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2016-06-15, 09:35 AM
The thundering noise of the waterfall somewhere ahead is deafening. You're already drenched in mist; the good news is the cataract drowns out your boss' complaining.
He's been going on like this since you all started up the narrow path on the cliff-side. You're not sure what his problem is...he's the one riding a mule. Trader Yarrow isn't a nice man but he always pays well, so you endure it.
A massive boom sounds ahead of you, and a flicker of fire shows in the swirling mists. A gust of powerful wind parts the omnipresent mists, and you see Cliffrunner Village before you:
Smoke curls up before the scorched door before you. You are perhaps a hundred yards away from the door (lower left path). Trader Yarrow yells something inarticulate and charges up the path towards the door, leading his other two mules behind him. Your paycheck is hurling himself up the rocky trail at a breakneck pace.

The mists are swirling around you; you probably have partial to full cover against a potential fireball-thrower in the village.

The architecture of the village isn't as advanced as you're used to, but the stonework seems very solid even so. You know there is probably more a good amount of village hewn deeper into the cliffs.

You also know Cliffrunners aren't likely to have spellcasters among them.

2016-06-15, 10:24 AM
Eustace Grim mutters darkly under his breath.

"Bloody dwarves and their bloody thick skulls running headfirst into a damned fire. What in the hells does he think he's playing at? Come, Ludvik. It's sneaky time."

Eustace nudges Ludvik to climb up the cliff side surrounding the path, using the mists and rock debris as cover while he tries to get a better view of what's going on.

Eustace's Stealth roll: [roll0]
Ludvik's Stealth roll: [roll1]

Eustace's Perception roll: [roll2]
Ludvik's Perception roll: [roll3]

Also, Eustace will try to recall if there are any dangerous monsters, such as goblins, in the area that might have a fondness for fire.

Knowledge Dungeoneering/Geography/Nature (whichever appropriate, but an additional +2 to check result if Nature) roll:[roll4]

2016-06-15, 10:26 AM
Shalm has been in good spirits the entire trip, cracking jokes and encouraging the more weary members along. It might be due to the flask of rum he's periodically swigging from, but it might be that he's genuinely that kind of annoying, relentlessly positive person.

"Come on, lads! Not far to go now! These buildings are sort of crude, aren't they? Solid work, mind, good stone, but a bit basic. Surfacers, eh? No offence." he says, to the rest of the group comprised entirely of surfacers. "Maybe it gets fancier further back. They'll have cut deep into the cliff, if they've any-"

The sudden fiery explosion interrupts the dwarf's meanderings.

"...Cliffrunners don't have any mages I know of. That wasn't them."

His eyes go wide as their employer goes raising off without his bodyguards, towards the danger.

"Yarrow, wait! It's not-"

He curses, going charging off after the merchant.

Am I near enough to cast Command on Yarrow before he gets out of range, and would he hear me over the waterfall? If not, I'll chase after him as a full round action.

Perception check to spot the caster or at least identify the direction the spell(s) came from. [roll0]
Spellcraft check to identify exactly what was just cast. [roll1]

2016-06-15, 09:49 PM
Juko Wrag, the greataxe-toting half-orc caravan guard, had been walking alongside his 'pet', the dark reddish cat-like man-sized creature named Kax. It certainly seems that Juko prefers the company of Kax to that of other humanoids, but he has mostly been a good-natured travel companion.

Juko is startled by the boom. Now he draws his axe as he and Kax race to catch up with his employer. "Damn it! Could be fracking space pirates!"

ooc: Perception Juko [roll0], Kax [roll1]

2016-06-16, 07:35 AM
Yarrow is already out of command range, and the waterfall is drowning out your yells of dismay anyway.

You lurch after your employer; meanwhile Eustace and his ape move up the cliff parallel to the rest.

You spot burly dwarven arms waving at Yarrow from a window a story above the scorched door, they seem to be beckoning for more haste.

You know there aren't any gobblin trubes nearby, but this whole region is pretty lawless and remote.

You are at least reasonably certain the spell didn't come from you in a sudden drunken haze. It seemed to be some sort of fireball spell, but with a little extra oomph added.

You note some motion right above the door.

2016-06-16, 07:58 AM
Shalm staggers on after Yarrow, huffing and puffing under the weight of his chain mail. He'd rather the man hadn't run ahead, but if the group is being targeted, it seems like the thing to do is either take cover in the building if the caster isn't there, or rush the building and close with them if they are. Maybe the merchant has the right idea.

2016-06-16, 04:47 PM
Ludvik (and by proxy, Eustace), will climb towards the window from which beckoning arms reach, to see what they want.

2016-06-16, 06:56 PM

Seeing Yarrow, Juko and Shalm take off towards the Village, Cykan pulls out a short staff with a shorter spiked staff on either end out and heads after them sticking to the mist as best he can.

15 ft move (half speed)
Perception [roll0] to look for dangers
Stealth [roll1] includes -5 for half move but no mod for the mist. Not sure what it would be.

2016-06-17, 08:27 AM
You all follow Yarrow to the door, some following at a run, some trying to carefully keep to the mist. When Yarrow and the three mules reach the door the mist clears just enough to provoke some reaction; from the building on the other side of the waterfall faint yells can be made out and half a dozen arrows clatter around, but they aren't precisely aimed.

Juko and Shalm enter on the heels of their employer; the rest are moving more carefully and take several minutes more but moving with any caution at all seems to be enough to hide you from the archers across the way.

Eustace and Ludvik draw very near to the window before being noticed; three dwarf youths are there. The one who notices Ludvik first squeaks in surprise and slams closed the shutters.

Entering into the door, you find a simple rectangular room, packed with nervous-looking women and children, who quietly stare at you strangers. Yarrow and his own packmules are taking up a lot of room. By the time Ludvik and Eustace poke through the door, a tired looking elderly couple have pushed forward.

