
+1d8 Enlarge
+1d8 Wallop
+6 STR (with Enlarge and Strength Domain)
+3 Two Handed

2017-07-20, 03:59 PM

With the griffon clawing and slashing beside her Zarina feels emboldened as Mirriana's shield deflects the worst of the dragon's attacks. Claws scraping on shield and a huge buffeting wing neatly dodged she whirls in the darkness. Looking around she shouts encouragement, "Come on, she's weakening." Ducking down and slashing forward she continues to drain the wand attached to her blade, the misting around the blade leaving motes of ghostly smoke as she slashes left and right.

The misted blade shears through scales like a knife through butter as draconic blood sprays into the darkness dousing Zarina in blood. Ilthane rears up screeching in pain and then her chest explodes in fire and crackling lightning as the alchemical cocktail splashes from the blade in a cloud of fiery doom that leaves the dragon reeling, clearly heavily injured.

Swift: wraith strike
Ful attack
(PA4): atk [roll0] dam [roll1]
Miss 1-20 [roll2]

(PA4): atk [roll3] dam [roll4]
Miss 1-20 [roll5]

- if hit trigger Alchemy [roll6] Elec, [roll7] fire, liquid fire [roll8]

Hps 73/82
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)*
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 30 FF 29 Tch 12
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Morale +1, Shield +7 - 1 dex -1 sz

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, KDev +5 = 19/14
Dam: +5 devotion

Shield (+7 AC, 15 mins)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Bulls strength (13 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 285 rounds)*
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 67 rounds)*
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-07-21, 11:33 AM
"She's going down!" I cry out. "Finish her off!"

Mirriana Tactical Strike: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Griffon bite: [roll3] [roll4]
Griffon Claw: [roll5] [roll6]
Griffon Claw: [roll7] [roll8]

Manoeuvres next turn: [roll9]

2017-07-22, 06:09 PM
The party descend onto the dragon and the cloud of darkness as the battle is joined in bloody and near final battle. Each side sensing the wounds and the damage wrought upon the other. The screams from Ilthane are loud enough to burst ear drums as a javelin pierces her from the side and Talsien leaps upon her back slashing madly with all 4 of his massive claws. Then as Goat and Mirriana swing and drive her back Zarina slides in, blade exploding in a blast of crackling fire as a huge rent is opened in her side, several shield sized scales ripped free from her side by the force of the alchemical explosion.

THe dragon rears up, powerful magics crackling around her claws and barbed tail as maddened by the pain she lashes around herself with arcane energy doubling the devastating impact as she seeks to rend the tiny humanoids limb from limb!

Swift: Arcane strike (2) Free: Pow Atk: 4
(I've included the -4 for IGG)
Zarina vs Bite [roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2]
Goat vs Claw [roll3] dam [roll4] + [roll5]
Mirriana vs Claw [roll6] dam [roll7] + [roll8]
Zarina vs Wing [roll9] dam [roll10] + [roll11]
Goat vs Wing [roll12] dam [roll13] + [roll14]
Talsien vs Tail [roll15] dam [roll16] + [roll17]

2017-07-22, 06:18 PM

Water beast is such pain. Be awakened Prime Master and slay.

[roll0] let's see some >1s please.

2017-07-22, 06:25 PM

Merrick's eyes snap open as the worst of his wounds knit.

"You should have been more thorough," he tells the dragon.

[roll0] 1-20 miss
[roll1] lightning

Focalor' lightning strikes the beast.

2017-07-26, 01:42 AM
Zarina grimaces as the massive tail lashes out flatenning the hulking shifter and almost screams as the jaws come within a hairs breadth of killing her, only Mirriana's steely demeanour distracting Ilthane leaving the jaws with sword sized teeth biting down on Zarina's shield of force.

"Cone on, she's almost down, she's weakening " she shouts to the others. Heartened by Merrick waling up and trying not to look at the bloody mess that the Goliath has become. W

She spins, once more the blade becoming translucent as she slashes wildly,driving the blade into the still burning hole in Ilthane's flank.

Swift: wraith strike
Ful attack (PA 4)
[roll0] dam [roll1] miss 01-20 [roll2]
[roll3] dam [roll4] miss 01-20 [roll5]

Remnants of liquid fire [roll6]

Hps 55/82
Saves +10/9/7 (+5 vs all, +3 vs Death, +9 vs fear)*
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 = 30 FF 29 Tch 12
Deflect +2, Natural +3, Morale +1, Shield +7 - 1 dex -1 sz

Atk: +13/8 dam 2d8+7
Hit: Bless +1, KDev +5 = 19/14
Dam: +5 devotion

Shield (+7 AC, 15 mins)
Dragonskin (+3 NA, Acid 10)
Bulls strength (13 rounds)
Heroics (Martial study 285 rounds)*
Protec from Evil (+2 deflect/resist saves, 67 rounds)*
Mass Resist Acid 20 (Merrick)
Cloak Bravery (+10 vs Fear, Mirriana)
Divine Protection (+1 morale AC/saves, Mirriana)

Stance: Leading the charge (+5 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +5
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-07-26, 08:53 AM

I reign my griffon back, reeling from the dragon's claws even as her tail beats Taliesn into the dust. My blows are being turned aside easily by Ilthane's armour, and I can tell my mount isn't going to have much more success either, following its initial luck. The dragon is just to tough!

My team mates look mualed, but then again so does Ilthane! She doesn't look like she can take much more! I bid the griffon land my by Tal - this is now a contest of strength and endurance, and I can best help by keeping my friends in the fight, if only for a little longer...

Curse of Ill Fortune -> Cure Moderate Wounds [roll0]

2017-07-26, 11:45 AM

The goliath watches with glad tidings as the beast is slain. Thinking quickly, he calls upon the power of Kavaki to heal his wounds.

CMW: [roll0]

2017-07-26, 01:31 PM
Healing energies flow Mirriana and Goat as lightning crackles from the sky and more javelins plunge into the beast. Zarina lunges forward, the first blow hacking deep before the second sinks all the way up the 5ft long blade to the cross piece and with a howl and massive convulsion that throws Zarina rolling across the stones the massive dragon convulses, vomiting black bile before collapsing dead!

Zarina rolls to her feet, blade soaked in dragon ichor as she looks at the others, hair bedraggled and armour rent and bloody. "Praise Iomedae, we have survived ". Her words are echoed by towns people as the darkness clears and cgeers and shouts begin to ring out.

She looks at Mirriana, face still pale, " That was close. I feared for our lives there Mir'. Luck and our skill saved us again." Looking at massive carcass still steaming she grins at Lan, "What do we do with this eh?"

2017-07-26, 02:10 PM

With Mirriana's healing touch, Taliesn rises to his feet just in time to see his "pack" bring down a mighty dragon! Heh! The stuff of legends told around campfires to the young pups for generations to come, he thinks, with no small satisfaction. He puts his head back for a vigorous howl:


Evil, beware!

He stretches, painfully, feeling through his body as bones, muscles, organs, tissues, and skin slowly stitch themselves back together. He has a lot of damage to repair.

He looks over to the others to see if they need any help from him. What next?

2017-07-26, 02:41 PM

"Mistress Conlan, as a private citizen and Member in Good Standing of the Free City Mage's Guild and Free City Games co-champion," Merrick says in a loud and officious tone, "I wish to make a formal complaint against the town council of Diamond Lake."

As he speaks, Buer's healing closes the vicious bite marks on his torso.

"I accuse them of using me-without my consent-as bait for an unlawful creature (vis-a-vis a dragon, black) instead of pursuing more lawful means to prevent the depredations of said beast."

He waits until a fair crowd of townsfolk gathers.

"As you are an officer of the law, by the grace of Mystara, St. Cuthbert and the Town of Diamond Lake... I demand you arrest the council on the charge of attempted murder, and avoidable manslaughter through voluntary dereliction of duty!"

2017-07-26, 05:20 PM

I use my blade to push myself back to my feet from where I had knelt to administer to Taliesn. I survey the destruction of the scene of the battle in a daze, my home town half destroyed. The corpse of a dragon beside us barely feels real beside the hole in my heart where my home used to stand. The exertion of the brief yet brutal battle has left me drained!

Zarina's words snap me out of it, and I clap the swordswoman on the shoulder. "A harder fight yet than any in the arena! I hope that our gods continue to lend us strength enough to overcome! Surely there will be challenges greater yet to overcome. Ilthane mentioned a Dragotha hunting Allustan! Her mate perhaps? And there's still... Loris..."


"By the lady's holy knowledge!" I curse under my breath, countenance souring as I finally have the time to consider Jieren's words even before Merrick speaks up.

"Merrick, Citizen of the Free City of good standing, I am afraid those charges won't stick. There is no proof they intended us dead, or that they were derelict. They summoned the champions of the free city and attempted to deflect the dragon's attentions away from the town at personal risk by speaking with her, not realising the bait and the heroes were one and the same. Landon was lynched by a mob. The council's not provably culpable, even though they benefited. Maybe we could get them on Reckless Endangerment for setting the dragon on us, but in their position I probably would have too."

"Also this is no time to leave the town leaderless, despite how we might feel about them. We can't run it ourselves with our larger quest at stake."

"I do want to talk to them though. I believe Loris Raknian was here."

2017-07-26, 05:42 PM

"So be it. We should interrogate the dragon's corpse as well. Information shall be her hoard. Also, she can tell us where her hoard is."

2017-07-26, 06:18 PM


Even though Taliesn was trying to better himself, learning reading and other of these "civilized" ways, he still did not understand why the city-dwellers of the party spent so much time on such conundrums. He felt glad there was always packmate GoatTracker around, a sensible man, with a sensible upbringing, and a sensible approach to things.

As for what to do with this treacherous City Council (who, if they had been part of any pack, would have been driven out to fend for themselves), best leave that to those who vested so much time in such thoughts. The shifter returned to licking his healing wounds. Those counselors just better not mess with me -- I and mine have no patience for such things. It is a good thing he had not been there for the council meeting with the rest of the party.

2017-07-29, 02:37 AM

Zarina looks at the constable. "Let's hope that the council's cowardice extended to merely offering us up as bait rather than dealing with Raknian". Before she can continue the crowds slowly start to gather to stare at the massive corpse as the townsfolk gather to cheer the crowds.

Leading the crowds you can see Jieran and Velias. The Heroinian priest reaching out a hand to Zarina, her wounds healing. "By the Lightning lord! You are true heroes and we owe you our lives." His words are echoed by the others and Mirriana catches Cubbin's eye as the sheriff gives her a bow with a mixture of fear, respect and awe as his deputies push the crowd back as they push forward trying to embrace the heroes or touch the massive downed beast.

