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2016-09-08, 12:46 AM
Gathering Power in the Void
Rathazook watched and Rathazook waited, enjoying the warmth of the two suns as His children toiled below. Evolution was a beautiful thing, just as the means to perform some righteous balancing for the lands below by His unknowing exarch. That divine presence was absorbed, enhanced, and He could feel Himself growing every closer to the power the Creator once possessed.
The Newest Recruits
Underneath the Unnamed Continent the above grounders continued to trickle in looking for revenge. For generations most of them simply ended up right back up top as the cave systems remained consistently labyrinthine despite all attempts to map it. Yet every year grieving widows, angry gold shields, and other vengeful beings continued to attempt the journey. So every year they died when rations ran out, or demons found them and killed them, or they got lucky and ended up dazed and confused in some other section of the continent.
Yet this latest raid was different. Instead of being lost, they found the light. A tiefling, unlike any of the natives from the nearby cities, was apparently waiting for them. An ebony skinned midget with a staff as dark as the void above grinned, white teeth clashing with his orange robe and black skin. His voice was oddly powerful for such a small being as he said ”Brothers and Sisters from above! I come offering salvation! Allow the Light of the Eternal Fire to guide you out of this tunnel and join us mortals!”
The end of his staff flares to life and lights the tunnel. With a chuckle he led the group, the staff twisting the rage they once had for the Demonic Court. Suddenly instead of the rage that once resided, the light of the Cult of the Eternal Fire filling their souls. In time the light would spread to the rest of the tunnels for those that wished to delve the depths with rage in their hearts as the Cult of the Eternal Fire acquired new recruits. Recruits who would preach the good word of Mortals and Aid in the lands above as the Cult of the Eternal Fire continued their mission of preaching their mortal-centric agenda.
The Warming of the South
As the North was cordoned off by the Blade and began to freeze, the South began to heat up. Between the magma from the fact that two vents just got changed into another cold-cano and one that shoots warming light into the atmosphere. Of course the tieflings and other representatives of the Demonic Court would eventually shift to match those of Dregscape and Bloodfire, respectively, because of these changes. The magma that was once released from these volcanos was eventually adjusted to account for this, as well as the fact that the north continued to freeze.
To the Demonic Court this meant more demons and Kathari were born in the south in the vast magma pools that accompanied the five cities below the Blade. For the people above the Crackling Below it meant that the temperature rose a degree or two once the ash settled. Unless it wasn’t already a desert, or close to being a desert, then life began to flourish. Forests got a step closer to being considered a rain forest, rain forest grew in size, crops flourished as life took hold in the area to the south of the Norns.
Starting: 6, 2 PAP, Fabled, Infused Artifact
Gain Domain (-3 AP): Pestilence (Countering) From creating that artifact to counter stuff and infusing it.
Gain Domain (-3 AP): Sealife (Merfolk) From creating merfolk, surrakar, a society, and SCUBA diving.
Curse? (-1 PAP, Infused Artifact): The Marching of the Eternal Fire Countering that whole counter to turning people into the Lost that was done weeks ago. I’ll find it if it’s needed, I think it was 2 AP total spent on it. Instead of people being filled with rage at the Demonic Court, they’re filled with a renewed feeling of sticking out for the mortals. It’s just a coincidence that the Cult of the Eternal Fire is right there to offer aid and membership to their group that preaches that same exact message.
Alter Land (Fabled), Bless (-1 PAP): The Warming of the South While the North freezes (or at least gets cold as heck), the South warms up. Volcanos erupt more often below the Blade, heat is vented into the atmosphere, magma flows freely (or right up against the Wall of Azgol), etc. What this means for those to the south is that life is looking a bit better than those poor shmucks stuck with the Norn.

2016-09-08, 03:31 PM
Descent to the First

Nioteru listened to both Rylios and Zean and watched them depart. Nioteru gave one last look to his birth place than walked down the tunnel. Reaching the end, in the center of the triangle of islands that surrounded the bridge.

Nioteru stood for a while, he felt the cold as he looked across the ocean. He saw no other islands or life but he knew from Zean and Rylios that living creatures walked this world. Nioteru took a seed from his satchel and dropped the seed into the ocean and waited but for a moment.

The seed grew roots that dug deep into the surface of the oceans bottom and fused with the earth. The ocean bottom than grew upwards to form an island with a mountain on it. The island and mountain looking like the twisted form of roots made from earth. The island also sported a small beach and the mountain had a large hole at the top of it, as if it was a volcano.

Many natural tunnels formed in the mountain creating a massive network, all tunnels leading to a single massive room. This room held a throne made of solid oak and steel, and in this throne room the ceiling had a massive hole that led to the top of the mountain.

Starting AP = 12
Create Land (2 AP): Isle of Change

Ending AP = 10

Emperor Demonking
2016-09-08, 05:15 PM
Choo'Wohn, The WAr in the North

Choo'Wohn took to the skies to find her enemies. Things were getting worse as she delayed. She thought she found what she was after. She instructed her army to march north - although they remained some distance from Yahn - towards the lands of the Norn.

Choo'Wohn herself kept looking, evil would win if good became myopic.

2016-09-08, 08:47 PM
The Plains of The Unworthy, Valhalla

Tolvan strode through the plains, grass crunching underfoot as he moved along with a tree ripped from the ground slung over his shoulder as if it were a simple club.

Every single one of the Unworthy that he came upon launched themselves at him to earn their place within The Halls of The Worthy. Each and every single one of them, violently crushed under the mighty blows delivered by the uprooted tree.

Tolvan let out a small chuckle as he came to a pause within his realm, taking a moment to survey his surroundings before extending a hand forward, palm facing the earth.

With a twitch of his fingers, dirt rose up from the ground in a shimmering spiral as it slowly took shape. The God of War's creation bore the head and front legs of a horned lion, it's hind legs like that of a dragon and it's tail extending into a poisonous stinger, much akin to a scorpion.

The dirt solidified and Tolvan extended a green Orken hand to pet the obedient creature upon it's head. "Good! I name you, Chimera. Go and spread across Valhalla and First World."

Infused Plane Free Action - Create Monstrous Life: Chimera - The Chimera is a violent monster, a lone hunter save for during mating season. It's front half is that of a horned lion, it's back half like a dragon with a venomous scorpion tail. They can often be found in arid environments or in caves.

Emperor Demonking
2016-09-09, 01:25 PM
Bilsnut, Free

"Oh, absolutely. You needn't worry about that in the slightest."

A Southern Duke

"Now that we are not surrounded by a mass of powerful of spies then perhaps we will." Spoke the duke as he sent a servant to bring a fascimilie of the mass of lists of pseudonyms.

2016-09-09, 04:27 PM
Expedition, Gogledd

Lionel and his fellow Squires of Steel marched forward and ahead of Eliana's forces, unwilling to allow them Glory before the Squires. War-hymns erupted out from among their ranks as they sang of glory, Tolvan's rise to divinity and his destruction of the oppressive Ebon Court.

Bilsnut, Free

The Emissary offered a simple nod and was about to speak when the ground rumbled. "What in Valhalla?"

The hobbit exited the meeting place and observed the blade which separated the world in two. He let out a low and slow whistle. "That can't be good."

2016-09-10, 02:10 AM
Enoch's Garden
On the eastern edge of the northern continents conditions were harsh. The winds were cold, and snow was frequent. But despite this plants still grew and there was a vast plain of grass. It was there that Enoch had planted his garden.

Of course it wasn't quite a garden in the traditional sense. Only one type of plant grew here, but they grew in abundance and in many varieties. Also Enoch did not so much grow them as keep watch over them.

For these were the Panji. The fiercest and most violent of the Lotus's creations, though also one of the smallest. And the time had finally come for Enoch to leave the Panji to their own ends.

A great leader had risen from the common Panji. A charismatic orator and brilliant strategist his name was Orchi Yamoto, and he had a vision of the future. A vision of Panji spreading across this desolate land and bringing it to life and glory. A vision of empire.

The Top of the Wall
The spires had interested the Orchani since their creation. And when a giant wall of stone was formed between them it only intensified their curisioty. Some slowly climbed the blade of stone. Others took to the skies in an effort to reach the top.

To their surprise they found that the top was not inhospitable. It had a thick warm atmosphere and offered a wide and smooth place to build. Admittedly there was almost nothing to take root in. But the Orch had much experience with creating fertile soil.

Soon the stone cliff beside the mountains was covered in green that slowly spread outward as massive vines were grown down the sides to transport nutrients to the top. On the top itself Orchani-Miran took root, and formed a grove far above the land below. Just a step below the Void.

Starting AP 4: Starting PAP 0

(+6 AP, +2 PAP) Rollover

(4 AP, 1 Vitae Fabricae Charge) Major Utility Artifact: Garden of Change (Minor Artifacts)
A garden of strange and mysterious plants. They grow in whatever manner the Lotus wishes. However these are not normal fruits or flowers. This garden grows tools and artifacts. Things of divine power and nature for the mortal world to use.

(3 AP) Gain Domain: Life (Plants)
-(-1 AP) Create Mundane Concept: Domestication
-(-1 AP, 1 PAP) Create Sapient Life: Panjī
-(-2 AP, 2 PAP, Vitae Fabricae) Utility Artifact (Raise Hero): The Fruits of Eternity
-(-3 AP) Infuse Artifact: The Fruits of Eternity

(3 AP) Gain Domain: Civilization (Growth)
-(-1 AP) Create Organization: The Steadfast
-(-2 AP, 2 PAP, 1 Vitae Fabricae) Create Organization Utility Major Artifact: Aetheric Swarms
-(-4 AP, 1 Vitae Fabricae Charge) Major Utility Artifact: Garden of Change (Minor Artifacts)

(-2 PAP) Create Society: The Resplendent Empire of Amaranthine
An empire of Panji founded by Orchid Yamoto. It resides on the south eastern edge of the northern continent.

(Fabled Life) Alter Land: Orch'Voi
An Orchani-Miran grove that is more vertical than horizontal. The Orch have colonized the blade's southern side rising from the mountains of the eastern continent all the way to its top.

(Infused Plane) Alter Land: The Iron Fortress
On the far side of the Verdant Moon lies a tall and powerful fortress. Built into a massive root it is the citadel of the Iron Guard.

(Major Artifact: Bless) Bless: A Thick Breath
The top of the blade is covered in thick breathable atmosphere despite the height.

Ending AP 0: Ending PAP 0

2016-09-10, 10:12 AM
The Hernegliscii - The Blade

The Hernegliscii watched as the Cold and the Green claimed the wall, the Cold stopped short of the top, but the Hernegliscii didn’t hold it against them. The Green had claimed the top, and some Hernegliscii were forced to subtly move to avoid being run into. This wall interested the race and they called out to the source of their power. The Blade rumbled for the briefest moment and the world was truly cut in half. Some of the Hernegliscii felt some regret at their request, realising that they too were largely cut off.

Starting AP: 18 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL
Curse -1 PAP (Kink in the web): A trap has been set that runs through The Blade, preventing mortals from webweaving from one side to the other. Vessels that rely on webweaving fail in its presence, which also prevents them from crossing. Crossing the planes does not allow a mortal to bypass this, as they will only be able to cross back into the First World on the side that they left on.
Curse -1 PAP (The Silent North): North of The Blade the north goes quiet. No prayer for help makes it out of the Northern Hemisphere, however all other prayers can leave unaffected. A prayer explaining a situation that could require help or a prayer with any kind of code for help count as a prayer for help for the purposes of this curse.
Remaining AP: 18 AP 0 PAP 1 IP 1 FL

2016-09-10, 12:16 PM
The Changing of the Cycle
Rathazook could feel the divine presence wane from the suns and mundane moons, knowing on some level that He was the only one left to care for the mess the other deities had left behind. Slowly, surely, He rose from His meditation between the Brothers and began to laugh, a maniac cackle of a madman. It drifted through the void until all could hear it, carrying on for just long enough to be concerning, before it stopped just as suddenly. With the silence came a sudden darkness as everything seemed to disappear from the sky. In the blink of an eye for an Orchani, yet long enough for the more short lived races to grow concerned, it all returned; yet something wasn’t quite right.