The old dwarf woman glares at you all. What's this then? Who are you people, and why are you here?

Trader Yarrow is still wheezing from his exertions, and waves you on to explain/introduce yourselves...

2016-06-17, 09:03 AM
Shalm steps forward, bowing to the woman in greeting, and rapping his hand on his chain shirt in the way that dwarven soldiers salute civilians. It's an old tradition, but he's learned that tradition is most important at times like these. He speaks rapidly.

"I am Shalm, of the Stonecutter clan. This human is Trader Yarrow, come to buy your soapstone. The orcblood is Juko, the halfling is Eustace, and those... creatures, belongs to them. The rest of our group are outside. Who is attacking you? We just arrived and heard screaming and sounds of battle from the building opposite. Tell us how to get over there, and we will assist your defenders!"

2016-06-17, 10:10 PM
The old woman sniffs, and seems ready to tear into you all, but her husband lays a calming hand on her shoulder. He returns Shalm's salute, using an even more archaic form.
Forgive my wife, young one, she has reason to be distraught. Our grandson is missing from among our fighters... The elder dwarf tugs at his white beard, distressed. I don't know what or who is attacking us; a group of half a dozen humans all dressed as traders came in late last night. I'm not normally one of the elders who trades for the stone or mines it, but Elder Tarn was excited about something they had found in the cavern. In the early morning before dawn, more humans appeared along the eastern trail and suddenly the ones we though were traders were butchering us. Even the little ones. The old dwarf stuffs his beard in his mouth.
The last of our warriors hold them off three levels above. The humans are just humans, but they have...creatures with this, beasts like nothing I'd ever seen. They send fire at us if we try to flee. She looks exhausted, but angry. You kill those worthless air-suckers and you can have every rock in the storeroom, as far as I'm concerned.
There is a spiral staircase leading upwards; Ludvik and Eustace saw it on the next level through the window. Trader Yarrow went white when the elder said the hostiles were stopping anyone from fleeing; he's cowered in the corner.

2016-06-17, 11:51 PM
Well, it doesn't look like there are any fire-slingers in here. Eustace will prod Ludvik to continue climbing up the building as stealthily as possible, peering in the third floor window on his way to a good vantage point on the roof.

2016-06-18, 08:09 AM
Shalm nods, taking in the facts. He watches Eustice start clambering up the building, presumably with ambitions of surprising their enemy, and nods approvingly. He steps away from the door and rests a hand on Yarrow's shoulder. He puts his face close to the man's, his breath stinking of alcohol, and talks to him firmly and confidently.

"Right, you heard the lady: the only way out is through. You hired me to watch after you, so I'm not leaving you down here, in case they flank us from behind or something sneaks past me." He murmurs. "Follow on behind me and Juko. It's the safest. We will keep you safe."

Shalm waits for Cykan to join him and Juko before unslinging his axe and running his hand over the blade, praying to Cayden Cailean to give him good fortune and guide his axeblade into the hearts of tyrants. The weapon is suffused with a brown glow that gradually turns into a frothy white before dissipating, in a way reminiscent of newly poured beer.

"Let's go knock some heads together." he says with a grin, jogging towards the stairs.

Diplomacy check to convince Yarrow to follow us, if necessary: [roll0]

Has Yarrow demonstrated any martial prowess or magic so far? Is he armed?

Casting Magic Weapon on Shalm's Axe.

2016-06-18, 09:55 AM

Cykan looks to Shalm and Yarrow.
"I am game to try to remove the vermin, but that is not within the contract with Yarrow. The reward is split between those who deal with the vermin."

2016-06-18, 12:33 PM
Juko casts a spell on himself before heading upstairs. "Come on Kax, we have work to do!"

(ooc: He casts shield on himself. If there seems to be time he'll also cast resistance and guidance on himself and Kax.)

2016-06-18, 02:10 PM

While Juko is casting Cykan slips into the stair well and into the shadows looking for any sign of enemies.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2016-06-19, 08:33 AM
Trader Yarrow shakes his head. I p-p-pay you lot to keep me safe and to help me get my stones. I stay here.
He's shown himself to be a thorough coward and as magical as a rock in your time with him.
You all move up the spiral staircase; the first couple levels are filled with civilians, looking confused and scared. The village elder couple follow you to the third story, and the old man points to a second stair.Our warriors hold the next two levels. I heard shouts a little while ago up there, but they still fight, so...
Going with caution up the second stair,you peer into the small room. Four wounded dwarf warriors sit within. Two hold atlatls at the ready, looking toward a barred door. Another is squatting before door, barely keeping his stone warhammer aloft. The four is unconscious and bloody in the far corner.

Eustace, you and Ludvik peer cautiously on the outer platform of the fourth floor, you see two animated balls of wind and mist; they are rattling the doors. Whispered voices are hard to hear above the thunder of the waterfall...
http://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/config/02778_concept.jpgLittle dwarfs little dwarfs let us in let us in...

2016-06-19, 10:23 AM
Shalm grimaces. He doesn't want to leave the merchant behind, but dragging him along would be a liability.

"Alright, you're the boss. Take care of my merchant for me, goodwife. We'll be back anon."

Shalm turns and races off, rattling noisily up the stairs and muttering in dwarven, thus announcing his arrival. He doesn't want to surprise any panicked trigger-happy crossbowmen or other defenders.

When he arrives, he immediately grabs the battered wooden tankard which dangles from a cord around his neck and raises it to them, as if toasting them and their efforts. A healing light washes over each of the four, mending their wounds and soothing their bruised and battered flesh.

He takes up his axe again and stalks towards the door, keeping the man with the stone hammer protectively on the side of his body where he can raise his shield to defend him, and presses his own weight against the door. "Good afternoon, lads. Everyone having a good time? How many men on the other side of yon doorway?" he murmurs, quietly.

