View Full Version : Pathfinder Aberrant Metaforge

2016-06-15, 10:03 AM
So I was looking over the Aberrant Archetype for the Aegis and the Feral Heart archetype for the soulknife, thinking that the two would pair quite well together for a character. However, the aberrant aegis gives no mention as to whether or not it is compatible with the metaforge prestige class. Is it or should it be?

2016-06-15, 10:23 AM
Aberrant Aegis still has Invigorating Suit (i.e. it doesn't get replaced) so you can qualify for Metaforge with it.

I haven't read Aegis in enough detail to know whether this is a good idea however.

2016-06-15, 02:14 PM
The archetypes don't lose Invigorating Suit or Enhanced Mindblade, so the combination is legal.

Aberrant Aegis 5/Feral Heart Soulknife 5/Metaforge 10. Make sure to pick up Student of the Astral Suit and Fighter's Blade so you can have 19/19 progression of Aegis and Soulknife.

Claw/claw/bite from Feral Heart. Tentacle/Tentacle/Tentacle/Tentacle/Stinger from Aberrant Aegis. That is a lot of natural attacks, and you can get pounce from Feral Heart.

Increased size and Improved increased size from Aegis will be a nice damage boost. Brawn, reach, powerful build, and flight would also be good customizations to use.

Metaforge does keep you from getting all the blade skills that a straight soulknife gets. You may want to fit in Extra Blade skill a couple of times into the build, especially after level 10 to get pounce.

Milo v3
2016-06-15, 09:09 PM
However, the aberrant aegis gives no mention as to whether or not it is compatible with the metaforge prestige class. Is it or should it be?

Archetypes don't ever say whether or not they are compatible with a prestige class as it is redundant information. If you end up being able to still meet the prerequisites, then you still meet the prerequisites.

2016-06-16, 08:57 AM
The only Aegis that can't become a Metaforge right now is the Crystal Warrior since it loses Invigorating Suit and does not gain anything that acts as it.