View Full Version : Is Master of 9 the only way to be in 2 stances at the same time?

2016-06-15, 01:52 PM
Is taking 2 levels of the master of nine PRC the only way for a swordsage to be in 2 stances at the same time?

2016-06-15, 02:44 PM
Is taking 2 levels of the master of nine PRC the only way for a swordsage to be in 2 stances at the same time?

No. Warblades also get it as a capstone.

2016-06-15, 02:45 PM
No. Warblades also get it as a capstone.

Of course, then you're not exactly a Swordsage, unless we're talking about epic or gestalt.

2016-06-15, 02:54 PM
You can dip some levels into Illithid Savant to eat a 20th-level warblade's brain. I don't think I need to explain just how difficult it is to get that past your DM, even assuming you can subdue a 20th-level warblade as swordsage (maybe you have help).

2016-06-15, 03:21 PM
There's the Naityan Rakshasa in the Tome of Battle that adopts a bonus stance based on the shape it's in, from a short list, and can explicitly adopt a second stance from a class level. But the ECL is pretty brutal - they have 9 RHD and +6 LA, despite being a CR 7 monster.

2016-06-15, 06:13 PM
Thank you. From your responses it looks like master of nine is not my only option but it is my best option.

2016-06-15, 09:11 PM
I mean a Swordsage->Jade Phoenix Mage to polymorph into said Rakshasa sounds like a pretty good approach too. JPMs are fun. :)