View Full Version : Rise of the Runelords In character

2016-06-10, 10:15 AM
It's mid-morning and the town is already bustling with excitement. Vendors are scattered throughout the streets selling their wears. The smell of good food fills the air, and the sound of happy people can be heard throughout the town. The sky is clear and sunny, it is a joyous day indeed. Suddenly a loud voice breaks the crowd, WELCOME TO THE SANDPOINT SWALLOWTAIL FESTIVAL! The voice resonates from a stage in front of the town cathedral. You turn to look and a middle aged woman with short brown hair, dressed in nice bright green robes walks onto stage. As I'm sure you all know I am mayor Deverin, and it is with great honor that I welcome you to our humble little town. The festival has quite the turnout this year, why I even see Larz Rovanky managed to tear himself away from his work for this. The crowd laughs at this, then turns toward a disgruntled man amoungst everyone. He scowls, then cracks a smile for a moment and chuckles. Haha, yes it is a good day indeed. Before we commence the celebration today we have a few guest speakers for you. First let's welcome to the stage, our own wonderful Sheriff Hemlock! The crowd cheers with excitement, however it doesn't last. A rather large, dark skinned man with dark prominent eyebrows steps on stage. He has no expression or visible emotion on his face. He is dressed in chainmail and a bright red cloak. Yes, thank you Mayor Deverin... The crowd goes completely silent, no one moves or makes a sound... it's almost haunting. Just a reminder for today to have fun, but stay out of trouble and stay safe around tonight's bonfire. Also let us have a brief moment of silence for those who lost their lives in the church fire several years ago. You look around and you didn't think it possible, but the crowd actually becomes quieter than they currently are. It stays silent for several moments, then he speaks again Thank you. The sheriff then walks off stage without another word. Thank you Sheriff Hemlock, alright our next guest was supposed to be Lonjiku Kaijitsu, but unfortunately he could not be hear today due to sudden illness... No one in the crowd seems surprised. So instead let's welcome Sandpoint's best showman Cyrdak Drokkus! A rather scrawny, oddly dressed man climbs onto stage. He's dressed in blue and black stripped puffy pants, with purple gloves and boots. He wears a purple and yellow stripped top with a light blue vest. Hello, hello one and all! Yes, yes the new cathedral was sure expensive to rebuild. All you wonderful folks worked so hard to help rebuild it. Not to mention the money that the theater donated to help rebuild... speaking of which. YOU SHOULD ALL COME DOWN TO THE SANDPOINT THEATER TOMORROW NIGHT TO SEE "THE HARPY'S CURSE"! Our wonderful lead will be non other than the famous Magnimarinan diva ALLISHANDA! It will be a wonderful show I assure you... The man continues to ramble, but he is cut off by the mayor. Yes, thank you Cyrdak, we will be sure to do that. I'm sure we are looking forward to it. She walks him off stage and a man walks up past them to take over. He is a rather dignified looking man, with a trimmed beard, and nice looking cloths and robes. Haha, what a good time I'm sure that will be Cyrdak. Greeting everyone, I am father Zantus. Thank you all so much for coming out to enjoy this wonderful holiday with us all. Your support over the last few years since the accident has not gone unnoticed. It means the world to me to live in this town with all of you! Give yourselves a round of applause! The crowd cheers loudly, then after several moments they start to calm down as father Zantus speaks again. Just remember to keep an eye to the sky at high noon... but for now, GO AND ENJOY THE FESTIVAL!! The crowd cheers even louder and begins to disperse after a minute or two.

you are free to go around and talk to people in town, buy things, play games, have fun. Let me know what you want to do... as far as I know you haven't met yet...

You know that no one seems surprised that Sir Kaijitsu didn't show up because it is common knowledge that he has a dislike for frivolity and festivals alike.

2016-06-10, 10:55 AM
Having arrived only yesterday with the supply caravan he was working, Sa'id is delighted to have made it to Sandpoint in time for the festival. The other caravan drivers spent the last week telling him all about the attractions at Sandpoint and he plans to spend all day browsing the stalls for souvenirs to send back to his family.

2016-06-10, 01:09 PM
Roga grinned at the announcement, all too ready for the festivities. The Ruby Revelry Company would be performing tonight and he was already in his performance armor, so he knew he could not party too hard. He had one important task to undertake before any merriment, he must purchase a butterfly to release. The Swallowtail festival was Riska's favorite holiday and while these southerners worshipped a strange version of Desna, the celebration was just as he remembered it from his ife in the Realm and he wanted to let loose a butterfly in honor of his beloved sister.

"Excuse me friend, do you know place for purchasing butterfly for festival?" he asks of the first person whose attention he can grab.

Hopefully I dont terrify him and he will answer :smallbiggrin:

2016-06-10, 03:54 PM
Roga grinned at the announcement, all too ready for the festivities. The Ruby Revelry Company would be performing tonight and he was already in his performance armor, so he knew he could not party too hard. He had one important task to undertake before any merriment, he must purchase a butterfly to release. The Swallowtail festival was Riska's favorite holiday and while these southerners worshipped a strange version of Desna, the celebration was just as he remembered it from his ife in the Realm and he wanted to let loose a butterfly in honor of his beloved sister.

"Excuse me friend, do you know place for purchasing butterfly for festival?" he asks of the first person whose attention he can grab.

Hopefully I dont terrify him and he will answer :smallbiggrin:

Sa'id turns as the large human addresses him. "I do beleive that i saw some being sold at a stall just down the road. Id be happy to show you if you like."

Sa'id was impressed at the size of the warrior addressing him. He was much bigger and stronger looking that the typical caravan guard that came through his family's oasis.

"Father was wrong. He thought I would get bored of the outside world and come home almost immediately, but there are too many facinating people to meet and things to see out here." He thought to himself.

Seemed like a perfect opportunity to meet another party member

2016-06-10, 05:00 PM
Tharner Payatt leaned his back against the nearest building, watching the festivities commence with a warm smile. He was hardly one for revelry; his definition of fun was sitting in front of the fire with a mug of ale and some peace and quiet. However, he would always attend Swallowtail if he found himself in his charming home town on the day of the festival. Part of his reasoning was to ensure that the drunkards of the town weren't stumbling about and hurting themselves or others, but the other part found him coming back to the festival grounds just to see the cheer and joy spread throughout the citizens of Sandpoint. He took a deep breath, inhaling the comforting smells of the bread and sweets being served as a slight twinge of homesickness came over him. Perhaps his travels around southern Varisia could wait; he would much rather enjoy himself here.

He began to roam amongst the crowds, greeting familar and unfamiliar faces and making casual conversation with the people of Sandpoint.

2016-06-10, 06:32 PM
Sa'id turns as the large human addresses him. "I do beleive that i saw some being sold at a stall just down the road. Id be happy to show you if you like."

Sa'id was impressed at the size of the warrior addressing him. He was much bigger and stronger looking that the typical caravan guard that came through his family's oasis.

"Father was wrong. He thought I would get bored of the outside world and come home almost immediately, but there are too many facinating people to meet and things to see out here." He thought to himself.

Seemed like a perfect opportunity to meet another party member

Roga is somewhat surprised at the coloration of his new friend. But he follows the man nonetheless. "Spasibo my green skinned friend, my name is Roga the incredible Man, is good seeing many happy faces da?" hardly even waiting for a reply Roga continues on, laughing as some children run by. "Forgive for saying, but you not from here da? I have not seen skin like yours before and hair color only seen in circus." He gives a hearty laugh happy to have so quickly made a new friend, not even thinking if the other man would consider him so.

2016-06-10, 06:54 PM
Roga is somewhat surprised at the coloration of his new friend. But he follows the man nonetheless. "Spasibo my green skinned friend, my name is Roga the incredible Man, is good seeing many happy faces da?" hardly even waiting for a reply Roga continues on, laughing as some children run by. "Forgive for saying, but you not from here da? I have not seen skin like yours before and hair color only seen in circus." He gives a hearty laugh happy to have so quickly made a new friend, not even thinking if the other man would consider him so.

"Ha! A circus could hope to have a specimen as handsome as I! My color is the mark of the Djinn, as my family has been favored by them for generations. Ah, I think I see the butterfly seller over there!

Sa'id gestured to a stall just up ahead.

Love the Russian accent

2016-06-11, 01:28 AM
Sandpoint was Ling's first stop on her journey across Varisia. She had arrived a couple of days ago, and had fully intended to just pass through after one night until she heard of the Swallowtail Festival. Seeing the cheer of the entire town proved to be very infectious for her, and she decided that she had to participate in it. She made her way from group to group, always able to neatly slide into a conversation, even with these strangers. Ling was sure to play as many games as she could as well, even if she wouldn't perform terribly well at them. It's not like she was here to win everything anyway.

2016-06-11, 10:37 AM
You roam through the crowded town, you are greeted with a smile by everyone you pass. As you continue through the town square you see many different games being played. The people around you are having fun and laughing. Children run by chasing each other, as well as playing hide and seek. To your left are some sac races, in front of you there are several people trying to keep their balance on a rope, and to your right are weight lifting and arm wrestling contests. Most contests you see have small prizes, like a small amount of coin or bragging rights.

You wander around just enjoying your day. Taking in the scenery and all the sounds and smells. As you pass by vendors they try to sell you food and other items, people walk up to you and ask you to play games with them. The sweet smell of sugar bread catches your attention, and then a woman holding a small tray of goodies approaches you. Why hello there, I don't think I've seen you around these parts before. My name is Alma, Alma Avertin. Are you new in town or just passing by for the festival?

The two of you walk happily down the street, each of you amused by the others looks. You continue talking with one another when Sa'id spots a large netted cage filled to the top with gorgeous blue-violet butterflies. The cage shimmers when you see it, as you get closer it looks as though it glows. You both stop and awe at the cage for a moment, taking in the beauty of their colors. A woman speaks up, They're pretty, aren't they? How you fellas doin? I'm Pennae, can I help you boys with something? Looks like you're interested in the swallowtails.

2016-06-11, 10:54 AM
Roga beams, first at the other man for completing his task and then at the woman for aiding him in his next one. "Preevyet Pennae! Da, am new to town for performing in circus for festival, am looking for purchasing butterfly, is wonderful cage you have!" Roga is already beginning to reach for his coins for the transaction.

2016-06-11, 01:18 PM
Tharner gave a polite nod to the woman as she finished her greetings, replying in his strong, gravely voice;

"Passing through, though I always find myself here in time for Swallowtail. Just here to ensure no one gets hurt."

2016-06-11, 04:28 PM
Oh why thank you! Need to keep em' safe, so my husband and I made this cage for them. Yup, these pretty little beauties were tough but fun to catch. You can have one if ya like. We're selling them for a 6 copper a piece. Half the proceeds go to the church in honor of Desna... So the circus, that ought to be exciting. What do you do for your act? She looks toward Roga with child like wonder.

Well that's nice, I'm sure the town guard could use a hand around here. It's a wonderful holiday, but folks sure can get a little rowdy after a long day of "celebrating," haha. You should talk to Sheriff Hemlock, he's rather stern... but he's really a nice guy when you get to know him. I'm sure he'd be happy to get all the help he can, and you sure look like you can handle yourself rather well. She reaches out, offering you a sugar bun.

2016-06-11, 05:16 PM
"None for me thank you, I'm just helping my large friend here find your shop. I am looking for souvenirs that can survive the long trip home." Sa'id replied to the shopkeeper, giving a small bow.

Turning to Roga, it occurred to Sa'id that he had not introduced himself to his companion. "I have been remiss in the duties of politeness it seems. I am Sa'id Miraj, of the keepers of Miraj oasis. "

Fixed the introduction, cant believe i forgot he did mention his name

2016-06-11, 06:14 PM
The first game Ling went for was the weight lifting contest, believe it or not. Her reasoning for it was "Well I carry a pretty heavy book around, and that's the same thing, right?"

She likely came in dead last in the contest, but she did so with a smile and laughed it off, before trying her hand at the balancing rope.

2016-06-11, 08:02 PM
Considering the woman's opinion for a moment, he gives an confirmatory nod. He takes the sugar bun with a smile, dropping two pieces of gold in her outstretched hand.

"Perhaps I will seek him out. I thank you for your assistance, ma'am, and wish you a good day."

He bows his head politely with a wave and steps back into the crowds, seeking out the Sheriff. Assuming he couldn't have gone far since his speech, he searches near the stage first.

2016-06-11, 10:07 PM
"Am Inrecidible Man, I do incredible things: I lift, I fight, I yell, and I perform acrobatics. Is good cause I am large, no one expects large man to be on tight rope. Is good show you come see da?" he gives a gold piece to the woman for the butterfly. "You take, enjoy festival, am glad to see such merriment and am happy to contribute how I can"
He looks over to Sa'id with a large grin on his face "Well met Sa'id," he stumbles through the pronunciation a bit, but ultimately makes it, "are sure you do not want butterfly? Story say if butterfly land on you while being released is good luck. Is good fun and best souvenir that last long time is good memory da?" Roga doesn't even wait for a response simply laughing as he agrees with himself "Da! Pennae another! A butterfly for my friend!" he pulls out another gold piece for the butterfly happily refusing any protest from either of the two people.


2016-06-12, 10:08 AM
"Thank you so much, and the church thanks you as well. I will do my best to see your show." Pennae then looks to Sa'id and smiles, "Well that's all right darlin'. The only other thing I sell is jewelry, it can be a tad bit pricey, but it's good quality. My husband makes it all by hand." She waves her arm behind her to showcase a small display of jewelry. "I don't have much here, but there is more at the shop...but you are more than welcome to see if you like something." Pennae then pauses for a moment as the two of you begin talking with each other, till Roga happily asks for another butterfly. Taking the second coin with no fuss, she grabs a small net and reaches into the cage. Pulling out two butterflies and puts them into two smaller cages and then hands them to each of you. "You two are far too kind, take these and be sure to release them. May Desna bless you on this day." She smiles and folds her hands together. Then gives the two of you a small bow. "Is there anything else I can help you gentlemen with?"