All heroes receive [roll0] healing from various priests

Zarina looks back to Mirriana, "Dragotha. The name sounds familiar. Though I cannot place it. It's a shame Master Allustan's home was destroyed as it would no doubt have something in the library. Are there any other books in the village?". She pauses for a second, eyes widening, "It can't be Dragotha? It's a legend, one if the most vile creatures to walk the realms. A dracolich, an undead red dragon ofvgrwat power once consort to Tiamat herself. She offended the queen of dragons and then vanished. " She pauses looking at Mirriana, Lan and the others before starting what seems like the words of an ancient book as Zarina squueezes her eyes shut trying to recite from memory. Aeins ago, the Gods young and mighty empires sprawling across the mortal realm, Dragotha was a celebrated consort of Tiamat, a mighty red dragon chosen for his strength and cunning, as well as unswerving loyalty to his mistress. He was dutiful and felt an earnest affection for the vile 5 headed goddess sparing him her wrath far longer than any other consort. For all the Dark Lady doted on Dragotha, though, he had little protection from ambitious dragons that craved his vaunted position. Through his long years, he squared off against numerous dragon ascendants, each more powerful than the last. Dragotha’s fall came when a vicious dragon challenged him. He dealt with the upstart as he had others, tearing out its throat and devouring its heart. Unknown to him, his rival was the son of Tiamat, whose death enraged his mistress. Realizing his doom was at hand, Dragotha fled Tiamat’s realm to find refuge in the mortal world. Even far from cruel talons of his former lover, he knew her servants would find him—and when they did, they would kill him. Dragotha sought out a powerful priest of the death god, a vile human named Kyuss, who promised immortality in exchange for the dragon’s service. Dragotha agreed, and not long afterward, Tiamat’s spawn descended on him and killed him. As the dragon lay, broken and dying, Kyuss made good on his vow. Instead of restoring him to life, however, Kyuss transformed Dragotha into a terrifying dracolich. After this final betrayal, Dragotha withdrew to a hidden cave, contaminating the lands around.". She pauses looking at the others, That was a legend I read once with Eligos." She looks at the other, "Allustan is learned and studied with Eligos. If we can find him he may be be able to drive further into thes e ancient legends. But all seem to swirl around Kyuss.. "

2017-07-29, 10:35 AM

The name nagged a thought from Merrick as well, but for different reasons.

Once upon a time he had stumbled across an old charcoal drawing, with a skeletal dragon upon it the name Dragotha was on this parchment.

But that was secondary. In his youthful search for power, he was looking instead for a mythical wizard who cheated death, but then death cheated him.

Acererak. That was his name.

"We need to recover. Your patron may be in mortal peril, but the immediate threat is gone."

Merrick brings forth a wand. Then he wills his shapesand into the form of a long hacksaw.

"Muddy, retrieve Illthane's head. Keep the jaw intact. Will anyone object to me immolating the body?

2017-07-29, 11:09 AM
When the dragon fell, Lan slipped forward ensure the beast was dead, then he removed a small scale and tooth from the beast and placed it in his pack. As the others celebrated briefly, he checked the beast for any surprises and then searched the skies and crowds for signs of watchers or spies.

When Mirriana spoke, he looked at her sharply. Using their mental link, he warned them, "The council knows we won, but may know we are hurt. If the druggie is with Raknian, they may be willing to be bold. Use caution."

As they waited, he leaned over to pat Zarina's leg, murmuring, "Nice blow. Thanks for dropping her ..."
To the council or to the cairn? PS - I'm embarrassed to say, but Lan was unjured in that fight - 18 healing to someone that needs it!
HPs: 70; AC: 20 (25)
F +10, R +13, W +7
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
- resist energy vs acid (20, 88 minutes)
- cloak of bravery (+10 vs fear [morale], 99min)
- divine protection (+1 AC/saves [morale], 40 rounds)
embrace the wild (low light vision, blindsense 30', +2 Listen/Spot; 40min)

2017-07-30, 10:35 AM
Lan, scrabbling amidst the scales finds a things of interest to himself and the others! A few scales replaced by gems and fastened tightly to a wing a stout pouch containing a pair of strange crystalline vials and a thick and heavy book with strange looking inscriptions within it. A large set of bracers on the claws complete the looting.

Gemstone of Light fortification
Bone Ring
Domain Draught (Darkness)
Ilthane's Elixir (Inherent +1 Str, grow black scales on arms and shoulders)

Eternal wand (Fly)
The Codex Anethema (Lords Madness)

As Lan and the other speak they can see a swirl in the crowd arriving as the shocked council arrive with a handful of the town's militia. Luzanne, pale as she stares at the corpse, "How? You are indeed mighty warriors. Please Mistress Conlon, you must understand we had choice when she threatened us. She threatened to destroy the entire town." The others nod letting her speak. "You are truly deserving of your titles. Can you stay? Would you become the High Sheriff and protect your home town?" Cubbin's looks to stay something before cutting off any objection.

The oldest man,Gelch Tilgast, chips in. "You can all stay. But, Allustan was a friend to me. Do ye plan on heading to the cairn and fetching him back?". They point at the Gar, the nicest surviving inn. Luzanne waving "Please, we need wine to toast your victory and you must need sleep and rest."

2017-07-30, 11:31 AM

After Lan completes his search, Merrick retrieves the sawn-off dragon's head.

"Have you any ice-based spells, Zarina? I would like to preserve this head until morning."

He readied his wand of combust, and checks with the others.

"Last chance for regeants and trophies, a rotting giant corpse will just attract the worst scavengers."

Once everyone has their fill (black dragon leather, anyone?) andpicked the dragon of scales, teeth, claws, hide, etc, Merrick will toast the body. More fluff than anything.

2017-07-30, 11:40 AM

"I have no doubt that you are correct," I tell Zarina at the end of her spiel. "The link with Kyuss is too much to be coincidence."

I rub the bridge of my nose. "Mistress, why must you test me so?" I mutter under by breath. I sheath my sword and am just beginning to turn towards the mansion where the council are holed up when they come to find us. I square myself up, free hand on my hip as I prepare to hear their words. I listen in stony silence, allowing my expression to soften only after they've had their say.

"I am understanding of the plight you found yourselves in, and that offering us up must have been your only option. I only hope Allustan will be as understanding when he learns the fate of his brother."

I sigh, and let my shield slowly hang by my side. The fight with Ilthane was exhausing and to learn that we face yet fouler foes is also enervating.

"Much as I would like to stay and reforge Diamond Lake's Watch into something resembling a professional force to stand against the dark times ahead, I cannot. I have far greater matters that require my attention. We need to find Allustan at once! Forces are gathering that would cover the world in darkness and I fear that time is against us."

I nod to Gelch, assuring him I'll seek his friend. Two more orders of business, the first of which is the more awkward.

"Cubbins! I have no more time for petty rivalries. Should I fail this town will need its watch to be strong! You once knew how to be a proper watchman. I need you to be that again! No more backhanders! No more petty corruption, no more looking the other way! Train your men hard because they will need every bit of it in the days to come! Value good kids like Jake, and those like him. If I survive and return to a watch in the same condition as the one I had the dubious pleasure of serving I shall be... displeased."

Turning to the elvish prince, I invoke the friendship of Queen Rennida.

"Chaum Gansworth. Ruathor!" I say. "You spoke with Loris Raknian recently, a wanted criminal of the free city. Why was he here and where did he go?"

2017-07-30, 04:39 PM

While Mirriana discusses the Raknian issue, Merrick pours Buer's healing gift into Goattracker.

Every 5 rounds:
Until full or we run out out turns.
[roll0] round 1
[roll1] round 6
[roll2] round 11
[roll3] round 16
[roll4] round 21

2017-07-30, 06:54 PM

Having learned from Lan the importance of perspicacity (though neither one of us has ever used the word, as such), Taliesn scans the crowd and surroundings to the limits of his range, in case any unusual intelligences are lurking about. (Mindsight 100' radius.)

2017-07-31, 02:55 AM

Zarina grins at Lan as shows the book, her eyes lighting up at the book. Her head still full of the images and words from the Aposostic scrolls she is slowly coming to view that knowledge is power and even the dark nature of these tomes cannot out weigh their benefits. She looks at Merrick and shakes her head. "Sorry Merrick, I have no ice or cold to aid you. My skills tend more towards the pyrotechnic." She nods to Mirriana, "I am thinking this as well. It worries me as it means these rumours of the Age of Worms and the rise of Kyuss may be more true than we think."


The massive corpse is soon stripped of much of its scaled hide by various militia troops and the town weapons smiths. Claws and teeth are pulled as mementos and for forging into weapons and others take small scales as trophies before Merrick gestures with his wand and Zarina joins in launching fiery bursts into its body as soon the massive alchemical infused corpse is burning with lurid green wild flames. Talsien standing by the now burning corpse scans the corwd with his unusual mind sight, hios inner voice hissing with disgust at the lack of "interesting" looking specimens as all seems what it is with no remarkable minds anywhere near them.


By the Council Mirriana's words strike home. Most of the council looking embarrassed as Wieran, cucgel in hand nods and his voice booms out over the crowd. "You have heard the words of Constable Conlon and seen her skill and that of her comrades. Seek to forge good from the tragedy. Find arms, train hard, make Diamond Lake a beacon of hope in times to come." A few cheers follow his words along with scowls from the Council. Cubbin, the focus of much of Mirriana's words shuffles and looks uncomfortable before taking a deep breath and approaching her. The smell of his body odour and whisky sour and unpleasant. "Conlon" he begins, spekaing loudly so that the crowd can hear. "We've had our differences aye right enough. And I've not always been the best here." he pauses again as a few cat calls sound from the crowd. "But Aye, I can see the truth in your words. I'm sorry for my misdeeds and I'll see how I can change." The priests either side of him grin and nod sagely as he speaks. "I'll let bygones be bygones and when you return next from saving the world or some such you'll be proud of us." He finishes, words choked off as he offer sa grubby hand to her......


The councilman looks Mirriana and shakes slightly, surprised at her mention of the royal Rennida. Later that evening as the party, now slightly less armoured gather in the upper room of the Hungry gar with the Town council and the high priests Chaum approches her. "Miss Conlon. Please, a word. How did you come to meet her highness and gain her favour?."

"Regarding Lord Loris, aye, he did pass through a week or so so ago. He was riding hard after the games he said. He didn't speak of the rumours that have followed since. Merely that he needed rooms, fresh horses and supplies. We've traded before so I saw no reason not treat him." Having heard more of the Games and the role that "The Owlbears" had it in Chaum is clearly sweating, his hands gripping the wine glass tightly. "He said he was heading to Alhaster to see Prince Zeech. I gather there must be a connection there. Then he left, he said little else."

He's lying and some more was clearly said but he's too ashamed/scared to admit to it.


Zarina skipped the victory meal instead retreating to the room she had been given to share with Mirriana. At the small desk she lit the cheap looking candles that smoked dangerously and stared at the Codex on the desk in front of her. A profusion of tentacles, scales and strange alien eyes decorating the cover. Taking a deep breath she muttered a prayer to Iodemae before opening the book and beginning to read.... Sweat dripping from her brow and eyes unfocused she collapsed back onto the cheap bed taking a long drink from the horn of now warm and flat ale. Images, words and alien inscription burned through her thoughts and a cold sweat soaked her clothes. She passed out in near delerium, her sleep filled with dreams and nightmares of unearthly words and strange far realm creations. Her eyes upon waking were haunted and confused as she awoke pale, exhausted and ashen. "Its important we find Allustan fast Mirriana" she croaks to her companion. "If any of the thinks in the Codex or the Apostolic scrolls come to pass we are in serious trouble."

Go go leveling up! And now a very low Wisdom of 6! She may try and find an cheap amulet of wisdom at some point to help correct that!

Morning Buffs:
Heart of Air: +10ft fly speed, +10 jump checks
Heart of Earth: +8 to resist bullrush/trip/overrun, +20 temp HPs
* Light fortification with 2 active

Party: Feel free to have some posts at the post battle party. Place any orders for dragon related paraphenalia and then onto the Cairn!

2017-08-01, 04:12 PM
(Here's in case I get laid up with things over the next week


Well, this will be a busy day.

Dawn breaks, and Merrick studies his spell choices for the day. He hope fiercely that he was finished with poisonous acid dragons for a few days, at least.

Merrick prepares his binding circles, then casts read magic to decipher the scrolls purchased. He places a gem of the seal of Acererak, reads the first Eagle's Splendor scroll, and summons the spirit of the departed demilich.

[roll0] DC 25 or needs to "take charge" whenever he can.

