View Full Version : Ritual caster and class ritual spells

2016-06-12, 07:12 PM
If I am using a class which has no ritual casting like Ranger and take a ritual caster feat taking Druid rituals, can I cast spells learned as Ranger with ritual tag as ritual, even if it is not in the the ritual book? For example I learn Animal friendship as one of Ranger spells which is in both Ranger and Druid list, but this spell was not initially in ritual book acquired by the feat. Or Alarm learned by Eldritch knight having ritual caster from Wizard.

2016-06-12, 07:20 PM
If I am using a class which has no ritual casting like Ranger and take a ritual caster feat taking Druid rituals, can I cast spells learned as Ranger with ritual tag as ritual, even if it is not in the the ritual book? For example I learn Animal friendship as one of Ranger spells which is in both Ranger and Druid list, but this spell was not initially in ritual book acquired by the feat. Or Alarm learned by Eldritch knight having ritual caster from Wizard.

Off the cuff, I don't think you would get it directly. However, you could write a spell scroll per the rules in the DMG and that would let you get it I think.

2016-06-12, 07:25 PM
"You have learned a number of spells that you can cast as rituals. These spells are written in a ritual book, which you must have in hand while casting one of them."

Nowhere in the description does it say you can cast spells other than the ones in the book as a ritual.

2016-06-12, 10:58 PM
If I am using a class which has no ritual casting like Ranger and take a ritual caster feat taking Druid rituals, can I cast spells learned as Ranger with ritual tag as ritual, even if it is not in the the ritual book? For example I learn Animal friendship as one of Ranger spells which is in both Ranger and Druid list, but this spell was not initially in ritual book acquired by the feat. Or Alarm learned by Eldritch knight having ritual caster from Wizard.

You would need to write the spells into the ritual book first is my RAW interpretation. My ruling as a DM though would be that you could cast class spells without adding them to the ritual book because it sounds like needless paper trailing. Non class spells would still need to be writen in.

Though i probably would just make rangers ritual casters by default.

2016-06-14, 10:56 AM
But to write it you need to acquire a scroll or it is enough you know the spell and spend that much money to write in your book?