View Full Version : Minecraft Conflict Resolution

2016-06-13, 02:46 AM
Hey playground, I need the advice of more collected minds than mine (as mine has reached the conclusion that acting like a petulant child is appropriate).

I recently started playing in a realm with my brothers and a few friends. My elder brother and the realm owner live on the positive side of the X-axis; meanwhile, my younger brother, my girlfriend, and I made our bases on the negative side of the X-axis. Those of us living in "Neg X" are pretty casual, we don't deal much with the Nether and have little intention of going to The End. While we've been farming and mining in our simple homes those who live in "Pos X" have built a wall at 0 X (running perpendicular to the X-axis if that was unclear).

On the wall are signs which created a derogatory term for those of us living in Neg X (with some creativity, I'm sure you can figure out what a slur for people from Neg X might be). This term has also seen quite a bit of use in the chat and it's starting to get to me. They've also built an "immigration office" where we can "petition" for either a work or tourist visa to Pos X. A work visa costs 2 diamonds while a tourist visa costs 1 iron ingot.

That too was grating, but tolerable because there is half of a whole world out there. I recently built an enchanting table and got the Enchanter achievement. In response to which the realm owner sent "For the price of that table, you could have gotten a work visa and experienced the benefits of civilization."

I can't take it at this point. I play casually, I get treated like crap. I start trying to build something for myself to "be more serious" and I keep having to deal with the "attitude" of the realm owner and my brother. It's toxic and it ruins the fun for me. Add in the fact that they both routinely cross the wall that they built just to steal horses and whatever materials they want and I'm left feeling powerless and angry.

I'll say here, that there are some other issues at play including the overwhelming sense of inferiority I've had regarding my brother since I was old enough to even recognize the feeling. I'll also mention that my even raising the specter of this being an issue has been met with further derision. I know I could quit, then I'd just deal with their mockery when we play D&D every week and my brother at family functions (plus D&D).

My instinct is to blow up their entire base. This includes their farms, their houses, and their nether quartz temple. The end game, I believe, is that I would get banned from the realm and the subject could die with them resenting my choice of reaction. I recognize this is not the response of a mature adult, hence why I came looking for advice.

Short version: the realm owner and my brother are making me feel like trash with neither reason nor recourse. I'm struggling to lift my revenge plotting beyond the "watch the world burn and get mused banned" stage.

Any input would be appreciated.

2016-06-13, 03:03 AM
This might be the 4AM delirium talking, but I'd say burn all of their farms and leave a sign just on your side of the wall advertising food for sale at some ridiculous price.

If their behavior is bothering you that much the best thing to do is probably to walk away. But from your description they've gone to a lot of trouble setting up this scenario with the wall and immigration and so forth; fighting back within the context of that scenario might not go over as poorly as you think.

2016-06-13, 03:49 AM
Step 1: Relocate your base -10,000 blocks away so that any attempts to vandalise your stuff is a HUGE investment of time and effort to make the journey, rather than just chucking stuff over the wall. Also, you'll be 10,000 blocks away from whatever crude slogans they have painted on it, so y'know.... out of sight, out of mind.

Step 2: Invest in an Ender Chest - they're not that expensive, maybe just tricky to kill an Enderman if you don't know the easy method - and keep all of your valuables inside it. Keep the chest well hidden somewhere, or keep a number of them hidden about different places, and you now don't have to worry so much about theft. Bury everything else, like your building blocks, in an ordinary chest somewhere that you feel is secure; it's not as safe, but Minecraft worlds are too big to search thoroughly for a few stacks of stained clay.

Step 3: Mute the chat window and disappear into the wilderness forever, safe in the knowledge that you'll never have to deal with them again except for whatever Real Life jerk-assery they may choose to engage in, but that sounds like it happens anyway.

Or just join the GitP server. PvP and theft are by appointment only, and everyone is generally happy to help you with projects, not just hinder them, so you can have the fun you like without resentment. I have a Cave Spider farm you're welcome to play with, if you need XP/are insane enough to put trust into something that I built that is now permanantly full of aggressive, poisonous monsters. :smallsmile:

2016-06-13, 05:11 AM
Wellp, my response to this scenario would vary dependent on a number of factors; first off, what, exactly, is driving this douchery (and no, I'm not asking you to tell, just saying that how I responded if I were in the situation would be different, depending), secondly, what resources I had on hand, and lastly, what allies I had.

Removing yourself from the situation in-game by simply vanishing into the wilderness is definitely an option- depending on how you think they'd react, you could just leave a sign saying 'yeah, good luck stealing my stuff now, jerk.' and make it very obvious that you've upped stakes and gone for the deep negatives.

