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2016-06-13, 12:27 AM
Your light freighter comes in into landing Iziz the capital city of the planet. The white stone walls surround and protect the city from the ever encroaching jungle that was Onderon. You finally dock inside one of the many space ports, you have had a visa recently though you have a feeling it will need updating. Juxtar in his ever accented voice calls over the comms to you.
"We are landing clear to open the hatch and should expect a Port master to meet us outside the hanger Captain." Zenra was beside you as he pulled up a data pad. His ever helmeted face hiding any hint of expression, as the suit's audio took away any emotion from the voice.
"If we are lucky we will find a good paying job here this time right?"

You could hear H3-4RT behind you.
"Beep, bloop, weerreee. ( I could use a new hydrospancer as well)" You are in the common area of your ship as you are looking over the holographic display of the city.

2016-06-13, 01:50 AM
"Thank you Juxtar, excellent flying as always." Nodding, "I hope so Zenra, preferably legal but we are not leaving here without something to fill our hold." Glancing at H3, and smiling "We will see what we can find for you ok?" Getting up from the couch, I pat Zenra on the shoulder, "Care for a stroll hmm?" I head down to the access ramps flicking the ramp to open. Throwing on my trench coat and belting on my blaster I walk down the ramp ducking under the lip of the ship I look out for the one who is coming to meet us, the would be port master. Waving a hand, "Hello good morning, you may call me Dawn, I'm captain of the White Star, hows your day going?" I continue being polite.

2016-06-13, 07:20 AM
You don't actually see any one approaching your ship which is odd, however as you leave the hanger you see a man standing by a console. "Over here please!" After you gave your little spiel he never once looking at you.
"That is great, Visa?" He asked as a compartment on his console opened for you to insert your Onderon Visa.

2016-06-13, 07:41 PM
Nodding, she passes the visa over, "Anything news worthy happen recently?"

2016-06-13, 08:00 PM
unlike the first dock master you met when you were last on Onderon, this guy is not cheerful or willing to make small talk. After your Visa was inserted rather then answer your question he looks to you with an annoyed expression.
"Are you aware your Visa will expire in the next week? Of course not. Very well I will extend that for you for another 2 years."

He then looks back down to his console and enters a few commands, then your Visa is presented to you.
"Here you are try not to lose it, replacing them is rather tiresome." after that rude greeting you are then standing in the plazza of the space port. A few vendors are attempting to sell their wares to all coming and going space fairers
You see Beast Riders with caged animals waiting for their transports as well as a few exits that lead further into the city.

2016-06-13, 08:32 PM
Nodding, I walk deeper into the city, putting the visa in my credit pouch inside my jacket, thinking to myself, what a ****. I head deeper into the spaceport and lookin for my favorite tavern, thinkin it would be good to sit down, have a drink and learn some things. I do stop by for a news paper or information of whats going on in the galaxy.

2016-06-13, 09:08 PM
On your way through the true market district you see people gather around the news interface right outside your favorite cantina. The Holographic Reporter has below them the bulletin "BREAKING NEWS!" scrolling in galactic common. The Reports states, "We are just getting in that Telos has just suffered from a devastating Invasion. OVer 80% of the planet has been turned to ruin, and the planet's surface is starting to turn into a toxic gas. The Republic is denying that the attack was done by remnants of the Mandalorian armies. Rumors are abound as who is behind this terrible attack. We will keep you up to date on all the latest information." The message then repeats in Twi'lek.

Many of the Onderon citizens are now starting to whisper to one another. You remember during the war Onderon was one of the first planets hit by the Mandalorians, and one of the first to have them be driven off by the Jedi. Their fear is easy to sense, as Zenra was beside you.
"We should head to the cantina better atmosphere I would imagine, less Fear."

2016-06-13, 09:17 PM
Nodding, "I agree, guess we don't take any jobs heading to Telos do we? Wonder who it is." I say with a little sarcasm in my voice, "Lets see what we can find and get of this rock." I head into the tavern looking around as I go. I start to then head towards the bar to order drinks and talk.

2016-06-13, 09:25 PM
Zenra nods in agreement and follows you inside the cantina. It has a typical lay out as the entrance is a Pazaak den. Then just past it is the bar proper. You see a bith bartender and order yourself two shots of Wookie wreak. As you came in you notice two different individuals off on distance corners of the room. Two common contacts for the moving of goods. A Twi'lek from the Czerka corporation, they are generally very heartless but legal in the work they offer. Another was a droid representative for the local Hutt. Illegal work to be sure, but the Hutts always paid extremely well.

2016-06-13, 10:33 PM
Taking my drink, I nod towards the Twi'lek, "Gonna go see what they have to offer today be back in a few." I head over to the more legal side of things, sliding in to the chair, "Ello, I hear your the rep for Czerka corporation in these parts, what might you have to offer for a prospective light freighter?" I offer a hand if they want to shake.

2016-06-13, 10:42 PM
The Twi'lek looks down at you as if he was superior. He eventually takes your hand and shakes it. He spoke in Galactic Common just to stay on the safe side for your benefit.
"If you are wanting a job, why did you not go through our office proper? You know what never mind." The Twi'lek seemed to get an idea on his mind.

"Tell me what do you normally transport?"

2016-06-13, 10:59 PM
"Oh a mixture of things, you know, whatever I can fit on board that runs up to 5 tons, I do not do slaves, but other things are on the table."

2016-06-13, 11:01 PM
"DO we look like Kyshyykkyk here?" The Twi'lek said feeling insulted.
"No what we need is simple some food stuffs transported to out to Peragus IV the mining colony."

2016-06-13, 11:06 PM
Shaking my head, "Nope, but I just want to be clear, that would be fine what are we lookin at for payment?"

2016-06-13, 11:14 PM
"1000 Credits on taking the job, and another 1000 on finishing." The Twi'lek stated

2016-06-13, 11:16 PM
Nodding, (Force Persuasion) "That sounds ok, though I think you can do a little better, how about 1250 for now and 1250 on delivery. You know with the fighting inbetween here and there, could run into trouble."

2016-06-13, 11:18 PM
"Your right, just in case of battle expenses I should throw in another 500 credits total."

2016-06-13, 11:23 PM
Nodding, "That sounds fair," I give him my hand to shake on, "Have the cargo delivered to landing pad 3, The White Star, " going to stand up, "What time will the cargo be dropped off?"

2016-06-13, 11:25 PM
Nodding, "That sounds fair," I give him my hand to shake on, "Have the cargo delivered to landing pad 3, The White Star, " going to stand up, "What time will the cargo be dropped off?"

"We can have it in your hold by nightfall." The Twi'lek anounced as he relaxed back in his chair.
"You ever been to Peragus before?"

