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View Full Version : Curse of Strahd spoiler question

2016-06-15, 06:54 PM
This spoiler box will spoil the end of Curse of Strahd.

This is the last paragraph of the "the PCs were completely successful" epilogue of Curse of Strahd.

Ezmerelda's suspicion proves justified. Strahd's destruction is temporary, for his curse can't so easily be ended. The ancient Dark Powers with which Strahd forged his pact cause the vampire to re-form after a period of months-long enough for the Barovians to discover what it feels like to live a life of hope. When Strahd is reborn, the mists surround the land of Barovia once more, and the Barovians' hope turns to horrible despair. Strahd remembers the defeat dealt to him and begins plotting his revenge.
After the mists reappear, Madam Eva and her Vistani come back to the valley, the beasts of the land once more fall under Strahd's spell, and the burgomasters fortify their settlements, hoping against all hope that someone can save them from Strahd again.

Why would they do that? What's the point? Why would anyone run a game that way? Just...why?

2016-06-16, 12:26 AM
Someones never played in Ravenloft before ;)