View Full Version : Reincarnation Wars : Goode Day To You

2016-06-14, 02:40 PM
It's modern day. No magic. No wizards, dragons, or space ships that can go to alien planets. But. . . we are one world in an infinite paradox of realities. We our normal people in this normal world. . .but we aren't like the others on Earth. We have been born from many previous souls. Some of us were great wizards and wielders of incredible magics. Some of us fought with light sabers and knew the ways of the Force. Some yet still navigated the stars in Mass effect Drives or traversed space, the final frontier with the marvel of Warp Drive.

A reclusive Mister Goodeman has offered us millions of dollars, just for attending a dinner party and waiting for another gift, given by him as soon we reach the front door. Of course there will be gourmet master pieces as well. He will inform us of our past lives. . . and unlock all of our powers. Though we will not be at our full strength, we will, of course, be a force to be reckoned with.

Goodeman waited in his massive estate. Whomever he invited had arrived just outside the front door. His one thousand acre estate was now currently visited by those whom would be called "Awakened".

2016-06-14, 04:03 PM
Vidarr arrived a few hours before they were supposed to meet and scoped the place out. His contacts didn't know much about this Mr. Goodeman, and Vidarr was wary. He had no reason to suspect it was a trap, but there was something strange going on, and Vidarr was a cautious man. However his pregame scouting didn't help much either, but at least it let him spot the best place to stand where he could watch everything that happened with his back against a wall. He brought with him his usual assortment of weapons, all hidden in various places on his body. Half a dozen hand guns, and twice as many bladed weapons.

And so, when the second person arrived, Vidarr would be ready for fight or flight, if either needed to happen. He wasn't much for small talk though, so he wouldn't give anyone else much more than a curt nod of welcome, and maybe a few one word answers.

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-14, 09:47 PM
Azura arrived at the location confused. "Now why would someone invite me?". "Perhaps he's wanting to hire a P.I.". She was gazing around her.

2016-06-15, 01:52 PM
"Come in." The butler, Bradly stated imperatively. "Please come in. It's time for Mister Goodeman to see you all." The butler looked behind Azura, seeing all the people gathered together. Jacob had arrived, escorted by men in black. "Interesting." Bradly stated. "This is most interesting."

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-15, 02:04 PM
"Come in." The butler, Bradly stated imperatively. "Please come in. It's time for Mister Goodeman to see you all." The butler looked behind Azura, seeing all the people gathered together. Jacob had arrived, escorted by men in black. "Interesting." Bradly stated. "This is most interesting."

Azura nodded and went on inside. " this better be worth the trip I guess".

2016-06-15, 02:32 PM
Vidarr moved from his defensive posture to enter the building, hands not far from where hidden weapons waited, eager to defend him.

2016-06-15, 02:36 PM
Bradly merely smiled at the paranoid Vidarr, not giving any indication that he knew what he was hiding. "I do hope that you make yourselves comfortable. Dinner begins quite soon, I mean supper. Yes we still call evening dinners supper in this house hold." He sighs. "Look upon yourselves for just a moment, do clean yourselves at the door, and I will take your coats and hats."

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-15, 03:11 PM
Bradly merely smiled at the paranoid Vidarr, not giving any indication that he knew what he was hiding. "I do hope that you make yourselves comfortable. Dinner begins quite soon, I mean supper. Yes we still call evening dinners supper in this house hold." He sighs. "Look upon yourselves for just a moment, do clean yourselves at the door, and I will take your coats and hats."

Azura looked at herself. " I'm not dirty!" She responded upset. "But fine how exactly to clean myself outside, I do not know". She looked around.

2016-06-15, 03:19 PM
He smiled. "Clean your shoes at the mat." He spoke curtly, grinning. "I do not mean to offend you. It's not as if I called you a prostitute." He then sighed.

2016-06-15, 03:28 PM
Vidarr frowned at Bradley, realizing that removing his coat would reveal several guns, and take away most of his knives. But there was no way to refuse without being suspicious and it was too late to not have the guns.

He raised an eye brow and took off his heavy coat, revealing a gun under each armpit and two more across his back. He winked at Bradley and took off his hat, revealing only oily slick hair. The last of reaction was a mild surprise, but Vidarr figured he knew the cause. "Can't say you look surprised, my friend. Maybe you expected as much from a bounty hunter?"

He brushed himself off, and scrapped any mud off his boots on the outside. "That's as clean as I'll get without a shower."

He gave Azura a look that clearly expression his distaste for her strange behavior, but he didn't bother saying anything before he looked back at the butler, who now had at least two guns and eight knives in his hands.

2016-06-15, 03:34 PM
"You'll discover that our security systems can reveal anything on your person from clear across the estate, East to West. Look, I'm not saying you're unwelcome here, but we don't need a fight. I'm quite safe at the moment, even should you put one of your knives to my throat and you'll soon see why, but enough of that, this is a PLEASANT evening".

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-15, 03:36 PM
He smiled. "Clean your shoes at the mat." He spoke curtly, grinning. "I do not mean to offend you. It's not as if I called you a prostitute." He then sighed.

Azura sighed and wiped her feet. "Never said you were". She looked at the visitor who seemed to hate her guts. " what? ". " you have something against P.I's who tend to get dirty while on jobs?"

2016-06-15, 03:45 PM
"Fancy." Vidarr commented on the security system. The promise that they didn't intend a fight wasn't all the interesting. Nobody would admit they wanted a fight until it was already time to fight. If the man wanted his guns, well... He'd have to ask more directly.

In any case, if the butlerfelt safe, even with all the guns Vidarr had on him, that didn't bode well for Vidarr if the plan was less than amiable here. It wasn't too late to leave, but... curiosity would kill him sure as it killed the cat.

Vidarr was brought out of his musings by the angry woman next to him. The P.I. was sure talkative. Maybe a little too quick to get offended, which didn't seem healthy in her line of work. He decided to assume she wasn just on edge about this whole thing; Vidarr sure was. Since her question seemed rhetorical, so he didn't bother to answer, or even look at her.

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-15, 04:51 PM
Azura walked in after cleaning her shoes. "Well, someone's rich" she stated.

2016-06-15, 05:10 PM
A slightly out of breath young woman in a deep blue overcoat stumbles a little as she lands outside the door. "Sorry I'm late! Got stuck in traffic and I haven't really gotten the muscle memory for flight yet." She chuckles sheepishly and brushes back a few stray strands of hair. Evangeline was already berating her over her "being a disgrace to the name of the Dark Evangel" and "my host should be better at this" while Shirou and John simply looked at each other and shrugged. Neither wished to interrupt Eva's constant "training".

"Ah... so what's going on here?"

2016-06-15, 05:16 PM
"He's taking our coats. It's very exciting." Vidarr quipped with a flashing grin before settling back into his normal grim expression.

2016-06-15, 05:28 PM
"I see..." Kelsey nods sagely, slipping her coat off too. "...is that it?"

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-15, 05:30 PM
"He's taking our coats. It's very exciting." Vidarr quipped with a flashing grin before settling back into his normal grim expression.

"And we all see why we're invited here" stated Azura

2016-06-15, 06:02 PM
"So far. That's all. Just you, me, that mouthy P.I., that silent man being escorted by the thugs in all black and this ... butler. I get the feeling we are waiting for someone else, or maybe it was just you."

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-15, 07:11 PM
"So far. That's all. Just you, me, that mouthy P.I., that silent man being escorted by the thugs in all black and this ... butler. I get the feeling we are waiting for someone else, or maybe it was just you."

"I'm not mouthy" argued Azura.

2016-06-15, 08:05 PM
It had taken quite a bit of debating for the young man to find himself on the steps of the grand estate; both with his friends, and himself. Mostly due to the surrealness of of one of the world's riches men inviting him to his personal estate, and with a reward no less.

Now, a rich man hiring a chef was nothing to write home about. As his friends would tell it, msot rich men dreamed of having a personal chef of some sort; and you'd be hardpressed to find one that broke that trend. The oddity came about from the simple fact that while he certainly knew hsi way around the kitched, the young latino had certainly not made a big enough name for hismelf to attract the attention of the rich and powerful. Less so for them to be willing to pay him for the simple pleasure of enjoying his company, and eat their food.

The whole thing smelled a wee-bit too fishy, doubly so when he comfirmed the invitation wasn't just some hoax; and it certainly didn't help that his would-be host was such a reclusive fellow either. However, in the end he decided to take the plunge as it were; his friends had made too strong a case for him to argue. They knew where he was going, he had an address to the man's actual location, and despite being a near ghost to the public; the few things they could find about the man didn't raise any red flags.

It seemed more likely the old gentlemen might be simply that desperate for company in his estate for the evening, knew some relative of his, or had some sort of buissiness proposition. Sure it sounded like the kind of reasoning one would see in a movie, but the situation was surreal enough to give them some weight.

So, here he was...freshly combed, and in his best suit, and utterly unsure of what awaited him. Though the various vehicles he saw parked on hsi way over gave him the small comfort of knowing he wasn't the only guest at this soiree; with any luck he'd find some people he'd be able to relate to, and hopefully avoid making an ass of himself.

With that forlorn hope in his mind, the young man took a breath to steel his nerves and strode in...and what he saw on the otherside had been far from his expectations. Namely because his expectations had far fewer guns. And knives. Definitely less knives.

In all fairness, where it not for how casual everyone seemed to be about the walking armoury infront of him the young man would've thought he'd walked in on a burglary or something. If the butler and the highschooler (the daughter of one of the other guests maybe?) seemed okay with everything, and the lady that had rushed in a few moments before him hadn't set them all into some sort of frenzy then things had ot be alright then... right?

"Well, at least I know I'm not late," Eduardo said, mostly to himself, announcing his presence as he closed the door behind him.

2016-06-15, 09:03 PM
Vidarr nodded to the new comer. And continued to ignore the P.I., who seemed too hot headed to talk to, honestly.

"Say, uh.." Vidarr paused, realizing he didn't know the butler's name and not wanted to offend him by calling him 'Butler.' "Man, is this everyone?"

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-15, 10:17 PM
Vidarr nodded to the new comer. And continued to ignore the P.I., who seemed too hot headed to talk to, honestly.

"Say, uh.." Vidarr paused, realizing he didn't know the butler's name and not wanted to offend him by calling him 'Butler.' "Man, is this everyone?"

Azura automatically didn't seem fond of Vidarr. She can't help her personality, she's only 17.

2016-06-16, 12:42 PM
"Vidarr." Came the sultry, purring voice of a female.

Vidarr spun on his heel, grabbing his gun and pointing it in the drection of the voice. Before calming down and holstering his gun.

"My, my, jumpy, aren't we?" The woman smiled wickedly at the bounty hunter.

Vidarr grunted annoyance. "Great. You. You're invited to this shindig? Fellow must really need someone brought in. The little girl is some sort of P.I."

"Mm. Is that so? And here is me without my guns."


The woman laughed, a sweet sound from a truly vile woman. She with smile, she pulled out a rather large pistol, .500 magnum for those in the know, from her purse. "Caught me. How did you know I was lying?"

