View Full Version : Proving Grounds [IC; Aristodemos]

Don nadie
2016-06-14, 08:55 AM
In the days after the turn of the century, your followers have controlled their revelry more than most - rather than drink and celebrate, many have turned to you, in solemn thought. They now stand gathered before you, waiting for your verdict. What steps shall the Brotherhood take?


For a while, Aristodemos observed the members of the Cowled Brotherhood in silence. They were at the Eastern Hall, where Aristodemos received guests or gave public lectures, but also the only spot of his tower where the entire Brotherhood could fit. The entire room was full of standing men and women of all races and backgrounds, all wearing the brown hooded cloacks and the silver pins of their association. Aristodemos's followers looked at him, some breathing slowly as if to make the moment last. Before them was the Archmage, the greatest wizard alive. Pale and noble, he looked at them as if measuring what knowledge to impart. By his side, pen ready and notebook open, Sir Myev stood ready to copy his words. The speech would be later distributed in pamphlets through the streets.

Members of the Cowled Brotherhood, colleages, friends, he finally began, today we acknowledge the turn of time. This is the third occasion I have seen one century give birth to another. The first time I was little more than a child, a student who could barely cast a Flare spell without burning his eyebrows. The second I was a young mage, burning with the desire of power and knowledge not for the sake of others, but for my own. Now, I am the man you know and respect.

The Archmage took a moment to survey them, letting the words sink. Each member of the Brotherhood had sworn an oath, and all had joined by their own will. Aristodemos invited anyone willing to help, but they all knew this was not a cooperative effort. They were to follow his orders, or else chaos and deadly magics would find a way to destroy the city and the life they loved. Aristodemos knew he was the only chance the Kingdom had of avoiding another Shadow War. His followers knew it too.

The last two times, the turn of the century brough grave dangers. The current revelry that you'll hear in the streets is no more that a distraction from the dark reality. Centuries are marked by the Heavens, and as the Heavens turn, oportunities for both good and evil present themselves again. Again the stars are in position. Again we must expect a Shadow War. Dark forces slither in the shadows of the kingdom, clasping to arcane knowledge and wishing more, but not contained by the wisdom of real mages. How many of your neighbours and colleagues do you know? How many harbor a secret, and pursue in the darkness the type of magics that may bring this city down?

He paused again, closing his eyes and shaking his head slowly, as if worn by the weight of his position. The members of the brotherhood were containing their breaths, the only sound was Myev's quill running through the paper.

It is our duty to protect Heartrock from arcane dangers, both within and without. We have heard of the monsters that are awakening, of the powers that slumber beyond the mountains. We have also heard of the cults and sects that are sprouting in our midsts. We must toil for the safety of the Kingdom, even if it is not willing to save itself. Thus, I give you three tasks.

Some of you will go north, beyond the mountains. You will attempt to succeed where our brothers failed and learn as much as you can of what powers are growing. You will remain out of danger, and report back whatever you may find. It is essential that you obtain as much information as possible. If you can join expeditions into the ruins, do so in exchange only of texts and artifacts... But never get in unnecesary danger.

A second group will continue with our most public task: engaging the city and the governing bodies, trying to make them see reason and collaborate. Do as you can to bring new resources and new brothers and sisters to our midsts. Pressure those in power to help, giving the Brotherhood further capacities that may make our work easier.

The third group will continue to monitor the city and the Kingdom for magical challenges within. Go to the taverns, and listen; go to the libraries, and see. We must learn as much as we can of sects and cults, of secrets in the Kingdom, of former Shadow Wars. Knowledge is our treasure. For knowledge is power, and we will need all the power we can get.

The situation is solemn, the Archmage takes a moment to look at his audience, raises his arms as if including all of them, embracing all of them like brothers.

As this century begin let us work together, for only together do we have a chance of survival.

As the Brotherhood applauded, the Archmage left the stand.


After the members of the Cowled Brotherhood begin to disperse, Aristodemos turns to whisper to his secretary. Sir Myev stands straight, attentive and with his notebook open.

I'd like you to make sure a group with Allis Maeverick leading gets to investigate the rumours of a pyromaniac monster near Stonesong, the Archmage says. Mr. Maeverick is one of the most advanced members of the Brotherhood, and Aristodemos expects him to be the acceptably competent. Tell them to be careful and avoid conflict, but to make sure of whether the rumours are true.

I am sure they will be cautious, my lord, says Myev inmediately, making a note. Aristodemos smiles. His secretary is both obedient and reliable. Clearly, quality of life improves vastly with the right service.

And then, clear my schedule for the next few days, the Archmage adds. You will get ready transportation and provissions for a week's time, and prepare for a trip.

Where are we going, my lord?

To the northwest. Our sources indicate some area warded with arcane magic. If there's a ward, we need to make sure of what it's keeping behind, and either reinforce the protection or appropriate whatever is within. We cannot, and will not, wait for others to open it before we do... nor for whatever lies within to leave as it pleases.

Gravely, the secretary nods. I'll get everything ready...


A short day on a ferry and a long day on horseback later, you make it to the area of the purported warded area. It doesn't take much wandering before you sense the magic - a weak aura of abjuration. The source becomes clear a moment later as you recognize a lesser variety of blasting ward, already discharged, etched into the mountain. With a closer look, you can see that it is in the center of a door, which fits almost seamlessly into the rock around it.


Aristodemos huffs at the idiocy of the peasant, failing to distinguish the enchanted runes for what they are. He is excited: such a ward means that the door was protected by some relatively powerful magician. Carefully, Aristodemos tries to open it with a spell. Right next to him is Sir Myev, holding his sword and his shield with a guarded look.


The door holds fast, and Sir Myev steps in. After figuring the door opens inwards, a couple minutes of bashing and the rock collapses, leaving a human-sized opening into some manner of passageway. Inside, you can clearly see three doorways, the first two on either side of the passage, fifty feet in, and the last at the very end, sixty feet in. Curiously, the ground leading up to the doors is covered in a increasingly thick layer of frost.


As they see what is within the door, Aristodemos decides that danger is close. Thus, the Archmage weaves a quick spell, one of force and power, meant to protect his body. Shimmers of pale magical energy create a carcass around the elf, protecting him as if it were the armor of a fighter. Once protected, Aristodemos orders Myev to enter, following closely. He examines the frost with some preocupation. It is not natural, and hence Aristodemos suspects this is merely a trickle-down effect of whatever is kept within the ruins. That means this place is powerful. Carefully, Aristodemos and his cohort enter to the left door... carefuly not to trigger any other trap or magical ward.

2016-06-14, 11:28 PM
Carefully opening the door, the pair are greeted with a gust of wind as the warmer outside air wooshes inwards. Inside, it seems that a huge sheet of ice separates you from the rest of the space, cutting diagonally across the square room. You recognize its source as a powerful spell, aptly named Wall of Ice, and as the bitter cold seeps in, you realize the room is likely enchanted with Darrson's Chilling Chamber, a weaker spell, yet likely to begin damaging your tissues within the minute. The ground is covered in thick frost, such that even after your boots crunch through, a layer of white packed snow remains, and as you take a closer look, it seems grow even thicker beyond the ice-wall. A small, blue figure, indistinct due to distortion through the ice, can be seen moving in the room beyond, wobbling in place.

Know (Arcana): [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Darrson's Chilling Chamber is a 2nd level 3.5 spell - It chills a room over time to become Extreme cold (as weather), dealing 1d6 lethal+1d4 nonlethal each minute (Fort save negates nonlethal), as well as acting as Chill Metal if you remain within for 1 hour.

Don nadie
2016-06-15, 12:02 AM
With some care, Aristodemos steps back and orders Myev to do the same. Then, the Archmage raises a finger. The air sizzles with magic. Next to the wall appears first a tiny flame like a candle's which quickly grows into a sphere of pale flames. The ball seems strange, as if it were not fire but something of a more... supernatural nature. The Archmage makes it hold against the wall, making the ice sizzle and quickly melt from a safe distance.

Please kill me for buying all spells EXCEPT anything to protect myself against elements... =_= That was the stupidest oversight ever...

So... Because I don't really want to start throwing fireballs without knowing what the shadow is, I just use Flaming Sphere and melt down the wall... Myev remains in front of Aristodemos in case something happens.

2016-06-16, 06:24 AM
I assume by "step back" you mean "step out of the room that will be causing elemental damage soon".

Your flaming sphere quickly melts a five-foot section of the wall of ice, though a visible aura of icy, blue-tinged air remains. Behind the wall, you see what looks like... a child? A very young one, perhaps four or five judging by size. However, more curiously, his skin is a light azure, his hair pure white, and in his hand, a crystal of ice levitates perhaps three inches above his palm. As your orb melts the wall, he turns towards you, dark, empty eyes boring into yours, and then, he begins to cry. Frozen teardrops fall to the ground, shattering and scattering across the floor, and the temperature seems to drop several degrees.

Don nadie
2016-06-16, 07:00 AM
Aristodemos frowns. He's never liked children. He was not good at being one, and he was more than happy to leave those ackward years behind. But this creature cannot be a simple humanoid child: even if its shape appears so, it must be some form of echo, a way the elemental energy has chosen to present itself because it suits either its purpose or its personality. The Archmage tries to think of whether he knows similar creatures and how to handle them. He also attempts to calm it down.

Shush, creature!, the Archmage yells in a irritated voice. He is using Auran, in the hopes that a spirit of ice has at least vague notions of it. Myev cannot understand it, but he captures what his master is implying on the tone of his voice, and frowns. The secretary moves a bit closer to the kid, then looks at the Archmage. Aristodemos shrugs.

Taking that for permission, Myev advances, without entering into the room still but with his sword and shield in a relatively relaxed position. We do not want to harm you, he says. We just want to talk.

To talk and to know who or what you are, and how did you get here, adds Aristodemos.

Rolling Knowledge: The Planes for similar creatures [roll0]

Also, let it be known that if the creature tries to cast a spell, Aristodemos will try to counter it... :P God bless the inmediate action counters of the Arcanist

2016-06-16, 08:25 AM
You're pretty sure its not extraplanar. In fact, if anything, it seems to be a construct...

The child stops crying, as if startled, then flees out of clear sight. Judging by it disappearance, there must be a door beyond the wall on the other side.

Don nadie
2016-06-16, 09:49 AM
Aristodemos frowns and curses under his breath. Still, following the creature into its den seems unadvisable.

Let's examine the other two doors, he says slowly, eyeing the room where the construct dissapears.

Sir Myev, who seems ready to follow the child, hesitates. Are you certain, sir?

I am, the Archmage replies brusquely. This creature may be leading us into a certain trap, and we do not have any means of enduring this unnatural cold. An irritating oversight. Let us first know where we are and see if we are going to be attacked in the rear by whatever creature comes next.

Rule of the dungeon n1: never follow a thing into its den. Yes, it may bring more monsters, but that's better than ending in its traps!

So, we open the other two doors and see if the other rooms have similar ice walls. In case they do, Aristodemos will try to open them too with the burning sphere, which should still be arround...

2016-06-17, 03:02 AM
Opening the center door, it seems there are no ice walls in the next room, though the icy aura persists. The most notable feature is nine circular holes in the ground, filled with ice, with eight smaller holes arranged in an octagon around a larger circle in the center. You can also see into the rooms adjacent, and like the room you are looking into now, there are no apparent walls of ice. You can just make out some sort of pattern in the ground of the room to the left, but it's indistinct from this distance and angle.

Checking the right door, it appears to mirror the left - A single ice wall, running diagonally across a square room. This time, you see patches of grey and red beyond the ice.


Don nadie
2016-06-17, 03:41 AM
Aristodemos frowns slightly, and moves the sphere to melt the second ice wall, curious to see whether the colours belong to more of these strange constructs. This time, however, he has different plans. As the sphere melts away, he addresses Myev.

Be ready. If beyond the wall we see another of these things, I want you to charge and grapple it.

But master, they're just children!

Aristodemos's lip twitches in a strange smile. Yes, I am certain they were built expecting to generate precisely that reaction. They are not children. They were crafted by a hand we do not know. We must obtain more information... And find a way of enduring this cold. Otherwise, we won't be able to explore further. The wall is melting fast, so Aristodemos stares at it ready. Be prepared, he advices his cohort.

2016-06-17, 08:13 PM
You melt the ice, and just behind... are several bushes. Their leaves and branches blend relatively well into the blue-grey of the stone and frost beyond, but the berries are bright red, and devoid of any frost, starkly contrasting with the rest of the room.

Don nadie
2016-06-17, 08:21 PM
With a weave of his hand, Aristodemos finally dispells the flaming sphere. He examines the room for a moment from the doorstep, carefully measuring their next move. Finally, he speaks.

Myev. Eat one of the berries. The Archmage says. If his suspicion is right, this may be useful...

The secretary enters the room, almost instantly beginning to shiver from the cold. He takes one of the berries and seems to hesitate for a minute... But does as he is told.

2016-06-18, 04:17 AM
Sir Myev pops a berry into his mouth, then winces. "Ith frothen tholid!" It appears the berry has frozen to his tongue. He looks at you expectantly.

Don nadie
2016-06-18, 04:30 AM
Well, I presume that was a risk... says Aristodemos in a slightly irritated tone. Keep calm, I will solve this shortly.

Sighing, the Archmage enters the room, wrapping himself in his cloak without high hopes that it will protect him. As he walks, he begins casting a small cantrip, weaving a spell to detect other forms of magic. He examines the room, and grabs a fistful of the berries, eyeing them carefully and trying to ponder their effect with help of the spell. Then, he tries casting a small fire spell onto the bushes, to see its effect. He is expecting the cold will bite into him during the process, but there isn't much they can do until they find a way of protecting themselves.

LOL That's what I call playing with people's expectations... :P I was hoping for cold-protecting berries! :P

Anyhow, rolling here a "Knowledge" roll, so you can then apply whatever bonus skill you deem most fitting: Arcana (18) or Nature (11).

Knowledge: [roll0]
And of course the perception roll in case I notice anything weird.
Perception: [roll1]

Other than that, Aristodemos checks the berries and tests the effects of a detect magic on them, plus of casting a flare spell on the bushes. I am dreading the beginning of d6s rolling... Protection from elements, why didn't I buy thee?

2016-06-18, 09:33 AM

Upon scanning the bushes for magic, you find that there is in fact a small patch of transmuation magic on the ground. Taking a closer look, you can identify a single berry on the ground as modified by the spell Goodberry. Curiously, only three berries are on the ground in that one part of the bush, and Goodberry transmutes berries in batches of two to eight... Investigating closer on your suspicions, it seems the berries have rolled slightly, making a barely visible additional indent in the snow, but at slightly different angles. You predict there was likely something without a footstep - or some other manner of leaving no trace in the frost - that dropped the berry, as well as a couple mundane ones on their way from this room to the one ahead.

Meanwhile, Sir Myev is beginning to grow uncomfortable from the cold, visibly shaking. It looks like he's trying to warm his tongue by closing his mouth, and having some success, but the bitter cold of the room continues to increase his discomfort.

Don nadie
2016-06-18, 07:09 PM
Aristodemos grabs the Goodberries. Then, looking at Myev, he sighs. We're going into the next room, then out again until you're recovered. Think you can handle the cold for a bit longer?

The Archmage is still thinking of ways to stop this cold in the rooms, and wondering if whatever magic created it could be dispelled too.

So... moving into the next room. Would a Dispel Magic allow me to stop the cold room spell? Because after we see what there's in the room next to this one, I think I may try to explore that possibility in the central room or something. Otherwise I'll have to go back to the city to find a damm protection from elements scroll!

2016-06-18, 07:48 PM
Dispel works if your caster level is higher than the target's if Permanency is around. Otherwise it's a normal dispel. Recall that this is a primarily E6 world as far as you know, but Wall of Ice is normally a 4th level spell. I'm going to assume you try it, because it'd be Myev's got about five rounds left before taking his first round of damage (I figure 1 to walk in 1 to communicate, 3 for Detect to kick in).

...Also, I should have mentioned residual chill, which would damage...

I guess the spell says the residual is after breaching the wall, after describing physical breaks. We can say melting it heats things up.

Walking in, you can see that this is the room to the right of the center room you saw before. You can see across now, and notice that each side room is identical, with sort of terraced steps down into a low bottom floor. Each step down is lined with holes, similar to the ones in the center room, but shallower, smaller, and empty.


Don nadie
2016-06-18, 07:56 PM
The Archmage frowns, the cold sipping from his feet to the rest of his body. Like a small, puncturing wound. This is entirely irritating. He lifts one hand over his head and beings to speak. As he does light seems to form on the tip of his fingers, like a net or a spiderweb was being caught in it. It is the spell covering this room, he is grabbing its strings and finally, suddenly, as the spell goes into a crescendo, Aristodemos pulls and tries to bring down the weave of arcane magic.

After the result, he looks at Myev.

Let's first check the room next to this. And don't worry, we'll heal you in a minute. He speaks fast and somewhat angry, but it is obvious it causes him no pleasure to see his loyal secretary in pain.

Aaalright, here goes the Caster Level roll!


2016-06-20, 04:25 AM
Your attempt at dispelling the room fizzles disappointingly. Analyzing the result, you decide that it is likely at least partially due to a higher latent magical energy level in the permanent spell, overriding your lower levels of energy when attempting to disrupt the area. However, one piece of good news comes to mind - if the caster truly was that powerful, the spell would last long enough to make permanent modifications less necessary.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

Don nadie
2016-06-20, 04:49 AM
Aristodemos shakes his head, somewhat dissapointed at the result of his dispelling. He is mostly irritated at his own results, and growing increasingly annoyed at this entire place. It seems as if there were no options but to either return to the city or freeze to death.

Let's see who dealt with this bush... he whispers to himself, making a gesture for Myev to follow him.

Together, they enter the room which comunicates with this one, where the mysterious creator of good berries must have entered. Aristodemos is dreading the bitting cold, and expecting the pain will being in a minute. He is hoping, however, that the next room is slightly warmer... Or else they'll have to leave soon.

Perception: [roll0]

2016-06-20, 11:56 AM
No footsteps or other indications are particularly forthcoming, until you notice that the patterns of light on the icy walls seem to be off. Examining the walls, you realize that the structure has been symmetrical so far, but could easily be symmetrical in four or eight ways, not just one. Quickly, the idea that there might be something beyond the wall grows more plausible, but as you go to check...

Out of the blue, the circular patterns on the ground burst to life as the ice within them flies upwards. Suddenly, you are faced with sixteen stubby, translucent arms of ice, and those closest to you begin emitting bursts of cold air, chilling you to the bone even faster than the room was naturally. Meanwhile, the one in the center begins to move as well, but its greater size now seems much more concerning...

You take 9 damage, Sir Myev takes 10, both of you are Staggered.

Init: You're up, then them, then Myev.

In terms of positioning, I'll just say the most relevant things... they're arranged in a 20 foot radius circle. Two stepped slightly out of said circle, one hitting you, one hittting Myev. The others stayed put, two of which hit both you and Myev.





Don nadie
2016-06-20, 07:10 PM
Mother of batman! Well, this is awful... And staggered, yay!

One matter first (which may or may not have happened): if the arms attacked on a Surprise round (I presume they did because some of them moved to me and then attacked)... I may also get an option to do something and roll iniciative (because I'm Forewarned) in the same round of their attack.

I hope you don't mind my asking: I just fear some things may slip because, well, you're DMing 5 games at once and don't have all of our sheets in your eidetic memmory XD Needless to say, if you'd rather not apply the Forewarned this fight because you've already ruled a chunkl of the combat I'm ok with it too... Just felt I best make sure.

A question I'd like to ask: how do you rule summoned monsters? I am thinking of summoning a few of them (maybe my 1d3+1 cheetah), but I'd like to know if they get to act on the same turn I summoned them. Usually, if you cast it as a standard action (which the occultist does) that's the case, but I dunno if that also applies when you cast it while staggered.

Also, about immediate actions... My characters have several of those: from Windy Escape to the many, many counters of the Warder. Mind if every turn I give you two IFs of when those actions would be used and then you apply it? And then if those actions don't happen (but something similar does) they just don't apply, and if something not-so-threatening happens, they still go through. I just propose this so that it's easier for you to count what happens on the turn of the enemy and I don't have to be like "noooop, I interrupt this with this and now you have to recalculate everything again"

Also, regarding buffs... Shall I just have a list of things that affect my characters in every post during combat? Right now it's just Mage's armor and the aura of Warden (thanks to which Aristodemos's AC is up to 18), but it may get more complicated soon!

HP: 34
AC: 18
Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 12
Effects: Staggered, Mage's Armor, Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves)

HP: ?? [not sure how much damage the being in the room + eating berries did]
AC: 20
Fort 5, Ref 2, Will 5
Effects: Staggered, Guardianship (+2 to damage and hit rolls), Iron Tortoise Stance
Reach area: +5'

Once I have your answer on the surprise round, I'll act. It's probably going to be to fireball the hell out of everything regardless but...

2016-06-20, 10:54 PM
...shoot, my bad. Yes, you should have been given an action in the surprise round before them. Ah well :smallsigh:

Summoning while staggered still allows action immediately after summoning, since the whole "cast for a full turn and then it happens at the start of the next" thing is exclusive to full-round actions.

Myev's taken no damage from the berry, or the room, yet. He's about to, though.

Don nadie
2016-06-21, 12:11 AM
Aristodemos is taken by surprise, something unusual and remarkable in itself. Usually, he is so heavily attuned to the currents of dreams, portents and omens, that it is rare when he does not notice a small alteration that prevents him from making a mistake. His failure at dispelling the effect must have distracted him. Still, the Archmage recovers himself with a remarkable resilience.

With a quick movement, he touches a button in his shirt. Unlike the rest, this one is golden and heavily enchanted. It's magic allows Aristodemos to overcome the weakness that makes it difficult for him to move. Using this sudden burst of energy, Aristodemos moves next to his bodyguard. While this gives some of the arms chance to attack him again, at least Myev can now protect him.

As he moves, the Archmage has already begun to sing an incantation. Myev's body hair stands upright, the air is filled with the electricity of magic as Aristodemos weaves a spell not with the mere power of simple wizards but with a deeper source of energy within himself. At the center of the circle of dissembodied icy arms, a tiny mote of pale red appears. The mote rolls as if arround a tiny center of gravity at an extreme speed, becoming bigger in the process until, as Aristodemos brings the magic to a crescendo, it explodes in a fury of pale flames, burning all it touches.

Actions: Use my Quickrunner's shirt to gain a move action, with which I disengage from the arms and get relatively close to Myev (5 feet or so) so that I'm covered by the area in which he can do opportunity attacks to anyone coming close to me.
Then, I cast Fireball. I spend 1 Arcane Reservoir point to give my Fireball a +2 to CL, so that it causes 10d6 fire in a 20' radius. Hopefully that will fry the smaller arms and harm the biggest one... Though I admit it would've been nice to cast it as they appeared, when they all were in a neat fireball-sized circle :P

If that's alright, I roll the fireball damage once, and you can roll the saves and then divide in two or whatnot.

Also, since I don't know the arm's attack, I let you roll the oportunity attacks that they get vs me :(

HP: 34
AC: 18
Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 12
Effects: Staggered, Mage's Armor, Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves)
Arcane Reservoir: 14

HP: 50
AC: 20
Fort 5, Ref 2, Will 5
Effects: Staggered, Guardianship (+2 to damage and hit rolls), Iron Tortoise Stance
Reach area: +5'

2016-06-21, 08:07 PM
Aristodemos is taken by surprise, something unusual and remarkable in itself. Usually, he is so heavily attuned to the currents of dreams, portents and omens, that it is rare when he does not notice a small alteration that prevents him from making a mistake. His failure at dispelling the effect must have distracted him. Still, the Archmage recovers himself with a remarkable resilience.

With a quick movement, he touches a button in his shirt. Unlike the rest, this one is golden and heavily enchanted. It's magic allows Aristodemos to overcome the weakness that makes it difficult for him to move. Using this sudden burst of energy, Aristodemos moves next to his bodyguard. While this gives some of the arms chance to attack him again, at least Myev can now protect him.

As he moves, the Archmage has already begun to sing an incantation. Myev's body hair stands upright, the air is filled with the electricity of magic as Aristodemos weaves a spell not with the mere power of simple wizards but with a deeper source of energy within himself. At the center of the circle of dissembodied icy arms, a tiny mote of pale red appears. The mote rolls as if arround a tiny center of gravity at an extreme speed, becoming bigger in the process until, as Aristodemos brings the magic to a crescendo, it explodes in a fury of pale flames, burning all it touches.