If this is something that can be resolved through in-game shenanigans, yeah, burning all their stuff is an option, but it lacks flair. If you have the time and the patience, take to the skies. Build yourself a nice hovering fortress of doom (easier to do than you might think, actually- not like stone is hard to come by in Minecraft) waaaaaaaaay above their farms- as in, out of draw-distance from ground level. Include in said fortress several sticky pistons tied to switches in the position of your choosing; when said switches are tripped, the sticky pistons retract, taking the stone blocks attached to the sticky bit with them, and lava pours out of various points on the bottom of your fortress.

And onto their stuff, naturally.

Have one lava-flow land near their stuff, but far enough away so as not to actually hurt anything. Turn that one on, then off a little while later, with the comment that 'this is a warning shot'. For style points, go into full-on supervillain rant mode that 'civilization has cast you out, but you shall have your revenge! You'll show them! SHOW THEM ALL!'. Then hold their junk hostage on threat of lava inundation.

Oh, and for bonus hoist-by-their-own-petard points, obtain your targetting data via a 1-iron tourist visa :smallamused:

If you wish to make your flying fortress somewhat more tamper-proof, include an inner shell and an outer shell, one block apart. Inside the inner shell, build whatever your heart desires; fill the space between the inner shell and the outer shell with lava. That way, if they decide they want to try and break your stuff, they'll kill themselves, and likely wreck quite a bit of their own stuff, without bothering your fortress to any great degree.

Oh, and if you need to get onto and off of your fortress with any regularity, make sure that the entry point to your path is well-hidden, and that the mountain leading up to that path is heavily trapped even if they do find the entrance.

2016-06-13, 06:14 AM
Find another server.

2016-06-13, 07:17 AM
This may be a silly question, but have you tried talking to your brother and asking why they're behaving like a (insert expletive of choice here.) He may not realize he and his group are being offensive. They may just think they're playing the game and being in-character or something.

Tell him he's being an ass, and if he insists on being an ass, move to a different server. Before you go, either burn down their farms and wall (especially the checkpoint) with lava, or, if you're feeling less sadistic, build a full-size Colossal Titan peering over the wall onto their side.

2016-06-13, 01:01 PM
This may be a silly question, but have you tried talking to your brother and asking why they're behaving like a (insert expletive of choice here.) He may not realize he and his group are being offensive. They may just think they're playing the game and being in-character or something.

Tell him he's being an ass, and if he insists on being an ass, move to a different server. Before you go, either burn down their farms and wall (especially the checkpoint) with lava, or, if you're feeling less sadistic, build a full-size Colossal Titan peering over the wall onto their side.

As often stated, talking is a free action! As this seems more a problem with people, deal with people first.Also talk to the others on your side of the wall, and see what they think about this.

My personal subversions would be building a slightly higher wall a few blocks away from the other wall, and fill the ground between with lava.
Though avoiding is a good idea, it may be annoying if it is just you alone.
One last idea is to create your own visa system and take over their wall. Or create unescapable traps. These are more passive, and still help.
Though if you do leave, don't burn down everything. That doesn't help anyone. You could scorch earth everything around them.

Lastly, if it is only those listed who play on the server, unilateral action may help. All move into an underground kingdom or something to confuse them.

This is mostly rambling, but you might want to decide where the problem itself lies, with your brother, the server, or something else. That may help you decide what to do.

2016-06-13, 01:05 PM
This may be a silly question, but have you tried talking to your brother and asking why they're behaving like a (insert expletive of choice here.) He may not realize he and his group are being offensive. They may just think they're playing the game and being in-character or something.

I'll also mention that my even raising the specter of this being an issue has been met with further derision.

Fire is the only solution. :smallwink:

2016-06-13, 01:49 PM
Very helpful responses, thanks. I'll address some of them in no particular order.

1: I had not realized ender chests were so useful. I'll have to start working on getting some blaze powder.

2: I relocated my cache of building supplies this morning, food stuffs are renewable so I'm not terribly concerned with that. I did trap my former mining supply chest (and texted my compatriots about having done so) so that the next person to try to open it is likely to get blown up.

3: I do have a lot of material right now, building a floating fortress would be right up my alley. I just need to gather more obsidian so I can make the lower level nigh impenetrable. Plus, I think the black base would make it look more sinister.

4: I've tried the talking bit with my elder brother, he is unmoved by my concerns (he's kinda a jerk sometimes).

5: Most of the people on my side are thinking of moving elsewhere. We'll see how that goes.