"Your lips were moving."

The woman chuckled again, but dropped the subject, giving everyone else a once over.

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-16, 02:10 PM
"Vidarr." Came the sultry, purring voice of a female.

Vidarr spun on his heel, grabbing his gun and pointing it in the drection of the voice. Before calming down and holstering his gun.

"My, my, jumpy, aren't we?" The woman smiled wickedly at the bounty hunter.

Vidarr grunted annoyance. "Great. You. You're invited to this shindig? Fellow must really need someone brought in. The little girl is some sort of P.I."

"Mm. Is that so? And here is me without my guns."


The woman laughed, a sweet sound from a truly vile woman. She with smile, she pulled out a rather large pistol, .500 magnum for those in the know, from her purse. "Caught me. How did you know I was lying?"

"Your lips were moving."

The woman chuckled again, but dropped the subject, giving everyone else a once over.

"Why am I the subject talk over there?" Asked Azura. She was curious

2016-06-16, 02:23 PM
Vidarr and Emma exchanged looks. "Because, sweetie, we need to know why we were brought here. So since the two of us are big mean bounty hunters and you're a cute little private investigator, we assume there is some need to find someone. That makes sense, right pumpkin?"

Looking at the others, however, Emma was doubting Vidarr's hypothesis. These other people didn't look like the sort that would be in their line of work. Maybe they were spies or assassins. Those guys could look like anything.

"She's just a kid though. No way to be sure she is really a P.I."

"No way to be sure you aren't a drug smuggler."

Vidarr's face turned red. "Damn it, Emma. I was in jail for five months because of that stunt you pulled!"

"I got you out didn't I?"

"I never got paid."

"What's a few measly dollars between friends?"

"We are not friends. It was not..." Vidarr sighed, feeling defeated suddenly.

"There, there. All tuckered out?"

"Shut up..."

Emma smiled back at him, and rubbed his cheek with the back of her hand. "Hush dear. You're embarrassing yourself. We can talk about this later tonight."

Vidarr grabbed her hand and gave her a long, meaningful look and then shook his head. "Alright."

2016-06-16, 02:46 PM
"Gentlemen, ladies, Bradly began. . . "Go ahead and sit down in the dining room. Supper will be ready to be served quite soon. As for now, refreshments are already available. Go ahead and sit down." He invited. "Crab puffs everywhere." Just then, Jacob came inside, with the strange men leaving.

"I have no ideas who those guys were, but they seemed to know my every move. Bradly. . . that's your name isn't it? How do I know that?" He spoke mysteriously.

2016-06-16, 03:00 PM
Vidarr moved to sit in a chair with his back to a wall, looking serious and a little angry when Emma sat on his lap. "Damn it, woman. Sit in a chair, not on me."

His attempt to push her off was thwarted by her jumping off and sitting down beside him. He knew that she knew what his reaction would be, and he knew she knew that he knew that she would jump away. But he had that reaction all the same.

Vidarr didn't eat the crab puffs, and watched silently. Emma didn't seem to mind and ate both her share and his of them. When she pushed one in his face, he pushed her away. "You know I'm allergic."

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-16, 03:01 PM
Vidarr and Emma exchanged looks. "Because, sweetie, we need to know why we were brought here. So since the two of us are big mean bounty hunters and you're a cute little private investigator, we assume there is some need to find someone. That makes sense, right pumpkin?"

Looking at the others, however, Emma was doubting Vidarr's hypothesis. These other people didn't look like the sort that would be in their line of work. Maybe they were spies or assassins. Those guys could look like anything.

"She's just a kid though. No way to be sure she is really a P.I."

"No way to be sure you aren't a drug smuggler."

Vidarr's face turned red. "Damn it, Emma. I was in jail for five months because of that stunt you pulled!"

"I got you out didn't I?"

"I never got paid."

"What's a few measly dollars between friends?"

"We are not friends. It was not..." Vidarr sighed, feeling defeated suddenly.

"There, there. All tuckered out?"

"Shut up..."

Emma smiled back at him, and rubbed his cheek with the back of her hand. "Hush dear. You're embarrassing yourself. We can talk about this later tonight."

Vidarr grabbed her hand and gave her a long, meaningful look and then shook his head. "Alright."

Azura sighed. "Fine". She overheard broadly and went to get some water.

2016-06-16, 04:31 PM
"Good, well then, you're all here. Sort of. The main portion of you are all here. Please enjoy yourselves in the dining room. This is the finest of Cantonese cuisine. Enjoy yourselves and bon apetite. Ah, here is the good man of the house, Mister Charles Goode." A man in formal attire entered the room. "It's me, Charles Goode. I am the one who is responsible for bringing you all here. I had arranged for these circumstances in order to fill you in on life changing information. None of you are. . . normal." He stated.

"Jacob knows what he is, but he has been institutionalized for his behavior. At his core he is a good man, but you are all the same. You are all . . . the Awakened." As he spoke "Awakened", all of you feel a sense of information being brought to you by his word, and you all remember your past lives, the souls in you all begin to say things to you, beginning conversations with each other, and most likely convincing all of you of this important information.

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-16, 04:51 PM
"Good, well then, you're all here. Sort of. The main portion of you are all here. Please enjoy yourselves in the dining room. This is the finest of Cantonese cuisine. Enjoy yourselves and bon apetite. Ah, here is the good man of the house, Mister Charles Goode." A man in formal attire entered the room. "It's me, Charles Goode. I am the one who is responsible for bringing you all here. I had arranged for these circumstances in order to fill you in on life changing information. None of you are. . . normal." He stated.

"Jacob knows what he is, but he has been institutionalized for his behavior. At his core he is a good man, but you are all the same. You are all . . . the Awakened." As he spoke "Awakened", all of you feel a sense of information being brought to you by his word, and you all remember your past lives, the souls in you all begin to say things to you, beginning conversations with each other, and most likely convincing all of you of this important information.

" whoa, whoa, whoa ". " Awakened? ". " what in the world is this whole thing on past lives and stuff?". "I'm a simple P.I.". Azura was having a hard time with believing everything she was hearing.

2016-06-16, 06:10 PM
Vidarr rolled his eyes at the comment of not being normal, and then looked at Emma and nodded slightly, decided the assessment was probably true after all. However, that word... Awakened. Vidarr felt tremors of knowledge sweeping over him. What do a Demon King, Homoculus and Mad Inventor have in common? They were all suddenly in Vidarr's head. Kicking back out of his chair, he landed on the small of his back and flipped into a standing position, grabbing both the guns under his armpits. The voices all laughed at him, and he realized what was happening.

He holstered his guns again and sat back in his chair. "Seems like I've been naughty in my past lives." And then, suddenly, armor formed around him. "But busy."

Emma on the other hand took her change with more stoic surprise. Of course all the voices in her head were polite and considerate about the change. She merely gasped and then sat silently for a while. "So, uh, what am I supposed to do with all of thi--" And then armor formed around her. "WHAT THE **** IS THIS?!"

Vidarr laughed, and stood up. "So, Bradley, Victor, Gannondorf. Please to meet you."

Emma spun and glared at Vidarr, though no one could tell. "Gannondorf?! He's evil incarnate!"

"The other two aren't that nice either. Oh yeah? C'mon man, even your name is evil. von Doom? How is that not evil?"

"So you have three as well, Vidarr?"

"Yep. Are yours all evil, and power crazed?"

"... No. I've got some princess who claims to wield magic, some chick who claims to wield elements, and finally someone I can understand: a bounty hunter. But she must be from the future?"


Sapphira Jade
2016-06-16, 07:15 PM
Azura was suddenly distracted and having this nightmare. She was hearing a voice saying "come to me Jessica" " wait, wait wait, a p.I., a vigilante p.I., and a... Princess from another planet?" She murmured.

"But that doesn't tie in with the others" she whispered. "not too much".

2016-06-16, 07:52 PM
Jacob's eyes glew red. . . "I am Orgodemir, The Devil. I am Mateus Palamecia, who overthrew Lucifer in Hell, and I am Owen, the Dragonborn, slayer of Alduin." He smiled. "Part of me is very good, a redeemed Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, and part of me is wicked, The Devil himself." He sighed. "I can now see that this Awakening was good for me." His eyes no longer glew red. "This is the time for a new beginning, but why? Mister Goode, Charles, if you would, why is this happening?"

Charles Goode tilted his head. "Why should it not? This is a good time as any. There are Portals to the Dark Dimensions opening in our universe. The Malignatis Portals are opening. What they are, are mysterious rifts in space and time that change the nature of the location around them. In Antarctica scientists are studying the only sole portal of this kind on Earth. Alien beings, xenomorphs have escaped and the only inhabited area there is now a fortress. Unlike what they are telling the media, there is no natural phenomenon cutting off contact, it's them. Aliens, as the movie calls them, are over running the area. You are to enter the Portal there and destroy the Queen. There are many portals around the multiverse, this is merely the first."

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-16, 08:05 PM
Jacob's eyes glew red. . . "I am Orgodemir, The Devil. I am Mateus Palamecia, who overthrew Lucifer in Hell, and I am Owen, the Dragonborn, slayer of Alduin." He smiled. "Part of me is very good, a redeemed Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, and part of me is wicked, The Devil himself." He sighed. "I can now see that this Awakening was good for me." His eyes no longer glew red. "This is the time for a new beginning, but why? Mister Goode, Charles, if you would, why is this happening?"

Charles Goode tilted his head. "Why should it not? This is a good time as any. There are Portals to the Dark Dimensions opening in our universe. The Malignatis Portals are opening. What they are, are mysterious rifts in space and time that change the nature of the location around them. In Antarctica scientists are studying the only sole portal of this kind on Earth. Alien beings, xenomorphs have escaped and the only inhabited area there is now a fortress. Unlike what they are telling the media, there is no natural phenomenon cutting off contact, it's them. Aliens, as the movie calls them, are over running the area. You are to enter the Portal there and destroy the Queen. There are many portals around the multiverse, this is merely the first."

" portals, multiverse, aliens ". " wow, I can't believe I'm like some part in this ".

2016-06-16, 08:42 PM
Emma shrugged. "Sounds like a day in the life for these... lovely ladies."

Vidarr grunted. "I get the feeling mine would be on the other side. But they don't see to be able to control me. But I seem to have control over them. So... what's the pay?"

2016-06-16, 08:51 PM
"The pay is your continued existence. These portals aren't normal. They frighten those of my species, and my species are among the most powerful beings in the multiverse, even as powerful as the mightiest of you. You are lowly enough you can enter the portal, yet so powerful that you can investigate these portals with out the same risk as a normal mortal."

"Watch out. You WANT to do this for yourself, and for yourselves. There are many rewards ready for you if you do. Forget cash, forget credit cards, you have power incoming for you if you investigate these portals. Every time you investigate these portals, you will be rewarded more of your past lives as payment."

2016-06-16, 09:26 PM
Vidarr shrugged. "I've worked for less."

Emma snickered and Vidarr shot her a dirty look. "Still free tonight, Emma?"