Actions: Use my Quickrunner's shirt to gain a move action, with which I disengage from the arms and get relatively close to Myev (5 feet or so) so that I'm covered by the area in which he can do opportunity attacks to anyone coming close to me.
Then, I cast Fireball. I spend 1 Arcane Reservoir point to give my Fireball a +2 to CL, so that it causes 10d6 fire in a 20' radius. Hopefully that will fry the smaller arms and harm the biggest one... Though I admit it would've been nice to cast it as they appeared, when they all were in a neat fireball-sized circle :P

If that's alright, I roll the fireball damage once, and you can roll the saves and then divide in two or whatnot.

Also, since I don't know the arm's attack, I let you roll the oportunity attacks that they get vs me :(

HP: 34
AC: 18
Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 12
Effects: Staggered, Mage's Armor, Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves)
Arcane Reservoir: 14

HP: 50
AC: 20
Fort 5, Ref 2, Will 5
Effects: Staggered, Guardianship (+2 to damage and hit rolls), Iron Tortoise Stance
Reach area: +5'


Every one of the smaller beings in the blast instantly melts, while the larger one seems very much worse for the wear, with pieces of its body slowly melting off. The two remaining small beings move in attempt to flank Aristodemos with the larger one, who begins lumbering forward and swings.

Aristodemos is staggered, and takes 6 damage (2 from cold, 4 from a slam).

Don nadie
2016-06-21, 09:33 PM
Myev's Turn 1:

As the arms move attempting to close on Aristodemos, Sir Myev is quick to react and provide some protection by the time-tested means of killing the danger. With a quick pull he makes his master move behind and uses the impulse to drive himself right where the Archmage was. The arms now are facing not the unprotected wizard, but a towering mole holding a longsword. Sir Myev, however, seems less interested in the fight that in keeping one eye on his master and is ready to continue protecting him.

Aristodemos moved to an area protected by Myev's threat range (5 feet or so from his bodyguard), so it is safe to assume that some or all the arms cause attacks of oportunity. If so, here's the rolls for those:

Attack of oportunity 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Attack of oportunity 2: [roll3] Damage: [roll4] Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Attack of oportunity 3: [roll6] Damage: [roll7] Crit Confirm: [roll8]

If by any chance the big arm is hit by one of Myev's attacks, he will spend one Arminger's mark on it, so that the arm suffers -4 to attack anyone other than Myev himself.

That done, Myev will use his swift action to use Circling the Prey, granting both himself and Aristodemos a 5 feet movement. Aristodemos will step back and Myev will step to the side, getting closer.

Then he'll use his one move action (he's still staggered after all) to move where Aristodemos was (that is, surrounded by arms), leaving the wizard right behind him.

In the next Arm's turn, Myev may use Defensive Shell to protect Aristodemos from another attack as an inmediate action. If so, it is rolling one Shield Bash (with a +10 modifier) vs the arm's attack roll.

The Archmage has been pulled behind his bodyguard. He still feels exhausted, the cold now bitting into his skin where the arm managed to touch him. Quickly, Aristodemos extends his hand and murmurs the words of an enchantment. His hand becomes entirely enveloped in an halo of white light so intense it is difficult to look at it. As if on a dream, several Leopards jump out of the light, their skin golden spotted with silver and their eyes sparkling with blue light.

Attack, says the Archmage in celestial.

Without doubt, the animals charge against the numerous arms.

I spend 4 points of my reservoir to summon 1d3+1 Celestial leopards from the Summon Creature 3 list, augmented as per my feat. As celestial creatures, they are inmune to ice (yay!) and throw themselves to attack the arms. Each leopard's attack is a bite (+7, 1d6+4) and two claws (+7, 1d3+4). Sooo... I'm rolling first the amount of leopards and then the damage of each. Then you can ignore the rolls that don't apply...

Amount of leopards: [roll9]

Leopard 1: Bite attack: [roll10], bite damage: [roll11], Claw 1 attack: [roll12], Claw 1 damage: [roll13], Claw 2 attack: [roll14], Claw 2 damage: [roll15]

Leopard 2: Bite attack: [roll16], bite damage: [roll17], Claw 1 attack: [roll18], Claw 1 damage: [roll19], Claw 2 attack: [roll20], Claw 2 damage: [roll21]

Leopard 3: Bite attack: [roll22], bite damage: [roll23], Claw 1 attack: [roll24], Claw 1 damage: [roll25], Claw 2 attack: [roll26], Claw 2 damage: [roll27]

Leopard 4: Bite attack: [roll28], bite damage: [roll29], Claw 1 attack: [roll30], Claw 1 damage: [roll31], Claw 2 attack: [roll32], Claw 2 damage: [roll33]

I suspect it's gonna be an overkill, but I am really scared of dragging this and letting the arms+cold room affect us once more because we only have a wand of CLW for healing :S

The leopards, btw, last 8 minutes... so at least I'll have a cohort for the possible room next door!

HP: 28
AC: 18
Fort 9, Ref 9, Will 12
Effects: Staggered, Mage's Armor, Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves)
Arcane Reservoir: 14

HP: 50
AC: 20
Fort 5, Ref 2, Will 5
Effects: Staggered, Guardianship (+2 to damage and hit rolls), Iron Tortoise Stance
Reach area: +5'

2016-06-21, 10:16 PM
The little guy's aren't actually attacking or casting - it's a Su ability. The big guy does provoke, though...

Myev takes 1 lethal cold, 4 nonlethal cold damage.

+2400 EXP

Sir Myev, with the help of Aristodemos' summoned monsters, very quickly dispatches the few remaining beings of ice. Triumphant, but still uncomfortably cold, you notice that your fireball has melted the layer of frost in a perfect circle. Normally, simple fire effects wouldn't suppress a cold aura, but perhaps this is an unusual case?

[roll0], [roll1]

Don nadie
2016-06-21, 11:40 PM
Having finished the fight, the Archmage finds himself somewhat exahusted. Still, they survived a dangerous encounter without excessive damage, so all is well that ends well. The leopards stare at him with their sparkling blue eyes, sitting on their hind legs and perfectly comfortable with the situation. Aristodemos looks at them for a moment, thoughtful. He presses his hand against his arm, where the monster clawed it. There's some blood, and the would has a pale-blue colour.

Scent. Find hidden, Aristodemos orders in celestial. His leopards inmediately begin tracking the room, their noses sniffing out everything. As they do so, the Archmage turns towards his bodyguard.

Myev, Aristodemos says slowly, recovering his breath, tend to your wounds. Then you may attend to mine.

Still recovering, Myev nods sheathing his sword. He then takes from his belt a small wand made of pale wood and murmurs the incantation to activate it. He repeats the process several times, unleashing small flashes of positive energy that heals the flesh and cleanes the pain away. Once he feels recovered, the warder points the wand at Aristodemos and repeats the process.

Meanwhile, and still feeling somewhat weak, Aristodemos enters the circle of melted ice and examines it. He is curious to see if the cold aura is so entirely supressed as to offer a safe spot for him to stay. He also examines the holes from whence the arms appeared, trying to come to a better conclussion on the nature of the creatures.

Once they are both healed, Aristodemos begins to examine the possible extra space in this room, with the Leopards surrounding him as a protective circle and Myev slightly behind. The Archmage is certain there must be some additional space...

So.... Leopard, scent! Track if there's someone else and how did they move arround!

Leopard 1: [roll0]
Leopard 2: [roll1]
Leopard 3: [roll2]
Leopard 4: [roll3]

Myev, heal! Use 5 charges to put us into a better spot!

1 charge on Myev [roll4]
2 charges on Aristodemos [roll5]

And Aristodemos uses Perception to find more about the possible other room / to examine the holes and Knowledge: (to be filled by the DM) for knowing about the arms!

Perception [roll]1d20+14[7roll]
Knowledge [roll6] + 18 (for Arcana and The Planes) or +11 (for Religion, Dungeoneering or Nature)

Knowledge (Engineering) [roll7] to figure out the layout of this place.

Aristodemos's HP: Back to full 43
Myev's HP: 58

2016-06-22, 12:17 AM
The leopards sniff around, searching for other creatures, but they find none. However, one does begin pawing at a part of the wall in the next room, and upon a second look, you see that there is quite possibly a seam in the ice there, carefully positioned to line up with reflections. However, actually opening the apparent secret door would force you to leave your rather comfortable circle of melted frost.

Beyond the idea of symmetry, you figure out no further information about the layout of the structure.

As far as you can tell, the holes were simply hiding places. However, it does occur to you that the holes in the previous room, to the left, might have also held creatures previously. And, given their proximity to the stone to their left, the way they were surrounded by ice, and the slight marks in stone ahead, you think they might be working to carve or mine the stone.

Don nadie
2016-06-22, 12:25 AM
With the leopards ahead and Myev by his side, Aristodemos enters the other side of the room. He is still wondering about the arms... Why would anyone use them to mine the stone?

2016-06-24, 11:10 PM
Moving back into the chill, you and Myev examine the wall more closely. As far as you can tell, it's not meant to be opened from this side, but you suspect a little fire will do the trick.

Apologies for the delay - this got buried. If I'm ever unresponsive for 48 hours, feel free to PM me, as there's a chance I just didn't see.

Don nadie
2016-06-24, 11:35 PM
Aristodemos opens his hand and says one single word in Draconic. Instantly, his spellbook appears, open and ready for him. With long fingers which are trembling slightly at the the cold, he shuffles the pages. His lips move swiftly, repeating the words and the incantations at great speed. A moment later, he drops the book back into his haversack. His mind feels burning with the new information, and Myev stares at him with amazement. Not many wizards can pull such a feat.

Now ready, Aristodemos the Pale raises his fingers to create another sphere of fire which begins to eat up the wall. Once there's a hole big enough for the celestial leopards, he sends them in first, while making the gap bigger to let two humans fit in.

Ok... because I'm not a fan of spending all of my lvl 3 slots (Fireball is just too damm useful in this dungeon!), I'll spend a point of my arcane reservoir to put a fire sphere into the Arcanist spellbook, taking out Hideous Laughter. Then, I cast that spell and use it to create an opening. As soon as they fit, the leopards go in with orders to defend themselves. Then we go in :)

2016-06-26, 07:09 PM
Within a few seconds, the wall melts enough to allow your celestial allies in, and then, you hear a distinctively female gasp of surprise. Another being of ice, similar to the child earlier but appearing like a young woman, stands before you, holding what you can guess is the child you saw previously, swathed in some sort of blanket of ice. Crying out something in a language you don't understand, she looks around the doorway, backing up when she sees you and Sir Myev.

Don nadie
2016-06-26, 10:08 PM
Aristodemos raises an eyebrow looking at the woman. It is a sudden appearance, and one that puts this entire place under a new perspective. Are these creatures the inhabitants? Are they able to live and survive only at frozen temperatures? The Archmage was prepared to continue fighting, but now... now it may be that there's a way to understand this place better.

Myev has lowered the sword, entirely struck and trying to seem less threatening.

Aristodemos forces a smile and opens his palms, trying to show they are empty to imply he doesn't want be hostile. With a swift act of will he lets the fire sphere dissolve into nothingness. At times like this is when a wizard is happy to know a charm spell, but sadly it is unlikely that these creatures, seemingly constructs, would be affected by that magic. Could it be that some wizard created and abandoned them?

Madam, who are you and what is this place? He asks in Aura, hoping that this language will be understood, or at least related, to that of the ice creatures. If unable to communicate, he'll try other languages. The Archmage is specially interesting in identifying the linguistic root of what they say, and in seeing if he knows any related language.

Myev, in turn, is smiling and trying to gesticulate for them to calm down.

Aristodemos rolls Linguistics to see if he can find a way to communicate with them [roll0]
Myev rolls Diplomacy (you may apply whatever malus you see fit for the lack of a common language) to make them feel safe. [roll1]

2016-06-26, 11:18 PM
You're pretty sure it's Aquan.

Seemingly still somewhat fearful, the woman tries Celestial, then Draconic, saying, "We're not evil!"

Don nadie
2016-06-27, 12:28 AM
Myev responds in Draconic:

And we believe you!, he says. He's using his best smile and trying to seem calm and trustworthy. Aristodemos seems inclined to say something, but decides to let his secretary talk at first. He does, after all, have a better hand with people... Even when people are strange ice-constructs. But we need to know who are you, and what is this place, Myev continues. We have been attacked by strange, floating ice-arms, and we are still worried about who built this place and why.

2016-06-27, 07:44 PM
The woman looks relieved to have a shared language, and then apologetic as you speak of the "ice arms", though her monochrome eyes are still slightly unsettling, and make facial expressions slightly harder to read. "Oh... aha... those are only meant to guard against intruders..."

Looking at you, she glances quickly up at your face, then back down, as if trying to avoid eye contact. "Are you a disciple of Durothil? He was the man who made us, and you look more like him than the others I have seen... I was only supposed to be his companion and student, but he left us a long time ago..."

Briefly glancing towards the gap in the wall you've created, she says, "We were supposed to be left here until I grew strong enough to break the wards. I suppose I did? And that is why people have been coming? But the last ones, they were... bad people, I could tell, with the spell Durothil taught me. I thought you were another one of those, so I ran, and thought the guards would keep me safe, like with the others."

"But... you aren't a bad person, are you? Otherwise you would not walk with these cats - I recognize the patterns, from my own spells. They only follow... well, I guess not only good people, but no bad people. So you should be okay..." She seems to be mostly talking to herself now, or perhaps the sleeping child in her arms. "So, um, if you'd like, you can come in? It is very cold still, but I think I can help with that..." Reaching out, you recognize the spell she's casting as Resist Energy - and, perhaps more importantly, you realize it has enough power to identify this woman as one of the strongest casters you've seen.


It's Resist for 20, which means she's at CL 7 at least.

You don't recognize the name.

Don nadie
2016-06-27, 08:03 PM
Aristodemos seems paralized for a second, while Myev, unable to sense what is going on, keeps talking.

So you were a student from a great, old mage named Durothil? How long have you been waiting here? As he speaks, he sheathes his sword and puts his shield away. Was this place Durothil's laboratory? And, you say there were... others?

Aristodemos lets the woman respond and then beings to talk himself.

Thank you for your protection, he says, refering to the spell. I am afraid we did not know what to expect from this place and were not prepared for the cold... We heard rumours of a dangerous arcane ward which had smitten a poor man, and were quick to come fearing some danger would lurk within this ruins. I am happy to see we were wrong.

He hesitates for a second as he says this. Is this woman a danger? Or can she become an ally of the Brotherhood? There's also something else, of course: jealousy. Aristodemos dislikes seeing before him a wizard of comparable power. Still, he is in control, and speaks kindly. I have to ask, my lady, why did Durothil lock you in here with these... children? What was the purpose of this place?

Knowledge (History) to see if Durothil rings a bell [roll0]

2016-06-30, 01:24 AM
After casting the protective spell on both you and Myev, woman begins walking, waving her hand and opening a door into the next wall, then shakily gesturing towards the door as if to invite you in. The next room appears to be slightly more crowded than this one - four of the larger ice-golems stand at the wall that you suspect opens into the central room, and a few more sit in ice chairs around an ice table. They don't seem to respond as the woman responds in hesitant, nervous tones.

"Um... Yes, I was a creation and student of Durothil. I've been here... oh, time is difficult here. I don't really have anything to compare it to, you see. Maybe this conversation, ah..." - she counts on her fingers, flicking out nine in order - "One billion times? About?" Barely glancing up to take in your reactions, she runs through the next few sentences in stilted, quick phrases, as if trying to get past the thoughts of her past. "Yes. But this wasn't a laboratory. He just made it for me, for me to grow, he said. To learn to be a person. There's something in here, that helps..."

Glancing behind her, she turns back and quickly resumes speaking. "Ah, anyway. There used to be just me. For most of the time, really. I started making friends in the ice early, but I couldn't make them move on their own for a bit less than half of my stay here. And it took most of the rest to make them more like people." She bounces the child in her arms slightly, smiling. "This one's the first that can talk, even if it's only a little. I made him so he'd be like a real baby, and me a real mother."

Walking into the room regardless of whether you enter, she sets the child in the arms of one of the seated golems. "But, um, it's definitely still dangerous here. The thing that helps me think, I think it's pretty... big. I can see it, like a big, burning light, when I focus. Me and the others here, we each have a little bit of that glow. I think Durothil put it here to keep it safe as much as help me. We can't really move it, though I know where it is... it won't budge, even when I do the things I used to break the wards outside." She seems to have calmed some when she sat among the other golems, but seems at least somewhat worried about the glow.

Durothil doesn't ring any bells. You estimate that "one billion times this conversation" is a few thousand years, since the conversation has gone on for a couple minutes.

Don nadie
2016-06-30, 03:14 AM
Aristodemos listens attentively to the woman, barely flinching when she says its been a billion of these conversations. He is not surprised: a power like the one needed to create these constructs hasn't been arround for centuries. Myev, however, looks increasingly more impressed as the woman talks.

So Durothil made this place for you to grow... And you alone created a family for yourself?, the secretary says. He seems somewhat moved. Well, he is a beautiful child. I'm sorry we scared him, he adds smiling at the kid. It was not our intention.

The Archmage, however, seems less touched by the mother-child relationship the woman made for herself. The idea of crafting oneself descendants is a strange one, but what Aristodemos is impressed about is the power required to do so.

How can this place hold danger to you, the very being it was created for?, Aristodemos asks softly. Is this light... What Durathil used to give you your... soul? The Archmage is not certain that's the best term, but it seems appropriate. Is it the reason you broke the wards but did not leave the place? We may be able to help you. I would like to understand what this light is and, if possible, to make this place safe for you and for the people who live nearby.

Just so you know, I am LOVING this plot.

2016-06-30, 04:50 AM
I try :smallredface:

Nodding happily at Myev, the woman seems to relax for a moment, before turning more contemplative as you ask her your question. "Ah, I don't really know what a 'soul' is... I think it has something to do with how much control something has, outside of what they can touch?" She holds out a hand, letting ice form into delicate petals, then dropping them and watching them drift to the ground. "When I try harder to make things, there's more light, but... it's harder to make a big guard than the smaller workers, but the smaller workers have a brighter glow after I make them, if they're um, bursty. Like the ones in the middle room outside. But the bigger guards can't move anything they're not touching. And I can control lots of things without touching them, and I glow pretty bright... The only thing is, some things, like the protection I put on you, need a touch. But I suppose it keeps working, even when I stop touching you, so that fits..." She seems to be speaking from memory, as if she's thought about this for some time.

Don nadie
2016-06-30, 04:27 PM
Yes, Aristodemos nods. That is a good way of describing what a soul is. He is somewhat admired at this woman, who is admitedly intelligent and powerful. Admired and slightly scared. But why do you say it is dangerous, then?

2016-06-30, 05:57 PM
"Well... maybe not to me. I've been here a long time and it's never hurt me." She glances towards the wall, presumably where the "glow" originates. "But if a brighter glow means more control, this would have a lot of control over something. And that could be bad for anything that gets in its way, especially since... I don't really know what its way is. So I've stayed where Durothil put me. It should be about this room's length into the wall, here..."

She points at a portion of the wall, seeming to mark it with a thick vertical line of harder, translucent ice. "...since all the other rooms have triangular gaps in the ice like this. I've been hiding them, making it look more like the normal walls, so I don't have to worry about it, but... Durothil did say to try to break the wards on this place. So maybe it's okay to do something with that?" She looks at you, then Myev, looking hopeful for answers.

Don nadie
2016-06-30, 11:52 PM
Aristodemos sighs and nods slowly. I think Durothil wanted you to learn and grow, not to stay hidden next to something you don't even understand. We will help you discover what this "glow" is and we will make sure it is not a danger to anyone. He seems to think for a moment. How shall we proceed? Maybe some of the smaller arms can take down the wall? Are you able to give them orders?

Myev gives a sideways glance to his master. The Archmage speaks truly, but his tone is somewhat deaf. He is carefully not promising what will happen to the woman once she has helped them, possibly because Aristodemos is still unsure of whether she is dangerous herself. The knight feels uneasy at this, but knows that Aristodemos has the better judgement.

2016-07-04, 02:26 AM
Sorry for the long delay. If I haven't mentioned it: feel free to PM me whenever I'm more than 48 hours between posts, as it's likely simply gotten buried.

"Yes, I control the smaller arms. I can simply dismiss the wall, though." Clapping her hands, the woman smiles as the wall disappears, allowing you can peer into the narrowing passage in. "It's embedded in the far corner, I think." Waving her fingers, she seems to beckon something forward, then frowns. "But the ice around it can't move past it. It's anchored there by something nonphysical."

Don nadie
2016-07-04, 03:11 AM
Very well, says Aristodemos with a nod. Let us go closer and examine the light... Care to guide us? Aristodemos speaks at the girl. She has been generally kind, and does not seem to be insincere... But just in case the Archmage is not keen to advance into a narrowing corridor with the person able to create new walls here at his back. Not just yet, at least.

Together, they walk down the corridor. Towards the light.

2016-07-06, 05:22 AM
Nervously nodding, she walks inwards, looking towards the ground as if averting her eyes. You have no such difficulty looking ahead, and soon, you've run into her as she suddenly winces and turns away. "I don't think I can get that close... can you see it from here?"

About ten feet ahead of you, what looks like an adamantine orb lies buried in a layer of ice. Even without any sort of arcane sight, you can see it glows slightly. At first, you think it's a solid surface, but you soon realize it's in fact highlighting hundreds or thousands of fine lines that crisscross its surface, shifting and rotating around each other. However, as you look closer, you are startled to realize that they are in fact arcane runes, likely millions of them, written in what you suspect is a very deliberate pattern. Even more astounding, it's not in fact an orb, it's thousands of thin rings, constantly propelled by some unknown force to rotate to form new lines every moment. You could spend a hundred years studying it and not get any closer to understanding exactly what it does, but you do know it must have taken at least that long to make.


Don nadie
2016-07-06, 08:36 PM
Aristodemos does his best to seem in control of the situation, even though this clearly surpasses all he has ever seen. This form of magic is beyond what he was expecting, though he is happy he got here first, and not any less responsible party. To imagine this in the hands of one of those idiots that call themselves wizards...

Tell me every single thing you know about this, Aristodemos demands.

Please, adds the secretary, softly.

While she speaks, Aristodemos begins to study the object.

First, he extends his fingers over his own eyes and murmurs words of power, giving himself the ability to distinguish magical auras. He wants to examine in detail what power this has, though he is prepared to suffer minor blindness or other discomfort. This is too powerful.

Then, he comes closer to the item and examines it, carefully trying to discover if he'd be able to active this... orb... or to tap into its power. He does not want to do it inmediately, for it could entail unforeseen risks, but he wants to know what can be done with it.

So... Read magic cantrip and a roll of Use Magic Device (not to use it, mind you, but to see if it CAN be used theoretically)


Also, quick question... to cast Augury as per my class feat "Planar contact", I'd still have to pay the materials, right? If so, can I improvise it with my leftover cash, or should I buy it once I am back in the city?

OOC, I'll also say: are the girl and all the others Simulacrum give life by this... orb?

2016-07-07, 01:11 AM
You begin reading the runes, but for the most part, they rotate too quickly for you to properly analyze any individual ring. However, there are a few rings that seem to be anchored, or at least mostly immobile - one seems to be a variant on the spell Permanency, though it uses words of power you don't know, likely to enhance it. Another seems to be a variant of the spell Simulacrum, which you recognize in theory, but in practice, the power required to fully understand and execute the spell is far beyond your current capabilities. You guess that these are passive effects, related to the place you find yourself in, though there is plenty of room for "activation". You suspect that the rings themselves alter the effects of the orb as they rotate. Perhaps if you could decipher the runes and manipulate the rings, you could do something... but it seems to be encased in ice, and you get a feeling that accessing this orb is not going to be as easy as melting the surroundings.

Meanwhile, the woman stutters at your demand, before squeaking out a "I don't know! I haven't even gone near it!" She looks significantly concerned, and shifts slightly towards Myev.

You can cast Augury now, but pay for the focus and materials, and record the focus as bought.

Your OoC question, on the other hand... that I can't answer :smalltongue:

[roll0], [roll1]

Don nadie
2016-07-07, 02:23 AM
Aristodemos is excited, nervous.

Of course... It is encased. You only know it is a source of power... He seems to be speaking to himself rather than to the "girl". This item is inmensely powerful, and hence inmensely dangerous. I admire how you've kept it safe and not abused its power, he says, looking back at them.