The Brothers no longer rotated each other, instead forever locked in a death stare. The mortals trapped on the First World realized soon enough that this meant Sol only shined its blue light upon the North while Xenago blazed against the South. As the world began to rotate once more they then realized that the past of wobbling up and down were gone, instead the world rotating once again on a north and south pole. As the first week since the shift passed they realized something else; Xenago was aiding the increasing temperatures for the southern hemisphere while Sol’s loving light seemed to only touch the non-Norns/Demons stuck in the North. The Raging Red Sun didn’t rise the temperatures nearly enough to turn the entire land to desert, but what tundras or tiagas existed outside the Skeletal Tree were quickly thawed while the grasslands grew closer and closer to being desert.

By the time the first month passed, the more subtle change was finally noticed. Xenago seemed to encourage Zoanthropy within those trapped in its gaze while Therianthropy continued to affect the entire world. What this meant is that for some animals, under certain conditions, would instead turn into humans during the night before turning back into animals during the day. Humans that didn’t have their morality altered when they were thrust into sentience, then stripped of it come morning. In addition some people in the south, when they called upon Lunar Invocations, were affected by Zoanthropy and eventually turned into beasts (that were still dependent on the mortal or circumstance the rituals were conducted) while the hateful red glare of Xenago burned above.

It was in all this confusion that no one really noticed the Fracture, which had been steadily growing, had stopped its expansion. Instead the largely stationary celestial object seemed to sprout from the Skeletal Tree as a mockery of the once great mangrove tree and spread over the world with its nothingness. As far as any astronomer could tell, the white nothingness still had a role in the Celestial Cycle, although when it or the void would have a chance was still left up to debate. Everything else continued its mad orbits around the world with one thing in particular affecting the world below each cycle. Once He was satisfied with the work done, Rathazook made His way to the Fracture and drifted in the nothingness.

Starting: 7 AP, 1(?) PAP, Fabled, Artifact
Curse (7 AP, Artifact, PAP): The Celestial Cycle It should be the case that now it’s set. Don’t mess with it you dang whippersnappers! For those on the First World, Sol sticks to the North while Xenago sticks to the South. The world rotates once again on a North-South axis, like Earth, with celestial objects going on overhead in their own unique elliptical paths. Each object continues to draw closest to the First World once during the day and once during the night each Celestial Cycle, with the two events not necessarily being one after the other (Wander can appear during the day, then Verdant Moon during the night). Just like each object doesn’t magically disappear when it’s not closest, it just isn’t close enough to influence Lunar Invocations and turn people into Werebears.
Ending: Fabled

2016-09-10, 02:46 PM
The Isle of Change

The Helywr materialized directly before the God of Perversion. The phantasm was naught buy shadows and cold, but it bowed formally and hissed, "The Master bids you welcome godling and extends to you an offer of friendship and alliance." It holds out its wispy hand, revealing what appears to be a black pearl radiating divine energy.

Marwolaeth offers Nioteru a place within The Destined, if accepted(spend 1AP to join) you'll get 2PAP to spend each rollover.

2016-09-10, 04:22 PM
Halls of The Worthy, Valhalla

Tolvan sat upon his throne in The Halls of The Worthy with a look of contemplation as he went over the known facts of his existence.

Suddenly, raw pain tore through his green muscles and his back arched forward like a bow as it's string was being pulled. Cuts, bruises and gashes of varying sizes erupted across his flesh as the suffering of every living creature rushed through his form like a whirlpool of endless agony. Blood poured freely from his wounds and from his orifices, a crimson waterfall that painted Valhalla in shades of red.

The Champion let out a scream, not one of war but of pure Suffering.


0AP, 0PAP Start
+5AP, +2PAP Rollover
-3AP Gain Domain Blood(Suffering)
*2 AP Infuse Vorn "The Butcher" Bloodscreamer
*2AP Create Sub-race Blood Dragons
*3AP Infuse Blood Dragons
-1PAP Blessing of The Suffering: Suffering throughout the whole of creation is somewhat lessened, the subtracted amount being immediately transferred to Tolvan himself.
2AP, 1PAP Remains

2016-09-10, 06:17 PM
Nioteru looked to the messengers hand and back to the messanger. "Surprising... and different. I will accept, for now." Nioteru raises his hand to shake the shadow.

Starting AP = 10 + 2 (Rollover)

Nioteru joins The Destined (-1 AP)

Ending AP = 11

2016-09-10, 06:42 PM
The Imperial Palace, Yahn, The Jade Empire

The Empress stood perfectly still like a smooth and flawless statue. She kept her slender fingers folded upon each other in front of her at waist height, her eyes surveying the gathered soldiers from her spot upon an intricately carved marble balcony which overlooked the main courtyard below. Two eunuch attendants stood to the side and awaited her orders.

Down below in the courtyard, a grand parade of the first of The Umpire's fully trained forces marched in perfect harmony with great billowing banners flying over their heads, trumpets and drums giving the March it's needed beat. The soldiers wore green uniforms, their armor gleaming scalemail in the traditional Yahn fashion with armbands that displayed rank and division.

When all were in position and the marching came to a halt, the officers with their green plumed helms called out commands, bringing the divisions to attention before performing disciplined facing movements to present themselves to The Jade Empress.

The Empress stepped forward and with a carnum enhanced voice, she said: "Soldiers of The Empire; You make me proud to be your Empress. You have trained diligently and without fail for so long and have formed yourselves into the flawless fighting force that I see today! The Champion has indeed blessed our Empire!"

The butts of thousands of spears slammed against stone as The Empress stopped talking, a resounding "Hooah!!!" could be heard throughout most of The Citadel.

2AP, 1PAP Start
-1PAP Create Organization: 1st Jade Infantry Division(1JID)
-1AP Create Organization: 2nd Jade Infantry Division(2JID)
-1AP Create Organization: 3rd Jade Infantry Division(3JID)
0AP, 0PAP Remains

2016-09-10, 10:55 PM
Nioteru looked to the messengers hand and back to the messanger. "Surprising... and different. I will accept, for now." Nioteru raises his hand to shake the shadow.

Starting AP = 10 + 2 (Rollover)

Nioteru joins The Destined (-1 AP)

Ending AP = 11

"I am Naw-Deg-Tri. Master says I am yours to command."

2016-09-11, 11:15 AM
The Halls of The Worthy, Valhalla

The Halls were brimming with activity as The Worthy Dead feasted and dined. Savage Orken warriors and Noble Human Knights with arms wrapped around each other and singing battle hymns in honor of their god.

Tolvan sat quietly upon his throne, blood pouring from the wounds which he suffered on behalf of all the creature's of creation and soaking his wooden throne crimson. Tolvan grabbed hold of a rapier from thin air and looked upon it in thought before stabbing the thing into his chest and through his very own heart. A soft grunt escaped his lips.

The Champion twisted and jerked the blade out before simply tossing it out amongst The Worthy Dead so that it might take shape into something more.

A new god is born!

2016-09-11, 11:34 AM
The Schism

Iâ Cysgodol - Thorngate, Gogledd

The introduction of necromancy and Dŷ Hangau's practice of soul-binding had effected sweeping change within Norn society. House Hangau was ascendant as nearly all of the ice elves chose to go through the Rites of Transition. The elves of Thorngate still followed the absolute rule of Iâ Cysgodol, but many of the customs and traditions of the ancient civilization slowly changed. The complexion of those that had undergone the Rites of Transition became pinched and sallow, their eyes were sunken and grey, they wore elaborate wigs to cover the loss of their hair, and regardless of House or rank they went adorned in simple, black-silk robes. The practice of ritually sacrificing Dark Elves that refused to accept the Gospel of Shadow ended, and instead they were held in secret chambers deep beneath the frozen earth as breeding stock, for the gifts of eternal undeath came with a cost. These norns took the name - Fythol(eternal).

It had been long...too long, since he had left Thorngate. The growing threat to his people had occupied his thoughts and dominated his attention for far too many years. One could only make so many preparations for war. Summoning one of the scribes of House Ysgolhaig, "Send a message to Fellfrost, Bitter Root, and Ascension. The time is upon us."

Yr Ail - Bitter Root, The Shattered Lands

Yr Ail took the title of Sanctaidd(Most Holy), as the society of Bitter Root slowly evolved into a theocracy. The Rites of Transition were strictly forbidden, and the Noble Houses became merely symbolic. The priests of The Heglwysi governed the flourishing norn society, and annually reaffirmed their loyalty to Yr Ail - The Most Holy. Here the Holy Word of Marwolaeth was common practice and all aspects of their lives high in the branches of Bitter Root were impacted by the utilization of Dark Speech. It was commonplace to see the great black-sailed ships of the llongau'du floating from branch to branch, as well as chapels dedicated to Marwolaeth seemingly suspended in mid-air. The norns of Bitter Root almost exclusively wore white robes adorned with the black dagger holy symbol of their Great Benefactor. They named themselves the Nuwiol(Godly).

As Yr Ail concluded an conclave with the priests of The Heglwysi, a House Ysgolhaig messenger arrived, bowed, and handed him a letter bearing Iâ Cysgodol's mark.

Y' Trydydd - Ascension, The Undying Glacier

Inside the city of Ascension, atop the Undying Glacier, Y' Trydydd sat at the head of a massive black, ice table. The heads of the Nine Noble Houses spoke in turn before the conversation grew heated and descended into bickering. Iâ Cysgodol had grown obsessed with extended "life eternal" to those immediately under his command as well as the growing military presence in Gogledd. In the absence of his strong leadership, Y' Trydydd had been largely unsuccessful in holding together the Norns of Ascension. What had once been simple meetings to inform the Houses of their orders and duties, had evolved into a deliberative council as the nobles bickered among themselves. The practice of soul-binding was not prevalent within the city, but their society was changed as well. No longer was it a true meritocracy, in which the Noble Houses admitted members based upon their individual skills and talents, but rather bloodlines began to emerge and positions within the Houses were inherited. Ascension had become a feudal society governed by the aristocracy, and Y' Trydydd took the title of King. The nine houses adopted their own crests and colors that the members adorned themselves with. These norns called themselves Urddas(nobility).

As Y'Trydydd called an end to meeting of the Noble Council, a House Ysgolhaig messenger arrived, bowed, and handed him a letter bearing Iâ Cysgodol's mark.

Beginning AP = 7AP + 2PAP +1 Artifact Charge(Bless/Curse) + 1 Fabled Life Action(Alter Land/Monstrous Life)

Form Society - 2AP: The Fythol of Thorngate lead by Iâ Cysgodol
Form Society - 2AP: The Nuwiol of Bitter Root. A Theocracy led by Yr Ail - The Most Holy
Form Society - 2AP: The Urddas of Ascension. A Feudal Monarchy led by Y'Trydydd

Remaining AP = 1AP + 1PAP +1 Artifact Charge(Bless/Curse) +1 Fabled Life Action(Alter Land/Monstrous Life)

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-11, 11:40 AM
Egides: Rise

The Rapier fell, as if the Holy blood did nothing. But as it was about to land, a pair of white feathery wings sprouted from the tip of the hilt, flapping gracefully. As it glided toward the ground, a tail and a pair of avian legs flowed down from in-between the wings.
Bowing before the God that created her out of his own blood, Egides became.