"This changes nothing, darling."

Vidarr frowned and grit his teeth. "And then I guess we save the world. For free, just because we happen to live here."

"You've worked for less. Remember that job in Cuba?"

"Emma. I swear to God."

"You'll swear to God alright."

Vidarr grit his teeth again, and then shook his head. "You owe me a lot of money."

"You owe me your life twice over. Plus I broke you free from that jail, remmeber?"

Standing up, Vidarr crossed the room to Emma and glared at her. He hoped to intimate her, but she always knew what he'd do. Instead she kissed his cheek. "Settle down boy."

Vidarr glared at her for a while. Normally his anger would drain from him at this point, but the voices in his head were feeding it. Emma's eye went wide for a moment, and then put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't listen to them, darling. Go sit back down, and we can discuss this later."

Vidarr ground his teeth, but turned around and found his seat again.

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-16, 09:45 PM
"The pay is your continued existence. These portals aren't normal. They frighten those of my species, and my species are among the most powerful beings in the multiverse, even as powerful as the mightiest of you. You are lowly enough you can enter the portal, yet so powerful that you can investigate these portals with out the same risk as a normal mortal."

"Watch out. You WANT to do this for yourself, and for yourselves. There are many rewards ready for you if you do. Forget cash, forget credit cards, you have power incoming for you if you investigate these portals. Every time you investigate these portals, you will be rewarded more of your past lives as payment."

" well, looks like this is more of an interesting job " stated Azura with interest. "yeah, but haunted by him"
"so looks like my job isn't done yet even after the battle with sailor Galaxa"
*laughs* "really?" "I'm stuck with two random girls here?". " you two should get on my level "

2016-06-17, 04:08 PM
Biggs and Wedge entered the mansion estate with their grins. Both of them came in with leather jackets and denim jeans. Brown hair and broad, strong bodies. . ."We can't believe what we just experienced outside. There are others outside as well, all experiencing the same thing. More of us in here. . . what is going on, and what's this about aliens being real?"

Charles Goode nodded. "Fiction is reality, the reality is that all you know about fantasy and reality is false."

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-21, 09:12 AM
Azura was still being bothered by a man's voice that sounded like he was hypnotic or a control freak or something.

2016-06-21, 12:48 PM
There was a tense, long moment of silence. "So, aliens? We gonna go stop them or...? What's the plan?"

Vidarr nodded to the butler. "I'd like my coat back."

2016-06-21, 06:08 PM
Young Master Steinsgate almost had decided on not arriving, however a fierce debate with their father over their choice of the neutral pronoun and request of being called Master rather than the former Mistress had convinced them that they needed to get out of the house and by sheer coincidence looked at the written invitation in their room(room probably wasn't an accurate description, complex would have been a more accurate descriptions of the quarters assigned to Oliver) that they had forgotten to throw out.

Upon arrival they greeted the butler with a nod and willingly handed over their trenchcoat, revealing the teenage-size suit and tie beneath. Noticing the calculated eyes and elegant movements of the butler they smiles and asks: "What is your name?"

They stride in the door just as

"...the Awakened."

Oliver freezes in their tracks and is bombarded with knowledge and stronger an urgent sense of danger. The Devil? Some character from Elder Scrolls? A character from Zelda? VICTOR VON DOOM? And this Goode fellow is both strong enough to both summon these spirits and stronger than the strongest of us? No wait, Harry's voice rang in their head, you are jumping to conclusions. You don't actually know if he's that powerful just because he says so. He could be trying to intimidate you into not going against him. Right, interupted another voice, but think about it. He's just giving you a quest. Portals that only the PC's can go trough? If that isn't a perfect opportunity for XP grind I don't know what it is.
Oliver frowned as the strange logic pulsed through their mind and young Master Steinsgate spoke up in a voice that didn't betray their identity: "Mr Goodeman. Why can't you enter the portals? Why did you choose us? And would you mind showing us that you are as strong as you claim to be?."

2016-06-22, 02:35 PM
"I cannot enter the Portal, there is too much power in my form to do that. I choose you because you are all specifically heroic, villainous, and in between all of this. Also, you can speak with your past lives, they all know that I am as powerful as I claim."

2016-06-22, 05:07 PM
"What would happen if you did?" Oliver presses, unable to control their curiosity

Is he speaking truth? Oliver asks inwards. Man it was weird to speak to yourself and expect answers.

2016-06-22, 05:31 PM
The Portal would change me beyond who I am or what I am, if not tear me apart completely.

2016-06-22, 09:13 PM
So the portal is more powerful than you. Oliver almost says but is stopped by Milo who points out that it is a bad idea to insult being so powerful that they can strip you of your power. Instead he asks: "How do you know this? And why are you convinced that it won't change us or tear us apart?"

2016-06-22, 09:51 PM
Mortals, are able to enter these spaces. These rifts in time and space without harm. It isn't likely it's safe for us to get too close to them, but aliens, Humans and others have been sent inside. We need folk with both the power and the courage to stop whatever's going on. Kill the Queen, and, or close the portal.

2016-06-22, 10:37 PM
Oliver blinks a few times at the strange being talking to him not entirely sure how to react. Goodman had said words that seemed largely unrelated to what he had just asked. At least it is still useful information a voice chimed in. Right, let's see what we can get from this.
Goodman is a different species that us. No suprise.
Goodman's use of mortals as something that he is not implies that he is immortal. "Question: Does the fact that you are immortal mean that you don't age or that you litteraly can't die?" His words about being teared apart sounded like the former but given the appearant power of Goodman this could simply be moderately unpleasant.
If the rift did something strange to to time, would the time turner work in there? Oliver's hand turned to his waist before realizing that this wasn't the memories of this life.
Aliens etc. have been sent into the portal... "Have anyone you sent into the portal come back?"
"And who is the queen and why does she need stopping?"

2016-06-22, 10:47 PM
"I cannot die. Only one of us has ever died and we all remember him fondly. No.'
'I haven't sent anyone into the portals yet. You are they. The Queen lays the eggs and is sending in entire armies full of aliens. If they get out of Antarctica, your oceans, your lands, your world is doomed.

2016-06-23, 02:57 AM
Naturally, stories of rich, mysterious people inviting people to their massive estate would simply be the stuff of fiction, but this wasn't fiction, it was cold hard reality, something Akira frankly couldn't believe.

When he had first gotten the invitation, Akira was ready to just throw it in the trash. What are the chances of someone like Goodeman inviting a nobody like him to dinner? But then he realized crazier things in his life have happened, and decided to see if it was a hoax. Confirming it wasn't, he decided he would go. Something suspicious was going on, and he had an odd feeling that he would regret not going.

Wearing his casual street clothes Akira approached the mansion. Right before he opened the door, he suddenly had a bad feeling, like a certain someone was waiting just behind the door... no, it couldn't be.

Entering inside, he most certainly noticed the weapons. But something much, much more freighting caught his attention.

"Akira! I can't believe you're here! What were the chances?"


"What the hell are you doing here!?"
"Well, just like you I was invited silly!"
"Yeah right, I bet you followed me here!"
"Don't be like that! Besides, you burned the letter and deleted your google searches!"
"How do you know tha-"

"Good, well then, you're all here. Sort of. The main portion of you are all here. Please enjoy yourselves in the dining room. This is the finest of Cantonese cuisine. Enjoy yourselves and bon apetite. Ah, here is the good man of the house, Mister Charles Goode." A man in formal attire entered the room. "It's me, Charles Goode. I am the one who is responsible for bringing you all here. I had arranged for these circumstances in order to fill you in on life changing information. None of you are. . . normal." He stated.

"Jacob knows what he is, but he has been institutionalized for his behavior. At his core he is a good man, but you are all the same. You are all . . . the Awakened." As he spoke "Awakened", all of you feel a sense of information being brought to you by his word, and you all remember your past lives, the souls in you all begin to say things to you, beginning conversations with each other, and most likely convincing all of you of this important information.

Upon hearing the word "Awakened", a change begins to form within Akira and Etsu.

Akira found himself in a strange world, all black with blue water for a floor. Next to him was a black haired man, a brown haired teen, and a beautiful white haired woman, all around 18 or so. The teenagers looked very confused.

"What the blazes? Where am I?!", the black haired man asked, alarmed.
"Indeed, what is this place?", the white woman asked, more calm than the black haired man but still a little unnerved.
"Wait, you guys don't know? How about you, over there?" the brown haired asked Akira, remaining cautious.
"I have no idea! Wait, who are you people!?"

Before anyone could answer, memories start flooding into everyone's minds, memories of Happiness, Sorrow, Freedom, Revelation, Revolution, ....

and Destruction.

The teenagers are nowhere to be found, and the water has turned blood red. Suddenly, three black humanoid creatures with single horns rise from water.

"What... the hell...?"

What's wrong? You know who I am, don't you?
"No.... Y-You're..!"

That's right, I'm the side of you that you ignore, the monster you rejected throughout your past lives.
"No... g-get away!"

It's futile, the process has already started. If you keep resisting....
Suddenly, mouths, tentacles, and arms sprout and tear through Akira shirt from behind.

You'll only writhe and suffer~

Etsu's awakening on the other hand went much more smoothly. She quickly got along with the minds in her head. They all impressed her with their powers, Esdeath especially. She then talked with them for a bit. Yuriko talked about making a world where where the strong could change whatever they wanted as long as they willed it, a sentiment Esdeath shared but Rhajat didn't. Esdeath talked about the dangers of her Teigu, Demon's Extract, but Etsu seemed to have have a strong enough will. Rhajat wondered about what other powers lied asleep in Etsu's soul, something that also excited the others. In the middle of talking, Etsu felt a sense of familiarity from Akira, and knew that his 'souls' were Walter, Tatsumi, and Kamui, Yuriko's partner, Esdeath's love, and Rhajat's wife respectively. Her souls began to talk with his, Walter was glad to have an ally with him, which Yuriko was also glad about. Tatsumi was horrified that even after his death he couldn't escape Esdeath, not that that made her any less happy to see him. Kamui and Rhajat were both happy to see each other, glad that death didn't tear them apart.

After her change was complete, Etsu tried to talk to Akira, but he was distant, more so than usual.

"Hey, Akira, are you alright?" She asked, rather concerned.
"It's none of your business... He whispered.
"Come on, Akira! If something's bothering you you have to tell m-
"I said it's none of your damn business!" Akira yelled. He then went up to the table, to where Mr. Goodeman was sitting.
"Mr. Goodeman...can you undo what you did to me? Can you... make me normal again?" Akira waited nervously for Goodeman's answer.

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-23, 10:48 AM
"I cannot die. Only one of us has ever died and we all remember him fondly. No.'
'I haven't sent anyone into the portals yet. You are they. The Queen lays the eggs and is sending in entire armies full of aliens. If they get out of Antarctica, your oceans, your lands, your world is doomed.

"Oh great?". " someone died doing this" added Azura. "And our world is doomed if something isn't done".