He speaks sincerely, for once. He is surprised that the student of Durathil hadn't tried in those centuries to liberate this source of power.

The Archmage nods slowly and sits on the floor, having made a decision. I will now perform a special divination, attempting to reach into the Far Realms of Existence. In the Far Realms the concatenation of cause and effect, of time and space, follow different paths. In theory, it could give us access to some answers. He closes his eyes. This may or may not render me a babbling idiot for some time. If that is the case, Myev, I trust you will act responsibly and protect both her and this place.

He takes a deep breath. He contains the air in his lungs for a second, counting, still with time to roll back.

Now, please, leave me alone.

As the secretary and the woman go, Aristodemos begins to pronounce arcane words. Soon, his lips are still moving and his mouth is still casting the spell, but his spirit has abandoned his body. Soon his soul is travelling the realm of dreams, which the Archmage has known as home since he was a child. There, a door is made for deceitful dreams to pass, and a door is made for those which are true. It is impossible to tell which door is which, but one can call, reach beyond and ask for the right dream to come forward.

Those dreams which are more dangerous are also more often true.

Aristodemos, before the doors, reaches into the Far Realms. He puts all his mind to the matter, trusting the right coordination of the stars and that all omens favour his decision. He asks three questions of a being which may or may not be a god. In the Material Plane, his lips and his mouth repeat the words.

Can this object be moved from its icy case?

Can I control this object?

Can this object be taken out and beyond its original wards?

He hesitates before asking the last question. Is Durothil's apprentice a danger to us?


((Meanwhile, supposing the girl is ok with going together))

Myev is feeling uneasy. It is not the first time Aristodemos has done this, leaving, diving for information in places that one prefers not to think of. It is never pretty, and Myev know that in theory it can end very badly. He shifts his weights and, nervously, speaks. Aristodemos... has done this before. He bites his lip and smiles at her. I am sorry if he seems... Blunt and rude sometimes. He is an extraordinarily intelligent man, but he has also so many things to worry about... Myev takes a deep breath. Better not think about all of it right now. It is enough to wait.

Forcing a smile, he decides to speak with her and learn a bit more.

Tell me, you have always been here, all alone? Or did you meet Durothil? And how was he?

And after she answers: I also wonder how the rest of this place is. We have only seen a few rooms after all... Was this Durothil's laboratory?

Since Aristodemos has this whole "dreamspeaker" in his background, I decided to fluff the Contact other Plane spell that way.

Now, I would like to perform a bit of a "combo" regarding Contact other plane by using both of my powers from the Foresight school. One of the powers (Prescience) would allow me to roll a d20, which should allow me to calculate what plane is best to reach without danger of suffering a INT loss. The other, Foretell, would give me a +2 to the int roll. Activating Prescience is a free action and Foretell, an utterance... So I presume they could be done inmediately as the spell-casting is completed.

Since it is a bit of "I burn resources to overcome the dangers embebbed in a spell", I'd need your aproval though. :P Otherwise I'll go suuuper safe because losing my spellcasting for one week is losing an entire week! :(((

Supposing it is ok, I'll already roll the Foretell dice and edit in what plane I contact. Then you can roll the % of true or false answers in secrecy :P

Foretell dice: [roll0]

Edit: Soooo... IF the Foretell dice is allowed, I'd like to contact a Greater Deity of an Outer Plane. If not, I'd like to contact the Astral Plane... Or maybe a Demigod, if the use of Foresight is not allowed but foretell is...

PS: I totally called that Simulacrum was involved! :D Oh, and I hope this questions are vague and interesting enough not to completely give up the plot... I just want one-word clues! :P

2016-07-10, 03:19 AM
Prescience is fine, but Foretell doesn't have a listed activation action, which means it's assumed it's Standard. So, since you can't keep it active for the resolution of the spell, I'm going to say you can't get the +2. Still, you have enough to contact a greater deity, so...





The woman quietly nods as Sir Myev speaks, rubbing the backs of her hands. Upon being asked questions, she hesitates, then nods a little more firmly. "Durothil made me with his own hands. From snow and ice, and a powerful spell, from what I know. He was... kind. I did not understand what was happening at first, but I was only a "child". I was made here, but he taught me many things - the names of what I might see beyond these walls, showing them to me from a mirror. But, when I started learning spells, he said there was nothing more he could do personally. He left many words, etched in the walls. They always regrow the same, you know? Each snowflake a word."

She looks lost in thought, but quickly returns when you ask your next questions. "Oh! No, this wasn't really a laboratory. I suppose you could call it that, he did do some other things while I was here. But it was mostly meant to be my home."

Don nadie
2016-07-10, 04:26 AM
At the back room Myev smiles at the icy woman. He is slightly disturbed at how naturally she speaks of her "birth". Speaking with her and seeing her hold the child, one would almost forget she is... what? Unnatural? Something of what he says, however, makes him flinch.

Words? he asks. What words? Would you show me?


Before the orb, Aristodemos is somewhat irritated at the answers. He cannot control the orb? That either meant the power within could not be controlled, and only tapped as the apprentice did, or that it was an envious entity who sent that answer through the Door of Lies. He is the most powerful mage in several generations. If he cannot do it, no one can.

He stands up and stretches his muscles, examining the orb once again. He tries to put a finger on it, tentatively, and attempts at interacting with the power. He concentrates and lets a part of his magical energy be taken by the orb, hoping to cause some kind of reaction.

So... Myev keeps talking, and with Aristodemos I'd like to use one Arcanist Point in interacting with the orb... If the orb can in any way be affected by such energy!

2016-07-10, 10:04 PM
"Ah... I don't think I can. Well, I mean... if you didn't see them already, you probably can't see them at all. I suppose now that you know its there..." She walks up to one of the walls of ice in the room, towards a room you haven't been in, and motions for you to follow. Peering closely, she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, then opens them, causing her previously monochrome blue eyes to glow and shimmer slightly. Pointing at what seems to be a perfectly flat, uninteresting portion of wall, she says, "The glow is faint, but I can make it a little brighter like this. The words are very small... maybe a few times a hair's width? But most of Durothil's work is here."


In the Orb room, Aristodemos finds that his magic seems to be absorbed by the orb, with no visible changes.

I wasn't sure if you had an ability that let you do something specific with the Arcanist point, so I assumed not. Do tell if that was incorrect :smalltongue:

Don nadie
2016-07-10, 11:40 PM
Myev frowns a little. Is this... magic? He tries to see the writing, probably with no success...

At that moment, Aristodemos joins them. He seems slightly irritated, but generally ready to work. Between the orbs reaction and the answers from his divination spell, the situation is not ideal.

Very well, I am now certain the orb can be moved from its case and taken to a safer location. That should mean you too can leave this home, if you'd like. We can offer you a safe place to continue studying the orb, your powers, and the outside world. We'd be happy to let you bring your... kid. Once we've figured out how to move the orb.

On being informed of the writing, Aristodemos mumbles the words to a Read Magic spell, hoping it will reveal them.

2016-07-12, 04:59 AM
The woman nods, walking towards the construct holding the child and picking him up before placing him on a hovering platform of ice. Meanwhile, you have difficulty reading the magic - It seems the majority is not runic in any sense. However, you do catch vague lines of actual spells - you think you might be able to reconstruct them with help, but it seems this, much like the orb, is constructed in a seemingly chaotic and modular manner.

Don nadie
2016-07-12, 05:14 AM
Aristodemos frowns at his inhability to comprehend the magic. He opens his hand in the air and calls for his spellbook, which instantly materializes open. In a few seconds, Aristodemos has let the magic in his mind burn through, helping him pick the right spell he seems to need. Armed now with it, he swiftly weaves it in the air, staring at the writing in the wall and hoping it's nature will be revealed to his magic...

Well, -1 point of my Arcane Reservoir to memorize Comprehend Languages, and I cast it.

2016-07-13, 02:46 AM
Despite your efforts, only moderate progress is made with your spell. While several lines of Aquan unravel themselves in your mind, they are no more complete than the others in Draconic, Celestial, or Elven. However, something does occur to you, and rearranging the disjoint parts in your head, you think you've found a hypothetically viable spell to cast. Now that you have the idea solidified, it becomes easier for you to see that there is in fact many ways to combine the phrases in such a way, and you have a hunch that they are organized in some manner. However, after trying a few rules of organization, you find its going to be a trying task to get more than occasional combinations of spell-phrases. Still, those could hold some merit.

Don nadie
2016-07-13, 04:30 AM
Aristodemos turns to Durathil's apprentice.

This writing... Is it a spellbook? Do you think maybe there's something here that could help us take the orb out of its case?

Edit: Incidentally... Could that theoretical spell be memorized and cast?

2016-07-14, 03:16 AM
Aristodemos turns to Durathil's apprentice.

This writing... Is it a spellbook? Do you think maybe there's something here that could help us take the orb out of its case?

Edit: Incidentally... Could that theoretical spell be memorized and cast?

You could try it! I'd say make a Spellcraft check upon memorization, with penalties for failure very much like failing to read a scroll. However, if you think you fail the initial check, you don't have to cast the spell (and thus trigger penalties). I won't tell you if you succeed, but depending on the check I will tell you how you feel about your progress.

"It's... something like that? The spells I use are written here, but it's not a book. And... well, I think there's probably something here to help, but there are so many spells... It'd take a bit of time. I can help you figure it out though!" The woman smiles, bouncing the child in her arms, who stirs slightly and snorts in his sleep.

Don nadie
2016-07-14, 03:26 AM
Aristodemos nods, leaving his book on the table. Myev, help us, he orders.

The secretary springs to action, leaving his shield and sword by his side and spreading instead parchment and ink of several kinds. He provides the Archmage and Durothil's apprentice with notes, making quick diagrams and keeping track of their... sometimes vague streams of consciousness.

The Archmages begins to work hard on descyphering the contents of the wall and finding an actual spell appropriate for what they seek. Of course, this walls are in and by themselves marvelous pieces of magical knowledge, and once the orb is safe, Aristodemos fully intends to send the Cowled Brothers here, to study each single line. Right now, though, his main objective is the orb.

Aristodemos has to push further his brain and his intuition, attempting to bring the spell into his mind even if he doesn't entirely understand it... Through sheer arcane talent.

Very well! Another Arcanist Reservoir point that burns for the sake of this wall!

Spellcraft [roll0]

2016-07-14, 03:37 AM
Concentrating intensely, you shift the fragments of arcane power into place, solidifying what you think is a potential spell in your mind. Feeling the power pulse at your fingertips, you consider the components again, and soon, you think you've completely understood the spell. A powerful conjuration, which creates a large mass of curious fog, which resists movement almost like a solid or liquid, but fills space much like a gas. As all the final touches click into place, you feel like you've gained some insight into the process of the writings on the wall, even if you still cannot quite fully decipher them.

You've learned Solid Fog, and earned a small bonus to future interpretations.

Don nadie
2016-07-14, 03:54 AM
Once he entirely understands the spell he has just learned, Aristodemos becomes shaken. For a few minutes he stares at the wall in awe, the lines and points of magic twirling in so many different languages and so many possible combinations. This spell, this alone is more powerful than what most wizards in the kingdom can command. This wall is... inmensely dangerous in the wrong hands. Aristodemos takes a deep breath.

Let's get to work on this...

Along with the apprentice and Myev, Aristodemos tries to see if they can theorize a way of melting away the ice that encases the magical orb.

Ok, I think Aristodemos just came upon the freaking treasure for a arcane-knowledge-obsessed character...

2016-07-17, 12:34 AM

You take a look at the orb, and while you do slowly find yourself understanding it more, it's not particularly helpful - All you know is that there are a lot of wards on this thing. You're guessing it'd take a lot of dispelling to even strip it of the weakest ones, and there are probably many that you can't even hope to touch at your current power level.

Don nadie
2016-07-17, 02:35 AM
After a few hours of studying, Aristodemos ends up shaking his head. Moving the orb from its icy case would apparently require more dispelling that he is able to muster. At the same time, he feels uncomfortable leaving something so important in this place. What if someone else enters and... uses it? Aristodemos shakes his head.

This is beyond even my abilities, he says slowly. It is not something the Archmage likes to admit, but he has no choice. I am afraid stripping the orb from its icy case to move it away would require much more power that I can muster, or that even you and I together, madam. Aristodemos scratches his chin, frowning deep in thought. I would like to try and alternative... Do you think your arms could carve the ice arround it? He asks Durothil's apprentice. I care only that this artifact be safely under guard, so if we can take it out inside the ice... That would be acceptable too... Though I fear doing so may strip the walls of its writing...

Aristodemos seems somewhat torn about what to do next, but decides to insist on attempting to carve the entire ice chunk out.

If this doesn't work, Myev and him may have to stay here... longer. And send word to the Brotherhood.

2016-07-19, 12:14 AM
"I... don't think I can. I haven't tried anything more... extreme, but my normal abilities aren't moving it. Like it's anchored, or something of the sort." She reaches out, seeming to strain somewhat, then exhales and shakes her head. "It definitely doesn't want to move. My servants use my own power, I don't think they'd have any better luck." Looking back and forth between you and Myev, she adds, "I think I can restore the wards I took down, if you're worried about that. I mean, they kept things safe this long, haven't they?"

Don nadie
2016-07-19, 12:57 AM
Aristodemos nods, slowly. They did... He says. But can you restore them from outside? That is, if you want to leave this place.

The Archmage sighs. Why don't you show me the other rooms of this place? Perhaps there is something we haven't seen yet that could provide us with some more ideas...

2016-07-19, 02:31 AM
"Ah, of course. There's only really one room left, though... the storeroom. Not sure if it could be helpful, but..." Leading you to the last room, the woman waves open the door and reveals a full storeroom of icy items. One wall seems to be reserved for clothing, with a variety of dresses, shirts, pants, and suits of armor hanging from a bar above your head. Meanwhile, the other two walls are mostly dominated by huge jars full of the red berries you saw earlier, lining the ground. Above them, a variety of interesting items lie atop the icy shelves - several delicately carved figurines, some sort of spectacles, strange red icicles, a number of weapons including a rapier, a dagger, a bow and arrows, a breastplate, several cloth-looking objects, what looks like a bottle filled with red liquid, a backpack full of unknown items, a staff...

"Sorry if it's a bit messy... I came up with an organization system when I was still fairly small, and I've just grown used to it..." Reaching up, the woman rummages through the backpack before pulling out what looks like a wand. "This, I charged with quite a bit of fire - not very elegant, but if it's just an issue of power, it definitely melts ice..." Continuing to reach into the backpack, standing on her tiptoes, the woman eventually grabs hold of something and pulls it out - a handful of feathers, bound together by a ring. "Ah, these conjure up various things... I do love the tree one, very colorful. Not sure how the magic interacts, but maybe if I could modify one to grow to full size regardless of situation, instead of only growing to the nearby limits..." Tapping her fingers, the woman turns back to you, and says, "...any ideas?"

Don nadie
2016-07-19, 03:16 AM
Myev is left with his mouth hanging, surprised at the amount of items that she was keeping. Did you... make them all?

Aristodemos chuckles at his question, knowing full well that she probably can. He examines the different objects, beginning with the wand and following with the feather tokens, the staff and the flask with a red liquid. He seems to be thinking.

Well... Perhaps if we could so much as melt no the entirety of the ice, but merely a small deep hole, and then throw in the tree token. If you modified its magic, perhaps the tree would be strong enough to break the ice out. I am not certain of how it will interact with the orb, however...

The Archmage seems thoughtful.

Tell me, he adds, do you know if the writing on the walls is related to the orb? Will it dissapear if the orb is moved?

Woa: TREASURE! Now its when I'm saaaad i didn't just kill everyone for the XP :P

Quick question: How many rolls and of what do i need to make to know better what some of these things are?

2016-07-19, 07:02 PM
Just plain ol' Detect Magic+Spellcraft, or Identify+Spellcraft, will do. I'll assume you Detect, which covers most of it automatically...

Staff: [roll0] - Unsure, but it's got a Strong untyped magic aura.
Tokens: [roll1] - It's a Feather Token of every kind.
Armor: [roll2] - This is a special suit of armor - Equivalent to a suit of +1 Blueice Full Plate (Medium Armor, 9 AC, +2 MDB, -5 ACP, 30% ASF weight 25 lbs, wearers without cold resistance or immunity take -2 to Dex checks and initiative from numbness), it also generates a 60 foot aura of frigid air (as the cold effects of this building), which can be shrunken at-will. Lastly, it allows spells with the [Cold] descriptor to be cast without any ASF.
Wand: [roll3] - Wand of Scorching Ray, CL 11
Magic item in bag: [roll4] - A Blessed Book.

Other stuff:
Figurines: Nonmagical.
Berries: A lot of Goodberries.
Spectacles: Nonmagical.
Cloth: Nonmagical.
Red Liquid: Goodberry juice. The 1-pint bottle contains 8 doses, each providing effects as a Goodberry, and can be drunken all at once.
Red Icicles: Goodberry popsicles :smalltongue: Each contains 4 doses of Goodberry juice. Cannot be consumed faster than one dose/standard action.
Rapier: +1 Keen Rapier
Dagger: Nonmagical
Bow: Nonmagical
Arrows: 20 +1 Arrows
Breastplate: +1 Blueice Breastplate (Light Armor, 6 AC, +4 MDB, -3 ACP, 25% ASF, 15 lbs)

Things in bag:
A scroll of what appears to be every 1st level Wizard spell
(nonmagical things?)

Cheeks deepening in color somewhat, the woman nods at Myev's stunned statement. "Yes, I've had... a lot of time." You hear a tinge of pride in her voice, and she walks over to tap the staff with her fingers, as if remembering something about it. It does look like a traditional staff - it even takes the texture of wood, and features smoother bands of what would probably be gems, despite everything being the same material.

As you finish looking through the magic items and ask her your question, she runs a hand through her hair. "I think... that everything here depends on the orb, to a degree. Maybe even me. But Durothil made it sound like I was meant to leave, some day. So maybe it simply grew everything, and now, we can leave? I'm not sure."

Don nadie
2016-07-19, 10:16 PM
Aristodemos frowns, and nods.

In that case I think I will rather not risk harming you to move the orb. He states this calmly and as a matter of fact, though it is not clear if he means it out of kindness or of curiosity for such a powerful wizard. If you can teach me to secure the wards in this place, that may be enough to protect the orb until we've had time to study it further.

2016-07-22, 02:55 AM
"I think I can do that..." The woman grabs the pack, and leads you out of the room and towards the exit.

Upon reaching the stone passage, she traces the ground with her fingers, creating runes in frost. "The door outside of here was originally magically locked - I don't actually know the way Durothil warded this place, but I figured out how to break it." Walking as she continues to draw figures in the stone, she says, "There used to be runes engraved here - I started by siphoning out most of the power from the runes, storing them in replicas of ice. Then, I filled the missing stone with ice, and transmuted it to stone. All I should have to do is break the transmutation and release the energy back into the runes... Or, I suppose, have you do it. There might be a little power lost in the transference, but as long as someone's supplying it, it should work fine..."

Don nadie
2016-07-22, 06:23 AM
Aristodemos nods slowly, following her explanation with care. Do you think it would be possible to close and open the wards from the outside? Would you be able to do it?

2016-07-22, 10:38 PM
The woman looks at the runes, contemplating. "Hm... Perhaps. I believe once sealed, the door will not allow any further influence, magical or physical, through, but it's worth trying. The worst result, I think, would be that the door remains unsealed or slightly less powerfully sealed. Or, perhaps, some of the magical energy is lost. But it should not be a large margin either way..."

Don nadie
2016-07-22, 11:21 PM
Aristodemos sighs.

We are dealing here with a magic beyond our understanding, and I would rather not leave, seal the wards and never be able to return. If I understand you correctly, there is no guarantee we would be able to open it from outside. I also fear that if no magic can pass through, that also affect the energy of the orb... Which, as you said, is related to your own existence and to that of your... child.

Aristodemos shakes his head slightly.

Thus, I propose that we take the risk of taking Durothil's orb with us. The chance of erasing the marvelous writing on the wall is not an attractive one, but it is an easier risk to take. We will use the altered token of the tree and the wand of fire, hopefully to the intended effect. Once back in the city, I will send my allies to secure and study this place. If it seems acceptable to you, we can also take the objects you created with us. I think we must leave most of your allies, however. You and the child can be disguised so as to not raise suspicions, but those... incorporeal hands are not so easily hidden.

If she agrees, they will do as planned. Aristodemos will put all or most of the items in his magical haversack, letting Myev carry whatever won't fit. He also makes sure his secretary scours the area for anything they may have forgotten.

Then, they will get on with the plan. Aristodemos will use the wand to create a hole at the base of the ice pedestal trapping the orb. Then, he will slice there the feather token, altered by Durothil's apprentice so that it'll outgrow the space it was confined in. Needless to say a hand will drop the token (if possible) and otherwise it will be Myev (who will run back as fast as possible). The apprentice and Aristodemos will wait in the next room, hoping for no explosions.

Hopefully this works! XD

2016-07-23, 12:51 AM
The plan proceeds, though it takes a several hours (and two more castings of Resist Energy each lasting about two hours) for the woman to modify the feather token. Additionally drilling a hole into the orb's protective sphere of ice proves impossible, by any means of fire or physical force. Proceeding slightly lower, under the sphere, results in a massive crack, but no explosion - and apparently, the tree grew around the orb. The tree's bark immediately begins to pale, covering in frost, but no further reaction is made for several seconds, until...


A small sheet of paper floats to the ground in front of the woman. She falls to the ground, shocked, and you can easily read the text, written in fine cursive.

"My dear Sylvia,

It appears you have broken the wards around your home! Congratulations. I was not expecting this for some time, due to my oath not to interfere with your growth after I left.

However, there was a contingency made, in the event you grew curious enough to attempt to interact with the orb. Suffice to say, that is a bad idea. However, this should not interfere with you doing anything you'd like - Essentially, the only thing I urge you not to attempt is any sort of manipulation of the orb.

Alternatively, this could have been sent if I have somehow permanently perished. In that event, you should know exactly what to do. If I haven't, you needn't concern yourself with the sentence prior.

There will be a day when I will return to you. In the meantime, enjoy life! I expect to have enough stories to make up for the lifetime I have missed you.

Eternally yours,


P.S. If someone else is reading this, you should know: Sylvia is no weakling, and I am even less so. If you aren't erased from existence in the time it took you to read this, consider yourself fortunate, and continue ensuring that good fortune."

Three seconds pass, silently, before Sylvia begins to shake slightly. A moment later, you hear a plinking sound, as frozen teardrops hit the floor.

Don nadie
2016-07-23, 01:19 AM
Aristodemos is awestruck. He has a theoretical understanding that one can prepare such magical effects to take place on certain conditions, but the power required for it, even if something as simple as this, are inmense. He studies the note carefully and curiously, also interested in the fact that, since the contingency did not happen until now, Durothil may well be still alive. He also takes good note of the threat. If Durothil knew the conditions of this contingency, it is not impossible he has been made aware. Aristodemos would rather not give the mage any cause of alarm for his student. Also, he is frustrated that the tree has merely grown arround the orb. Maybe it is now time to dispell it?

While Aristodemos thinks and calculates, Myev is trying to offer Sylvia some consolation.

So that... is your name, Sylvia. It seems like you miss him... Where you very little when he left? I am sure he'd be happy to know you grew, made yourself a child and are now getting ready to leave the place...

Their conversation gets interrupted after a while by the Archmage.

I can help you send a message to Durothil. At least I think I can. The archmage is now touching the bark of the tree carefully, shaking his head and turning to Sylvia. I could open the doors of Truth, and speak to him in a dream. Do you know what a dream is?

2016-07-24, 02:45 AM
"Ha... no, these are happy tears. I am not sure why, but I remember hearing of such a thing when I was small. Perhaps this reminded me of it." Standing as Aristodemos speaks, she resolutely shakes her head back, her attitude seeming to shift, gaining determination. "I know of dreams, but I will speak to him in my own way. I would not be... against it, if you wanted to send him a message as well." Grabbing her backpack, the staff, and several items off the shelf, she waves her hand, and the stone on the floor begins to shimmer, forming runes of ice. "I would like to leave, now. I might be sealed from the outside until I grow strong enough to break these wards again, but I think that there is nothing left for me here until I do."

