View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Aasimar

2016-06-16, 01:49 PM
Change Log:
Removed each sub-race's "SpellX x3 per short rest"
Changed the damage die of Purge to d8 (from d10)
Changed "Holy Warrior"'s wording back to how it was~
"Needs a New Name" is now called Purge. Thanks to KoyukiTei13 for the name~

Hello Everyone!

My name is Nilmuto. I am a long time reader and this is my first effort to be apart of this awesome community.
I am both new to D&D and being a DM (My group of all new players voted me DM O.O) and I would love some help balancing ideas that I write up.

A word of warning: I read alot of things all over the internet and they come together into one idea. So I will try to give credit when it is an idea I borrowed or changed slightly.

To the meat of things! The Fluff text is straight from ... Pathfinder? I loved how it read~
I changed the ASI to help do a balance of the new subraces. I also changed Celestial Legacy into just giving the Light cantrip. The inborn spells are no tied to the subrace. The base idea of the subraces comes from D&DWiki, but I changed alot of things around. Sentinel is all me~ Divine Intervention is all DracoKnight! (Love your work alot mate) Dawnburst is a reskined Fireball, made in line with how DracoKnight reskined Hellish Rebuke.

I would love to hear what y'all think. If all goes well, I should have a Tiefling, Genasi, and Warforged done soon.
The help here will directly effect how I word and balance them before they get their post.

Aasimars are humans with a significant amount of celestial or other good outsider blood in their ancestry.
While not always benevolent, aasimars are more inclined toward acts of kindness rather than evil, and they gravitate toward faiths or
organizations associated with celestials. Aasimar heritage can lie dormant for generations, only to appear suddenly in the child of two apparently human parents.
Most societies interpret aasimar births as good omens, though it must be acknowledged that some aasimars take advantage of the reputation of their kind,
brutally subverting the expectations of others with acts of terrifying cruelty or abject venality. “It's always the one you least suspect” is the axiom these evil
aasimars live by, and they often lead double lives as upstanding citizens or false heroes, keeping their corruption well hidden.
Thankfully, these few are the exception and not the rule.

Physical Description: Aasimars look mostly human except for some minor physical trait that reveals their unusual heritage.
Typical aasimar features include hair that shines like metal, jewel-toned eyes, lustrous skin color, or even glowing, golden halos.

Society: Aasimars cannot truly be said to have an independent society of their own. As an offshoot of humanity, they adopt the societal norms around them,
though most find themselves drawn to those elements of society that work for the redress of injustice and the assuagement of suffering.
This sometimes puts them on the wrong side of the law in more tyrannical societies, but aasimars can be careful and cunning when necessary,
able to put on a dissembling guise to divert the attention of oppressors elsewhere. While corrupt aasimars may be loners or may establish secret societies
to conceal their involvement in crime, righteous aasimars are often found congregating in numbers as part of good-aligned organizations, especially (though not always)
churches and religious orders.

Relations: Aasimars are most common and most comfortable in human communities. This is especially true of those whose lineage is more distant
and who bear only faint marks of their heavenly ancestry. It is unclear why the touch of the celestial is felt so much more strongly in humanity than other races,
though it may be that humanity's inherent adaptability and affinity for change is responsible for the evolution of aasimars as a distinct race.
Perhaps the endemic racial traits of other races are too deeply bred, too strongly present, and too resistant to change.
Whatever dalliances other races may have had with the denizens of the upper planes, the progeny of such couplings are vanishingly rare and have never bred true.
However, even if they generally tend toward human societies, aasimars can become comfortable in virtually any environment.
They have an easy social grace and are disarmingly personable. They get on well with half-elves, who share a similar not-quite-human marginal status,
though their relations are often less cordial with half-orcs, who have no patience for aasimars' overly pretty words and faces.
Elven courtiers sometimes dismiss aasimars as unsophisticated, and criticize them for relying on natural charm to overcome faux pas.
Perhaps of all the known races, gnomes find aasimars most fascinating, and have an intense appreciation for their varied appearances as well as the mystique
surrounding their celestial heritage.

Alignment and Religion: Aasimars are most often of good alignment, though this isn't necessarily universal,
and aasimars that have turned their back on righteousness may fall into an unfathomable abyss of depravity.
For the most part, however, aasimars favor deities of honor, valor, protection, healing, and refuge, or simple and prosaic faiths of home, community, and family.
Some also follow the paths of art, music, and lore, finding truth and wisdom in beauty and learning.

Adventurers: Aasimars frequently become adventurers, as they often do not quite feel at home in human society and feel the pull of some greater destiny.
Clerics, oracles, and paladins are most plentiful in their ranks, though bards, sorcerers, and summoners are not uncommon among those with a fondness for arcane magic.
Aasimar barbarians are rare, but when born into such tribes they often rise to leadership and encourage their clans to embrace celestial totems.