I am Egides. I shall smite those that deserve it if it is what you want me to do.

As light shone on her blade, she slightly lifted her head up, as if she was waiting for an order.

Start: 16
Create Advanced Concept (-2AP) Swordmastery
The Art of using a finely crafted weapon to deliver punishing blows to those deserving them.
End: 16-2= 14

2016-09-11, 11:48 AM
Egides: Rise

The Rapier fell, as if the Holy blood did nothing. But as it was about to land, a pair of white feathery wings sprouted from the tip of the hilt, flapping gracefully. As it glided toward the ground, a tail and a pair of avian legs flowed down from in-between the wings.
Bowing before the God that created her out of his own blood, Egides became.

I am Egides. I shall smite those that deserve it if it is what you want me to do.

As light shone on her blade, she slightly lifted her head up, as if she was waiting for an order.

Start: 16
Create Advanced Concept (-2AP) Swordmastery
The Art of using a finely crafted weapon to deliver punishing blows to those deserving them.
End: 16-2= 14

Tolvan leaned forward, blood pouring from a new gash in his throat. Some poor hobbit had his throat slit by a tiefling. When he spoke, his voice was as thunder that shook the whole of Valhalla.

"I did not make you to strike... No. You will be a guardian. Go forward unto the First World and protect all of life from suffering as best you could. War is inevitable but suffering can be lessened with a swift blade."

The God of War lifted up a finger as he took his more human and bearded form and pointed towards the direction of the portal which would open up to the roots of The Skeleton Tree on The First World.

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-11, 02:28 PM
Tolvan leaned forward, blood pouring from a new gash in his throat. Some poor hobbit had his throat slit by a tiefling. When he spoke, his voice was as thunder that shook the whole of Valhalla.

"I did not make you to strike... No. You will be a guardian. Go forward unto the First World and protect all of life from suffering as best you could. War is inevitable but suffering can be lessened with a swift blade."

The God of War lifted up a finger as he took his more human and bearded form and pointed towards the direction of the portal which would open up to the roots of The Skeleton Tree on The First World.

Your desires are my command.

With a sound close to that of a windshime, the Goddess flew through the portal her creator showed her.
As soon as she found herself on the other side, Egides descended, white flames trailing behind her. She looked down on the first world. Taken over by the Norn, the Skeleton Tree looked bleak. Her rage lit up just like flames floating in the wind and spreading a wildfire.

Evil is here.
Evil must perish.

Egides emmited what could be assumed to be windshime sounds, until they became more and more like fiery whirlwinds.
Her feathers vanished, only leaving a tornado of flaming swords and furiously spinning wind. The Thousand Spinning Swords. She passed by everywhere she found evil, slashing her way through.

2016-09-11, 04:57 PM
Ascension, The Undying Glacier

The scholars, scribes, messengers, and historians of House Ysgolhaig flourished among the Urddas of Ascension. While the historians documented the history of the Norns, the scribes and messengers played a critical role across the different ice elf societies. Remaining utterly neutral in the inter-house disputes they provided the only secure method of communication linking the wide flung lands of the Norns. As such they were privy to information that no other single house held, and naturally expanded their services to spying as well. Added by the discovery of illusion, soon Dŷ Ysgolhaig had contacts and spies everywhere. The Ysbiwyr(Spies) were whispered about throughout Norn society, but never discussed openly.

Bitter Root, The Shattered Lands

The utilization of Dark Speech to manipulate fields of gravity was first extended to the square-masted ships of the Norns by House Masnachwr in Bitter Root. Soon the llongau'du could be seen traversing both the black waters and the steel grey skies of the northern hemisphere. Members of Dŷ Masnachwr rose to captain nearly every vessel of the llongau'du due to their unrivaled mastery of the large sailing vessels.

Beginning AP = 1AP + 1PAP +1 Artifact Charge(Bless/Curse) + 1 Fabled Life Action(Alter Land/Monstrous Race)

Create Organization -1PAP: Ysbiwyr - The scribes and messengers of House Ysgolhaig form a vast spy network. They have unrivaled access to information and have recently unlocked Illusion magic.
Create Organization -1PAP: llongau'du(black ships) of the Norns have long existed, but Dŷ Masnachwr comes to dominate both the military and merchant aspects of the vast fleet of black ships due to their utilization of Dark Speech to travel both the seas and skies of the First World.

Remaining AP = 1 AP + 1 Artifact Charge + 1 Fabled Life Action

2016-09-11, 08:13 PM
Sabel Forest, The Jade Empire

The Jade Infantry Divisions(J.I.D.) worked tirelessly along the borders of the forest as they constructed several wood and stone walled bases along the treeline.

Archers and look-outs manned walls and towers along the edges of the J.I.D. operating bases and The Jade Umpire's banners flew high above the battlements.

Finally, a contingent of soldiers, both human and halfling with yellowed skin and slanted eyes marched up to the settlement of Irt, stopping 500 feet from the gate before an officer stepped forward. The green plume of feathers upon his helm gently caught the breeze as the hobbit sucked in his breathe before letting out an uncharacteristically powerful voice. "Hail! For what reason do you settle at the borders of The Jade Empire!? Do you align yourselves with the Ice-Elves of The North?!"

2016-09-11, 10:10 PM
Iâ Cysgodol - Thorngate, Gogledd

The scribes and messengers of House Ysgolhaig were in a frenzy trying to coordinate the flurry of activity. Great ships of the llongau'du seemly arrived by the second. He had instructed Dau to assign three Helwyr to each ship, and to make sure that the ice elves from Fellfrost, Bitter Root, and Ascension were mixed in appropriate proportion with the Fythol of Thorngate. Yr Ail led the priests of the Heglywsi from Ascension and Y'Trydydd assumed command of the mages of Trefn y Ocwlt. It was a massive undertaking, and the lands around Thorngate were teaming with tens of thousands of Black Daggers led by Dŷ Rhyfelwr as well as the Spider Riders of Dŷ Arien.

He walked the lowest reaches, far beneath Thorngate where a dozen Helwyr worked furiously at breaching into The Crackling Below. When they broke through he floated into the ancient, ever-shifting tunnels. Closing his eyes he bolstered his voice with the Holy Word of Marwolaeth and cried out, "Ormendahl! Friend and Ally I name you. Come forth and treat with me!"

The Skeleton Tree

As the God of Blades began fighting its way through the Difodi and Helwyr of The Skeleton Tree, the Norns wrapped themselves in shadows and disappeared. Thousands of helwyr worked their way down the branches of the great tree, stopping just below the first major bough, more than a thousand feet above the ocean. They were not enough to encircle the entire trunk of the massive tree, but that hardly mattered. Silently joining hands they flew into the hardened steel-like wood, unleashing a torrent of napalm sap. Homonculi streamed around the gaping wound in the tree, fighting futilely to prevent further damage while the Helwyr died screaming - consumed by the magical fire. The Orchani and the Difodi tumbled and fought ferociously throughout the tree, though the Orchani were horribly outnumbered they killed thousand of their twisted kin. The Helwyr tried to assault the holds of the Orchani-Miran, but were outmatched offensively.

As the battle raged throughout the great tree, the air was split by a massive *CRACK*, the trunk giving way around the bleeding, burning wound. The massive, sprawling canopy of the Skeleton Tree tumbled into the ocean below.

Screamreach - Crackling Below, The Unnamed Continent

Deep below Azgol, in the Demon city of Screamreach a wormhole opened and out streamed the Norn contingent from the Skeleton Tree led by Offeiriad. Dozens of other wormholes began popping open throughout the complex admitting the difodi and helwyr refugees from the Skeleton Tree.

Beginning AP = 1AP +1 Artifact Charge + 1 Fabled Life Action
Alter Land -1 Fabled Life Action: Felled! The top half of the great Skeleton Tree is separated from the bottom half. As the top settles into the ocean, approximately two-thirds of it remains above the water as it comes to rest on the ocean floor. The massive trunk of the Skeleton Tree soars thousand of feet into the air, but remains dead, lifeless, and now devoid of any branches. The tree's napalm sap continuously bubbles and oozes from the top of the stump.

Remaining AP = 1AP + 1 Artifact Charge (Bless/Curse)

2016-09-11, 10:41 PM
The Carnival

Perrin Cook let out a merry laugh, they had been shrang stories about their childhoods. Gods there were some funny stories being told, his face hurt from smiling so much, but it was a pleasant pain that told him that when he was old he would have laugh lines, a sign of a good life lived.

“Ah yes, the first time that you manage to sneak a mouthful of beer as a child. What wondrous times.”

Perrin grabbed hold of his tankard, and raised it high in the air, declaring a toast, which was responded to by many shouts and the drinking of perhaps the finest beer he had ever drank.

“Gods this is good. My thanks to the brewer!”

A chorus met his and he felt satisfaction that his thanks would reach the brewer. At that moment Perrin paused, he didn’t actually remember ordering the drink, or the feast fit for a king, but the moment passed and he was glad that he had.

The Giver

Dawn was slowly spreading its loving fingers over New Larton when the world was shattered. Choruses of roosters once again declaring thier enmity towards Sol. This destruction of the night’s peace served as declaration to the hobbits of New Larton that the day was starting, it was time for breakfast, meagre though it be. Times had been hard for them since the villages founding. Larton, the village’s namesake, had been destroyed in a landslide after heavy rains about 30 years ago. And the survivors had rebuilt the village a little ways off where it had been before. Unfortunately, through the fault of no god or race or army, the soil in the village’s new location had not been particularly fertile, and so year after year the crops had been less than bountiful. The hobbits of New Larton got out of their beds and ate their breakfast and prepared for the day, to be met with a strange sight in the centre of the village. It appeared that there were people there, though surely they were no people that any of them had seen before. Standing at the height of a human, their legs were only about as long as a hobbits, and their long, wide torsos gave rise to long, wide arms that reached their ankles. They had a solidness about them that reminded the merry folk of a fattened cow, but it appeared to be just natural width, rather than being fat or muscle. Each of the figures pushed a cart full to the brim of a substance that looked like uncooked bread. Curious, the hobbits went to greet the newcomers and found them to be gentle, kind people. Who had come to give them the dough looking material, which was apparently food. According the newcomers, who referred to themselves as The Gifted, their village was but a stop on their journey, for there were many places that needed food, and not enough Gifted to stay in any place for longer than a week.

The Gifted stayed in New Larton for a week, each morning having fresh cartfuls of the dough like food they called Rajea, before they bid their farewell until their path brought them back to New Larton.

Trespass – The Deep Dark

Slowly but surely the Surrakar made their way to the surface of Adeteerin, swimming through an ocean deeper than any race which aged could swim given an entire lifetime. Here the nightmares of sailors were given flesh, hunting through lightless waters. Where an almost constant stream of life flowed into the First World, the tiny amount of light that penetrated the first worlds ocean almost like a sun to a place that had never known a suns gaze. After reaching the surface, no small trek in itself, the First Worlders were greeted by what to them was an alien landscape, massive trees, Flora Terriblis, animals and insects the size of cars and buses and houses. No small amount fell to the deadly life of the plane, and they quickly learnt it was safer to just not touch the plants. It wasn’t long before they ran into a figure, possessed of eight arms, a heavy white robe covered all of its features, what they couldn’t hide however was its size, from palm to the tip of the longest finger, each of its ten fingered hands measured at about a yard. Seemingly unconcerned for its surroundings, the being considered the newcomers.