6: Just in case, I've started stockpiling TNT, red stone, and all the equipment necessary to dig under them and blow a large crater in their base from a distance before relocating a few biomes deeper into Neg X. This sentence may just be a psychological trick on my part. I know the realm owner and my brother use the forum, so if they happen upon this post and find it familiar, they might get the point and back off a bit.

2016-06-13, 01:55 PM
Yeah, this is first and foremost a social problem, and should be solved through social means. Talk to the offenders, tell them your concerns (if you can't in-game or in real life, simply linking your post here and asking them to read it is an option), and request that they stop. Counter-trolling will just lead to escalation.

If they refuse to stop this behavior even if you've openly and explicitly asked them to, and especially (yes, especially!) if they say they're "just joking" or somesuch, just walk away. And I don't mean in-game walking away, I mean just stop playing on that server. A large distance in-game will make their bullying more difficult, but you'll still hear their toxic chat, and that won't help make your game more fun.

And that last point is important. Remember that Minecraft is a game, and it's supposed to be fun. If something is making it not fun, get rid of it. This means leaving that server if this behavior continues. Really, you hear this a lot in the tabletop RPG subforums, but it applies here also: no game is better than a bad game, and no SMP Minecraft is better than bad SMP Minecraft.

You might also consider talking to your parents about your brother's behavior. Anything that's making you get an inferiority complex is something that needs to be handled.

2016-06-13, 02:31 PM
While personally it seems like there's some existing issues between you and your brother going on here. Because I would just take this as a fun challenge and build a BIGGER wall. Possibly with artillery behind it and filled with lava so them trying to take it down would mess them up more than you.

2016-06-13, 02:32 PM
You might also consider talking to your parents about your brother's behavior. Anything that's making you get an inferiority complex is something that needs to be handled.

I should probably mention we're all in our 20's.

2016-06-13, 02:51 PM
Or, if you're feeling less sadistic, build a full-size Colossal Titan peering over the wall onto their side.
I finally understand what the new netherwart blocks are for!

2016-06-17, 02:04 PM
1. Build a boat
2. Sail around the wall
3. Dance on the top of their house (or alternately...destroy the wall with a stone pickaxe.)
4. Sail away

2016-06-19, 11:15 PM
How much gunpowder do you have? Because this sounds like a perfect time to break out some old RFW strats, namely some of the cannons that Dewtroid used to use. You can see them here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQT_iht2rv0). Build a wall with several canons built in (perhaps a mix of spread and heart canons?) and issue an ultimatum that they cease and desist or you will blow their wall, and everything behind it, to kingdom come. Give them a chance to respond to your demand before firing, of course.

You can also see some more advanced canon designs here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVwlkTs-kKY). If you have gunpowder in bulk quantity, you can show him that smugness has its price.

2016-06-20, 12:16 AM
1. Build a portal into the nether.
2. Mine to the top of it, use a minecart to glitch through the top putting you on flat land.
3. Spend an hour or two running to increase your X value, just use a stack of pennies to hold the button for you.
4. Build another portal back, thanks to the nether's movement rate two hours is enough to run over 323,250 blocks.
5. Run some more with the goal of locating a village.
6. Watch some youtube videos on how to build mob farms.
7. Build dozens of tiny buildings.
8. Bury all your infinite gold/iron/food/etc behind blocks of obsidian, keep the best enchanted gear in your endor chest, place traps everywhere, like a powered piston with a redstone block under a tree 13 blocks down, break the wood and the piston can finally extend pushing the redstone block into a circle of TNT blowing anyone up trying to farm wood in the area. Buildings can be pit fall traps of doom, make hallways clock people in and fire arrows or dump lava on them, etc.
9. Once your ready broadcast over chat how those southerns are a bunch of uncivilized people pretending to be so cool. Tell them you're leaving the server and if they ever want to see what a real northern's life is like they can run up here and get your stuff. Don't give them an exact X/Y/Z location, just tell them they need to run north for eight hours. Take several screenshots and upload them to imgur the paste the links as proof of all the amazingly loot from the mob farms.
10. Laugh manically when your brother, after spending hours upon hours to become the new high class northern, dies realizing he forgot to to kick out a bed and sleep in it to reset his spawn point.
11. Continue laughing each time he dies on the server.
12. After he mines through all the obsidian blocks you set up reveal you threw all the loot in lava before logging out.

2016-06-20, 01:05 AM
I believe it is possible to make red matter in some versions of Minecraft. That will destroy the whole server given enough time.

2016-06-20, 03:02 AM
Well there are a lot of ways to go about it.