Ling walks to the weight lifting contest and asks to join in. The man in charge chuckles, but lets her join non the less. Ling seems oddly confident as she steps up to one of the heaviest sets of weights. She bends at the knees and grabs the weights, and begins to pull with all her strength. She struggles and struggles with it, but gets no where. Ling lets go, stands up and chuckles putting her hand behind her head. The crowd laughs at her attempt, but applauds her for trying. Ling smiles and walks away from the weights and looks around for something else to play. She looks back at the tightrope, and wanders toward that. A woman greets her as she nears the game. Hello there young lady, care to try your luck at the tightrope? It's only a silver to play. The one who stays up there the longest wins. You look up at the tight rope and you can tell it sits at least 10 feet above the ground. There is a net under the the rope, to prevent injury. As you continue to look around you see 3 small hand held chests labeled 1st, 2nd and 3rd sitting on a near by table. give me 3 acrobatic checks DC=15

It's not a problem at all, and thank you so much for your generosity! Good luck and have a wonderful day! She smiles and wave as you head back toward the stage. It takes a few moments to get through the crowd, but you reach the stage and Hemlock is no where to be seen. There are still a lot of people in the area however. roll me a perception check.DC=15

2016-06-12, 01:45 PM
"Thank you so much, and the church thanks you as well. I will do my best to see your show." Pennae then looks to Sa'id and smiles, "Well that's all right darlin'. The only other thing I sell is jewelry, it can be a tad bit pricey, but it's good quality. My husband makes it all by hand." She waves her arm behind her to showcase a small display of jewelry. "I don't have much here, but there is more at the shop...but you are more than welcome to see if you like something." Pennae then pauses for a moment as the two of you begin talking with each other, till Roga happily asks for another butterfly. Taking the second coin with no fuss, she grabs a small net and reaches into the cage. Pulling out two butterflies and puts them into two smaller cages and then hands them to each of you. "You two are far too kind, take these and be sure to release them. May Desna bless you on this day." She smiles and folds her hands together. Then gives the two of you a small bow. "Is there anything else I can help you gentlemen with?"

"No, but thank you good lady. Right now I do believe I owe my large friend here a drink for his generosity." Turning to Roga, Sa'id says "It is the custom of my family to seal a new friendship with a drink. Will you join me?"

2016-06-12, 02:42 PM
Tharner strained his aging eyesight to search the passerby near the stage, but after a few minutes of searching assumed that the Sheriff had left. He turned to the the nearest passerby with a warm greeting and a question.

"Greetings, friend. Would you happen to know where I could find a 'Sheriff Hemlock'? Any help would be appreciated."

2016-06-12, 09:57 PM
"Sure, I'll play. It can't be too difficult, right?" Ling says, not at all fazed from her earlier complete failure to lift that weight. She hands over a silver piece and clambers up to the rope. It didn't seem too hard to stay on. She was pretty confident that she could win this one.

Unfortunately, confidence doesn't really translate to actual skill, and it isn't long before Ling tumbles onto the net underneath with an 'oof.' She just lays on the net for a few seconds before she starts to laugh at herself. "I guess it was pretty difficult after all!"

2016-06-13, 10:19 AM
Roga opens his mouth to heartily agree and then sadly remembers, "Prosti, am told can not drink till after perform tonight. Is not good holding little people in air when watching floor closely. After circus am happy to seal friendship with drink, and seal many times more. For now let us see what else festival has." Roga easily peers over the crowd to see what else the two can do for entertainment when his blue eyes fall on a very familiar site. "Come, to the games!"

who says we need a tavern

2016-06-13, 01:54 PM
You reach out and touch a man on the shoulder to greet him. He turns and looks at you, huh?, Sheriff Hemlock?... He might have gone to patrol the town. If you can't find him now, he should be back here come evening and if not, he'll be at the garrison tonight.

Ling being a good sport about it, laughs and then climbs off the net. She brushes herself off and begins to wander around looking for more fun and excitement.

Roga and Sa'id start walking back towards the town square to look for games. As the two of you get closer, Roga's eye is immediately drawn towards the weight lifting contest and the balancing act. perception checks for roga and sa'id DC= 10

2016-06-13, 11:51 PM
As Roga and Sa'id head towards the games they both notice a woman fall from the rope. She laughs then clambers out of the net, and as she gets back on her feet she dusts herself off. The first thing you both notice is how oddly dressed she is. She is wearing slightly worn hand tailored robes, but they don't fit the traditional style of this region. You can both probably tell she is not from around here. The next thing you both notice is her long gray hair, and her age. While her hair is completely gray, she doesn't look a day over 25. She looks around for a moment or two then wanders into the crowd.

2016-06-14, 02:38 AM
"Festival bring all kind of people da?" Roga says to his companion as he makes a beeline for the tight rope. "Come let us see if we can make good memory and good memory." Without even looking to see if Sa'id would follow, Roga continues to the tight rope, yelling as he begins to unclasp his armor. "Korosho! Roga the Incredible Man wishes to try tiny rope! Haha! May Desna smile on Roga!" Once he finishes removing his armor he deftly climbs to the rope and puts both hands in the air cheering at the crowd. He then turns breaths deep and begins the trek across.

Ready for the inevitable bad rolls after you talk up a big game?
1 [roll0]
2 [roll1]
3 [roll2]

2016-06-14, 09:36 AM
Watching Roga try his hand at the tightrope, Sa'id cant help by laugh at how silly it looks. Once Roga finishes, he steps up to try himself. "After such a performance, how can I not try myself? Gamemaster, I will try the rope!"

2016-06-14, 09:40 AM
Roga runs through the crowd to the rope, eager to show off. Roga shouts several times and hastily takes his armor off while running. He makes it past everyone else and begins to climb the rope. A woman begins to speak as Roga climbs, Sir it's a silver to... Roga shouts again, cutting the her off... not even realizing that someone is speaking to him. Roga stumbles out onto the rope and loses balance for only a moment, but quickly regains it and continues to the center of the rope. Standing tall Roga lifts his arms to the sky and the crowd cheers loudly! Roga is grinning with excitement and pride. The crowd begins to dull down and the woman in charge speaks again. Sir, that's very impressive and all but it's a silver to play. If you get down and pay, you can try again for a fair chance at the prizes... Roga turns and looks at her. Just then Sa'id catches up and asks to play. The woman turns to him, Of course, it'll be 1 silver to play. She then turns and glares back at Roga.

2016-06-14, 10:21 AM
Roga laughs good heartily at the woman, "Prosti my friend, is day of Desna da? Am wanting to take road less traveled, he chuckles at his own joke and, without moving from the rope, he pulls out a gold coin and tosses it tto the woman before addressing the crowd.

"Am Roga the Incredible Man, am performer for Ruby Revelry Company and this is just beginning of excitement they bring, Come! come to company tonight for great show!" he continues forward hops off the tight rope and scrambles down.

2016-06-14, 11:54 AM
Roga runs through the crowd to the rope, eager to show off. Roga shouts several times and hastily takes his armor off while running. He makes it past everyone else and begins to climb the rope. A woman begins to speak as Roga climbs, Sir it's a silver to... Roga shouts again, cutting the her off... not even realizing that someone is speaking to him. Roga stumbles out onto the rope and loses balance for only a moment, but quickly regains it and continues to the center of the rope. Standing tall Roga lifts his arms to the sky and the crowd cheers loudly! Roga is grinning with excitement and pride. The crowd begins to dull down and the woman in charge speaks again. Sir, that's very impressive and all but it's a silver to play. If you get down and pay, you can try again for a fair chance at the prizes... Roga turns and looks at her. Just then Sa'id catches up and asks to play. The woman turns to him, Of course, it'll be 1 silver to play. She then turns and glares back at Roga.

Smiling, Sa'id tells the game attendant "Please forgive my large friend, he has a great love of life and it seems to get the better of him at times. Here is the coin for my attempt at your game." Sa'id hands her a silver with a short bow.

2016-06-14, 01:26 PM
Ling watches the antics of the very large man, and can't help but laugh at the sight, and at herself again. Here this mountain was, and he was having a much easier time on the rope than her. Maybe she should practice or something.

She thinks of staying to watch for a little longer and maybe play again, but her plans are interrupted by a low rumbling in her stomach. Aha, I bet this festival has all sorts of good food! After all the trail rations I've had, some real food will be amazing. And so Ling wanders off again, hoping to find a table for food.

2016-06-14, 04:16 PM
Roga hops down off the rope and the crowd cheers again. Sa'id climbs up to the tight rope and steps out. The rope shakes as he walks out, but he quickly changes his stance and catches his balance. Sa'id stands tall as Roga did, the crowd continues to cheer louder and louder. Two other people climb the up to the rope and one falls as soon as he steps out. The other manages to stay standing. A few moments pass and the man who is still on the rope gets aggressive and begins to bounce attempting to knock Sa'id off. Sa'id quickly reacts and jumps. As he lands the rope whips and the other man falls off. And we have this rounds winner! The woman in charge yells over the crowd. Sa'id climbs down victorious, and walks to the woman. She opens the small box labeled 1 and hands it to him. Congratulations! A small gold pendant with several small gems lies inside the box.

Ling wanders for a few moments but soon her nose catches the smell of fresh hot food. She fallows her nose and it quickly leads her to a large table filled with people eating, close by are 3 large fire places set up with racks of meat and vegetables cooking over he flames. A woman behind the middle fire pit yells to her. Hey, you there! Come over here and fill your belly, looks like you haven't eaten in ages.

2016-06-14, 04:31 PM
Tharner gave a thoughtful nod to the man.

"Good to know. The help is appreciated. Enjoy the festival."

After a friendly smile and wave, he walked back into the crowd and headed towards the gaming area. He thought it would be worth it to make a quick round to ensure everything was going smoothly, before perhaps retiring for a drink. He gave the thought a shrug as he finished the last of his sweet bun.

2016-06-14, 11:09 PM
Roga roars with excitements at Sa'id's success "SA'ID". A part of him wishes that he had remained on the tight rope long enough to partake in the rope fight, but what had passed had passed and other adventures awaited. As Sa'id returns to the ground, Roga claps him on the back heavily.
"Good job friend! Are sure not member of circus? Would make good act. And look, already have souvenir, come let us see more of festival and souvenirs and memories and new people!" Roga immediately turns to go to the weight lifting competition but suddenly stops speaking a little calmer than his earlier passion. "Prosti friend, am told I can be very..." Roga searches for the proper word, mulling it over in his head "eager, and have brought you from place to place without asking where would like to go, you choose where we go next da?

2016-06-15, 12:14 AM
The scent of fresh and very real food practically drags Ling over to the three tables, where her mouth starts to water. She didn't know what she wanted yet, but this was already so much better than what she'd had for the rest of the week. The woman at the center table calls her over, and she gladly obliges. "Oh, it's been quite the walk, and I've only had jerky and nuts to keep me fed. I can't tell you how happy I am to see all this!"

2016-06-15, 10:21 AM
Roga roars with excitements at Sa'id's success "SA'ID". A part of him wishes that he had remained on the tight rope long enough to partake in the rope fight, but what had passed had passed and other adventures awaited. As Sa'id returns to the ground, Roga claps him on the back heavily.
"Good job friend! Are sure not member of circus? Would make good act. And look, already have souvenir, come let us see more of festival and souvenirs and memories and new people!" Roga immediately turns to go to the weight lifting competition but suddenly stops speaking a little calmer than his earlier passion. "Prosti friend, am told I can be very..." Roga searches for the proper word, mulling it over in his head "eager, and have brought you from place to place without asking where would like to go, you choose where we go next da?

"it is not a concern friend Roga. I am new in town and am greatly enjoying seeing the sights. I come from a oasis town in the desert and am greatly unaccustomed to such sights and revelries. This is been a most exciting day. Indeed I would much like to see this circus you perform in. I have not seen one in almost 20 years. Circuses rarely come through the desert, and my family was pretty sure that one had gotten lost, despite the protests of their master." Sa'id said, giving Roga a wide smile.

2016-06-15, 02:11 PM
"Come then, to weight lifting competition! Let see what other prizes you win. We shall make up for twenty years without circus!" Roga strides off headed to the other competitions.

2016-06-15, 07:31 PM
The two of you walk across the street to the weight lifting contest. The man in charge is large and bear-like. He has a long untamed brown beard and hair pulled back into a pony tail. As you get closer he shouts to you. HEY THERE BOYS, EITHER OF YOU CARE TO TRY YOUR LUCK AT LIFTING WEIGHTS!? You spot a sign that reads, "The most amount of weight lifted in a round wins."
fedora and Thanatos post your max weight over head and give me 2 STR rolls.

Well that's not much to live on, now is it. Sit! Eat! The woman pulls out a chair for you. As you sit down, you look out at the table and see a banquet of food. Roast mutton, salted pork, large turkeys, steaks, fresh bread, roasted corn, pots of beans, assorted vegetables and other foods fill the table. Everytime something runs out, it is replaced within moments. Eat your fill... So, where are you from? You aren't dressed like you're from anywhere around here.

Tharner walks into the crowd towards the gaming area. You hear lots of cheering and hurry to see what the fuss is about. As you approach you see a large man standing on a tight rope shouting. Seconds later he jumps down and you watch a smaller man with blue hair climb up. You watch as this man proceeds to battle with another man for a spot on the rope, till one is victorious. Everyone cheers as he climbs down and is given an award. Curious you watch the two men cross the street to another game.

2016-06-16, 01:59 AM
Ling takes another second to salivate. All of this food, she had little idea of exactly where to begin. She fills up a plate with lots of meat, bread, and vegetables before sitting down. "Well, I was born in Magnimar, which isn't too far, but my parents moved there from Absalom. They showed me on an old map once, it was really far southeast."

2016-06-16, 09:50 AM
Ah that explains it then...ah where are my manners, my name is Ameiko. I'm the tavern keep at the Rusty Dragon here in town. And you are?...