Male Names: Aritian, Beltin, Cernan, Cronwier, Eran, Ilamin, Maudril, Okrin, Parant, Tural, Wyran, Zaigan.

Female Names: Arken, Arsinoe, Davina, Drinma, Imesah, Masozi, Nijena, Niramour, Ondrea, Rhialla, Valtyra.

Aasimar Traits:

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma and Wisdom is increased by 1

Age. Aasimar mature at the same rate as humans but they appear to stop aging in their mid 20's. They tend to live to about 150 years.

Alignment: Due to their celestial heritage, Aasimar are often good. However, some Aasimar do fall into evil, rejecting their heritage.

Size: Aasimars are built like humans. While their human side allows for a veneration in physical appearances, their celestial heritage ensures that Aasimar always appear in top physical condition. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision: Due to your celestial heritage, you have superior vision in the dark and dim conditions.
You can see in dim light within 60 of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Celestial Resistance: You have resistance to Radiant and Necrotic damage.

Celestial's Light: You know the Light cantrip.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.

Subrace: Most aasimars do not know exactly where their celestial powers came from, and the similar qualities of many such celestially touched beings hint at a relatively indistinct or all-encompassing heavenly force in their lineage. Some, however, possess more unique traits and abilities inherited from their supernal forebears, attributes that hint at the precise type of celestial being that affected their ancestors.
There are four types of known Aasimar: Righteous, Spiritual, Sentinel, and Winged. Chose one of these subraces.

Righteous Aasimar
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength is increased by 1.
Holy Warrior: Once you reach 3rd level, you gain +1 on damage and attack rolls with melee and ranged weapons.
Planetar's Might: You know the Sacred Flame cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Purge once with this trait,
and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a short rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Dawnburst once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Spiritual Aasimar
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution is increased by 1.
Holy Healer: Once you reach 3rd level, all healing spells restore an additional 1d4 of hit points on top of what the spell would normally do when ever you cast a healing spell.
Angel's Mercy: You know the Spare the Dying cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Prayer of Healing once with this trait,
and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a short rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Mass Healing Word spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Sentinel Aasimar
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence is increased by 1.
Holy Watcher: Once you reach 3rd level, gain proficiency in the Perception skill and +2 in Passive Perception.
Deva's Word: You know the Message cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Suggestion once with this trait,
and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a short rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Sending spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Winged Aasimar
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity is increased by 1
Winged: You have feathered wings sprouting from your shoulder blades. These wings reflect you inner morality. White for Good, Grey for Neutral, and Black for Evil.
You have a base flying speed of 30 feet. You can only fly if unarmored or lightly armored.
At 5th level, your flying speed increases by 15 feet if you are unarmored or lightly armored. You may now fly in medium armor.
At 10th level, your flying speed increases by 15 feet if you are unarmored, lightly armored, or medium armored. You may now fly in heavy armor.

Unarmored/Light armor: 1-4: 30 Feet. 5-9: 45 Feet. 10+: 60 Feet.
Medium armor: 1-4: N/A 5-9:30 Feet. 10+: 45 Feet.
Heavy armor: 1-9: N/A 10+: 30 Feet.

Restrictions of Wings:
You must be in a space wide enough to accommodate your wingspan to fly. Your
wingspan is equal to twice your height.
When you take damage while flying, make a Constitution save with a DC equal to 10 or
half the damage taken, whichever is higher. If you fail the saving throw, you fall to the
You may not fly in normal backpacks or armor. The cost to alter your gear to be suitable
for flight is equal to half the cost of the gear.

Table: Aasimar Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
5' 8" +1d8" 120 lb. +(3d20) lb.

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response to an ally being damaged by a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see.
Range: 60 feet.
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

You point your finger, and the creature that damaged your ally is surrounded by blinding light. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw.
It takes 2d8 radiant damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of divine light.
Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 radiant damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage inereases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd

2016-06-17, 02:05 PM
Oh wow. No one has anything to say? Good or bad? O.O

Final Hyena
2016-06-17, 02:34 PM
My name is Nilmuto. I am a long time reader and this is my first effort to be apart of this awesome community.
Awesome community? I guess you haven't met me yet. :smalltongue:

Righteous Aasimar
Planetar's Might: When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Divine Intervention once with this trait,
and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a short rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Dawnburst once with this trait,
and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Divine Intervention? You mean the level 10 cleric ability? A new name might be in order.
Also Divine Intervention is Hellish Rebuke, except it's much easier to trigger (I believe in 5E you are counted as an ally). Perhaps lower the damage die a little?

Ignoring that the sub races are all on the strong side. I'm sure there are several places out there that rank racial trait values, perhaps have a look at one or two of them.

2016-06-17, 02:45 PM
Forgive me for this, but I do not know how to quote.