He take a moment to recover from the metal drain, and feels the scroll's enchantment fade. He cuts his hand with a shapesand dagger, then reads his second Eagle's Splendor scroll. He lets the blood drip onto Balam's seal, and begins the binding ritual a second time.

Sacrifice 1 hp to bind
[roll1] DC 25 or spit on temple floors and generally act like D&D Bill Maher.

He recovers from the ordeal, and readies himself for his final task. Using a third Eagle's Splendor, he calls upon Acercerak to interrogate the Illthane the Black.

DC 19 Save for Illthane's head. Come on Natural 1!

"What geographical location is closest to your hoard?"

"Where is Dragotha?"

"What was your role in the Age of Worms?"

"Who else serves your masters in Diamond Lake?"

After the failed questions, Merrick sighs.

"Well that was disappointing," he comforts himself, knowing that he could ask again in a week's time. Until then it might be a good idea to preserve the skull somehow.

"Good news, Mistress Illthane, you shall become part of my hoard. Delicious irony, would you not agree?"

Exhausted before the day ever starts, he gets read to leave. Merrick tosses the dragon skull onto the donkey cart he purchased in the Free City, and sets off in it back to Diamond Lake.

"I shall name you Bozal and Illthane. May you serve me well," he tells the mules.

As he rides back to Diamond Lake, he ponders the group.

I should take charge. Only a wizard such as I can truly understand what this Allustan's motives are.

He wonders where such a notion came from. Usually he was content to let Mirriana take charge, but today he was impatient to get to work...

2017-08-03, 10:09 AM

I regard Cubbin's hand coolly before clasping it in mine. "Turn things around here and I will be."

Regarding the dragon's possessions, I take up the wand as I'm confident I can use it to the benefit of anyone in the party. The bone ring I offer to Merrick, it's important to keep our casters protected.

I dismiss out of hand having any gear crafted from the dragon's hide. Whilst some would upon seeing a warrior equipped with gear made from a black dragon's hide assume we must have slain it, no doubt others would take it as a sign of allegiance and I want nothing to do with that. Although... I decide to keep three shiny black scales. Five minutes with a leather punch and one of my fine silver chains and Ilthane makes a fine accompaniment to several of my gowns!

As it happens, I have a perfect opportunity to wear my new possession later that evening. I attend the feast and do my best to appear relaxed for the other participants, but in my mind I'm worrying. How exactly are we supposed to fight a legendary dracolich when we barely survived his minion? And where is Loris Raknian and what is he scheming? We really need to find Allustan and fast. If it weren't for the need to recover our daily spells before setting off we would be travelling already! I sip my wine without enthusiasm.

I am therefore very satisfied when Chaum comes to speak with me, as it lets me address one of the things I'm worrying about.

"Councillor Chaum. Thank you for speaking with me," I greet him. "Queen Rennida was friend of a friend whom we faced in the first round of the Champions' Games. She and her kin fought with honour, but Alieth was slain by a common foe. I offered to raise her as a token of my respect." I take a sip from my drink, taking Chaum's words at face value.

"Zeech? Yes I remember, Zeech was at the games accompanied by a demon. It makes sense that they'd be colluding. Do you know anything of him?"


The next morning Zarina's words awaken me, and I am immediately glad I drank in moderation the previous night. I blink myself awake whereupon I'm shocked by the state of my companion!

"Gods, Zarina, you look awful! I thought you were asleep when I got in last night! Did the things in the codex keep you up? You could have woken me, we'd have talked about it."

2017-08-03, 09:45 PM
With the dragon looted, Lan turned to cleaning his weapons, putting away the small scales and teeth he had claimed. When the rest of the villagers approached, he eyes them in stony silence. His hands twitched as Luzannr spoke, as if he wanted to throw something. However, it seemed all slaps and claps for the 'heroes' as everyone jumped on the Conlan bandwagon. He snorted, turning to find the inn. Arriving early, he found a room and searched thoroughly.

That evening, he joined the dinner, dressed in his normal gear, sans the trident. He didn't eat, having down a ration earlier; his focus was watching the crowds and listening to conversations. He passed by as Mirriana spoke to the elf councilman, snorting as the man tried to convince her he was innocent. That man was as innocent as a murderer holding a bloody knife.

Suddenly he glanced around, wondering where Zarina was ...

No treasure claims right now ... but did I miss something in the loot? You mentioned bracers ...
HPs: 70; AC: 20
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')

2017-08-04, 04:36 PM
The Hut

Merrick leaves the others trundling to the small mining office. A surprise as a a now sheep sized owlbear cub snarls and snaps from the corner, but Merrick, thankful for Talsien's advice has the chicken carcass ready to distract the pet and it happily subsides munching on the fat rooster. Deep in the shadows of the hut he rests for the night before rising the next morning embracing the various vestiges that grant him more powerful than most "mere" mages. Sadly even as the skeletal form of Acerak and the warped purple worm capped with humanoids of Balam subsides he faces the great skull of Ilthane the Black. Even i death the battered looking skull is still intimidating and he can still remember the feel of those fangs tearing through his body.

Summoning necromantic energy he commands the spirit of Ilthane to return and return it does. The candles flicker and the doors rattle as the spectral spirit dragon fills the house, eyes on the skull glowing a dark and ferocious red. Even as he demands answers the spirit of the dragon hisses back."I will destroy you. My master can bring me back form beyond the veil and then in my undying glory I shall seek you out and feast upon you all...." Even as the questions fall upon deaf ears the skull vibrates with the power of the spirit before Merrick allows it to dissapate and hurls the skull back onto the creaking wagon bed.

Arriving back in town he can see the party slowly gathering for war one more. Most looking ready for action, Zarina pale and wan, Lan with trident, Talsien with strange metallic scales over his upper body and both the goliath and Mirriana garbed in steel looking ready for battle. Yup... making a mortal enemy of a dragon from beyond the grave. How bad could it be!


The Feast

With Merrick and Zarina avoiding the feast even Lan has to make small talk although his customary scowl does deflect much of the attention and conversation save for the most curious of how he came to be with the party. For the most part most of the attention focuses on Mirriana, Goat and Tal who many here can remember setting off not that log ago. A few asking where Hal the snow elf or Bernard or Leila, Aluustan's apprentice, have gone.

CHaum, deep in cnoversation with Mirriana expresses his reluef and admiration that both Rennida is alive and the other princess was raised without trouble. He nods at Mir's query. "I'm surpised Zeech would be so open. THe Prince of Redhand is normally more subtle than to travel more openly with a demon. He was a Knight of the Shield and Devotee of Heronius until he fell and embraced Hextor. With that he invited those loyal to Hextor into ALhaster and staged a coup. There is little more focused than a fallen son. Since then he ruled ALhaster for the best part of 2 decades and a dark shadown has embraced the city." He takes a sip. "I can still remember the shpis sailing across the Nyr Dyv (inland sea) from here to ALhaster. Though less now since the cty has become more tyrannical."

Alhaster is the largest and most prosperous city of the Bandit Kingdoms, a collection of warring city-states located in the devastated region on the north side of the Nyr Dyv. It had been a completely lawless place until it was taken over by a fallen paladin named Prince Zeech and his fallen angel cronies, about eighteen years ago, and now it is a shining beacon of order, safety, cleanliness, and oppression. It is also the major port city for a large swath of land, controlling everything that goes in or Bandit Kingdoms. It is under constant attack, but the insane despot Zeech has many powerful allies, including, it is rumored, a black dragon (possibly Illthaine).



He toasts her again before wishing her well in her quest. "If I hear more of Raknian I shall speak with Wieran. I gather that he has access to powerful magical sendnigs that he could use to contact you should the need arise." The rest of the party goes well. Before people disperse, the trauma of the day still fresh in many minds along with the still raw grief from the deaths caused by the dragon's initial assault.



Zarina shrugs as she looks at Mirriana. "Partly it was my own drive for understanding partly the Codex itself" she mutters darkly nodding at the book that lies open with pages blank or smeared as the magical powers have leeched out and into Zarina. "I know you would have helped but you could not have, the things I saw were images burned into my own mid but it means we must defeat him. I only hope that the things I have learned will be useful in the wars to come." She nods, "The book, it mentioned Kyuss. A necromancer of the southern jungles that built a cult, he became a God, or tried to...
its unclear but he did make a swathe of beasts and monstrosities that I fear we shall come to face." She takes a long sip of her drink before attending to her appearance. Anther plain dress is donned, the battered chain and arm greaves strapped and placed before she tends to the sword. A clicking as 3 more alchemical ampoules are placed in the strange holder. As she continues to speak with Mirriana she helps the cleric into her plate mail. The metal seeming stronger as the glowing scale is clipped into a holder that had been fashioned the night before by the black smith to lend the plate more strength.

Heading out into the square which is still splattered with blood and burnt scars from the beast's acid breath she nods and waves weakly to Lan. "Lan, did you sleep? Are you ready for more adventure this day? Talsien and Goat had mentioned this is where it began for them and Mirriana. Maybe the Cairn will be safer than our other travels of late?"

he arriving clatter of Merrick atop a wagon pulled by "Bozal" and "ilthane" distracts her as she waves at the strange mage and the huge skull on the wagon. Turning to Mirriana she nods towards the rolling hills away from the seas of the Nyr Dyv "To the Cairn then Constable? See if we can find our wayward wizard?" She grins tyring to inject some humour into he countenance but with the pale skin and drawn expression she cannot disguise her unease.

All ready to go back to the Cairn?

2017-08-04, 07:42 PM

Before joining his party, Merrick and Mudy first stable the cart and mules, then find a metallurgist.

Finally a benefit being in the ditch. Plenty of metalworkers.

After a brief haggle, Merrick agrees to the price of bronzing the beast's skull. At least two weeks, but Acererak would not be able to interrogate the dragon again for a while anyway.

He rankled at Zarina and Mirriana taking charge again. Surely they knew he was their most powerful asset and thus best-suited to rule.

"Yes, let's not tarry. Illthane proved too stubborn to talk, and suggested this Dragotha may raise or animate her to bother us anew."

He regretted his inability to trap her soul within her corpse. Odds were the more pious of his companions would object on principle.

I'll offer a 500 gp down payment on the skull and 50 for longterm stabling.

2017-08-07, 01:47 PM

"To the cairn", I agree, climbing into the saddle of my warhorse. "We cleared it out pretty thoroughly the last time we were there, so with any luck Allustan will be safe enough until we get there."

2017-08-07, 02:58 PM

A nice victory dinner. A bit of a shame though that "civilized" folks don't seem to appreciate the custom of eating the defeated foe as the main course of the feast. Taliesn, briefly back to humanoid form for this, glances knowingly over at GoatTracker, sure that he understands such worthwhile customs at least.

Taliesn makes due with the roast pig, which admittedly is quite tasty, and lacks the bitter acidic aftertaste Ilthane would have had, but it's the principle of the thing!. He admires the black scales now growing from his flesh along his upper arms and shoulders. For someone who can change his form at will, there is nothing in the least disturbing about this. He contemplates whether he could generate matching scales over the rest of his body -- or maybe a variety of different colored scales? When he looks distracted during the conversation, this is where his thoughts are going.

Next morning, he is well rested, unlike some people, obviously. Wizarding folk really ought to know better. The Cairn, we managed that when we were much weaker than now, I cannot imagine in being a problem.

To the Cairn, then.