Smiling faintly, she walks to her child, who is sleeping soundly in the arms of a golem. She then withdraws two small figures, some sort of humanoid of each gender, and places them on the ground before the child. "These... I have not used them in a long time. They should give my son the same upbringing I did, one I do not regret. If I remember correctly, it is unusual for a mother to leave her child like this, but he will be in good hands while I pursue a life outside. I have taught him, much as Durothil taught me, and now I must leave him for some time, much as Durothil left me. It seems... right." Looking towards Myev, then you, she seems to be half challenging you, half asking for help.

Don nadie
2016-07-24, 08:06 PM
Aristodemos folds his arms. This is precisely what he would not want. He hopes to appeal at Sylvia's seeming decency. But if the apprentice wants not only to lock the knowledge away but to travel on her own, away from the Brotherhood's protective control... Well, Aristodemos is not sure if he can allow that.

Sylvia... I must disagree with your plans. You have never lived outside this shelter. In the many centuries since Durothil created you, new dangers have crawled from the darkness. There's a menace over our land, a menace to all living beings: the Shadow Wars. Every few decades, monsters resurge and destroy all on their path. They grow stronger with each wave and... The spells and incantations engraved in those walls could give us a tool to fight back.

The Archmage sighs.

I fear locking such knowledge away could harm our chances. Do you understand my reticence?

2016-07-24, 10:20 PM
Sylvia looks surprised, like the thought hadn't even occurred to her. "But... I've memorized the walls. And you and your friend will help protect me from anything I can't handle, right?"

Don nadie
2016-07-24, 11:32 PM
Aristodemos nods slowly, with a smile. It seems difficult for a single woman to memorize that complex network of runes and magic, but this is not ordinary woman.

In that case, me and Myev will make sure you are protected. We will now go to the city, where I will give you a new place to live and introduce you to a few colleagues. He seems to consider for a few moments, then takes off his cloack. Take this. I lead a group of individuals interested in the arcane and in protecting this land, and these type of cloacks are our symbol. It will help you get into places you may not be allowed otherwise, and grant you help from those who sympathise with us. Most important, they will help you attract less... attention. Your appearance is, as you will soon see, startling to many of the commoners.

With that, escorted by Myev, the Archmage takes Sylvia back to his tower. He may not have with him all the power he wished, but Sylvia seems cooperative, and the orb is now held beyond both the magic wards and the trunk of a tree.

Hopefully, that will do.

This was a cool dungeon, even if in the end I don't get to grab the Orb of Ultimate Power :P

2016-07-27, 01:13 AM
Sylvia hesitates, then nods, accepting the cloak. "I suppose I can just follow you."

Leaving and sealing the place, she seems a little uncertain about the path forward. You catch her glancing at the door occasionally, before looking back down with a sort of half-embarrassed, half-determined look. But she seems happy.


Not a clear thing to do here. I guess, first things first, XP and loot:

I'll give you full XP for everything dungeon - we'll call it half for noncombat victory, half for quest completion/roleplaying. That's 12000 XP!

Additionally, Sylvia kept the backpack with some stuff in it, the staff, the full plate, and the Blessed Book (looks like that's her spellbook), and a bunch of her clothes. That leaves you a +1 Blueice Breastplate, a +1 Blueice Rapier, a masterwork Blueice dagger, a masterwork Blueice bow, twenty +1 Blueice arrows, and the Wand of Scorching Ray (49 charges).

Note that Blueice weapons are worth 500 gold more than normal and deal 1 ice damage on hit. The blueice breastplate is worth 4300 gp.

Moving on... I guess just tell me what you'd like to do? You've only been gone four days (two to get there, two to get back, this whole thing took a few hours at best), other people aren't back with info yet.

Don nadie
2016-07-27, 03:27 AM
Aristodemos decides he will spend the next few days taking care of local business and of his newly acquired ally, Sylvia.

It is imperative for the Archmage that the woman considers him a friend and an ally. Thus, he spends long hours talking about magical theory with her and, if she is willing, transcribing spells from her spellbook and offering acces his own spellbook in return. He also shows her the city along with Myev, encouraging her to always use ilusions and glamours to hide her true appearance. He of course gives her lodging in her tower and full access to the labs and libraries. He also gives Sylvia her own personal secretary, who is always to be by her side when the Archmage or Myev are not.

It is all, of course, to make her comfortable.

While this happens, Myev takes time to sell the things they found in Durathil's cave. He only keeps the wand for himself, considering quite wisely that one can never have enough fire magic at hand. Folllowing his orders, he spends part of the money buying some supplies they may need, specially a few magical potions.

Once these issues are taken care of, Aristodemos proposes to Sylvia joining them in a little expedition. There's supposed to be some sort of fire monster in the woods, and it is part of the Cowled Brotherhood's responsibilities to keep the land safe of magical monsters. Of course it is her choice, but it can come as an interesting oportunity to see a new creature and test her powers in a tense situation. The Archmage does not say, but he is also interested in seeing how powerful Sylvia is.

With or without her, the Archmage and his secretary eventually take way to the forest. This time, though, he has made sure to obtain some magical elemental protection... just in case.

Wuhu! Quick question, the 12k xp... is that including the 2400 that I got from killing the other monsters? In any case, I think it should be enough to level up, right?

I think Aristodemos can take a few days studying and developing his new magical theories, following through insights about what he found in the cave, to level up. If Sylvia is willing, he'd love to peek at her spellbook and transcribe the hell out of it.

I'll sell all save the wand. The weapons and so are interesting, but unless they can be reforged into a longsword/heavy armor, the only real use is as money source. Shame about the staff, but then again I'd rather have a nice ally than a powerful staff... at least for now! How much money can Myev get selling the loot? The prize listed in the d20psfr?

I want to buy myself some potions... and if Sylvia does not share her spellbook, scrolls of elemental protection spells to transcribe in. I'm not getting caught without any resistance vs the fire monster.

And once all that is done, fire monster is the next adventure!

I'd also like to eventually get an audience with the king, if possible... But those two things can perhaps be played in different time-frames. It is mostly about Aristodemos demanding that the king don't let anyone settle near the area of Durothil's laboratory (or whatever the heck it was). I can also just summarize it in one post if you'd prefer.

2016-07-29, 12:09 AM
12k additional EXP, so you should have 14.4k more than you started with. Unfortunately, that's actually 1.6k away from 9th level.

You can copy any [Cold] spell, as well as:

Any 1st level spell
Arcane Lock
Protection from Evil, Communal
Elemental Speech
Bestow Weapon Proficiency
Admonishing Ray
Gust of Wind
Scorching Ray
Ant Haul, Communal
All the +4 ability spells
Hidden Knowledge
Silk to Steel
Explosive Runes
Sepia Snake Sigil
Hold Person
Diamond Spray
Enter Image
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
True Form
Minor Creation
Detect Scrying
Aura of the Unremarkable
Control Summoned Creature
Hallucinatory Terrain
Mnemonic Enhancer
Obsidian Flow

Apparently most of the other ones were on the walls, so she never bothered writing them down. But she remembers all of them.

Total sales come to 4800 gp or so.

On your way to the forest with Sylvia, the road goes to Stonesong, where you get some extremely relevant news - the monster was already found, and slain, by the hero of the city, a gigantic man named Andreas. Apparently, it was a green dragon - though you know that the elemental typing there doesn't match up.

Don nadie
2016-07-29, 01:42 AM
On hearing the new rumours, the Archmage grins a sardonic smile. Of course the obvious monster has been slayed by a brute, now claimed as a hero by the people. But killing a monster, alone, is not enough. Isn't it strange, that a green dragon sets a forest on fire? And yet, most likely that 'hero' didn't stop to consider the inconsistency, nor did the peasants who cheered his actions.

Still, there's good in every little thing. With a wave of his hand, Aristodemos orders a minor member of the Brotherhood to keep an eye on the market, in case dragon blood, scales or organs appear for sale. If so, he is encouraged to buy some. The Archmage knows there's magic in the bodies of dragons, and he'd not be the one to spit on a sudden surplus of magical materials.

He spends a few days with Sylvia, copying spells from her book, studying together and showing her the city. He introduces the woman to few people, mostly loyals to the Brotherhood, and makes sure that she always leaves the Tower under a Disguise spell. It is important for him to ensure her safety, but also that she trusts and respects his advice. He'd hate for the girl to decide she should have a live of her own, away from his control. Aristodemos wouldn't allow that...

Later, Aristodemos spends a few hours in his laboratory, carving a complex network of runes into a stone. He does not intend to keep it for himself, but to use it to buy some favours. After all, one cannot go to the king's house without something worthy...

Finally, the Archmage demands a meeting with the king. To be more specific, he appears in the Throne Room all of the sudden, dispelling a spell that has helped him remain unnoticed. The Archmage's lips curl in a tiny smile, enjoying the looks of surprise in the Court, the startled servant who drops a tray with wine glasses, the priest of Nethys who stares at him with hatred, the whispers which spread.

Your majesty, says the Archmage, I must speak with you privately. Right this instant.

His tone is demanding and cold.

Ouchy! Well, that is a shame, I was looking forward to those sweet, sweet lvl 5 spells. I guess pathfinder has different XP grades than d&d. Or I remembered bad (for some reason I thought it took the number of the level you had x 1000 to get to the next level)

I copy pretty much everything from her spellbook (Aristodemos likes to have as much magic as possible... and the blessed book makes it free :D) which should take several days. One thing, though... shouldn't her list include one of the Protect from elements or something similar spells? The one she used on Aristodemos and Myev... Or was it just an Endure the elements?

With the 4800 Myev buys:
-1 potion of Lesser restoration (300)
-2 potions of Cure Serius Wounds (750x2 = 1500)
-1 potion of Haste (750)
Total spent in shopping: 2250
Item's created: Stone of Alarm
Total spent in item creation: 1350
Cash Aristodemos had: 136
Cash now: 1336

I've updated the sheets of both characters including what potions each keeps. Needless to say, Aristodemos keeps the cash :P

As for Actions, Aristodemos will want a meeting with the king and then will probably go to the dungeons up north. Until the members of the Brotherhood return with new rumours, I think it's best to keep an eye on the place where most evil monsters seem to come by. Of course, Sylvia is invited to join if she so wishes. If you think it won't affect that plan (aka, if the king is not going to say "well we have THIS immediate threat"), maybe we can RP both events in parallel?

2016-07-29, 04:24 AM
Shoot. Forgot about that in the middle of typing all the spells.

There's no King, only a mayor of each city, and a parliament. The current is Insigne Ardos.

Blessed Book makes it free to copy into the book, not from the book, unfortunately.

She probably knows Protection from Energy, but doesn't have it on that spellbook.

Insigne Ardos frowns as one of the representatives halts his speech in surprise. He shakes his head as he looks down to where you stand. "Aristodemos. I would be careful of demanding more power than I've already given your little... organization. There are faster, easier and more polite ways of contacting me. Come back when you've arranged for one of them." He waves to the representative, who continues a little more shakily than before.


Sylvia is apparently careful to appear like an elven woman at all times, even when in the closed quarters of your tower. Still, she seems a little more free spirited than you'd like - apparently, she went to the library in human guise before sneaking out of the city invisibly and returning as her favored elven form, officially immigrating to the city as a mage from Woodsrow. She continues making such personal pursuits whenever you're not around, though she's fairly content to follow you when you are.

Don nadie
2016-07-29, 04:44 AM
Aristodemos raises one eyebrow, clearly not impressed with this Insigne. He has seen them come and go, and has often endured their weakness and their ignorance. If he would not understand that the Archmage was more important that whatever business was being attended here, he would be forced to understand.

I must insist. Does Your Lordship really think I would embarrass myself and risk being expelled of your Court for less than an important matter? Does your lordship think I'd rather let your secretaries know the specific times we'll meet so that the enemies of the city are aware of when to begin their divination magics? The Archmage's stern gaze is pinned on the Insigne. A great wizard arrives when he must, and when he must only. You may choose to listen to me in private or you may choose to send me away. But if you choose the second, do not blame me if danger catches Your Lordship and this once great city unprepared.

The Archmage waits a few seconds for a reply and if the Insigne remains silent, turns and begins to walk away through the door. If someone decides to talk to him instead of the Insigne, he'll be happy to listen.

I know! But I, too, have a blessed spellbook :D Freeeeeeeeeee!
In that case, I'll also get a scroll of Protection from energy (375) and one of Resist energy (150) which I proceed to copy to my own spellbook. I really don't know how in Mystra's name I forgot to buy those when creating Aristodemos... No longer will I suffer the indignity! This leaves me with a grand total of 811 GP left.

Btw, if that's alright, I'd like to count that Aristodemos is wearing the Circlet of Persuasion, even though it is usually in Myev's head between adventures. It fits to wear it for visiting the king. Same with having memorized for this occasion Aura of Unremarkable as the means of entry.

I roll Intimidate with that in mind: [roll0]

And quick question... does the Insigne have a son? Are Insignes chosen or are they somewhat hereditary? And who is the current rival of Insigne Ardos?

2016-07-29, 07:49 AM
Insigne ignores you until the representative speaking finishes his short report, then glances towards you, without turning his head. "Then you will leave. If it is really so vital, the information will reach me through appropriate channels soon enough, unless you plan to keep something so important to yourself in some childish bid for dominance."

However, whenever you leave, you do find yourself with several secretaries and other subordinates of the representatives asking you of what your entrance was all about. Mixed in are more pointed questions, such as "Do you believe your position as Archmage of the Brotherhood gives you rights to interrupt government proceedings?", and "Were you unable to get an audience with the king through legitimate pathways?", but the overwhelming majority are concerns of what important information you were going to say.

Ah, nice. Okay.

Go ahead and put it on, but in the future do mention that before doing anything.

Insigne Ardos currently has a daughter, Insigne Umbria, and a son, Insigne Fulminos. The seat he holds is hereditary, but is only one of seventeen seats, with some marginal additional power, and is the designated executive when in times of crisis. Thus, he has no rivals for the seat, but does negotiate and compete with the representatives.

I assume the roll is to temporarily improve his friendliness, as "Influence Opponent's Attitude" - I'll note that I make liberal use of situational modifiers when dealing with Diplomacy/Intimidate, to keep it from being utterly broken.

If you'd like to say more before leaving, go for it and I'll just continue from there.

Don nadie
2016-07-29, 09:24 AM
Aristodemos sends Insigne a cold and sharp gaze and turns, abandoning the place. He does, however, take a few minutes to answer the questions, always coldly.

'Do you believe your position as Archmage of the Brotherhood gives you rights to interrupt government proceedings?'

It certainly should. The threats I confront for the sake of this city far exceed the demands of mundane goverment. It is His Lordship's presumable duty to deal with any possible crisis. If he'd rather deal with the prize of grain of whatever nonsense was the important issue of this day, perhaps this duty ought to be someone else's.

'Were you unable to get an audience with the king through legitimate pathways?'

If His Lordship believes the Archmage of this city ought to go through his secretaries and schedules like a village's peasant, that is his prerrogative. I'd rather not give the many spies keen on knowing my secrets a chance to prepare their work. Again, I would guess His Lordship judges whatever nonsense this was... to be much more important.

As for questions regarding the information he was to pass on, the Archmage merely says.

I am only to share this information with whomever is in charge of protecting this city. To divulge it further would create liabilities. And yet, after being... The Archmage considers for a second, insulted is perhaps too strong a word, sent away... He says, forcing himself to be relatively diplomatic. I believe that perhaps I shall have to find someone else to trust, someone for whom protecting this city is the main priority. Anyone that fits the description would do well in contacting me in the next two days, as I shall leave soon.

With that the Archmage leaves the Court. He is angry. Of course he understands the need of asking for permission when one is a sargeant or a nobleman. But he is Aristodemos the Pale, Archmage of the City, Master of the Cowled Brotherhood! Has anyone else his power, his expertise? Is anyone else as bent on protecting this land as he is?

No matter, the Archmage shall eventually find a substitute.

Sorry about not telling the things I used for this scene before :S

I liked this, though :P I still hadn't had a chance to show Aristodemos in his "I am the most important person" attitude!

He'll wait 2 more days in case someone is interested. He will also send Myev to learn a bit more (him having once more his magnificent Circlet of persuasion) about the Insigne's political rivals. Is the position of being in charge in times of crisis hereditary? Or do nobles with parliamentary seats compete with each other for it?

That done, Aristodemos, Myev and Silvia (if she wants to join) go up north. Btw, could we hire a rogue of sorts? A mercenary?

2016-08-02, 03:46 PM
The executive position is hereditary, though it can be overturned by a two-thirds vote (12/17) if done ahead of time, in peacetime. It'd take quite some effort to get this done, though - Currently, only three members are known to support that motion. One is pretty much in favor of as much power dispersal as possible, and thus thinks the council/parliament shouldn't have a hereditary seat, and should have bi-yearly instead of yearly elections, but hasn't gotten far in such extreme changes. The second simply seems to have a personal vendetta, or maybe just really doesn't like Insigne Ardos. The third wants the position himself, and is just generally power hungry (despite, or perhaps because he is already quite influential).

Hiring a rogue (PC class) is going to be tough, but you could probably find a 1st level one. A "rogue", as in, Expert with Search/Disable Device, would be easier, and you could probably get a 3rd level one. There's plenty of people who are eager to explore, and have learned or reinforced those skills in preparation.

Do you mean "explore the mountains at mostly-random" by "up north"?

Don nadie
2016-08-02, 08:10 PM
Could I get the names of these three guys? I'm not going to get onto intriguing against this king right now, but Aristodemos may gift the Alarm Stone to one of them before he leaves the city. I think now that Bellama is gone (was that the gypsy's name?), there's a spot for someone to make political gains by gifting the powerful magic baubles. After all, in a E6 world, lvl 5 casters with a specific item creation feat may not be exactly common...

Yes to hiring a "rogue" as in an expert with good perception, stealth, and disable device. Best if he/she keeps out of combat anyway and who needs sneak attacks when you have COSMIC POWER!!!!?? I'll use the IC post below to give Sylvia a bit of a chat about the place, in case she also wishes to come.

As for going north... I seem to remember from our first post that there were the gigantic dungeon/tombs where monsters seemed to come from north, beyond the mountains, right? I think it was the third objective for Aristodemos to explore, as not only it was related to the Shadow Wars but also the place where lots of powerful things came from. If I remember, I actually sent some members of the Cowled Brotherhood... I also guess those members which were sent to explore the "dragon" have returned by now? Presuming so, I'll also give them new orders.

Morning - After the "meeting" with the Insigne

After returning from his meeting with the Insigne, a highly unhappy Aristodemos bursts into his library without saying a word to anyone on his way. He is furious as only a great wizard can be. Part of him feels tempted to just abandon the city, let that stupid half-giant be claimed as a "hero" by the imbeciles. With his power, he could probably survive the next Shadow War in some distant region, letting everything else be ravaged by the hordes of monsters...

Except that he can't. The Archmage has a responsibility and, after all, not everyone can see the danger as clearly as himself. He must also remember that most of the common folk are... mentally challenged in comparison to wizards in general and in particular to him. He must show them the way, persuade them.

Thus, he calls Myev. The Archmage has a plan, or the glimpse of one.

Myev, I want you to get to the markets. We must prepare our next expedition. This time, we're following those Brothers who went up into the mountains seeking the fabled dungeons and tombs there. We will explore their dangerous tunnels and chambers. For that, however, I would like you to include in our preparations the hiring of someone good at hiding, noticing the odd and dangerous details and dealing with mechanisms. I am not keen on bringing someone who may well be a spy, but we may easily need such talents, and neither you nor I are adept at those specific tasks.

On your way out, get the Cowled Brothers to anounce that I will be giving today's public lecture at the Great Hall. Alll those Brothers who remain in the city are encouraged to come.

The secretary rolls his parchment and bows.

And Myev? adds the Archmage, hesitating. You will soon hear about it, no doubt, so let me tell you first as a sign of my respect for you. The Archmage intertwines his fingers together and looks straight at the warrior. Today I endured terrible disrespect at the hands of the Insigne and was sent away. He treated me like a peasant. When asked about it, I trust you will use your diplomacy to handle the topic in my favour.

Myev frowns and nods. Should we send an official complaint to the Parliament?

No. Not yet, anyway. The time of the Insigne will come, for this city cannot have a leader who fails to see my messages are more important that his schedule. For the moment, however, it is best to maintain the line that the Brotherhood and the Archmage only to fight to do "what's best for the city, to keep it safe. Even if that means we must go against the preference of pencil-pushers and bureocrats".

Myev bows again, his cheeks blushed with righteous fury and admiration. The Archmage can be so heroic, so wise...

Now you may go, Aristodemos add with a move of his hand. And... Myev? As always, thank you.


Early afternoon - After lunch

After speaking with Myev, Aristodemos takes some time to draft a few letters to some important members of parliament while eating a light lunch of dried fruits, cheese and water. Myev will later fill the respectful blanks and send them. Finally, he stands and goes to find Sylvia wherever she is. The Archmage smiles at the woman. He is interested in her as a curiosity, for she seems to have been created and born out sheer magic yet able to retain her own self. More importantly, her own magical talent and intelligence are comparable to Aristodemos. It is interesting what, of course being kind to the less polished woman, is his equal to talk to. Their time exchanging spells was certainly a stimulating conversation.

Good afternoon, Sylvia. I hope you are feeling well? Are you adapting to your new life? Have you found this world interesting?

After some chitchat on this ground, he goes to the bussiness at hand.

The dragon I thought of seeking out with your help is dead. We must thank for it one barbaric half-giant who, apparently, has slayed the beast... It is a shame, however, the chance of seeing one of those creatures alive was... stimulating, to say the least.

Regardless, I come to you because I am preparing for a much more important expedition. As I told you, this land has been suffering the periodic onslaught of monsters, which always reaches its peak with what is known as a Shadow War. Those monsters come from the North, the mountains. There, it is known the existence of complex tombs, dungeons and possibly temples. It is presumed that clues regarding the origin of the Shadow Wars and how to stop it exist there. If not, one may at least find ancient artifacts from long ago... Maybe even from Durothil's time. I am keen on discovering what we may learn from the past, and if you'd like to accompany us, I would be honoured to count with your magic by our side.

I will not sugar-coat it, however: it is dangerous. This very morning I went to the ruler of this city, in preparation of my possible demise there. We may see there things we can barely imagine, wonders beyond our wildest dreams... and horrors beyond our wildest nightmares. Still, if there is someone I'd have by my side there, someone I trust to survive such ordeals, it is you.

Would you like to accompany us?

Late Afternoon - The Cowled Brotherhood's Public Lecture

The Archmage takes the stand and spends a moment examining the audience with his cold and intelligent eyes. The Archmage's presence for a Lecture always brings more unaffiliated people than usual to the Great Hall. This time, with rumors about his "audience" with the Insigne, there's probably more interest than usual. It is likely that today it will not be one of the Brotherhood's lectures on the dangers of magic or dry arcane theory.

Dear ladies, gentlemen, dear guests and dear brothers. I thank you for joining me here tonight. As you know, the world is growing dangerous. This is not a presumption or an educated guess or fear speaking: this is a fact. More monsters are coming from the mountains that ever before, wreacking havoc to our farms and our towns. Just recently, were it not for the valiant actions of that hero, the half-giant, who knows what that green dragon would have done? Burn cities? Demand ransom? Steal children to eat them?

The world is dangerous, and it is the responsibility of those with power to make it less so.

The growing danger has a name and an aim, which is none other than our destruction. Few of you remain alive from my youth, few from the last time the walls of this city were sieged by horrors, creatures of darkness and bone. Few of you remember the Shadow Wars. Must we be surprised that few of our rules seem to remember it either? But I remember. I lost my master there, and because of his heroic sacrifice I know there are priorities.

Our continued survival.

With that in mind I have been working towards keeping under control the dangers that emerge. As far as my magic shows, there are no inmediate threats to the city. Hence, I have decided to go north, to the dark tombs deep into the mountains, and seek out more answers. The danger is real, but if there is a region where we may learn more about the Shadow Wars and how to stop the next one, it is there.

I cannot, however, ignore the possibility of my demise.

I have already sent letters to some select members of the parliament to prepare them for such eventuality and to ensure them the Brotherhood may be commanded by the city in case of grave danger. I would also like to officially present the man who will lead the Brotherhood in my absence and, in the event of my demise, become its master.

The Archmage pauses, looking at the audience.

Alek Maeverick. Mr Maeverick has shown himself not only one of the most competenent wizards in this city, but also a loyal member of the Brotherhood. I trust he will be able to help the city if I am to fall in my attempts of protecting it. It is important to be prepared. Alek, the Archmage adds slowly, I will contact you at least once a week through my magic. Know that if I fail to do so, you may proceed as the leader until my return. I will also contact other brothers, of course, as I would hope to be as widely informed as possible.