Starting AP: 24 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL
Create Mythical Life -4 AP (Rajeam, The Gifted): Standing at about the height of a human, the gifted embody the best of generosity. They appear almost blocky, having short legs, long arms and being very wide and deep. The Gifted are driven to give, they need almost nothing else in life. The main thing they give is Rajea, which is a dough like substance full of all the important nutrients and such, a handful of it is an incredibly healthy meal that satisfies all a person could need food wise, although it does taste somewhat bland. The Rajeam hide the fact that Rajea is actually their flesh, as if this got out they worry that those they give it to would not accept it. The Gifted are almost completely made of Rajea, with a layer of skin over the substance that lets them appear what the other races view as ‘people’. Each morning they lop off their limbs and peel the layer of skin off them, then once their regeneration has finished restoring their parts back to them they repeat the process until the carts they store it in are full, ready to feed the hungry. Rajeam do not possess genders, and breed by giving, once enough goodwill has been created, another Gifted will form, ready to bestow their gifts to the world. Not possessing a society of their own, the gifted join other societies, always on the move as to spread the gift of giving to as many places as possible. A Rajea will not defend itself, as a rule, as to fight back would cause harm, something they are incapable of doing willingly. Likewise it is impossible to ‘take’ from them, for in taking from them they are actually giving. For example, if a tiefling had captured one, and tied it up, carving parts off when it was hungry, the Rajeam is willing giving its flesh, even if technically has no say in the manner.
Remaining AP 20 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL

2016-09-11, 10:59 PM
Marwolaeth - Far Bough

I had sat in that dusty throne for an eternity, the Child's laughter having fallen silent long ago. I quested out with my mind calling Un to me, "Bring the souls of my fallen children to fill these halls." I smiled as the oldest and most venerable of the Helwyr departed for the Obsidian City to do my bidding.

I parted the realm and gazed into the Void. There between the suns I sensed him. Standing, I pushed the weir wood throne to one end of the dais, and conjured another of flaming shadows to sit opposite it. Between I placed a low table and a Sava board. I turned back to the Void, "Come Devourer in the Night, join me for a Game of War."

2016-09-12, 03:15 AM
Marwolaeth - Far Bough

I had sat in that dusty throne for an eternity, the Child's laughter having fallen silent long ago. I quested out with my mind calling Un to me, "Bring the souls of my fallen children to fill these halls." I smiled as the oldest and most venerable of the Helwyr departed for the Obsidian City to do my bidding.

I parted the realm and gazed into the Void. There between the suns I sensed him. Standing, I pushed the weir wood throne to one end of the dais, and conjured another of flaming shadows to sit opposite it. Between I placed a low table and a Sava board. I turned back to the Void, "Come Devourer in the Night, join me for a Game of War."

Iâ Cysgodol - Thorngate, Gogledd

The scribes and messengers of House Ysgolhaig were in a frenzy trying to coordinate the flurry of activity. Great ships of the llongau'du seemly arrived by the second. He had instructed Dau to assign three Helwyr to each ship, and to make sure that the ice elves from Fellfrost, Bitter Root, and Ascension were mixed in appropriate proportion with the Fythol of Thorngate. Yr Ail led the priests of the Heglywsi from Ascension and Y'Trydydd assumed command of the mages of Trefn y Ocwlt. It was a massive undertaking, and the lands around Thorngate were teaming with tens of thousands of Black Daggers led by Dŷ Rhyfelwr as well as the Spider Riders of Dŷ Arien.

He walked the lowest reaches, far beneath Thorngate where a dozen Helwyr worked furiously at breaching into The Crackling Below. When they broke through he floated into the ancient, ever-shifting tunnels. Closing his eyes he bolstered his voice with the Holy Word of Marwolaeth and cried out, "Ormendahl! Friend and Ally I name you. Come forth and treat with me!"

The Skeleton Tree

As the God of Blades began fighting its way through the Difodi and Helwyr of The Skeleton Tree, the Norns wrapped themselves in shadows and disappeared. Thousands of helwyr worked their way down the branches of the great tree, stopping just below the first major bough, more than a thousand feet above the ocean. They were not enough to encircle the entire trunk of the massive tree, but that hardly mattered. Silently joining hands they flew into the hardened steel-like wood, unleashing a torrent of napalm sap. Homonculi streamed around the gaping wound in the tree, fighting futilely to prevent further damage while the Helwyr died screaming - consumed by the magical fire. The Orchani and the Difodi tumbled and fought ferociously throughout the tree, though the Orchani were horribly outnumbered they killed thousand of their twisted kin. The Helwyr tried to assault the holds of the Orchani-Miran, but were outmatched offensively.

As the battle raged throughout the great tree, the air was split by a massive *CRACK*, the trunk giving way around the bleeding, burning wound. The massive, sprawling canopy of the Skeleton Tree tumbled into the ocean below.

Screamreach - Crackling Below, The Unnamed Continent

Deep below Azgol, in the Demon city of Screamreach a wormhole opened and out streamed the Norn contingent from the Skeleton Tree led by Offeiriad. Dozens of other wormholes began popping open throughout the complex admitting the difodi and helwyr refugees from the Skeleton Tree.

Beginning AP = 1AP +1 Artifact Charge + 1 Fabled Life Action
Alter Land -1 Fabled Life Action: Felled! The top half of the great Skeleton Tree is separated from the bottom half. As the top settles into the ocean, approximately two-thirds of it remains above the water as it comes to rest on the ocean floor. The massive trunk of the Skeleton Tree soars thousand of feet into the air, but remains dead, lifeless, and now devoid of any branches. The tree's napalm sap continuously bubbles and oozes from the top of the stump.

Remaining AP = 1AP + 1 Artifact Charge (Bless/Curse)

The Far Bough - Rathazook, Marwolaeth
Slowly the request made its way to the Changing Cycle Above, drawn in by the steady pull of Nowhere. Rathazook grins an empty grin at it, figuring He should get out and interact once more with a deity before He attempted to tackle the issue of His children’s souls not making it to Him. Leaving the white nothingness behind He drew closer to the First World and eventually the source of the call. He found that now He was in even less of a rush as slowly He drew upon the shadows present in the throneroom, a flat form of shadow rising before the Bastard of Uttercold.
Once the Ruiner of Light was fully formed He cracked a grin, the wall behind him being the only indication of such, and said joyfully ”Marwolaeth, it’s good to see you again! I’ve heard from My children that you’ve been busy. What is this Game of War you speak of? Finally the destruction of that which attacked Mine so long ago?”

Outside the City of Dregscape – Ormendah, Iâ Cysgodol
Here in the Crackling Below the Demons had no need for fancy show. Instead the Demon Lord, covered in rime as he was, simply stepped out of a nearby shadow when he heard his name echoing through the tunnels nearest his personal home. With a grin he bowed slightly to what he considered his equal and spoke, his breath freezing in the air from the near freezing tunnels that ran under the North. ”Ahh, my friend and ally from above! It’s always a pleasure to see you. In my own home this time, no less! What brings you to these cold tunnels?”

Screamreach – Norn Refugees, Demons, Nixilis
For a minute there was higher chaos then normal when the wormholes opened up. Defenses were mounted, quarrels were quickly settled, and the demons waited. When the Norns walked out the anticipation for a new enemy melted away and before the third one could open the demons were back at it, fighting away in a constant preparation for an attack from some unlucky wanderer. From the rabble the Lord for the city emerged from his magma pool, recovered from the latest coup attempt, and looked down at the Norn. For a moment the Lord simply looked at them enter his city as he cooled, not saying a word.
It was only when the last wormhole was closed that he moved. With a great shout he yelled ”Stop your rambling, we have guests! Get to work preparing quarters for them!” The tieflings that existed to serve the demons immediately got to work expanding the city so that the Norn had the coldest place possible to live in. Still smoking slightly from the magma the Lord then approached the mass of Norn and their Difodi and Helwyr and grinned, saying ”It’s good to finally meet what Ormendah spoke of. You must be the Norn I’ve heard about. What brings you so suddenly to my city?”

The Carnival

Perrin Cook let out a merry laugh, they had been shrang stories about their childhoods. Gods there were some funny stories being told, his face hurt from smiling so much, but it was a pleasant pain that told him that when he was old he would have laugh lines, a sign of a good life lived.

“Ah yes, the first time that you manage to sneak a mouthful of beer as a child. What wondrous times.”

Perrin grabbed hold of his tankard, and raised it high in the air, declaring a toast, which was responded to by many shouts and the drinking of perhaps the finest beer he had ever drank.

“Gods this is good. My thanks to the brewer!”

A chorus met his and he felt satisfaction that his thanks would reach the brewer. At that moment Perrin paused, he didn’t actually remember ordering the drink, or the feast fit for a king, but the moment passed and he was glad that he had.

The Giver

Dawn was slowly spreading its loving fingers over New Larton when the world was shattered. Choruses of roosters once again declaring thier enmity towards Sol. This destruction of the night’s peace served as declaration to the hobbits of New Larton that the day was starting, it was time for breakfast, meagre though it be. Times had been hard for them since the villages founding. Larton, the village’s namesake, had been destroyed in a landslide after heavy rains about 30 years ago. And the survivors had rebuilt the village a little ways off where it had been before. Unfortunately, through the fault of no god or race or army, the soil in the village’s new location had not been particularly fertile, and so year after year the crops had been less than bountiful. The hobbits of New Larton got out of their beds and ate their breakfast and prepared for the day, to be met with a strange sight in the centre of the village. It appeared that there were people there, though surely they were no people that any of them had seen before. Standing at the height of a human, their legs were only about as long as a hobbits, and their long, wide torsos gave rise to long, wide arms that reached their ankles. They had a solidness about them that reminded the merry folk of a fattened cow, but it appeared to be just natural width, rather than being fat or muscle. Each of the figures pushed a cart full to the brim of a substance that looked like uncooked bread. Curious, the hobbits went to greet the newcomers and found them to be gentle, kind people. Who had come to give them the dough looking material, which was apparently food. According the newcomers, who referred to themselves as The Gifted, their village was but a stop on their journey, for there were many places that needed food, and not enough Gifted to stay in any place for longer than a week.

The Gifted stayed in New Larton for a week, each morning having fresh cartfuls of the dough like food they called Rajea, before they bid their farewell until their path brought them back to New Larton.

Trespass – The Deep Dark

Slowly but surely the Surrakar made their way to the surface of Adeteerin, swimming through an ocean deeper than any race which aged could swim given an entire lifetime. Here the nightmares of sailors were given flesh, hunting through lightless waters. Where an almost constant stream of life flowed into the First World, the tiny amount of light that penetrated the first worlds ocean almost like a sun to a place that had never known a suns gaze. After reaching the surface, no small trek in itself, the First Worlders were greeted by what to them was an alien landscape, massive trees, Flora Terriblis, animals and insects the size of cars and buses and houses. No small amount fell to the deadly life of the plane, and they quickly learnt it was safer to just not touch the plants. It wasn’t long before they ran into a figure, possessed of eight arms, a heavy white robe covered all of its features, what they couldn’t hide however was its size, from palm to the tip of the longest finger, each of its ten fingered hands measured at about a yard. Seemingly unconcerned for its surroundings, the being considered the newcomers.