" you're talkative". "And you call yourself a PI"
Azura: "hey!". " that's not cool!"
"mind if I suggest that we all just calm down?". "We could be able to make sense of it better" .
"ha!". " calm down?" "I don't even know who you are". " although then again, arguing won't get us anywhere "

Azura was also just trying to quiet her mind of the hypnotic male voice calling her Jessica.

2016-06-23, 06:35 PM
"I have jets to take you there to Antarctica. They are more sophisticated than military engineered aircraft, since I have the money to have them made. I suggest that you enter Antarctica as soon as possible. The militaries there may find it impossible to keep the invasion a secret for long."
"Also, no. I'm afraid the only way to do that, Akira is to kill you".

2016-06-23, 07:02 PM
Vidarr punched his fist into his palm twice, a gesture he was not used to and yet felt very familiar. "Enough, brief us on the way, and we'll get it done. We don't have time for all this chatter. I don't know about you lot, but my new friends seem pretty confident that they know what they are doing. And if these memories serve me correctly, they have kicked a lot of ass."

Gesturing at his suit, Vidarr continued. "I don't know what sort of threats lie ahead of us, but doing nothing will kill us all, and doing something... well, I feel like I can take on a small army all on my own. In fact... I've apparently done it before."

Emma chuckled and stood up. "I'd kick your ass though, Vidarr."

"Tch. I'd like to see you prove that."

"Maybe later. Once the world is saved."

"Sure thing, princess."

Emma glared at Vidarr, or more accurately, Zelda glared at Gannondorf. Vidarr laughed. "Where are these jets?"

2016-06-23, 07:05 PM
"They are in my estate. I have a large launch pad, almost like a small factory available. Please get ready for a small journey"

2016-06-23, 07:24 PM
Vidarr smiles. "Pack us some doggy bags, we'll be eating on the flight over. I'm ready to go."

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-23, 10:02 PM
"Well, looks like we're going to the coldest place on earth" stated Azura. "Aw well I'll just put up with it" she added.

2016-06-24, 05:32 PM
"Good. Do stay for dinner first, unless you're just antsy." Goodeman stated. 'i can stop time until we're done. Other than that, there's not much to say. The alien invasion of Earth will end soon thanks to you."

He then turns to Oliver. . . "Your questions are answered. . . " He spoke, mentally, the images passed into his mind. (PM me)

2016-06-27, 01:36 PM
Oliver notices the contradiction in Goode claims but decides not to press it. They adjusts his glasses still not sure how to characterize Goode. Suppose human subtle human communication was lost in translation with these alien beings: " Let me rephrase: Have any mortal ever entered a portal and come back? If not how do you know that we won't just burst when we touch them?" "So if you can't get close to the portals then how do you know of this queen? And do you know why the Queen want to destroy our planet? And how can she be killed?"

Oliver recieves a number of respondses from their souls(as strange as that sounds) and is convinced that Goode is in fact as powerful as he claims. They considers a little before continueing "Can you teleport me to the dimensions of my souls? I need my wand, stone, cloak, pouch, spellbook and some other stuff"

2016-06-27, 02:21 PM
"Soldiers have entered the portal and the war effort is conducted by nations including Russia, America, China and the European Union. Yes they can "safely" enter the portal. I can tell of the Queen through my clairvoyant powers. Now, you may of course decide whether you will rest for a moment before you go."

2016-06-27, 04:43 PM
Oliver blinks in suprise as the equiptment of their souls appear before him. He stares blankly at it for a moment before holding his hand out and willing the dark-grey wand to fly into his hand and as he grasped the handle he it was like he heard a song, a paean of glory and battle that resonated in his mind.

Spectacular isn't it? Harry said and the others had to agree. Oliver waves the wand a litttle and whispers something and all of his things are on him, most of it stored in the poleskin pouch.
Wait, you are one of THOSE? Milo almost yelled suddenly realized that Harry was a wizard and not a Wizard. Unlimited spells per day. And WHAT, you get permanency for free? How can the Dimensional Maestro allow this?
Wait, that is actually strange. And he suddenly had an aweful thought "Mr Goode, if these things are here now, does that mean that they are no longer in their own dimension? Or are these dublicates that your awesome might have created?"

Oliver notes that Goode uses the term america rather than the united states. They then repeats the questions that Goode hadn't answered, assuming that Goode's strange mind had just neglected to answer them and not intentionally now answered them. "Tell us about the queen, mr Goode, in order to properly fight her we need to know everything you know about her. What is her abilities? What is her motivation for creating the portals and invading our dimension? "

2016-06-27, 04:47 PM
"Yes. . . " He stated, at first avoiding his other questions. "Those items are with you. You and you alone, at least, unless there is some exceptions to how things work in the Multiverse." He thought. "Well, the Queen did not create these dimensional portals to threaten the world, she is merely a pawn. Her alien spawn are the monsters you see in "Alien" and "Aliens" perhaps you have heard of those movies?' He sighed. "The Queen is not truly a queen, more like a Queen Bee or Queen Ant, only she is a sapient, self aware being leading a massive hive of Dolphin like smart creatures."

He paused, then continued again. "I don't even know who created this dimensional rift. No one does."

2016-06-27, 05:53 PM
"So to be clear, are you saying that these items doesn't exist anymore in their original dimension?" Oliver was starting to sound both angry and afraid.

"But do you know why she is doing it?
What can she do aside from breeding aliens? And what can her aliens do?
What should we be careful about?
And why is she invading our home?"

2016-06-27, 06:01 PM
"Ah yes. . . your weapons are possibly not tied to your dimensions if they were. They're your possessions so they are with you. As far as your alien problem, she is laying eggs and just attempting to spread her progeny hive to hive, it's what she does. These aliens have acidic blood, acidic enough to melt bone, or even metal. They are stronger than gorillas and have armored exoskeletons that require powerful ammunition to pierce."

2016-06-27, 06:19 PM
Oliver did some quick calculations. Last they checked up on it about 150 thousand people died every day. If this had just now disappeared from his home place things might not be bad but if it had been gone for even a month Goode had just killed almost as many people as during the holocaust. They could feel the anger boiling up inside them and could feel blood in their mouth as they bit their lip trying to hold a scream back. They could feel their blood raging cold and.. Stop, this won't help anyone. He's omnipotent and immortal, he probably doesn't even realize how important life is. Ask him..
"Mr. Goode, you may not have realized this but in doing what you just have done but you have taken away our freedom of choice and that is all that we as humans have. That is a bad way of asking for help." They say with their voice being unnaturally neutral before taking a stone out from their pouch: "But I am willing to forgive that if you would make a copy of this stone and send it to where it was before it was teleported to here. Even if you care not for my forgiveness, know that I will not being able to focus knowing that millions of people are dying."

2016-06-27, 06:41 PM
"Such things are taken care of during the Reincarnation Wars." Mister Goode stated flatly. "You see, whenever we start Awakening people like this, all such things are taken care of. Your precious lives are not lost. I meant to say, in my clumsy way of speaking, is that everything is taken care of. That is all I meant. If this precious object were integral to a dimension or world, then it cannot be taken away. Remember that."

2016-06-29, 03:22 PM
"I have jets to take you there to Antarctica. They are more sophisticated than military engineered aircraft, since I have the money to have them made. I suggest that you enter Antarctica as soon as possible. The militaries there may find it impossible to keep the invasion a secret for long."
"Also, no. I'm afraid the only way to do that, Akira is to kill you".

Akira didn't know what to feel. Sad? Devastated? Enraged? No, rather it would be more accurate to say that he didn't feel anything at all.

"I'll be waiting outside, if any of you care." With that, Akira went outside. While outside he was greeted by Etsu.
"Hey, what's wrong? You're always brooding, but I get the feeling this time it's a little different."
"Hmph, you got that right..."
"Well, you can tell me, I'm always here to listen!"
"...I don't feel like it...(Trust me, if I did you'd be afraid of me)"
"... I just don't want you to feel alone...."

She didn't what him to feel alone. Well, she's clearly very good at it, especially in the middle of the night. But, Akira couldn't help but feel... apologetic.

"Hm? For what?"
"...For screaming at you...." Which also proved hard for him.
"Don't worry about it, I already know you don't like me, so it doesn't bother me. At least it made you feel better, right?"
Not really, it made him feel worse, and he didn't know why. She was right, he didn't like her, so... why?
"Besides...*whisper* "
"... You know you would be more pleasant if you weren't so lewd." He deadpanned.
"Stop it, you're making me blush~"
"That wasn't a complement!"
"Oh! I almost forgot! Shouldn't we be heading out with everyone else to the planes?"
"...I'll pass."
"Why would you pass up something like this!? It'll loads of fun, trust me!"
"I doubt it, and I don't care if this world is destroyed."

(After all, it won't stop my own)" He thought.

"Well, there must be something you want to protect, right?"

Akira took a couple of seconds to think on it, but nothing came to mind. But, even so, he had the feeling that he did, and that it was right in front of him. If he truly did something like that, then it was worth fighting these monsters.

"....Yeah, I guess I do..."
"That's the spirit! Well, we've been here out long enough. Let's go back."

With that Akira and Etsu went back inside.

"So, are we ready to leave?"

Sapphira Jade
2016-06-29, 06:17 PM
"Good. Do stay for dinner first, unless you're just antsy." Goodeman stated. 'i can stop time until we're done. Other than that, there's not much to say. The alien invasion of Earth will end soon thanks to you."

He then turns to Oliver. . . "Your questions are answered. . . " He spoke, mentally, the images passed into his mind. (PM me)

"Ooh food?!". Exclaimed Azura.

2016-06-29, 07:23 PM

Oddly enough, it appeared as if the nations had allowed the many jets to land. . . "Mister Goode is sending his mercenaries. . . We expected that they would be a small corporate army of elites, but this looks like more of a team like Special Forces of a dozen or so." He paused. "Oh really. This is interesting. Reports show that there's another dozen headed this way. . . their machinery, at least, is more advanced than any of ours. We are going to need their help."

The launch pad was surrounded with men bearing their arms. At the moment, the men bore their assault rifles and machine guns confidently, but the waves of alien chrome domed monsters were too much. General Garret from the U.S Marines was there.

2016-06-30, 11:14 AM
Lydia nervously adjusted her tie as she hurried toward the Mansion where Mr. Goodeman was waiting. She hoped she was dressed properly, especially since she had opted for a suit instead of a dress. And that was one of countless worries; there were still things like whether or not she was supposed to wear a flower(She ultimately decided not to, probably just a rumor), it was all enough to drive a person crazy. And she still didn't know why she had been invited in the first place. She was just a normal person, someone like Charles Goode shouldn't even know she exists, let alone have any interest in her. Still, despite all the worries and questions, their was a silver lining in the form of about several grand waiting for her. Plus, all the food, gourmet food that she would never have imagined eating in her life! Cheered by these thoughts, she rang the doorbell and was shown inside to the dining hall.
"Good, well then, you're all here. Sort of. The main portion of you are all here. Please enjoy yourselves in the dining room. This is the finest of Cantonese cuisine. Enjoy yourselves and bon apetite. Ah, here is the good man of the house, Mister Charles Goode." A man in formal attire entered the room. "It's me, Charles Goode. I am the one who is responsible for bringing you all here. I had arranged for these circumstances in order to fill you in on life changing information. None of you are. . . normal." He stated.