He does not add "and to ensure that Maeverick is actually following my orders". Hopefully his audience cannot hear it.

But return I must, and if I do not it won't be a vain sacrifice. This city was saved not by the hand of those concerned with protocol and rank, but by those willing to take action and do whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of all. I believe Maeverick will be ready to make sacrifices of his own and to take action, if the situation so demands.

Before I am gone, I would also like to use this chance to announce a new task for the Cowled Brothers. For long have we concerned with the protection of citizens from magic. This was not a mistake, as magic beyond control threates all much more than hunger or cold. But hunger and cold are still troubling to most. Hence, I want to hereby announce that a fourth of the Brothers will for the foreseeable future be dedicated to improve the situation of Heartrock's citizens.

In those poor and wretched, evil may find a weakness. It is our duty to make them strong. So I trust you go, Brothers, and use your magic to create bridges and walls, to warm houses and draw water from the dry earth. For it takes the sacrifice of all of us for all of them to survive.

Thank you.

Few... This was a long post! I hope it conveyed a bit of the Archmage's manipulative self-serving narcisistic personality.

I checked my first post, btw, and yeah, I meant the dungeons beyond the mountains north. Also, I checked that Maeverick was the highest-level member of the Brotherhood, he was sent to investigate the dragon and... now that there's no dragon he probably has returned. If he isnt, well, Aristodemos announced it without the guy being present :P


-Order Myev to hire the Expert. Hopefully he can be convinced to join for a lump sum, half payed now half later. Myev may have to sell the Stone of Alarm to pay for it, now that I think of it though.

-send a few letters towards those nobles (basically letting them know what Aristodemos said in his speech: that he's going up north, may die, Maeverick will take the Brotherhood if he does and that the Brotherhood may be commanded by them in time of danger).

-Talk with Sylvia. See how she's doing and invite her to join the expedition. "One can never have enough mages" is possibly Aristodemo's unsaid motto.

-Give a lecture to hall full of people and members of the Brotherhood. Announce that Maeverick will take the reins in his absence/demise and give orders to follow his guidelines.

-Announce also that the Brotherhood will from now own dedicate part of its resources to improve the living of Heartrock. Basically, it is about doing public work for the poor. Using magic to help construction, for instance (ant haul, its mass version and tenser's disc alone can probably help speed up buildings; crarfter's fortune can also help a lot) to improve their living conditions. In the few days before leaving, Aristodemos may write up a few scrolls fo some useful lvl 1 spells for this purpose, for the Brotehrs to learn.

-After the meeting he'll give a few more direct guidelines: he wants the Brotherhood to help sanitation of the poorest, filthiest district. Plague can be dangerous, and helping create some small public baths and improved wells alone may help there. If it is possible to build an aqueduct, the Brotherhood could also help with that.
It is all, of course, in the hopes of raising Aristodemos's and the Brotherhood's profile. If he wants to take on Heartrock's Insigne, he must have popular support.

(Yes, in case you've noticed, Aristodemos is going full Julius Cesar on this. In ancient Rome making public construction for the poor was basically the prelude of trying to overthrow the Republic and become king :P)

Don nadie
2016-08-02, 10:17 PM
Incidentally, and thinking of Aristodemos's Julius Cesar-ic future...

Could Aristodemos create an item based on the Lyre of Building (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/lyre-of-building) but with Knowledge (Arcane) as requirement instead Perform (string)? The idea would be the sceptre requires you to clearly voice the names of lords of the jinn and numerous ritualistic incantations, commanding minor spirits to do your bid and work their ass off. I was thinking of a King Solomon style of thing and call it "Sceptre of the Wizard-King" in... preparation for the future. :P

Maybe I could even add this property to my Rod of Mercyful metamagic? (Though it is a rod, so maybe it cannot also be a wondrous item)

I think I'll have to wait until return from the north for it, though, as Aristodemos has little money left after the potions and doing "craft magical stuff and sell it for double the prize" math seems... not like the kind of thing an Archmage should sit doing...

2016-08-03, 01:19 AM
While I don't want to discourage you from Julius Caesering all over Heartrock, I will note that the people are already pretty content with how things are going. Sure, there are some poor districts where there's a few homeless, but nobody goes hungry (there's already a government program to feed the hungry). Better shelter would probably be appreciated by many of the poor, as they are uncomfortably though rarely dangerously cold at night. Improving sanitary standards would be appreciated by many, though most greatly by the wealthier people in less-wealthy areas (which is small but not insignificant, maybe 3-5% of those areas and ~1% of the overall city).

The councilman who's all for dispersal of power is named Jayce Bell. The councilwoman who just completely disagrees with Insigne Ardos is Caitlyn Banner. The power-hungry councilman is Alexander Reed.

The dragon guys are back. Some people have explored the mountains and come back with reports of what didn't work - most were forced back by dead ends, impassable terrain, or monster attacks (one report of a manticore might pique your interest).

The best explorer for hire Myev could find charges 10 gp a day, with a 50 gp minimum deposit, with an additional charge of 50-300 gp in the event of serious injury (low for things immediately healed, high for permanent injury), or 500 total in the event of death (paid to his family).

Sylvia's Response

Sylvia seems to be happy to chat about the various things she's explored in the city - after selling one of her extraordinary outfits for a decent sum, she's been busy sampling the local food, drink, clothing, and various forms of entertainment. She regales you with these stories with almost childlike glee, making her seem more eighteen than eighteen hundred years old. However, as soon as you shift towards more serious topics, she catches on and listens intently.

After hearing your overview of your planned journey, Sylvia agrees enthusiastically. "Of course I will join you! I think it would be safer with you, anyway. And I'm already running out of things to try here...

Don't have time to start the exploration into the north quite yet, but I'll either edit that in or post again when I can.

Don nadie
2016-08-03, 02:55 AM
Aristodemos is quite happy with Sylvia's words, even though they do involve a dangerous note. After all, if she is getting bored with the city, she may eventually decide to leave it, perhaps even this continent. The wizard would rather avoid that.

Having heard about the Brotherhood getting lost and being sent off-track by monsters, he decides it is best to hedge their bets and get an extra mercenary who may know the way of the land... If there are any. The Brothers will stay, however. Too big a group could create aditional complications.

This is becoming quite the expedition.

The Brotherhood will then work towards improving shelter and sanitation (but mostly shelter) for the poorest. It is what they can do best, after all, with some Crafter's blessing, Ants haul and Tenser's disc (or is it "disk" in Enligsh? Not my first language, as you may have probably guessed)

Its a shame everyone is so happy about the city and the current goverment... :( Not that Aristodemos would say that aloud!

Still, it's good that the Brotherhood becomes known beyond those who already have an interest in magic, and that people learn their line of "magic for the public good and safety". And maybe once Aristodemos starts pouring resources into it he can cause more... dramatic shifts of public opinion in his favour. The fact nobody oposed the Insigne's throwing him out has taught the wizard he is not as widely known and respected as he should be. On that note, I'm writing down those names now...

If possible then I'd like to hire one more Expert with Knowledge (Nature), Survival and so on (basically ranger without weapon skills).

As for the expedition, worry not :P I'd prefer you to take your time and make a cool trip/dungeon like Durothil's... Whatever it was.

2016-08-07, 05:46 PM
After hiring a knowledgeable hunter to assist you on your journey, you set off, quickly making your way into the mountains and slowly climbing from there. It doesn't take long for the five of you to find something worth investigating - hidden behind a mass of vines, an iron door lies hidden. It appears to have no easy way to open it from the outside, but your hireling soon cracks it open, revealing a long stone passage within. Your keen vision picks up the faintest glow some hundred feet down the tunnel - curiously, it's red on the left, and blue on the right.


Don nadie
2016-08-08, 12:02 AM
The Archmage stares into the darkness quickly and, finally, demands an arrow (or bolt) from one of the mercenaries. Holding it in one hand, Aristodemos mumbles some words until it begins to shine with bright white light. Now, he orders, fire it down the passage.

As per the classic adventurer-mage rulebook, I cast Light on a projectile and cast said projectile down the hall. This is probably the least original action I've ever taken.

2016-08-10, 04:41 PM
The hunter's arrow travels far down the hall, revealing that it is essentially straight and featureless, until it sinks into a wall some four hundred feet away. While it's hard to make out the features from where you stand, if your vision isn't failing you, this may be a Kitka facility - you can just make out what looks to be the bone platforms and climbing-holes you recognize as signs of Kitka construction.

Don nadie
2016-08-10, 06:59 PM
Aristodemos looks critically at the corridor and then nods.

We'll enter now. Mr. Merill, you go first. This is, as we suspected, a set of Kitka ruins... traps are likely, and your expertise will be needed. Myev, you'll be next. It is your duty to protect Mr. Merill were a dangerous beast leap from the darkness. I'll enter third, followed by Sylvia and Mr. Hellsworth. Be prepared for anything. I have... fought Kitka beasts before, and they can be treacherous and sly.

They all get ready and move forward.

So, we go in that order. Hope it's alright I gave the trapsmith and ranger some names :P

Perception is something you roll, right? Or should I?

2016-08-15, 09:29 PM
Yeah, that's fine. Perception is something I roll for general "did you notice this as you walked in", but you roll if you're actively searching for something (like search vs spot from 3.5).

Moving steadily forward, Merill checks the area in front of him for traps. After making it all the way down the hallway and a few feet into the room, he stops, letting you take a look around, then asks, "Where next?"

The room appears to be three stories tall, beginning with the minimal twenty-foot square floor you stand upon. Above, four rooms each faintly glow with a color, though from your position below you can't see too much of them. However, you do notice several gouges in the stone on what little of those room's ceilings, and black scorch-marks in the red room.

Purple = Ramp up
Green = Ramp down
Off-white = Bone platform
Brown = Rock wall
Color = Glowing room

Don nadie
2016-08-16, 04:17 AM
Now, you wait, says the Archmage quite sharply.

Softly, he covers his eyes with one of his hands and begins muttering words of arcane power. Below his hand, there's a soft blue glow. When he retires them, his eyes are empty of colour. He then blows from his hand into the air, weaves of grey light forming into a tiny almost invisible sphere with the grey colour of Aristodemos's usual iris. The Archmage then crosses his arms and the sphere begins to move, exploring the rooms beforehand.

The Archmage is cautious. More so when it comes to Kitka ruins.

So, casting Arcane eye.

I first send the sensor all the way up to explore the uppermost area, from there going through the rooms (first blue, then green, yellow, red). Information gathering! I know, I can be a bit too cautious... but I always fear my characters will die!

Btw, thanks for taking the time to make the map. It's easier to understand that way...

2016-08-16, 08:21 PM
No problem, it's definitely hard to get from just text description. And it was simple enough for me to draw :smalltongue:

(That reminds me, now that you're done with the ice-place: it was shaped like a snowflake)

Sending your sensor up, you can make out several more rooms, each with further scratch and gouge marks. The upper floors have only faint scratches, but the ones below have some of their own, clearly elemental markings - The blue has a thin layer of frost over the entire room, the green has a pit of acid in the corner, and the yellow... that one is less clear, but two metal poles, each about three feet high, stick out from the floor. Curiously, the scratch marks have a very distinct border, ending at each of their respective doorways - some even stop seemingly halfway through a mark.

Don nadie
2016-08-17, 12:31 AM
Carefully, the Archmage puts his hand over his eyes again and the irises return to him. He looks at the group assembled.

I believe it is safe to go ahead. There are four rooms in the second level, apparently related to the four elemental forces. I am not certain of what the purpose of these was, but it is not unlikely they were some sort of elemental experimentation chambers.

He seems toughtful for a few seconds, and then nods.

Let us go.

Aristodemos, with Myev one step ahead of him, leads the group to the first floor, the one with the rooms. Before the room with the scorched marks. There, the Archmage weaves strange sigils in the air which throw golden and red sparks in the air. The air fills with the smell of smoke and a fire begins to burn. The flames expand, eventually forming the shape of a humanoid creature, with arms and hands made of bright flames.

I command you, enter the room.

Once the fire elemental has gone into the fire room, he'll command it to also enter the ice room. In both cases, the Archmage is interested in examining what effect an elemental force of the same and opposite element can have in the space.

Spend 4 arcane points to bring forth a Medium fire elemental... Go, fiery elemental power!!

2016-08-19, 12:02 AM
The group watches in moderate amazement as you summon elemental fire and direct it to the scorch-marked room. However, as it walks in, there's a sudden explosion, not only from that room but all four glowing ones - A miniature blizzard from the blue, a crackling thunderstorm from the yellow, a torrent of acid from the green. Before the rooms clear, a kitka bursts from each, leaping from above and pouncing! However, you're quick enough to react before all but the electric one, which dashes to you at lightning speed before leaping onto Sylvia, who lets out a "meep!" of surprise. Her ice-armor seems to hold against the initial strike, though, and it changes target, striking twice at you. It has more success here, slashing its claw across your legs before jabbing its tail, leaving a small but deep wound on your chest. Each strike sparks as it connects, shocking you, but you manage to shake off the numbness and move as the other kitka descend...

You're up, then enemies + Sylvia, then the rest of the group + you. You take 6 slashing+2 electric from a claw and 7 piercing+6 electric from a sting, for a total of 21.

I'm not totally sure what the positioning should be, but Sylvia would stick close to you, and you said Myev's just in front of you, so I assumed it went Myev-You-Sylvia-Merill-Hellsworth, in a line going up the ramp. Each kitka is in its room, except the electric one which is next to you and Sylvia.






Don nadie
2016-08-20, 04:15 AM
Hey! Sorry, I wont be able to respond as thoroughly as a life-threatening situation requires, as I've had to leave the country I was on (they rejected my applicaton of spousal visa because... gay marriage is not a thing in Mongolia XD). I'll be back there by Monday, but till then I have the connection I can scramble with my phone :D

Don nadie
2016-08-22, 01:07 AM
Aristodemos is not entirely surprised by the sudden appearance of the monsters. The Archmage was expecting a reaction from the rooms… He just would have liked it if the reaction was less immediately dangerous. He drives a hand to his chest, where the blood has begun to run. The edges of his wounds are burnt by the electricity.

Desperately, Aristodemos tries to recall anything he can find useful to remember about these monsters. These are probably not everyday garden varieties, but the Archmage knows that using the wrong spell can have dire consequences.

Overcoming the pain with adrenaline, Aristodemos orders the recently summoned elemental to attack the kitka which appeared in a blizzard of snow. The Archmage hopes that both creatures will be able to damage each other, though that is of course only a presumption.

As he gives the order, he also takes a step backwards, trying to put himself carefully away from the electric monster’s fangs. Once in a more relative safety, Aristodemos whisper swiftly the words of a spell. For a second his entire volume appears composed not by colour but by a myriad of thin white lines. Then, even the lines become transparent and the Archmage disappears completely from view.

So… There are a few things for your ruling, as they should have happened when the lightning monster attacked. They are mostly actions that take place in the enemy’s turn due to the special abilities or spells of both Aristodemos and Myev

1-For one of the attacks, Aristodemos would use Windy Escape, gaining a dr 10/magic. If you'd allow, I'd like Aristodemos to use it... Because he has very, very little HP :(
2-Aristodemos has a +2 to AC and saves due to being in the vicinity of his sworn protector. Dunno if you counted it in, but I better remind.
3-Myev can do a max of 3 attacks of opportunity against enemies moving in his threat area. This threat area is of 25 if making a stand (creating a defensive perimeter) or of merely +5’ in everyday circumstances. In any case, being next to Aristodemos he should have had the time to attack at the damm electric monster as it moved in. In case you consider this appropriate, I roll!
Oportunity attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
These rolls have an additional +2 morale for being in range of the ward (Aristodemos) If the attack hits, Myev would use an Arminger’s mark, giving the electric monster -4 to attacks against targets other than itself for the next 3 rounds.

The actions themselves:
Inmediate action: the casting of Windy Escape
Free action: directing the fire elemental
Free action: roll knowledge [roll2] Add +18 if the appropriate knowledge is Arcana or the Planes, +11 if it is Dungeoneering, Nature or Religion. Aristodemos wants to see what he remembers about the monsters, and is particularly eager to know what weaknesses they have if any (specially in saves :P)
Move action: take a 5’ step backwards (or sideways. Away from the monster without provoking attacks of opportunity, basically)
Standard action: cast Improved Invisibility on himself [if I’m not mistaken, I don’t need to roll concentration unless the kitka can follow me)

Fire elemental:
Move to the ice kitka and attack. The elemental has +4 to str and con (aka, +2 to damage and +8 HP, +2 to fort)
Attack roll: [roll3] Damage roll: [roll4] If it hits, it applies Burn condition.

The status of the characters:

AC: 14 HP: 22 [or something like 30/32 if the Windy Escape can be used)
Ref: 9 Fort: 9 Will: 12
Effects: Improved invisibility, Guardianship

AC: 20, HP: 58
Fort: 8, Ref: 5, Will: 5
Effects: Iron Tortoise Stance (+5’ threat range for opportunity attacks), Guardianship

Fire elemental:
AC: 17, HP: 38
Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +1
Effects: -

2016-08-24, 12:23 AM
Well... Normally you can't take immediate actions until you have acted, but I suppose in this case you were preparing to fight. I'll make an exception, but in the future, we'll say this: At any time, you may "ready" an immediate action as a swift action, allowing you to take an otherwise full turn of actions with the immediate action at the ready. This is identical to readying an action, except the action taken must be immediate. If combat begins, and the trigger specified occurs, you may use the immediate action even if you lose initiative. However, if the trigger does not occur, your swift action for the turn is still expended, as if you had used an immediate action.

I think that makes it very clear-cut when you are prepared to respond and puts a fair risk/reward on getting ready for specific things?

Also: AoOs, while not immediate actions, will be treated as immediate actions for this purpose. However, Myev has Combat Reflexes (or equivalent from Warder, iirc), so he gets his AoO. I did account for the +AC, but not Armiger's Mark, so in that case... Well, I'll need to roll Acrobatics. But there's a good chance you only get hit the second time, which means you only take a total of 6 damage! Edit: Unfortunately, it's Acrobatics worked (it wasn't very close, but if there's any further modifiers to Myev's CMD, let me know). So, you still take 15.

In any case, Knowledge (Arcana) tells you these are in some ways animated constructs. However, they also share some qualities with undead, particularly being made of bone, and have faint necromantic energies imbued within them. The primary magic that binds them, however, is Transmutation and Conjuration. A moderate amount of Evocation has also been imbued into these, for obvious reasons. In terms of weaknesses, this means they are immune to most fort-save effects.

Additionally, you know due to the hive-mind effect studied and used against the Kitka in the Second Shadow War, they are likely mindless drones and thus resistant to most will-save effects.

Also, they are very quick, as you have seen. This means they have reasonable Reflex saves, though against these relatively expendable units, this may be your best bet (a.k.a. decent Dex, good Reflex per HD, but low HD = meh reflex save).

Lastly, let me offer my sympathy for your situation :smallfrown: I really, really hope it works out for you, one way or another - you're one of my favorite players :smallsmile:

Charging at the icy Kitka, your fire elemental manages a glancing blow, but it's enough to catch the creature alight for the briefest of moments. The flame is almost immediately consumed by the icy aura, but doesn't go without a bright flash and a recoil of apparent pain from the Kitka.

However, while there is some success with that attack, the icy Kitka responds by utterly annihilating the elemental in a flurry of claws and stings. Similarly, the fire and acid Kitka leap down to flank Sylvia, who frantically tries to deflect lightning-fast jabs and slashes as they rain down upon her. She manages to avoid the brunt of the attacks, leaving her partially-melted in two ways but mostly okay, and she maintains enough composure to surround herself with a protective shield.

Myev's up, then Hellsworth+Merill, then you.

Fire Elemental takes, well, a lot of damage. I didn't roll nearly as many d6s as I needed, but it's 15d6+6 (average 58), so I think it's safe to say he's dead.

I'll say you recognize Sylvia's casting a Fire Shield (chill). She's injured but well above half health.







Don nadie
2016-08-24, 03:21 AM
The idea with inmediate actions sounds perfectly fine. I'll take care of next time always stating what readied actions I have in case of danger. If I don't mention... Well, I deal with it.

Myev has a bonus of INT+class levels to CMB vs Acrobatics to avoid attacks of oportunity, but I think that only applies when using Defensive Focus (which is a full round action). However, he counts as one category larger for the purposes of CMB, meaning he has a +1... so maybe this saves the Archmage a few HP?

It turns out I hadn't read carefully enough the "Iron tortoise stance" description, it says: "The martial disciple is considered one size larger for the purposes of determining his CMD while in this stance, and he gains +5 ft. reach for making attacks of opportunity and may make one additional attack of opportunity per round."

Also: WOA fire elemental -15d6!!!! It was nice to meet you! Also, something tells me the poor henchmen are pretty much dead, I'll send money to their families. I think after the "exterminate the ice-arms in one turn", this a... worrying change of pace XD Let's trust wizards, I guess. But if the "expendable" kitka deal that damage... I now see why the Shadow Wars almost destroy the world several times.

As for the personal situation... Well, we're still in the process. I arrived back to Mongolia on Monday (the consulate is as annoyed that I didn't get permanent visa as I am, and they basically processed my new "tourist" visa in 30 minutes. This means I went to Germany on Thursday (18 hour-trip) and back on Sunday-Monday (20 hour-trip). Still not sure on what time-zone I live though!

And thanks for the favourite player thing :P You're also my fav DM! Perhaps because solo games get interesting way quicker than the others, but also because your dungeons are awesome XD I am fearing these rooms will spam op kitka for the next few turns until I figure out a puzzling puzzle.

Myev takes some more time to react, the monsters moving far faster than his eyes can follow. He notices their attacks actually owing to the voice of Aristodemos chanting the words of his magic. Quickly he turns and sees the Archmage has dissapeared and the "young" ice enchantress is in a tight spot. Sir Myev's training quicks in, his unconscious mind analyzing the tactical problems of the area far quicker than he consciously could.

Get behind me! he yells. The scream is accompanied by his extending one foot on the way of one of the kitka and pivoting over his own feet while tracing a wide arc with his sword. The movement does not come close to hitting the kitka, but provides the allies and specially Sylvia with a second that can be used to get out of the direct contact with the monsters. Myev has now his shield raised covering Sylvia and his sword extended in the other direction. His feet are in a perfect position, allowing him to launch himself in any direction to intercept a charging kitka.

The knight is, once again, making sure if anyone wants to harm his allies they'll have to go through him first.

Ok, so... Myev's actions (correct me if I do anything wrong)

Inmediate action: used to "cast" Circling the prey, giving all allies a 5' free move that causes no attacks of oportunity (it's basically a free "step" action). The idea is that the allies will be relatively behind the knight, so that the kitka have to go through him. Ideally, Myev will try to use a wall or other solid obstacles to keep himself from being flanked.

Full-round action: used to stablish Defensive perimeter using his Defensive focus. This recovers his maneuvers (which right now means recovering one maneuver) Anyone who tries to move in 20' of him gets a AoO by Myev, with the same attack bonus as he had before, to a max of 4 total AoO. He can move to do these and get on the way of an attack on his allies, but this may cause AoO from other enemies. Because he is using Iron tortoise stance, he counts as one category larger for CMB and has 5' reach (meaning he can attack someone without getting in direct contact with them) Also, he has now +9 to CMB vs the enemy's Acrobatics rolls.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but attacks of oportunity means the movement is interrupted, right? If so, because of the 5' reach... does that mean Myev may stop a kitka from reaching anywhere where it may attack? Be this true or not, feel free to roll his AoO to make the whole thing faster. And if he hits, yes, Arminger marc spent on each monster.

Btw, I just learned you cannot take swift actions at the same time as inmediate actions... Which means once this battle ends, I have to switch Myev's readied maneuvers a bit (ALL are swift actions! T_T)

Fire elemental: May it rest in peace. Its wife and seventeen children will remember it as the chuckling fire-monster with an addiction to barbacues.

AC: 14 HP: 28?
Ref: 9 Fort: 9 Will: 12
Effects: Improved invisibility, Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves)

AC: 20, HP: 58
Fort: 8, Ref: 5, Will: 5
Effects: Iron Tortoise Stance (+5’ reach range for opportunity attacks, counts as one cat. larger for CMB, +1 max AoO), Guardianship (+2 morale to damage and attack)

2016-08-26, 10:24 PM
AoOs don't interrupt movement unless you have Improved Trip to trip them (and thus halt movement), or Stand-Still. Myev seems to have neither.