Starting AP: 24 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL
Create Mythical Life -4 AP (Rajeam, The Gifted): Standing at about the height of a human, the gifted embody the best of generosity. They appear almost blocky, having short legs, long arms and being very wide and deep. The Gifted are driven to give, they need almost nothing else in life. The main thing they give is Rajea, which is a dough like substance full of all the important nutrients and such, a handful of it is an incredibly healthy meal that satisfies all a person could need food wise, although it does taste somewhat bland. The Rajeam hide the fact that Rajea is actually their flesh, as if this got out they worry that those they give it to would not accept it. The Gifted are almost completely made of Rajea, with a layer of skin over the substance that lets them appear what the other races view as ‘people’. Each morning they lop off their limbs and peel the layer of skin off them, then once their regeneration has finished restoring their parts back to them they repeat the process until the carts they store it in are full, ready to feed the hungry. Rajeam do not possess genders, and breed by giving, once enough goodwill has been created, another Gifted will form, ready to bestow their gifts to the world. Not possessing a society of their own, the gifted join other societies, always on the move as to spread the gift of giving to as many places as possible. A Rajea will not defend itself, as a rule, as to fight back would cause harm, something they are incapable of doing willingly. Likewise it is impossible to ‘take’ from them, for in taking from them they are actually giving. For example, if a tiefling had captured one, and tied it up, carving parts off when it was hungry, the Rajeam is willing giving its flesh, even if technically has no say in the manner.
Remaining AP 20 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL
Trespass – The Deep Dark
It was almost a dream come true for the Merfolk that drug the Surrakar through on the other side. They were able to give pause to most of the creatures of the deeps, sometimes even being able to turn one horror against another. Most of them began to fantasize about bringing such terror to the seas of the First World to further cement their position as terrors of the deep. Yet eventually they made their way to the coast after generations were born exclusively in Adeteerin and not knowing the relative safety of the First World.
It was these Adeteerin Surrakar, black as the Deep Dark, which breached the surface for the first time in generations in helmets that were only ever used to migrate to a new village. It was they who would discover the horrors that waited for them on the land. They spoke in the guttural tongue of bestial intelligence of not trekking into land any further, of denying the Merfolk that forced them forward, and of returning to the sea as free creatures. Yet for all their talk of mutiny they did nothing as they learned the lesson of their forebears and didn’t touch a thing.
So when a creature made itself known it was a cause of alarm, since everything else was hellbent on killing them. Yet it spoke, which meant that the merfolk could speak to it as well. A pair of the half dozen explorers broke off and returned to the water while the other four eyed the native warily. In about the same time as it took for them to break off they returned, the nearest body of water having a pair of vaguely crocodile like bodies breaching the surface to look at the native.
When they finally spoke, for the Surrakar could communicate well enough among their kind but not convey an actual language, their voice was one of malevolence with the slightest undertone of a hiss. ”Greetingss. We heard you sspoke to the Ssurrakar. We were chossen from the Sschool to sspeak. Who are you? What iss thiss plasse?”

2016-09-12, 08:09 AM
Jungle of Seeking, Valhalla

Tolvan walked across the Plains of The Unworthy beyond the gates of The Halls of The Worthy. Each step The God of War took was wracked with the pain and suffering of a thousand mortals even as his latest creation, the rapier headed goddess was a failure in his eyes. He meant for the creature to lessen suffering so that he wouldn't have to feel as much pain but ultimately, she created even more pain and Tolvan would have to live with that.

The Champion looked across his plane and saw that he had a place for The Worthy to dine, a place for The Unworthy to wander and a place for The Surrendered to succumb to their own weakness. He grumbled under his breath as he found Valhalla lacking in an aspect... It lacked a place for The Unworthy to seek out a means for which they could ascend to The Halls of The Worthy.

So it was that The Suffering God rose up into Valhalla's skies, his lip splitting in such the same manner as an Orken blade found it's mark against a halfling's face. Tolvan held his hands out above a blank space within Valhalla and ripped his veins open.

Blood flowed freely from The God of War, a torrent of crimson rain storming down upon the plains below as thick red vegetation rose up from the ground to blanket the horizon in a hot and humid jungle. Creatures and beasts of all shapes and sizes from the weakest mouse to ferocious tigers, dragons and even giant wasps from The Verdant Moon filled the dark and damp spaces of The Jungle of Seeking.

Tolvan dropped himself down into the very center of the jungle, a thud against the ground as he slammed into the red mud. He curled up against the exposed roots of a tree as he continued to bleed.

Free Alter Land(Valhalla): The Jungle of Seeking - The Jungle of Seeking is a vast and almost infinitely large jungle within Valhalla with red vegetation and waters the color of blood. Many creatures and monsters inhabit the jungle, so much in fact almost every single non-sentient species lives within the dark and humid space.

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-12, 02:59 PM
The Skeleton Tree

As the God of Blades began fighting its way through the Difodi and Helwyr of The Skeleton Tree, the Norns wrapped themselves in shadows and disappeared. Thousands of helwyr worked their way down the branches of the great tree, stopping just below the first major bough, more than a thousand feet above the ocean. They were not enough to encircle the entire trunk of the massive tree, but that hardly mattered. Silently joining hands they flew into the hardened steel-like wood, unleashing a torrent of napalm sap. Homonculi streamed around the gaping wound in the tree, fighting futilely to prevent further damage while the Helwyr died screaming - consumed by the magical fire. The Orchani and the Difodi tumbled and fought ferociously throughout the tree, though the Orchani were horribly outnumbered they killed thousand of their twisted kin. The Helwyr tried to assault the holds of the Orchani-Miran, but were outmatched offensively.

As the battle raged throughout the great tree, the air was split by a massive *CRACK*, the trunk giving way around the bleeding, burning wound. The massive, sprawling canopy of the Skeleton Tree tumbled into the ocean below.

Beginning AP = 1AP +1 Artifact Charge + 1 Fabled Life Action
Alter Land -1 Fabled Life Action: Felled! The top half of the great Skeleton Tree is separated from the bottom half. As the top settles into the ocean, approximately two-thirds of it remains above the water as it comes to rest on the ocean floor. The massive trunk of the Skeleton Tree soars thousand of feet into the air, but remains dead, lifeless, and now devoid of any branches. The tree's napalm sap continuously bubbles and oozes from the top of the stump.

Remaining AP = 1AP + 1 Artifact Charge (Bless/Curse)

What ?!

She only stopped when she noticed her ennemies vanished into thin air.
She only stopped when she saw the Skeleton tree cut.
She only stopped when she realised what she did.
She only stopped when she felt regret and frustration fill her.
Her flames were gaining intensity, as she reverted back to her avian shape. No, no, no, no, no. That wasn't supposed to happen. Did she really cut the world tree ? Did she just commit genocide ? How foolish. And her orders were to protect, not kill. But she did protect the good creatures that were around from those evil creatures, right ?
The deed was done. The Norn might come back and claim this place again.
She did make serious damage to the place, but leaving it lifeless for Evil to flourish would make her efforts worthless. With a hit of her sword, the Goddess made the montains nearby rise, and flew toward them.
Plucking a few feathers out of her chest, she used her newfound divine power to reshape them into smaller avian beings.

I cannot leave this place at the mercy of evil. Go, my children, I shall give you the power to patrol the lands in case evil comes back.

And thus she used a drop of her divine power to instill life into the metallic beings, giving them the power and knowledge to do the duty they were given.

AP= 14

Alter Land (1AP): Skypeak Mountains
Standing between the remains of the Skeleton Tree and the forests, this montain range looks like a blade from far away. Very hard to climb unless one is or owns a flying creature, its sides give a stunning view of the lands that spread out under.

Create Mythical Life (4AP): Whirlwind Armors
Whirlwind Armors are avian beings that, strangely, seem like they adorn an armor. in fact, they ARE the armor. Able to resist to the strongest pressures and most magical damages, they have hands and feets with opposable thumbs, making them able to handle objects such as food or weapons. Mostly keeping to themselves and rarely leaving their montain, they consume whatever hard-to-break objects they can find. They live in small communities that rely on elders to make decisions.

Form Society (2AP): Blessed Whirlwind Armors
The most courageous, mighty and strong Whirlwind Armors become blessed by their Deity and transform into High Guards or Paladins.
High Guards tend to consume more metallic objects so their plates become harder, just like living shields. Since this trait is passed along genetics, most become High guards from father to son. They mostly wield shields and heavy weapons such as hammers or axes.
Paladins are selected among the most aggressive and ambitious Whirlwind Armors. Trained to fight and deliver quick deaths, they use lighter weapons to promote speed. They are the ones that patrol around the Skypeak Mountains, alerting High Guards if something seems wrong. They mostly wield lances, crossbows and swords.

14-1-4-2 = 7AP

2016-09-12, 05:23 PM
Marwolaeth, Rathazook - Far Bough

The Far Bough - Rathazook, Marwolaeth
Slowly the request made its way to the Changing Cycle Above, drawn in by the steady pull of Nowhere. Rathazook grins an empty grin at it, figuring He should get out and interact once more with a deity before He attempted to tackle the issue of His children’s souls not making it to Him. Leaving the white nothingness behind He drew closer to the First World and eventually the source of the call. He found that now He was in even less of a rush as slowly He drew upon the shadows present in the throneroom, a flat form of shadow rising before the Bastard of Uttercold.

Once the Ruiner of Light was fully formed He cracked a grin, the wall behind him being the only indication of such, and said joyfully ”Marwolaeth, it’s good to see you again! I’ve heard from My children that you’ve been busy. What is this Game of War you speak of? Finally the destruction of that which attacked Mine so long ago?”

"HA! Not so hasty my friend. Have a seat if you please." Motioning to the Sava board, "Just a friendly game to pass the time." As Rathazook studies the game board he notices that the traditional pieces have been replaced with Hobbits, Humans, Golden People, and Angels, as well as Ice Elves, Demons, Tieflings, Werewolves, and Merfolk.

Iâ Cysgodol, Ormendahl - Dregscape

Outside the City of Dregscape – Ormendah, Iâ Cysgodol
Here in the Crackling Below the Demons had no need for fancy show. Instead the Demon Lord, covered in rime as he was, simply stepped out of a nearby shadow when he heard his name echoing through the tunnels nearest his personal home. With a grin he bowed slightly to what he considered his equal and spoke, his breath freezing in the air from the near freezing tunnels that ran under the North. ”Ahh, my friend and ally from above! It’s always a pleasure to see you. In my own home this time, no less! What brings you to these cold tunnels?”

Sitting back in his chair having explained his elaborate plans, the ice-lich avatar motions to the illusory map with his hand, "That's what brings me here. What say you?" The House Ysgolhaig scribes sat around the table furiously taking notes, while no fewer than fifty messengers waited anxiously for the Demon Lord's response.

Offeiriad, Demon Lord - Screamreach

Screamreach – Norn Refugees, Demons, Nixilis
For a minute there was higher chaos then normal when the wormholes opened up. Defenses were mounted, quarrels were quickly settled, and the demons waited. When the Norns walked out the anticipation for a new enemy melted away and before the third one could open the demons were back at it, fighting away in a constant preparation for an attack from some unlucky wanderer. From the rabble the Lord for the city emerged from his magma pool, recovered from the latest coup attempt, and looked down at the Norn. For a moment the Lord simply looked at them enter his city as he cooled, not saying a word.
It was only when the last wormhole was closed that he moved. With a great shout he yelled ”Stop your rambling, we have guests! Get to work preparing quarters for them!” The tieflings that existed to serve the demons immediately got to work expanding the city so that the Norn had the coldest place possible to live in. Still smoking slightly from the magma the Lord then approached the mass of Norn and their Difodi and Helwyr and grinned, saying ”It’s good to finally meet what Ormendahl spoke of. You must be the Norn I’ve heard about. What brings you so suddenly to my city?”