"Jacob knows what he is, but he has been institutionalized for his behavior. At his core he is a good man, but you are all the same. You are all . . . the Awakened." As he spoke "Awakened", all of you feel a sense of information being brought to you by his word, and you all remember your past lives, the souls in you all begin to say things to you, beginning conversations with each other, and most likely convincing all of you of this important information.The rush of memories and other information nearly overwhelmed her, sending her to her knees which was then followed by her falling painfully onto her face. And yet, she barely noticed, partly do to the pain fading too rapidly for a human, but mostly what was going on in her mind...
"Well, this is interesting..."
"Hah! D*mn right, Captain Obvious!"
"Please Miss, less rudeness! We are not barbarians!"
"I would have said 'Savages' myself, but too true, my good knight!"
*Clearly nervous*"T-thank you, milady."
"Hey, I can kick your a*s, I don't have to take that! And before you start getting getting on my case, why don't you deal with the vampire first! Why does she get a free pass?"
"That's easy, the vampire's okay cause the three of you are going to learn to get along now. I just learnt that I have superpowers, do not ruin this for me!"
"I-He started it!"
"Look-Don't make me separate you three! I'm not even sure how I'd separate three voices in my head, but I will find away if you three keep this up!"
"By your command."
"Well, it should be simple for the three of us to keep our distance, if need be. We seem to be in some sort of hotel, and there seems to be plenty of room."
"Good, you three kids entertain yourselves right now. People are talking around me, and I want to hear what their saying."With that settled, Lydia slowly negotiated her way into a sitting position while Mr. Goode speaks about various portals to other dimensions, one of which apparently is releasing xenomorphs into the Antartic, which was now officially the awakened's problem.

Scratching at what should be a forming bump on her head if it wasn't for some sort of healing factor, Lydia begins to dwell on her other souls, all of whom apparently knew each other as well as she did. One spoke with a red tone, voice brash and violent, definitely Kyoko Sakura, from PMMM. Then there was the Blue one, who's voice was tinged with both Honor and tragedy, easily Lancelot, and apparently the one from that Fate/Stay Night Series, she should look into that. As for the the third one...

Lydia knew who she was, the Peach Women who seemed to carry elegance and nobility in her very voice. Her memories all readily informed her that the individual was Shizuka Hio, some sort of Pureblood vampire apparently, which made it weirdly concerning that she had no idea what she was from. Was her sort not written down here, or did Lydia just miss it? She couldn't help but hope it was the second one...

"Good. Do stay for dinner first, unless you're just antsy." Goodeman stated. 'i can stop time until we're done. Other than that, there's not much to say. The alien invasion of Earth will end soon thanks to you.""Hell yeah, food!"*Dejected*"And I can't have any of it..."
"Well, given the size of this place, there is no reason to assume there isn't a dining hall of some sort here."
*Comfortingly*"Yes, let's not give up hope yet, shall we?"
*Excited Again*"Yeah, let's go!"
"And there she goes..."
"She's certainly fast when motivated. Now then, shall we follow her?"
"Er, yes, of course."The prospect of dinner now back on the metaphorical table, Lydia hurried to her feet then made her way to the tables. As she walked towards the tables at a brisk pace, she glanced down and noticed that her suit had gotten somewhat scuffed in the fall. Damn, that going to be a real...
*For Someone's Glory*
Suddenly, a brisk stroke of magic flew over Lydia, and to her amazement the clothes seemed to fix themselves, the scuffs and wrinkles seeming to just disappear. Yes, she could get very used to this...


Oddly enough, it appeared as if the nations had allowed the many jets to land. . . "Mister Goode is sending his mercenaries. . . We expected that they would be a small corporate army of elites, but this looks like more of a team like Special Forces of a dozen or so." He paused. "Oh really. This is interesting. Reports show that there's another dozen headed this way. . . their machinery, at least, is more advanced than any of ours. We are going to need their help."

The launch pad was surrounded with men bearing their arms. At the moment, the men bore their assault rifles and machine guns confidently, but the waves of alien chrome domed monsters were too much. General Garret from the U.S Marines was there.Lydia looked out her airplane window, before turning to look back at the other passengers of the plane.

"So... who want's to take the lead here?""Not exactly an ambitiuous person, are you?
"Hey, the confidence boost hasn't fully settled in, alright? Just wait till we actually meet the enemy, I already have ideas for how to use Knight of Honor."
"Lady Kyoko, are you shivering?"
"J-just shut up, alright? It's so cold even I can feel it!"
"How? The three of us are not even technically in Antartica."
"I do believe this Airplane is temperature controlled as well."
"Yeah, I don't feel the cold eithe-"
"Would the three of you just knock it off!?"

2016-06-30, 11:27 AM
Vidarr got out of the plane with a grunt. He was not a leader, nor was he a particularly good follower. But the voices in his head had all led armies. "Just follow my lead, I guess. None of us really know what to expect."

Emma on the other had was more or less in tune with her new friends. All of them were strong, independent and of the same lone wolf mindset except that princess. She seemed to have an independent streak but she was no lone wolf. Still, if someone had to lead, she didn't want it to be Vidarr. And yet, she realized it wasn't Vidarr leading at all, but the powerful men from his past lives, so she followed without comment. Maybe he was the best to lead them. Zelda admitted that Gannondorf was a brilliant leader, if not evil incarnate.

2016-06-30, 11:31 AM
General Garret's jaw dropped. All of them in civilian's clothing, no uniforms. Some of them carrying swords. "Is this some kind of a joke?" The General asked rhetorically. "What's with the red eyes? This isn't Comic Con. Swords? Staves?" He spoke, looking at some of the arrival. "Lightsabers? Folks, this is real, this isn't a day at Disney Land. . . send these people back to Mister Goode at once."

2016-06-30, 11:37 AM
"Shut the hell up, mortal. I'm in charge here. Back talk me again and I will flay you alive, you disgusting worm." Vidarr spat with a voice that was too angry to be his own.

With a flash of sinister black magic, twin swords appeared in his hands, and he glowed with an aura of unmistakable malice. "Report the situation. Now! I have no time for your fumbling jaw, worm. Speak."

2016-06-30, 11:43 AM
"The aliens are coming in at numbers that never seem to drop. When we kill ten, fifty take their place. The portal is growing and Antarctica is slowly beginning to melt. We have managed to contain the infestation to just the continent here and around a quarter of the entire land mass with our combined forces. They uh. . . are identical in appearance and capability to the aliens from the Alien franchise, which is just totally bizarre. Their exoskeletons are tough enough to resist highly armor piercing rounds, though since we are military and not law enforcement, that much isn't a problem. Flame throwers and missile launchers work equally well, but we can't keep this under wraps, every government on Earth knows about this. There are significant casualties but most casualties are from the first wave. It doesn't seem that this will end though, we can prevent them from coming in but that's it. There's no end to this in sight so we thought of nuclear detonation on the portal but our scientists are saying no."

2016-06-30, 11:52 AM
"Hold the line. We are going in."

2016-06-30, 12:01 PM
While on the ride to antarctica, Akira sat patiently, thinking about how easily his life was transformed. In a million years he would never thought that he would be fighting aliens.

As the plane flew, Akira suddenly found a sword next to him, and immedietly recognized it as the Yato. Corrin also recognized it, and the other commented on how powerful it felt. Akira was also rather satisfied, this meant he didn't have to use his less.... savory powers. Etsu also found one of her weapons, namely the tome Excalibur. She was pleased, to say the least.

Walking off the plane, the commander gave them an earful, thinking they were civilians. Not that he could really blame them.

"Shut the hell up, mortal. I'm in charge here. Back talk me again and I will flay you alive, you disgusting worm." Vidarr spat with a voice that was too angry to be his own.

With a flash of sinister black magic, twin swords appeared in his hands, and he glowed with an aura of unmistakable malice. "Report the situation. Now! I have no time for your fumbling jaw, worm. Speak."

"Last time I checked you made yourself leader, so don't go around spreading false information, all right?"

"That's right, if anything we're all equal members. Besides," Etsu hugged Akira and whispered to his ear.

"You'll always be my master Akira~"

"Not in public!" Akira whispered back, blushing.

"So I was right!"

"Hell no!" Akira faced the commander.

"We'll handle this, commander."

2016-06-30, 12:15 PM
Vidarr sneered at Akira. "I was born a leader. I was made a leader. Leadership was thrust upon me because no one would do it. Those are my pasts. In this present, I am a leader because I am leading. You can cry about it or you can follow. What misinformation have I spread? I will gladly cleave this man in half to prove to you I am serious. What is one mortal before the will of a God?"

2016-06-30, 12:43 PM
Vidarr sneered at Akira. "I was born a leader. I was made a leader. Leadership was thrust upon me because no one would do it. Those are my pasts. In this present, I am a leader because I am leading. You can cry about it or you can follow. What misinformation have I spread? I will gladly cleave this man in half to prove to you I am serious. What is one mortal before the will of a God?"

"The women besides me used to be a military general for the empire."
"That's correct."
"And I used to lead an army."
"I can attest to that."
"And I assume some of the others also used to be leaders. You can't just label yourself as the leader just because you used to be a leader in your past lives. But, I digress. If I don't like your orders I can simply not follow them."
"As for the commander, we shouldn't be killing allies, no matter how much of an insect they are. We should leave that for our enemies, don't you agree, Kami-san?"
"And I personally wouldn't like having the world governments as enemies. That sounds... kinda annoying."

2016-06-30, 12:50 PM
"Well, Akira, or whatever your name is, look, I'm certainly no mortal, and I won't have us threatening the innocent or valorous simply for their ignorance. Who would have thought that movies and television could become real? No one with brains or sanity, that's who? It flies in the face of all the we believe in, as rational Human beings. Now look. . look at all this. This is Antarctica, we need to move to the Portal in the center of all this mess."

2016-06-30, 12:58 PM
Vidarr barked out a laugh. "Armies? You are a peasant before me. I led empires."

"I ruled the world for a time, reborn in an endless cycle, I always ruled multiple armies, and nations."

"In another life I ruled a whole nation who adored me, and was set to rule the world."

In another life I ruled the mightiest and largest kingdom in the world. Generals are nothing compared to me."

"At my lowest, I still ruled more than a mere army. You call yourself a leader because a rag tag bunch of kids followed you around? When an empire bends knee to you are their absolute ruler, nay when the mightiest kingdom bends knee, then you can say you are worthy of notice."

Emma winced. "He is the Demon King, at least. But he is an evil man. Vidarr is not so evil, but Gannondorf is supremely evil, and has led dark forces that dwarfed the powers of the light."

"Enough." Vidarr spat. "We move to the portal now."

And so then he set off towards the threat that would destroy his world.

2016-06-30, 01:38 PM
Vidarr barked out a laugh. "Armies? You are a peasant before me. I led empires."