2016-06-16, 11:06 AM
Roga beams with excitement "Da! Come friend Sa'id! We shall show strength of SA'ID AND ROGA THE INCREDIBLE MAN" he hollers as he steps up to the man in charge. Setting down his armor as he stretches his arms he begins to shout again roaring with laughter as he shouts his own praises. "COME! see Roga the Incredible Man, he cross tight rope like man half his size, he lift like man twice his size, he drink like three men and he laugh like ten!!!"

Lifting and Dragging: A character can lift as much as his maximum load over his head. A character's maximum load is the highest amount of weight listed for a character's Strength in the heavy load column of Table: Carrying Capacity.Max overhead load is 230 lbs
strength 1 [roll0]
strength 2 [roll1]

2016-06-16, 12:08 PM
"I shall attempt this as well" Sa'id said to the attendant, handing him a coin. "Yeouch!" he yells as he almost drops the weights on his foot.

That 2 did not help

2016-06-16, 08:02 PM
Roga begins boasting about himself and chuckles out loud. He bends down and grabs a set of weights weighing in at around 260 lbs. He lifts the weights with no trouble at all and laughs again. The man in charge walks over and examines the weights, then begins adding plates to each side. Haha, now let's see how incredible you really are. The man adds 20 lbs to each side and Roga laughs again. As rtheweights get added Roga starts to feel it and eventually it gets the better of him, topping out at around 320 lbs. The man slaps you on the he back and laughs, Good on ya! Very impressive my friend!

Sa'id does his best and picks a set of weights that look reasonable for him to lift. As he lifts the weights the man walks over to you and begins adding plates. He doesn't add very much weight before you feel the strain. You can't handle it much more and drop the weights. It lands square on your foot and you scream in pain. The man hastily picks the weights off of you. .Are you all right!? The man asks.

2016-06-16, 10:23 PM
Roga begins boasting about himself and chuckles out loud. He bends down and grabs a set of weights weighing in at around 260 lbs. He lifts the weights with no trouble at all and laughs again. The man in charge walks over and examines the weights, then begins adding plates to each side. Haha, now let's see how incredible you really are. The man adds 20 lbs to each side and Roga laughs again. As rtheweights get added Roga starts to feel it and eventually it gets the better of him, topping out at around 320 lbs. The man slaps you on the he back and laughs, Good on ya! Very impressive my friend!

Sa'id does his best and picks a set of weights that look reasonable for him to lift. As he lifts the weights the man walks over to you and begins adding plates. He doesn't add very much weight before you feel the strain. You can't handle it much more and drop the weights. It lands square on your foot and you scream in pain. The man hastily picks the weights off of you. .Are you all right!? The man asks.

Muttering several creative curses under his breath involving camels, Sa'id replied "I'll not die from it..." Then he hops on one foot to the nearest bench to massage the injury.

2016-06-17, 09:30 PM
The elderly paladin raised an eyebrow as he watched the massive man and his oddly colored companion try their hand at a test of strength. As he watched the two lift up the hundreds of pounds in weight, he looked down at his own hands. He had already begun stretching his fingers and arms subconsciously in preparation for the challenge he would inevitably participate in. He chuckled to himself at the thought; to him, the gauntlet was thrown by having such a contest of strength be present at the festival. He shrugged off the thought as foolish pride as he approached the man running the game with a friendly smile.

"Greetings, friend. I'll try my hand."

Overhead: 300 lbs.
Strength Check 1: [roll0]
Strength Check 2: [roll1]

2016-06-17, 09:32 PM
"My name's Ling! Ling Guan. I'm, well, something of a scholar. I was starting a trek all across Varisia when I heard of the festival, and I just had to stay for it." Despite having a lot to say, Ling manages to not talk with her mouth full or display much in the way of uncouth behavior. Seems something of her schooling has shone through.

2016-06-18, 01:58 PM
Roga grunts and cheers as he throws the weights down to the ground, as he turns he sees Sa'id taking a seat and rushes to the aid of his companion "Are you okay friend? Must take care of self, perhaps not meant for weight lifting da?" Roga takes a seat next to Sa'id watching the rest of the festival. "We wait for feeling better, want call for healing?"

2016-06-18, 03:03 PM
Roga grunts and cheers as he throws the weights down to the ground, as he turns he sees Sa'id taking a seat and rushes to the aid of his companion "Are you okay friend? Must take care of self, perhaps not meant for weight lifting da?" Roga takes a seat next to Sa'id watching the rest of the festival. "We wait for feeling better, want call for healing?"

"Thank you, but no. I shall be fine" Sa'id gave his foot a quick skillful twist to put it back into place. "One must learn to care for his own injuries when living in the desert"

Heal check taking 10 = 16

2016-06-19, 09:39 AM
You walk over to the heaviest set of weight you can find and with no trouble at all you deadlift them. Not even breaking a sweat you stand there as the man in charge laughs for a moment HAHA! GOOD ON YA POPS! COLOR ME IMPRESSED! The man begins to add more and more weight, not even tiring you look and chuckle to yourself for a moment. The man looks shocked as he runs out of space to add any more plates, and he's already added some of the heaviest plates he can find. The crowd goes silent as they watch dumbfounded, that such an older looking fellow could (against all odds) lift more than any other person. The crowd begins to cheer wildly at the sight of you lifting more weight than the men half your age.

The two of you go to sit and tend to Sa'ids injury. As you are talking to one another you look back to the weight lifting challenge and see an elderly man walk over to the weights and with little effort lift one of the heaviest sets of weights. You watch as more and more weight is added and the man doesn't change face. You watch in awe as the man breaks all notion that the elderly are weak and frail. The crowd begins to cheer loudly at the sight of this man putting all others to shame.

Well nice to meet you Ling, I really do hope you stay a while after the festival. Sandpoint sure is a quaint little town, but it's full of wonderful people. Why when I traveled across Varisia, I had not much more than the cloths on my back and all I could think of was coming home. I sure would like swapping stories with you sometime... but for now I've got all these hungry people to feed. It was lovely talking with you, enjoy the festival and I hope to see you again.

2016-06-19, 01:52 PM
"Desert seem like unpleasant place friend Sa'id, must do everything by self and no circus? In North everyone take care of everyone, is only way to survive." Roga's happy face turns serious for a moment as the gravity of his own words remind him of his sister and his failure to care of her. He leans his great mass back and looks out into the people.

When the older man begins to lift, Roga sits back up. Regaining his usual composure . Ha, looks like old man show us up! Will have to congratulate him. he stands and offers a hand to Sa'id, pulling him up almost into the air. He then strides up to the powerful man.

Ha, is not many person who can outlift Roga! You must be pretty incredible man yourself da!?"

2016-06-19, 03:57 PM
Tharner huffed and groaned as he lifted the weights above his head. He tried to hold the weight with one hand, but quickly realized it would end in disaster and went back to two. He slowly placed the weights back onto the ground, taking a moment to thank the gods that he hadn't broken or popped anything before turning to the massive man that approached him.

"Well, one could say I've had a long time to practice." He gives a friendly smile before continuing, bending his neck back to see the man's face. "You don't look like any Varisian I've seen. Not from around here, are you?"

2016-06-19, 11:42 PM
Ling gives a good-natured chuckle to Ameiko. "Maybe I'll stop by that Rusty Dragon inn you mentioned, and we can swap some stories there? Although yours are probably much better, I've only just started traveling. Anyway, I've taken up enough of your time. Go feed everyone!" Ling had an easy time liking people, and Ameiko was far from an exception.

2016-06-20, 05:25 PM
Tharner huffed and groaned as he lifted the weights above his head. He tried to hold the weight with one hand, but quickly realized it would end in disaster and went back to two. He slowly placed the weights back onto the ground, taking a moment to thank the gods that he hadn't broken or popped anything before turning to the massive man that approached him.

"Well, one could say I've had a long time to practice." He gives a friendly smile before continuing, bending his neck back to see the man's face. "You don't look like any Varisian I've seen. Not from around here, are you?"

"Quite the performance. Hopefuly it shall make the audience forget my 'dancing' sometime soon" Sa'id told the man. "I am Sa'id of the Miraj Oasis, and my large friend is..."

2016-06-20, 06:13 PM
"Am Roga the Incredible Man, am from North in realm of Mammoth Lord." Roga then notices the new man's unique eyes. "Is day for meeting many new types of people belyye glaza. Are not also born of- he turns to Sa'id trying to remember the name he had said "how you say, djinn?" not even waiting for a reply Roga bursts out laughing "Ha spasibo my new friends, am meeting so many new people and having fun at games, almost forgot reason for festival. Am thinking is getting close to time to release butterfly, shall we find good place for show? My new friend, care to join us?"

2016-06-21, 10:12 AM
The paladin considered the offer for a moment before nodding to Roga.

"Lead the way, friend. I can't say I've witnessed the release first-hand in the last... Thirty years or so?" He gives a chuckle before continuing. "It was always a sight to see." He trails off for a moment, staring into space before continuing. "Oh, you'll have to excuse me, I've almost forgotten; I am Tharner Payatt, Paladin of Ragathiel." He extends an open hand to the two men in front of him. "A pleasure to meet you both."

2016-06-22, 12:14 PM
You all shake hands and begin walking back towards the town square. As you near the church you all spot Father Zantus and several others wheel out a large tarp covered wagon next to the stage. Father Zantus approaches the podium and clears his throat. It was said that long ago, that our beloved goddess Desna fell from the heavens to the earth. Weak and disoriented, Desna was in no shape to continue by herself. Things looked bleak for her. When suddenly a young blind boy found her and offered her shelter. She accepted his kindness and he nursed her back to health. Once she had regained her strength she wanted to repay his kindness. As a reward she transformed the young boy into an immortal butterfly. That boy was the first child of Desna... He pauses for a moment. So it is with great joy, that on this day each year, we pay respect to Desna and all her children, with this great celebration! The crowd around you cheers wildly, Father Zantus gives the okay and his acolytes pull the tarp off the wagon. Suddenly there is an explosion of color as thousands of swallowtail butterflies are released from the wagon. The sky grows dark, but you all see beautiful patterns of of blues, violets, greens and many other vibrant colors upon the ground. The sight is a great one to behold.

Ameiko smiles at you and waves as she heads back to feed the others. You smile at her and finish your meal. With your belly full, you stand from the table and begin to walk through the town to work off the full feeling you haven't felt in a while. Suddenly the sky goes dark and as you look up you see hundreds of thousands of shimmering blue-violet butterflies fly over head.

2016-06-22, 12:38 PM
You all shake hands and begin walking back towards the town square. As you near the church you all spot Father Zantus and several others wheel out a large tarp covered wagon next to the stage. Father Zantus approaches the podium and clears his throat. It was said that long ago, that our beloved goddess Desna fell from the heavens to the earth. Weak and disoriented, Desna was in no shape to continue by herself. Things looked bleak for her. When suddenly a young blind boy found her and offered her shelter. She accepted his kindness and he nursed her back to health. Once she had regained her strength she wanted to repay his kindness. As a reward she transformed the young boy into an immortal butterfly. That boy was the first child of Desna... He pauses for a moment. So it is with great joy, that on this day each year, we pay respect to Desna and all her children, with this great celebration! The crowd around you cheers wildly, Father Zantus gives the okay and his acolytes pull the tarp off the wagon. Suddenly there is an explosion of color as thousands of swallowtail butterflies are released from the wagon. The sky grows dark, but you all see beautiful patterns of of blues, violets, greens and many other vibrant colors upon the ground. The sight is a great one to behold.

Sa'id opens his container to release his butterfly into the sky. Then, taking care not to hit anything, he launches a spray of water into the air to create a rainbow.

2016-06-22, 12:44 PM
Roga yells with excitement at the explosion of butterflies. He reaches around for his own butterfly, "Friend Sa'id let us release ours as well." He pulls out his butterfly as he whispers a prayer "Desna please watch over dear sister, guide her foolish brother to be man she would be proud of. This for you sister Riska, I miss you." he lets his butterfly go shouting "FOR DESNA, FOR RISKA!" He watches his one butterfly take off, trying to keep an eye on it for as long as he can, he even takes off chasing after it for a short distance, laughing the entire way.

2016-06-22, 08:11 PM
The paladin clasped his hands together in applause as the storm of vivid and exotic colors blotted out the sky, a wide grin spreading across his face. He had seen the ceremony before, of course, but it was breathtaking every time. He gave a sigh as the feeling of homesickness settled once again in his stomach. Part of him hoped his presence was no longer needed in southern Varisia; staying in Sandpoint and experiencing his home town's culture was something he dearly missed. He sighed and brushed off the thought, focusing on enjoying the festival.

After the swarm of colors ended, he turned to his two companions, addressing them both; "Breathtaking, isn't it? Was this your first time seeing the release?"

2016-06-22, 08:54 PM
The paladin clasped his hands together in applause as the storm of vivid and exotic colors blotted out the sky, a wide grin spreading across his face. He had seen the ceremony before, of course, but it was breathtaking every time. He gave a sigh as the feeling of homesickness settled once again in his stomach. Part of him hoped his presence was no longer needed in southern Varisia; staying in Sandpoint and experiencing his home town's culture was something he dearly missed. He sighed and brushed off the thought, focusing on enjoying the festival.

After the swarm of colors ended, he turned to his two companions, addressing them both; "Breathtaking, isn't it? Was this your first time seeing the release?"

"Indeed. Actually, this is my first time seeing much of anything. I have lived most of my life in my family's oasis. My only experience with the world came from the stories of the travelers passing through. I am grateful to finally experience these things for myself" Turning to Roga he said "So my large friend, when is this circus of yours performing?"

2016-06-22, 10:39 PM
"In Realm of Mammoth Lord, we perform festival as well, have been participating since child. There are few butterflies, we pick flowers instead da? Toss them from high place, is similar effect. Just less to pick up da? he laughs heartily at his own joke. "Circus is tonight, am very glad to be bringing you there, you come too belyye glaza da? Until then, what to do next?"

