View Full Version : Movies Moana

2016-06-13, 03:21 PM
There isn't really much out about this movie yet, but I've been looking forward to it ever since I heard of it (was it a couple of years ago now?)

I don't know very much about the cultures in the Pacific Islands, and have always been a little frustrated trying to learn anything about them because most of it has been lost to time. I never really thought about it much until I had to do a paper about the ancient art of my heritage and couldn't find anything at all. My grandfather is from the mountains in the Philippines, but he never really shared anything with us not the language, or culture, or anything else, and I wish he had.

So that's why I'm pretty interested in this movie, even if it is from a different part of Oceania than my own heritage, I just really want to see more about that whole huge area in general.

Berserk Mecha
2016-06-14, 11:42 AM
A trailer was released yesterday:


I'm surprised that the trailer focuses more on Dwayne Johnson's Maui character than on the titular Moana herself. It gave me a sort of 'meh' reaction. Then again, the trailers for Frozen and Tangled made their respective films look 'meh', so maybe this will be better than it looks.

2016-06-14, 12:49 PM
I'm surprised that the trailer focuses more on Dwayne Johnson's Maui character than on the titular Moana herself.

From a marketing perspective, it does make sense. Dwayne Johnson is world famous, while the woman playing Moana is a newcomer.

2016-06-14, 04:09 PM
The Zootopia trailer focused on the sloths.

Red Fel
2016-06-14, 08:54 PM
The Zootopia trailer focused on the sloths.

The sloths were and continue to be a joy for all ages.


If you can watch this gif without smiling, I can cross you off of my list of souls to take. You have none.

Also, why does every character Dwayne Johnson plays have to do the eyebrow thing, even animated? We get it, it's a thing, you even parodied it in that John Travolta movie, can we please move on now?

2016-06-14, 09:04 PM
From a marketing perspective, it does make sense. Dwayne Johnson is world famous, while the woman playing Moana is a newcomer.

I mean it's not like this movie is about his culture or anything. I'm sure that has nothing to do with it as well.

(seriously I'm psyched as hell for this)

The sloths were and continue to be a joy for all ages.


If you can watch this gif without smiling, I can cross you off of my list of souls to take. You have none.

Also, why does every character Dwayne Johnson plays have to do the eyebrow thing, even animated? We get it, it's a thing, you even parodied it in that John Travolta movie, can we please move on now?

Recently saw Zootopia. The focus on the sloths in the trailer is fantastic for MANY reasons.

If his actor wasn't infamous for doing the eyebrow raising thing you wouldn't think of anything of it. Eyebrow raising is just a thing people do. Are they aware it'll LOOK like a reference? Yeah probably. But is it actively in the script BECAUSE it's a thing he does and is known for? I'd say no.

2016-06-14, 09:05 PM
The Zootopia trailer taught me to never, ever, trust marketing departments. The movie shown in the trailer looked awful. I didn't pay attention until it was near the end of its run when I finally twigged that everyone was raving about that movie. Didn't make it out to the cinema in time, and wound up not seeing it. In the trailer, even the sloth scene seemed like it was running the joke into the ground.

As such, I'm definitely going to pay attention to when this one comes out. A movie set in a totally different setting with a mythology I know literally nothing about? Sign me up.

2016-06-14, 09:06 PM
I don't know very much about the cultures in the Pacific Islands, and have always been a little frustrated trying to learn anything about them because most of it has been lost to time. I never really thought about it much until I had to do a paper about the ancient art of my heritage and couldn't find anything at all. My grandfather is from the mountains in the Philippines, but he never really shared anything with us not the language, or culture, or anything else, and I wish he had.

My grandfather spend 2 or 3 years in Hawaii as an itinerant preacher around the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He reportedly loved the Hawaiian language and people as a result. I wish I could have gotten more time to spend hearing him talk about it, but he died of cancer 20 years ago.

As for the trailer, I saw somebody note that Maui resembles The Genie from Aladin. The Genie made that movie, so I have high hopes for Maui being the secondary character off which all the main characters foil.

2016-06-14, 09:08 PM
Between this and Pokemon Sun and Moon, looks like the Pacific Islands are about to get something of a flood of attention this year (they are even coming out the same month!). Looks like Hawaii is going to be extra crowded come Christmas... I can't imagine how locals will take it. A boon or a curse?

On Dwayne Johnson. I don't mind him doing his Dwayne Johnson thing so much as he is still really likable and entertaining. Maybe it's just me but stuff like that doesn't really distract much for me. Besides, this movie looks pretty amazing so even if that was a nit-pick I feel like the rest of it would make up for it.