"I ruled the world for a time, reborn in an endless cycle, I always ruled multiple armies, and nations."

"In another life I ruled a whole nation who adored me, and was set to rule the world."

In another life I ruled the mightiest and largest kingdom in the world. Generals are nothing compared to me."

"At my lowest, I still ruled more than a mere army. You call yourself a leader because a rag tag bunch of kids followed you around? When an empire bends knee to you are their absolute ruler, nay when the mightiest kingdom bends knee, then you can say you are worthy of notice."

Emma winced. "He is the Demon King, at least. But he is an evil man. Vidarr is not so evil, but Gannondorf is supremely evil, and has led dark forces that dwarfed the powers of the light."

"Enough." Vidarr spat. "We move to the portal now."

And so then he set off towards the threat that would destroy his world.

"I don't care how grand your past achievements are, if I did I would have talked more about my own. You seem like a guy with a massive ego, so I won't bother talking to you anymore. But like I said, if I don't like your orders, I'll simply not follow them."

With that Akira headed towards the group's destination, the portal.
""That guy really gets on my nerves!"
"He reminds me of the prime minister. That's not good."
"Agreed, that man has a rather bloated ego. I pray the others don't flock to him, he's clearly not the benevolent type."
"I say we teach him a lesson, show him he's not so high and mighty!"
"No, that won't do. We shouldn't cause unnecessary conflict. If he gets out of line, then we'll act."
"Agreed. We shouldn't let our emotions take control."
"Tch! I don't agree one bit, but if Akira wills it I can't do much about it. Great, now I know how my demons must of felt."

2016-06-30, 01:45 PM
"Ugh. I am full of evil past lives as well. It is most disconcerting. Well now that I am Awakened I have snapped out of my mental problems coping with who I am. It is not a hallucination, but yet I do not have to abide by who I am. I can live as who I will become." Jacob stated. Within an hour they arrived at the combat zone. There were no problems spewing ammunition and whittling down their numbers to nothing. "You notice all this acid flying around? It melts our flesh if it gets onto our bodies, but we can continue to keep emptying rounds of ammunition into the enemy." He sighed. "We need to get rid of all this. The Portal is an hour beyond here. We can send extermination squads with you, in fact we will. We look forward to your help."

2016-06-30, 05:40 PM
During the flight Oliver had their wand out and was deeply concentrated. Milo's current spellbook wasn't really his, it contained horribly unoptimized spells and that had to change. As such they were attempting to transfigure the pages of the spellbook into spells containing spells that Milo knew and permanenting it with the stone. Milo had protested sternly and claimed that the Dimensional Maestro wouldn't allow that kind of cheese but they had convinced him to try with one page and when nothing happened they had decided to continue.

Oliver let the adults have their dominance contest. No adult would consider their opinnion seriously anyway. Multiple voices shared their agreement.

"I think" a young and innocent voice chimed in "that this would be a good time to share our various capabilities." Oliver pauses before continueing "In particular are any of you capable of killing a large number of them at once and if are there any limitations associated with it?"

2016-06-30, 06:10 PM
Jacob's eyes glowed a blood red. His body became covered in a spiked shell, with his head sticking out. He led out an inhuman screech and balls of energy flew from his hands and landed onto the ground like arrows. These arrows all slammed into their targets, taking off heads, piercing some enemies with light, causing many to catch fire. This attack was powerful, as if a nuclear bomb had detonated with ground contact. The man looked around. . . "All of them are gone from the continent at the moment. We have to get rid of the Queen and the rest of them inside the portal now." he sweat off drops of perspiration, wiping off his forehead after the powerful magical assault, which eradicated the species from Antarctica.

2016-06-30, 07:54 PM
Vidarr gave Oliver a nod of approval.

"Yes, that was a brilliant display by our friend Jacob here, but Oliver is correct that each of you should allow me to know your strengths," Vidarr paused and gave Akira a blank stare "and weaknesses."

Almost as fast as he shifted his gaze from Oliver, he returned his eyes there. "I am Gannondorf, the Demon King." Displaying his fist, it glows in the shape of three triangles forming a fourth, larger triangle with the top triangle glowing.

"I command the Triforce of Power. I am a sorcerer without equal, and a skilled master of blades. I can create monsters from my will, and I command monsters with ease. I can transform into a powerful demon, if need be as well. I am supremely powerful, none can challenge me. Mm. I can also play the organ quite well. I am immortal."

Vidarr's face twitched slightly, and his left eye became a strange symbol. "I am King Bradley. I am the most supreme sword fighter, and I am in possession of the Ultimate Eye. For those of you with less insight than I have, this eye allows me to read people's actions and intentions faster than they can move. This means I can accurately predict your every movement and counter them in real time. I am also immortal."

Again Vidarr gave sign that another mind was taking control. "I am Victor von Doom. I am a highly educated, mystically enhanced, and better than all of you. I have an absolute understanding of machinery and I meld engineering with magic. This suit you see me wearing was designed by none other than myself. And you," Vidarr gestured at Emma, "will have your suit improved upon."

Emma frowned, but didn't say anything at first. After a few others spoke, she chimed in finally. "Well, I am still mostly in control of myself, but I seem to have a princess with divine magical powers, which seem pretty impressive. A complete control over all four elements... and a really neat suit that shots lasers and missiles and bombs and stuff? It seems as if the laser has a bunch of settings, including ones that only damage organic matter, or ones that freeze... and my suit protects me from all sorts of things... and I guess it regenerates ammunition somehow. And... I guess I can absorb powers from some things? It's very hard to shift through any one person's memory at a time, they are all sort of muddled."
I change Emma's font color to make it easier to tell the difference.

2016-06-30, 09:45 PM
Vidarr gave Oliver a nod of approval.

"Yes, that was a brilliant display by our friend Jacob here, but Oliver is correct that each of you should allow me to know your strengths," Vidarr paused and gave Akira a blank stare "and weaknesses."

Almost as fast as he shifted his gaze from Oliver, he returned his eyes there. "I am Gannondorf, the Demon King." Displaying his fist, it glows in the shape of three triangles forming a fourth, larger triangle with the top triangle glowing.

"I command the Triforce of Power. I am a sorcerer without equal, and a skilled master of blades. I can create monsters from my will, and I command monsters with ease. I can transform into a powerful demon, if need be as well. I am supremely powerful, none can challenge me. Mm. I can also play the organ quite well. I am immortal."

Vidarr's face twitched slightly, and his left eye became a strange symbol. "I am King Bradley. I am the most supreme sword fighter, and I am in possession of the Ultimate Eye. For those of you with less insight than I have, this eye allows me to read people's actions and intentions faster than they can move. This means I can accurately predict your every movement and counter them in real time. I am also immortal."

Again Vidarr gave sign that another mind was taking control. "I am Victor von Doom. I am a highly educated, mystically enhanced, and better than all of you. I have an absolute understanding of machinery and I meld engineering with magic. This suit you see me wearing was designed by none other than myself. And you," Vidarr gestured at Emma, "will have your suit improved upon."

Emma frowned, but didn't say anything at first. After a few others spoke, she chimed in finally. "Well, I am still mostly in control of myself, but I seem to have a princess with divine magical powers, which seem pretty impressive. A complete control over all four elements... and a really neat suit that shots lasers and missiles and bombs and stuff? It seems as if the laser has a bunch of settings, including ones that only damage organic matter, or ones that freeze... and my suit protects me from all sorts of things... and I guess it regenerates ammunition somehow. And... I guess I can absorb powers from some things? It's very hard to shift through any one person's memory at a time, they are all sort of muddled."
I change Emma's font color to make it easier to tell the difference.

"(Hmph, even the way he words it annoys me)."

After Vidarr was done showing off his powers, Etsu explained her powers.

"Lets see. My first soul gives me a demonic body, and the ability to shape shift and regenerate. My second soul allows me to create ice from nothing, and it's capabilities are virtuously endless. My third soul allows me to use magic from the Fire Emblem franchise, specifically Fates, and what I have here is the Excalibur tome, which uses wind."

Akira at first was going to simply stay quiet, but realized that would be futile-His 'alies' wouldn't stop complaining. Though he would keep 'that' side of him a secret.

"I have superhuman physical capabilities, the ability to shapeshift, regenerate, use water blasts and wield the Yato, a legendary blade capable of slaying a dragon god. And finally..."

Akira raised his arm up, showing the portable computer on his arm.

"This is a Demonica. This allows me to converse with Demons and Angels, use magic, and all other sorts of things, like scouting the area and making a map of all the places I have been to."

2016-06-30, 09:56 PM
"I'm Lavos, Saint Eva and Orgodemir. Lavos has powers over time space portals, and is the source of that energy attack I just did. He has a defensive shell that can shrug off nuclear detonations, powerful alien physiology and is the source of magic of Zeal City." He pauses. "Saint Eva is a demon which paraded himself as a god. He is the father of the demons from his world and has immense supernatural powers over thunder and lightning, freakish strength and fire, just to name some of his powers." He then paused again. "Lastly, Orgodemir is his world's Devil, just like Saint Eva. He has freakish supernatural strength, and can shape shift, not to mention command astonishingly strong magic, including explosions and lightning again.'

2016-07-02, 01:41 PM
Oliver waived their wand around in strange pattern while mumbling incomprehensible incantations. After 30 different incarnations he stops.

"For myself I am able to cast spells similar to those you may know from the Harry Potter universe. Milo is a 9th level W.." A ding was heard in Oliver's mind as Jacob smashes into the legions of aliens and instantly destroys them. Uhh, this'll be good the drolling of Milo is obvious through his mental voice, "10th level Wizard . To use all of his powers I would need to rest for exactly 8 hours but we may not have time for that. Furthermore I am capable of extraordinary inventions, none of which I have with me."

Oliver's face remains neutral even as they are getting annoyed with Vidarr's ego. Patiently waiting until the "general" was finished speaking they asked: "When you say immortal, does that imply that you do not age or does it imply that you cannot be killed? If either case how does it work?"

To Akira: "How strong are your regeneration? How little can you regenerate from and how long does it take?"

"Also does anybody by chance have telepathy? That would be incredibly handy"

Oliver's mouth hangs wide open. "TIME AND SPACE!" They looks at Jacob for a long second with disbelief painted all over their face. "Then take us a week back and let's ambush the portal as soon as it spawns"

The incantations are various privacy measures, ensuring that they aren't being pried upon.

2016-07-02, 07:14 PM
"Don't worry about me. I require a portal for time and space shenanigans and I can't even do it on purpose. I leave portals around like dead skin cells for little bugs to feed on. It's nothing really that special. Yes though, time and space. I'm better at space than I am time though, I could probably travel to another planet or something as Lavos without a space ship. Now, it looks like we will still get our wish. There are thousands, even now, of xenomorphs pouring through the portal like water from the falls."