2016-06-23, 04:31 PM
Ling continues to mingle her way through town. Maybe she would stay here for a bit longer than she'd planned to - Sandpoint was making a great first impression for her.

The sky goes dark and Ling looks up to see all the butterflies released. She gasps a little, in wonder at the sight. Nothing like this had ever happened in Magnimar.

2016-06-24, 11:54 AM
You all stare in awe at the butterflies, a beautiful sight to behold and one that many of you have never seen before. The shimmering colors upon the ground make a dazzling display. Children run about chasing swallowtails for quite sometime, their parents tell them not to hurt the children of Desna. The release lasts for several minutes, as the small insects flutter gracefully in all different directions. Eventually the swarm disperses and you can once again see the sky. Things go back to normal, people go back to talking and laughing, children are running and playing, and the sound of merry music rings throughout the streets. You talk with one another as well as many new exciting people on the streets. The smell of delicious food draws some of you in and you stop to eat. Some of you have a drink or two and tell stories of your travels and tales of where you live. Others wander about the festival and enjoy the sights and sounds of a new place. Some vendors try to sell you small items while some others try to goad you into trying your hand at some carnival games.

Things continue normally like this for several hours until the sun begins to set. You all notice many people begin to head back to the cathedral, your curiosity gets the better of you and you fallow them, interested to know whats going on. The crowd is noisy and people chatter and laugh. A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd as the sun's setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman's scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises-- high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices.


First combat guys! Everyone roll me a perception check DC=12.

Here's the initiative order, this changes if you have any last minutes bonuses you wish to add.


2016-06-24, 03:41 PM
Sa'id looks startled at the chanting and realizes monsters must be attacking.

Untrained Knowledge local to recall anything useful about goblins: [roll0]

Sa'id begins looking around for the goblins and prepares to blast the first one he sees. He gathers his power, causing streams of water to form in mid air and begin circling around him.

Sa'id uses his Gather Power ability as a move action. His next blast infusion will cost 1 less burn. He readys his standard action to fire a pushing water blast at the first goblin he sees.

"Goblins! Is nowhere safe from those foul little vermin? Roga, Tharner, we must protect the crowd!"

2016-06-24, 07:07 PM
The paladin grimaced as the all too familiar sounds of shrill shrieks echoed from the distance. The green devils were one of the many problems that plagued Varisia, but all threats to his homeland would be met with the same sight; the Hammer of Vengeance, with weapon at the ready. He unsheathed his silver flail, twirling the ball and chain as he slowly advanced towards the goblin scurrying throughout the crowd. He called out to the audience, raising his voice to be heard over the ensuing panic.

"If you cannot fight, gather your families and leave. If you can fight, grab a weapon and stand with me!"

Diplomacy to convince the crowd: [roll0]

2016-06-24, 07:44 PM
Many people scream and run from the square. A lone few grab whatever is closest and begin chasing goblins. The four of you are all that remain in the town square, as others are running to saftey or chasing goblins out of town. Some goblins scurry every where chasing people and wrecking havok. They chuckle and giggle with glee as the break things. Two goblins split off from the main group, they become distracted by a nearby food table. One climbs up and starts eating fish and shoving whatever will fit in his pockets. The other begins smashing plates on the ground. As he hears Tharner shout his attention focuses to him. He begins throwing plates at him, and they smash to pieces near his feet.

only if you hit DC 12 do you notice the goblin under the cart sneak
out of hiding and keep closer to you all from behind.


2016-06-25, 09:09 AM
Anger fills Roga as the festival is ruined by these small creatures. "Is wrong day to be messing around!" he hefts his axe and charges straight for the nearest of the goblins shouting "ROOOOOOOOOGGAAAA" as he sprints forward. When he reaches the goblin he leaps and brings the full weight of his axe down on the creature.

Full round action charge nearest goblin
attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
crit 20
confrim [roll2]
damage [roll3]
AC is 14 for turn

2016-06-25, 11:47 AM
Ling was so shocked at the appearance of the goblins that it took her a moment to even move. She darts her eyes around, looking at the horrible scene playing out in front of her. She couldn't let this continue; she had more power than any of the townspeople, and a responsibility to protect them with it. She's about to prepare a spell when she notices a goblin sneaking up behind them, trying to stay out of her vision. From the looks of things, he was the only one that was an immediate threat, so she decided to deal with it.

"I don't think so!" she said, turning to the goblin behind her and the others, moving towards him and extending her hand, letting a cone of bright and clashing colors burst from her hand.

HP: 10 AC: 11
Move action: Move near sneaking goblin
Standard action: Cast Color Spray at goblin.
Casting time: Instantaneous
Will Save DC: 16
If the goblin fails the save, he'll be unconscious, blinded, and stunned for [roll0] rounds, then blinded and stunned for [roll1] rounds, then stunned for one round.

2016-06-25, 01:13 PM
Roga screams an runs straight toward the two goblins on the table. With his ax out and ready to take out the intruders, Roga leaps at the goblin stuffing his pockets with food. The goblin continues to stuff his pockets then notices it becomes much darker and turns to look behind him. Seeing a large man leaping at him the goblin freezes and drops what's in his hands. The ax comes down in the tiny goblins head and it gurgles with it's dying breath. Roga pulls the ax out of the creature and faces the other goblin. It screams at him in fear and anger and is clutching a plate tight to its chest. Suddenly the sound of rushing water gets louder, as Sa'id sends a burst of water towards the goblin. The water jet hits the goblin square in the chest. The blast is so powerful that it ruptures the goblins organs, killing it. Its lifeless corpse fall of the table and hid the ground with a small thud, fallowed by the the plate it was holding smashing to bits.

Tharner and Sa'id watch as Roga wastes no time disposing one of the intruders. The sneaky little goblin sneaks over to Sa'id from behind, a large toothy smile goes from ear to ear. The goblin is doing it's absolute best to keep quite and not laugh with excitement as it readies for the kill... suddenly a young woman screams and the goblin turns to see what's going on. Just as it turns a blinding spray of colors hits it in the face and the goblins drops to the ground unconscious.

Sa'id you're up.

2016-06-25, 01:38 PM
Readied action triggers, Sa'id fires his pushing water blast at one of the goblins on the table. (presumably roga would hit the other one)

Spinning around at the shout behind him, Sa'id see the goblin that was about to attack him fall from the blast of light. "Thank you my lady!" he shouts to the woman he saw fire the blast.

Are there any left? the description only mentioned 3, and I think we got them

2016-06-25, 06:54 PM
Unfortunately there isn't much time for pleasantries as the sky is growing dark with smoke. Some of the buildings in town have caught fire and you can hear people screaming in the distance. The goblins are running rampant throughout the town. The final goblin you fought lays unconscious at Sa'id's feet. The eerie sound of the goblins singing can be heard among the chaos, and soon it becomes louder and louder. Suddenly the four of you spot a nearby cart go up in flames, however it isn't normal the flames are much to high and are burning out of control. Then moments later the culprits emerge from behind the cart. Four goblins walk out from behind the cart, all of them singing. Three of them carry torches and the fourth goblin is wielding a dogslicer and a small whip. Suddenly they spot you and the three torch wielders screech and rush you, the fourth stays behind and continues to sing.

The cart is 50 feet from you, behind the stage that the speeches were given on.
the torch goblins are 35 ft away from you all, and are in front of the stage. The singer next to the stage, 10 feet behind the others.

DC=15 you notice the cart is carrying fuel for the evening bonfire, hence the abnormally large flames

Currently Still Sa'ids turn.
Singing goblin=17
torch goblins=12

2016-06-25, 07:25 PM
Rolling Perception for Sa'id:


"More Goblins! We must stop them from burning the town!" Sa'id summons another swirl of water from the air and launches it at high speed towards a goblin.

Sa'id takes a 5' step forward to get into range of the goblins with his blast.

Targeting goblin torchbearer(farthest right for reference sake)

Water blast attack roll:

[roll1] (+1 from PBS)

Damage from water blast attack roll:

[roll2] (+1 from PBS)

2016-06-25, 08:28 PM
With another burst of water Sa'id aims the blast at the goblins head. As it makes contact it whips the goblins head back so fast, that it snaps it's neck. The goblin is then launched backwards and lands flat on its back, now another lifeless corpse.

The singer in the back moves up with the other goblins, cracking her whip as she moves. She lashes out at Sa'id with the whip, aiming for his legs. As the whip wraps around your left leg she pulls, causing you to fall flat on your back.

Sa'id you are now prone.

Singing goblin=17
torch goblins=12

2016-06-26, 05:39 PM
Tharner clutches the thick silver handle of his mace tighter as he rushes headfirst into the frey, targeting the nearest torch wielding goblin. He brings the flail high above his head, bringing the full weight of the weapon down towards the goblin's skull with a furious yell.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Charge attack on the nearest enemy. -2 AC.

2016-06-26, 09:57 PM
Having slayed one of the goblins Roga looks to fight the next one, almost laughing at the creatures plate shield. When Sa'id's blast of water knocks it out he turns to look at his friend, both in astonishment and praise, only to see his friend knocked over by another goblin. Instinctively Roga springs forward not even bothering to attack, simply using his mass as a weapon against the smaller foe.

Full round action to charge and bull rush the goblin who just tripped Sa'id.
Bull rush [roll0]
It does not provoke and if successful the foe takes 3 points of damage and is moved back 5 feet for every 5 that I beat the DC by.
CMD against tripping is 16

2016-06-27, 04:11 PM
Tharner charges one of the torch wielding goblins and raises his flail. As he swings the mighty weapon down upon the goblin, it makes contact with the creatures skull. Crushing and embedding itself into his skull, the goblin goblins shrieks for a moment fallowed by a crunching/ gurgling sound. His corpse fall over, as Tharner removes his weapon from its tiny skull. Roga rushes the warchanter and body checks the small creature with all the power he can muster. She screams as she is sent backwards through the air 10 feet. She hits the ground and tumbles, then begins to stand herself back up.

The last torch goblin sees two if the others fall to the ground dead and realizes that this fight is all too real. It screeches and drops it's torch, pulls out its dogslicer and charges the easiest target. The goblin jumps in the air at Sa'id blade aimed for his side. Seeing this Sa'id rolls out of the way, but is not fast enough. The blade still manages to cut his flesh, but does not pierce deep into anything vital.

Sa'id take 3 damage as the goblins cuts you.

Singing goblin=17
torch goblins=12

2016-06-27, 10:19 PM
Ling was very new to combat, and it showed. Her reactions weren't the quickest in the world, as evidenced by her letting the goblin take a blade to Sa'id, the man she'd saved earlier. She makes another arcane motion before throwing a glob of pure acid, created from nowhere at the goblin with the blade.

Ling casts Acid Splash at the last goblin besides the chanter.

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-06-28, 06:58 PM
Assuming initiative rolls around to me again

Sa'id grunts in pain as the goblin blade slices into him. Realising he is too vulnerable on the ground, Sa'id climbs to his feet as quickly as possible.

That provokes an AoO from the adjacent goblin

Yelling "Back away vermin!" Sa'id releases another wave of water at it, traveling with enough force to knock the goblin back.

Sa'id uses a pushing water blast at the goblin with the dogslicer, gambling that it cant take another AoO.

Attack roll:
[roll0](+1 from PBS)

Damage roll:
[roll1](+1 from PBS)

Bull rush roll from pushing infusion:
[roll2](+1 from PBS)

2016-06-28, 08:41 PM
Tharner pulls his weapon from the shattered skull of his enemy and begins advancing towards the war singer, spinning the weapon beside him.

"Throw down your weapon and I shall allow you a chance at life, goblin. You will not succeed in this battle, so I suggest you consider my offer."

He looks down on the goblin, weapon at the ready if the chanter tries anything.

Readying an attack in case the chanter attacks. To keep the pace going, I'll roll it here:
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Using the Omen trait to demoralize as a swift action.
Intimidate Check: [roll2]
DC of the check is 10 + Goblin's HD + Goblin's WIS Mod.
(OOC Edit: Whoops! Just realized the chanter goes before me. My bad. Will re-write this if this becomes irrelevant.)

2016-06-28, 10:36 PM
The goblin raises his dogslicer again and jumps in the air, ready to bring down all the force he can upon Sa'id. While in the air a large glob of acid shoots under the goblin, missing him entirely. Sa'id watches as the orb narrowly misses him, skimming just above his head. Rolling to one side, Sa'id easily dodges the goblins obvious attack. The goblin lodges his weapon into the dirt. He struggles to loosen the blade. Sa'id stands as quickly as he can and conjures another blast of water. Looking up the goblin see the surge of water for an instant. It rushes rapidly at the goblins face, knocking it backwards. He tumbles several times and comes to a dead stop. He twitches for moment or two and then his body goes limp.

The chanter stands and sees the mountain of a man is still next to her. She quickly jumps back and waves her arms in an archaic motion, she laughs and a toothy smiles engulfs her face. Roga you see trails of magic travel from her hands, they engulf you and you feel a brief tickling sensation and then it stops... The goblin sees this and her expression changes to one of worry.

Roga you are unaffected by her spell.

2016-06-29, 10:18 AM
Tharner shouts at the chanter and she goes numb with fear, her body begins to quiver and she drops her whip. You begin approaching her and she goes into a panic and tries to attack with her dogslicer. Raising your mighty flail once more, you swing it towards her fragile body. The weapon hits her in the chest cracking several ribs and rupturing several organs, she drops to the ground and begins coughing up blood. It's only a matter of seconds before you see the life fade from her eyes.

As the four of you look around you see no goblin in sight, but the sound of battle still rages in the distance. It's clear that the town square is clear, but there is still much to be done. Suddenly you all hear the sound of frantic barking and an almost woman-like shriek come from the north of the cathedral.

Good job on combat guys, it's going to take several rounds to reach your new destination. So feel free to chat to your new companion for a short while.