As Sylvia uses Myev's distraction to dodge out of the Kitka's reach, Hellsworth and Merill both back up some and fire at the Kitka. They both seem competent, but the Kitka are both fast and durable, and only Hellsworth manages to actually damage the crackling electric Kitka that seems hellbent on killing you. It pounces again, leaping at you, but Myev is fast enough to strike it, slowing it enough fro you to dodge its first slash. However, the second and third strike true, shocking and lacerating you.

Myev gets an AoO (I will roll this in the future, but I forgot to this time :smalleek:). You take 9 slashing+4 electric and then 6 piercing+4 electric (this assumes Myev hits and lands the mark, but I think he's got a high chance of doing so).

Your turn, then Kitka + Sylvia, then Myev.





Don nadie
2016-08-27, 12:41 AM
Erm... If I'm not mistaken, the kitka can't see Aristodemos... Or do they have See Invisibility? If so, I used my first spell VERY badly. Otherwise, at least they'd have to roll for full cover, no? Also, Aristodemos is not in direct contact, so full attack is not an option (unless, again, I'm mistaken).

Would you mind to let me know about these two issues? I may take a different action (healing/another protection spell) if the kitka can see Aristodemos...

If not, I'll probably either try to burn these kitka and/or summon a good-old-fashioned bunch of lions.

2016-08-27, 12:04 PM
My mistake - they can target you but don't have see invis. I'll roll miss chance:


So, you only get hit by the second attack :smallbiggrin:

They can full attack due to having Pounce.

Don nadie
2016-08-27, 07:31 PM
Dammed pounce! Also, good to know those feats are what I need. If we survive this, Myev is gonna try to get them...

Sorry if I slow this a bit, my lack of profound knowledge of combat rules is kinda annoying sometimes XD But when I've played D&D has always been with a... let's say low degree of strategy.

Good thing is that I'm learning. I just realized for instance that Web or Black tendrils on my first turn after a step back could have prevented a lot of trouble by putting half the map in trouble... The more you know!

Also, one question... Has anyone ever: A) captured a live kitka B) studied in detail the entrails of a kitka? I'm just asking in case we hopefully survive this.

(On that line, neither constructs nor undead are really knocked down by non-lethal damage, am I right?)

Badly hurt, the Archmage contains the desire to heal his wounds. It is too important that he deals with this situation, fast. The claws of the monster slash at him sizzling with lightning. Hidden under the shade of his magical invisibility, however, only one comes in contact with Aristodemos. At it, however, the Archmage quickly reacts by extending two of his fingers and pronouncing a single word of power. Inmediately, that part of his body becomes insubstantial for only as long as the claw would've been shredding the skin. When the effect ends, Aristodemos shows only a thin line of burnt skin, the magic clearly unable to stop the electricity.

With swift feet, Aristodemos steps backwards again, dodging barely the claw of the electrical monster who seems to bent on shredding him off. He raises his arms, summoning a glowing orb of heavenly light from which several golden leopards with silver spots jump, positioning themselves right next to the electrical kitka. The heavenly creatures now create a wall of bodies which, the Archmage hopes, can buy him a bit of time.

Shred this abomination by the glory of all that is Good! orders Aristodemos in Celestial.

The leopards turn their claws to the kitka, doing the best they can to shred it and surrounding it to makes its movement difficult. Their claws seem to shimmer with a divine light, charged as they shred what they try to destroy what they believe are evil monsters.

Ok... actions:


Move action: another step back!
Standard action: spend another 4 arcanist points to summon 1d3+1 celestial leopards. I'm hoping the inmunities will help here. Truly, they are kinda better than the elemental.
Inmediate action: Aristodemos prepares another Windy scape... something I forgot the last turn (and ate another attack because of it). Against one attack that hits, the Archmage will have DR 10/-, inmunity to sneak and crit.

The leopards:

Number of them: [roll0]

They surround the electrical kitka and attack. Since I think it goes in order, if it dies they'll just go attack either the fire or the acid kitka. As last time, I'll roll the attacks and damage of all 4 leopards and you can apply them depending on how it goes.

Leopard 1: Bite attack: [roll1], bite damage: [roll2], Claw 1 attack: [roll3], Claw 1 damage: [roll4], Claw 2 attack: [roll5], Claw 2 damage: [roll6]

Leopard 2: Bite attack: [roll7], bite damage: [roll8], Claw 1 attack: [roll9], Claw 1 damage: [roll10], Claw 2 attack: [roll11], Claw 2 damage: [roll12]

Leopard 3: Bite attack: [roll13], bite damage: [roll14], Claw 1 attack: [roll15], Claw 1 damage: [roll16], Claw 2 attack: [roll17], Claw 2 damage: [roll18]

Leopard 4: Bite attack: [roll19], bite damage: [roll20], Claw 1 attack: [roll21], Claw 1 damage: [roll22], Claw 2 attack: [roll23], Claw 2 damage: [roll24]

The leopards are using their smite evil on this attack with 3 HD. So, if they hit, the enemies they should get +6 damage extra (presuming the kitka are undead/evil and not neutral constructs.. of which I'm not 100% sure)

Furthermore, after the 1st one, some leopards will probably get the benefit of flanking.

AC: 14 HP: 24 :smallfrown:
Ref: 9 Fort: 9 Will: 12
Effects: Improved invisibility, Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves)

AC: 20, HP: 58
Fort: 8, Ref: 5, Will: 5
Effects: Iron Tortoise Stance (+5’ reach range for opportunity attacks, counts as one cat. larger for CMB, +1 max AoO), Guardianship (+2 morale to damage and attack)

Each leopard has
Ac: 15, HP: 21
Ref +7, Fort +5, Will +2
Celestial template

2016-08-27, 11:06 PM
Oh! I believe I was unclear. You don't need to prepare immediate actions in normal circumstances, only when you expect to be caught in a surprise round, or beaten in initiative. A little self-contradictory, I know, but let me try to explain. Essentially, if you think something is going to attack, but you're not sure what exactly, you can say "I'm planning to Windy Escape if anything attacks me". This represents you being prepared for an attack, but something being faster than you still hitting you before you can do anything extensive.

However, if, say, the enemy turns out to be magical and uses an attack that isn't protected against by Windy Escape, you lose your swift action for the round, as if you had used an immediate action. This is basically representing you preparing to use one defense, but because you were readying to do that thing and not something else, you can't act quite as fast when it's something unexpected.

In this case, feel free to Windy Escape and note take the physical damage :smallsmile:

The rest of the post will come... tomorrow, probably, I'm kind of busy.

2016-08-29, 07:04 PM
Your leopards leap forth from nothingness, tearing apart one kitka quickly, and soon find out that is a somewhat dangerous prospect. The kitka bursts upon its demise, sending an electric surge through all nearby, including you and the nearby leopards. The other two leopards are undeterred, and pounce after the acidic Kitka, damaging it severely.

Sylvia continues defending herself against the Kitka, who assault her again. Fortunately, her barrier seems to have done the trick - with the help of an intervening blow from Myev, the fiery Kitka literally destroys itself trying to hit Sylvia, though it still significantly harms her. The acidic one, rather than meet a similar fate, leaps from platform to platform (after another strike from Myev that leaves it nearly destroyed) in what seems to be an attempt to escape or regroup, joining the icy Kitka somewhere on the east side of the top floor, out of sight. Sylvia takes the opportunity to take a deep, calming breath, heal herself and hide behind Myev.

Take [roll0] electric damage, reflex save DC 14 for half. There's pretty much no chance this kills a leopard given their electricity resistance so I'll go ahead and do the other stuff assuming they are alive.

Sylvia is in okay shape - she was below half, then healed herself above half.

They seem to be neutral constructs, or at least, not evil and not normal undead.

[roll1], [roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5], [roll6]

[roll7], [roll8], [roll9]




Don nadie
2016-08-29, 08:56 PM
Yay! More or less yay XD

Ref: 1d20+9

A quick leap to one side saves Aristodemos from the core of the electrical explosion. Still, some of the electricity burns his leg, and he growls a small sound of complain. Without hesitation, though, he whispers fast an incantation at full speed, creating a shimmering net of silver which falls over the leopards and covers their bodies.

Follow the monsters!

The leopards leap forth trying to reach the acid kitka again. Their movement is incredibly fast now and leaves a trail of silver light lines. The leap forth after the kitka, their fangs ready. While they move, the Archamage uses this chance to hide himself, benefiting from the fact they are no longer visible.

Standard action: cast haste on the leopards. Now they move at 60', and all of them will track and try to kill the enemies.
Move action: Hide, without moving and using the invisibility for a total bonus of +40 [roll0]


Run after the enemies (hopefully 60' speed is enough to get them). If relevant, they have 50' climb speed, +12 climb, +5 perception (with scent and darkvision 60') and +8 acrobatics. As before, I roll and you let me know if they get to use it. Preferably, they'll use only one move action, but if needed they can use two to get to them.

Leopard 1: Bite attack: [roll1], bite damage: [roll2], Haste bite attack: [roll3], Haste bite damage: [roll4] Claw 1 attack: [roll5], Claw 1 damage: [roll6], Claw 2 attack: [roll7], Claw 2 damage: [roll8]

Leopard 2: Bite attack: [roll9], bite damage: [roll10], Haste bite attack: [roll11], Haste bite damage: [roll12] Claw 1 attack: [roll13], Claw 1 damage: [roll14], Claw 2 attack: [roll15], Claw 2 damage: [roll16]

Leopard 3: Bite attack: [roll17], bite damage: [roll18], Haste bite attack: [roll19], Haste bite damage: [roll20] Claw 1 attack: [roll21], Claw 1 damage: [roll22], Claw 2 attack: [roll23], Claw 2 damage: [roll24]

Leopard 4: Bite attack: [roll25], bite damage: [roll26], Haste bite attack: [roll27], Haste bite damage: [roll28] Claw 1 attack: [roll29], Claw 1 damage: [roll30], Claw 2 attack: [roll31], Claw 2 damage: [roll32]

AC: 14 HP: 17
Ref: 9 Fort: 9 Will: 12
Effects: Improved invisibility, Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves)

AC: 20, HP: 58
Fort: 8, Ref: 5, Will: 5
Effects: Iron Tortoise Stance (+5’ reach range for opportunity attacks, counts as one cat. larger for CMB, +1 max AoO), Guardianship (+2 morale to damage and attack)

Each leopard has
Ac: 16, HP: 21
Ref +8, Fort +5, Will +2
Effects: Haste

2016-08-29, 09:49 PM
I don't think the leopards can Pounce here, since they've got no straight line. Still, the one bite that hit finishes the job :smallbiggrin:

Your leopards give chase, climbing up the bone structure to leap upon the last two Kitka. While most can't properly sink their teeth into the thick plating of the creatures, one manages to rip the head clean off of the acidic one, which bursts. The splatter hits each leopard as well as the already damaged icy Kitka, causing that one to explode as well in a miniature blizzard. Most of the leopards survive, though the one responsible for the chain-reaction is caught by a blast of acid to the face, and appears to dissipate as it returns to the celestial realms.

Man, the leopards only got hit by stuff they resist! :smalltongue: Leopard 1 has taken 7, Leopard 2 and 3 have taken 14, Leopard 4 took 24 and gets sent back I believe.





Don nadie
2016-08-29, 10:38 PM
To be perfectly honest, I was first thinking of summoning elementals... then I remembered that Celestial gives inmunity to 3 of the 4 elements :D The fact that I got 4 of them also helps.

The Archmage hears the explosions and feels quite relieved at the result. While this is not exactly ideal (he would have liked to have some specimen to study) now it is not the time to worry about such issues. They have to see what these rooms are and, most importantly, make sure they wont generate another cuartet of kitka all of the sudden.

Myev takes some time, activating the magical wand which heals the Archmage's wounds and trying to fix Sylvia a bit. Aristodemos nods gratefully at his bodyguard. While he activates the magic, the Archmage studies the frame of entrance to the closest of the elemental rooms, using his magical senses to try to see any enchanted runes or similar. Once he has examined it and they are all healed, he addresses his henchment.

Mr Merill, Mr Hellsworth, stand by the other side of the room. We're going to the highest floor he orders the henchment. In Celestial, he yells to the leopards, making them track the upper level for danger. All together they go up to see what can be found. The Archmage isn't entirely certain that what made the kitka spawn wasn't the fire elemental entering the fire room, and would rather get a bit more of information before going there again.

Together, they all go up. It is time to see the upper floor in detail.

Myev uses 5 charges of the CLW wand on Aristodemos


And another 3 on Silvia


Aristodemos checks the frame of the door (using Detect magic)
Perception [roll2]
Knowledge (Arcane or the Planes) or Spellcraft [roll3] (they all have the same bonus, so whichever applies best)

Then, everyone goes up. The two henchmen take the ramp up oposite the side Aristodemos, Myev and Sylvia are going. They all move up carefully. Once up, everyone examines the spot. I roll Perception for Myev, Aristodemos and the Leopards

Aristodemos: [roll4]
Myev: [roll5]
Leopard 1: [roll6]
Leopard 2: [roll7]
Leopard 3: [roll8]

Prepared actions (in case of another ambush):

Myev = Hear my roar
Aristodemos = Windy scape

AC: 14 HP: 40
Ref: 9 Fort: 9 Will: 12
Effects: Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves)

AC: 20, HP: 58
Fort: 8, Ref: 5, Will: 5
Effects: Iron Tortoise Stance (+5’ reach range for opportunity attacks, counts as one cat. larger for CMB, +1 max AoO), Guardianship (+2 morale to damage and attack)

Each leopard has
Ac: 16,
Ref +8, Fort +5, Will +2
Leopard 1: 14 HP
Leopard 2: 7 hp
Leopard 3: 7 hp

2016-09-01, 12:41 AM
Collecting the lighted arrow which is still intact on the ground, Mr. Merrill moves to take point before realizing you are having your summoned creatures do the job for him. Falling back, he watches as the leopards circle the upper platform, triggering no traps. However, they wait for you to ascend, then one asks in Celestial, "Shall we enter these rooms?"

Now that you can see them better, you can ascertain that the rooms have much the same claw marks as the previously glowing ones, though none of the obvious elemental damage. They have the same cut-off nature, stopping at the entrance of the room. Additionally, you notice a small, hidden door of some sort - about twenty by five centimeters, it mostly blends in with the wall behind it, but you can see it has a small circular hole that could be used to open it. The hole is only about a half-centimeter across, though.

[roll0], [roll1]

Don nadie
2016-09-01, 02:48 AM
Not yet, Aristodemos orders the leopards. He is not certain of what would emerge, but if a single kitka came out of each of the rooms... They may easily be overwhelmed. Rather, the Archmage decides to first examine the hidden door.

Mr Merril, be so kind to examine this. It seems like a mechanism that would open this wall... But I am worried it may also be a trap meant to lure us.

The leopards remain at the entrance of the rooms and Myev takes a defensive position, ready to leap against any monster that emerges. Close to him, Aristodemos examines the frame of one of the doors, softly mumbling a few words of magical divination.

So... Let Mr Merrill examine the possible trap :P
Myev sets a defensive perimeter recovering his maneuvers and ready to start AoO.
Aristodemos examines the drame using Detect Magic.

2016-09-05, 03:06 AM
While you don't detect any magic, Mr. Merrill does check the apparent opening thoroughly, and eventually takes a small metal hook and pulls it open. Inside is a lever, apparently made of bone, which Mr. Merril gestures towards. "I've no clue what it might do, but it doesn't seem it's meant as a trap."


Don nadie
2016-09-05, 04:01 AM
Nodding slowly, Aristodemos looks at the group.

Be ready. We know not what this can do.

Once all are ready, Aristodemos pulls the lever.

Myev setting a defensive perimeter
Actions prepared:
Aristodemos: Windy escape (inmediate)
Myev: Hear my roar (inmediate)

2016-09-08, 09:42 PM
You attempt to pull the lever... and find that it's really hard to pull. However, a moment later, Sylvia lends a hand, and pulls it down with only minor signs of strain - You realize she's been silently following you closely, and looks rather shaken, but mostly alright. A rumbling quickly shakes you into action, though, and the cave ceiling seems to rumble and shake, small pieces of rock beginning to fall. A huge seam down the center opens, though the roof has not yet begun to crumble entirely, but it seems the roof is going to cave in!

Don nadie
2016-09-08, 10:46 PM
Get downstairs!orders the Archmage to his followers. Myev, lift the lever again!

Aristodemos calculates quickly. The collapse seems to be part of a weakness at the center of the ceiling. If he could somehow contain it with an effect of force perhaps the roof would remain static. Swiftly he opens his hand and his spellbook materializes. He goes through it at incredible speed, the words burning in his mind. Then, as swiftly as all began, Aristodemos raises his hands and conjures a sphere of pure force. The sphere encloses the crack and, if the Archmage's hopes are true, should buy them a few minutes. This place is a kitka laboratory of some sort... And he'll be cursed if he's going to let it fall before he can actually see what the place contains!

Burn one point of the arcane reserve to memorize resilient sphere and cast it so that it encloses the crack and the weak spot at the ceiling. If I'm not mistaken, the diameter is of 8 feet (which is about 2'5 meters). Because the force sphere cannot be moved, it should be enough to provide (some) additional support for the 8 minutes that it'll last.

This, of course, is presuming you rule it a valid use of the spell (after all the description does say it's supposed to be a creature). If it makes no sense, I can edit this to do some other action... But it seemed like a cool use of the spell!

2016-09-16, 12:34 AM
Shoot I did it again :smalleek:

please please do message me if I'm absent for some time, it's become way too easy for me to forget or misremember whether I posted.

The sphere's fine, though it might not do what you expected...

Sylvia seems to panic as the ceiling cracks, with the stalactites suddenly looking quite menacing, and crouches down with her hands above her head, crying out, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Myev attempts to heft the lever back up, but he's having quite a difficult time. Seeing this, Hellsworth yells out, "Ice lady, help him out!" Sylvia stumbles forward to comply, managing to smack the lever back to its original position, but falls down in the process - and, as the ceiling continues to rumble with no visible changes, she curls up and shakily whispers apologies again and again.

However, there is a sort of literal ray of hope - it seems sunlight is peering through the fissure in the ceiling, and you realize that it's not collapsing, but lifting, somehow. Unfortunately, the stalactites are still crumbling and huge spikes of stone begin to fall. One crashes into the ramp nearest you as your hirelings dive for cover under your orb of force - it seems you're going to need an alternate path down for you, Sylvia, and Myev.

Don nadie
2016-09-18, 08:37 PM
Aristodemos frowns, looking above. At first, the Archmage is far too interested in the ascension of the structure to actually think about the current danger... Until a stalactice falls right next to him. Finally snapping out of it, Aristodemos rises his voice over his allies.

Come near me, and jump when I do!

At the border of the fall, Aristodemos raises one finger above his head, pronouncing a magical order which the forces of nature cannot refuse. As they jump, he and his allies fall much slower.

Ugh, don't worry... I've also been a bit busy these days trying to figure out visa stuff. I'll try to message you next time it takes too long :P

As for actions... cast Feather fall and FALL to the lower levels before we get smashed by a stalactite... I hope the higher ground doesn't fly away. Seriusly, right now I have all sorts of weird theories about the damm kitka... Intriguing dungeon once again!

2016-09-21, 12:22 AM
Though Myev has to practically drag Sylvia to her feet, the three of you jump together, and though stalactites crash into the ground around you, your slow fall is not interrupted. Squeezing under the indestructible sphere, you seem to be relatively safe for now.

Thank you for the reminder :smallbiggrin:

If you want, you can just chill under the sphere until either the duration runs out or things stop moving (it seems the latter is more likely to be first). Otherwise, just let me know if you want to do anything.

Don nadie
2016-09-21, 12:31 AM
Safely protected under the sphere, the Archmage puts again his hands over his eyes mumbling words of arcane power. Suddenly his sight is no longer with him. Now, he can see from above the sphere of force. Rotating this magical sensor, Aristodemos tries to study the entire process by which this is lifting. Other than that, they'll wait under this safe spot.

Clairaudience-Clairvoyance to see in a bit more detail (monster appearing? lifting from the mountain?), and other than that just chill for the whole mess to stop.

2016-09-21, 12:57 AM
Your spell helps you see what is going on from above - which is to say, not much more than what is happening below. It looks like mountain is simply opening, though the lifting you saw originally has not continued. Instead, the perhaps five foot layer of earth is simply sinking into the sides of the giant pit you are currently in. However, your keen eyes miss very little, and you notice tiny flashes of bone-colored material within the stone and dirt. Your best guess is that this was once intended to open for the Kitka to exit en-masse, but time has returned the space to its more-natural form - though, if it did, this amount of mineral deposits must have developed unnaturally quickly.

A few tense minutes later, the entire area has turned into a huge pit of dirt and crushed stone. The bone platforms have collapsed, buried under falling earth, and the only sign that there was ever something intentionally constructed here is a small circle around where you stand, where tumbling and falling dirt has only partially hidden the smooth stone beneath your feet. That, and the giant pit around you.


Don nadie
2016-09-21, 01:27 AM
Aristodemos shakes his head, returning his view to normal. This is an extremely worrying sign...

Mr Merrill, Mr Hellsworth... be so kind to see if there is anything that can be salvaged from the debris, the Archmage orders, seemingly distracted.

With Sylvia and Myev, he goes in the opposite direction, examining the fallen pieces of stone and keen to see if more bone can be seen. This is... terrible. With his closer allies, the Archmage begins to speak again.

This is something to be worried about. It would seem we have just found a... place were kitka monsters were assembled. A repository meant to open, liberating thousands of those creatures into the wilderness. This facility may have been destroyed, but who knows how many similar ones are still waiting, filled with the monsters...

The Archmage shakes his head and intones a spell to make magic brighter to his eyes. Together with the two allies, he examines the surrounding debris, looking for anything of note. Aristodemos is specially interested in the fragments of bone, since perhaps they will allow him to better study this kitka and maybe even find a way to disrupt their orders.

Aristodemos' perception [roll0] (for actively looking)
Myev's perception [roll1] (for actively looking)

2016-09-24, 03:21 AM
The others help you lift up the stone and debris to try and find more researchable material, though Sylvia seems shaken, and seems to be aimlessly shifting stone more than excavating, despite her apparently prodigal strength. Still, you manage to find a great deal of bone platform, though little of it seems particularly interesting. However, you do realize that the rooms within the stone should still be there, and confirm that there still is a bubbling pit of acid under an indented portion of the rubble - while some of the stone did break, it seems those rooms are more or less intact.

Don nadie
2016-09-24, 05:31 AM
The Archmage is tired. He's been spending his magic thoroughly, but the potential of this place... He must keep going. Aristodemos the Pale closes his eyes for an instant, concentrating. He reaches within the depths of his mind, into the strange place where memory and magic work together. One by one he lifts the connections that keep some of his most powerful spells together. The power burns. What is usually discharged as a spell is waiting like a knot in the center of his chest. Lifting his fingers again the Archmage traces runes in the air, demands presence and submission, burning the fire to fuel the spell.

Before him, on the floor, a silver portal opens, letting several humanoid creatures out. They are wide, hunched and resplandescent, with golden fur and purely blue eyes. The gorilas look at the Archmage calmly.

You will now lift these rocks, make way for us into the rooms, the Archmage orders. Begin with this one, he adds, pointing at the acid pool. And be ready for any conflict.


Nearby, Myev is helping lift stones arround. He notices Aristodemos has began to summon another being... It is funny, how one can get used to it. But the Archmage, admittedly, usually resorts to magic to solve any problem. And even more often he resorts to bringing forth creatures from another Plane. His bodyguard by now barely lifts an eyebrow, and instead addresses Sylvia. The ice woman seems shaken by the experience, and he realizes this is probably the first time she's ever dealt with actual danger. After all, she lived her entire life in that secluded tomb...

How are you feeling?, he asks finally.

Ok, so... burning one lvl 4 slot to gain 4 points to my Arcane reservoir... spending those to summon some apes to help lifting things. Yes, they are celestial. Immunity to ice, electricity and acid comes in handy dealing with rooms of elemental power.

Number of apes [roll0]

Each one has an str of 19 (Augment summons, I love you), so with them it should get easier to lift stones... And that way we also have some protection in case damm monsters emerge again.

In other news, Myev is totally worrying for Sylvia. Aristodemos would/should, but he's too busy being a self-adoring *******.