2017-08-07, 04:02 PM
Its a short walk and ride up the hills some few hours across the rolling terrain to the Whispering Cairn. Memories - mostly good coming back for at least half the party as they ride past the different lonely skyline of the old observatory where they had first met Master Filge the necromancer (who still eludes them!). This time no life (or unlife) is visible through the gaunt windows or cracked glass observation dome. The ground around the entrance to the cairn and the passageway are clawed and torn with mounds of earth and scraped earth and rock coupled with long scars of bubbles and molten stone marking where the dragon had tried in vain to access the Cairn atfer Allustan it's prey.


The spooky passageway with its wind warping spirals and patterns on the wall seems so much less threatening now after the past few weeks/months of adventure and Mirriana, Goat and (especially) Talsien are very different to the trio that had entered with Bernard, Hal and Leila so very long ago. Entering you pass the first set of empty alcoves, the small fallen remains Mirriana's friend no longer there now that they had buried them but a few rags still remaining. Reaching the second set of alcoves you can see a sudden change! WHere once had been a blocked and obstructed pile of rubble now there was a path forged through it by magic! Further ahead the spider web coated stares you know lead down to the chamber of rainbow lanterns and the bodies of the wolves lie decomposed and mostly skeletal now were scavengers and insects have picked them dry.

Old map, youa re going second right to the "new bit"


Beyond the narrow carved passage the corridor continues for another 20ft or so. THe walls of the passageway are scarred or dented indicating that the whole area had been collapsed until recently. At the end of the tunnel stands a glossy black portal flanked by the same strangely tall and featureless Vaati figures that have populated the tomb. THe glossy black surface shimmers and swirls like liquid seeming to absorb the light of the sunrod yied at Zarina's waist. On the wall nearby a scroll is wedged into the rocks and as its grabbed you can see Allustan's neat hand.

To any who would follow me
After recent events and more reading I was more and more convinced that the Tomb my friends had discovered was only the start and Zosiel the champion of Vaati's tomb was a front to one much more important and far more powerful. I revisited the Cairn that my friends had cleaned out and discovered the black portal. Beware! A vile Abysaal ghoul is bound to the portal who will attack those who enters. It can be forced out by those with holy leanings but I was forced to gird myself with magic and make the leap through. If you are reading this then either the dragon has devoured me or I have fallen/become trapped in whatever lies beyond the portal. I wish you well and please contact Mirriana Conlon and her colleagues. She must be warned of the coming apocalypse. If I have fallen she can seek out my mentor. Head North to the shores of Nyr Dav to the strange tower of the archmage at magepoint. Go to the Inn and tell them you seek an audience with Manzoria. May the Gods bless their endavours as they will need all of their skills and courage to weather the coming storm."

Know (Arcana) for the Portal
Know (Religion) for an Abysaal ghoul

2017-08-07, 04:20 PM

Arcana: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1] I really should spend a rank in this...

The idea of roving undead annoys Merrick. The mindless ones were always in the way, and intelligent ones were so... singleminded.

No doubt this Abyssal Ghoul will want a corpse to eat. Well I'm fresh out.

"Excuse me."

Drawing Acererak's power, Merrick readied himself to become invisible to undead.

2017-08-08, 01:35 AM

Knowledge checks Arcana [roll0] Religion [roll1]

"It seems Allustan must have been trapped beyond the portal," I say. "I don't think Ilthane managed to get in here, and I don't see why he'd leave the scroll here if he'd managed to backtrack. The ghoul is annoying, but it seems we have the skills to deal with it. Turn undead!"

I raise my shield with its emblazoned holy symbol and a blast of holy energy engulfs the portal!

My turn checks are going to get weaker from here on out. My cleric level just isn't scaling with level anymore!

Turn check: [roll2] Affects 8HD or fewer.
Turn damage: [roll3]

2017-08-08, 02:15 AM
Zarina and Merrick are barely able to begin explaining that the portal will be tied through the mists of the ethereal plane to another portal that could be many hundreds of miles away. Zarina adding the portals such as these were common in the days of the Wind Dukes and if one was powerful enough they could be used as a gate to go to a whole series of the other gates. Before she can say much Mirriana takes action, her shield sending out a pulse of holy light. Where it contacts the shimmering black seal the liquid portal ripples and fizzes. Her powers not strong enough to banish the abysaal ghoul within but certainly enough to anger it! The creature diving from within the seal a savage looking thing of muscular taut flesh with a pulsing brain, foot long lashing tongue and a massive gaping maw.


Diving forth it howls in an ancient tongue. As it runs forward it still seems indistinct, motes of the seal flapping and trailing around it giving it the appearance of smoke almost in the flickering light in the narrow corridor! It leaps at Mirriana, mounting her and tearing at her armour and then the flesh beneath with horrifically sharp claws leave horrific wounds behind!

"You stupid creature. The previous one bargained for passage, you have riled me and I shall tear you all to pieces..."

Ghoul portal pounce
Free: Assign Goat as dodge target (He's the biggest)

Claw vs Mirriana [roll0] vs Flat footed DAM [roll1] + [roll2] Sneak + Fort DC 21 or disease and [roll3] Wis damage
Claw vs Mirriana [roll4] vs Flat footed DAM [roll5] + [roll6] Sneak + Fort DC 21 or disease and [roll7] Wis damage
- If both hit then REND [roll8]

The ghoul has a 20% concealment due the connection to the ethereal portal

Go go party

2017-08-08, 10:30 AM

"Sounds like the Demon tongue. The usual death threats and epithets no doubt," Merrick says.

With arcane gestures, Merrick fires magic missiles at the ghoul.

And because everything probably has SR nowadays:

Remind me: spell penetration next level.

2017-08-08, 03:37 PM

Zarina leaps back, eyes widening in shock as the fleshy ball of muscles and claws leaps out of the portal clawing and savaging Mirriana brutally. "Damn it, gods curse it. Kill it quickly." She feels worried without the normal multitude protective enchantments surrounding her. Still, incensed with the images from the Codex she whips out the Full blade spinning it around as she steps up to beside Mirriana. "Die vile beast." Her and flexing as the wand triggers, blood seeping from her arms and soaking the blade as it glows with a dark power.

Swift: Blade of blood (5 hps damage) for 3d6
Move: Draw sword
Free: 5ft step to be beside Mirriana
Standard: hit the ghoul PA2 [roll0] Dam [roll1] +[roll2] xtal + [roll3] blade of blood

Hps 94 / 94 +18+13
Saves +10/9/7 (+3 vs Death)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12

Atk: +12/7 dam 2d8+4
Hit: +2 Devotion
Dam: +2 devotion, +1d6 vs undead

Heart of Air: +10ft fly, +10 Jump, Feather fall to expend
Heart of Earth: +18 Hps, +8 vs Bullrush etc... Stoneskin to expend

Stance: Leading the charge (+6 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +2
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-08-08, 03:40 PM

Bah! It's just another ghoul! Sure, it might look a little different, but Taliesn still remembers how easily ghouls ripped apart in the Coynbe. He flexes, crouches, and pounces, deciding he'll show the abomination what a real claw attack looks like. He leaps over the ghoul, twisting in the air to bring claws to bear and attack it from behind. A shimmer of incarnum makes the claws look almost as if they are trailing flames!
I'm assuming not yet enlarged as that's a short-term enough buff not to have up before we know we're going into a fight, and I'm not willing to pause for a potion. (Again: ghoul - how tough can it be?) The downside is that this makes the damage dice a lot more complicated:

Move action Jump. How much air do I get in my jump: [roll0] (divide by 4 for vertical height)

Swift action to activate Burning Blade maneuver - I'm just fluffing this as an incarnum effect, if that's alright: +1d6+1/2 IL fire damage on each attack.

[roll1] (includes +2 for flank), [roll2] + [roll3] + [roll4] + [roll5]

[roll6] (includes +2 for flank), [roll7] + [roll8] + [roll9]

[roll10] (includes +2 for flank), [roll11] + [roll12] + [roll13]

[roll14] (includes +2 for flank), [roll15] + [roll16] + [roll17]

N.b.: attacks penetrate DR/magic; If I notice other DR is active, I may use my DR/good ability next round.

2017-08-08, 03:56 PM

I stand firm in the face of the brutal assault, even though I feel ill at the creature's touch. I glare at it as I riposte with my blade, working to create openings for my comrades to exploit.

"Tal, show this thing what real claws look like!

Tactical strike. Allies get 5ft step if it hits. [roll0] +1 fc
Damage [roll1][roll2] plus 5ft steps.

IGG for -4 to attacks against allies from threatened foe.

White Raven Tactics. Tal goes again after Mirriana.
Hp 40/78
Sr 5/5
AC 26/25/16

2017-08-08, 05:43 PM

Inspired by Mirriana's encouragement even in the face of her wounds, Taliesn leaps at the ghoul again, tearing at it like a rabid wolverine!

Move [roll0] -- don't even need the tumble roll to avoid an AoO, as I believe I have greater reach, so I'm not even that close to it.

[roll1], [roll2] + [roll3] + [roll=lightning], [roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7] + [roll8], [roll9], [roll10]
[roll11], [roll12] + [roll13], [roll14], [roll15]
[roll16], [roll17] + [roll18], [roll19], [roll20]

Edit: I bungled the lightning damage, but I'm sure it's immune, so I won't bother; just counting the physical damage from my to-hit rolls of 30 or higher, I get 97. (I'm also assuming my fire damage doesn't exceed resistance.) With Zarina's and Merrick's attacks, and anything from GoatT and Lan, I don't think the ghoul will get a second round.

2017-08-08, 06:07 PM

The goliath is heart warmed to finally return to the place where it all began. He remembers fondly of their battlers against bandits, wolves and their ilk. Simpler times, simpler times. He had come so far, so quickly.

As the ghoul approaches, the cleric flies into a berserk rage! FOR THE CHIEFTESS!" is all he can manage to yell before he flings himself at the ghoul with the ferocity of a crazed, rabid baboon!

Free: Rage!

[roll0] -2 for Power Attack, +2 for Charge

2017-08-09, 03:56 PM
Lan was silent on the way back to the Cairn. It was not a place he remembered fondly, but angrily. It reminded him of his weakness, and annoyingly, of when Goat referred to him as a human child. However, he was a professional - he walked along in silence, not speaking a word of his concerns. Instead, he simply pouted ... but like a professional. As they approached the portal and the note, he half listened, certain the others would find the information more useful. Therefore, he was unprepared when chaos exploded, and a glistening ghoul was among them, slashing away at Mirriana.

Growling, he started to move, trident and javelin at the ready.
Move 30', but stay w/in 30' of the ghoul. Looks like I need to Multi-shot, w/PBS and Favored Enemy and true death trident ... [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]+[roll3] = 43?

HPs: 78; AC: 20 (25)
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: PBS, Imp Skirmish, Multishot

2017-08-09, 04:41 PM
Its a short fight despite the savagery of the ghoul's assault on poor Mirriana. As she reels back flailing with her sword the rest of the party move up in brutal support. Tal leaps up through the air, long clawed limbs delivering brutal and horrible wounds as Zarina slices low across the creature's chest. Even as Goat wades into the battle he swings mightily but the club glowing with holy power misses cracking the wall. Magic missiles dart from Merrick striking it repeatedly and finally even as it rears up to deliver a horrific blow to Mirriana's throat the javelin and trident fly from the halfling, a tine of the trident piercing its eye and destroying whatever malevolent spark of evil was driving it.

As the beast is chopped and smashed and thrown to the ground the portal beyond shimmers. The dark blackness dispersing and a gleaming silvery white mirror reflecting the blood splattered party instead.