2016-06-13, 11:29 PM
Shaking my head, "No, but ive heard about it, dangerous place though. "

2016-06-13, 11:31 PM
"Well hmmm.." The Twi'lek tries to decide if he should even warn you of what you may face.

2016-06-13, 11:32 PM
Giving him a second as I stand there, "Something I should be aware of?"

2016-06-13, 11:37 PM
"No NO not all you should be fine." the Twi'lek said.

"thanks for business."

2016-06-13, 11:41 PM
(Force Persuasion) Are you sure your not leaving anything out? I would hate to run into something unexpected."

2016-06-13, 11:59 PM
Twi'lek seemed to struggle at first with this, but did cave.
"Fine, Peragus is dangerous thanks to the asteroid field around it all the rocks are covered in Peragian gas. The gas is high explosive the miners mine it with low energy and sonic tools. You will need to get the navi map for the field before proceeding since the asteroids are always moving. You also are not allowed to bring any explosive or high energy items onto the facility, like blasters and frag grenades."

2016-06-14, 12:03 AM
Nodding, "You know where I can get said map?"

2016-06-14, 12:05 AM
"Peragus if you talk to them will send you the map so you can dock with them. They afterall would rather not blow up too."

2016-06-14, 12:23 AM
Nodding, "Well thank you for the information," I turn around and head back to Zenra and sayin, "We got ourselves a cargo, should be a milk run to Peragus, just gotta dodge some rocks."

2016-06-14, 12:27 AM
"We should remain on our guard I sense something wrong." Zenra stated as he looked to and your approach.

"How much is the pay?"

2016-06-14, 12:31 AM
"1250 now and same on delivery, whatcha see?"

2016-06-14, 12:35 AM
"I don't know it is clouded by the darkside." Zenra said, as you believe he stares off into the distance.

2016-06-14, 12:48 AM
Nodding, "Everything is clouded in darkness these days," I turn around and take a drink, looking out over the crowd and just letting my senses go out and get an idea what Zenra is talking about.

2016-06-14, 12:51 AM
You feel towards Peragus, but you seem to stop at Telos, you feel closer, as the sensation was familiar, yet you could not quite place it. However you feel if you look any longer soon it will look back on you. This ominous yet familiar sensation of darkness.

2016-06-14, 01:05 AM
Pulling back and shaking my head, weird ... just weird. I glance around the bar, seeing if anything is interesting going on.

2016-06-14, 01:15 AM
Off in a side room Vera can see a cantina band as well as a few people dancing to the music. Also you see a private sitting room in another room that is off to the opposite side as well. you get the feeling either room would be able to entertain you.

2016-06-14, 01:22 AM
Tapping his shoulder, "Hey, lets go sit down, we got until nightfall before we gotta be back."

2016-06-14, 01:26 AM
Zenra looked to Vera and followed her to the private sitting room. Zenra even though you were not certain you felt his gaze on you constantly. Finally however at the long silence.
"Vera why did you fight in the War?"

2016-06-14, 02:02 AM
Watching the crowd move around, she glances back at Zenra, "I joined it because I believed in the fight, I felt I was doing the right thing and freeing worlds from under occupation. I followed Revan and my master though the war and fought along side them up until the end. That ... last battle," I shiver a little, "Never want to go through that again."

2016-06-14, 03:24 PM
Zen is just quiet once again, he was just staring at you. It was strange, you don't know, you never know if he is judging you or if he is thinking. You Trust Zen, but in the two years he has never brought up the War, why now?

2016-06-14, 04:36 PM
"Why did you join the war?" I ask, curious.

2016-06-14, 05:17 PM
Zenra remained quiet however he shifted his gaze to the door way.
"I see it was a step toward something..." Zenra was as crypt as always.

2016-06-14, 06:50 PM
"Step towards what exactly?"

2016-06-14, 06:51 PM
"That will be answer for another time." Zen said though you are not sure if it was his mask having a moment of release on pressure or if he chuckled, but you believe he was smiling at you.

2016-06-14, 07:13 PM
Smiling, "Of course," looking around, "So we got some time to kill, got anything you need to do?"

2016-06-14, 08:57 PM
Zenra stood up.
"Well Captain we still have those items we should pick up like H4-3RT's hydrospancer."

2016-06-14, 11:56 PM
Nodding, "True, lets go see what we can find for him." I get up and start heading out and heading to the market. I also need to make sure the ships food stores are stocked.

2016-06-15, 12:07 AM
As you head out of the Cantina and into the market place you see the news holo flair up again.
"Breaking News, we have confirmed the attackers of Telos. It was Jedi Master Revan with admiral Saul Karanth. They have turned against the Republic and have claimed many soldiers who fought with them. The Senate is holding an emergency session to deal with this growing crisis."

Zenra when he hears this looks to the sky. He seemed very secluded now as if he was deep in thought.

2016-06-15, 12:37 AM
My face drains of color at the mention of Revan, my gods ... he really did it .... he betrayed us all, thinking about it, there was quite a few jedi who followed him, a lot of soldiers ... what is he doing ... why ... it just ... why .... I tap Zenra on the shoulder, "We ... we should get what we need and get out of here, I don't like this .... I don't like this at all."

2016-06-15, 12:40 AM
"When did you join the fight? You weren't here or on Duxan were you?" Zenra said.

2016-06-15, 12:47 AM
"I was there at the start, when Revan first brought us in, I was just a padewan with my master for the entire war until i left the order at the end ... " I shake my head, "It ... is not something I like to think about really ..."

2016-06-15, 12:51 AM
Zenra just kept looking to the sky.
"Do you then remember the Basalisk droids raining down with their Mandalorian riders? I was here in this very spot that day." Zenra said as he finally looked to you. It did not make sense to you, though no jedi was reported to have been on Onderon during the initial assault. How could he have been here?

2016-06-15, 12:56 AM
Nodding, I don't worry much about where hes been, if he ever wanted to tell me he will, I say quietly, "I do .."

2016-06-15, 01:35 AM
This time you do hear Send a laugh.he then looks to you.
"You may have seen basalisk but not here. No not here. Here you would have died, I am glad you survived."

2016-06-15, 01:42 AM
Shaking her head, "No, it wasnt here. No .... it wasn't here." I drift off again, and shake my head, "Why were you here?"

2016-06-15, 02:21 AM
Zen just chuckled again.
"I.... I was... lets get that Hyrdospancer ok." Zenra said as he turned to the market place. You felt like you were touching on to the tip of his hidden past, almost there but not yet ready.

2016-06-15, 02:30 AM
Nodding and patting him on the shoulder, "Sounds like a plan." I think to myself, one day he will tell me.

2016-06-15, 04:14 AM
Zenra you feel nods as you both look to the market.
"A hyrdospancer is an easy enough tool, I guess we should also make sure we have enough protein and food bars for the trip before we go as well right captain?"