Channel Energy, [roll0] healed to the dwarves

2016-06-21, 07:44 AM
"Good afternoon, lads. Everyone having a good time? How many men on the other side of yon doorway?" he murmurs, quietly.

The battered dwarf holding the warhammer looks considerably less battered now.Thanks, friend. It ain't men, not here. Beings of wind and mist are knocking on the door.

2016-06-21, 08:36 AM
Shalm nods. He gestures for the wounded dwarves to stand back, and beckons Juko and Cykan over, murmuring a prayer for guidance.

He waits until they've positioned themselves and taken whatever preparations they think best, and then flings open the door. He hopes the three of them can attack a single opponent as it tries to force it's way through the doorway.

Casting Guidance on myself, waiting for others to reposition.

2016-06-21, 12:54 PM
Wind beasties. Blast. That lot can probably fly. Won't likely be able to take them both without help. Maybe them others will make themselves useful.

Eustace loads his sling staff and waits for the others to make their move. When the door below is flung open, he sends a bullet streaking towards the wind-being closest to the door. Ludvik prepares to claw at anything that comes in reach.

Eustace's Sling-Staff

Attack Roll (presumably vs flat-footed AC with surprise): [roll0]
Crit Confirmation:[roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]

Ludvik's Claw (if any wind-beasties come in reach)

Attack Roll: [roll3]
Crit Confirmation: [roll4]
Damage Roll: [roll5]

2016-06-21, 07:37 PM

Cykan readies himself at the door for the air creatures to attack.

2016-06-23, 09:29 PM
Juko and his catlike companion Kax take up positions near the door. "Bring em' on I say!"

2016-06-24, 09:16 AM
There is a tense moment as everyone looks to one another; finally the restored warrior lifts his warhammer. Right chums up. Let's do this! Reeeenoooooy Jankins! He flings open the door and smashes at the swirling mists, which evade his strike.

Eustace's stone hits one of the two elementals dead center; the swirling mass of air seems mildly diminished and turns with a roar to the halfling and his ape. Ludvik misses the swirling mass and a slam strikes him in return:
To hit: 25
Damage: 5 :smalleek:

The other elemental strikes the warrior with the warhammer, slamming him hard. The poor warrior looks just as injured as before. He has staggerred out of the way; Shalm, Juko, and Cykan you have a clear path to the elemantal.

2016-06-24, 09:22 AM
"C'mon, beastie! Have at ye!" Shalm says, laughing madly as he lashes out with his axe.

[roll0] to hit (Expending previous casting of Guidance on this roll)
[roll1] damage if hit

2016-06-24, 11:15 AM
Ludvik grunts in pain at the blow and bites and claws at his gaseous opponent, trying to find something solid to dig into. Eustace swings at it with his sling-staff, roaring "Oi, what're you after the monkey for? I'm the one that hit you with the bloody stone! It's me you want, you air headed moron!"

Full attack for Ludvik, who will hopefully remain conscious to see the next turn. :smalltongue:
Bite Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Confirmation: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]

Claw 1 Attack Roll: [roll3]
Crit Confirmation: [roll4]
Damage Roll: [roll5]

Claw 2 Attack Roll: [roll6]
Crit Confirmation: [roll7]
Damage Roll: [roll8]

Eustace's Club Attack Roll: [roll9]
Crit Confirmation: [roll10]
Damage Roll: [roll11]

2016-06-24, 06:30 PM

Cykan steps forward and attacks the closest injury.

Full attack

Primary Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Secondary Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2016-06-25, 10:32 AM
ooc: I assume that Juko and Kax have a clear path.

"Whatever that is, let's get it, Kax!"

Juko is considerably more frightened than he lets on, but the half-orc doesn't let that stop him from swinging his greataxe as hard as he can.

Juko attack [roll0], damage [roll1]; used guidance

Kax bite [roll2], damage [roll3]; used guidance
claws [roll4], damage [roll5]; [roll6], damage [roll7]

edit: Looks like another of those days :smalleek:

2016-06-25, 11:59 AM
The elemental attacking Ludvik and Eustace collapses into a whirlwind and tugs at the halfling, who only barely manages to hold on to his companion and not be swept up into the air. Next to the ledge, both halfling and ape are being buffeted by a miniature windstorm.

The elemental before the doorway gives a windy, mocking laugh and slams Juko:
Attack Roll: 20
Damage Roll: 2

2016-06-25, 12:08 PM
Shalm grunts in irritation as his blade hits naught but stone, but shifts his grip on the haft of his axe and suddenly pulls it back upwards, aiming to strike at whatever passes for the elemental's neck.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage if hit

2016-06-25, 09:28 PM
Eustace grits his teeth, digging his feet into Ludvik's specialized stirrups. While they certainly hadn't been designed with halfling-carrying updrafts in mind, they served to keep him in place nonetheless. Ludvik, confused and annoyed with this wind creature's magical tomfoolery, bit and swiped at the miniature cyclone.

Well. This beastie didn't seem the sort to take a proper beating, dodgy bastard that it was. Perhaps it was time for one of them sermons from them wild folks. Eustace wasn't much of the talking sort, but it was worth a shot. Loading a bullet, he swung his staff in a wide circle, running counter to the thread of the whirlwind, and took up a traditional Druidic chant.

"The storm rages, but good stone endures
Rock holds fast as thunder's wrath demures
Mountains hold strong while winds do lurch
Shove off, you blustery son of a birch."

Full attack for Ludvik, while Eustace will "shoot" a bullet into the whirlwind, taking advantage of it's momentary lack of threatening arms.

Bite Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Confirmation: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]

Claw 1 Attack Roll: [roll3]
Crit Confirmation: [roll4]
Damage Roll: [roll5]

Claw 2 Attack Roll: [roll6]
Crit Confirmation: [roll7]
Damage Roll: [roll8]

Eustace's Sling-Staff Attack Roll: [roll9]
Crit Confirmation: [roll10]
Damage Roll: [roll11]

2016-06-25, 09:50 PM

Cykan shifts his position to flank the creature and attacks again with his dire flail.