2016-06-29, 03:55 PM
Sa'id groans in pain from the wounds and begins looking around. "Where is the closest body of water?" he asks. Hearing the scream, he stiffens and looks north for the source. "We should go seek the source of that scream. I fear this attack is not done."

2016-06-29, 07:12 PM
"Fear not friend Sa'id, stay behind me and you will be fine. Is impressive ability you have. Roga smiles as he begins to pick up his pace after the scream. He calls to the caster "Young lady, you saved Roga's friend, your magic could be of use up ahead, would be happy for you to be joining us."

2016-06-29, 07:16 PM
Tharner gives a grim look at the battered corpse in front of him, leaning down to close the creature's bulging eyes before he heard a shrill shriek from somewhere in town. Now alerted to a new threat, he jumped back up to his feet, readying his weapon and charging towards the source of the sound. As he runs, he calls out over his shoulder to his new companions.

"The goblin threat still remains; join me in battle once more!"

2016-06-30, 04:43 PM
Ling took a short breather once the immediate area was free of danger. She'd used her magic before, of course, but this was her first real fight ever. She was quick to get back to attention when she heard the screaming, though.

"I'll go with you! I have to help where I can." She joins the group of relative strangers towards the sounds of barking.

2016-06-30, 05:06 PM
"Khorosho, little lady, am Roga the Incredible Man, stay behind me and I keep you and Sa'id safe da?" As Roga continues his run, he looks around the sudden destruction that has ensued. "What make of this? Is not normal da? Town is very unready for sudden attack."

2016-06-30, 06:27 PM
"Khorosho, little lady, am Roga the Incredible Man, stay behind me and I keep you and Sa'id safe da?" As Roga continues his run, he looks around the sudden destruction that has ensued. "What make of this? Is not normal da? Town is very unready for sudden attack."

"Very true. Where is the town militia? I understand it was a festival but there should be someone defending the people." Turning to the woman, Sa'id says to her "I apologize for an improper introduction, but it seems we must hurry. I am Sa'id of Miraj. Civilized politeness must wait."

2016-07-01, 10:50 AM
Your conversation is cut short as you round the next corner and look into an ally way. You spot a man in fancy dress cloths hiding behind a barrel. Then you witness a rather gruesome scene as a goblin riding (what looks to be a cross between large rat and a dog) impales a hound dog on his horsechopper. The dog yelps and its life fades away as blood spurts from the wound. 3 little goblins that were cowering behind some boxes rush out and start rejoicing that the dog is dead.

You are in a T shaped ally. You are in the vertical part of the T. The goblins are to the left of the intersection and the man is to the right. The 3 goblins are closest to you all surrounding the dog. The one that killed the dog is behind and further away. You can reach the 3 goblins in one move, but the rider you would have to double move to reach. The goblins have not noticed you yet, so you may have a surprise round.

This is your atk orders, the goblins will come in on round 2. Currently Tharners turn.

2016-07-02, 01:09 AM
The paladin raises his weapon and charges forward into battle, rushing towards the trio of goblins in front of him. He knew that calling for them to surrender would have little effect; he would have to prove his strength to the tiny, cowardly heathens. He set his sights on a single goblin, bringing his silver flail down towards it's wide head.

After his attack, he would address his enemies;

"You decided your fate when you attacked this town. Lay your weapons down, and you will be shown mercy."

Charge Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-07-02, 06:59 AM
As soon as Tharner takes off, Roga is right on his heels, great axe held to the side as he tightens his muscles and sweeps his axe down.

Hp:23 AC:14
full round action to charge one of the three goblins
Damage[roll] 1d12+4
Crit on a 20

2016-07-02, 10:00 AM
Sa'id pauses a second to see which goblins his companions aim for, then summons the torrent to strike the third.

Move action to get line of sight if needed

Water blast attack roll:
[roll0](+1 from PBS)

Damage roll:
[roll1](+1 from PBS)

2016-07-03, 02:23 PM
Ling sees her new companions attack the small group of goblins, and decides to go for the rider. But she doesn't want to just charge in like the others, so she goes for the more subtle approach. She touches her chest and whispers a few words, before vanishing into thin air.

Ling casts Vanish on herself. This has the same function as invisibility, but only lasts for one round. She then moves towards the goblin rider.

2016-07-04, 11:43 AM
With goblins currently overjoyed with their kill over the fearsome dog, they have no idea that they are about to have an incredibly bad day. Tharner and Roga lead the charge weapons drawn, Sa'id is close on their heels but stops mid way to summon another torrent of water. As Tharner reaches the goblins he swings his flail and hits it in the side of the head, the force of the strike snaps its neck and it topples over. He then begins to tell the goblins to surrender when the other two goblins are killed in the confusion. Roga charges at the goblin to the right and cuts deep into the goblins back, severing it's spinal cord. Sa'id launches the torrent at the one on the left and pushes it into a wall crushing most of the goblin with sheer force. Hanging back for a moment Ling thinks the direct approach isn't quite suited for her, so she becomes invisible and begins to move towards the goblin riding his trusty steed, attempting to catch it off guard.

O.o Well that was short lived haha. Good job guys, the goblin riding the animal are the only ones left. Top of the order for initiatives. The goblin rider is 10 ft ahead of Tharner and Roga

Goblin rider=14, +3 initiative bonus vs Rogas +1

2016-07-05, 02:24 PM
He shakes his head at the goblin corpses that now lay at his and his companion's feet. It was a shame to see a life go to waste like that, even if it was that of a goblin's. He turned his attention to the rider, rushing forwards. As he ran, he yelled to his companions over his shoulder.

"Be ready to kill his beast!"

At least he could have one prisoner, he thought. He threw his flail to the side, lunging for the rider with his bare hands as he tried to rip him off of his mount.

Grapple Roll: [roll0]

2016-07-05, 08:09 PM
As Tharner shouts to the others, the goblin readies itself for the the fight to come. Tharner runs at the goblin and his steed, attempting to rip the rider off the beast. Being small the goblin is very quick and manages to slip through Tharner's grasp. Coming up under his reach the goblin jabs his weapon into your side. You scream in pain as the goblin twists it and pulls it out. Then the goblin kicks the creature and it takes off away from the group. Tharner is not having this and swings his fist at the mount. The goblin sees the attack coming and yanks on the reigns, jerking the animal out of the way of danger. They ride away from combat and the goblin puts his weapon away, then retrieves a bow and Knocks an arrow. He takes aim and fires it directly at Tharner. The arrow flies straight at its target and hits Tharner square in the chest. You reel back from the pain and force of the arrow.

Tharner take 4 damage. 3 from the atk of opportunity from u trying to grapple the goblin and 1 from the arrow.

It is now Rogas turn.

Goblin rider=15

2016-07-06, 07:29 AM
"Is not enemy to fool with Belyye Glaza! If get chance kill him!" Roga yells at Tharner. Roga takes off after the goblin, ignoring any chance he has at avoiding an attack as he sprints to the enemy.

Full round action to run to the goblin. Roga will move at 4X speed which is 80 feet, but he loses dex to ac until his next turn.


2016-07-06, 03:43 PM
"Roga is right, this is no time to be merciful. These vermin are burning the town and so far we are the only ones that have stepped up to oppose them!" Sa'id races after Roga to help confront the goblin.

Sa'id double moves 60' closer, getting into blast range, but staying back behind Roga and Tharner

2016-07-09, 09:20 PM
Ling had meant to travel a bit farther to get another of her blasts of light ready, but then she felt the magic around her wearing off and she became visible. She hadn't really used her invisibility spell much before, she supposed she never really knew how long it lasted. Well, she had to come up with another plan, and quick. She stepped just a bit closer to the goblin and his dog, and readied another type of magic in her hands.

Ling will be taking the actions noted in Srduffman's outside posts, with the same rolls.

2016-07-09, 10:32 PM
Tharner grunted in a mix of frustration and pain as the goblin's blade pierced armor and flesh, the coward fleeing away and launching an arrow into the aasimar's chest. He let out a shaky breath, looking at his flail lying on the ground behind him, then to his bare hands. It was too late to go back now, he thought. Not while he could still catch the fleeing green rider.

He rushed after the goblin, white-knuckled fists at the ready as he lunged at the back of his opponent's head.

Check this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20985484&postcount=148) for the rolls.

Moving 60ft after the goblin to hit him with an unarmed strike. -2 AC for the rest of the round.

2016-07-12, 12:57 PM
With the lot of you hot on the goblin riders heels, he realizes he is slightly outnumbered. Tharner catches up and swings at the small creatures head, but underestimates the goblins reflexes. Ducking down he manages to dodge a lethal blow to the head. He then tugs on the reigns and darts past Roga and Tharner, Roga brings his mighty axe down upon the creature... but isn't quite fast enough. The goblin screams DEATH TO LONGSHANKS! The awful creature runs straight towards Sa'id and the goblin knocks another arrow and lets it fly. It pelts Thanrner directly in the chest once more. With the goblin distracted, the mount continues to run past Sa'id. Ling hurls an orb of acid at the mount, it makes contact and the creature yelps in pain and thrashes for a moment trying to shake it off.

So the goblin rider + mount will run past Roga and Tharner. This provokes from only Roga because Tharner is unarmed. Roga has already rolled. I crit with the bow, but did not confirm. The arrow will deal 4 more damage to Tharner. They continue running past Sa'id and lings held action kicks in now and she makes contact with the creature. This changes the intitiative. so It is now Rogas turn. They are 10 ft behind Sa'id.

Goblin rider=15
Ling= 14

2016-07-12, 02:17 PM
"B`lyad!" Roga yells, knowing that he had swung too late before even putting momentum into his attack. He curves his strike and throws his great weight behind it to swing himself into a sprint after the goblin and its cursed dog. "Am getting tired of this game, fight Roga and die honorably!" He brings his axe down and up over his shoulder as he hefts it high, his long legs pumping back and forth as he chases the enemy. He leaps and brings his axe down to bury it into the goblin. "ROGA!!"

Charge the goblin!!!. See OOC for rolls. AC=14

2016-07-12, 03:11 PM
Annoyed with these shenanigans Roga charges the vermin, leaping into the air he brings the full force of the axe into the goblins tiny skull. It shrieks and then makes a gurgling noise before going limp and falling off the dog. Roga stands upright and pulls the axe from its corpse. Now covered in acid and in pain and with nothing to control it, the beast goes into a frenzy, biting at what ever is near it.

it is now Sa'id turn.


2016-07-12, 08:05 PM
"Let this be at an end!" With a rapid gesture Sa'id launches his now familiar wave of water at the goblin dog.

Attack roll:
[roll0](+1 from PBS)

Damage roll:
[roll1](+1 from PBS)

2016-07-12, 08:59 PM
Sa'id decides to give the goblin dog a much needed bath. The poor creature is covered with acid and that doesn't help its already hideous appearance. Sending out another blast of water, Sa'id intends to cleanse the town from these vermin. As it impacts the goblin dog it sends the creature flying. The creature is killed on impact, then it's body is thrown around like a rag doll from the sheer force of the water... Things go quiet and the four of you look around and see no goblins left. The sounds of battle have dulled down through the town. Suddenly you heat a whimpering voice come from behind some nearby barrels. Are they all gone?... Did you kill them all? A man wearing fancy dress cloths stands up from behind one of the barrels. He is wearing a blue and gold jacket, gold vest, expensive looking shoes and a gold handled walking cane. He has black hair tied back into a pony tail and has a small soul patch.

Congrats guys on winning the battle! Combat is over, feel free to talk with this man and one another and look around.

2016-07-12, 09:29 PM
Roga plants his foot and pulls his axe free. "Da, it seems are no other goblins around. If you have no weapon get to safe place da?" Not waiting for the man's reply Roga walks over and picks up Tharner's flail to return it to the aasimar. "You fought well Belyye Glaza," Roga says to Tharner as he offers his massive shoulder to the injured man, helping to carry him back to their companions. "Am thinking you should take rest da? You'll be having good scar for bravery ha!"

2016-07-12, 09:33 PM
Suddenly you heat a whimpering voice come from behind some nearby barrels. Are they all gone?... Did you kill them all? A man wearing fancy dress cloths stands up from behind one of the barrels. He is wearing a blue and gold jacket, gold vest, expensive looking shoes and a gold handled walking cane. He has black hair tied back into a pony tail and has a small soul patch.

"It would appear that the threat has ended, at least here. The fires however, must be attended to." Sa'id begins walking around the area, weaving his hands in an intricate pattern. Each time he nears a fire, it begins to rain water on it until the blaze fades. While patrolling, Sa'id keeps a lookout for any more goblins

Sa'id uses his basic hydrokinesis power to begin summoning water on the fires to put them out. Its the equivalent of the create water spell, so right now he can only conjure 2 gallons per shot. So he focuses on extinguishing the smaller blazes in the area before they spread.

Perception check to look out for hiding goblins:

2016-07-13, 01:31 AM
"You fought well Belyye Glaza," Roga says to Tharner as he offers his massive shoulder to the injured man, helping to carry him back to their companions. "Am thinking you should take rest da? You'll be having good scar for bravery ha!"

He took the flail with a respectful nod and a muttered 'thanks' before accepting the man's offer to assist him. He gritted his teeth as he grabbed the arrows stuck in his body, plucking them out with a grunt and trying his best to staunch the flow of bleeding. To him, this battle was a personal failure. Had he been stronger, faster, smarter even, then he would not have suffered the injuries he did. At least the civilian survived this combat. He brushed off the thoughts of failure, going back to the task at hand. He would endure this loss, and he would learn from it.

He turned to the well-dressed man, speaking in a raggedy tone that fit his worn appearance.

"Are there any others nearby? Do you know? Friends, family?"

2016-07-13, 04:42 PM
The man rushes out from behind cover. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR SAVING ME! He begins to respond to Rogas question but is quickly cut off... he pauses and then turns to reply to Tharner. I have no close friends or family around here, I live south-west of here down the coast. It's a couple days travel from here, so I'm staying at the Rusty Dragon Inn for now... Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Aldern Foxglove. I can not thank you all enough for saving me. The man grins widely and begins shaking your hands, carefully as to not hurt the injured. As he continues his thanks, his attention focuses on Ling as he notices her. Well hello my dear, what's a delicate flower such as yourself doing fighting with these horrible creatures?