2016-06-15, 09:24 PM
Nodding, a little shaken, "Yes, lets and get back to the ship." I head towards the market area for droid parts, looking for the hydrospanner first.

2016-06-16, 04:01 AM
You spend the next couple hours perusing and then purchasing a proper hydrospanner for H4-3RT. Then you find enough food cubes and the like for your voyage toward Peragus. Finally you head back to the space port, as Juxtar was coming back. He had a very satisfied look on his face, you know that face to either mean he just conned some poor shmoe out of his money or he just got laid. H4-3RT was there waiting for you and thanked you a thousand times for the hydrospanner. The little robot always seemed happy that you even dare think of him.

Before to long after your arrival the cargo for your next trip had arrived. It felt good having a cargo bay full again.

2016-06-16, 06:07 AM
After the cargo is loading I let our pilot know we should get out of here, after we are up in orbit and in hyperspace I will sit down with the crew and tell them about the news, and say, "In no way are we going to go anywhere near him, I want this to be a milk run , not get ourselves killed ok?"

2016-06-16, 06:13 AM
Juxtar and Zen were in the common room as per your orders. Juxtar looked a little white then.
"You are serious captain?! Oih I can plot our course around it. It will take 3 or so more parsecs however."

2016-06-16, 06:14 AM
Nodding, "That would be fine, as I said, we do not want to meet whats at that world."

2016-06-16, 06:17 AM
"Understood Capin I will get right on it." Juxtar said as he got to his feet quickly.

2016-06-16, 06:27 AM
Nodding, "As for the rest of us, lets go over the ship just to make sure everythings operating properly, better safe then sorry." I get up and start inspecting the turrets.

2016-06-16, 03:58 PM
From what you are able to inspect from the turrets they are fine. You then work on basic maintenance along with Zenra, Juxtarafter he rerouted the course in the Navi computer also joined in. Before long you simply were not passengers as the ship traveled. Send a took the time to meditate in one of the sleep rooms, while Juxtar was play some pazaak by himself in the main room.

2016-06-16, 06:38 PM
After checking over the ship, making sure everything is ok, I head into my room to meditate on today, I may not be a a jedi anymore, but the meditation techniques still apply nicely.

2016-06-16, 08:48 PM
You travel through hyperspace for a few more days, till finally Juxtar announces over the coms that they are pulling out of Hyperspace for the Peragus fields.

2016-06-16, 09:53 PM
As the ship gets out of hyperspace , I am sitting in the cockpit relaxing as our pilot brings it out of hyperspace, "Contact the station and get an up todate map for this field."

2016-06-16, 10:15 PM
"They are already hailing us captin." Juxtar said.
"I will bring them up in the main room if you like?" Juxtar was always an interesting Cathor even by their standards you knew. He was quite the womanizer though he always shows you the upt most respect and dignity. He also was unafraid of trying to scam or swindle an individual if it meant getting a quick credit, his scoundrel ways are ones you know he used to help survive day to day life back on Taris. A place you hope to never have to visit again.

2016-06-17, 01:37 AM
"Na put it through up here, Juxtar, lets see what they want."

2016-06-17, 01:58 AM
"Aye cappin." Juxtar said as he flipped a switch and a hologram of a human appeared.
"Welcome to Peragus state your intent?"

2016-06-17, 02:26 AM
"This is the White Star, we are on a resupply run for you , bringing in 5 tons of food for you."

2016-06-17, 02:29 AM
"I am administer Holden, just who sent you on such a run?" the man asked.

2016-06-17, 02:38 AM
"It was given to me by Czerka corporation."

2016-06-17, 04:06 AM
"Let me guess a sly looking Twi'lek from Onderon? That smug bastard, alright we are sending you the navi charts for navigating the field, do not open fire, and for the love of the Force do not bring any weapons with you off the ship." The Administer said. As you approached Peragus you see something strange. Unlike most asteroid fields which circle a solar system, this one was circling a planet, a planet that looked like it was blown apart from then inside out. You could see its core glowing vividly from the cockpit. It was bringing back memories of Malchor.

2016-06-17, 09:14 PM
Nodding, "Yea thats him, you know the fellow? And will do, we have heard stories bout this place. White Star out." Sitting back in the chair, "Alright take us in." I head to the back trusting him.

2016-06-17, 09:27 PM
Juxtar did not need to do much piloting as the navi computer took over and handled the coasting into the Mining facilities. However you both were there and ready to move just in case something went wrong. It took all in all about a half an hour to finally dock with the mining facility. The Facility was built into one of the larger of the asteroids. You could easily see the place housing 20 to 50 workers let alone all the robots they had on hand. You land without much fuss as the White Star is as smooth a ride as the first day you got her.

2016-06-17, 09:43 PM
Feeling the ship touch down, I call up to the cockpit, "We ready to go?"

2016-06-18, 01:18 AM
"Yes cappin" Juxtar said.
"And if you don't mind I will stay on the ship."

2016-06-18, 01:34 AM
"Thats fine, we are just here to unload which hopefully wont take long." I make sure to take off anything that might cause a spark, that being my blaster, and open the door. Coming down I look for whoever is meeting us.

2016-06-18, 11:56 AM
You and Zenra start the jacks that allow you to move the crates of food out from your hold. You always did appreciate the design of the White Star as it was a straight shot form the Hold to the off ramp. You were greeted by the Admin as well as a couple of Mark II Miner droids. The difference you did not yet know between the droids were Mark I's are spider like in design, and Mark II model Humanoids.

"Thank you again White Star. We will offer a free refuel as well for your efforts."The Admin offered as the Miner Droids started to lift the crates that you bring out from the ship.

2016-06-18, 04:57 PM
Nodding, "Thank you that would be much appreciated." I let the droids do the work while talking with him, "Have you heard the news of whats going on in Telos?"

2016-06-18, 05:13 PM
The admin nods in a grim agreement.
"Horrible news that is. How could Revan do such a thing, he is a hero!" The admin however seems to shift back in to his more professional persona.

"Though thankfully we are a small operation, not to be noticed by most. not much worth in destroying an asteroid field full of farmable gas."

2016-06-18, 05:53 PM
"It is, I would never have expected this, and so soon after the war." Shaking my head, "Still, I hope this doesnt spill over to us small time operators."

2016-06-18, 06:09 PM
"Agreed." the admin said as the last of the cargo is unloaded.

2016-06-18, 06:14 PM
"Still good luck to you, and thank you for the fuel. He did mention a payment on your end here."

2016-06-18, 06:56 PM
"Of course he did." The admin rolled his eyes.
"Alright let me get to the office and we can transfer the credits." You follow him to the large observation deck and pull out your data pad. Soon you see republican credits transfer into your accounts.

"There you are, and mind the rocks as you leave."