5 ft move and full attack
primary Attack [roll0] +2 more if he is flanking
Damage [roll1]
Secondary Attack [roll2]+2 more if he is flanking
Damage [roll3]

2016-06-26, 10:20 AM
"Ouch!" It's not clear whether Juko is responding to the air creature's strike on him or to its mockery of his botched swing.

He tries again to chop it, while Kax continues trying to bite and claw at the swirling air.

Juko attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

Kax bite [roll2], damage [roll3]
claws [roll4], damage [roll5]; [roll6], damage [roll7]

2016-06-26, 10:21 AM
ooc: crit confirmation [roll0], extra damage if confirmed [roll1]

2016-06-26, 05:42 PM
Shalm and Cykan lash out at the whirling winds but miss; Juko steps forward and chops straight into the middle of the elemental, dissipating most of the core with his perfect stroke. The bleeding Cliffrunner warrior strikes weakly at the diffuse being and his stone hammer parts the last of the creature; it departs with a whisper and a sigh.

Eustace held on successfully at first but the swirling whirlwind lifted him from Ludvik in a struggle.
Damage to Eustace: 5
The other two Cliffrunner warriors, finally able to get clear shots, loose their atlatl darts at the towering whirlwind; one dart flies wide but the second strikes into the elemental's core and the second creature spins apart. Eustace is dropped to the ground, but being less than five feet up, he merely takes a few bruises.
The bloody, panting warrior spits out a tooth. What in the blazes was that?(Knowledge Nature or Arcana).

2016-06-27, 09:14 PM
As the last spirit dissipates, Shalm raises his tankard again, catching the halfling, gorilla, and wounded dwarves in the wave of healing energy.

[roll0] healed

"Right, we'll go and assist the rest of the defenders. Point us towards the nearest group that needs help! Any idea on their numbers?"

2016-06-28, 06:45 AM
"Right, we'll go and assist the rest of the defenders. Point us towards the nearest group that needs help! Any idea on their numbers?"
The battered warrior with his warhammer slumps down to lean on the doorframe. Keep up yonder stair, the next level is the last we've held. There are six or seven of us up there, assuming that roaring a bit ago wasn't some awful thing eating them all. He shrugs, despairing.

One of the atlatlists tiredly stumps up to the stairs. He waves vaguely ahead of himself. The other seems to be as uselessly exhausted as the warhammer wielder and just tiredly reloads, looking to the door.

2016-06-28, 09:58 AM
Eustace nods in acknowledgement at the dwarves, remounting Ludvik.

"Damn strange wind beasties."

This appears to be all the thanks Eustace is willing to offer. He and Ludvik begin scaling the side of a building close to the indicated path, hoping to get a better idea of what they faced.

Eustace's Stealth roll: [roll0]
Ludvik's Stealth roll: [roll1]

Eustace's Perception roll: [roll2]
Ludvik's Perception roll: [roll3]

2016-06-28, 08:35 PM
Eustace sees a small room packed with sweating, bloody dwarves. There is a door to the right, closed, and a formerly open passageway in the back of the room now barricaded with stonework, rocks, and furnishings.
One of the warriors in the back of the packed mass, armed with an atlatl, hears the scuffing of Ludvik's climb. Aw, who's this then? He draws a careful bead on the halfling peering in but hesitates, unsure if you are friend or foe.

2016-06-28, 08:43 PM
"Onward & upward, then!" Juko and Kax head warily upstairs.

ooc: I assume that Shalm healed Juko as well.

2016-06-29, 05:18 AM
Shall nods, shuffling off after Juko.

(Ooc: yeah, sure. Sorry, I'd missed that you'd taken a hit.)

2016-06-29, 06:39 AM

Cykan nods. "I doubt they are going to kill themselves."

2016-06-29, 12:18 PM
Eustace sees a small room packed with sweating, bloody dwarves. There is a door to the right, closed, and a formerly open passageway in the back of the room now barricaded with stonework, rocks, and furnishings.

One of the warriors in the back of the packed mass, armed with an atlatl, hears the scuffing of Ludvik's climb. Aw, who's this then? He draws a careful bead on the halfling peering in but hesitates, unsure if you are friend or foe.

"Someone who helped with that wind beastie problem ye let slip behind you. Are ye going ta tell me what in the hells is going on here, or are we going ta stand around gawping at each other all day?" Eustace growls.

2016-06-29, 12:43 PM
The dwarf's weathered face breaks into a grin at Eustace's retort. Thank the spirits, then. As the rest of the party climbs the stairs in view, the rest of the warriors seem to relax. The atlatlist from the previous floor explains how you helped with the elementals.

The oldest dwarf warrior, carrying a good few scars, points to the door. They've taken the rest of the village beyond this point. At first it was just a bunch of humans, but they have someone down in the stone stores casting magic of some sort. We've seen some more of them mist and wind things, and... he gestures to the barricade, I don't know what that thing was, but it burst open the door and we only got lucky that it lurched into the dorms. I don't know how well the barrier will hold if it goes into another of those frenzies.

2016-06-29, 04:14 PM
"Hrm. Good to know. If we can take that magic user out, that might stop more elemental beasties from getting in. Who knows, might even get rid of the ones already here. Probably not if they're bound, but it's worth a shot."

Eustace calls down to the rest of the party. "Oi, Juko! That cat of yours any good at sneaking?"

2016-06-29, 08:44 PM
Shalm moves over to stand by the barricade.

"Describe the beast to us, if'n ye wouldn't mind. Every detail what you can remember." he says.

"What did your Elder Tarn find down in the caverns? Is it likely the humans came after it? How many more of them arrived after the original six?