Thanatos you do not see any goblins lurking around. The area is clear. You manage to put out the nearby fires that the goblins set. It takes a few moments but it happens.

2016-07-13, 11:54 PM
Ling catches her breath once she realizes the fighting was over, at least immediately around her. She inspects herself, and thanks her lucky stars that she wasn't wounded. She was about to contribute to the discussion when the Aldern's shouting caught her attention. Then he speaks directly to her, which catches a bit more of her attention. 'My dear?' Odd thing to say to someone he just met, she thinks. But she doesn't let it faze her.

"Well, people were scared, they needed help. I've got my magic, so I figured I'm a pretty good candidate for it."

2016-07-14, 12:04 AM
Ah yes your magic was simply wonderful. I must see more of it sometime, won't you show me? In fact I'd very much enjoy seeing the four of you in action again sometime. How about the four of you meet me at the Rusty Dragon tomorrow for breakfast, and then I will be able to properly thank you for saving me. Once there we can talk in better surroundings and more pleasant circumstances...

2016-07-14, 12:32 AM
"Am thinking is poor time for making food plans friend, find safe place and eat when all is safe, then we talk da?" Roga turns to his allies with a wide grin on his face, "Having fought beside you am happy to call you sobrat'ya, am unsure where other enemy is, and would like to check on circus. What say you? Shall we see where else we may lend aid or do you require aid yourself?"

2016-07-14, 03:57 PM
"Am thinking is poor time for making food plans friend, find safe place and eat when all is safe, then we talk da?" Roga turns to his allies with a wide grin on his face, "Having fought beside you am happy to call you sobrat'ya, am unsure where other enemy is, and would like to check on circus. What say you? Shall we see where else we may lend aid or do you require aid yourself?"

"I suffer nothing a good nights sleep wont cure. We should check the town, make sure all the goblins are gone. We should also find where that sheriff went I think. Why were there no watchmen to protect the town?" Sa'id turns to Aldern and gives him a short bow. "I should be happy to take up your offer in the morn sir"

2016-07-14, 10:54 PM
Tharner knelt down, taking a brief respite from battle as his allies and Foxglove spoke of rewards and breakfast. His stomach grumbled at the thought of a warm meal and a soft bed, though he stood up and ignored the tempting offer from Roga to retire for the day. He reached into his pack, feeling around for the makeshift sling he had prepared not long ago, loading one of it's smooth stone bullets into the pouch.

"I will stay. There may still be others who need our assistance. I will seek aid later."

He gathered himself, giving a few hoarse coughs and rising to his feet.

2016-07-14, 11:34 PM
"Uh, maybe some other time. I should go with them, and see if anyone else needs help," Ling says. Normally, she'd probably have some clever quip, but she was still a bit shaken from the fight.

She was glad she hadn't used too much of her whole powerful magic. Sure, she could throw acid all night, but she might need to knock another goblin out.

2016-07-15, 09:40 AM
Ah, yes...well I will be staying in town for a few days if you change your minds. You know where to find me. Thank you all again so much, but for now I must bid you farewell. Foxglove walks to each of you and shakes your hands. Then he heads south-west towards the the Rusty Dragon.

2016-07-15, 10:35 AM
Roga nods knowingly at Tharner's sling, "Korosho, you stay behind Roga as well, am big man, will keep all safe" he turns back to Foxglove for the farewell "Stay safe friend, come sobrat'ya, let us see who else is in need of our might, haha we will show these goblins true fear!" he looks for the best direction to head, and begins his march.

Wherever the action is next, either what looks like it has the most fire, sounds like the most screaming, smells like the most goblins. Failing any of that Roga will just begin to head in the direction of where the Ruby Revelry Company's wagons and tent are set, if they have a tent, I feel like they do, but maybe not.

2016-07-15, 03:35 PM
Roga speaks to you all and then heads off in the direction of smoke, billowing high above the town.

2016-07-15, 03:45 PM
"Yes, we must insure that the rest of the town is safe. To the fray!" Sa'id heads off with Roga, thinking to himself that this was far from the adventure he expected after leaving home.

2016-07-15, 06:34 PM
The paladin wipes away the sweat and blood on his brow, twirling the sling in his hand as he joins his new allies in their advance.

2016-07-16, 03:08 PM
"Wait, before we go, we should search the fallen goblins. They may carry some clue as to why they are attacking, and where they came from."

Sa'id quickly doubles back and begins sifting through the fallen goblins, looking for anything of value.

First a perception roll in case:

Then, loot! Not that thats my reason of course...:smallbiggrin:

2016-07-18, 10:15 AM
Sa'id begins to rummage through the goblin corpses and finds nothing but poorly made dogslicers... as he inspects the rider he finds a small sized short bow with a quiver of arrows, a horse chopper that looks to be made with some care. As he continues to sift he pulls out a small vile filled with liquid.

you may taste the potion and use a perception check DC=17 to reveal that this is a cure moderate wounds potion. Also the horse chopper is mwk

2016-07-18, 02:51 PM
Sa'id begins to rummage through the goblin corpses and finds nothing but poorly made dogslicers... as he inspects the rider he finds a small sized short bow with a quiver of arrows, a horse chopper that looks to be made with some care. As he continues to sift he pulls out a small vile filled with liquid.

you may taste the potion and use a perception check DC=17 to reveal that this is a cure moderate wounds potion. Also the horse chopper is mwk

Sa'id bundles up the weapons into a pack, and sniffs at the potion.

perception check to examine the potion:


Wow the dice roller has been generous to me.

"One of the goblins had a potion of healing. Tharner, perhaps you should take it?"

2016-07-19, 06:54 PM
Roga takes off towards the smoke rising from the center of town. Sa'id bundles up some weapons and finds a potion, he hands it to Tharner. Everyone then runs to keep up with the ever vigilant Roga. As Roga heads towards danger you all begin to hear people shouting. You come into a plaza and there goblin corpses all over the ground. You count roughly 10 dead goblins, you then notice town guardsmen escorting several chained goblins away from the scene. All around you guards and townsfolk alike are working together to put out what's left of the fires that the goblins started. Some of the buildings have been scorched but nothing looks like it has completely to the ground... Then you spot him, Sheriff Hemlock, he is helping citizens find family and tending to all the urgent matters at hand.

2016-07-19, 08:39 PM
Upon spying the sheriff, Roga immediately strides up to the man. "Preevyet sheriff, am Roga the Incredible Man, tell where can help. Can lift heavy things, climb to high places, and kill many things. Most of all am wanting to help."

2016-07-19, 09:03 PM
The sheriff turns and looks at you sternly. There won't be much need for killing anymore, the goblins have been detained and dealt with. If you really want to help you can help clean up the mess they made. Otherwise you may return to your dwelling where it is safer.

2016-07-20, 10:00 AM
"Korosho, am glad to hear problem has been taken care of, will help with cleaning, by chance have heard of Ruby Revelry Company? Did they fare alright with attack?"

2016-07-20, 03:46 PM
The traveling performers? I've not seen them since early this afternoon. Perhaps they found shelter at one of the inns, the barracks or the church. My apologies I can not be of more service to you. Hemlock's face never changes expressions, he talks with a monotone voice and a blank but stern gaze.

2016-07-20, 04:58 PM
When offered the potion from Sa'id, the paladin shakes his head and raises his hand to stop his offer.

"I appreciate the concern, but a night's rest and a warm meal will dull the pain. Perhaps we should save it for an emergency."

Upon meeting the Sheriff, he observes his conversation with Roga, then steps in with a salute.

"Tharner Payatt. Paladin of Ragathiel. Show me where help is needed, and I will lend my aid however I can."

2016-07-20, 05:51 PM
Ah, a paladin. There are injured people to tend to. Father Zantus is in need of help with that, and would greatly appreciate another skilled healer. If you have no skill with first aid then I suggest helping around town cleaning up after the goblins. Hemlock points in the direction of Father Zantus, then gestures to where help is needed.

2016-07-21, 03:26 PM
Ah, a paladin. There are injured people to tend to. Father Zantus is in need of help with that, and would greatly appreciate another skilled healer. If you have no skill with first aid then I suggest helping around town cleaning up after the goblins. Hemlock points in the direction of Father Zantus, then gestures to where help is needed.

"I have been trained in the healing arts" said Sa'id to his companions. "I will help the wounded tonight. Perhaps we should meet in the morning at the Rusty Dragon to see what Aldern Foxglove wished to ask of us?"

2016-07-22, 06:56 PM
Ling didn't have much to say as she followed Roga and everyone else to the town square. Thankfully, it seemed like the worst was over. "I'm no healer, but I'll clean up where I can," she says.

"I suppose. I mean, I was probably going to stay there anyway," Ling says. Truth be told, though, she was a little apprehensive about meeting with the nobleman again. He'd seemed to latch on to her very quickly.

2016-07-23, 11:27 AM
"I have been trained in the healing arts" said Sa'id to his companions. "I will help the wounded tonight. Perhaps we should meet in the morning at the Rusty Dragon to see what Aldern Foxglove wished to ask of us?"

"Da, will meet at inn later, stay safe my friends." And with that Roga heads off lending his strength and size wherever he can. He tries to keep his spirits up so that the others whom he works with will as well. He knew depression would come after this sudden attack and the resulting loss, and he wished to help others rebuild their happiness as well as their homes.

2016-07-24, 01:41 AM
Tharner nodded to the sheriff, storing his weapons and brushing himself off, taking a long look at whatever remained of Sandpoint after the raiders had left. He muttered a response under his breath.

"It's been a long time since I've channeled divine power. I will simply help where I can."

The paladin sought out any who might be lost or wounded, leading them to safety and helping to release any who may be trapped underneath debris.

2016-07-25, 03:57 PM
The town appreciates all the help you four have given, thank you. Now then, we've got a town to clean up and people to help. Hemlock's expression never changes as he talks to you. For a moment you could almost see him crack a smile when thanking you, but it must be just smoke in your eyes from the fires and ashes. He nods then turns back to help the other clean up. The four of you agree that you'd meet in the morning at the Rusty Dragon to talk with Foxglove, then you head your separate ways to help as needed. Tharner and Roga help lift heavier objects like fallen timber beams, Ling helps clean up smaller messes in the streets and Sa'id runs off to help Father Zantus heal the wounded.

so you guys are off to clean, you can talk with people or I can time skip to morning and I can describe what happens over night. Let me know in the ooc.

2016-07-27, 03:52 PM
You all wander off to help where needed the most. Most of you help clean the city from the raid and some of you help tend to the wounded. Some buildings are scorched but nothing has burned to the ground. Some vendor tables have been destroyed, carts turned over or burnt to ash. Every so often you see a dead animal lying in the street, and there is an area where people are being gathered who have been injured. As you pass by you hear of one or two casualties, you morn for their loss as you pass. Some of you vow to rid Sandpoint from the vermin if they ever return. You wonder as you help out what could of caused the goblins to attack the town, then think to yourself they are goblins... do they really need a reason? Time passes and you do wonderfully helping the town recover from the unprovoked attack, it grows dark and many people are shaken up and seek shelter. Roga wanders around town looking for his list circus family. He searches for about an hour and passes the area where the injured are being held and finds his troop there. Asking who's hurt, Roga discovers that Loric the troop leader was slain by goblins. The members tell of how he bravely sacrificed himself so that everyone else could escape. Outraged by this Roga leaves seeking the goblins that killed his friend. Roga searches throughout the night, blinded by rage and grief. The town gaurd patrols the streets the rest of the night looking for more injured or wretched goblins alike. They urge everyone to seek shelter for the night. Roga ignores this, the rest of you head towards the Rusty Dragon, which you've heard so much about. As you enter you are greeted with a smile an told you stay is free for the night while the town recovers. You head to your room exhausted from all that you've done today. You lie in bed staring at the ceiling looking back on the day, and all that's happened. Tomorrow is another day you think as you drift off to sleep. Morning comes and you wake around 9, you've slept in because of how hard you fought and how long you worked. One by one you all meander down stairs to the dinning hall. You can smell bacon, sausages, eggs, fresh bread, coffee and other assorted foods. A girl walks around passing out food, one if you recognizes her as Ameiko. She talks with each of you a short while and then heads back to feeding everyone. Once again food is free for everyone because of recent events. You all sit with one another and begin to talk while waiting for Foxglove to arrive. You all notice that your friend Roga is no where to be found. On the outskirts of town a tired Roga heads back towards the inn.

Roga searched in and around town all night but found no goblins. Roga did not sleep last night and Exhausted till he rests. You will arrive at the inn in about ten minutes time. The rest of you free to talk with one another or with NPCs like Ameiko, if you have spells or thing to prepare you will have time after breakfast to prepare them.

2016-07-27, 04:11 PM
Once everyone arrives at the tavern, Sa'id invites them over to his table. "I do believe that i offered a drink of friendship to my new companions here." Sa'id picks up 4 empty glasses, and with a ceremonial flourish of his hands, fills them with crystal clear conjured water. Handing a glass to Roga, Tharner, and Ling, he says formally "As is the custom of my family, I offer water to weary travelers. May it quench your thirst and strengthen your soul." Sa'id gives a quick bow to his companions, and downs the glass.

2016-07-28, 08:19 AM
With a heavy heart and a heavy mind Roga travels to where he had heard the Rusty Dragon was. His anger changing into sorrow at his inability to save his dear friend. His dour thoughts of Loric are chased by his dour thoughts of Riska which then return to more dour thoughts of Loric. At some points practicality come to Roga and he wonders who will lead the company now, but then he returns to his loop of grief. Finally his painted footsteps bring him back to the Rusty Dragon Inn and he enters quietly.