2016-06-18, 07:07 PM
Nodding, "Thank you" I shake his hand and head back to my ship, calling up to the crew, "Hey time to go!"

2016-06-18, 07:14 PM
Juxtar you hear over the comm link.
"Thank goodness I can't wait to get off then dormant deathtrap."

Finally you are off the asteroid and floating in the black. Your crew is waiting for you in the main room.
Zenra was sitting looking at the holographic projections of Telos after the battle. Juxtar was avoiding it and looking at you. While H4-3RT was seeming to fix a panel in the cupboards of the kitchen.

"Where to next Cappin?" Juxtar asked.

2016-06-18, 09:14 PM
Getting under way , sitting down in the main room, "Alright, I think we best get out of this area, I don't want to get caught up in this stuff around Telos, what do we have that we can get to?"

2016-06-18, 09:23 PM
Zen changes the holo to a star map. It shows all the local clusters of Planets they could possibly visit.

"We have a number of choices, We could go to Dantootine if for some reason you wish to visit the jedi council that is there."

Juxtar looks confused.
"Why would the Cappin want to work with Jedi or see the jedi Council?"

Zen just ignores the Cathor as he continued.

"We also can visit Tatootine, a desert planet, could find work there. I would suggest Arrowhead versus Mos Eilsey. And we also have Manon. A water planet with the Selkath."

2016-06-18, 09:32 PM
I nod, "Would not like to get any entanglements with the jedi, so pass, lets head to Manon, never liked hot weather. Please , set a course. Also, I managed to get some extra for you all, I will be passing out a bonus for you guys ok? Also, H4 we got you a hydrospanner."

2016-06-19, 07:36 PM
"Beep beep boop" [thank you captain!] H4 said as he took the hydrospanner and installed it into himself. The rest looked confused.
"A bonus? You feeling okay Cappin?"

2016-06-19, 07:47 PM
"Your welcome, is normally what you say right? And yes I am, now we should get going alright? Remember , bypass Revan."

2016-06-19, 08:04 PM
"Right, thanks cappin."

2016-06-19, 08:06 PM
"right thanks Cappin." Juxtar said, as Zen just bowed, you can't help but notice a grimace in Zen's direction from Juxtar. before long Juxtar heads back toward the cockpit to pilot the course to the planet of Manaon. Zen did pull you aside though however.

"You should know captain, Manoon is not the most welcoming place, they have very strict rules. They are also independent from the Republic."

2016-06-19, 09:58 PM
"Yea i know, but I want to get out of this sector, who knows where Revan is going to go, I dont want to be there."

2016-06-19, 10:27 PM
"Don't worry about that." Zen said right before you both feel the jump to Hyperspace.

"We are already on our way out."

2016-06-20, 01:17 AM
Nodding, "Im sure we can find something for work there, don't worry about it ok?"

2016-06-20, 01:25 AM
Zen nods.
"I trust you captain. Just be careful is all I ask."

2016-06-20, 01:50 AM
Nodding, "Thats the plan, Try not to get involved with whatever is going around with Revan, and any place he is. Sounds like a plan to me."

2016-06-20, 03:52 AM
Zen just nods.

"Well then I shall go mediate for the rest of the day. Shall you join me captain?"

2016-06-20, 05:04 PM
Nodding, "I think I shall. Zen I think I shall."

2016-06-20, 05:41 PM
You and Zen walk back into one of the dormitories on the ship and begin to mediate. You however start to precieve into the future of the events before you. You see yourself on a planet covered in large trees. You then find yourself under an ocean surrounded by ancient relics. You even see yourself building a new lightsaber.

2016-06-20, 06:10 PM
I understand force visions but I shake my head, no I dont want to go back, I left the order for a reason, i left that life for a reason ....

2016-06-20, 08:23 PM
Zen looked to you as you struggled with your visions.
"One does not leave the force, without major damage to themselves and to the force around themselves. You are not that damaged Captain."

2016-06-21, 01:30 AM
Giving him a half hearted smile, "I know, I was meaning i more of left serving the will of the jedi order behind. Thats all."

2016-06-21, 01:33 AM
"Yes but why would you think you are about to serve the order once more?" Zen asked tilting his head.

2016-06-21, 01:35 AM
Shaking her head, "I had a vision of building a saber again, I just cant imagine doing that ever."

2016-06-21, 01:48 AM
"Why does building a lightsaber mean you are a part of the order? Do not Sith and Dark Jedi also build Lightsabers? Why did you leave your lightsaber on Malechor?"

2016-06-21, 02:09 AM
Shaking her head, "No, it doesn't , you are right." She pointedly ignores the question about why she left her blade in the first place, she tires of this conversation and gets up, saying to Zen, "Thanks for the company." and heads to her cabin.

2016-06-21, 02:14 AM
"You can't hide what you are, only one was truly broken from the events of Malachor, and you are not the Exile." Zen said as she left. When you enter your personal cabin, it felt empty, as you know that there was no one in this universe who could truly understand what you are feeling, and how you feel about the Council.

2016-06-21, 02:22 AM
Sitting on her bed with her head in her hands, why does he keep pushing for answers, he doesn't provide any. Her choices were her own, shes not a Jedi anymore, but a merchant and smuggler, not a warrior anymore. Too many have died by her hands, she has so much blood on them and it will never come off.

2016-06-21, 02:28 AM
You hold yourself till exhaustion and sleep take you. You keep yourself from tears, but they always were right there on the edge of spilling out. You then dream of Malachor, as well as three individuals standing beside you. One was your master, his teaching always were there to guide you or so you thought back then. Then there was Revan, his or her mask always a dark robe with a hood thrown over. lastly you see a person a silhouette, you had never truly met before, but it was they who ordered the detonation of Malachor during the last days of the war. You don't know what happened to them, but seeing Revan and your master, it was clear those two were now working together once again.

2016-06-21, 02:44 AM
Jerking awake in a cold sweat, and getting out of bed, my hands shaking from the dream, saying quietly to myself, "I wish these nightmares would go away ..." Getting up and going to the sink, advantages of being captain, i wash my face a bit and wipe the sweat off. I check the time and lay back down on my bed and stare up at the roof, thinking about the dream i just had.

2016-06-21, 02:47 AM
You were not in bed for long when you feel the jerk from leaving hyperspace. Then You hear Juxtar over the comms.
"Cappin! We have reached Manaon. You will like this view if you come to the cockpit."

2016-06-21, 02:48 AM
Hitting the com, "Sure, ill be right there." Throwing on some clothes I get out of bed and head to the cockpit.