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-03, 12:18 AM
Azura silently followed with the others. She wanted to really take on the self proclaimed leader and show him who's boss but she held back. "Not sure how I fit to the mix because I only have super strength, water powers since I'm the reincarnation of the princess of Mercury, and close combat fighting". "I feel like I'm the weakest here" she said sadly looking away ashamed. "let's just focus on the aliens". " my main problem is that we try to stay on the right side while kilgrave is breathing down our necks in the mind at every turn"
"I don't know who this kilgrave is but I think you're just paranoid"

Azura didn't feel a thing despite being in the coldest place on earth. "Jeez, what's with me not shivering here?". " last time I checked I'm not freakin Elsa" she muttered.

2016-07-04, 01:43 AM
"What can your water powers do? People are about 70% water and chances are that the aliens are somewhat similar, given that they sprout acid when they die. Can you control that water?" Oliver responds to Azura

Oliver looks dumbfonded at the man who claims that bending time and space was nothing special. "Can we make that happen? You have people who are masters of magic and who can mix magic and technology, what do you need to create a time portal?"

2016-07-04, 04:14 AM
Oliver waived their wand around in strange pattern while mumbling incomprehensible incantations. After 30 different incarnations he stops.

"For myself I am able to cast spells similar to those you may know from the Harry Potter universe. Milo is a 9th level W.." A ding was heard in Oliver's mind as Jacob smashes into the legions of aliens and instantly destroys them. Uhh, this'll be good the drolling of Milo is obvious through his mental voice, "10th level Wizard . To use all of his powers I would need to rest for exactly 8 hours but we may not have time for that. Furthermore I am capable of extraordinary inventions, none of which I have with me."

Oliver's face remains neutral even as they are getting annoyed with Vidarr's ego. Patiently waiting until the "general" was finished speaking they asked: "When you say immortal, does that imply that you do not age or does it imply that you cannot be killed? If either case how does it work?"

To Akira: "How strong are your regeneration? How little can you regenerate from and how long does it take?"

"Also does anybody by chance have telepathy? That would be incredibly handy"

Oliver's mouth hangs wide open. "TIME AND SPACE!" They looks at Jacob for a long second with disbelief painted all over their face. "Then take us a week back and let's ambush the portal as soon as it spawns"

The incantations are various privacy measures, ensuring that they aren't being pried upon.

"All I know is that it's fast. The rest I can only guess at."

"What can your water powers do? People are about 70% water and chances are that the aliens are somewhat similar, given that they sprout acid when they die. Can you control that water?" Oliver responds to Azura

Oliver looks dumbfonded at the man who claims that bending time and space was nothing special. "Can we make that happen? You have people who are masters of magic and who can mix magic and technology, what do you need to create a time portal?"

"From what I heard it sounds like he can't make these portals. If he could, wouldn't he have first told us about it way back at the mansion?"

Time Travel is actually not allowed, so I think Armin's character is trying to say that he can't make a time portal.

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-04, 01:21 PM
"All I know is that it's fast. The rest I can only guess at."

"From what I heard it sounds like he can't make these portals. If he could, wouldn't he have first told us about it way back at the mansion?"

Time Travel is actually not allowed, so I think Armin's character is trying to say that he can't make a time portal.

"Um, what I can recall these water powers I apparently are used as smokescreen effects, water attacks, and even freezing an opponent" stated Azura to answer the person who asked about her ability. "But I guess there's some specific way I can use them apparently" she added hearing one soul explaining it in her mind. But she was constantly distracted by the constant ringing of the male voice in her mind trying to draw her to him.

2016-07-05, 10:58 AM
Oliver's face remains neutral even as they are getting annoyed with Vidarr's ego. Patiently waiting until the "general" was finished speaking they asked: "When you say immortal, does that imply that you do not age or does it imply that you cannot be killed? If either case how does it work?"

"Neither. Should I die, I will be reborn. It works because I am the living embodiment of a curse upon the world, the last breath of the King of all Monsters gave birth to me, and I cannot be stopped. Imbued with the Triforce of Power, only sacred weapons can injure my body. I see no such weapons on these aliens."

"Speaking of aliens, I see more coming. Though I am not so interested in them, as they are weak, I see no reason to allow them to live."

Dropping his weapon from his right hand, he manifested dark powers and caused an inky blackish purple portal to open beside him, out of which dashed a phantom copy of himself astride a mighty war horse. After a brief delay two more dashed out.

Crushing the dark magic in his fist, he punched the earth and sent ripples of dark magic forward. Every so often, an area of ripples would pulsate, and a suit of armor would form wielding a massive axe. "Phantoms of myself, and Darknuts. Powerful beings to be sure, but only fractions of me. Feel free to destroy them with friendly fire, they aren't really alive."

As if on cue, Emma lowered her energy weapon and began firing beams of light at the monsters. While she did not have so much power as to kill them all at once, she could fire off a great deal of shots incredibly quickly, and not even the xenos could withstand a blast from her gun.

Meanwhile, the phantom horsemen rode on, striking the aliens with dark magic. The Darknuts slammed their axes into the aliens, and took them down with one chop, however the acidic blood of the aliens began melting away the Darknut's armor, and they started to falter and fall the more they fought. "It seems the Darknuts do not fare well against the death throes of the aliens. Be careful of their acidic blood. I would not want to lose such valuable assets over such trifling creatures."

2016-07-05, 11:47 AM
"I see" Oliver responds. They will follow along towards the portal and seeing that others were significantly more capable at killing aliens than they were, they decided to not participate actively in the combat.

2016-07-05, 11:58 AM
Of course, regular ammunition worked wonders against these xenomorphs. Hundreds of rounds, or thousands, tore some of them to pieces. As more and more poured through the portal. Jacob tore into them with a spell of explosive fire. . . hundreds fell backwards, staggered, exploded or erupted into ashes, while others tore them to pieces with axes, being covered in acid during the fighting process. Jacob turned towards Oliver. "I can't make the portals. They tend to appear into other time periods that I currently reside in. So while they're where they are, they are in a different time and place than I reside on the planet.

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-05, 02:40 PM
"Ahh!". " crap, crap crap ". Azura felt horrible because she felt like she was one of the weakest members in the group. " what can I do with super strength and close combat fighting while being too freaked out at the moment to do what I need to do to use my water powers?! ".

2016-07-05, 09:24 PM
"Kid." Vidarr gave Azura a hard look. "Just bash them up. You won't die under my watch. You are too valuable."

Punching his palm twice he strode forward, summoning his weapons back to him and waded out into the thick of thing, chopping enemies to pieces and avoiding letting the spray hit him, though even when it did, there appeared to be little effect on anything more than his clothing.

Emma for her part continued firing blast after blast of energy for a short while longer. A solid -click- was all the warning she gave before her energy beams were replaced by high yielding explosives being tossed into the mix. Releasing her hand from the grip it had on her gun, she continued fire with her gun had and began weaving ice and water around the field until she had enough going to make an effective weapon that started tearing into the xenomorphs, freezing their acidic blood before it could jet out. "He's right on one count: we won't let you die. But you can sit tight if you want, we are slowly killing them faster than they are coming now."

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-05, 10:25 PM
"Kid." Vidarr gave Azura a hard look. "Just bash them up. You won't die under my watch. You are too valuable."

Punching his palm twice he strode forward, summoning his weapons back to him and waded out into the thick of thing, chopping enemies to pieces and avoiding letting the spray hit him, though even when it did, there appeared to be little effect on anything more than his clothing.

Emma for her part continued firing blast after blast of energy for a short while longer. A solid -click- was all the warning she gave before her energy beams were replaced by high yielding explosives being tossed into the mix. Releasing her hand from the grip it had on her gun, she continued fire with her gun had and began weaving ice and water around the field until she had enough going to make an effective weapon that started tearing into the xenomorphs, freezing their acidic blood before it could jet out. "He's right on one count: we won't let you die. But you can sit tight if you want, we are slowly killing them faster than they are coming now."

"Uh sure". She did her best on a couple aliens using her super strength, but mostly was freaked out.

2016-07-06, 02:41 AM
Akira walked towards the portal along with his allies, slashing whatevery enemy that was unfortunate enough to get in his Yato's range. Etsu crated ice spikes which impaled the aleins, having the added bonus of freezing thier blood. If any got near she would simply freeze them and cut off their heads, fighting the urge to be more 'creative' and to have more 'fun', as she liked to think it.
"And here I expected the aliens to give us more trouble. Hopefully the queen isn't a bore like her insects, right Akira?"

"I'd rather not deal with a queen that has a penis for a head and bleeds acid, thank you." Akira said, deadpanned.
"Akira! Don't be a killjoy!
"What joy am I possibly killing right now?"
"The bloody, or in this case acidic, kind!
"...Oh my gosh you're right. I feel downright ecstatic, going in. I bet the form we'll be fighting isn't even it's final form."

Take us to the inside of that portal already Armin~

2016-07-06, 08:00 AM
Inside The Hive
http://i.imgur.com/9xbMEYb.gif (http://imgur.com/9xbMEYb)
The Alien Home world. . . light years away. . . perhaps in another Galaxy outside the Milky Way, was the Alien Home World. The Alien Queen stood as a massive, gargantuan beast, over a dozen times the size of a Human being. She clicked and hissed at the Praetorians, warriors, and other xenomorphs to rush the assembled small army of soldiers, marines, and Awakened. They began to be shredded at the assault of machine gun fire, assault rifles, grenades and flame throwers. Meanwhile, Jacob Meyers channeled explosive energy once more, sending hundreds of the alien beings into the physical form of ashes. His transformation yielded into a form uglier than the Queen, perhaps only AS ugly.

http://i.imgur.com/H0LtKcv.gif (http://imgur.com/H0LtKcv)

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-06, 02:30 PM
"you should have my transformation pen with you.". "I think you'll have to use that"
Azura: "To be you, well me, again right Amy?"

Azura frantically started searching her pockets.

2016-07-06, 02:38 PM
"I have some bad news. That's not a Queen. That. . . thing is the Alien Mother Queen, and she can lay eggs again. It's the oldest Alien there is. She's smarter than most Humans, and far stronger than a Queen. . . it would take the entire small army of men just to take down her alone, and they don't have the man power or the fire power to take her down. Charles Goode was right to send us with them!"

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-06, 03:33 PM
"I have some bad news. That's not a Queen. That. . . thing is the Alien Mother Queen, and she can lay eggs again. It's the oldest Alien there is. She's smarter than most Humans, and far stronger than a Queen. . . it would take the entire small army of men just to take down her alone, and they don't have the man power or the fire power to take her down. Charles Goode was right to send us with them!"

Azura was still checking her pockets. "Well, ok then".

2016-07-06, 05:36 PM
Ding! Ding! 'I could get used to this' Milo comments as he feels his experience reach yet another level.

"Tongues" Oliver said in a clear voice before mumbling an incantation while pointing their wand at their throat. Oliver opened their mouth and stopped in their tracks as they decided that 'Hey you big ugly ****er' probably wasn't beneficial for diplomatic silutions. "Hey Big Queen" Oliver's voice is heard by anyone within over a miles radius as if they were standing right next to them and their words were understandable by anyone intelligent regardless of any language barrier. "Why are you trying to destroy our world?"