Nonsense! I'm sure we'll get along quite fine~

That name is taken? Darn... I'll try to think of something, but I suck at names.
Dropping the damage die down is fine by me~

Sub-Races are strong? Hmm.
I can drop the free spell x3 per short rest without issue.

Anything that stands out?

2016-06-17, 05:22 PM
Sub-Races are strong? Hmm.
I can drop the free spell x3 per short rest without issue.

Yes. Do this. If something gets racial spell casting in 5e, it's always once per long rest. The single exception is the eladrin - which is in the DMG, and the only thing it gets is misty step once per short or long rest. So, yeah...once per long rest racial spellcasting. Unless it's a cantrip. And generally nothing gets above a 2nd level spell through racial abilities. The only thing that does is the DMG version of the Aasimar, which gets daylight once per long rest. And friendly reminder: daylight is considered one of the worst spells in the game :smalltongue:

2016-06-17, 05:35 PM
Holy warrior is absurdly strong. +1 to all damage and attack rolls is like giving this character Magic weapons at the start. Except they do not overcome resistances

Final Hyena
2016-06-17, 06:08 PM
Holy warrior is absurdly strong. +1 to all damage and attack rolls is like giving this character Magic weapons at the start. Except they do not overcome resistances
It's a bit better than +2 strength. Given how low a flat bonus it is I wouldn't object to the trait in and of itself.

2016-06-17, 09:58 PM

That +1 D and A bonus was meant to be for Evil alignments only. That is my fault.
Should I change it to that or just do +2.

If +2, then I'll change the other sub-races to +2 and take their some of their spells.

Also, Thank you all for helping me!! It is so great to have feed back! Been stuck doing so many homebrews without anyone to guide me~

Final Hyena
2016-06-18, 10:00 AM
Can you show an example of anything in the core rules where there is an alignment restriction on a feature?
There is Divine Sense which despite calling out evil merely detects undead and fiends.
There are 3 spells that also work against creature types rather than alignments.

This is because "alignment" is a dark hole of endless morality arguments.
It's also because hiding mechanics for the PCs behind morality is often a meaningless annoyance.
Or; want to play this build? You gotta be this personality.

2016-06-18, 01:35 PM
That isn't in the rules itself.

Given that Celestials and Fiends have been in a "Blood War" since .... ever... I figured that those of their blood, even as faint as some Aasimar/Tieflings are, would have that inborn effect on the other.
Righteous Aasiamr are the "Angelic Warriors" bloodline, so them punching Evil better makes sense.

But this is just ... Fluff~

What do you think would be a good way to fix that?

You, Mr. Final Hyena, liked the baseline +1 to D&A.
But, Mr. Feuerphoenix, says it's bad.

Also, outside of the spells, no one has said anything about the others. I take that they are okay?

Final Hyena
2016-06-18, 01:52 PM
Righteous Aasiamr are the "Angelic Warriors" bloodline, so them punching Evil better makes sense.
You could just as easily say their holy origin makes them better at attacking.
More to the point it creates a detect evil ability. In this game detecting evil is a spell that only reveals creature type, but with your attacks you know if a person is evil.

The issue with the extra +1 is that it's an increase that stack on top of everything else that exists.
Say for example that you +1 attack & damage instead of +2 strength, that is perfectly fine, but by end game everyone has 20 in their attack stat, but you still have that extra +1.
It's strong, and worth considering, but in and of itself not broken.

2016-06-18, 04:31 PM
You could just as easily say their holy origin makes them better at attacking.
More to the point it creates a detect evil ability. In this game detecting evil is a spell that only reveals creature type, but with your attacks you know if a person is evil.

Oooh. Didn't think of that. O.O
I'll change that back to how it was~

2016-06-18, 08:44 PM
How about "Purge" for that Needs a New Name spell?

2016-06-19, 10:21 AM
How about "Purge" for that Needs a New Name spell?

Purge works for me~

Thank you, KoyukiTei13~~

2016-07-07, 12:28 PM
Sorry for being inactivate. Got really busy.
I hope everyone had a great July 4th!

I've been doing a lot of thinking~ Some on this, some on a new sub-class for both Barbarians and Monks (Monks will get two once i finish writing out the ideas)

On the Aasimar:
I'm thinking of changing the healing bonus for Spiritual Aasimar from 1d4 to a static +2, adding +2 to passive Investigation (Along with proficiency in Investigation) to Sentinel Aasimar, and just removing spells from each sub-race.
What do y'all think about these changes?

Also, can anyone teach me how to do spoiler tabs? It will make things look so much better~
Please and Thank you!

2017-09-10, 10:02 PM
Holy warrior is absurdly strong. +1 to all damage and attack rolls is like giving this character Magic weapons at the start. Except they do not overcome resistances

Hi Feuerphoenix, I like this. :)

Sariel Vailo
2017-09-10, 10:41 PM
Ill just use the volo or aasimar or dmg guide