2016-06-21, 10:54 PM
As you make your way to the cockpit you already see the bright yellow light of a sun shining through the windows of the bridge. When you finally step behind Juxtar as you peer out the window it was breath taking, as you see the crystal blue water of a planet wide ocean take your gaze. White Clouds drift in the air as you approach a metal city staying about the waves of the waters below. The City was large, but not as big as Onderon's capital of Iziz.
"Ain't that a wonderous sight Cappin? It almost makes me want to take you to one of the observation decks on that place and watch the sun set with you."

2016-06-21, 11:15 PM
"Indeed it is quite beautiful, see it was totally worth it coming here just for this sight." Putting a hand on his shoulder, "Good try but not gonna happen in the way your thinking."

2016-06-21, 11:29 PM
Juxtar just gave a sly smile up to you.
"Well can't blame me for trying. I suppose there may be some other fairly attractive human girl down there that I could always persuade into enjoying a sunset with a handsome Cathor like myself. Anyways we will be touching down in 10 minutes."

2016-06-21, 11:34 PM
Nodding, "Well if your trying to ask for some time off ship, go ahead, just keep a comlink on you, and alright Ill let everyone else know." I head out of the cockpit and wake the others.

2016-06-21, 11:48 PM
Zen was already in the common room as you left the cockpit.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked in that same monotone voice, why could he not just speak normally like everyone else?

2016-06-21, 11:56 PM
Nodding, "A little, you should go see the planet we are coming up to, its beautiful. Should be on the ground in bout 10 though."

2016-06-22, 12:01 AM
"I am sure I will get an eye full when we are on the ground. Thank you though." Zen said as H4 shuffles up to you.

"Beep beep Bloop."
"How long will we be here?" H4 asked you with his cute ball chasis rolling around his three legs so his sensor can view you.

2016-06-22, 12:03 AM
"Not sure HK, hopefully a day or so, gonna try to find a job and refuel while were here. Hopefully not much longer then that."

2016-06-22, 12:08 AM
"Bleep Boop"
"May I join you this time?" H4 asked with a sort of sad sounding tone.

2016-06-22, 12:13 AM
Smiling a little, "Sure H4 why not."

2016-06-22, 12:38 AM
"YAHHHH!!!" H4 pronounced in his innocent child like way.

"That will be nice for you H4, just mind others alright." Zen said to the little droid.

2016-06-22, 12:48 AM
Smiling, "You stay close to me though ok?"

2016-06-22, 12:57 AM
"Yes ma'am"

H4 then joins your side as you finally land on Ahto City of Manaan. YOu find that the place was clean and pristine like many other high technology worlds. You and your crew walk down the corridors of this place looking for ways you could split. Eventually Juxtar finds a Cantina that he hops into, while Zen stopped himself in the market district looking at different items that were for sell.

"Where we going?"

2016-06-22, 05:23 PM
"We are going to try to find some work," I look for something that looks like a organization for freight.

2016-06-22, 10:32 PM
"Beep BEEP!"
"What about the Kolto distributor?"

H4 asked as he swiveled his orb body around looking down the metal roads.

2016-06-23, 12:01 AM
"Good idea, problem is, where is it?"

2016-06-23, 12:07 AM
"Brooo, BOop!"
"I saw a sign back in the market district where Zen was."

2016-06-23, 01:16 AM
"HMmmm, well then, lets go take a look." I start heading back that way.

2016-06-23, 04:03 PM
You walk down the halls with H4, even coming across a few halls with windows across that crystal blue ocean waters. you eventually come to one of the small market districts. A few other spacefairs and fish like beings that you know as Selkath are wandering around.

H4 leads you to a small ramp that heads down closer to the water. You see a few Selkath on guard and they stop you,as they speak as if talking with a mouth full of water.
"How can we help you off worlder?"


2016-06-23, 04:36 PM
"Im a small freighter captain, just looking for some work and I heard that I can find it in here."

2016-06-23, 05:13 PM
The Selkath look to each other and nod.
"You are new here right off worlder? Well if you want to transport Kolto, you will need to get a Permit form the courts. We can tell you were to go if you need directions."

2016-06-23, 05:48 PM
Nodding, "Alright, that would be lovely, where do I go."

2016-06-23, 08:14 PM
They give you directions to the courts of the Selkath. H4 seems to take it to memory as you both wander the halls. As you wander the halls as you look to one side you see a growing storm coming toward the city. It is not something worries you, as you imagine this city handles more then its fair share of storms.
H4 however
"That does not look good..."

2016-06-24, 05:59 AM
"Whats the matter H4? This is an ocean world im sure they deal with this stuff all th etime."

2016-06-24, 04:32 PM
"Wrrooo wee wro."
"The cloud is very Ionized more then normal."

2016-06-24, 07:51 PM
Tilting my head, "Interesting ... ok lets get back to the ship." I call the others on the com, "Hey we have a storm coming , its ionized , get back to the ship."

2016-06-24, 11:37 PM
Juxtar was the first to come on the comms after you.
"Cappin Ionized storms won't hurt us organics, we should be fine. Maybe experience a blackout but we should be fine."

Meanwhile Zen then comes on a little later.
"Captain we are locked out of the hanger bay doors. No one can get to their ships!"

H4 just got closer to your leg.

"oh no."

2016-06-24, 11:50 PM
"See now thats a problem, why are they not letting you on board?" I keep moving as quick as I can towards the ship.

2016-06-24, 11:53 PM
"The Selkath are trying, captain. the storms is close enough now that it is already interfering with the more delicate electronics of computers. The whole system in the Hangar is in shutdown."

"Woooo.. wooooo."

"No please no."

H4 was sounding extremely worried now.

2016-06-25, 12:20 AM
I think, ok i need some place thats shielded, where is that .... I look around, I need to get H4 in a safe place. I head to the nearest cantina if i dont see anything else that is better.

2016-06-25, 12:34 AM
H4 looks to you curiously, as you duck into a Cantina right before the storm actually hits you. H4 of course at your heels. Surprisingly this cantina did have blast doors and was shielded from the ion storm. You also hear a familiar voice in the Pazzak den.

"HAHAHA. All yur credits are mine vor the takes yes." How could you have guessed Juxtar was not heading for the ship.

2016-06-25, 12:38 AM
"H4 you think you will be ok in here?" I start making my way to my pilot, shaking my head.

2016-06-25, 01:17 AM
"Yes Mommy thank you!"

H4 seemed to nuzzle your leg for a second like a cat or a puppy.

2016-06-25, 04:02 PM
I pat him on the head, "Alright, alright, hopefully this place should be ok, but we might want to consider powering down just in case."

2016-06-25, 07:13 PM

H4 then crawled onto your back as he shut down. He seemed to fold his legs as he formed a metal backpack for you as he shut himself down.

2016-06-26, 04:01 AM
First I try to see if the com is working, if so I let Zen know where we are. Then shouldering his extra weight I head up to the bar sayin, "Give me some ale," and after i have and have paid for I head over to see what my crewman is getting into.

