View Full Version : Scary organization tracking party's every move

2016-06-13, 02:48 AM
Hello GITP officianados,

Relatively new player.

Our party can't get away from a group of hobgoblins we made angry. DM being, erm, unfair about it, but anyway. They even snuck in our Inn room and left us an item so we know it's them.

How would we get away from their watchful eyes, preferably forever.
Can characters change identities to lose trackers and investigator types?

2016-06-13, 06:49 AM
Well, if the DM really wants them to stay on your track, they probably will. However, if the DM is intending to play fair but simply overdoing it a bit, you might be able to do something.

Alarm is a 1st-level spell that, well, works as an alarm that's pretty damn hard to avoid. You can cast it when you go to sleep, and then you'll immediately be notified if anyone comes near. No more nightly visits.

There aren't that many ready-made ways to stop non-magical tracking in the long term, though. You just need to fool them one way or another. If you want to change identities, there's no separate mechanic for it, but no reason you couldn't figure something out in-game. Something like disguising yourselves, if only for a few hours, and boarding a ship to a distant destination could work to shake them off, too.

2016-06-13, 10:49 AM
What are the party's composition and levels, available resources, terrain, etc. The more info the better.

Honest Tiefling
2016-06-13, 11:12 AM
Well, if the DM really wants them to stay on your track, they probably will. However, if the DM is intending to play fair but simply overdoing it a bit, you might be able to do something.

Yeah, this. If you feel it is unfair, do talk to the DM one on one. The DM might have some tricks up their sleeves, so do keep that in mind.

Now, for advice, find the fanciest, largest, shiniest bastion of Lawful Good you can. (Or just Good, if needed or you have a reason to think they'll be better). Ask for lodgings, even if you must give them money or do some work for them. If you have good diplomacy, tell them of your plight. If you have better bluff, tell them you swore you got rid of them, but please help! After the fact, of course. In many a campaign setting temples are usually protected magically from scrying and other magical means. Lawful Good also means paladins, so gods of that alignment aren't usually pushovers, either.

Wait for a Hobogoblin attack on the temple. If they don't attack, then it should provide safe cover for a little bit to figure out the means they are tracking you. If all else fails, ask if they have mages or clerics with spells you can buy to determine their methods.

You might have to run a few errands for these people, but if they have enough money to throw around to set up these spells, pay for a guard and maintain such a spiffy temple, then being in their good graces might not be such a bad thing. Or you might instigate a war, but war means war profiteering!

2016-06-13, 11:18 AM
Killing them solves many problems

2016-06-13, 11:57 AM
Use the item to scry on them. If they are spying on you, it is good to know how they do it.

2016-06-15, 05:43 PM
I have to agree with the others, finding out how they are tracking you is the first step. Do they have a Druid that is using mice or birds to watch you while in the city? I am only guessing but you are probably low level. Right? At low level you are more likely to be followed using a non magical method. If they are getting in to town to plant things they may have a contact with the thieves guild that has a way in and out of the city. If they are not working with the guild spreading word of compatition should prove interesting.

Now fleeing across the sea with your tail between your legs is an option... but you are heroic(ish) right? Set a trap! If someone comes to leave you presents capture them and figure out who is leading them. What is the name of the big bad you ticked off? Do they have any enemies (besides you)?

Find friends! City gaurds, holy orders, rival guilds, town malitia, nobels... they all have reasons to dislike goblins. Particularly when they sneak in to THEIR city.