View Full Version : 3rd Ed How to be immune to saving throws?

2016-06-16, 07:15 AM
I know Rogue gets Evasion at level 2, and Hexblade gets Mettle at level 3, and pumping up the sames will basically get near invulnerability to all the saves.

However, that's 5 levels out of a build, not including those that are pretty much for pumping the saves. Are there better / more efficient ways to get the ability to save for full on saves that normally save for half, or as the title says, complete immunity?

And are there ways to have a save where you normally wouldn't get one?

2016-06-16, 08:47 AM
Rogue gets the Defensive Roll special ability, but it explicitly doesn't work with Evasion.

2016-06-16, 09:03 AM
Crusader 11 gets mettle. Not a smaller number of levels, but they're better and more cohesive levels. Toss on a ring of evasion, and that handles that part. Then, you pick up a dip in warblade (or, less likely, swordsage), and get the three concentration replacement maneuvers, which you can do with a single level. From there, you need only boost concentration, which is way easier than boosting saves.

2016-06-16, 09:09 AM
Prestige classes that grant Mettle (at early levels):
Kinslayer (DotU p. 87) 1st level
Pious Templar (CD p. 50) 1st level
Witch Slayer (ToM p. 67) 2nd level

Also, there are maneuvers in ToB, one for each saving throw, that allow you to make a concentration check instead of a save. And a natural 1 is not an automatic failure.

2016-06-16, 10:13 AM
Your best bet is to stack immunities for the effects that don't allow a save.

Warforged or Necropolitan are always a good place to start.
Add templates as you see fit.

2016-06-16, 10:36 AM
I know Rogue gets Evasion at level 2, and Hexblade gets Mettle at level 3, and pumping up the sames will basically get near invulnerability to all the saves.Iron Mind (Races of Stone) get Mettle of Will at 5th level
Goliath Rogue (same book) get Mettle of Mountains at 2nd
Steadfast Determination (Player's Handbook II) allow to add your Con bonus to Will saves, and natural 1 on Fort is not a auto-failure
Ring of Evasion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#evasion)

From there, you need only boost concentration, which is way easier than boosting saves.Note: it doesn't work during Barbarian's Rage

2016-06-18, 07:05 AM
Iron Mind (Races of Stone) get Mettle of Will at 5th level
Goliath Rogue (same book) get Mettle of Mountains at 2nd
Steadfast Determination (Player's Handbook II) allow to add your Con bonus to Will saves, and natural 1 on Fort is not a auto-failure
Ring of Evasion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#evasion)
Note: it doesn't work during Barbarian's Rage

Wow the racial substitution levels (http://marksworld.zeemer.com/files/Racial%20Substitution.html#16) page completely fudged up that description. I don't even know what the Goliath rogue thing does.

read the book now: It's basically evasion for fortitude. with a hefty fortitude bonus.

2016-06-18, 08:51 AM
Numerous domains give save re-rolls as granted powers.

Luck feats also allow re-rolls in a variety of situations.

Various class features also allow re-rolls, typically after a failed save. E.g. Follow the Guide - Spirit Shaman 5.

Resurgence spell - Cleric 1 - allows a re-roll.