2016-06-26, 10:26 AM
Juxtar was you guessed in a Pazzak game as he was going through some cards on the table with 1,2 3, on it all in +/-.

However as you were watching Juxtar you start to worry for Zen never actually responded to you over the comms.

2016-06-26, 07:48 PM
I chock Zens lack of communication to the storm and ... decide to leave H4 with Juxtar, approaching him, "Hey, can you watch H4 for a bit , im going to go see about getting Zen, do NOT bet him, or lose him, if you do .... " I leave the threat hang in the air, he knows im serious that he will have hell to pay if something does happen.

2016-06-26, 08:06 PM
"Alright cappin no problem." Juxtar said as he finished a game of Pazzak. He then helps take H4 off your back and put the droid on himself.

"He will be fine when you return, don't you worry."

2016-06-26, 10:15 PM
"Alright, hopefully back soon, " I head out and head towards the space port looking for my missing crewman.

2016-06-26, 11:55 PM
you run down the corridor, as the storm rages. Far more then normal Lightning strikes hit the city, as consistent thunder shook the complex. As you get past the first set of doors, all the lights go out. It was totally dark, as you continue to hear the thunder through the hall.

Then the emergency lights come on as you are able to continue. You reach half way through to the port when you see Selkath with gas masks storming the hall. They see you and aim blasters firing upon you.

2016-06-27, 01:47 AM
Ah ****, i think a moment before the blasters start firing, I dive towards cover and make a run as quick as i can there. Getting under cover gives me a few moments to think, who the hell are these guys and why are they shooting at me, what the hell .... i then peek around to see how many there are.

2016-06-27, 02:01 AM
As you peer they quickly take precise shoots towards your head forcing you to duck back into cover. There were at least 5 you could tell, and they were all skilled with blasters. You see where you leaped to for cover. You see a door that would allow you escape, where it leads however you are not certain. One thought nags at you though, "there is no coincidence, there is only the Force."

2016-06-27, 03:17 AM
Well ... 5 guys shooting at me ... or strange door with something behind it .... what could be worse? Well only one way to find out, I see if there's something to distract them by dropping it or so forth and then book it.

2016-06-27, 04:38 PM
You slip through to the room off to the side away from the shooters. As you stumble into the room you nearly trip over something that was on the floor. As you look back concentrating even with the low lights. You see it is Zen, laying still on the floor. He did not have any carbon scoring on him, or burns. He seemed to have just fallen over.

2016-06-27, 07:01 PM
I swear and try to find some door controls first, gotta close it to keep these people away, what the hell is going on here. Also look for lights while I can.

2016-06-27, 07:17 PM
You find the controls but with the power out from the storm the doors are not closing. Enough force applied however would close them for you.

2016-06-27, 07:23 PM
I summon up my abilities , and use it to close the door.

2016-06-27, 07:26 PM
(I was not expecting that)

You concentrate, and call upon the Force. It has been long since you used it, allied with it. It was distant to you, an echo of what it once was, but it never was truly gone. With a bit more will then you remember and with a bit of urgency as you see one of the shooters start to peer around your corner, you slam the door shut.

2016-06-27, 07:58 PM
With the door shut, I then take a look at Zen, wondering what the hell happened.

2016-06-27, 08:02 PM
You kneel down to Zen, but all of his cloaks and mask are in the way preventing you from being able to learn anything. You know you will have to remove them to figure out what is wrong.

2016-06-27, 08:04 PM
I start taking off his equipment, looking for what i wrong and why he is on the floor.

2016-06-27, 08:09 PM
You never have taken equipment off of Zen before, and never seen him with out it all on. it seems almost like you are invading his privacy as you do, however as you lover his hood, and remove his first cloak you find something strange. He was in a tight body envirosuit. If it had lost its power from the Ionized storm then you realize he was not breathing, he could not breath. You fumble with his mask as you try to remove it. it took a few moments that seemed like hours, as you remove his mask with a hiss.

You see a bit of smoke or steam escape from the mask as the most handsome face you had ever seen stares at you. his eyes were glowing suggesting he was not human, but he had a human face. He was tan and had a long scar covering and keeping his right eye closed. He was completely bald, but it suited him. Soon he gasps for air as his left eye looks up to you.


2016-06-27, 09:09 PM
"Hey, you were collapsed on the floor, I needed to see if there was something wrong , if you were injured, can you breath oxygen?"

2016-06-28, 01:24 AM
"Yah I can breath oxygen. My cybernetics can not be disrupted by ions. My Suit on the other hand. Well thanks. I was not able to breath with it on."

2016-06-28, 02:09 AM
"Ah good, so, now your kinda stuck here, want me to take off the rest of it?"

2016-06-28, 02:14 AM
Zen raises his hand.
"I got this captain. I thank you for your help in keeping me alive, but I can handle myself."

You realize that Zen is actually rather cold, in his appearance, it adds to his charm, but still it almost makes missing the mono tone of his envirosuit.

2016-06-28, 03:03 AM
"Alright, you got any light on you? Ive no idea where we are." I respect his privacy.

2016-06-28, 03:08 AM
You hear more hissing sounds as Zen detaches his suit form himself. Then clanks and clatters of metal on the floor as they drop from his body.

"No I don't my eyes are cybernetic, I can see in multiple spectrum's of light. Though if you feel out with the Force you won't need your eyes."

2016-06-28, 03:29 AM
"Though if there are lights everything will be fine." I say in response, "So your fancy eyes see any light devices?"

2016-06-28, 03:33 AM
"Yes but all the power is gone, The Ion storm seems to be draining the city of its power." Zen said as he turned to the door you came in through.

2016-06-28, 03:44 AM
"Well, at least I found you, so whats the reason for the suit then?" I walk around the room we are in looking at it, I do reach out with my senses just don't mention it to Zen.

2016-06-28, 03:46 AM
"I used the suit as a way to block myself from the world." As you sense out you feel a hole in the very fabric of the force coming directly from Zen.

2016-06-28, 03:50 AM
Shaking my head a little bit, wierd ... "Why is this?"

2016-06-28, 03:56 AM
"Do you not still feel out with the Force?" Zen said as he seemed to reach and feel for the door's edge.

2016-06-28, 03:58 AM
"Sometimes , but not always it depends if I need it , its a skill, like being good with a blaster or a good liar , you dont use it all the time."

2016-06-28, 04:01 AM
"That is where you are wrong." Zen said as he could not find the edge knowing the door was to perfectly closed to be open by natural means.

2016-06-28, 04:05 AM
"ANd why do you say that? That I'm wrong?"

2016-06-28, 04:17 AM
"The Force is not something at is a skill. It Penetrates all of us, Binds us, links us. Those who do not have the force are those who should be dead."