2016-07-06, 05:49 PM
"My children must eat. We all must eat to survive. You are prey, we are predators. We are not Human, we are creatures of the Hive." The Queen continues. Tens of thousands of more aliens swarm the men with their rapid firing ammunition still tearing some of the prey apart. While the communication is going on, one of the men stares at you. "You mean you can actually talk to that thing".

2016-07-06, 06:00 PM
"You're children aren't surviving, thousands of them have already died and more will pay with their life if you insist on continueing this meaningless expansion. Pull back, I tell you, let there be no more blood shed and we can teach you methods that can feed your children."

2016-07-06, 06:09 PM
Alien Queen
"We were bred by the Star Fathers to kill. That is who we are. . . that is what we are. We must devour, we must hunt and we must kill to survive. There is no other way." Jacob winced. "We need to close the portal. Even if we can reason with her, the portal changes the world around it. We need to get rid of the Queen or at least we need to close the portal."

2016-07-06, 08:36 PM
"Your heritage doesn't get to decide who you are, it's only an influence that can be overcome! There are many other ways" Oliver tried again, not yet willing to accept that ten tousand of individuals had to die just because one individual insisted on fighting.

They sends Jacob a single look that clearly indicates that they don't think he knows what he is talking about but don't want to disturb the conversation with the queen.

2016-07-06, 08:42 PM
Mother Queen
"Mother Queen is a busy Mother. What shall I do? You must decide right now. I am no Human or Yautja that enjoys the civilizing conversations of races with. . . civilization. We hunt, we kill, we eat. We must grow. We must always grow." The Queen's massive head, chromed with a magnificent crown lowered it'self to Oliver's face, with the double jaw jutting out just in front of his fore head, a mere centimeter, unable to stretch further. She could have attacked with her claws or a quick bite, but didn't.

"Okay, change of plans. She clearly doesn't want her children to die. . . Let's use that leverage. The other world is dangerous to her babies. Just focus on that, and ask her to let us leave with a closed portal.

2016-07-06, 09:07 PM
Vidarr spat on the ground. "There's only room for one badass on this planet, and I'm much more bad than this pesty alien. Tell her to make peace with her god. I'm going in."

Vidarr flew forward, hovering a few feet off the ground a mere ten yards from the queen. With a flash of darkness, he transformed into a giant fire-maned pig-like monster, with two massive tridents in each hand. One of this creature's eyes glowered wickedly, the Ultimate Eye, which allowed him to predict the Queen's actions.

"Know this, pesky insect, this is my planet, and invaders die. Leave, and take the portal with you, or you and all of your kin will break under my will. You are nothing before my might. I am kindred to gods."

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-06, 10:08 PM
Azura had luck and got out this pen that had the symbol of Mercury on it. "I guess this is what I'm looking for". She still used super strength on them.

2016-07-07, 01:27 AM
"Don't bother Oliver, the queen won't back down. Not that that's bad, now we can do this the fun way!" Etsu said excitedly, sporting an impressive slasher smile.

Akira's souls discussed for a bit, Kamui arguing that they should negotiate with the queen, with Walter and Tatsumi agreeing that killing it was the better option. This was annoying Akira, so he just blocked them out, but Etsu was right, this queen wasn't staying down without a fight.

"Etsu's right, this queen's not going to do this the easy way, especially when our 'leader' just insulted her. I suggest you prepare for battle." Akira said, doing that just that. Etsu created an Ice rapier and also prepared for a fight, all with blatant glee.

2016-07-07, 12:21 PM

"You know, I didn't actually imagine at the last moment we could actually reason with her. That thing is the Mother Queen, the only real threat, other than the sheer numbers of beasts in this area there is to our presence. We don't even know how to shut down the portal, now we have to find out the HARD way, possibly including a combing of the entire area, if need be, to close the damn portal. Nice going."

"Just leave. Just leave. Go to your hive. . . I can tell you where the strange men in black went. . . holding onto the tool which controls the portal."

She hisses and clicks, and the rest of the aliens scatter. "It's held by those strange creatures a few miles to the East."

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-07, 05:31 PM
Azura stopped and looked. "Huh?". " what's going on?" She asked.

2016-07-08, 05:26 PM
Oliver is genuinely confused. "Ehm, alright." They say before slowly moving away from the enourmous mouth and start moving east. "Just don't go through the portal alright, I'll come back and make sure that you can get your food supply"

2016-07-08, 05:35 PM
"The Queen is telling us to just leave and take the advice from the strangers she called creatures a few miles to the East. It's remarkable we can understand her. Most of these aliens have the intelligence of Dolphins and don't really begin to learn until they reach higher ages. Praetorians and others begin to exhibit sapient traits beyond tool use, this really is remarkable."

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-09, 09:13 AM
"The Queen is telling us to just leave and take the advice from the strangers she called creatures a few miles to the East. It's remarkable we can understand her. Most of these aliens have the intelligence of Dolphins and don't really begin to learn until they reach higher ages. Praetorians and others begin to exhibit sapient traits beyond tool use, this really is remarkable."

"are you kidding me?!". " after us coming here she wants us to go?" Azura stuffed the pen away to save it for another time. She sighed.
"Fine". " guess it seems we're leaving then".

She noticed the other awakened not moving. "Uh, earth to fellow awakened I thought we were leaving!" She exclaimed.

2016-07-20, 09:09 AM
Lawrence wades through the piles of xenomorph pieces, careful not to get any acid/blood on his obviously very expensive ostrich leather shoes. Juxtaposed against his shoes are his tan zip off hiking cargo pants, Rammstein concert tee shirt, plaid wool vest and black MOLLE backpack. From his hip hangs, what appears to those with knowledge of the Star Wars Universe, the slightly curved hilt of a finely crafted light saber. Lawrence surveyed the situation and stroked his full Ginger beard.
Not so fast, friend. For the moment at least, these creatures have been driven before us, the Queen is making a deal to save herself from our wrath. Think back to before your "Awakening," ignore those souls vying for real estate in your mind, what deal would you strike with men and women that stormed through your front door and murdered all of your children. Would you be truthful with your attackers? We must detach ourselves from the moment and divine the appropriate course of action.

Though none of you recall him commenting on his "Awakening," or seeing Lawrance participate in the the battle, as it were, his sudden appearance doesn't strike anyone as odd.

2016-07-21, 01:58 PM
"Really, she just said to follow the men to the East with the brief case. The Men in Black, as she called them. I think it's time we "obeyed" her Majesty." Jacob stated. "Not the least of reasons is that she outnumbers us brutally. Even with all of our powerful Awakened I'm not sure we can fight them all."

2016-07-27, 10:17 PM
Olivia walks into the scene, in war form, she looks very catlike with ears and fur, with a cat tail. Her eyes flick around looking for something dangerous, she stands about 8 ft 9 ft tall and looks like she can bench press a car, "So i hear a fight was going on ..."

Sapphira Jade
2016-07-28, 10:03 PM
"Really, she just said to follow the men to the East with the brief case. The Men in Black, as she called them. I think it's time we "obeyed" her Majesty." Jacob stated. "Not the least of reasons is that she outnumbers us brutally. Even with all of our powerful Awakened I'm not sure we can fight them all."

"Well shouldn't we leave then?!". Exclaimed Azura

lord pringle
2016-07-29, 04:03 AM
Charlie steps through the portal, her pale blue eyes darting rapidly behind her glasses. "So, um, we just traveled out of our reality. Is no one going to comment on that?" She stops for a second as her souls begin chattering to her. "It's a simple transreality gateway. Granted, on a larger scale than anything I've built, but it's fairly standard-- You should read my treatise on the subject." "No, transitioning from world to world is more than mere works of mortal artifice; it is the work of a COOL God showing us His works!" "Look, you factors, there's a time and a place for arguments. It's not now. Now is the time for beauty."
Charlie pushes her glasses up and squeezes the bridge of her nose. "You guys hear those too, right? I'm not insane? This headache is normal?" Before she can get a response, Sho directs her attention up at the Alien Queen. "Jesus, what is that?" she asks, Caster's book creating itself in her hands.

2016-07-29, 04:10 AM
Olivia walks into the scene, in war form, she looks very catlike with ears and fur, with a cat tail. Her eyes flick around looking for something dangerous, she stands about 8 ft 9 ft tall and looks like she can bench press a car, "So i hear a fight was going on ..."

Sean walks a step or two behind. "Sean Smith, at your service. Are we late to the party?" He is in an entirely human body, but there is a small tattoo on his neck glowing orange.

Then he sees the alien queen as well. "Oh. Apparently so. Uh... hi?"

2016-08-06, 09:23 PM
""I recommend you get going." THe Alien Queen states. "Or else. . . we could start getting a little hungry for pink, little Human meat."

Jacob turned to the others. "I would do what she says. . . we are outnumbered very grossly."

lord pringle
2016-08-07, 06:02 AM
Charlie nods and starts heading off to the east, or at least what she's pretty sure is the east. She steps up to whoever is nearest to her and tries to start up a conversation, "Hey, so, um, I'm Charlie." She extends a hand to shake and smiles nervously. "Please tell me that you're seeing all this too."

2016-08-07, 03:35 PM
Charlie nods and starts heading off to the east, or at least what she's pretty sure is the east. She steps up to whoever is nearest to her and tries to start up a conversation, "Hey, so, um, I'm Charlie." She extends a hand to shake and smiles nervously. "Please tell me that you're seeing all this too."

"Um, large hungry alien who threatened to eat us? Yeah, I think I saw that... Um, just what the living hell is going on here?"

Sapphira Jade
2016-08-07, 05:27 PM
""I recommend you get going." THe Alien Queen states. "Or else. . . we could start getting a little hungry for pink, little Human meat."

Jacob turned to the others. "I would do what she says. . . we are outnumbered very grossly."

Azura eeped but her past selves told her to calm down. " ok let's go then "

lord pringle
2016-08-09, 03:27 AM
"Um, large hungry alien who threatened to eat us? Yeah, I think I saw that... Um, just what the living hell is going on here?"

"Yeah, I'm just as in the dark as you are," Charlie says, nervously scratching her head. "Do you feel that too? Like something is pounding in your head trying to break free?" She pauses for a second and takes off her glasses to look at him. "Do you, uh, hear those voices?"

2016-08-09, 01:55 PM
"Yeah, I'm just as in the dark as you are," Charlie says, nervously scratching her head. "Do you feel that too? Like something is pounding in your head trying to break free?" She pauses for a second and takes off her glasses to look at him. "Do you, uh, hear those voices?"

Olive Branch frowns a bit. "She can... hear us?"

Magneto rolls his eyes. "Of course not, we're in Sean's head. But maybe she has passengers of her own..."

Jirobo said nothing.

Sean took a second to respond to Charlie. "Uh, we're probably not hearing the same voices, and mine aren't inclined to try to break out. (Or at least they aren't doing it yet.) But I'm hearing voices. It's... kinda freaky."

Sapphira Jade
2016-08-14, 09:55 PM
Azura was looking around for a portal to leave.