The ice elf bowed to the Demon Lord of the great subterranean city. When he looked up the demon caught a glimpse of his cold, dead, grey eyes. "We came to claim the ancestral home of the elves, but were refused admittance, then were beset by a divine being. I can only assume that the being wanted the tree or the secrets of our ancestral home, so we felled the tree and sought refuge here. The Helwyr have spoken to us of an old alliance between our patrons. As such we seek sanctuary in exchange for our service. With your leave I would dispatch messengers to our Lord in the north to inform him of our current disposition."

2016-09-12, 11:08 PM
Marwolaeth, Rathazook - Far Bough
"HA! Not so hasty my friend. Have a seat if you please." Motioning to the Sava board, "Just a friendly game to pass the time." As Rathazook studies the game board he notices that the traditional pieces have been replaced with Hobbits, Humans, Golden People, and Angels, as well as Ice Elves, Demons, Tieflings, Werewolves, and Merfolk.

Iâ Cysgodol, Ormendahl - Dregscape
Sitting back in his chair having explained his elaborate plans, the ice-lich avatar motions to the illusory map with his hand, "That's what brings me here. What say you?" The House Ysgolhaig scribes sat around the table furiously taking notes, while no fewer than fifty messengers waited anxiously for the Demon Lord's response.

Offeiriad, Demon Lord - Screamreach
The ice elf bowed to the Demon Lord of the great subterranean city. When he looked up the demon caught a glimpse of his cold, dead, grey eyes. "We came to claim the ancestral home of the elves, but were refused admittance, then were beset by a divine being. I can only assume that the being wanted the tree or the secrets of our ancestral home, so we felled the tree and sought refuge here. The Helwyr have spoken to us of an old alliance between our patrons. As such we seek sanctuary in exchange for our service. With your leave I would dispatch messengers to our Lord in the north to inform him of our current disposition."
Marwolaeth, Rathazook - Far Bough
Rathazook paused in thought before He sank slowly into the offered chair. He stared at the board for long enough that Marwolaeth could glimpse that He had never actually played the game. Yet with prayers constantly filtering in it was only the issue of finding one of his less Demonic children who had played the game. Despite being a two-dimensional object He still reached out and encompassed His pieces as He moved them. Idly He said ”It is good to get out and interact again. Too long I had spent between the Brothers in thought.”

Iâ Cysgodol, Ormendahl - Dregscape
His grin grew as the plan was laid out, cumulating in a cackle after the offer. He looked at the scribes before his gaze settled back on Iâ Cysgodol and said ”Brother, you know that we of the Demonic Court will aid you in your endeavors. You simply say the word and we will rise from the Tunnels below to attack those that wish harm against you and yours!”

Offeiriad, Nixilis - Screamreach
The dead eyes meant little to the Demon Lord, Kheru having delved into the art of the Necromancy roughly when Tidehollow began to experiment with Necrocarnum. Nixilis frowned while several Torchbearers associated with the Cult of the Eternal Fire grinned at the news. A deity would be bad news for the raids above but would help in the Cult’s ultimate plans of a Mortal-centric world. The Lord nodded as he said ”Of course, brothers. We of the Demonic Court remember all that are allied with the Cruelest Touch. Our Torchbearers can help spread the message as well. We will spread the calls to our Orken allies and begin the drums of war once again!”

Orken Villages throughout the Crackling Below
Even as the Norns planned with the Demons, the Demons spread the message to the Upper Crackling Below. It was here the Orken spread and it was here that the Torchbearers came bearing a call to arms. The West would fall before the might of the Demons and Norns and their aid was called upon as a price for living within their new home. Those who refused found their tunnels suddenly turning on them as the Demonic Court abandoned them to their fate and to starve in their self-imposed tombs. Only when they accepted the order for war would the survivors be allowed to leave the camps and return to the greater Crackling Below.

A Vision in the Night
The Tattermunge had had better times. The North steadily froze with them trapped from the rest of the continent that held their Lycan brothers and sisters. At least now it seemed that after the initial invasion by the hobbits that colonized near their forests was slowly fading away. No, what was most detrimental was the fact that they were separated from the hateful gaze of Xenago and therefore new stock. Still Tokrich was a faith follower of the Changing Cycle Above, knowing that such magic was the only reason he remained alive. And so when the shamans divined a new message in the damning light of Sol, he took notice of it. Here they would have a chance to finally rid themselves of their neighbors with the aid of allies both near and far.

2016-09-13, 12:43 AM
The Invitation
For almost as long as the First World had spun in the void the World Tree had stood tall. Through eons it nurtured the races that lived on it, and even when it was infused with bitter ice it still stood tall as a monument to life, death, and the gods. So when such an ancient thing toppled into the ocean it did not go unnoticed. Either in person or in the literal waves it made around the world.

Enoch was one of the first to arrive. Leading a contingent of angels from the White Lotus Host he surveyed the scene looking for what caused the devastation. At least one cause was easy to spot. A great mountain rising out of the channel where none had stood before. Surrounding it were dozens of swirling metal birds. The creations of a new god no doubt.

Enoch moved towards the apparent leader of the new beings. A bird of swords and light that none of the others could match.

"Greetings, I have never seen your kind before. Do you know what caused the Great Tree to fall?"

Despite his polite words Enoch and the rest of the angels were on their guard. After all it could have been these very beings who had felled the World Tree.

The Anger of the Unseen
Very few Orchani had lived on the World Tree after its death. Most had left in the great Exodus leaving only a few of the most trusted companions of the Steadfast. Of these even fewer had survived the battle and the eventual fall of the World Tree leaving only a scant handful to bob in the ocean and attempt to reach safety on top of the submerged upper branches.

The Orchani-Miran fared little better. Although few had fallen in battle they were ill suited to surviving a fall. Those on the wrong side of the World Tree had simply been crushed. Their ancient iron hard bark and stout trunks no match for the immensity of the World Tree. Even more had died giving their lives in the pursuit of one singular goal.

They had used every spell and erg of energy in their arsenals to spin the World Tree even as it fell. They consigned themselves to death and spent their last bits of life force to ensure that the most precious site to all Orch survived the fall. The Spring of Life. Birthplace of the Lotus, spawning ground of the Orchani and Orchani-Miran. Here was where the Orchani-Miran first set aside their differences. Where they had peered inside the mind of a dead god. For that matter it was where said dead god's body had been laid to rest.

Even when the World Tree had frozen and died the Orchani-Miran had nourished the spring and ensured that it never froze. Three of the most ancient of them had dropped their own trunks on top of it to keep it safe as the World Tree toppled. And what few Orchani survived immediately made their way there to clear the site of the dead and ensure it remained safe.

All this and more was seen by the gestalt. It's collective will peered across the dead and dying and surveyed the scene from as many viewpoints as the Orch had eye spots. Through it flowed the will of the Orch. Not just those who had managed to survive the Crash, but all Orch around the First World from the jungles dwellers of Orch'Ultas to the star gazers of Orch'Voi.

And as the collective will of the Orch pondered its thoughts crystallized. The Orch had been passive too long. They had been content to study the world. To care for their beasts. To fight among themselves for the prime rooting spots. And it had led to this. Led to this catastrophe. To the near loss of their most sacred place. Well no more! The Orch would not sit idly by while they were assaulted. The Orch would find the shadow fiends that had felled the world tree, and they would be consumed. The Orch would never again allow such actions to be taken against them. Never again lose so many ancients to death. Such were the thoughts of Orchani and Orchani-Miran alike. Such was the will of the Orch!

2016-09-13, 07:21 AM
Western Border of The Hallowed Union

A series of primordial roars ripped through the cold night air as monstrosities from the deep emerged from the tunnels. An entire war host stomped across the lands, vicious and crude songs of death, torture and of feasting on hobbit flesh ringing into any ears that would hear.

Hungry direbats and their riders soared through the sky, ducking and diving through the clouds. Below, heavily armored feet crushed the earth and grass and equally armored hands hefted mighty and horrifying blades into the air. Orken, Orc, Ogre, Acrowa, Tanarook and slaves of various races marched against The Hallowed Union.

At the very front of the horde, mounted on the back of an elder blood dragon alongside other Orken riders of the same dragons was an Orken who was easily twice the size of others, The Brutal Axe waving in the air as he shouted mockeries and obscenities against The Hallowed Union.

"Cut them! Kill them! Crush them and Rend them! Tonight, we shall have a feast of the likes that NO URUK has had before! Ahahahahahaha!" The Butcher hefted his axe and pointed it forward, a wicked grin upon his face.

Sabel Forest, The Jade Empire

The Jade Infantry Divisions(J.I.D.) worked tirelessly along the borders of the forest as they constructed several wood and stone walled bases along the treeline.

Archers and look-outs manned walls and towers along the edges of the J.I.D. operating bases and The Jade Umpire's banners flew high above the battlements.

Finally, a contingent of soldiers, both human and halfling with yellowed skin and slanted eyes marched up to the settlement of Irt, stopping 500 feet from the gate before an officer stepped forward. The green plume of feathers upon his helm gently caught the breeze as the hobbit sucked in his breathe before letting out an uncharacteristically powerful voice. "Hail! For what reason do you settle at the borders of The Jade Empire!? Do you align yourselves with the Ice-Elves of The North?!"

The war in the west.

Gold shields started leaving the hobbit houses as acid started to devour their cover. Ildri saw this and she know what it meant, what had to be done. She started to sing as she fired her crossbow upon the Uruk-Hai horde. The gold shields hidden by uttercold, the angels in the air and the shields in the homes joined that song, they knew what it was. The hymn of battle, a war had begun.

Some poor Orken placed his foot on the wrong piece of ground and the steel jaws of a trap came, ripping skin, crushing bone and holding his leg. A sea of steel bolts flew to the horde; striking arm, leg and chest, making the mighty drop weapons and pinning them to the soil. In the sky less wrath flew but in struck head and wing of mounts sending them down to the hard ground with their rider.

Ildri yelled to drop the illusion hiding their force, they need the mages to forces on the enemy blasts. With that order the light seemed to bend and the Uruk-Hai saw not five defenders but an army of hundreds. Mages healed the injured and had the magic of the void devoured Da Weird Boyz’ mind blasts. Angels in the sky fort with blades of fire and moved with their web weaving wings around there foes, teleporting in and out.

There was a rumble and from the earth came a monster of stone and dirt, this was a true battle and the elementals had arrived. The earth elementals moved their arms, knocking warriors to the ground and carving small ditches. The elementals of air flew to the bat riders and blood dragons, pushing them around like they were in a storm. The water elementals rolled though the men dragging and drowning those the caught in their watery bodies. The living fires burned equipment, their owners and the ogres alive while making lines of fire across the battle field. The elementals of the void, of uttercold froze any of the Da Weird boyz and members of Uruk-Hai that used magic.

It was clear the elementals were not acting as they should, as mindless monsters that fought all sides of a battle. They were fighting for the gold shields against the horde, using tactics and fighting style far too advanced and complex for their mindless nature.

“Hold them back, don’t let them think they can take an inch without paying in blood! We will grind their force, their courage to dust or they will run to their homes! If not this hour then the next, if not this day then the next, if not this battle than we will do in the next. For the gold shields, for the hallowed union!” Ildri yelled to the gold shield while firing her crossbow.

The gold shields meet the J.I.D.

A gold shield upon the wall looked at the hobbits of the jade infantry division then went to grab something. After a few minutes Bymlon, a liberated and an angel came over the wall and moved to where the contingent of soldiers stood.

“Hail. I am Bymlon of the gold shields and the hallowed union. I’m afraid we did not know that this land borders the jade empire nor do we know of these ice elves of the north. We have built this settlement, Irt, to be a forward base while we investigate the uttercold volcano in this land.” Bymlon answered as a cold wind blew past them.

As Bymlon felt the cold he spoke again. “If you and your men mean the people of Irt no harm, they may enter, it is far warmer in there than out here.”