Zarina steps back, flexing her hand where the spell had left a mark and drained some of her energy. "A nasty beast. Savage an violent. Take care Mirriana, the creature carries disease on its claws. It would not be good if you were to fall ill while in a tomb beyond." She looks at the portal, sword held outstretched in front of her as she approaches closer feeling the magic shimmering from the frame. "The doorway looks clear now. The beast would be a jealous spirit, I doubt it would share this portal with any other guardian." She gestures at the pool of silvery liquid - "If its based on those I have read about one merely steps through to be transported to the destination. When you are healed who wishes to lead the way - it is likely that aside from Allustan no-one has set foot in beyond for many lifetimes."

2017-08-09, 04:45 PM
Lan flexed his hand as the trident reappeared. Glancing at the others, he grunted, "Scouting ahead? Sure ... I'll do it." He moved forward to peer at the portal, then made ready to step through.
Not sure what we need to avoid stepping into the Tomb of Horrors and a sphere of annihilation ... but [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

HPs: 78; AC: 20 (25)
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-08-09, 05:30 PM
"The doorway looks clear now....who wishes to lead the way - it is likely that aside from Allustan no-one has set foot in beyond for many lifetimes."


Mirriana has fallen. It's all up to me now.

"Allow me to ask yon corpse. If any of you speak the language of the Abyss, you can help me."

Merrick grabs the ghoul body and spits into his mouth and eyes. Hoping the creature speaks one of his tongues, he makes demands in all of them.

In Draconic, Common, Celestial, and Infernal, Speak with Dead DC 17

"What awaits us beyond this portal?"
"What guardians can you describe?"
"What did Allustan give you for passage?"
"If it was an item or items, where it is or them?"

2017-08-10, 12:29 AM
As Lan steps towards the portal Merrick showing unusual decisiveness steps forward and roughly drags the ghoul semi-upright. The ancient power of the deific lich lending him the power to interrogate the ghoul.

Damaged it's speech is garbled as it responds in the harsh infernal tongue. "I devoured Him. No he gave me the pretty. I must keep the pretty, they can't find it in my nest. My nest, I'll kill you if you go there.... " it snarls and rambles. " beyond is his greatest work. He buried him here Icisiol! The spider and the fire Duke are chaine beyond. I hate them.." The insane rambling continues on for a few more minutes before the evil spirit dissapstes.


While that is going on Lan approaches the portal and examines it closely, but aside from seeming old, magical and unusual there is little else he can see. Touching the liquid surface it feels warm to the touch and strangely yielding before it drags him forward. Darkness.... For a moment, absolute darkness and then he stumbles out of the mirror into the beyond.

The noise hits him first, shrieking and wailing loud enough to hurt his ears as he gazes into the misty fog filling the 20ft hall that judging from the flagstones he can see in the mist slopes steeply upwards. The walls are elaborate, pictures of Elemental beasts of air and fire done in painstaking mosaics, some jutting out here and there, small nodes with multiples holes that seem the source of the wailing and the gusting wind that sends the thick clouds of mist into spiralling swirling patterns. The light is dim, adding to the spooky nature of the mist, only the shimmering portal beyond Lan givin any light as the darkness envelops the light a few feet forward of him. At least on the portal's surface he can see distorted - like staring through a beer glass- images of his friends on their side.

Room is 20ft wide corridor (portal in middle 10ft). Seems to slope upwards.
No light save the portal as a torch
Very noisy - DC20 listen to hear, DC20 Conc to cast verbal spells
Misty - as per fog cloud

2017-08-10, 01:25 AM
"A nasty beast. Savage an violent. Take care Mirriana, the creature carries disease on its claws. It would not be good if you were to fall ill while in a tomb beyond." She looks at the portal, sword held outstretched in front of her as she approaches closer feeling the magic shimmering from the frame. "The doorway looks clear now. The beast would be a jealous spirit, I doubt it would share this portal with any other guardian." She gestures at the pool of silvery liquid - "If its based on those I have read about one merely steps through to be transported to the destination. When you are healed who wishes to lead the way - it is likely that aside from Allustan no-one has set foot in beyond for many lifetimes."

"I feel unclean at having let it touch me," I confess, using my wand to knit together my physical wounds and tutting at the great rents in my armour. "Should we survive this I can purify myself in the morning."

2017-08-10, 01:44 AM

At Acererak's urging, Merrick was about to order the group into the portal.

...however, Mirriana regained her feet, negating the power vacuum. With the opportunity gone, the Devourer grew silent.

The ghoul's responses were about as mad a gibberish as he would expect.

"Why the dead must be to damned cryptic... who do they think they're impressing?"

K: History - [roll0]?
Sense Motive - [roll1]
Decipher Script? [roll2]

2017-08-10, 01:17 PM

I cannot sense Lan!, Taliesn broadcasts with worry, as the Portal sends the Halfling well beyond range. He moves to enter the mirror, in case the Halfling is in trouble. It's not that the little pup can't handle himself, but every now and then, one runs into something that needs to be torn apart with some decent claws!.

A small corner of Taliesn's mind reminds him that Lan would probably not care to be thought of as a "little pup." Yet that's one of the things so cute about little pups: how determined they are to be "grown up."

We ARE going after him, right? Taliesn looks to Mirriana -- and then also at Merrick, who seems to be taking charge a bit today. I wonder if Merrick will have a dominance fight with Mirriana? I think he'd lose, if he tried. I think she'd whip his tail back between his legs. Dominance fights could always be such good entertainment.

2017-08-10, 05:39 PM
Wincing at the loud shrieking, Lan shook his head and turned to step back through the portal.

Stepping back through the portal, Lan told the others what he found. "Not my favorite place, but I don't suppose there's a choice." He rubbed his murky eye, already dreading any fights within.

Unable to make it back through, Lan pulled out his trident and growled. All he could do was wait now ...

Should cover his bases!

HPs: 78; AC: 20 (25)
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-08-10, 05:45 PM

Dropping the ghoul's corpse, Merrick brushes his hands on the hem of his robes and walks through the portal. His familiar follows closely behind.

"Look for a ghoul's nest," he order the small elemental.

Bracing himself for potential side effects from the portal, Merrick readies his toothed tentacles wand.

2017-08-15, 01:32 PM
"If Lan's not back in ten seconds, we head through! And be prepared to fight," I entreat the others.

2017-08-15, 04:39 PM

The Goliath tightens his grip on the engorged Skullfinder. "Nine... Eight..."

2017-08-19, 05:32 PM
At "Six" by the Goliath's sonorous tones the portal shimmers and ripples as the small halfing steps out trailing wisps of fog and smoke. Zarina looks at Lan, a hand resting on his shoulder/ "Welcome back. You had us worried there.
What did you discover on the other side and what did it feel like?". Listening as Lan answers she moves forward and looks at the portal, a hand brushing the surface feeling the cold and oily texture. Her eyes flickering between Mirriana and Merrick as to who is in command now she nods to the portal tucking her long hair into the collar of her chain shirt.

2017-08-19, 05:46 PM

With Mirriana conscious and able, Acererak's urging subsides.

"We don't seem to be in immediate danger. Now where is this wizard friend of yours?"

With his vestige, Merrick searches for signs of undead.

Give full round of concentration throughout the area.

2017-08-22, 11:58 AM
Even as Lan returns there is a "splash" through the portal as the wizard strides through. A second of dizzying confusion is all that it takes to cross an unknown number of leagues before Merrick is standing like Lan was moments ago in the swirling mist and thick fog that fills the corridor sloping upwards slowly into fog. Scanning carefully he searches out with the ancient sense of the lich that he now allows access to a semblance of life. Looking for signs of the restless dead within he mist he casts Acerak's ghostly tendrils around but cannot find any sign of the undead.

Back on the other side of the portal Zarina looks at the others, a wry smile on her face, "Shall we follow our wayward wizard through there. Was there anything dangerous Lan?" She waits for the halfling to answer before she moves through portal.

2017-08-22, 01:06 PM
Lan snorted as the wizard went through, shrugging at Zarina's question. "Dark, cold, windy, foggy. Like I said, crappy place to fight, but there it is." Gripping his trident, he prepared to go through again, least the wizard manage to get himself killed before they got back.

Should cover his bases!
HPs: 78; AC: 20
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-08-24, 08:48 AM
Zarina grinned at Lan before stepping through, the whirl of vertigo letting her stumble as she emerged into the mists and screaming winds beside Merrick. As the others steeped through she waved to them looking in winder at the swrling mists and ornate Vaati related carvings on the walls.

Talsien stepping through the mirror feels the sharp minds of his comrades as normal before sending two wild elemental sentiences some 40ft ahead, both malign and alien.

2017-08-24, 05:04 PM

"So where on Oerth do you suppose we are now?" Merrick asks no one in particular.

2017-08-27, 04:54 PM

"We could be anywhere," Mirriana replies to Merrick over their thought link as she emerges from the portal. It's easier than making herself heard over the ambient noise. "Perhaps Allustan will have a better idea once we find him. I should have prepared a casting of sending today. It would be easier to find him that way!"

"Any idea what type of elementals we fact?" She asks Taliesn. "I would put money on air, from our experiences with these tombs previously."

2017-08-27, 06:07 PM

"I can go as far as saying they aren't undead."

2017-08-27, 08:37 PM

We aren't alone, Taliesn sends, And they do not feel friendly. Elementals.

This environment, on the other side of a portal for a Wind Duke -- they must be air elementals, and probably invisible.

2017-08-27, 08:48 PM

"I have few measures against invisibility."

Merrick casts overland flight, and shifts his shapesand into a thin sheet.

2017-08-28, 01:19 AM
With a rush of air, the clouds thicken up, red eyes blooming as the pair of long demented air Guardians swoop in with long smoky claws and rending teeth, the gusting wind and swirling smoke their natural environment.

The crackling dark eyes fade into the mist ahead as claws of dark smoke lash out from the swirling mist. One smoky claw pouring into Talsien's mouth serrating and tearing at his organs. The other slashes at Merrick as it flaps backwards beyond easy reach (I.e more 10ft away)

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYNsG5fxmtSsP81Zx06RIhwnSv0tXHB sQrqR95oomR-pS9dAw4

DC 25 listen to shout clearly
DC 20 concentration to be able to cast 'V' spells (including the overland flight)
All thick fog! 20% adjacent, 50% >5ft due to fog

Belker 1 using 15ft reach
Smoke claws vs Talsien [roll0] vs touch, [roll1] Fort DC19 for half

Beljer 2 flyby attack Merrick to land 20ft up hill
Big claw [roll2] dam [roll3]
Big claw [roll4] dam [roll5]
If both hit rend [roll6]

2017-08-28, 01:50 AM

[roll0] I regret not using Buer.

Even as Merrick chants the spell, he is torn nearly in two by the mad guardians.

2017-08-28, 01:23 PM

The earth elemental grumbles a curse at the hated Air creature.

Prime Master needs skin of stone.

The small elemental presses a gem on Merrick's healing belt.

2017-08-28, 11:19 PM

"*SNARL*" As if you pathetic creatures could threaten ME! Taliesn telegraphs their locations to the other party members. (Let's at least make sure everyone attacks the right space, after all.) He races past the Belkar that attacked him -- seemingly taking no thought for his exposed flank -- to tear the one who tore Merrick.
[roll0] vs. DC 19
Move action NOT attempting to avoid the AoO from the first Belker. If it AoOs:
Swift action Feigned Opening: a missed AoO (by the Belker) triggers an AoO from me; a successful AoO will trigger an AoO from everyone else who threatens the Belker -- I will of course wait to make this as effective as possible.

[roll1] to avoid the second Belker's AoO as I close to 5' to minimize miss chance.