But frankly, if you let yourself be subjected to this, the problem is probably underneath.

Anyways, my two cents:
Disclaimer, I never played this game so I don't really know if this works.

1) steal something from them, then taunt them "come and get it back". Put it next to the wall, but in a minefield-maze thing.

2)Dig a tunnel and put explosives under his house.
Organize a "meeting", asking for something (remove the writings, pay you something).

Tell him there will be consequences if he doesn't agree.

If he doesn't, do what you say, remote-blow up his house (or have someone from your team do it) and tell him you warned him.

3) mention that you can relatively easily blow up the place and change server, leaving him alone in a pile of ash.

4) punch him. Like, in the face. For reals.

2016-06-21, 02:00 PM
1. Build a portal into the nether.
2. Mine to the top of it, use a minecart to glitch through the top putting you on flat land.
3. Spend an hour or two running to increase your X value, just use a stack of pennies to hold the button for you.
4. Build another portal back, thanks to the nether's movement rate two hours is enough to run over 323,250 blocks.
5. Run some more with the goal of locating a village.
6. Watch some youtube videos on how to build mob farms.
7. Build dozens of tiny buildings.
8. Bury all your infinite gold/iron/food/etc behind blocks of obsidian, keep the best enchanted gear in your endor chest, place traps everywhere, like a powered piston with a redstone block under a tree 13 blocks down, break the wood and the piston can finally extend pushing the redstone block into a circle of TNT blowing anyone up trying to farm wood in the area. Buildings can be pit fall traps of doom, make hallways clock people in and fire arrows or dump lava on them, etc.
9. Once your ready broadcast over chat how those southerns are a bunch of uncivilized people pretending to be so cool. Tell them you're leaving the server and if they ever want to see what a real northern's life is like they can run up here and get your stuff. Don't give them an exact X/Y/Z location, just tell them they need to run north for eight hours. Take several screenshots and upload them to imgur the paste the links as proof of all the amazingly loot from the mob farms.
10. Laugh manically when your brother, after spending hours upon hours to become the new high class northern, dies realizing he forgot to to kick out a bed and sleep in it to reset his spawn point.
11. Continue laughing each time he dies on the server.
12. After he mines through all the obsidian blocks you set up reveal you threw all the loot in lava before logging out.

This is brilliant. Might have to do this one for fun sometime.

2016-06-24, 08:48 AM
Option 1: quit and get a new server.

Option 2: get a bunch of TNT and go Papers, Please on their stupid wall.

Yuki Akuma
2016-06-24, 09:34 AM
Option 1: quit and get a new server.

This one. Do this one.

2016-06-24, 10:57 AM
That sounds...like an astoundingly realistic simulation. I'm not certain whether to be awed or horrified.

Not actually being a Minecraft player, I don't know what you can do to the realm that the realm owner cannot revert. Don't put more effort into revenge than the owner will need to put into repairing whatever damage you do. Beyond that, I see no reason to worry about not burning bridges; if your brother knows how offensive and wrong he's being he'll take it in stride, and if he doesn't then he needs to learn. In neither case does it sound like you want to keep playing with him (i.e., you should transfer to a realm where the owner is neither abusing you for fun nor using you as an unwilling volunteer for a social experiment).

2016-07-18, 12:38 PM
signs which created a derogatory term for those of us living in Neg X (with some creativity, I'm sure you can figure out what a slur for people from Neg X might be)
I realize these folks are kin, but have you considered blanket parties?

HMS Invincible
2016-07-20, 09:28 PM
Or just join the GitP server. PvP and theft are by appointment only, and everyone is generally happy to help you with projects, not just hinder them, so you can have the fun you like without resentment. I have a Cave Spider farm you're welcome to play with, if you need XP/are insane enough to put trust into something that I built that is now permanantly full of aggressive, poisonous monsters. :smallsmile:

GITP server for minecraft is still up? How many people are on the noncreative world?

2016-07-20, 11:35 PM
- lives matter? XD

2016-07-21, 03:35 AM
Rise up with furious retribution against the injustices they have wrought on you and your people. Make them pay the ultimate price for their intolerance. Blow. Things. Up.

2016-07-31, 07:06 PM
Go elsewhere and play with the people you like to play with. Look around and see where you all can go and then up and leave without a look back.

2016-08-01, 06:45 AM
Wellp, my response to this scenario would vary dependent on a number of factors; first off, what, exactly, is driving this douchery (and no, I'm not asking you to tell, just saying that how I responded if I were in the situation would be different, depending), secondly, what resources I had on hand, and lastly, what allies I had.