2016-09-26, 09:35 PM
Your summons last minutes/level, right?

Your summoned minions get through the debris in a few minutes, fully revealing the bubbling pool of acid beneath. The stone from outside has poured into the pool, slowly dissolving, collapsing and tumbling as the pieces below disappear. It looks much the same as before, though you notice that under the stone above the entryway, there seems to be a slight, erratic glow.

Meanwhile, Sylvia picks up a slab of rock that must weight about a ton, tossing it out of the pit. She says shakily, "I... don't know. Is Aristodemos mad at me? Are you?" She looks extremely worried, as if fighting back tears.

Don nadie
2016-09-26, 10:24 PM
Yup. Long live Occultist! A better Summoner than the Summoner!

Aristodemos frowns and orders the gorilas to move closer. There isn't any evidence of whether these glowing lights may summon more kitka, but the Archmage would rather be well protected. With the animals ready to smash whatever may come, he approaches the entryway. If no kitka appear suddenly, eager to eat Archmage, he will order one of the gorilas to climb the entryway and reveal what's under the stone causing the glow.



Myev shakes his head in disbelief, feeling just a tiny bit emasculated at Sylvia's strength. Still, its curious how sensitive she can be... For someone made by a magician.

I don't think he's angry, and neither am I, he shrugs, smiling in a way that he hopes feels reassuring. Aristodemos decided to pull the lever even when we didn't knew what it would do... It's not your fault that it split the mountain in two. Or his. It's something that could not be easily predicted.

2016-09-29, 01:21 AM
Lifting away the stone, your gorilla reveals sparking runes on the edge of the bone platform beneath - some are flickering with energy, while others have turned into smoldering marks on the bone. You suspect there might still be some that are simply undamaged, as you noticed no such runes before. They seem to form a broken line across what was once the entry to the acid-room.

Sylvia nods shakily, dragging another large chunk of rock towards herself to sit on, leaving space for Myev. She taps her right foot, looking to be deep in thought. After a long pause, she says, "I don't know what to do, Myev. This place is wonderful, and while a few things have been scary, it's definitely been a good experience for myself. But I'm not like most people - I'm constantly worried that I'll hurt someone. You people are so... so fragile. I almost killed someone by touching them, before I figured out I needed to turn that off! I was lucky I could heal them right away and the ice numbed the pain... but then, something like this makes me feel like I won't always get that chance. I don't know if this was a good idea, for everyone else's sake." She rubs her eyes with both hands, though it doesn't seem like any tears had manifested, and moves to stand. "I... I think I'm going to help lift some more rocks..."

Don nadie
2016-09-29, 07:51 AM
Aristodemos frowns, examining the runes carefully. Is this a portal? Is this the means of summoning new Kitka? Little is known about these creatures and how they are...produced. Aristodemos sends a gorilla through the runes, making it touch them and tresspass them to bring forth a reaction. While the celestial animal does so, the Archmage tries to understand what these runes mean.

Knowledge arcana to identify the runes (with help from the Detect Magic cantrip) [roll0]

I just roll a natural 1. I am prepared to kiss the Symbol: Death



Myev is shaken by Sylvia's words. Perhaps its all the tension, the almost dying (yet again). No matter how hardened one is by battle and death, the admission of one's own failure and tension is always a difficult moment. To a certain extent Myev understands her. As a knight he is supposed to be powerful, to be better trained and more controlled than the rest. Between monsters and commoners, Myev is supposed to be a wall. Between Aristodemos and dangers, he is supposed to be a shield. But sometimes it is not always easy, and sometimes the challenges of what he would like to be go beyond what he actually is.

Sylvia... maybe you should talk with Aristodemos about this. He knows more about a power that is difficult to control. I've heard stories about his youth, of how he'd dream and transform the dreams of others, give them nightmares... Still, I'll tell you this: without you here, without your magic, those kitka would have shredded us. Yes, you are stronger and colder, but I think your... uhm... creator? father? Well, Durothil. He wanted you to learn, to go out and become a better, bigger person. To grow. And growing is also about learning how to control your own talents, your strengths. About making them work for the best of all. I think you're doing a good job of it, so don't be disheartened by a lever that broke.

2016-10-01, 05:31 AM
The gorilla sweeps its large hands across the runes, but there is no reaction. As far as you can tell, they summoned the kitka when your elemental crossed the line, but you could've guessed that without analyzing the magical force - you're essentially stumped as to how or why it happened.

Sylvia smiles wearily, and says, "Thank you, Myev. I'll... think about it." She doesn't immediately move, though, and for now, just continues aimlessly shifting stone.

Don nadie
2016-10-01, 08:38 PM
Aristodemos examines the runes carefully and comes to a realization. The runes summoned the kitka only when the fire elemental crossed into the fire room. Perhaps then a elemental charge of the oposite kind would cause a different effect.

He calls all his allies to be prepared. They stand in front of the door to the acid room: Myev first, the gorillas covering their backs and the mages and their allies at the centre. Then, Aristodemos raises his hand and whispers a single word. A small electric discharge forms at the tip of his fingers and crosses into the acid room. If it causes no effect, Aristodemos tries next send the discharge into the runes themselves and, finally, sending a small blurb of acid into the room.

So... trying different effects: Jolt and then, if it doesn't work, Acid splash. Both deal elemental damage, so let's see what happens :P

In case of need, all of them are this time prepared, Myev has a defensive perimeter arround and Aristodemos is ready to blast the hell out of whatever comes. No surprise round this time!

2016-10-03, 03:20 AM
The runes seem to react slightly to your cantrips, but nothing so dramatic as the explosion of kitka occurs.

Don nadie
2016-10-03, 04:25 AM
Aristodemos nods slowly, taking mental note.

It would appear higher charges of elemental energy are necessary... Perhaps...

The Archmage scratches his chin toughtful. Then, he lifts his fingers summoning a dropplet of fire which begins to grow until it becomes a sphere of 5 feet, burning with flames that turn and twirl in all directions. The Archmage directs it towards the runes which once belonged to the room of ice, hoping to obtain some more dramatic reaction. He is hesitant to summon another elemental, fearing that too strong a charge would repeat the events of before...

Sphere of flames into the frost room! :D

2016-10-03, 12:57 PM
Again, while the runes spark slightly, it seems they are either no longer operational, or the trigger is not correct.

Don nadie
2016-10-03, 06:35 PM
Aristodemos seems excited at this testing of forces, though most of his companions look rather tense. He comes closer to the acid runes and casts a quick spell to see if he can understand the content better. Then he examines the runes of the other rooms. His main interest is to see whether the patterns are broken and hence cannot function.

2016-10-06, 03:34 AM
Assuming you're Detecting Magic, spellcraft: [roll0]

Edit: Wow, maybe I should roll for you more :smalltongue:

Scanning over the other rooms, you have some trouble getting a proper sense of the magical energies through the miscellaneous rubble, but it seems there's enough gaps that with some expert mental rearrangement of the fractured auras you get a solid grasp of what's going on. It seems that the runes were indeed crushed and damaged by the rubble, but in addition to that, they were designed to recharge over a fairly long duration - probably more than half an hour, but less than four - and thus don't have quite the magical charge to react yet. Still, even if they were charged, you suspect that a creature crossing the boundary would only cause magical backlash, or some similar mishap, rather than properly triggering anything.

Don nadie
2016-10-06, 08:18 AM
Oh heavenly god, please, please, please, let the DM roll forever for me.

Aristodemos is fascinated at the concept, he begins to talk... Technically to Sylvia and Myev, but really more to himself.

This is interesting. The kitka are summoned, not created. But summoned from where? And why? And are the summoned creatures originally charged with the power of the elements or they receive this power through intercession of the rooms... And does the elemental charge indeed provide the fuel to summon or would any creature have caused the same effect? He seems to notice the others and smiles slightly. You can now relax. I am certain the runes will be unable to summon the creatures again for at least half an hour.

As he speaks, and now knowing they are safe, Aristodemos crosses the runes into the acid room and examines the pool calmly.

This is presuming the pool also has an aura: Spellcasting [roll0]

2016-10-11, 10:09 PM
You actually think this is creating them - there's conjuration (creation) more than conjuration (summoning).

Scanning the pool, you find a faint residual aura of conjuration, but nothing current. It's mostly just a lot of acid, though - probably a hundred plus gallons of it.

Don nadie
2016-10-14, 08:05 PM
Aristodemos is finding this location fascinating. As far as the Archmage knows, few have come from such a place: one were kitka are... Made? Created? Summoned? If he could figure out how this location works, he might find ways to alter the spell. Perhaps he could discover new ways to destroy the kitka or, if Fortune is on his side, maybe even control them. In any case, a place like this is important, in the Shadow War to come.

Sylvia, I need your assistance, the Archmage says inviting her to come closer. He doesn't seem to either have noticed or care for the woman's tribulations, for the ancient elf doesn't have patiente for self-pity. However, he respects her magical prowress. This pool has only residual traces of conjuration, whereas the runes are loaded with conjuration magic. It is my current theory that the runes are summoning or creating the kitka, while the pool is enchanting them as they come into existance. Thus, I believe perhaps it might be possible to hijack the connection, ensuring that the kitka which are summoned arrive in different conditions. To test this hypothesis, however, we need to put ourselves in some danger... Now, first I'm going to try and charge the pool with magical energy to see how it reacts, whilst trying to maintin a hold on its power and counterspell it. Then I am going to try to erase the connection between the runes and the pool. Either of these may or may not summon the kitka again, so I trust you'll all be prepared. I need you to examine the runes while I do this and to be ready. If I am too distracted or somehow affected, you are the only one with the power to protect us.

The bodyguard and the mercenaries are instructed to keep watch and be ready in case the kitka appear. Then, Aristodemos closes his eyes and extends one hand to the runes and another towards the pool. He is trying to affect them, not with the qualified and time-tested spells that all wizards know, but with the raw and intense magical power that is Aristodemos's talent. He unleashes the energy through the runes, making sure that he is also ready to annulate the magical forces as they come if things seem to go too far.

So, I'm going to try something... Since the runes are "discharged" and the pool has faint traces, I'd like Aristodemos to throw into the runes some of his Arcane reservoir. At the same time, I want him to use his inmediate actions (if Sylvia tells him or he sees that the runes are going to summon something) to use the Counterspell exploit to hijack the connection between the pool and the runes. This is all a bit of experimentation :P Aristodemos's theory is that it may summon "normal" kitka, but let's see.

If nothing happens with that, Aristodemos will try to use Dispell magic to eliminate the runes completely, presuming they are a spell rather than a magical item.

2016-10-15, 02:10 AM
Sylvia perks up as you mention her, dropping the boulder she was carrying and running over, almost tripping a few times in her haste. While she seems a little disappointed all you need is for her to Detect as you cast, she obliges and you take note of her vigilant stare towards the runes as you feed magical energy into them. As you suspected, react to your magical energy, visibly flaring - but as you immediately shift your magical power into countering the force, rather than resulting in an uncharged Kitka as you suspected, the energy simply dissipates. Sylvia looks fascinated by the interaction, and says, "Oh, wow. That's... a really complicated spell. Evocation, conjuration, even some necromancy... I'm not sure I even know of a three-school spell like that... Though, maybe it's actually two spells, and some metamagic...? Gah, it's too fragmented, I don't know..."

You actually get to identify the spell as part of countering it - but weirdly, only this is countered:

Elemental Eruption
Spell Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Magus 3, ??? 3
Schools: Evocation
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates, reflex half (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

An explosion of a chosen element erupts from around your target, blasting those around them but leaving them unharmed. Each creature within 20 feet of your target takes 1d6/level of damage in your element of choice (Fire, Cold, Electric, or Acid). A successful reflex save halves this damage.

If the creature you target is not willing, they receive a Will save to negate the effect.


Don nadie
2016-10-15, 08:08 AM
This is entirely fascinating, the Archmage says. And terribly dangerous. As you said, it seems impossible, but the conjunction of the three magical schools fits our knowledge of the kitka. They are a kind of necromantic construct... I just always imagined that they were crafted more... physically, rather than conjured through magic. Still, be on guard. We don't know for certain if a kitka appeared somewhere else. Aristodemos takes a deep breath. I am now going to charge the rune again without attempting a counterspell. Myev? Be on ward. Sylvia, your duty is to inmovilize the kitka or whatever creature appears when I make the rune burst again... Do you think you could perhaps encase it in ice? This is risky, but if we can capture one alive we could study the magic animating it. The fact these kitka self-destruct when they are too harmed only makes it more essential to examine a living specimen.

Myev nods slowly, holding his shield high. Once Sylvia has agreed to the plan, Aristodemos will charge the rune again... And this time, he'll let the energy burst through.

I want a living kitka as my weird necro-pet :)

Oh, an incidentally, in case we all explode, Myev is prepared to use Extended defense and Burnished shell together to protect his allies from elemental damage.

2016-10-18, 03:44 AM
Sylvia obliges, readying a spell. However, when you do attempt to trigger the rune again, the only reaction is a weak pulse of acid - no summoning, as far as you can tell. The acid is weak enough that you aren't terrible harmed, but Myev isn't able to block it.

You and Myev take [roll0] acid damage - it's not targeting Myev, so Burnished Shell doesn't work. Reflex save DC 15 for half.

You think the runes have been damaged too much to summon properly - the elemental surge isn't at full strength, either.


Don nadie
2016-10-19, 04:05 AM
Aristodemos appears surprisingly calm, considering a burst of acid just made a hole in his tunic and burned his skin. Still, to know that the runes will not be able to summon any kitka soon gives him time to pause. If these runes could be transported, that might give him time for further study. On the other hand, there's the acid pool to consider plus the unlikely chance that the other runes are working.

While their current situation is not entirely good (the Archmage would much rather have had the time to explore the dungeon in its initial stage before breaking it), it is far from tragic.

-Very well, this confirms that this place will not start conjuring kitka any time soon - he says speaking to all the others. -We have prevented great danger and survived to tell the story. It is something for us all to be proud of. We shall now do merely two things: drain this acid pool of at least a small sample and try to see if we'de be able to carry the runic writing back home. Then, we'll set camp to return tomorrow.

So, take a sample of the acid (I can presume a vial or some other container + mage hand can do the trick). I wanna see if it's normal acid and (more importantly) if it is a pool filled with mundane means or if it is some kind of everflowing acid pool.

Then, can the runes be moved and transported by our expedition? If so, the mercenaries will be ordered to start taking it out of the arch carefully while Aristodemos sets up camp (via Stone of Alarm). I wanna have that strange spell! ;P

2016-10-22, 12:18 AM
It's easy enough to obtain a small sample of acid, though the pool does not seem self-filling. The runes are inert enough that you transport them with no problem - though that does involve physically breaking the bone platform and carrying the rune-scribed section back to your camp. Spoils in tow, you make camp without issue.

However, not long into the night, the Stone of Alarm shrieks, waking everyone instantly. You look up to see a towering giant, pale-skinned and pointy-eared, looming above you. Its brow is furrowed in irritation at the piercing scream of your Stone, and it moves to attempts to cover one ear with its hand as the other hand grabs at a club slung across his back, his elbow covering the other ear.

Don nadie
2016-10-22, 12:27 AM
Aristodemos quickly raises his hands, showing they're empty and makes a small gesture as the Alarm falls silent. He tries to identify the creature, unsure as to what type of giant they are facing. Of course, the Archmage would much rather not murder any intelligent being living in such place, for who knows if they can be helpful to better understand the kitka. The Archmage of course does not speak giant. Slowly, he addresses the creature saying:

We are friends, pointing at themselves. He says this in Draconic, Sylvan, Terran and Common. He knows he has somewhere in his spellbook a charm to understand this monster, but he'd rather not do research while the creature could still attack them.

Myev holds his shield to a side. He keeps his sword sheathed, but his hand is on the pommel, ready to draw it if needed.

Rolling knowledge... [roll0]
add to the result 18 (result of 27) (Arcana and the planes), 12 (result of 21)(Local) or 11 (result of 20)(Nature and everything else). I just don't know exactly which is the type of this thing XD

Prepared action: Aristodemos will cast windy escape if attacked. Myev remains with his weapons sheathed, but his shield is next to him and he is ready to draw if the giant tries to attack them.

2016-10-22, 12:35 AM
It's a Wood Giant - one of the more peaceful (and in fact vegetarian) types of Giant. They're known for protecting vast stretches of forests and living off the land without ever settling, though loose tribes and hierarchies exist to help them survive big threats or harsh winters.

Relaxing as the noise dies down, the giant does not take his hand off his club, but responds in rumbling Sylvan. "You are not welcome here. You have disturbed the land."

Don nadie
2016-10-22, 01:24 AM
We apologize for the noise and the rubble our presence here has caused, Aristodemos says in fluent Sylvan. He has a slightly funny accent and probably sounds archaic, since this is the first time he is speaking (rather than reading) the language of the Fae. It was not our aim to shatter the mountain and disturb your trees. It was the Kitka who set the "spell" to bring down the land at the time of their choosing... Aristodemos hesitates, he has used the word "spell" for "mechanism" because he just doesn't know if Sylvan has a word for machines... Ancient one definitely does not. We activated it earlier that the Kitka planned by accident and not knowing it would cause damage to your land. Do you know anything about the creatures who built this "spell"? We suspect they may have built the same "spell" in other mountains... If we don't learn to break it, they may soon shatter and bring down your forests with them. Aristodemos bows his head to the creature, raising both hands in a gesture of deference. We'd be happy to provide our help to achieve this, as a tribute to your people and an apology for the disturbance of your forest.

Myev looks at Aristodemos somewhat puzzled, but seeing as the Archmage seems calm now, he puts his shield down and takes the hand away from the pommel.

2016-10-22, 03:01 AM
The giant harumphs, and takes his hand off the club. "You need not speak in riddles, mage, for I am fluent in magic. We can speak in your common tongue, as well, I speak it fluently enough." Then, he gestures towards the rubble in the distance, his massive limbs seeming to move in slow motion, before continuing in common. "Either way, my tribe has roamed this land since before your kind emerged. We know of the creatures who crawled from the Outside, that made residence beneath the ground. They passed through without disrupting the flow of nature, and so we let them be." He leans in, staring at you, brow furrowed. "What wards did you break? What monsters did you wake? Their lairs have been silent for over a generation - you and your strange companion must be terribly powerful, terribly foolish, or terribly unfortunate to have "accidentally" caused this. Perhaps all three."

Sylvia looks incensed at the last comment, glaring and causing frost to spread in a small circle around her feet. The giant seems not to have noticed, focusing on you. Meanwhile, Merrill and Hellsworth have backed away, seemingly wary of the exchange, preparing to flee at any moment.

Don nadie
2016-10-22, 03:43 AM
I appreciate your kidness in turning to our tongue. I am afraid I am not fluent in the spoken varieties of the Fae language, says Aristodemos calmly. The Archmage is not happy at the giant's words, but unlike Sylvia he is willing to pretend: his comment on knowing the Kitka make being on friendly terms with these creatures far too important. How many of those qualifications we deserve is not for me to judge. My name is Aristodemos, and I am a mage and protector of the City of Heartrock. If your kind knows of these crawling creatures, you know then that every so often their monsters slither back out in great numbers. My people call it the Shadow War, and the last one nearly exterminated us. I was investigating what I am led to believe was one of their factories, where their monsters where produced in great numbers. Little did we know that the facility was not only ready to create new soldiers for the Shadow War. Once it was full of those Kitka aberrations, a mechanism inside the factory would destroy the mountain, letting the horde of monsters out. I have reasons to believe similar facilities may have the same type of mechanism.

The Archmage looks at the creature for a moment, his arms crossed. Then he continues, kindly.

I have told you all we know about the events. May I ask for what you know about these... crawlers from the Outside? Where did they come from and why? Do you know anything of their nature?

2016-10-24, 03:23 AM
"Hmph. If that is truly the case, then... well, I will answer your questions first. The Outside is simply our name for the land beyond the mountains - unreachable, as far as we can see. Divinations of the Outside fail, scouting missions to the Outside never return. However, now and then, creatures will come from the Outside, one way or another. These... kitka, you speak of, were just one of many - I remember when undead sought to make a similar incursion on our world. They were one of the few that made it past the mountains - perhaps they are the monsters of your earlier Shadow War. In any case, we did not bother the kitka, and they did not bother us. Thus, we only know that our divinations indicated they were not a threat, though perhaps they did not account for such a distant possibility."

The giant leans on a large tree, causing it to sway slightly. "Now that I have satisfied your curiosity, I give you a choice. Come with me, and I will call a meeting such that we can eradicate the rest of these creatures, who you say will become a threat. Or, leave the mountains, and do not return, lest you provoke a different giant's ire."

Don nadie
2016-10-24, 03:51 AM
Aristodemos bows his head.

I shall go with you, giant. With the help of your kind we may prevent a great danger... Though the information you have just shared about the Outside makes me fear there are always new Shadow Wars waiting to be waged. The Archmage smiles sadly. Still, we may prevent some innocent deaths by twarthing the Kitka plans.

The Archmage is deeply impressed about the giant`s knowledge, and while perhaps they will not manage to actually destroy all kitka, Aristodemos hopes he can learn much more by starting a talk with his kin. The Archmage will follow the giant, with his allies or if the giant only wants him, alone.

The plot thickens. Will Aristodemos be smashed?

2016-10-27, 03:07 AM
"...Hm. Very well. I admit I was merely testing you - there is no need for you to follow me now. We in fact have divined some of the nature of the 'Kitka' complexes, and have concluded that they do not spawn unless disturbed. This is why I doubted you, when you claimed they were such a threat, but perhaps you simply exaggerated, which is no great sin." Pulling a rolled piece of parchment from his back, the giant hands you a large, detailed map, written in Druidic. Muttering a spell, the giant marks several locations by blackening the parchment using a tiny spark from his finger, then hands it to you. "This map contains several traps - I recommend heavily against attempting to read it, or even observe it under Detect Magic. However, it should prove useful to you, if you would like to find the other 'Kitka' complexes. My people have no interest in you or your endeavors, but you may Send for me if you believe you have found something that is." Setting the massive map on the ground, the giant stands and moves to leave.

Not going to draw it, but the marks are spread all across Heartrock Valley and the surrounding areas - Four in the mountains, one in the plains near Heartrock City, two in the forests near Stonesong, and another two in the forests near Woodsrow.

Don nadie
2016-10-27, 03:40 AM
Aristodemos frowns slightly and stares for a second at the map. He is genuinely not amused at the giant's "test" and it should be quite obvious, when he speaks, that he is controlling himself quite considerably. Mostly because the giants may still have information.

I will keep your instructions in mind, sir. But know that the Kitka have attacked my people in great numbers and with little to no motivation. Know as well that at least the facility we explored had a mechanism whose most likely purpose was to release thousands of the monsters at once. I wouldn't put the foiling of your divinations beyond the abilities of these "Kitka". If I may know your name, I will certainly contact you if I find further proof of my theory that they represent a danger to all creatures.

Once Aristodemos knows the name of the giant (a necesary step to contact him via magic), he says goodbye to their... let's presume ally.

Once the giant is gone...

I may not be greatly impressed with the giant's games, but if this map is true we may have found one of the most useful pieces of information. We shall continue with our plan, returning to Heartrock. On the way, we shall examine this facility, the Archmage says putting his finger on the point near the capital. It is on our way, and an easy test of the giant's knowledge. This time... we'll be careful not to pull any unnecesary levers, he adds with a slight smile. He seems amused at it rather than angry, perhaps because it was this dramatic shift that brought the group to the giant's attention. If we can access the facility directly and somehow curtain its magic, the Brotherhood might be able to study it. He looks at the group calmly. Does this plan sound reasonable? Sylvia, you and I will try to use some of the time to study these runes. I am wondering if perhaps we could imitate the engraving, perhaps using its magical resonance to make the facility believe we are Kitka rather than intruders...

So, once we know the name, on our way to the plains' facility we go. Its the best way to make sure the giant is telling the truth. Incidentally, Aristodemos wants to study if there would be some way of using the runes as a focus to make the facility believe they are all part of the "kitka" magic...

Giants are True Neutral asses, btw :P But the Kitka were the monsters of last Shadow War, right?

2016-10-29, 04:36 AM
The group seems fine with following your plan, and you make your way back towards Heartrock City. However, as you pass the marked point, less than a mile off the road, you see no visible anomalies - just standard, open plain.

The Giant's name translates from Sylvan to roughly "Moves the Trees".