Standard Action
[roll2], [roll3] + [roll4] + [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]
[roll8], [roll9] + [roll10][roll11] [roll12]
[roll13], [roll14] + [roll15][roll16] [roll17]
[roll18], [roll19] + [roll20][roll21] [roll22]

2017-08-29, 03:52 AM

The wizard looks about the swirling mist, apprehension welling up. Before he glowing eyes and smoky claws lash out at them and Merrick beside her falldcto the ground, thoroughly eviscerated.

Grimacing she blinks, shield of force in the form of Heronius's bolt forms in front of her as she follows Tal into the mist, tumbling and cartwheeling, blade slashing out at the creature nearest that had ripped into Talsien.

Swift: shield 20 minutes
Move: tumble to Belker 1
Standard: chop (PA2) [roll0] dam [roll1]

Hps 94 / 94 +18
Saves +10/9/7 (+3 vs Death)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 +8 AC (shield)

Atk: +12/7 dam 2d8+4
Hit: +2 devotion
Dam: +1d6 vs undead,+2 devotion

Heart of Air: +10ft fly, +10 Jump, Feather fall to expend
Heart of Earth: +18 Hps, +8 vs Bullrush etc... Stoneskin to expend
Shield 20 mins

Stance: Leading the charge (+6 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +2
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-08-29, 06:18 PM

(AoO) As the Belker lashes out at Taliesn, a clawed foot from the morphic shifter stretches out impossibly and rakes at the elemental.
[roll0], [roll1] + [roll2] [roll3][roll4]

Edit: Drat! Nice damage but probably too low to hit.

2017-09-07, 08:26 PM
With frustrated impotence, Lan attacked again, unable to keep track the creatures in the shadows and must ...

Full attack (rapid attack) since skirmish attacks don't work against these guys.
1d20+15, 1d4+3 -
1d20+10, 1d4+3 -
[roll=Javelin 3]1d20+15, 1d4+3 - [roll=2d100
HPs: 78; AC: 20
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-09-08, 05:01 PM
Mist and smoke leech from the Belker's as Tal and Zarina claw and chop at them. THe one pounced on by Tal diminishing and thinning dramatically as the shifter rend's at it. Its eyes glow a dull red in the smoke as it unleashes a veritable storm of wings, raking claws and lashing foglike teeth. The one by Zarnia is far more direct reaching into her chest, the smoke flowing around her shield of force to plunge down through her nose and mouth tearing at lungs and internal organs.
Behind the others Lan's Javelin's fly through the mist but slam into the walls with a rattle as Mirriana and Goattracker arrive through the shimmering portal to the sounds of battle and the squelch as their armoured boots splash in a pool of Merrick's blood!

Belker 1: Smoke claws vs Zarina
[roll0] TOUCH, [roll1] Fort DC 19 for half

Belker 2 - maul talsien that has landed by it!
Big claw [roll2] dam [roll3]
Big claw [roll4] dam [roll5]
If both hit REND [roll6]

Wing [roll7] dam [roll8]
Wing [roll9] dam [roll10]
Bite [roll11] dam [roll12]

Assuming Mirrian and Goat arrived through the portal last round. ALL party to go go go

2017-09-08, 05:22 PM

As his belt knits the wounds, he tries to make eye contact with the belker that torn him nave to chaps.

[roll0] Cold gaze attack DC 17 Will negates

2017-09-08, 09:03 PM

Taliesn expertly blocks the elemental's first claw, preventing the creature from getting the leverage it needs to rend. Still, he is duly impressed by the fury of its attacks. Ow!

Then he returns the "favor," no quarter asked or given.
Immediate action Wall of Blades in the OOC blocks the first claw attack. I am loving that maneuver more and more.

Move action to jump (tumble check to avoid AoO is automatically successful, so I won't bother rolling it this time).

Standard action:

[roll0], [roll1] [roll2], [roll3] + [roll4] + [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7] [roll8], [roll9] + [roll10]
[roll11], [roll12] [roll13], [roll14] + [roll15]
[roll16], [roll17] [roll18], [roll19] + [roll20]

Edit: Hah! Eat smoke and DIE, you illegitimate spawn of dust devil!
Currently at 71 HP. These things pack a nasty punch when they get to full attack. I'm wishing I had Spring Attack.

2017-09-10, 04:20 PM

Zarina coughs and splutters as the strange looking aerial creature froces its way down her throat causing her to cough and splutter as her magical protections from the Heart of Earth. Shrugging it off she grins as the Goliath and the cleric enter through the portal, mere shapes in the swirling mist. She thinks to Talsien - "I'm glad they've arrived, they can help poor Merrick" focusing once more on the fight in front of her she steps in thrustnig and slashing around in the Belker's airy interior.

Swift: minor polymorph +2 dam
Free: 5ft in some more
Full: chop (PA2) [roll0] dam [roll1]
chop (PA2) [roll2] dam [roll3]

Hps 94 / 94 +3
Saves +10/9/7 (+3 vs Death)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 +8 AC (shield)

Atk: +12/7 dam 2d8+4
Hit: +2 devotion
Dam: +1d6 vs undead,+2 devotion

Heart of Air: +10ft fly, +10 Jump, Feather fall to expend
Heart of Earth: +18 Hps, +8 vs Bullrush etc... Stoneskin to expend
Shield 20 mins

Stance: Leading the charge (+6 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +2
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

2017-09-17, 12:00 AM
With frustrated impotence, Lan attacked again, unable to keep track the creatures in the shadows and must ...

Full attack (rapid attack) since skirmish attacks don't work against these guys.
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5] -
HPs: 78; AC: 20
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: none

2017-09-20, 03:28 PM

Seeing Merrick down already I move to place myself between him and the remaining Belker, attempting to hold its attention even as I ready my shield to defend my allies!

Tactical Strike: [roll0]
Miss: [roll1] low misses.
Damage: [roll2][roll3] and allies get 5ft step free.

IGG: -4 for threatened foe to attack allies.
Manoeuvres: [roll4] for WRT or DTF

2017-09-21, 04:32 PM
Talsien mauls his elemental, claws tearing into shreds of mist and smoke that are torn apart by the swirling howling winds. Zarina and Mirriana surround the other blades tearing through the most as javelins of crackling force plunge through it and it disperses into a faint cloud.

The two beasts dead Talsien cannot detect any more sentient minds not blocked by thick walls, the others still wreathed in fog, the slope upwards beckoning in the fog shrouded tunnel of screaming air...

2017-09-21, 05:03 PM

Getting up and brushing his blood off his robes, Merrick considers their options.

Spellcasting will be very difficult. Any spells that do not require words will be most valuable.

2017-09-22, 07:55 PM

I “smell” nothing else within range, Taliesn sends to the others. Let’s take a minute to heal.
I worked it out previously in a post that got munched, and literally, in one minute, I can heal all my wounds as well as healing Merrick and Zarinda 12 HP each, using Lifebond Vestments.

2017-09-23, 02:19 AM
Nonplussed at his success, Lan stalked forward to search around, like olongapo to see if the elements had dropped anything. At Talsien's comments, he peered into the shadows. Let's keep moving; the faster we finish, the faster we leave."

Whispering a word of power, Lan called upon the senses of the beasts ...

Ready to move on. Cast embrace the wild (gain low light and blindsense 30') and scout
HPs: 78; AC: 20
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: embrace the wild (+2 Listen/Spot, gain low light vision, gain blindsense 30'; 40 min)

2017-09-23, 09:50 AM

"Here Merrick, let me help," I say, using a charge from my wand of lesser vigor. "Lets all be careful going forward. I hope Allustan is all right in here!"

2017-09-23, 10:36 AM
As Merrick, Talsien and Mirria stand in the screaming and howling mist with Goat, the halfing and Zarina creep forward up the steeply sloping hallway, after some 50ft the thick swirling fog abrubtly stops, and they can see its filling the lower half of the hallway and from the archway at the end fresh fog vomits forth from a pair of statues with the same strangely inhuman features of the Vaati from the tomb by Diamond Lake. Both pause in the doorway, Zarina still waist deep in the fog, the noise quieter already for her. She sends back to Tal with her mental voice "If you come to the top of corridor the fog and noise fade". She crouches down beside Lan, "I'm glad the noise has stopped eh? Though that doesn't look encouraging." she adds looking with Lan at the room beyond.

[roll0] Vs DC 25
EDIT: never mind.... nothing to see here

The room beyond is barely revealed by Zarina's sun rod and she cannot see the true extent of the vaulted space. Lan's sharper eyes can pick more out however. THe chamber is temple like with a curved ceiling reaching a peak of some 40ft above the smooth off white marble tiles. Carved stone pillars carved with elegant twisting patterns support the ceiling at regular intervals down the sides of the room but at the base of two of pillars are what almost looks like barricades of strange clusters of stone or metallic spikes. Near to the doors to the North, South and on the opposite wall stand carved stone forms of more of the tall elongated Vaati. Small openings, barely an inch wide festoon the walls and strange basins, each the size of a large melon are affixed to the walls at waist and head height. Strange undulations decorate the doors giving the walls and doors a fluid look that tricks the eye and makes the walls look like they are shifting and flowing. Twisting runes and channels run between the tiles on the floor, but they are choked with dust - clearly no liquid has flowed here for a long, long time! Runes and pictures cover the walls but from across the room and in the dim light of a sun rod the details are too hard to make out.

Link to the google map. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15ArgSQ8SYrDOYOs5NmEcNBADTwhO3yoQHuXyj4lx50c/edit?usp=sharing)Feel free to move yourself pr describe what you are doing
(its on the tab called Icosiol's Tomb)

XXXX = the strange spiky barricades
O = the pillars
the red borders are where the doors are

Is everyone happy with google maps as a medium for this now that the pictures have broken on stupid photobucket

2017-09-23, 01:13 PM

Merrick nods his thanks to Mirriana. Taking a mental inventory of his spells remaining.

The loss of flight will reduce my usefulness. I apologize in advance.


His some effort, he casts shield on himself.

2017-09-23, 10:12 PM

Taliesn moves up to join the advanced guard, taking a moment to look over the grand hall.
Lan is our best tracker but not our only one: [roll0] - never know, I could get lucky: Merrick just rolled 20 on his Concentration, after all.

Edit: See? See? I got lucky. That's a little meta, as I would not have rolled it without DrK's indication, but I'm thinking that's maybe okay, considering that Lan wasn't consciously tracking either.

Think there's a trap? Think I should try setting it off? he asks.
Seriously, with the ToB concentration maneuvers, I can guaranty I'll pass any single saving throw, and with fast healing any damage is temporary and uses none of our resources.

2017-09-24, 09:11 AM
Talsien joining Lan and Zarina at the entrance to the temple like room can also see the shimmering strange walls with weird runs and markings however his rained eyes also notice the faint foot prints in the dust on the floor, faint, but definitely humanoid and also a skid mark as if the person was pushed a few traces of red (much like Allustan's robes) stuck on the nearby spiky barricade.

Looks like Allustan passed this way. WHere are you going in the room? Examining anything closely?

2017-09-24, 10:16 AM

[roll0] search
Spellcraft for any obvious magic about? [roll1]
Remember that tunnel that blew us against the wall in the cairn?

Pretty sure this is the weaponized version.

Merrick moves toward the spiked chamber, eyes open for anything obvious to a wizard.

2017-09-24, 12:16 PM

Look there! Taliesn indicates the red threads caught on spikes. I think Allustan has been this way, and not willingly: the tracks show he was being shoved along.

You think this might be a weaponized version of the Cairn trap?? I recall the original being pretty weaponized, trying to hypnotize us first and then blow us out to a long drop.

Which way – which door – do the tracks lead to? My thought is we follow them, with either Lan or Taliesn advancing first in case any trap is triggered by entering the room.

2017-09-26, 08:53 PM
Lan growled at the obvious markings he had missed. Peering into the hall, he nodded absently at the others comments, although he didn't actually respond. He thought to Talsien and the others, Someone check for magic ... we'll head in.

Scouting ahead after a detect magic ...
HPs: 78; AC: 20
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, embrace the wild, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: embrace the wild (+2 Listen/Spot, gain low light vision, gain blindsense 30'; 40 min)

2017-09-28, 04:50 PM
With the party clamouring to go in its the halfling's sharp eyes that spot the pressure pad on the floor near the spiky barricade, a clear warning that if you step on that runic stone its likley that something bad will happen to the person! Skirting that trap the halfling also spies several other squares to be avoided near the walls, some of the holes in the walls looking more like gaseous mouths than anything useful. With the deadly squares identified Zarina stalks into the room, gazing in wonder at the runes on the wall. As she approaches one of them fog and vapour - benign as she avoids the trap squares - flows like liquid along the walls as thin vapourous images of a great battles between the forces of Law and the Vaati battle the forces of Chaos led by a massive wolf headed spider over the hills that surround Diamond Lake. Images of the fabled battle of Pesh.

Zarina runs her hands through some of the images "The glrorious army, the General Icosiol, he led the forces of Law to the great victory. In his victory he was laid to rest - Zosiel his champion his guardian to the end." She nods towards the diadem that Mirriana wears- "You realise Mirriana that if this is true, the previous tomb of Zosiel could have led us here to a tomb of one of the great lords of Vaati, one of the holdrs of the seven rods of dominion." Excitedly she looks around more, as the image near the far end ripples like a curtain, images of the tall and noble Vaatie Lord that must be general Icosiol being handed a large solid looking stone seal and carrying a long thin staff as he forges an alliance with a massive Marut Inevitable.

Zarina, hand resting on the blade leaning on the ground looks around at the others with a wide grin. "So which way do we go? To the north, east or south. This is an amazing find", she points at the staff in Icosiol's hand. "He is a Vaati Lord. That may be a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. A powerful artifact that was part of the instruments in defeating Mishka the deamon spider."

tracks lead through southern door

2017-09-28, 06:00 PM

The murals are certainly impressive -- much more detailed than tales around a pack campfire -- still, We should rescue Allustan, first, Taliesn indicates the southern door. Do you think there will be murals of our battles someday?

2017-09-28, 06:40 PM

I think our standard practice of running headlong into death and hoping Mirriana can revive me afterwards has served us well so far. Let's follow the tracks.

2017-10-02, 04:51 PM
Following Tal and Merrick's suggestion the glorious murals are left behind, the tracks leading to the stout double doors to the door that despite looking heavy and massive open with the lightest touch floating on cushions of the air that fills the strange corridors. The corridor beyond and the intersection in front of you is lit by 6 orange and yellow lanterns that float like orbiting stars around central statue of grey stone. The statue is of an androgynous Wind Duke wearing robes that seem stirred by winds that are no longer present - he looks garbed for war with a glittering sword clutched in one hand and a set of scales in the other. The statue is 8ft tall, almost touching the 15ft high ceiling, mounted as it is on a 4ft pedastal of sigil covered marble.

Link to google map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15ArgSQ8SYrDOYOs5NmEcNBADTwhO3yoQHuXyj4lx50c/edit?usp=sharing)

2017-10-04, 04:16 PM

Standing by the opening into the strange almost sword shaped passageway she looks over Lan's shoulder at the statue with the spinning golden lights. "Impressive, imagine the magic to keep these things burning and lit for who knows how many years. It must be Icosiol, the Lord that has been spoken of." She looks about - "Lan, do you think its safe to advance towards it?" she hangs the sunrod back off her belt before smiling guiltily at Mirriana and Merrick and holding up her her gloves. "Foolish of me". Clapping her hands together the lights glow softly emitting a wide pool of light that illuminates her and the others, her sword now back in hand, the humming shield of force still spinning gently around her head.

2017-10-04, 04:45 PM
Without looking at the sword-mage, Lan shook his head and whispered, "No ..." Then he moved towards the south, eyes searching for more traps or surprises in the place.

Somebody keep that detect magic going! Sorry for the delay
HPs: 78; AC: 20
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, <s>embrace the wild</s>, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: embrace the wild (+2 Listen/Spot, gain low light vision, gain blindsense 30'; 40 min)

2017-10-08, 04:36 AM
Lan pauses, sharp eyes svaning the corridor but seeing nothing amiss - save the oddity of a statue of an ancient Lord of Law surrounded by glowing lights in an incredibly old tomb.... But he could see no traps.

Merrick by the others gazes down, his witch sight flickering as pretty much everything from the walls, the statue and the lights all glow witn anciemt and powergul magic.

2017-10-08, 09:33 PM
After searching around for a bit, Lan finally stopped and leaned against the wall. "I got nothing, except that statue isn’t what it appears to be. I don’t know what it’s for, but at least I didn’t find any traps on it. "

Not sure we’re in my area of expertise ... and if we are I already blotched that roll :smallbiggrin:
HPs: 78; AC: 20
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +17 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, <s>embrace the wild</s>, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: embrace the wild (+2 Listen/Spot, gain low light vision, gain blindsense 30'; 40 min)

2017-10-08, 10:54 PM

The wizard peers at the statues.

"If these were the Wind Dukes, this place must be awash with primal magic. Trying to detect magic will be like finding a drop of water in a river."

He whips out the toothed tentacles wand and expends a charge nipping at the statue.

2017-10-10, 03:36 PM

"I can't see anything either," I say. "There's too much magic. Best we proceed cautiously! I should really have prepared a sending today..."

2017-10-10, 04:58 PM

Are we more than 1000 miles from Diamond Lake for the purposes of Teleport?

[roll0] Arcana
[roll1] Geography

2017-10-11, 08:21 AM
Even as the options are considered the earth shakes slightly and the tomb shudders throwing you all to your knees briefly. As you rise up you can all feel a heavy presence and the lights dim slightly as the Goliath standing near the back - who has been uncharacteristically quiet this day - seems to go into trance listening to words that only he can hear. As the darkness and pressure lifts Goat looks at you all, tears welling in his eyes as his knuckles tighten around the shaft of his now near legendary greatclub. He looks to them all before approaching Mirriana "Chieftess, we have shed blood and saved each others lives many times. You will always be a sister to my tribe - you all will be!" he adds encompassing the rest of the party. "KAVAKI! The Ram lord has spoken to me - he has come to me to summon me home. We strike at the heart of evil and it trembles as it feels our approach. But it has launched an attack on my tribe and those of the Mountain Kin. We are mighty but we are few and Skull finer is needed to defend my people."" . He pauses, the massive cleric embracing each of you in turn. "I go now, KAVAKI will cast me back to my people - you must go on. He spoke of the world shrouded in darkness if we fail. If I survive I will come and find you again. Lead them we Chieftess" he finishes as he offers Mirriana a hand before trudging back towards the portal that will take you back to Diamond Lake. Their current whereabouts completely unknown as Merrick can sense that the portal has transported you a long, long way! Who knows if where you stand now is even on the sample plane as you started!

Zarina is the first to move - a faint "Good bye friend Kavuolia. With Heronius's blessings we will meet again". As she looks at the others, especially Mirriana, Tal and Lan who have none the towering Goliath for far longer than she. "He will be missed." She adds simply.

IC please do not offer to go with him, Goat can walk happily off into the sunset to maybe return again.

Who is leading the way down the corridor to the statue?

2017-10-11, 10:16 AM

After a fond goodbye to the most fascinating Goliath, Merrick focuses again on the task before them.

"If there is anymore windy surprises, we might benefit from magical enlargement. Would anyone care for that?"

He gets his enlarge person wand ready for any requests.

2017-10-11, 10:25 AM
Lan blinked, the surprise evident on the halfling's face. A number of emotions struggled within the smaller man, but eventually his normal stoicism won out. Taking out his small sword, he cut across the palm of his hand and offered it to the huge warrior, nodding once. They all knew the big man had to go ... and they also knew why the rest of them couldn't go with him. "Safe and boring travels, big foot."

Once Goliath turned to walk away, he nodded once, almost to himself, then turned to the others. "Let's get moving ... "

Lan will lead the way ... currently has low-light vision and blindsense 30'
HPs: 78; AC: 20
F +10, R +13, W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +18 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, <s>embrace the wild</s>, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: embrace the wild (+2 Listen/Spot, gain low light vision, gain blindsense 30'; 40 min)

2017-10-12, 12:10 AM
Leading the way the stoic halfiing, followed by the others, approached the statue down the corridor. As he did so, his foot stepped on a stone that glowed a dull red! The rune flickers into life, the Dictum of the Vaati expanding a great pulse of lawful energy that slammed into Lan, Merrick and Tal but washes around Mirriana and Zarina.

Dictum trap (CL 12)
For level 11 people, non lawful
Deafened [roll0] rounds
Slowed [roll1] rounds

Even as the pulse of energy fades the door to the left swings open revealing dull red flames and a pair of intelligent elemental minds. The room beyond glows like a forge. Heat rippling and twisting from the hot coals strewn across the floor, a pair of blackened copper doors on the far side and a black iron chest in the centre the only things visible. The occupants are another matter, one a living humanoid shape of pure fire 15ft tall, a huge elemental creature of pure fire stands by the second. Ancient looking with gleaming red skin studded with obsidian it has a humanoid chest and torso and the long sinous lower body of a snake of crackling fire, a s!oking spear in its hand. It's voice when it speaks is low and crackly, and in ignan....


Lan, Mir, Tal
Zarina, Merrick

2017-10-15, 01:56 AM
The wave of magic that swept over Lan left him in a stupor, with his ears ringing and his movements slowed. He thought to the others, What in the nine hells was that? And what are those? Are we attacking?. Fiery, huge, snake elementals seemed like something bad, so Lan was prepared to attack ... but he had learned not everything was as cut and dried as he would like.

Wow, the perfect spell to totally screw the two characters built around mobility. PS - does the dictum banish us as well?
As I don't have KS planes, not sure Lan is going to know anything about these things. However, waiting for a comment by one of the others as to whether these are evil or not. Also, are they arcane casters, constructs or undead? Cuz if not, Lan isn't going to be much help :)
If we need to attack, using my one standard action for many shot. [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
HPs: 78; AC: 20 (19)
F +10, R +13 (12), W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +18 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, <s>embrace the wild</s>, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: embrace the wild (+2 Listen/Spot, gain low light vision, gain blindsense 30'; 40 min); deafened (-4 Int, fail Listen, 20% fail for verbal spells, 2 rnds); slowed (-1 Att/AC/ref, 1 standard action per round; 4 rounds)

2017-10-16, 08:00 AM

As Goattracker takes his leave I barely have time to mourn the breaking of our fellowship before waves of anger threaten to overtake me. Is the task before us not already great enough without the gods see fit to reduce our number further? Goattracker has been with us since the beginning, and now it's just myself and Tal.

But if there's any among us who could understand being given a task direct from a deity, it's me. I take my mighty friend's hand, but then my reserve breaks down and a handshake becomes a lingering farewell hug.

"Of course I understand," I say. "I wish we could go with you, but I cannot divert from this path of my own. Give them hell Kavuloia, and may your enemies run with fear!"

As our mighty friend departs I am caught up in thoughts of the obstacles ahead of us. Fortunately I am unaffected by the sudden trap and swift to react as foes appear!

As I quickly place myself between my affected comrades and the firey foes, a passage of scripture comes to mind.

"On the sixth day Gothmog intercepted brother Jacobus and smote him mightily such that his legs were burned and blackened - for brother Jacobus in careful research had discovered the demon's name and need only reach the pure waters at the holy shrine of Asmara to bind the lord of fire to the lawful plane of water for all eternity."

