View Full Version : Does anti-life shell hedge out dying creatures?

2016-06-14, 05:31 AM
The situation is this:

Our foe has an anti-life shell up. We caught him in a prismatic mist that forced him to flee down a corridor, but he's not out of it yet. Three of us used dimensional door to get past him and trap him in the mist, but he's downed two of those PCs, who are now dying.

My interpretation is that dying is not dead and therefore he'd need to collapse his shell to advance and escape our mist. DM seems to be leaning for the opposite interpretation.


2016-06-14, 05:41 AM
You are correct. As long as they are still alive they are living creatures.

2016-06-14, 06:00 AM
Dying aint dead. Long as you're dying, you're still alive. Thus, antilife shell still works on you. So he's gonna have to collapse his shell if he moves towards the dying people. Not sure how you could interpret it any other way.

2016-06-14, 08:54 AM
While you are correct by RAW, you might want to think this through a bit more carefully. It sounds like your GM is trying to let the guy escape without having to outright kill the two PCs lying in his path. So sticking to your guns could have unintended consequences here :smalltongue:

2016-06-14, 10:02 AM
By RAW, you are correct. However, keep in mind that the GM can overrule RAW as he/she sees fit, so even if you can prove your interpretation is right, there's no guarantee it'll actually happen that way.
Of course, a good GM will listen to his players and allow their input regarding rulings, but he still has the final word. And unless this becomes a regular thing, and you can't be sure that any of your abilities work the way you think they should, it's not a big deal.

2016-06-14, 11:46 AM
What exactly are dying creatures going to do to someone capable of producing an anti-life shell?* Or are you wondering if/when ragdoll physics would take place and shunt them to the edge of the barrier in a .gif worthy fashion? :smalltongue:

In any case, throw another one onto the "dying =/= dead" pile, and +1 the "maybe the Dm has a good reason for wanting to move near-dead party members away from the boss" thought.

*given this forum, I entirely expect someone to answer with plenty of options a dying character could take to incapacitate an enemy.

2016-06-14, 12:34 PM
Look who thinks they know so much

Your friends are mostly dead which means they're a little alive.

Hey you there what you got to live for To bluff

I suggest a card game. All gamers should know of the movie I type of.

2016-06-15, 07:21 AM
I agree with the consensus that the shell would collapse if the baddie pushes through. The spell description seems to support that in my opinion.

If two PCs are down, I don't think needing to keep that shell up matters much. The baddie could probably drop the third character without much effort. :smallredface:

Look who thinks they know so much

Your friends are mostly dead which means they're a little alive.

Hey you there what you got to live for To bluff

I suggest a card game. All gamers should know of the movie I type of.

The Princess Bride? :D

2016-06-15, 03:39 PM
Look who thinks they know so much

Your friends are mostly dead which means they're a little alive.

Hey you there what you got to live for To bluff

I suggest a card game. All gamers should know of the movie I type of.

Thanks for the affirmation guys.

Bad guy be like: