View Full Version : Help Wanted: Auto-Generate Shop Inventory

2016-06-16, 04:29 PM
I've noticed there aren't many tools to auto-generate shop inventories for 5e, and the only ones I've found seriously lack options. So I'd like to make one.

I'm a software consultant and could do this myself, but I won't have the time to do so for several months. I can, however, design the interface and figure out some of the logic. I just need somebody to code it.

The platform is irrelevant to me; web page, phone app, doesn't matter. Obviously, this thing would be free to everyone, and yes, I'm looking for volunteers here. If you are interested, PM me or reply.

Donjon (https://donjon.bin.sh/5e/magic/shop.html)
I couldn't find anything else for 5e that gets even remotely close to what I want. Let me know if you know of one.

Agile development in mind. Sprint development, no scope creep, incremental releases to get things working as it's built
Github storage. I need a lead developer, because git projects without one almost always fail, but other devs could help
The tool generates items for different types of shops using multi-checkbox controls to allow general stores with certain item types
Item types examples: trade goods, general gear, weapons, potions, poisons, scrolls, etc.
Support for custom items, with the ability to import/export custom item lists
Has default settings for when the user doesn't care
Let's the user dive in to settings to adjust things based on town prosperity, scarcity of certain items due to war, famine, etc, the frequency of magic items in a campaign, etc
Allows the user to set hard or soft limits on the rarity level of magic items listed
Randomizes item purchase cost based on various factors
Support for all officially released items
Allow user to limit item generation to only the official products they have access to (i.e. exclude scrolls from Elemental Evil if they don't use that supplement, etc.)
Option to auto-generate a list of what the shopkeeper is looking to buy and how much he'll pay for it. Mostly useful for magic items, art, and etc.
Ability to alter defaults so you don't have to change the settings every time
Settings organized into Basic and Advanced sections
More granular list of features/restrictions available upon request