The healing dragon’s birth.

Inside of a simple house Rylios sat, looking upon the scroll of heroes learning the stories of the many on the list. When the healer came to the name Eliana he realized there were tasks to be done.

Rylios grabbed out the egg Zean had given him in Adeteerin, the god of healing focused on the egg’s energies. After a few minutes a small crack formed in the egg shell, after some time a glowing lizard like creature emerged.

“Hello little one, you have the daughter of a god to meet with.” Rylios told the small dragon.

2+4ap 0+2pap 1fl artefact charge

Rase hero (artefact): Bymlon

Bymlon was born a tiefling in the crackling bellow. After years of slavery and torture the tiefling that would be Bymlon was sent on a raid as a child shield. Fortune smiled on Bymlon as gold shields and hobbit defenders captured the raiding party, freeing them.

Bymlon grew up in the hallowed union as a liberated trying to pass the entrance tests of the gold shields. Bymlon was proven a capable commander and was sent on the mission given to the hallowed union by Choo’wohn.

Create sub race (2pap): light dragons
These dragons have four limbs, their forelimbs being both legs and wings. These creatures normally glow with a yellow light however they can stop this glow appearing grey hence they’re other name ‘grey dragons’.

These dragons are physically meek by dragon standards, being slender and not standing taller than an angel fully grown. However, these dragons heal at a truly rapid rate even healing wounds dealt by uttercold and fire. They are also blessed with a gift for magic, seeing it, learning and mastering many types in their lives, starting with healing and meta-magic.

They have two breath attacks, one that has heat and force behind it. with the second being able to heal most injuries in seconds. They spend their lives helping those that ask and learning what they can about the world.

6 ap 0pap 1fl no artefact charge

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-13, 11:23 AM
The Invitation
For almost as long as the First World had spun in the void the World Tree had stood tall. Through eons it nurtured the races that lived on it, and even when it was infused with bitter ice it still stood tall as a monument to life, death, and the gods. So when such an ancient thing toppled into the ocean it did not go unnoticed. Either in person or in the literal waves it made around the world.

Enoch was one of the first to arrive. Leading a contingent of angels from the White Lotus Host he surveyed the scene looking for what caused the devastation. At least one cause was easy to spot. A great mountain rising out of the channel where none had stood before. Surrounding it were dozens of swirling metal birds. The creations of a new god no doubt.

Enoch moved towards the apparent leader of the new beings. A bird of swords and light that none of the others could match.

"Greetings, I have never seen your kind before. Do you know what caused the Great Tree to fall?"

Despite his polite words Enoch and the rest of the angels were on their guard. After all it could have been these very beings who had felled the World Tree.

The armored birds circling around the Goddess were wary at first glance, but once she saw the strangers were far from evil, she gestured to them to make way. Reluctantly, they let the Angels pass to meet the bird of swords. Her windchime-like voice echoed among the clouds.

Greetings. I am Egides.

Egides seemed to lower her head a few inches.

Yes. It is my fault. I attacked the Norn living there, thinking I was stronger than I really am, but they fled after cutting it.

After a few seconds of thought, she continued.

I sensed evil in them, and didn't think before lashing out at them. If I can help reduce the damage done on innocent beings, I shall do so.

2016-09-13, 04:17 PM
The War in The West

The elementals, mindless creatures that they were could not predict the power of their foes. Blood Dragons, even more so than any other dragons in existence were at their very essence, divine creatures. Air elementals may have caused havoc for those that rode on bats but the dragons quickly destroyed their opposition with the acidic blood that poured from their maws in great torrents.

Orken and Ogre alike quickly turned upon the grounded elementals with fists, clubs and axe's while even more Uruk than the ones that fell in the initial wave surge forward, roaring at the top of their lungs for the blood of their enemies. The Hallowed Union's sudden increase in numbers was not by any means a worry to the forces of Uruk-Hai.

Upon his Blood Dragon's head, Vorn stood firm with a mighty roar directed at The Hallowed Union's commander. With a mighty leap and a twirl of The Brutal Axe, he brought down to bear the full and unbridled wrath of Uruk-Hai. "Bow before your betters! Grovel and I'll let you serve as my arse wiper!" Yes, indeed... Orken had arse wipers...

The Cackling Below

As usual, The Demonic Court underestimated the Uruk willingness to battle. It was a simple mere minutes from the first contact when word spread from Orken to Orken throughout the Hivemind and a great Horde was raised to travel with the demons to fight alongside the Norn in the North.

Irt, Border of The Jade Empire

The officer simply shook his head and politely declined the offer before barking an order at his soldiers in the Yahn tongue. The soldiers departed without any further interaction.

Yahn, The Jade Empire

Wings flapped over The Citadel, far larger than any pterodactyl or any other known bird within The Empire. Each flap brought a gust of wind which caused many within the city to crane their heads upwards where they saw a Blood Dragon, twice the size of any Blood Dragon they have ever seen.

The creature landed upon the roof of the Imperial Palace and struck a clawed hand within before dragging the Empress out by her foot. The creature then bellowed.

"I am Sith'Rakaar! I am the First of Tolvan's Divine Dragons! Foolish fools of FOOLS! You sit here behind you walls in comfort! You sit here and whine about your silks and your wines! You are a disappointment to Tolvan when there is battle afoot! Never you worry, worms! I Sith'Rakaar shall show you the correct way in which to live according to Tolvan's doctrine! I shall be your Empress!"

Before any response could come and much to the combined horror and...satisfaction of the masses, Sith'Rakaar swallowed The Empress whole.

The Dragon, Sith'Rakaar takes over The Jade Empire and Tolvan's alignment changes to Neutral Evil, forever leaving Vitae.

2016-09-13, 08:24 PM
The Crackling Below

Plans were laid. Supplies, troops, and ships were positioned. The Urddas attired in the various colors and carrying the banners of theirs feudal houses, mixed with the white-clad Nuwiol devout, the norns of Fellfrost, and the undying Fythol attired entirely in black. Squabbles naturally erupted from time to time, especially between the nobility of the Urddas and the traditional house leaders of Fellfrost. The tension between the pious Nuwiol and their Fythol counterparts was palpable, and the Nuwiol oft refused orders given by Fythol superiors.

Compounding this all was the difficulty of trying to coordinate with the demons, tieflings, and Uruk-Hai. The chaotic, blood-lust of their allies was almost impossible for the quietly vicious and scheming ice elves to fathom. Feuds, squabbles, and simple misunderstandings threatened to erupt into a bloodbath with each passing minute. The three ice-lich avatars and demon lords even argued among themselves.

Far Bough

As Rathazook reached out and moved his first Sava piece across the game board, I chuckled at the oddity the two of us would have appeared to anyone who could have seen us - sitting there like two old friends speaking of friendship and reminiscing. There was enough hatred, anger, and cruelty in that throne room to destroy the world a dozen times over. I laughed again with genuine mirth....

The Crackling Below

...the chaos, turmoil, and confusion fell silent as the three ice-liches laughed in unison. Soon demon, orken, tiefling, and norn were chuckling light-heartedly.

Iâ Cysgodol, Yr Ail, and Y' Trydydd shared a look before speaking with the Demon Lords and Uruk-Hai warlords.

Iâ Cysgodol, stepped forward, and his voice echoed through the reaches of the enormous cavern, then the warren of tunnels known as the Crackling Below, "It is time. Our enemies will freeze, they will burn, and they will be drowned in blood. None can stand against us! But only...ONLY if we work as one. Only if you adopt the stranger beside you as your brother! To you who are not of the norns that will march with me - I command! My authority is absolute. To those that march with Yr Ail - He commands! His authority is absolute! Such is the same as those that march with Y'Trydydd! To my people, The Norns, The Urddas, The Nuwoil, and The Fythol that march south - your Demon and Warlord leaders command! Their authority over you is absolute! You will follow, and carry out their orders without fail and without question!"

The three ice-liches call the demon lords and uruk-hail warlords forward to stand side by side with them before Iâ Cysgodol speaks again, "I say again - IF WE STAND TOGETHER, NONE CAN STAND AGAINST US! I consecrate this union as the ALLIANCE OF BLOOD, FIRE, and ICE!"

The roar and cheers that erupted threatened to collapse the tunnels that spanned the First World. When silence and order returned, "Now go, report to your commanders, with The Bastard's Blessing we shall conquer The West."

Beginning AP = 1AP + 1 Artifact Charge(Bless/Curse)

Bless -1 Artifact Charge: The Alliance of Blood, Fire, and Ice - The strange and disparate union of Uruk-Hai, Demon, and Norn becomes nearly flawless as the different societies, organizations, and leaders work in perfect coordination.

Remaining AP = 1AP

2016-09-13, 08:34 PM
Yahn, The Jade Empire

Sith'Rakaar moved her swollen, red and scaled body over the rooftops of The Citadel as she surveyed her new subjects. She and only she was The Jade Empress and these moments at the first few days of conquest were critical in solidifying her position so that the mortal creatures would cower at her very presence and do her bidding without the slightest of hesitations.

Only then, did she come upon The Temple District and took in the sight of temples dedicated to weak hearted gods and even to gods long dead and long gone. A sneer crossed her monstrous face, her predecessor was weak willed but Sith'Rakaar would have none of it.

With a several lashes of her massive and muscled tail, masonry and carefully crafted idols came crashing down in a thunderous racket. Those deities that were not of The Destined found themselves quickly without a religious foothold within The Citadel.

The Jade Empress climbed up to the highest point upon Tolvan's temple and bellowed out for the sake of the masses. "Hear me, weaklings! Your previous Empress was weak and short-sighted! She allowed you to grovel yourselves before weak and dead gods but I, Sith'Rakaar, YOUR Empress forbid it! My loyal subjects, behold the Glory of The Blood God!"

She let out a mighty and blood curdling roar and at the center of the destruction, great black obelisks of the smoothest stone jutted up towards the sky. Blood freely poured forth from these obelisks into stone basins at their base... a feeding ground...an invitation and a demonstration of Tolvan's might.

Free Alter Land(Fabled Race): The Blood Obelisks - The Blood Obelisks stand at 20ft tall and are made of the smoothest black stone. Blood seeps through these obelisks and into basins which catch the blood for vampires to freely feast from. Where the blood originates, is a mystery although some theorists maintain that it is the blood of Tolvan himself.

2016-09-14, 02:01 AM
((Spoilers because SO LONG OMG))

The Isles of Man

Well, to say that a lot changed very quickly was an understatement indeed! The summer isles had experienced their first winter, and for just a while they struggled as food storage began to dwindle, and but inspiration from the Cult of Eternal Fire and implementing the divine spark from the Golden Men was enough to create a... peculiar form of life. While not an actual "sentient" being, what was created was a source of heat that could sustain itself, generate heat, and even provide light, if needed! These oozes were not hostile, simply hungry, and they "ate" and sustained themselves on the products of magic (such as things frozen by uttercold), dust, debris... really, anything that could be shoved into their mass that wasn't organic in nature. Inevitably, this led to property damage (as many businesses were made of stone, and not wood), but for a time this was viewed as a necessary evil.

And then Rylios made the little critters entirely redundant, by making Mount Hodhr into a boon instead of a bane.

The reaction was quite immediate, and all of the oozes that could be gathered up were taken out to harbor, and then dumped into the ocean. Since no one (especially the Isle of the Gods, with all of their fancy temples and altars) was willing to deal with the destruction these little critters were causing for such little gain! While they were kept somewhat around to ensure that winter itself wouldn't have such a firm, icy grasp in the future... well, the majority of them were instead set loose upon the Uttercold ice flows in the ocean. And the brainless critters seemed to be entirely content with oozing, squirming and reproducing all over in there. Eventually, the pinkish-red oozes became more water-dynamic, and gained the nick-name "jelly fish." May the gods have mercy on their souls.