2016-07-29, 12:19 PM
The paladin took the glass from Sa'id with an appreciative smile. He raised it to eye-level, rotating the cup to swirl its contents momentarily. The thought of conjured food and drink was always one that was discomforting to him, but he would accept the conjurer's offer anyway and down the glass. After his exertion the day before, he didn't mind the refreshment.

He gives a glance to Roga as he enters the inn, waving him over to the party's table, his friendly smile slowly fading into a face of concern.

"That was more of a quiet entrance than I would expect from you. Not one for mornings?"

2016-07-29, 10:13 PM
Ling stretches her arms out as she heads into the dining room. She sits at the table her new friends were sitting at, making sure to send a soft smile towards Ameiko.

She takes the offered glass of water from Sa'id and takes a long sip. She hadn't realized before how much she should appreciate cold, clean water, but now she relished every drop.

Ling looks to Roga when he enters, concern apparent on her face as well. "Roga? Were you gone all night? Are you okay?"

2016-07-30, 08:17 AM
Roga shuffles in and sits with his new companions, he speaks without his usual gusto in a voice that would be normal volume for a normal man, but was very quiet for Roga.
"Prosti my sobrat'ya, am feeling not so incredible today, leader of Ruby Revelry Company and very good friend died in goblin raid. I come out without a scratch and Loric dies defending circus. I hunted goblins, by morning I realized I would find none and returned." Roga takes the offered glass of water. "Was thinking you meant real drink, but if this is your custom am happy to join.

2016-07-30, 12:07 PM
Roga shuffles in and sits with his new companions, he speaks without his usual gusto in a voice that would be normal volume for a normal man, but was very quiet for Roga.
"Spasibo my sobrat'ya, am feeling not so incredible today, leader of Ruby Revelry Company and very good friend died in goblin raid. I come out without a scratch and Loric dies defending circus. I hunted goblins, by morning I realized I would find none and returned." Roga takes the offered glass of water. "Was thinking you meant real drink, but if this is your custom am happy to join.

"After a night like that, you do need a drink." Sa'id motions to the waitress "A bottle of wine please. We have sorrows to drown and a memory to celebrate. Tell us of your friend Roga"

2016-07-30, 03:05 PM
Ameiko walks to the table quietly and poors four glasses of wine, then leaves the bottle at the table.

2016-07-30, 06:30 PM
Roga takes a seat and leans back into his chair, thanking Ameiko for the drink. "Spasibo. Da, Loric was good man. I met Loric in Belkzen Hold, we were both prisoners to orcs there. Loric escaped and brought me with him, when free he invited me to join circus. In Realm of Mammoth Lords you have name and clan name. I lost my clan name but Loric, he gave new name. They called me The Incredible Man and said it was stage name. Loric gave me more than just name though, he gave me family, he gave family for all of us. He brought us together and made what made us different into what made us same. I made stage name into new clan name and have had much fun loving life with Ruby Revelry Company. Am unsure what will happen to circus without him."

2016-08-02, 12:12 AM
Ling wipes at her eyes. She may not have known Roga for very long, but she would never want anyone's family to be taken away from them. "I'm sorry for your loss," she says as she takes the offered wine glass. "I wish there was something more meaningful I could say."

2016-08-02, 03:12 PM
Sa'id refills the quartets glasses with the wine then offers a toast "To absent friends!

I do not think you need to worry for your company Roga. It seems to me they have someone they can count on to carry them through in you."

2016-08-02, 05:43 PM
The paladin sighs, taking the wine glass offered to him. He stretched his shoulders with a grunt, trying to relive the aching in his arms as he spoke.

"An unfortunate event, my friend, but do not dwell on it too much. Loss is simply a part of life, and moving on from it is your best and only option. At my age, you learn these things the hard way." He raises his glass to Sa'id's toast. "To absent friends."

2016-08-02, 05:55 PM
You all toast to Roga and grieve for his friends. You drink to all those that fell in battle last night and drown your sarrows. You drink to new friends and to old, remembering the good times and your loved ones. Some time passes and you all hear a voice. AH, THERE YOU ARE! You turn to see Foxglove standing at the foot of the stairs. Good morning my new friends, you all look "lively" this morning. At any rate I'm glad you are here. You all notice he stares directly at Ling when he says this. I simply can not thank you all enough for saving my life, but I hope that this is a good start. Foxglove reaches into his coat and pulls out a sac and sets in the center if the table. The sac opens slightly and several coins fall out. It is filled with more gold coins. This is but a small token of my thanks.

there is 100 gp in the sac

2016-08-02, 09:26 PM
"We thank you for your generosity. I cant help but notice you refer to this as a start. I take it that you wish our aid with some endeavor?" Sa'id replies to Foxglove

2016-08-02, 09:31 PM
Oh my yes!... well in a matter of speaking. I'd like to take you four boar hunting before I leave town in a few days. What do you say?... Foxglove leans in, eagerly awaiting a response.

2016-08-03, 12:37 PM
Roga only listens uninterestedly to Foxglove, not appreciating his lack of reverence from today and the day before. The thought that his depression might have an ill effect on his companions come to his mind and he tries to think of ways to rally himself. At the mention of boar hunting though, Roga sees his opportunity. "Ha, you wish to hunt boar with Roga formerly of great tusk tribe?" he says grinning as he gestures to the two tusk shaped scars on either side of his face, "you can count on Roga now the Incredible Man. If can not kill goblin who took Loric's life, will kill stronger creature."

2016-08-03, 09:40 PM
Tharner raised an eyebrow at Foxglove's offer, thinking the man might be joking. "There could still be goblins lurking about. The town could still easily be in danger. What if that attack was simply a scouting mission gone awry, and when the main force notices their warriors have not returned, what havoc would they wreak upon us?"

"I must-" He opened his mouth to decline the man's offer before his body forcefully reminded him of his poor condition as pain shot through his limbs. He was open to reconsidering the idea, he thought. "... accept your gracious offer. You said within the next few days, yes? What should we pack?"

2016-08-04, 12:33 AM
Tharner isn't the only one who's a bit apprehensive about Foxglove's offer. Ling has certainly noticed his attentions toward her, and while it was certainly flattering, he was far from her type. "I don't know, I've never hunted much of anything before. Just runes and ruins," she says with a short chuckle. Although she thought about saying no, but then both Roga and Tharner agreed to it. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad with the others. "Sure, I'll go. I can't say I'll be of much help, though."

2016-08-04, 09:37 AM
Oh you need only bring your self and a weapon, I will provide the rest. It will be a splendid hunt followed by a wonderful feast. Just find me here at the inn when you are all ready.

2016-08-04, 05:01 PM
"I am not sure that i particularly like the idea of killing for sport. However, I did leave home to experience new things. I will accompany you, though I feel I should merely observe." Sa'id nodded his agreement.

2016-08-05, 03:41 PM
Then it's settled! You four meet up with me when you're ready. Until then I have a few matters to address and must bid you all a good day. And with that Foxglove walked out of the inn.

Ameiko approaches the four of you and says... I've just received word that Sheriff Hemlock is looking for you all.

2016-08-06, 05:09 PM
Roga looks down at the nearly finished bottle of wine that they had finished and then at the stairs that would take him to bed. Feeling physically and emotionally drained, talking with the sheriff seemed to be easy more than the northerner could handle, but he sighs and stands either way.

"I suppose we should go then is best not to keep sheriff waiting. he begins refilling everyone's drinks including his own. "Friends, you have been very kind to me in time of need. I am in your debt and promise to return to usual incredible self soon. Na Zdorovie! To friends, journeys and memories old and new, Na Zdorovie!"
He pounds the drink back and leads the way out of the door and to the sheriff.

2016-08-06, 07:17 PM
"I'll be glad to go meet the Sheriff. Thank you, Ameiko." Ling had a much easier time talking now that that Foxglove man was gone. She much preferred speaking with Ameiko, or her new friends. She is next to rise out of her seat, after Roga. She leaves her wine glass full, however. She never was much for drinking, but that first glass was drinking to lost friends. She's sure Ameiko can find a good use for it.

2016-08-06, 09:07 PM
Sa'id finishes his glass of wine, and gets up to follow the others. "Well then, let us see what the sheriff wishes."

2016-08-07, 11:20 AM
The paladin quickly downs his glass, standing up slowly and stretching his arms with a grunt. He smiled to Ameiko, thanking her for the hospitality. He turned to his companions, rubbing his hands together with a nod.

"Let's make haste, then. Wouldn't want to keep the Sheriff waiting."

2016-08-08, 03:38 PM
You all finish your drinks and head up the street to the barracks, where Sheriff Hemlock is standing outside the gates waiting for you all. Good morning to you all. I and the town are very greatful for your services last night. You have done this town a great favor, and I don't mean to trouble you all but I wish to ask you for another favor. Many of my guardsmen are still helping around town and I am in need of some assistance. I would be greatful if you could help once more, of course the town could give you something for your troubles.

2016-08-08, 07:49 PM
Roga nods excited to have a task to do, especially one that would help others. "Da, are welcome to Roga's help. No task is too small, no challenge too large, Roga the Incredible Man have open hand for all." Roga thinks for a moment and realizes that this could be a good opportunity. "I appreciate towns hospitality, goblin attack came unexpectedly and Ruby Revelry Company lost important person. Would appreciate if circus could stay longer till better and able to move on."

2016-08-08, 10:21 PM
Tharner rubbed his chin as he looked over his companions. They were quickly becoming quite the party. If he were to stay in Sandpoint to defend the town from further invasion, he would be glad to have these up and coming heroes on his side. He smiled at the thought; to become an adventurer this far into his life.

"Of course, Sheriff. Whatever I can do to help."

2016-08-09, 03:18 PM
"I certainly would be glad to help where i can. In truth, I don't think we have seen the last of the goblin attack." Sa'id nods in agreement with the others.

2016-08-09, 05:58 PM
"I'd be happy to help!" Ling had only the briefest taste of heroism last night, but she rather liked helping and protecting people. And with her magic, wasn't it her responsibility to defend people? "Just say what you need from me."

2016-08-11, 04:30 PM
Sheriff Hemlock looked (as best you could gather) pleased by this. He straightened up and said, Wonderful, if the four of you will fallow me Father Zantus has asked for you all specifically. Hemlock the strides towards the cathedral at a brisk pace.

It takes you all several minutes to reach the church. Father Zantus greets you all warmly at the front steps. Morning all! I'm so very pleased to see the four of you. Word has spread rapidly through the town about what you four did for Sandpoint last night. Thank you all so much for your assistance and if I may be so bold I'd like to ask you all for another favor...you see some of the acolytes have said they've heard noises coming from the grave out back of the church this morning. With the town guard busy helping the town recover, I was wondering if you might take a look for me? He pauses waiting for a response.

2016-08-11, 06:35 PM
"Sounds from a place of eternal quiet is never a good thing. We should investigate immediately." said Sa'id

2016-08-12, 06:57 PM
"Da, friend Sa'id is right, we should look immediately. We shall happily investigate sound, but is probably some child making prank. Except for dangerous time would be fine, but with goblins around, maybe not so much. He looks from the mayor to the sheriff, and then back again, "Was asking this of sheriff, but would appreciate town hospitality for circus till back on feet. Without leader they are in trouble, and I must make sure my family is safe."

Hemlock didn't answer my question about the circus so I reproposed it

2016-08-12, 08:36 PM
"Da, friend Sa'id is right, we should look immediately. We shall happily investigate sound, but is probably some child making prank. Except for dangerous time would be fine, but with goblins around, maybe not so much. He looks from the mayor to the sheriff, and then back again, "Was asking this of sheriff, but would appreciate town hospitality for circus till back on feet. Without leader they are in trouble, and I must make sure my family is safe."

Hemlock didn't answer my question about the circus so I reproposed it

Considering the circumstances I am sure we can take care of your companions for now, I will talk to Mayor Deverin when I see her next. Hemlock replied.

2016-08-12, 08:55 PM
Tharner grimaced as the priest finished his words. He was no stranger to tales of strange noises and scratches echoing out of tombs at night. It could be a number of things; tomb robbers, wild animals, a fleeing goblin... Few made mention to the dead rising from their slumber... A shudder ran through the paladin's battle-hardened body. He could only hope that his suspicions were correct.

"Of course, anything for this fine town. Could you describe the noises they heard?"

2016-08-12, 10:58 PM
Certainly... Zantus paused a moment and gathered his thoughts. It would probably be best described as a creaky scratching sound... a sort of rattling combing from one of the crypts. My first thought is a foolish goblin had got itself stuck and was clawing desperately to free itself. If lucky I pray that all it is... Father Zantus trailed off in thought.

2016-08-13, 11:06 PM
Ling listens to Father Zantus describing the noise from the grave. Just the thought of that was more than a little creepy. She hoped it was just a goblin, she was plenty able to deal with those. "Well, I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle."

2016-08-15, 04:13 PM
Very well if you four need my assistance or have questions, come get me. I will be in the church tending to the wounded. Father Zantus leads you around the side of the church to the graveyard, then leaves you.

you find many sets off foot prints that start at the base of the wall that surrounds the graveyard. The foot prints start at the northwest section of the area and lead to a crypt.
you realize there are six sets if goblin tracks and one medium humanoid set of tracks.

2016-08-15, 07:31 PM
Sa'id looks around for traces of what made the noise.

Perception check:


"I found some tracks here. The are leading to that crypt over there" Sa'id points to the crypt that the tracks head into.

2016-08-16, 08:24 AM
"Well done friend Sa'id, your eyes are better than mine!" Roga Strides forward to the crypt, unsheathing his axe he looks back at his comrades with a grin "Precaution da? Belyye Glaza your wounds do not look as healed as they should for fighting, I would suggest staying behind Incredible Man." Once he is sure everyone is ready, he turns back to the crypt opens the door and simply yells into it, projecting in a way that only Roga can. "Greetings, I am Roga the Incredible Man, you have been causing much trouble for church people so I ask you to come out!"