Shalm murmurs another prayer for Guidance over himself and his companions in turn.

2016-06-30, 11:22 AM
"Describe the beast to us, if'n ye wouldn't mind. Every detail what you can remember."

The warrior shrugs. It wasn't one of them misty air things, very substantial it was, looked like the brick around us in fact. He motions vaguely to the walls. Our hammers did more than our darts against it, and it wasn't much for accuracy. Roared like a kettle, too.

"What did your Elder Tarn find down in the caverns? Is it likely the humans came after it? How many more of them arrived after the original six?
The warrior shrugs. I don't know what Tarn found exactly, but it was a big stone, they hid what it looked like exactly. The humans claimed to be buying...must have been two dozen that attacked in the end, although we've killed a fair few as we've been pushed back.

2016-06-30, 11:47 AM

"An earth elemental maybe?"

2016-06-30, 11:49 AM
Shalm grimaces, glancing ruefully at the axe blade he's just enchanted.

"Right. Blunt weapons out, my lads." he says to his party, stowing his battleaxe and removing a stout club dangling from a leather thong from his belt.

"Can I borrow a hammer off one of you?" he asks the warriors, favouring anyone who's carrying a weapon made of actual metal.

2016-06-30, 05:48 PM
ooc: How long has it been since Juko cast his shield spell?

"I'll stick with my axe. Plenty of humans to use it on" Juko says.

"And Kax can sneak, but he's not perfect at it. Why, Eustace?"

2016-06-30, 10:55 PM
"I'll stick with my axe. Plenty of humans to use it on" Juko says.

"And Kax can sneak, but he's not perfect at it. Why, Eustace?"

"Like I said to the dwarf, we get around most of these damn humans and get to the mage in the stone stores, we might be able to get rid of these elemental beasties before they make themselves more of a nuisance. I can sneak, Ludvik can sneak, but the rest of you big bratwursts don't seem to know a careful step from a full percussion band. I was thinking you lot do what yer best at and make a lot of noise at them humans, while those of us that don't 'alf deafen a normal sized person by walkin' circle around, kill the mage, and flank anyone left."

2016-07-01, 07:40 AM
"Can I borrow a hammer off one of you?" he asks the warriors, favouring anyone who's carrying a weapon made of actual metal.
A warrior with a bronze warhammer reluctantlyoffers it to Shalm

2016-07-01, 09:15 AM

Cykan glances at Eustace with an annoyed look."I can sneak."

2016-07-02, 08:44 AM

Cykan glances at Eustace with an annoyed look."I can sneak."

"Ye might call it sneaking. Still, if it's good enough to fool ye, it might be good enough to fool the humans. Let's be off, then." Eustace and Ludvik begin heading towards the stone stores, climbing along the sides of buildings furthest away from the indicated direction of the humans.

Eustace's Stealth roll: [roll0]
Ludvik's Stealth roll: [roll1]

Eustace's Perception roll: [roll2]
Ludvik's Perception roll: [roll3]

2016-07-02, 04:17 PM

"Ye might call it sneaking. Still, if it's good enough to fool ye, it might be good enough to fool the humans. Let's be off, then." Eustace and Ludvik begin heading towards the stone stores, climbing along the sides of buildings furthest away from the indicated direction of the humans.

Cykan smirks, gestures for Eustace to go ahead. "Be my guest, but I've seen what you call fighting."

2016-07-02, 06:15 PM
"We mustn't squabble, lads. Save your bile for the enemy." Shalm says to Cykan (and Eustace's retreating back). He makes sure to murmur a prayer for Guidance over the halfling and his ape before they leave.

Shalm nods his thanks to the dwarven warrior, accepting the hammer with uncharacteristic solemnity.

"I'll bring this back to you, cousin, see if I don't." He offers his own club to Juko, so that everyone is carrying a blunt weapon they can use.

He positions himself by the door and begins to quietly partially disassemble the barricade, wanting to give Cykan and Eustace a chance to scout ahead, but also be in a position to sally forth quickly to aid them if they encounter trouble.

2016-07-02, 09:56 PM

Cykan waits with the group. "No bile here, but if he wants to go alone, then that is his call."

2016-07-02, 10:06 PM
Eustace and his ape carefully climb beside the thundering waterfall. As they near the bridge, the mist clears abruptly, whirled away by a larger air elemental sitting in a vortex along the bridge. Two men are on the other side of the elemental, they seemed to be studying the creature.
Unfortunately, the dark pelt of Ludvik was seen by one of the men and he nudges his friend and points. Both of them step back slightly and hold out their arms. Swirls of mist and a high howl audible even over the thundering cataract show winds seem to rushing in to them. The elemental draws a little further away from the men to the western side.

ooc: How long has it been since Juko cast his shield spell?

It's been over 2 minutes.

2016-07-03, 01:03 PM
Juko helps clear the doorway. When they hear a loud howl he says "Better go in now I think."

ooc: Juko's shield spell lasts 3 min so I guess it has a few rounds left.

2016-07-03, 11:09 PM
Shalm nods, shouldering his way through the wreckage and stomping through the dormitory.

Of course, he's antagonised some group of people on the bridge above, and we're going to confront the Earth elemental in the building, so I hope he can take care of himself...

2016-07-04, 03:03 PM
Well, damnation. That's a big wind beastie.

Eustace and Ludvik will duck into the building they were climbing on and try to find a better hiding spot.

Eustace's Stealth roll: [roll0]
Ludvik's Stealth roll: [roll1]

2016-07-04, 08:44 PM

Moves in with his dire flail in his hands.

2016-07-04, 09:44 PM
The part of the cliff you're on isn't really a building, but you can take total cover behind a nearby rock. You do so just in time as two howling blasts of air pummel the cliff where you were moments before.