And yeah, the Kitka were the threat during the last Shadow War (the second). The first had varieties of undead.

Don nadie
2016-10-29, 06:03 AM
Aristodemos frowns slightly, alternatively staring at the map and at the empty plain. He shakes his head and begins giving orders, starting with Myev and the two mercenaries.

Gentlemen, you will go and contact the nearby inhabitants, if there are any close by. We are interested in old stories, caves, and mysterious dissapearance of cattle. I wouldn't be surprised if access was curtailed. Sylvia, you will examine the surrounding area attempting to detect emanations of magic. I... will join you in a moment.

As the mercenaries and Myev begin to spread out, Aristodemos kneels to grab a few pebbles. The Archmage whispers on them some words of power and then throws them out. The pebbles start attracting others rocks, dust and stone, slowly forming a few humanoid figures which raise and stare at Aristodemos with expectation. The Archmage orders them in Terran:

By the seals of the Shaitan I bid you: obey. Spread out and burrow. Attempt to find an underground facility. It may be covered in metal and hence unpassable to you. In any case, once you find it, try to follow the shape of its roof until you find the contour of a path to the surface. Emerge only if you find something. Those are my orders. To my will you are bound: obey

As the elementals set on their way, Aristodemos studies once more the runes that they brought. He is interested in seeing if they have become more or less active, and if they are more, less or equally charged with power.

So, number of small earth elementals (spend 4 arcanist pool points for it): [roll0], all of them shall burrow arround trying to find a facility and a way in.

Incidentally, since there was already a Shadow War... did the soldiers of that war actually destroy the nearest facility? Just in case Aristodemos takes a moment to take 10 remembering (for a total of 21).

Myev rolls Gather information: [roll1]

2016-11-01, 12:45 AM
You don't remember any facilities being destroyed, though you do recall some discussion of how Kitka were created, which implies they were found at some point in the war.

There are a number of rumors, but none seem too relevant.

Your earth elementals rapidly descend into the earth, and return just as swiftly, in only minutes. The first one to return intones, "There is an unnatural sheet of your corpses within, only two small-heights beneath the earth. There is no path in, and it extends for a hundred small-widths across," and the rest seem to decide there is no need to report anything different.

Don nadie
2016-11-01, 02:44 AM
Aristodemos nods. Raise the earth then, excavate and provide access to the layer of "our corpses"

The Archmage calls back his allies. if his theory is correct, the "corpses" the elementals refer to are probably Kitka bone... If access is possible, once they see the bone the Archmage will attempt to perforate a hole through which he can send a small arcane eye with a Light spell on it.

2016-11-03, 01:23 AM
Having only walked a short distance, your companions come back when they hear you call. However, while it's relatively easy for the earth elementals to dig a six-foot hole in the ground, the barrier which seems to be the bone you suspected is more difficult to get past. Myev's sword bounces straight off, and neither mercenary can match his strength. Sylvia offers to try, but seems hesitant, as if afraid of causing another catastrophe.

Don nadie
2016-11-03, 02:14 AM
Aristodemos nods to her. Do not worry, we'll be able to deal with whatever happens... We've already thrown off a mountain. The Archmage orders the earth elementals to surround her and protect her, and Aristodemos waits right at the verge for her to start.

2016-11-05, 03:52 AM
"O-okay..." Forming a picklike icicle, Sylvia repeatedly cracks at the bone, doing little visible damage. However, she slowly increases the strength of the swings until she's putting her whole body into slamming the ground, slowly creating an indent in the bonelike material. Then, suddenly, a swing is met with a sudden lack of resistance, and she stumbles as the bone cracks around a newly-created hole, about the size of a fist. Hesitating again, Sylvia says, "I think it might... just collapse, if I keep at it. The cracks probably mean the whole area's going to get unstable. If you want me to keep going, you might want everyone to step back..."

Don nadie
2016-11-05, 08:47 PM
Aristodemos shakes his head slowly. There are other ways, Sylvia... This is all I need right now. The Archmage puts both of his hands before his eyes and whispers words of power. When he opens them, once again his iris is gone and a ghastly eye has come out. Aristodemos then whispers another spell, this time making a small light go with the magical sensor.

Once all preparations are ready, the Archmage sends the magical eye into the hole. It is probably boring for the others, as he just stands very still, looking with his disturbingly empty eyes into the void. He explores magically the place, following all the walls with particular attention as he tries to find an entrance from within. He also takes note of runes like the ones they've already seen in the earlier dungeon.

2016-11-08, 09:49 PM
Looking down, you see... almost exactly the same set up as the previous structure, before it collapsed. The only difference is that the ceiling is a flat sheet of bone, instead of the rocky, stalactite covered roof of the previous one.

Arcane Eye doesn't allow Detect Magic through it, does it? Because the runes you saw before were only visible when Detected (or when sparking with energy).

Don nadie
2016-11-09, 02:50 AM
I think it can detect magic, but I'm not 100% sure. It gives "visual input", but it depends on whether you think that a magical sensor sends that kind of stuff through. I'd guess it does based on the Scrying spells, which also create magical sensors and allow for these things (If I remember correctly), but other than that...

Incidentally, did Aristodemos and/or Sylvia figure a way of using the broken "writing" to cheat the runes in these facilities? If not, that's an experiment for off-time :P

The Archmage guides the sensor through the facility. The similarities are of course astonishing, but his main objective is to find a door. He makes the Arcane eye descend down the ramps and tries to find the entrance. If that doesn't work, the eye will then check the rooms in the uppermost floor and finally the elemental rooms. His main objective is to find how the kitka got to these places originally... Though he is beginning to suspect Sylvia and him may need to do some magical research and develop some spells in order to get inside.

2016-11-10, 11:11 PM
Okay, I looked up the full bits of relevant text. Here's from Scrying, the spell:

"As with all divination (scrying) spells, the sensor has your full visual acuity, including any magical effects. In addition, the following spells have a 5% chance per caster level of operating through the sensor: detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, and message."

And Scrying, the subschool:

"Scrying: a scrying spell creates an invisible magical sensor that sends you information. Unless noted otherwise, the sensor has the same powers of sensory acuity that you possess. This level of acuity includes any spells or effects that target you, but not spells or effects that emanate from you."

Since Detect Magic is an emanation, I'm going to say it doesn't work through normal Divination (Scrying) spells.

You don't think the broken bits of runic bone-material will help you interfere with these runes more than any other magical bone.

The eye sweeps through the rooms to find nearly identical features as the first, with the only difference being the precise patterns of the scratches and scorch marks on the walls and floor... including the small, hidden lever on a side wall, and the lack of another exit.

Don nadie
2016-11-11, 08:31 PM
Aristodemos appears slightly bothered, putting his hands back on his eyes and turning to his colleagues.

Now we know this is a place that could eventually open to swarm our city with new monsters, but it seems like we're unable to access it through normal means. I believe I have a way to allow us entrance and exit, but it might be dangerous. Most important, we shall not be able to simply "run" away, as it would take considerable time to provide us with a way to exit again. In other words, if we get overwhelmed by the kitka, there'll be no way back.

The Archmage addresses first the two mercenaries. Gentlemen, you two shall remain outside. While your expertise as a trapsmith might be useful, I don't think I would have enough power to take four people in and out. You will keep guard for three days. If we do not emerge after that, assume our deaths and inform the Parliament of what we learnt in our expedition. I will prepare a missive with the details. He speaks in calm and clear tone, as if he were discussing mere dinner arrangements. One would be wrong to think the Archmage brave, however. Rather, he is far too obsessed with what he might learn and far too sure of his own worth to really consider the possibility of his own death.

Then he turns to Myev and Sylvia. Now, if you two feel ready, we will prepare for a few minutes. Then, I shall use a spell to turn us into mere wisps of wind and mist. In this form, we shall be able to introduce ourselves into the facility. This time we must be ready and expect trouble. If you think this is an acceptable idea, we shall get ready and proceed.

For the next few minutes, Myev practises his maneuvers and makes sure his equipment is in perfect condition. The Archmage appears to meditate before his spellbook, letting the arcane energies ebb and flow within him, preparing for what may come.

After everyone is ready, Aristodemos gets them near the hole. He puts his fingers inside his component pouch and brings, somehow, a wisp of smoke. How is it possible to "hold" smoke at all, nobody knows. The Archmage begins to move his fingers, weaving it back and forth while pronouncing words which sound like a soft breeze in the middle of the night. He then blows the smoke into Myev's face... The wisp strikes his face and then merges into it, transforming his body quickly to the same ethereal substance. Aristodemos repeats that with Sylvia.

Once I'm done, we shall enter. We shall keep close and away from the runes. First, we'll examine from the ceiling and then we'll let the spell run out from a safe position, observing the runes. If the situation seems dangerous or the facility is full of Kitka, we shall leave while the spell still lasts. Our survival is paramount, he says, before casting first a spell to provide his eyes with the capacity to detect magical auras and then the enchantment to turn himself into a cloudy figure.

I was literally beginning to plan how to use Mirror Hideaway plus Reduce person plus Reduce object to get us in XD Halfway through writing that I decided it was better to return to the city. Halfway through writing that, I realized I had Gaseous form and that it can be cast on others.

So, Myev takes a moment to rearrange his maneuvers and puts Shards of Iron strike instead of Burnished shell. A strike is sometimes necessary, as I learnt last battle.

Aristodemos spends one of his level 4 spells to replenish 4 points of his arcane reservoir. He also takes a moment to change Deep slumber in his arcanist spellbook to Gaseous form. With 6 uses, that is enough to bring the 3 of us in and out, though it also means I must not use any other level 3 spell from the Arcanist.

He also goes in with Detect magic, so that he can detect things while in gaseous form. Then, into the facility we go!

2016-11-14, 05:24 AM
You enter the facility without issue, and find very similar auras once within - conjuration, evocation, and the slightest bit of necromancy, clearly filling the colorfully-lit chambers. Similar auras, but without evocation, fill the unlit chambers above.

Don nadie
2016-11-15, 05:24 AM
Aristodemos allows the magic to pass.

This time, let us examine the higher rooms first. Sylvia, have you some dispelling invocation ready? If so, aim it at the runes... I'll be in guard to conjure some more guardians if we need it.

Ok, so first we're going to examine one of the rooms above. Sylvia can dispel (supposing she has the spell), Aristodemos will have the Summon Monster as a readied action if he sees kitka appear. In case she cannot dispel, Aristodemos will try to do it himself.

Also, in other OOC, I'm again leaving the country for the visa... So I'll have patchy connection :) I want to burn all the people at Inmigration offices of this place :)

2016-11-18, 02:00 AM

Sylvia nods, and attempts to dispel the room, but nothing appears to happen.

Good luck :smalleek: though I've never gone through it firsthand, I've friends and family tell me it's a nightmare.

Don nadie
2016-11-18, 08:15 AM
Aristodemos nods slowly.

Very well. Sylvia, be ready... Myev, enter the room. I'll be ready to call in reinforcements if any monster is created again.

With his sword in his hand, Myev gets ready to enter one of the non-elemental rooms. The Archmage is wary and prepared to summon some more creatures from the Higher Planes as soon as the situation requires it.

Raising his shield, Myev enters quite wary...

Ok... Go in and be killed, Myev, dear. I'll summon some celestial leopards asap as you are lying in your own blood.

2016-11-21, 01:19 AM
Myev obliges, but the moment he steps foot in the room, it flares with energy, blasting him back and beginning to coalesce, as before.

Your readied action (I presume that's what you were readying) goes off, so your celestial leopards have actions technically before anything else happens (before the kitka are summoned, hilariously).


Don nadie
2016-11-21, 05:07 AM
That is indeed funny XD But as long as the damm monsters don't rip my throat, I'm fine with it.
A few rolls:
Myev's init [roll0]
Aristodemos init [roll1]
Number of minions [roll2]

As the magical energies begin to coalesce, Aristodemos quickly opens a rift into the Celestial plane from which three leopards appear. The Archmage quickly orders the animals to take position in a circle around himself and Sylvia, protecting them from whatever may take form.

Aristodemos stares into the light full of intent, his hands raised and already sizzling with arcane energy ready to be summoned. Myev raises his shield and stretches his sword, also preparing for the battle to come...

2016-11-24, 05:27 AM
As the leopards leap to a defensive formation, Myev appears unharmed by the flare of arcane energy, unlike the elemental rooms before, though the subsequent assault by not one but two Kitka leaping forth sends him stumbling back. One seems to be doing most of the work, slashing and stabbing with stinger and claw, while the other one most flings itself towards Myev with huge, shield-like claws, weaving back and forth to give as little of an opening as possible while allowing the other Kitka to attack. Three other pairs manifest in rooms around you, but you manage to react as they run towards you...

Myev takes 14 damage.

You, Enemies, Sylvia, Enemies, Myev, Enemies.


Don nadie
2016-11-24, 08:19 PM
Aristodemos manages to be the first to react. He raises both of his hands into the air, his fingers extended and pronouncing arcane words. The volume of his voice raises as figments of the room's shadows seem to fight the constraints of their normal limits. The spell concludes with a clasp of his hands, which completely breaks the limits of the shades. Tentacles of shadowy matter extend in the room covering one of the sides of the Archmage and his allies and possibly catching one of the pairs of kitka.

The Archmage then pronounces his orders inmediately, without so much as a vacilation in tone from switching between the arcane words of Draconic and the Celestial: You two, attack them; you, help Myev!

Like a bullet, two of the leopards charge towards one of the enemy kitka, their fangs glistening. The fourth one runs less straightforwardly, passing between the two wizards and positioning itself to flank the kitka with Myev, then clawing and biting away.

So... Aristodemos:

Standard action: Cast black tentacles. It has a 40ft area, and I try to cast it to protect one of our angles from charges and advances by the Kitka (so basically, 40 feet go along the wall, 40 feet go paralell to the Archmage... to make that side "protected"). I don't know if it gets to actually catch anyone in this first round (I'm presuming there are more than 40ft between us and the nearest Kitka?) But that terrain counts as difficult terrain and if the Kitka are there next turn they may get grappled.
Readied swift action: cast Windy escape against the 1st attack that hits.
I'm not sure if you can ready

Leopard 1:

Move action: Go towards Myev and attack the Kitka that just hurted him the most. Trying to flank (if possible, then add +2 to the roll)
Standard action: Attack! Bite attack [roll0], Bite damage [roll1]; Claw 1 attack [roll2], Claw 1 damage [roll3]; Claw 2 attack [roll4], Claw 2 damage: [roll5]

Leopard 2:

Move action: Charge to one of the kitka following the path not covered by the tentacles. If charge is possible, add +2 to damage and hit; take -2 from AC
Standard action: Attack! Bite attack [roll6], Bite damage [roll7]; Claw 1 attack [roll8], Claw 1 damage [roll9]; Claw 2 attack [roll10], Claw 2 damage: [roll11]

Leopard 3:

Move action: Charge to one of the kitka following the path not covered by the tentacles. If charge is possible, add +2 to damage and hit; take -2 from AC
Standard action: Attack! Bite attack [roll12], Bite damage [roll13]; Claw 1 attack [roll14], Claw 1 damage [roll15]; Claw 2 attack [roll16], Claw 2 damage: [roll17]

AC: 14 HP: 43
Ref: 9 Fort: 9 Will: 12
Effects: Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves)

AC: 20, HP: 44
Fort: 8, Ref: 5, Will: 5
Effects: Iron Tortoise Stance (+5’ reach range for opportunity attacks, counts as one cat. larger for CMB, +1 max AoO), Guardianship (+2 morale to damage and attack)

Each leopard has:
Ac: 15 (-2 for the chargers if they are charging), HP: 21
Ref +7, Fort +5, Will +2

Don nadie
2016-11-24, 08:21 PM
So... rolling also the crit with the claw! [roll0]

2016-11-30, 12:14 AM
Not sure this is what you were going for, but this enables your actions the best:


S = Shielder
W = Wraith (the guys who claw a lot)
L = Leopard
M = Myev
A = Aristodemos
S = Sylvia
Black Lines = Border of Black Tentacles

The kitka strike again, hacking and slashing - Myev has a hard time defending himself against the swift strikes, and is knocked to the ground, stunned. Meanwhile, two swift claw strikes take down one of the leopards that separated, and a stinger gravely injures the second. Then, as the smaller kitka spring away, the shielded ones slam their massive claws forward - you spot a glimmer of red in their eye sockets, and feel a tug at your mind, as if the glare was directly irritating your mind.

Myev takes 27 damage, is knocked prone, and stunned.

One leopard to the north is taken down, and the second takes 12 damage.

The other four Kitka are grappled and... can't really do much :smalltongue:

Note: You don't need to ready immediate actions unless you think you'll be surprised by something.





Don nadie
2016-11-30, 07:27 PM
Myev tries to use his shield to block the attack of one of the Kitka, swiftly bashing it against his claws and hopefully using the momentum to hurt the monster. He is entirely unsuccessful, however, failing to block the attack and in fact opening his flank. This gives the monsters all they need to slash him down.

I'm presuming here that Myev can use an inmediate action to try and counteract an attack; if not, let me know and I'll edit my post

Inmediate action: Iron tortoise's Iron shell (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/iron-tortoise-maneuvers#TOC-Iron-Shell) maneuver to try and reflect on of the attacks. I roll: [roll0]

Also, I think Sylvia still has an action to take? I'm writing this presuming its again Aristodemos's turn, but just correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit: Yikes! A natural 1! Ok, Myev, I always loved you.


Aristodemos doesn't have the time to bother with the feeling in his mind, though it may well be that these Kitka have a way of using enchantment magic. The Archmage worries about the fall of Myev, mostly because it means these creatures may charge at him next.

He opens the palm of his left hand and raises right index over it. The finger shines red and a wound opens. As he continues whispering arcane words, the blood raises from the wound, seemingly powering the magic. Dust raises from the floor, coming over Aristodemos like a second, protective skin.

The two surviving leopards double their efforts, clawing at the monsters. The claws shine with divine power, attempting to smite the creatures.

Swift action: cast blood money. Suffers [roll1] hp damage and 1 STR damage.
Standard action: cast Stoneskin over himself
Free action: spend one arcane reservoir point to raise CL by 2. Stoneskin now has a maximum absorption of 100 hp.

Leopards 1:
Swift action: smite evil! (if possible)
Standard action: Attack! Bite attack [roll2], Bite damage [roll3]; Claw 1 attack [roll4], Claw 1 damage [roll5]; Claw 2 attack [roll6], Claw 2 damage: [roll7]
If smite is possible against the Kitka, add +HD (I think it's 3?) to damage.

Leopard 2:
Swift action: smite evil! (if possible)
Standard action: Attack! Bite attack [roll8], Bite damage [roll9]; Claw 1 attack [roll10], Claw 1 damage [roll11]; Claw 2 attack [roll12], Claw 2 damage: [roll13]
If smite is possible against the Kitka, add +HD (I think it's 3?) to damage.

AC: 14 HP: 38
Ref: 9 Fort: 9 Will: 12
Effects: Guardianship (+2 to AC and saves), Stonesking (10/adamantine; 100 hp), -1 STR

AC: 20, HP: 17
Fort: 8, Ref: 5, Will: 5
Effects: Iron Tortoise Stance (+5’ reach range for opportunity attacks, counts as one cat. larger for CMB, +1 max AoO), Guardianship (+2 morale to damage and attack), Stunned, Prone

Each leopard has:
Ac: 15, HP: 21
Ref +7, Fort +5, Will +2

2016-12-03, 11:06 PM


I didn't actually put in the full post like I thought I did :smalleek: sorry! I'll edit it in asap.

Even as the two closeset Kitka viciously take down Myev, Sylvia blasts them with a miniature blizzard, causing them to freeze on the spot, then collapse. However, the last two that aren't restrained by the Black Tentacles have finished off your last leopard, and are getting ready to switch targets.

Myev takes 18 (and is stunned for another round and prone, but not super relevant). The two Kitka nearest you are dead, but your leopards up top are as well.

Don nadie
2016-12-07, 03:26 AM
Hahahaha, I saw that! I figured it was just that you rolled and then had something else to do XD

Well done, Sylvia! Aristodemos manages to yell over the sound of screams and scratches and incantations.

He inmediately turns his attention to the two free kitka. Aristodemos considers for a second blasting them with a fireball, but inmediately realizes summoning that specific spell would leave him too exhausted to bring the three of them back outside. He instead draws in the air similar symbols to the ones he just recently used, making a number of leopards take form right before the kitka... And over the vanishing bodies of their slain brethren. The leopards attack the Archmage's enemies.

The funny thing about entering a place via Gaseous form is that you need to exit via gaseous form. I'm looking forward to having the Arcanist level that lets me exchange Arcane pool points and Spell levels indiscriminately :P

So, actions:
Standard action: Summon monster (Again. Sorry about being so repetitive XD. I'm afraid half of my spells wouldn't work well on undead) Number of leopards: [roll0]

Leopard 1:
Standard action: Attack! Bite attack [roll1], Bite damage [roll2]; Claw 1 attack [roll3], Claw 1 damage [roll4]; Claw 2 attack [roll5], Claw 2 damage: [roll6]

Leopard 2:
Standard action: Attack! Bite attack [roll7], Bite damage [roll8]; Claw 1 attack [roll9], Claw 1 damage [roll10]; Claw 2 attack [roll11], Claw 2 damage: [roll12]

Leopard 3:
Standard action: Attack! Bite attack [roll13], Bite damage [roll14]; Claw 1 attack [roll15], Claw 1 damage [roll16]; Claw 2 attack [roll17], Claw 2 damage: [roll18]

Leopard 4:
Standard action: Attack! Bite attack [roll19], Bite damage [roll20]; Claw 1 attack [roll21], Claw 1 damage [roll22]; Claw 2 attack [roll23], Claw 2 damage: [roll24]

(Ignore leopards that haven't actually appeared. I just make them all roll)

2016-12-11, 06:09 AM
Tearing at the last two free Kitka, the leopards take apart the smaller one in short order. Almost as if in response, the larger, shield-clawed one shakes violently, then crumbles into shards of bone, leaving little in the way of remains.

Well, that's basically the encounter. 6400 XP - you can do what you'd like with the restrained ones, they'll be crushed before your spell expires for sure.

Don nadie
2016-12-11, 06:34 AM
Smiling at the satisfaction of victory, Aristodemos sends the leopards into the two rooms that aren't covered by his spell to scent for possible danger. He waits for the other kitka to be crushed by the tentacles, studying their reactions and movements. The Archmage is particularly curious about the interaction between the big and smaller kitka. Why did the "shielding" one shatter so easily? Perhaps they were somehow symbiotically connected? Needless to say, the ability to connect creatures in such a way would be of great use for the protection of the city... If generals could somehow transfer their wounds to more disposable soldiers...

He is so taken on his observation, that he forgets about Myev. The bodyguard does not take this to heart, standing and trying keeping guard for one more minute. Blood falls down his brow, wounded by the claw that stunned him, but he keeps his shield raised in their direction, ready to protect Aristodemos if need be. After a long minute, convinced nothing is going to happen, Myev takes the shield and sword down and tends to his own wounds. He takes out a small wand and activates it carefully, until he is completely healed. He looks at the pieces of ice on the floor where the kika that killed him were. Then smiles at Sylvia.

Thank you, he says.

After the effect of Aristodemos's spell has passed, the Archmage does a few things. First, he studies whatever may remain. Did the smaller kitka also shatter into pieces of bone? He takes samples of the bones too, for one never knows what may be of use. Once that is done, Aristodemos will take some time to explore the four rooms, followed and warded by his leopards but being fairly certain no kitka will appear again... After all, they've learned the spell takes a few hours to recharge...

Calmly, they search with great care and trying not to leave any detail uncovered. Then, they'll go examine the lower floor.

I just re-read the tentacles and saw that they do damage. That is one effective spell. Though Myev was halfway to dying. Quite interesting battle! What I like of these encounters is that you're always making so that I have to tweak my tactics. Fireball kills most of ice-arms? Elemental monster. Summoning is effective? Create more monsters than Aristodemos can hold. Next time I'm expecting a rival wizard to take control of my summons :P

Btw, if Myev fails to activate the wand, does it lose charges?

Anyhow, they all will take 10 in their Perception examining the area (mostly because they know its safe). So, this means...
Aristodemos: 24
Myev: 20
Leopards: 15

Also, between the XP here and the XP from defeating the elemental kitka (I don't think we wrote that down?)... is it me or next time Aristodemos goes to the city there's level up (and sweet, sweet level 5 spells) waiting for him?