Ready an action to bull rush back into crypt if someone leaves who seems hostile
Bull rush 1d20+7

2016-08-16, 02:21 PM
Tharner nods to Sa'id, approaching the doors of the crypt beside Roga. "You'd rather I abandon the front line just for a few cuts and bruises? I wouldn't dream of it." He prepares his flail as Roga swings the crypt doors open, taking note of his readied stance and doing the same.

Readied Action - Attack
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Attacking anything hostile that might try to run for the door.

2016-08-16, 04:08 PM
Thinking to himself that Roga could use some lessons in stealth, Sa'id also takes aim at the entrance to the crypt, calling a swirl of water around him to strike with.

Readied action to attack any hostile coming out of the crypt:

Atk roll:1d20+4(+1 from PBS)

dmg roll:[roll0](+1 from PBS)

2016-08-17, 10:21 AM
As the crypt door open a spear is thrust at Rogas chest, but with tension high from last nights battle Roga is prepared for anything and dodges the spear. A creeking sound becomes louder as two skeletons appear from the crypt. Roga shoves one of them with all his might and it stumbles backwards. Tharner and Sa'id attack the 2nd skeleton. The creature blocks Tharners flail with it's shield and steps out of the way from Sa'id water blast.

Okay so the crypt is 20x20x10 the edges of 3 walls (so the 5 foot squares lining the 3 walls that doesn't have the entrance) has coffins lined up. there are 2 skeletons, one has been pushed back 5 feet, the other is inside 5 ft. to the right of Roga. Roga is directly in front of the door, tharner is to his right, sa'id to rogas left and ling behind them all.

Tharner it's your turn

2016-08-17, 02:00 PM
Tharner growled in disgust underneath his breath. Something was horribly wrong here. First goblins, now the blatant use of necromancy? He would have to find the source, but first, these abominations must be destroyed. He swung his flail down, crashing it into his assailant's shield, grunting from the force of the impact. He raised his flail high once more, trying to hammer the unholy thing into dust.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2016-08-17, 04:37 PM
Outraged by the sudden appearance of undead, Tharner raises his flail and brings it down upon his foe with all his might. Upon impact the skeletons head is crushed into a fine dust and the creature falls over. Having regained it's balance, the 2nd skeleton lurches forward and plunges his weapon into Roga's gut.

fedora take 4 damage. Then it's ur turn

2016-08-17, 04:59 PM
Roga looks down at the scimitar protruding from his gut and back into the eyeless sockets of the skeleton. "Little skelet, you must try much harder than that." taking his axe he raises it high and brings it down, trying to force himself past his own exhaustion "Like this!!" He brings his axe crashing down on the skeleton.

Standard: attack
attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
crit 20
confirm [roll2]
crit damage [roll3]


2016-08-17, 05:21 PM
"Unnatural abominations! Return to the sand!" Sa'id yells as he steers his water column back around to strike the skeleton again.

Atk roll:
[roll0](+1 from PBS, -4 for shooting into melee with roga)

Damage roll:
[roll1](+1 from PBS)

2016-08-19, 12:22 AM
Ling is shocked when she sees the skeletons. She'd read about undead creatures before, but she'd never seen one before. But it only takes a few moments for her get her bearings and throw an orb of acid at the standing skeleton.

Ling casts Acid Splash at the still standing skeleton.

Attack Roll: [roll0] (+1 from ranged bonus, -4 from firing into a melee)
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2016-08-21, 02:52 PM
Infuriated Tharner raises his flail once more and steps into a powerful swing. The weapon makes contact with the second skeletons head and sends it flying off of it's neck, the head hits the side of the crypt and shatters upon impact. The creatures torso staggers for a moment then falls to the floor. The crypt now seems almost empty, you look around and see 12 coffins lining the walls, aside from the two skeletons nothing seems out of the ordinary.

You are all now out of combat, both skeleies have bitten the dust. You may talk and do as you like.

you find one of the coffins has been opened, and is sitting slightly ajar.

2016-08-22, 07:45 AM
Roga let's out a great laugh "Were right belyye glaza, you are better in front, good job killing little skelets." Roga strides into the room taking a deep breath as he surveys his surroundings. "Does not seem like much is here da? Am wondering how skelets came."

2016-08-22, 03:40 PM
Tharner takes a moment to steady his breathing, shrugging off the growing pain of his wounds after the sudden exertion. "A fine job on everyone's part. Keep your eyes open, that may not be the last of them." He begins to browse the crypt, studying the coffins and looking for any signs of interference.

"These things could have come from a number of sources. Perhaps those green devils that attacked earlier had a necromancer among their ranks..." He then looks around for any signs that would indicate the work of a necromancer, or any other abnormal sources of energy.

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge (Religion): [roll1]

2016-08-22, 04:19 PM
"Indeed, there must be some worker of dark magics about, a man's bones do not simply get up and attempt to add to their numbers" said Sa'id.

Sa'id also began carefuly examining the interior of the tomb for clues:

Sa'id takes 20 to search the tomb if possible, resulting in 26. If not, then he takes 10 resulting in 16

2016-08-22, 05:29 PM
"Friends, look over here. Does this name mean anything to any of you?" Sa'id points out the name Ezakien on the coffin.

2016-08-22, 10:16 PM
Ling walks to the opened coffin and examines the name pointed out by Sa'id. ". . .No, I don't recognize it. Sorry."

2016-08-23, 12:18 PM
"Nyet, have never heard of person, is strange name." Seeing that everyone was looking at the coffin Roga strides over and takes a look as well. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary he speaks again "Oh well, person from church would know da??"

2016-08-25, 04:22 PM
Seeing that nothing was to be gained from continuing to stare at an empty sarcophagus, Roga strides out of the crypt. "Am not one to stand still, will ask church people about name. Friend Sa'id, name was Ezakien da?" He fights back his exhaustion with renewed enthusiasm and leads the way back to the church to talk to Father Zantus.

most tame Leeroy Jenkins ever

2016-08-25, 07:37 PM
Roga takes off to the church to get Father Zantus and leaves the three of you to check over the crypt.

2016-08-26, 03:05 PM
"Should we follow him...?" Sa'id asks incredulously as he watches Roga charge out of the tomb. "Or should we check to see if this mysterious Ezakien is still in his tomb?"

2016-08-26, 08:03 PM
"Assuming this Ezakien remains in his tomb, he has not risen from his coffin to attack us quite yet. I trust his body would remain undistrubed. If so, I hardly plan on tampering with his corpse. I will return to Father Zantus." With that, he surveyed the area one last time to ensure there were no remaining threats, then spun around and followed after Roga.

2016-08-28, 05:25 PM
"You all go," Ling says. "Maybe there's something else I can find on this tomb." As everyone else leaves the crypt, Ling starts to open the crypt. Although she has her superstitions, Ling isn't afraid of the dead.

2016-08-28, 10:22 PM
"I shall stay as well to help Ling investigate this tomb. Hopefully Father Zantus will have some answers when he arrives." Sa'id said.

2016-08-29, 04:29 PM
Roga takes off in a hurry to retrieve Father Zantus, Tharner not feeling like disturbing the dead fallowes Roga footsteps. Ling and Sa'id stay behind for help to return and decide to poke around a little.

to ling and Sa'id what do you want to do While u wait?... It all take a few minutes for roga and Tharner to retrieve Zantus.

To roga and Tharner I will get to you two after they have decided what to do (if you end up waiting too long I will get you sooner) doing it this way to keep things straight

2016-08-29, 04:45 PM
Ling looks at the tomb for a moment. Sure, she could open it with no regard to what might happen, but she was a bit smarter than that. She closes her eyes and mutters some now-familiar arcane words to cast a spell.

Ling casts Detect Magic on Ezakien's tomb.

2016-08-29, 10:03 PM
While Ling chants her spell, Sa'id begins examining the tomb to make sure there are no other coffins about to open and release undead.

Sa'id takes 20 again to examine the room, just in case. Also, he checks to see if the skeletons have any loot.

2016-08-30, 05:45 PM
Ling takes a breath. There was definitely something in this coffin, otherwise her spell wouldn't have reported anything. "Well, I suppose fortune favors the bold," she says, before pushing the coffin open.

2016-08-31, 09:11 PM
As Ling opens the coffin she finds what looks like an unremarkable tattered brown robe, lying in an empty coffin.

if you study the robe for three rounds you can determine that there is faint necromancy magic coming from the robes.

reveals that this is a robe of bones and that both charges have been used to create the skeletons.

2016-08-31, 10:06 PM
Ling gasps a little when she sees the mostly empty coffin, only holding a robe. She examines the robe more carefully for a minute or two. "Well, at least we know how those skeletons were created. Necromancers use robes like this, to raise undead creatures. Someone probably came in here, raised the skeletons, and took the body in this coffin." She gingerly picks up the robe to study it further. "It looks like they used up the last of this robe's magic to do this."

2016-09-01, 12:05 AM
Ling gasps a little when she sees the mostly empty coffin, only holding a robe. She examines the robe more carefully for a minute or two. "Well, at least we know how those skeletons were created. Necromancers use robes like this, to raise undead creatures. Someone probably came in here, raised the skeletons, and took the body in this coffin." She gingerly picks up the robe to study it further. "It looks like they used up the last of this robe's magic to do this."

"If that is what happened, it would seem that whoever released the skeletons is no longer here. We should go join the others, and bring this robe along to show the Father." Sa'id moves to escort Ling back to the temple

2016-09-01, 07:14 PM
Roga rushes off from the others to retrieve Father Zantus and Tharner fallows close behind. You both reach the front doors and rush into the church. Candles line the aisles and walls, the windoes are stain glass and an assortment if color dances throughout the chapel. Several acolytes are in the main halls, you see two sets of large doors on either side of you. As you both look around, neither of you can see any sign of Father Zantus.

2016-09-01, 09:47 PM
Roga looks around the church and waits for Tharner to catch up. "Were away for only few moments, man of cloth could not have gone far da?" With that simple thinking, he strides to the nearest acolyte and asks for directions.

2016-09-04, 09:10 AM
The acolyte tells you that Father Zantus is in one of the side rooms tending to the wounded and then he points to the door on your right.

2016-09-05, 12:10 PM
"Spasibo friend." and with that Roga strides to the pointed door, knocks and enters. "Zantus my friend, we have found problem and dealt with it. Was two skelets in room, they cut me once but weak steel was too little for Roga's incredible body."

2016-09-05, 11:04 PM
Tharner steps in after, giving Zantus a brief glance of concern. "Indeed. This was necromancy at work. These things do not just arise, Father. There is a source, and if these sounds were recent, I would say that source is still near Sandpoint. The town could still very well be in danger.

2016-09-06, 11:38 PM
If this is true, then lead the way! Show me where you have encountered these foul creatures and I will make short work of anything that remains. For if it is true, your companions could be in grave danger by themselves! Father Zantus eagerly awaits to fallow the both of you back to the tomb. As you both race off, he fallows closely behind. It takes a few minutes to get back to the tomb, but the three of you get back to find both of your companions still in tact... and they seem eager to show you their findings.

you can all act normally again.

2016-09-08, 11:16 PM
"Father Zantus, we seem to have found the source of the undead that appeared." Sa'id gestures to the robe Ling is carrying. "We found it in this tomb, which is otherwise empty. Can you tell us anything about this?" Sa'id points to the crypt of Ezakien.

2016-09-11, 06:01 PM
Father Zantus has a worried look that spreads across his face as he glances from the robe to the crypt. This can't be right. Zantus inspects the coffin and fins no trace of any corpse within it. Looking at the ground Zantus see the sets of footprints that he fallows to the edge of the graveyard, where the tracks stop at a wall. Why would the goblins steal a corpse?

2016-09-11, 06:21 PM
"I'm not sure the goblins planned this," Ling says, holding the robe aloft. "Those skeletons came from the magic in this robe, and I've never heard of a goblin necromancer before."

2016-09-11, 07:16 PM
Thaner rubs his chin with a furrowed brow as he inspected the empty coffin. This didn't make sense... Goblins were far too unintelligent to know the intricacies of necromancy... Weren't they? He gives a confused glance to the party before following Father Zantus in his pursuit of the trail. He was no tracker, but he was sure he could tell the difference between the footprints of a goblin and that of a man. He searched the trail for any differences between the prints.

He turned to Zantus and the party, muttering his thoughts aloud. "It's possible that someone taught these goblins necromancy, or they're brining the corpse to whoever raised those skeletons..."

Survival Check: [roll0]

2016-09-12, 12:19 PM
Roga listens and finally chuckles a moment as he follows the others, not really bothering to look around. "Am thinking goblins not smart enough for necromancy, nor interested in it, Goblins are simple creatures da?" When they reach the wall, Roga sizes it up to see how one might have scaled it.

oh man, trying to keep to your 7 intelligence and not blurt out higher intelligence concepts is hard.

2016-09-14, 08:34 PM
Very true. Goblins haven't the knack for necromancy nor the interest. This seems to be something more... Yes you four have discovered some greater power at work. I need to speak with the sheriff privetly now gentleman. Sorry for leaving you like this, if you'll excuse me... Oh and yes thank you for your help, here take this. Father Zantus hands you a small sac. Then takes his leave.

[spoiler=ooc] the bag contains 50 gp. You are free to roam town and talk, sorry for not posting this week, been busy and I was in this hospital yestersay for a procedure. I'm fine. [/color]

2016-09-15, 02:37 AM
"It would seem this crisis has passed. That Foxglove gentleman however still wishes us to accompany him on his hunting trip if I recall. I think I should visit the market, perhaps purchase a knife." Sa'id looks around at the others "Would anyone wish to accompany me?"

2016-09-15, 11:09 AM
"Da, am happy to join you friend Sa'id. Maybe I'll find something interesting as well. Let's see what kind of adventure we can find next!"

2016-09-17, 07:06 PM
Thaner looked down, grimacing at his wounds. He loosened his white-knuckled grip on his flail, returning it to his back before responding to Sa'id's offer. "You all go on ahead. I think it would be best if I were to have my wounds looked at." He smiles and waves, trodding off into the cathedral in search of a healing service.