Within the dorm
You break aside the barrier. As the random stuff falls off, you hear an irate grunt in the hall beyond. Peering around the corner, you make eye contact with some sort of construct made of stonework.
It opens what passes for a mouth and you hear a distant howling scream, like wind running through a slot canyon. You feel yourself growing weak at the knees for a moment...
Will Save DC12 to avoid being shaken by fear.
It doesn't seem to be one for subtlety; it appears to be getting ready to charge.

2016-07-05, 07:16 AM
Shalm raises a hand to his group, motioning them back, as he rounds the corner. He recalls his training, all the mantras against fear and confused inebriation both... he scowls at the creature, and then screams right back at it, finishing with a belch.

He waits until the creature's charge is underway and it's committed to it, and then abruptly sidesteps back down the passage, out of the way

[roll0] initiative

[roll1] Will save, assuming the scream was a spell or spell-like ability; otherwise, 3 less)

Readied Action: as soon as this thing is 5 feet away from me, free action to step back round the corner, standard action to hit it with my warhammer when it comes round the corner. As it'll (hopefully) be well into it's second move action by then, it'll either have to cancel it's charge without getting to attack me, or move into range past the corner without getting to attack me.

Hopefully everyone does the same. If not, I'll just move into range and attack on my initiative.

[roll2] to hit (expending Guidance, possible bonus from AC penalty if it did actually charge)
[roll3] damage if hit

2016-07-05, 08:59 PM

Cykan feels the overwhelming urge to run and is overwhelmed.

Save vs fear [roll0]

2016-07-06, 06:44 PM

Seeing what Shalm is planning, Juko nods, and attempts to do the same. Kax understands and follows.

Will save [roll0]
Initiative [roll1]
readied attack w/guidance: [roll2]
damage if a hit: [roll3]

Will save [roll4]
Initiative [roll5]
readied attack w/guidance: [roll6]
damage if a hit: [roll7]

2016-07-06, 08:51 PM
The huge creature screams back at Shalm and charges. His two heavy fists slam down on the floor where the dwarf stood a moment ago, sending stones flying.
OOC: 2 damage to all four of you
You flinch as you are pummeled with shards of stone, but thank the gods you weren't directly smashed by those fists.

Shalm scores a solid hit, breaking a chunk of masonry flesh off of the creature.
Kax, even shaken by fear, manages to hit the large creature but his claws break off less stone than they would have flesh.
Juko misses as dust flies into his eyes.
Cykan, you can fight the thing but your attacks will be at -2 due to being shaken.

The beast gives another sucking howl and readies himself to strike again, but his wind-up is slow. Coughing from the dust, you know you can get in more hits first. You note darts buried in the creature's stonework and more smashed locations; it is hurt from its earlier fight.
OOC: Party wins initiative. All inside are assumed adjacent to the large monster.

Eustace, you think you can pick your way down back to where you came without further exposure to the bridge.

2016-07-06, 08:59 PM
"Circle round it! Hit the flanks!" Shalm calls, as he takes a five foot step around the creature to stand opposite to Kax, Juko or Cykan as they move in.

He lunges forward as soon as he's managed to flank it, hoping to knock another chuck from it.

[roll0] to hit, including flanking bonus. -2 if I can't achieve flanking this round.
[roll1] damage if hit

2016-07-07, 09:59 PM
Eustace carefully picks his way back down the way he came, trying not to expose himself to the bridge.

2016-07-07, 10:34 PM

Cykan, does his best to pull himself together at the monstrosity before them. It seems their weapons could never harm such a thing, but he forces himsef to try.

Cykan move to the opposite side of the creature as Shalm and attacks.

Flanking makes up for his -2 from being shaken.
Attack-primary [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Damage [roll3]

2016-07-08, 09:13 PM
It's just a rock. Just a rock! Juko and Kax move to circle the stone monster as Shalm suggested and keep trying to hack, bite, or whack the thing.

Juko attack [roll0] (subtract 2 if not flanking), damage [roll1]

Kax (shaken; also assuming flanking)
bite [roll2], damage [roll3]
claw [roll4], damage [roll5]
claw [roll6], damage [roll7]

2016-07-09, 07:20 AM
The party fans out and wades in against the monster. Cykan, hands shaking, misses the thing, but Shalm, Juko, and one of Kax's claws find purchase. Shalm's warhammer knocks out another large chunk of masonry, while Juko and Kax's blows chip away noticeably less. Still, the already damaged beast is looking more battered. Hissing sounds from some of larger cracks in its body.

The construct strikes back slowly, but with unbelievable force.

Attack roll: 16
Damage if hits: 10
Damage if missed: 3
Attack roll: 12
Damage if hits: 8
Damage if missed: 4

Shalm and Kax take 2 damage from shards.

Eustace, you are nearing the windows of the room defended by the warriors. You hear shouts and grunts of fighting.

2016-07-09, 02:30 PM

Cykan is hit solidly, but clenches his now bloody teeth and carries on with his barrage.

Primary Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Secondary Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2016-07-09, 09:18 PM
"For Cayden! Drink your next beer in hell, creature!" Shalm yells. He tries to slam his hammer down into the creatures crumbling back again, and then immediately hops back, hoping to evade the shrapnel from it's counterattack.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage if hit

Taking 5 foot step away after strike.

2016-07-10, 12:06 PM
Argh! This thing has got to die now! With another swing of his huge axe, the injured Juko along with Kax continues trying to put the magical monstrosity down.

Juko attack [roll0] (subtract 2 if not flanking), damage [roll1]

Kax (shaken; also assuming flanking)
bite [roll2], damage [roll3]
claw [roll4], damage [roll5]
claw [roll6], damage [roll7]

2016-07-10, 04:00 PM
Cykan's bloody choice to fight directly in the face of the monster seems to have yielded fruit; his flail tears two great chunks in the thing's body. Shalm's follow-up is another heavy and effective knock, and the chipping attacks of Juko and Kax are just enough; two gaping seams suddenly show in the stonework of the thing's body and the hissing intensifies into twin hurricane roars. Winds and magical lights tear out of the construct and two gleaming bands suddenly show around its fists.