2016-06-28, 04:19 AM
"Ive heard that before ... hmmm where .... oh ya, jedi masters, and I have heard rumors of races that cant be sensed by the force. So no they are not dead, if they are true and exist."

2016-06-28, 04:23 AM
"then you have heard wrong, Captain. No race can live without the Force." Zen now was looking about the room for another exit.

2016-06-28, 04:27 AM
Shrugging, "Oh well, its a moot point isn't it?" I continue to reach out with the force, looking for another way out, searching with the force itself.

2016-06-28, 06:05 PM
You feel you could move the door, but at the same time as Zen mentions it you feel an Air vent that was large enough for you to crawl through.

"Hey Captain I found something!"

2016-06-28, 06:30 PM
"What did you find Zen? You know why these guys are firing at us anyway?"

2016-06-28, 06:32 PM
"It is an Air Vent, big enough that we can crawl through. As for why I don't know. Maybe if we find one and have the jump on him we can learn what is going on." Zen said as he removed the grate that was over the vent so you both could crawl through.

2016-06-28, 07:02 PM
Nodding, "Alright, ill go first lets see where we can get out of this ," I also try to call my pilot, "Hey Juxtar can you hear me?"

2016-06-28, 07:23 PM
As you attempt to call your pilot you start to hear voices from outside the room. sounds of them trying to now pry open the door.

"Hurry Captain. " Zen says as you rush into the vent and Zen follows trying to reattach the grate to help prevent you from being followed.

You both watch in silence as you hear the door open and foot steps enter the room.

"You said that some one was in here!" YOU hear a fishy Selkath say.

"I know they were." another Selkath responded.

"You got the rooms mixed up, get out of here and lets continue to the Council floors."

2016-06-28, 07:59 PM
Thinking to myself, "It seems like they are staging a coo , lets get the hell out of here .." I start crawling deeper into the vent, rather not be here incase they come back.

2016-06-28, 08:08 PM
Zen nods as he follows behind you. The vent was tight at times, but you managed to pull through. Every time however you think you found a good exit you see more gas masked Selkath running by. You know to you see a few dead bodies laying in the halls as well. It must have been a coo and who ever these Selkath are they were not minding the occasional victim.

2016-06-28, 08:13 PM
Cursing each time as we see them, we gotta find a way out of here, when there gets to be enough space for me to sit up I take it. "Zen ... give me a min ok? Im going to ... meditate a little." I relax myself, the old meditations that my master taught me come back and i search my feelings, searching out for a way out of this a place where we can get out of the vent and make our way to the rest of the crew, with a goal of getting to the ship and getting off planet.

2016-06-28, 10:44 PM
Zen waits for you to mediate, you stretch out with your feelings. You sense the cold walls around you, you feel the Selkath coo starts running down the halls. You feel those fighting back. You then find a path where you can safely get out of the vents, but you do not see your full path to your crew or your ship.

2016-06-29, 12:18 AM
Sighing , well first things first ... "Follow me," I say as i follow my senses towards the exit I sensed.

2016-06-29, 12:28 AM
Zen follows your lead as you head for the safe exit of the vents. You are not fully sure of where you are in the city, but following your sense of direction. You feel you have gone several 100 meters away from when you first entered the vent. You see the hall either heads North or South for now. Zen looks down both paths.

"Hmm I have a feeling we won't be leaving this place without playing a role in this Coo."

2016-06-29, 12:33 AM
"Probably not, but it would be nice to get out of here without dieing first, and with everyone." I reach out with my senses again, and look for a clear path towards the cantena.

2016-06-29, 12:44 AM
Without even needing the Force you feel you can head North would help you get back into the proper district that you are looking for, which the rest of your crew resides.

Zen nods in agreement as you see his glowing eyes.
"If we are careful we may be able to help end this cuo before more innocents die."

2016-06-29, 01:04 AM
"Its possible, but lets make sure ours is safe first .. lets go." I start jogging off in that direction, doing my best to listen and feel for anyone approaching.

2016-06-29, 01:27 AM
You hear Zen right behind you, as you peer outward. You run then make a left then a right, as you find your way back. Eventually you slow as you feel more life around you. Till you see that a group of Selkath are about to intercept you at the next turn.

2016-06-29, 01:31 AM
I duck around a corner hoping thye dont see us, and wait for them to get out of our path, hoping I dont have to send someone across the walkway.

2016-06-29, 01:47 AM
As you watch them pass you see they are Selkath of the city not those who are preforming the coo.

2016-06-29, 02:24 AM
Huh ... I step out of the shadows, "Hey, whats going on here? Your people are shooting at us." I ready myself to force push them if they turn their weapons on us and look to fire.

2016-06-29, 02:32 AM
They stop and do aim their rifles at you, however the speak first before actually bring a battle upon them.
"Who are you? We are under attack you should not be out in the open. These raiders are not taking prisoners." The leader of the Selkath said in their fishy watery language that you understand.

2016-06-29, 02:37 AM
"I know, we ran into a squad of them , they said something about going to the council level wherever that is ... just wanting to get my crew and my ship and get out of here."

2016-06-29, 02:45 AM
"Can you fight? We need help getting to the Council, our Tribunal. If they live this Coo fails!" The leader asked.

2016-06-29, 02:49 AM
I glance at Zen ... as if asking his opinion .... my heart and mind struggle for what seems like eons ... I know what the right thing is, but ... to fight again .. to kill again ... be in battle ... i just ... I close my eyes and nod, "I can, my friends choice is his own,"

2016-06-29, 02:54 AM
Zen nods back.
"I will fight as well. Do you have any weapons to spare? We can't fight very well without them."

The Selkath pulls two blasters from his belt and hands them to you both.

"Yes here take these. and Follow us!"

2016-06-29, 02:56 AM
I nod to Zen , " Just like old times eh?" I follow them to wherever we are going.

2016-06-29, 03:04 AM
"No nothing like before, here we can at least make a difference." Zen said as he followed the Selkath.

2016-06-29, 03:08 AM
"I hope so ... i .. dont want to fall back into that ..." I stay quiet from there and continue following them.

2016-06-29, 03:16 AM
You both follow in silence, as you descend into the lower parts of the city. However unlike places like say Taris, the closer you get to the water here the nicer the city becomes. Till eventually you see down the hall a few gas masked Selkath.

2016-06-29, 03:29 AM
I let the soldiers engage first , knowing this is their fight and they have to start it and deal with it, but I do make for cover and when the shooting starts I shoot back.

2016-06-29, 03:33 AM
Zen takes cover as do the soldiers with you, the when they seem ready bolts of energy start to fly. They manage to catch the gas masks off guard and deal with them quickly, but this was just the first skirmish of this long fight ahead of you.