2016-06-14, 09:09 PM
The Zootopia trailer taught me to never, ever, trust marketing departments. The movie shown in the trailer looked awful. I didn't pay attention until it was near the end of its run when I finally twigged that everyone was raving about that movie. Didn't make it out to the cinema in time, and wound up not seeing it. In the trailer, even the sloth scene seemed like it was running the joke into the ground.

As such, I'm definitely going to pay attention to when this one comes out. A movie set in a totally different setting with a mythology I know literally nothing about? Sign me up.

Most people I know loved the trailer, but to each their own.

My grandfather spend 2 or 3 years in Hawaii as an itinerant preacher around the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He reportedly loved the Hawaiian language and people as a result. I wish I could have gotten more time to spend hearing him talk about it, but he died of cancer 20 years ago.

As for the trailer, I saw somebody note that Maui resembles The Genie from Aladin. The Genie made that movie, so I have high hopes for Maui being the secondary character off which all the main characters foil.

That really seems like what he is. What is The Genie was also Hercules?

Berserk Mecha
2016-06-14, 10:11 PM
I must say that, yes, Zootopia's sloth trailer was amazing. It is a darn shame that they put out the funniest part of the film in the trailer, however. After seeing it so many times, the scene's impact in the film itself was lessened. The rest of the film was still good, though.

To elaborate on the Moana trailer, I'm reminded of the marketing for Tangled and Frozen. The Tangled trailers focused more on Flynn and the Frozen trailers focused more on Olaf and on Anna's romantic prospects. Neither looked all that appealing. But Tangled turned out to be pretty good and Frozen was great. I wonder if Disney is apprehensive about marketing films that they think are too, uh, girly? Feminine? Well, if Moana follows this trend then we have nothing to worry about.

2016-06-14, 10:26 PM
I must say that, yes, Zootopia's sloth trailer was amazing. It is a darn shame that they put out the funniest part of the film in the trailer, however. After seeing it so many times, the scene's impact in the film itself was lessened. The rest of the film was still good, though.

To elaborate on the Moana trailer, I'm reminded of the marketing for Tangled and Frozen. The Tangled trailers focused more on Flynn and the Frozen trailers focused more on Olaf and on Anna's romantic prospects. Neither looked all that appealing. But Tangled turned out to be pretty good and Frozen was great. I wonder if Disney is apprehensive about marketing films that they think are too, uh, girly? Feminine? Well, if Moana follows this trend then we have nothing to worry about.

I'd also argue that it's not the funniest part of the film, and in fact the slight oversaturation makes some jokes better, but that is for a different thread.

2016-06-14, 10:42 PM
I also didn't really like the sloth trailer personally... (never seen or was that interested in Tangled or Frozen though...)

As far as natives potentially getting more visitors than usual because of this movie? The vast majority of them(the actual natives) would not consider it to be a boon, most natives do not benefit from tourism, tourists are obnoxious and annoying by default, even more so when they treat you like an animal to gawk at.

The trailer itself I think is just trying to set things up, it's not super exciting and I'm fine with that. The prospect of getting to see a story from Oceania is what has me interested, what little I've seen of the explorer girl has me hopeful, and I hope it is successful enough to generate more interest in Oceania in the future.

2016-06-15, 12:09 PM
I mean it's not like this movie is about his culture or anything. I'm sure that has nothing to do with it as well.
Wait, are you suggesting that Auli'i Cravalho is not also Polynesian? Because...I'm pretty sure she is, as well.

2016-06-15, 01:29 PM
Wait, are you suggesting that Auli'i Cravalho is not also Polynesian? Because...I'm pretty sure she is, as well.

For what it's worth I didn't know that because I'm a dumb. It is also cool! But I mean like it's a really well known thing that The Rock is really big on teaching people about his cool ass culture, so him being involved in this movie is notable I think. Maybe I'm wrong though :smalltongue:

2016-06-15, 06:08 PM
Always nice to see a story in a somewhat new setting, especially displaying the mythology there. I'm interested enough to put it on my calendar and give it a look.

I'm surprised that the trailer focuses more on Dwayne Johnson's Maui character than on the titular Moana herself. It gave me a sort of 'meh' reaction. Then again, the trailers for Frozen and Tangled made their respective films look 'meh', so maybe this will be better than it looks.
I wonder if they are intentionally trying to reel in the young boys with this one, and might release another one more focused towards attracting girls?

2017-01-09, 06:48 AM
The movie was absolutely amazing!
A bit of an interesting thought..

Did Maui hypnotize Moana during the 'You're Welcome' sequence? It seems as if he had. Not only does she not notice he is passing her fruit but while he sings "'Cause i'm gunna need that boat" she's still fallowing him with a grin on her face. Does anybody else think the same? It seems there's more going on than just being caught up in the moment.

The Glyphstone
2017-01-09, 03:59 PM
Great Modthulhu: Please keep all Moana discussion contained to the primary thread, found here.