With a sound like the gasps of a hundred throats the construct reaches out both hands and slams its own chest. The masonry of the chest shatters with a thunderclap, sending chunks of stone flying.
Damage 5, DC 12 to halve damage to 2.
Shalm gets a +2 circumstance bonus on the save for stepping back.
Where once there stood the brickwork beast, a ragged air elemental stands shaking off the remains of chains made of spell light. It bows once, and howls away out of the hallway toward the windowed room.

You can now here more shouts and fighting sounds in the room behind you were the warriors guarded the doorway.

2016-07-10, 04:07 PM

Cykan staggers as the exploding stone fragments take their toll on him.

2016-07-10, 07:21 PM
Shalm cries out and throws his hands up in the air to shield himself.

At the sounds of battle behind him, he shakes his head as if trying to clear it, wipes some blood off his face, and trudges back over to assist.

[roll0] Reflex if this is a spell or spell-like ability, -3 if not.

2016-07-11, 06:01 PM
Eustace cautiously peers over the edge of the window, trying to see what all the commotion is about.

2016-07-11, 06:26 PM
"Ow, damn it! Got any more of that healing magic, priest?"

ooc: Juko's reflex save: [roll0]
Kax's reflex save: [roll1]

2016-07-11, 06:30 PM
"I can..." Shalm coughs and hacks, spitting out a glob of blood from his mouth. It drips messily from his beard onto his chain mail. "I can convert the spells I have ready, squeeze out a bit more healing that way. But we gotta help the others first!"

2016-07-11, 10:06 PM
Eustace peers in to the window as the other party members poke their way cautiously around the rubble of the barricade back into the main room.

There are six dwarves still upright, fighting five humans; the humans are muddy and look every bit as haggard as the Cliffrunner defenders. Both sides fight cautiously; the three defenders on the ground seem to have been felled by arrows and two bloody drag marks show where wounded attackers were dragged out of the room. The humans' equipment is better and seems to be slowly telling; one of the bandits strikes forward with his shortspear and critically injures another dwarf.

The door to the room has been shoved open by another construct of brick and stonework; this one was simpler, a ram with legs; it's rear is cracked and the construct seems inert, but it still is holding the doorway open.

2016-07-11, 10:18 PM
Shalm curses, profusely. "What?? How did they get behind us?"

He singles out the human in the corner by the deconstructed barricade. He looks the man in the eye, and for a moment, his gravelly voice booms unusually clearly and undeniably: "FALL."

Then he wades into the fray, aiming to get close to the human he just cast his spell at, and help a defender flank someone who's still standing.

Casting Command on the uninjured human closest to the star-shaped barricade detritus. DC 14.

Move action to close with him, on the diagonally adjacent square, next to the two warriors.

2016-07-11, 10:37 PM

2016-07-13, 07:17 AM
The Commanded human hesitates, but drops obligingly to the floor.

2016-07-14, 09:46 PM
Just like the pirates ...

Juko hefts his axe and tries to take down the nearest bandit, while Kax heads into the room and goes in for a bite.

ooc: Is Kax still shaken?

Assuming we can reach the bandits ...

Juko attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

Kax bite [roll2] (add +2 if not shaken), damage [roll3]

2016-07-14, 09:47 PM
ooc: axe damage [roll0]
crit confirm [roll1], extra damage if crit [roll2]

2016-07-15, 01:43 PM
Kax savages the prone man, ripping out the already injured bandit's throat.

Juko steps atop the dead human and deals the next in line a mighty blow, opening him from neck to groin in a welter of gore. The bandit next to him screams in terror.

2016-07-21, 05:32 PM
"Surrender if you don't want the same" Juko tells the other bandits.

2016-07-23, 08:49 PM
The three remaining humans turn to flee. The two nearest to the door tumble over the ram and out into the stairway, but the third is dogpiled by the remaining Cliffrunner warriors.

2016-07-24, 06:25 AM

Cykan pulls out his short bow to cover the bandits.

2016-07-25, 05:22 PM
Shalm grins at Juko, and whoops excitedly, despite his wounds. "That was a fearsome blow! It was! That's worth a drink on me, lad! If we ever get out of this pit."

He pads over to Cykan and mimes pouring his wooden tankard over the man's wounds. No liquid comes out of the empty mug, but the ravaged flesh directly beneath the lip of the tankard rapidly scabs over, mending itself.

"What now? Do we pursue them while they're weak, or dig in here? I can't... I can't go on much further, but they'll rest too, if we do. And I'll wager they have a better healer than I am." Shalm grimaces, rapidly recalling a wasted youth. If only he'd heard the call earlier in life.

Channelling Shield of Faith into Cure Light Wounds. [roll0] healed.

2016-07-25, 09:12 PM

Cykan smiles as his flesh knots itself back together. "Thanks."

He flexs his muscles to feel the extent of the healing.

"Maybe they do have a better healer, but they likely have a better position as well. Maybe we should lay low for a bit then hit them while they are resting."

2016-07-25, 09:21 PM
Juko says "Thanks, Shalm.

Let's interrogate our prisoner before deciding what to do" he adds, referring to the bandit that the dwarves dogpiled.

2016-07-26, 10:21 PM
"Let's interrogate our prisoner before deciding what to do"
At this, the tired Cliffrunner warrior sitting on the human's head perks up slightly. Hey, that's right, you outlanders probably can talk to this thing"...here he pauses to stomp on the human, eliciting a groan..."-better than I could."