"Even in his agony brother Jacobus cried out, and Gothmog was puzzled for the cleric's tone was triumphant!"

""Wait! wait! wait! You scobberlotcher! Didst thou think I took the long and lonesome road to evadest thou? I am the distraction! Knowledge is more useful when shared!""

""Oh Fu-" said the demon and vanished. For brother Kyle had taken the direct route."

Seems I've previously been using the Complete Divine version. +2 Attack rolls and saves, +3 for worshippers of Mystara, -2 to foes.

Spell Compendium version is
+2 luck bonus to AC, attack rolls and saves,
or +3 to worshippers of Mystara.

Either is good with me. Mirriana likes the luck bonus to AC, but a penalty to foes probably screws them over more unless they have spell resistance.

Iron Guard's glare and SB to defend allies.
TS and WRT available.
Manoeuvres for next turn:
[roll0] MH or DTF.

AC is 29.

2017-10-16, 09:26 AM

The spell knocks Merrick fiercely, slowing him and rendering him deaf.

He struggles to ward his allies from fire, though the loss of hearing would make the precise incantation more difficult.

Mass Resist Energy, if I pass the roll:
[roll0] with 1 being 1-20%

If successful fire/20 for 100 minutes

After the fireball burns him to the very quick, only then does he complete the spell.

2017-10-16, 04:02 PM
Lan moves slowly. The magic leaving his arms like treacle as his arms hurl a javelin at the salamander, the shaft hitting true. Mirriana's impassioned speech inspires her fellows even as the fire born creatures leap into action. Even as Merrick begins to murmur the salamander hurls a ball of fire - the fire exploding outwards and engulfing all of the party - before sliding forward, long spear flickering out towards Mirriana's face with lethal precision.

Swift: Fireball vs ALL [roll0] Ref DC18 for half
Move: slither forward
Standard: skewer Mirriana w/20ft reach [roll1] dam [roll2] + [roll3] Fire

Note: happens BEFORE Merrick's spell

Even as as the Salamander lashes out the elemental leaps forward, expanding to fill the corridor blocking access to its noble snake demon master. Reaching the warrior cleric it goes to batter the warrior cleric.

Move forward
Slam Mir [roll4] dam [roll]2d8+13/roll] DC17

2017-10-16, 05:17 PM

With a quick flicker of magical energies through his circlet, Merrick attempts to counter the magical slowness that curses him and Lan.

Two charges from Circlet of Rapid Casting to cast Haste
20% fail chance [roll0]

The magical Haste washes over all his companions. Zarina, Taliesn and Mirriana gaining the full effect. Lan and Merrick benefit as well, though less so.

2017-10-17, 12:57 PM

Zarina ducks, a hand covering her face frm the worst of the flames as her skin reddens and the Dastana covering her arms glows. "That was a less than welcome reception" she hisses at them in the crackling ignan tongue.

The elemental roars mindlessly, the Salamander looking at her for a second, it's eyes narrowing at her from behind the elemental. "Do not despoil our speech mortal. For milennia we have been bound here and neither shadow spiders, undead or thieves will break our resolve. Ogien. Crush her." he commands the massive elemental figure.

Zarina looks worried for a second before leaping forward towards the elemental blocking her path to the snake like salamander. Her blade lashing out in a powerful blow responding to both Merrick's fire resistance and quickening!

Swift: minor polymorph +9 hps
Move: Tumble to elemental [roll0] Vs DC15
(AoO: [roll1] dam [roll2])
Edit: phew, glad tumble worked
Std: Chop PA 6 [roll3] dam [roll4]

Hps 77 / 94 +9
Saves +10/9/7 (+3 vs Death) (+1 Haste)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 +8 AC (shield) (+1 Haste)

Atk: +12/7 dam 2d8+4
Hit: +4/5 devotion, +1 haste
Dam: +1d6 vs undead,+4/5 devotion

Heart of Air: +10ft fly, +10 Jump, Feather fall to expend
Heart of Earth: +18 Hps, +8 vs Bullrush etc... Stoneskin to expend
Shield 18 mins
Resist Fire (Merrick) 20 - 100 mins
Haste (Merrick) 10 rounds

Stance: Leading the charge (+6 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +4 salamander / +5 elemental
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

Mirriana, Lan and Tal before team flaming evil

2017-10-17, 02:45 PM
When the fireball erupted in the room, even the magic of the trap could not stop Lan's survival instincts as he ducked under the flames. Standing back up, he stood untouched as Merrick's magic countered the lethargy in his limbs. Nodding to himself as he recognized the leader as a magic user, he moved forward to attack, tapping into his boots as he launched his javelins.
Swift, activate quicksilver boots; full attack vs salamander, using rapid attack & point black shot
[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]
[roll3], [roll4]+[roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]+[roll8]
HPs: 78; AC: 20 (25)
F +10 R +13 W +7
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +16 Move Silently +18 Hide +18 Tumble +17
Spells: entangle, <s>embrace the wild</s>, hunter's mercy
Javelins (+16, 1d4+2 / +17, 1d4+3 w/in 30')
Trident (+16, 1d6+2 / +17, 1d6+3 w/in 30')
Effects: embrace the wild (+2 Listen/Spot, gain low light vision, gain blindsense 30'; 40 min); deafened (-4 Int, fail Listen, 20% fail for verbal spells, 1 rnd);

Wow. A 1, 3 and 5 on 3d20. :smallfurious:

2017-10-25, 02:18 PM

Zarina is a little faster than me in reacting but I quickly step up shoulder to shoulder with her against the enormous elemental before us. "I'll try and distract it for you!" I call, feinting at the elemental to give my warrior friend an opening.

Mountain Hammer[roll0]
Damage [roll1][roll2] Ignoring DR

WRT for Zarina to get another round.

IGG -4 to threatened foes not attacking Mirriana.
SB +9AC as immediate action to adjacent ally against first solid-looking attack.

AC29, hp60.

DtF and TS avaiable, also SB if not used.

2017-10-25, 04:52 PM

As Mirrana runs in beside her Zarina glances sideways, a strand of hair plastered to her face by the sweat from the heat of the elemental. "I'm always glad to have you at my side Mir'" she gasps before plunging forwards, blade swinging and leaving trails of smoke and soot stains.

Full attack:
Chop PA 6 [roll0] dam [roll1]
Chop PA 6 [roll2] dam [roll3]
Chop PA 6 [roll4] dam [roll5]

Hps 77 / 94 +9
Saves +10/9/7 (+3 vs Death) (+1 Haste)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 +8 AC (shield) (+1 Haste)

Atk: +12/7 dam 2d8+4
Hit: +4/5 devotion, +1 haste
Dam: +1d6 vs undead,+4/5 devotion

Heart of Air: +10ft fly, +10 Jump, Feather fall to expend
Heart of Earth: +18 Hps, +8 vs Bullrush etc... Stoneskin to expend
Shield 18 mins
Resist Fire (Merrick) 20 - 100 mins
Haste (Merrick) 10 rounds

Stance: Leading the charge (+6 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +4 salamander / +5 elemental
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects


Beside them Talsien bounds forward, his mental thoughts beaming into MErrick's head "Thank you for removing the lethargy, you have released me to fly free" . Dropping to all fours he leaps forward, tumbling past flaming fists to claw at the elemental. Only the energy resistance from Merrick preventing him burning his clawed paws on the creature of fire.

Jump [roll6]
Tumble [roll7]

Crazy claws
[roll8] dam [roll9] + [roll10] ELEC
[roll11] dam [roll12]
[roll13] dam [roll14]
[roll15] dam [roll16]

Will post flamey monsters tomorrow

2017-10-26, 04:22 PM
Zarina's blade leaves trails of smoke and fire as she chops into the living creature of fire, Mirriana chopping through its innate toughness with her hammer blow as she shields the others. Talsien comes leaping across the top clawing the living fire as well. Behind the others Merrick speeds everyone else up as Lan ducks behind the others, a bevy of javelins streaking out towards Salamander hiding at the back but with the heat shimmer from the various creatures of fire the bolts of force go astray.

THe massive elemntal smashes left and right seeking to hammer the two girls who have assailed it. Behind it the Salamander pulls out a massive serpentine longbow, the bronze sheathed arrows 4ft long as it sends one straight back to Lan.

Elder elemental
Slam: Mirriana [roll0] dam [roll1] + burn [roll2] FIRE
Slam: Zarina [roll3] dam [roll4] + burn [roll5] FIRE

Salamnder; Draw bow and shoot Lan [roll6] dam [roll7] + [roll8] FIRE

EE: 65

go go party

2017-10-26, 05:20 PM

The situation seems to be getting worse, so Merrick uses the metamagic rod and suffuses Acererak's essence to supercharge a barrage of magic missiles.

He fires three missiles at the salamander, and two at the elemental.

1. Maximized Magic Missile (1d4+1) 5 x 1.5 (empowered) = 7 (rounded down)
2. Maximized Magic Missile (1d4+1) 5 x 1.5 (empowered) = 7
3. Maximized Magic Missile (1d4+1) 5 x 1.5 (empowered) = 7
SR check?
1. [roll0]
2. [roll1]
3. [roll2]

4. Maximized Magic Missile (1d4+1) 5 x 1.5 (empowered) = 7
5. Maximized Magic Missile (1d4+1) 5 x 1.5 (empowered) = 7

SR check:
4. [roll3]
5. [roll4]

Acererak abilities lost for 5 rounds

2017-10-31, 05:46 PM

"Tal, go for the Salamander!" I urge, as my blade attempts to wrong for the elemental."

Douse the Flames to eliminate its AoOs if I hit.
Damage [roll1]

Manoeuvres for next turn [roll2]
SB, DtF and WRT

2017-10-31, 06:23 PM

The shifter turns his head briefly to stare at Mirriana, a mischievousness "Thanks Mirr, I'm sure I couldn't have figured out that on my own" popping into her head as he bounds forward leaping out the way of the elemental's clumsy blow and bearing down upon the salamander that now casts it eye out looking for it its spear, it clearly hadn't been expecting the sudden blitz from the shifter.

Tumble [roll0]
Jump [roll1]

Claw [roll2] dam [roll3] + [roll4] Elec
Claw [roll5] dam [roll6]
Claw [roll7] dam [roll8]
Claw [roll9] dam [roll10]


The young mage blows air from her mouth as the heat from the beast leavers her sweating in the narrow corrifor. She looks to the shifter vanishing from sight and leaping as high as the ceiling allows before glancing at Mir as they brush shoulders swinging in unison at the elemental creature in front of her. "Mir, where did you find him? I never heard that far back..."

Chop PA 6 [roll11] dam [roll12]
Chop PA 6 [roll13] dam [roll14]
Chop PA 6 [roll15] dam [roll16]

Hps 77 / 94 +9
Saves +10/9/7 (+3 vs Death) (+1 Haste)
AC 19 ff 17 T 12 +8 AC (shield) (+1 Haste)

Atk: +12/7 dam 2d8+4
Hit: +4/5 devotion, +1 haste
Dam: +1d6 vs undead,+4/5 devotion

Heart of Air: +10ft fly, +10 Jump, Feather fall to expend
Heart of Earth: +18 Hps, +8 vs Bullrush etc... Stoneskin to expend
Shield 18 mins
Resist Fire (Merrick) 20 - 100 mins
Haste (Merrick) 10 rounds

Stance: Leading the charge (+6 dam on charges w/in 60ft)*
K.Devotion: +4 salamander / +5 elemental
Xtal: +3 vs Death/negative energy effects

go go Lan