2016-06-29, 04:58 AM
Getting through this quickly, in some ways the old rush of the fight is back, in some ways my hands itch to have a blade in them again, the thrill of the fight the thrill of beating someone worthy of killing. I shake my head and clear those thoughts, "Alright lets move on,"

2016-06-29, 08:44 PM
Zen placed an hand on your shoulder. As you look to him his eyes are understanding and agreeing fight that feeling.

As you move forward you come across more groups of masked, eventually even you and Zen have to aid in the fight to keep your new allies from falling. However as you pass by one of the masked he was still moving. Stretching out for help, one of the soldiers went up to him and pointed his gun at the wounded masked Selkath.

2016-06-29, 10:59 PM
"Hey woh woh woh, dont kill someone whos wounded, these are your people!" I grab his gun and lift it away.

2016-06-29, 11:01 PM
The Selkath snarls at you as you take away his gun.
"He is one of the ones whow as attacking us not moments ago. Now you say show him mercy!" The rest of the squad seem to start taking notice of this interaction as Zen stood beside you.

2016-06-29, 11:09 PM
"Yes of course, he is wounded and not able to fight anymore, he is done , we do not murder people nor prisoners of war."

2016-06-30, 12:05 AM
"He will just heal and then come back to kill more!" the Selkath said as he look down at the wounded fish man. He looked about to kick him while he was down, however the Captain came and bashed the butt of his rifle into his squad members head knocking him out cold.

"We don't resort to their methods we save the Tribunal, and then we can deal with all the survivors by the ways of the courts as is the way of the Selkath." The rest of the squad let out a watery roar, with the captain's announcement as they agree'd.

The Captain turns to you.
"Thank you."

2016-06-30, 12:18 AM
I nod, "Welcome ... i fought in war before ... i know what can happen." I then start heading in the direction we are going signalling that im done with that conversation.

2016-06-30, 12:21 AM
Zen does not say a word as he follows you. You reach a flight of stairs and follow them below. It grows cold as you can feel the darkside the more you go down. Before you leave the stairs you see more masked Selkath some trying to open a bulk head door while the rest are on guard. They seemed to prepare for you as a 4 moblie turrets were set up and opened fire on you as you showed yourselves.

2016-06-30, 02:10 AM
I duck for cover and fire a couple of times, being careful to not draw too much attention, I see how things progress for a moment and decide, gotta end this quickly, I call up my force powers, focusing on the gun turret on the right, and turning it to aim across the line and keep on firing it.

2016-06-30, 02:12 AM
It struggles for a moment as you start to sweat and struggle. You feel as if it will fail when you hear a creek and then three consecutive explosions.

2016-06-30, 02:15 AM
I release the force and lean back into the wall i was using for cover, gasping for breath, i pause for a moment and recover before i look around the corner to see the effect of what I did.

2016-06-30, 02:17 AM
A few Selkath were hit by flying shrapnel as you see them bleeding on the floor. The other turret now is lowered as it seems it can no longer function. A few Selkath remain not sure what just happened but are firing in your direction.

2016-06-30, 02:27 AM
I fire a couple of shots in their direction, but i spend most of my time staying in cover, theres others here and they can deal with the few remaining.

2016-06-30, 02:41 AM
Zen rolls his eyes as you stay mainly behind cover. He pulls out and with practiced and careful aim hits the remaining Selkath in the chest with a single bolt of energy form his rifle. They are sent flying back into the wall.

"You done hiding Captain?"

2016-06-30, 02:53 AM
"Hey, sometimes after you cause a lot of destruction you have to take a break." I get up after a few moments, and start heading towards the killing field.

2016-06-30, 08:23 AM
"I assume this is the Tribunal sir?" Zen had asked the Squad leader.

"Correct With their guidance we can take back the city."

However as you are about to head into the room beyond.

"CAPPIN!" You hear Juxtar over the comms

"Cappin I got a situation, it seems there is an attack on the city by this storm." You hear a few bolts fly by near to Juxtar.

"I can hold them off, but Cappin if you could get back here! I would appreciate it."

2016-06-30, 03:04 PM
"Juxtar, I tried to reach you before, yes theres attacks going on, stay under cover as long as you can, you still at the cantina? We are going to be moving towards you, just hold on ok?"

2016-06-30, 07:36 PM
There was another strike of lightning that you see.

"Capp...*static* We ar..... goin....... See......* The rain was not hitting harder then ever the storm was clearly getting worse now. Zen looked to the stairs.
"We need to find a way to end this storm it is not natural. I think we will need Juxtar to do it."

2016-06-30, 09:28 PM
"I'm going to go find my crewman, which way up to the docking port?"

2016-06-30, 09:50 PM
The Squad commander comes to you with a data chip.

"Here this is a map of the city including access you may need to get back to your ship. It is not much but I hope it helps, thank you for your help."

2016-07-01, 12:21 AM
I nod , "Thank you." Turning to Zen, "Ok lets go, and why do you think he can help end this?"

2016-07-01, 08:15 PM
"I suspect we will need to end this unnatural storm, which will take us to places we don't belong. Juxtar is skilled into getting in to such places."

2016-07-02, 01:59 AM
As I jog along the path, "Yea but why is it our responsibility? I left the whole galaxy saving cause a few years ago."

2016-07-02, 11:32 AM
"Because if we don't act it will take longer for us to leave, with us just cowering in a corner, while others die for our inaction. isn't that the very reason you joined the war in the first place?" Zen said as you neared the Cantina.

2016-07-02, 03:30 PM
"Yes, it is, but I also saw and felt millions of people die during that ... You have no idea what that felt like."

2016-07-02, 03:36 PM
Zen just glares at you, as he opens the doors to the cantina, and walks in. It was still dark in the cantina, with the emergency lights being the only thing there. may patrons were looking at you with blasters raised, but they did not fire. You afterall were not firing on them.

2016-07-02, 10:03 PM
"Hey, Jax are you here? "

2016-07-02, 11:59 PM
A woman looks up to your from behind a table.
"Jax left, he said he had to meet a beautiful woman with a gun. I assume that is you?"

A guy then says.

"Damn shame to he was our best shot."

2016-07-03, 12:15 AM
"Seriously? I told him we were coming .... im going to kill that idiot," I call on the com, "JAX WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?"

2016-07-03, 01:16 AM
All you get over the comm is static. The guy who had talked said.
"He is a pilot right? Check the space port ma'am."

2016-07-03, 05:58 AM
"Yea he is, and thanks, I would stay here until this is over, stay down, its a rebellion of their own people it seems. Good luck." I exit out of the door way , lookin both ways and headin towards the spaceport, cursing him the entire way.

2016-07-03, 12:26 PM
As you cursed Jux you almost missed the sounds of bolt fire coming from a corridor and the shouting of a certain Cathor.
"Oh you billies can't shoot for ****e!"