One of the other Cliffrunners has extricated himself from the pile on the human and is inspecting the ruined door, making disapproving clucking sounds as he limps around the odd stonework ram. He is the most grizzled of the Cliffrunner warriors, and his bronze war hammer is ornate.
He speaks in thick, archaic dwarven, "Mos ok-hoga hine, grum skalf misfaran thros."
Nay security here, damn their hairless hides.
He hawks and spits on the dead human next to the door.

2016-08-01, 09:24 PM
Eustace (DMPC'd while AFK)
Eustace explains to you all what he saw on the bridge.

2016-08-01, 09:32 PM
Juko approaches the captured human.

"Well bandit, whatever they said they'd pay you, they probably won't pay if you're dead. Not fair, but true, right? If you tell us what you know, you can still get out of here in one piece. If not, I don't think I can hold the dwarves back from their revenge."

2016-08-02, 02:34 PM
The bandit doesn't move at all as he gets trussed by the dwarves. He glances at Juko, resigned, Ah, what's the use. The cap'n was right to mistrust that crazy mage, he'll use us up here. Brought in those strange wind-benders, shoulda been a warning sign. Disgust twists the bandit's features. You look like a hired sword. Makes sense these rubes would wise up and pay for their own mercenaries. Take my advice, friend, cut contract and leave. Let the mage with his toys and that mad old dwarf in the quarry settle this for themselves.

2016-08-03, 07:24 PM
Juko tells the bandit "I have my own reasons for helping the dwarves in this. Don't think you can sneak out of this by holding back. Who's the mage, and what does he want from here? What toys? How many wind thingers? Who's the cap'n? How many men? Anything you can think of. I'll only make your case to the dwarves if I think you've been helpful."

2016-08-03, 10:11 PM
The bandit gives a contemptuous look and gives a desultory wriggle against his bonds. I'm not in a place to sneak. What are these dwarves to you then, anyway? Orc-boy finally find some hairy women uglier than him? The bandit's grin is broken by a stone-hard Cliffrunner fist to his face. He spits out a tooth, undeterred. Captain Mandelbrot, leader of our merry company of mercenaries, hisself's Set. What few of us remain. The cap'n has mebe a dozen of us lads left. He agreed to this push while those other fellas distracted the big wind critter on the bridge. If Lou made it back, there are four more up at that gatehouse and seven with the cap'n. Not much more trust for our employer, cap think he's gonna be fortifyin' in his current situation and sittin' tight. The mage is our employer, dunno what he aimed for here but he saw that big rock under the blanket and went off his nut. He's got several other hired types, some wind-magic guys and a couple of real creepy followers in black robes.

The bandit shivers and casts a baleful eye toward the ram. A couple of hours after the mage shut himself down in his rooms he started sending out those things. Wind spirits trapped inside of stone and ticked off about it. They broke a lot of doors as we went up this way but they ain't exactly bright, you know? The mad old dwarf in the quarry started sending his own misty wind beasts to fight 'em, but I think he's cracked...his beasts killed dwarves just as glad as us. The bandit slumps back, looking exhausted.

2016-08-04, 02:40 PM
"How many of these wind-magic lads, then?" Shalm asks the bandit.

He looks about him at the wounded, ragged company. "Well, if they're staying put to rest, so should we. We've taken a kickin'. Down a floor with the others seems safer than here, easier to defend. Let's toss the place up here first, bring some bedding back down with us."

Shalm slings his hammer and starts gesticulating in the air, as he recites a bawdy drinking song about a trio of old friends who drank together every Starday at the same tavern for their entire lives. Then he turns and begins to search the rooms they've just cleared.

Casting Charm Person on our new friend here. If it lands, I'll ask the dwarves to release him and get him to help us search these rooms.

[roll0] Perception, +2 more if there's any unusual stonework about.

2016-08-05, 08:29 AM
"How many of these wind-magic lads, then?"
The bandit shrugs in his bonds.Four, mebe five? I wasn't exactly in charge of tactics. They all wore them weird robes a kept to themselves.

"Well, if they're staying put to rest, so should we. We've taken a kickin'. Down a floor with the others seems safer than here, easier to defend. Let's toss the place up here first, bring some bedding back down with us."
Weard thon ahz hrim ok aft rand gosh kha gefrunon, interjects the senior Cliffrunner. Kha mund-helm sclyd gor lo thulmane dum hoa sidir ah syddan.
While they are hurt we can take back the gatehouse...the ancestor's wards can be activated and this whole side is secure.
He seems willing to follow your lead either way.

Charmed, the bandit is docile and helpful, ignoring the pain of his wounds. The barracks rooms are trashed, but there are plenty of blankets. In the dead warrior commander's room there is a dusty Scroll of Cure Light Wounds and two unknown potions in clay pots, which the Ciffrunners seem fine with you taking.

2016-08-08, 07:38 AM
Shall peers at each of the potions in turn, scanning them for signs of magical energy, shaking the pots and turning them in his hands to try to identify them. "Right. So it'd be good to sort that before we rest... well, I'm out of spells and I'm feeling a mite woozy, but mebbe I got one more fight in me. I've got a healing potion in this hip flask just under my shirt. If I get knocked down, pour it down my throat. This is a healing scroll. Juko, you want me to use that?" Shalm asks.

He eyes his new friend, the charmed bandit. "I believe you, lad. We're all just mercs stuck here together, right enough. Best thing for everyone is if your captain can be persuaded to clear off before he loses any more boys, and we just let you go right now. But these dwarves, they've got beef with you, see? And your lads might not surrender to just us. What say you prove yeself, you come with us, help us take your mates alive and knock some sense into your captain, if need be? Then, I'm sure everyone will be happy to just let you go, no matter what else happens."

Identifying potions via detect magic, guidance, and spellcraft: potion 1 [roll0] potion 2 [roll1]

2016-08-09, 08:52 PM
The first potion definitely seems to be the same as the second. The second one you examine more carefully; it's a Potion of Rebuke Death (1d4 healing to someone at 0hp or below).