Removing yourself from the situation in-game by simply vanishing into the wilderness is definitely an option- depending on how you think they'd react, you could just leave a sign saying 'yeah, good luck stealing my stuff now, jerk.' and make it very obvious that you've upped stakes and gone for the deep negatives.

If this is something that can be resolved through in-game shenanigans, yeah, burning all their stuff is an option, but it lacks flair. If you have the time and the patience, take to the skies. Build yourself a nice hovering fortress of doom (easier to do than you might think, actually- not like stone is hard to come by in Minecraft) waaaaaaaaay above their farms- as in, out of draw-distance from ground level. Include in said fortress several sticky pistons tied to switches in the position of your choosing; when said switches are tripped, the sticky pistons retract, taking the stone blocks attached to the sticky bit with them, and lava pours out of various points on the bottom of your fortress.

And onto their stuff, naturally.

Have one lava-flow land near their stuff, but far enough away so as not to actually hurt anything. Turn that one on, then off a little while later, with the comment that 'this is a warning shot'. For style points, go into full-on supervillain rant mode that 'civilization has cast you out, but you shall have your revenge! You'll show them! SHOW THEM ALL!'. Then hold their junk hostage on threat of lava inundation.

Oh, and for bonus hoist-by-their-own-petard points, obtain your targetting data via a 1-iron tourist visa :smallamused:

If you wish to make your flying fortress somewhat more tamper-proof, include an inner shell and an outer shell, one block apart. Inside the inner shell, build whatever your heart desires; fill the space between the inner shell and the outer shell with lava. That way, if they decide they want to try and break your stuff, they'll kill themselves, and likely wreck quite a bit of their own stuff, without bothering your fortress to any great degree.

Oh, and if you need to get onto and off of your fortress with any regularity, make sure that the entry point to your path is well-hidden, and that the mountain leading up to that path is heavily trapped even if they do find the entrance.

This might be my favourite version of faux-revenge in this thread. :smallbiggrin:

But to add to the topic, tbh, just find a new server. That applies to almost all online games where you encounter similar behvaiour. (MMOs being mostly the exception).

2016-08-10, 03:03 AM
I'm curious as to what happened. Any update?

2016-08-18, 03:59 PM
Wellp, my response to this scenario would vary dependent on a number of factors; first off, what, exactly, is driving this douchery (and no, I'm not asking you to tell, just saying that how I responded if I were in the situation would be different, depending), secondly, what resources I had on hand, and lastly, what allies I had.

Removing yourself from the situation in-game by simply vanishing into the wilderness is definitely an option- depending on how you think they'd react, you could just leave a sign saying 'yeah, good luck stealing my stuff now, jerk.' and make it very obvious that you've upped stakes and gone for the deep negatives.

If this is something that can be resolved through in-game shenanigans, yeah, burning all their stuff is an option, but it lacks flair. If you have the time and the patience, take to the skies. Build yourself a nice hovering fortress of doom (easier to do than you might think, actually- not like stone is hard to come by in Minecraft) waaaaaaaaay above their farms- as in, out of draw-distance from ground level. Include in said fortress several sticky pistons tied to switches in the position of your choosing; when said switches are tripped, the sticky pistons retract, taking the stone blocks attached to the sticky bit with them, and lava pours out of various points on the bottom of your fortress.

And onto their stuff, naturally.

Have one lava-flow land near their stuff, but far enough away so as not to actually hurt anything. Turn that one on, then off a little while later, with the comment that 'this is a warning shot'. For style points, go into full-on supervillain rant mode that 'civilization has cast you out, but you shall have your revenge! You'll show them! SHOW THEM ALL!'. Then hold their junk hostage on threat of lava inundation.

Oh, and for bonus hoist-by-their-own-petard points, obtain your targetting data via a 1-iron tourist visa :smallamused:

If you wish to make your flying fortress somewhat more tamper-proof, include an inner shell and an outer shell, one block apart. Inside the inner shell, build whatever your heart desires; fill the space between the inner shell and the outer shell with lava. That way, if they decide they want to try and break your stuff, they'll kill themselves, and likely wreck quite a bit of their own stuff, without bothering your fortress to any great degree.

Oh, and if you need to get onto and off of your fortress with any regularity, make sure that the entry point to your path is well-hidden, and that the mountain leading up to that path is heavily trapped even if they do find the entrance.

Why have a mountain leading up to it at all? Build a Space Cannon that fires you into a receiving station. Store the space-gear (Diamond Armor with Blast resistance.) In an Ender chest so they can't muck with it and so it's easy to put back in the chest when done.