Actually.. the jelly fish don't have souls. Hm. Well, the gods will have mercy on something they have, humanity was sure!

But still the Blade was a new barrier, and with no way to magically cross it, and the Crackling Below being completely separate from the Isles, humanity was once again divided for a while, with the colonists trapped on their half, and the inhabitants of the Isles trapped to the north... something that needed to be rectified, lest they be irrevocably split. And, seeing as there were families on either side, no one wanted this to happen. Yet... with webwalking being disallowed, how could the society be reunited? Well, there was a god to handle that. And Zean was going to the place that would serve as the crossroads.

For while the Cult of Eternal Flame might preach otherwise, everyone knew that you needed a god to stand against the gods.

Meanwhile, the Sentinels suddenly found that they... didn't actually have anything to guard against. The sudden appearance of the Blade made them pause and reconsider just where an opposing, hostile force could come from, since now the south was completely inaccessible. Instead, they would re-deploy towards the more northern parts of the Isles, still keeping their isles open for training, mining and other things, but also no longer needed to protect against random orken and tiefling raids. But this did not mean that they began to rest, no. Now they knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the North was their enemy... and now that they no longer needed to send soldiers to the frontier, and they knew their enemy lay in the direction of their beloved, none of them even hesitated. It was time to go to war, and they would be ready.

As a side note, tiefling smugglers and their slaves would be out of a job now. With no way to get back to the Eastern Continent, and ships staying pretty much land-locked just outside of the edges of the Isles of Man (Jelly fish and the eruptions from Mount Hodhr only got so far), there was no way for them to smuggle. What few members remained in the continent were left trapped, and what few that were not caught or who did not turn to banditry would be reduced to a sleeper cell. Waiting for some way to escape and resume their work... but it would take generations for such an opportunity to come around. And they would begin to dwindle severely...

Zean - the Void, Sol, the resting place of the Dawn

As the Blade rose up, and the children of the Lotus began to inhabit it, Zean would chuckle at the words of the Lotus. "Well... would you look at that? Plenty of leaders already growing... and an eternal 'king' to lead the rest of its kind. But Voice that Speaks Wisely... one day, I might like to speak with them, after they have had a chance to learn more, and grow together with my children." Starting to rise up from the Verdant moon, he would almost subconsciously mutter, "But first, let's see just what the damage those idiots making people miserable have done..."

Coming to the barrier, standing on it within the void itself, Zean would look down at this new barrier. So, so very close to the god, yet so far away. Sighing, a puff of mist coalescing within the void beside him, Zean would wave down at the mortals that were so close, and yet so far, from him, and he began to walk along the breadth of the line separating the north from the south. Fire and ice... and he he was wanting to write a song about it. Chuckling and shaking his head at his own silliness, Zean would take note of what was happening below. Sol's light was not reaching the surface of much of the north, covered by too many clouds and too much "volcanic" uttercold buildup. His own lands, the Isles of Man, had thankfully been spared the worst of this by divine intervention already, and the light of Sol was allowed to reach them... but elsewhere, everything was freezing over.

In the South, on the other hand, there were too few clouds. Sol's red brother raged and burnt the earth, volcanic activity made heat-trapping soot that constantly choked out and ignited life, slowly pushing the south closer and closer to a molten dessert where the volcanoes existed, and across the Eastern Continent, and a much more vibrant and volatile jungle where forests existed. The extremes were less present towards the equator, but in Zean's mind the problem was clear... and it all came down to light. Looking to Sol and hateful Xenago, the god of Joy would push off of the barrier to the first world with a light raising of star dust below his feet. If he were to try to fix this problem... he needed to go to the source. What he did not expect to find around Sol, however, was a barrier much like the one protecting the first world from his divinity.


But this barrier was not nearly as impermeable, and not as complete. Small gaps were easy to find, and the god pressed his hand into one, causing it to widen around him... and then causing the barrier to unravel for those like him. Having opened a pathway to the portal for himself, Vitae and many of the mortals below (completely by accident), Zean would step through to find out what had been hidden so carefully from sight.

And truly, the discovery he'd made was a sight to behold. A bright and shining city of a forgotten and slumbering people, all held in perfect stasis, all surrounding a palace of grace and soft, radiant light. So many souls, of elves who had long rested and who had been kept safe from the ravages of time and accident by their god, lay around him. Dormant. Waiting for the day when Azrial would call them to action, and they could return to their homes. But that day would not come, for the Dawn had disappeared into Sol, which she had fought so hard and long to protect. The last of the Ebon Court had fallen, but their people still waited here.

But the elves had slept for long enough. Letting his divinity reach out he slowly began to awaken the mortals that had been left behind, breaking them out of their stasis and letting them begin to wander this promised land. Without their god, they were lost... much as the humans of the Eastern continent had been once Tolvan broke them. And Zean was once again here to put them back together. Telling them of what had happened int the First World while they were absent, the God of Peace asked if any would be willing to return. The responses were... mixed. Less than half agreed, either lost in the grief of their god having passed on or wanting to stay in this place where peace was not only a dream, but a reality. But there were others who remembered the Tree, and who's fury at its destruction could not be contained. And while Zean felt sorrow at the source of their zeal, he knew that they would be necessary in the coming days. Sending a prayer to the Lotus, the god of Joy would whisper, "My friend, I seem to have found the elves. And there are some who are ready and willing to assist the mortals on the first world, who could use your guidance and your help preparing for the expedition. Come to Sol and-"

Then Tolvan left Vitae.

And Zean was gone in an instant.

Zean - Valhalla

Only to reappear within the resting place of the warriors, all of his aspects and all of his self present within one body that absolutely radiated with divine power. Fearing that he had neglected his friend as well as the first world while he rested for too long, and that the Champion had fallen to divine apathy as well, Zean would look to one of the assembled warriors and, uncharacteristically forcing his divine will on the being, demand of the warlord, "Bring me to Tolvan. Bring me to my friend."

The King and the God

Oberion closed his eyes and set his crown on his head, giving a sigh as he began to walk from the room. "If that is your answer... then I suppose that is what I will think upon. Enjoy the room, and hopefully you will have a good morning when you wake up." And, without a second look, the king of the Iron Branches would leave Gaius to his thoughts.

In the morning, the king had come to a decision. In open court, he denied sending any of the refugees the right to go to war... unless, of course, they were trained first by the Sentinels and the surviving soldiers that had come from the eastern continent. No one who was unable would be sent, and no one would simply die in a cold, far off place where they would be forgotten without at least having the chance to account for themselves. And no one who went on the expedition would be allowed to be a simple drain of resources. So, while the ships were being built to send their armies to the north, camps to train all volunteers would be set up that would test and train hopefuls. Any what did not meet standards would be sent home, priests of Rylios would heal any injuries that befell those mortals who were injured in the process, and priests of Zean would begin production of... something they called good luck charms? Interesting. And something that might be useful in the coming days...

The rangers would also join in full force, especially once there was no longer a need to defend their homeland against anything but random ghoul appearances (and random jellyfish incursions that happened only when the rare piece of Uttercold they were munching on drifted to shore). They would go to these new lands, and once there, they would be the scouts and witch hunters that would carry their legion to victory...

Gelphenyr, Jericho, Voice-That-Speaks-Wisely - Talks of Peace, establishing a new kingdom

Gelphenyr would nod along as the presence spoke, his own cheerful disposition coloring his thoughts as he (unnecessarily) began to relay the responses from these beings to the prince, and would also discuss what had been said with the other beings. It only took a heartbeat for all of them to come to a consensus. "The needs and desires of our people all differ. For the dragons, we only require stone and water to sustain ourselves, people to entertain and sky in which to fly. The kobolds only need caves or homes in which to rest, as they can provide for themselves, and young for which to care, as that is their purpose and why they exist. The humans... are the complicated ones. They require lands for themselves for their gardens to grow food, and for their homes in which to live. They require comforts such as heat and places to rest other than rock and stone. And they require security... so places in which they can create outposts and a policing force that keeps their society from devolving into anarchy from outside forces acting on them.

"But despite our different needs, our desires remain the same. We wish to find a place of peace and companionship, or to make such a place. Where the cruelties and evils of the world are not so powerful, and prosperity is a real thing. What we desire is a golden age. A Utopia. Even if it is impossible, it is a dream that we will chase until time itself ceases. Hopefully, a goal that you too can share, Voice."


Regardless of what happened in the meeting, Prince Jericho and Gelphenyr would remain on the eastern continent in the colony that the Numenor had established... and when the Blade rose up, they would be trapped on that side as the fires of the south began to burn all the brighter. Cut off from their homelands, the colonists would suddenly find themselves stranded. Among the four thousand would reside fully half of the armies of the Sentinels and the majority of the Ironbranch Rangers, what halflings had been rescued from the slave camps of the Orken, and a small handful of Silver people and Fortune dragons that kept everyone from falling to panic. With Gelphenyr at his side, Jericho was left in the position where he had to lead all of these people instead of being a mere ambassador to the Orchani.

And here they would create a society, one that would hopefully be joined by the Orchani, that would resist the raids and the invasions of those residing within the Crackling Below, and which would work to better their hemisphere of the world. They would work tirelessly to find a way to rejoin their brethren in the north, but, surrounded by danger as they were, they needed to focus more on protecting themselves and securing their new society. This society would be known as Haven, and of everywhere on the eastern Continent, it would be among the safest of lands to reside. A true republic which was presided over by Jericho's line, and which drew council from Gelphenyr, as the dragon's near-immortal lifespan allowed him to survive far longer than the humans and their derivatives.

Eliana, Rylios - The Beloved and the Simple Healer

Eliana had been on a long reconnaissance mission when the Healer arrived, and did not hear of Rylios' presence until she returned to Irt. However, once she had returned and let Sephenyr go to find a place to rest, she immediately made it her mission to find the god. Following the direction of the Healing Dragons, Eliana would make her way to Rylios in the war chambers, and bowed to him once she finally came face-to-face with a founder of Vitae. "Rylios, it is good to have you here beside us!" She would say, standing up with a smile on her face, and the small light of Sol that breached the clouds dazzling over her armor. Not vulnerable to the cold as other mortals were, she had ensured that whatever furs had been meant for her went to someone else.

She did still wear a cape, however, just because she didn't like to dazzel all of the time.

Standing up straight, the Beloved of Numenor would fully enter the tent and let it close behind her, walking to the table which had battle plans and a map full of all of the lands and details that they had been able to scout so far. "The dragons tell me that you have been looking for me in particular. Is there aught I can help you with, healer?" The child of the god would ask, stopping once she reached the table and moving her own pawn back to the base camp.

Starting AP: 2, Fabled action

Rollover: +5 AP, +2 PAP

Fabled Life Action; Create Monstrous Life: Jelly Fish A simple variety of creature that is honestly quite harmless... unless you happen to be a jewel or rock wall. These creatures consume the products of magic, and their favorite food is anything frozen by Uttercold. They hold no intrinsic harmful qualities to anything organic, and generate a comforting warmth that would make them relatively good blankets... if it weren't for the fact that these red oozes are living creatures that almost constantly move. While it is possible to tame a Jellyfish, and many wizards keep them as pets to clean their studies, the vast majority of them are within the Northern Oceans (more specifically, the parts that still have Uttercold iceflows in them that aren't being melted by Mount Hodhr), and there is a large colony that has begun to build up on the base of the Blade.

If used properly, they can get a ship un-stuck from a random ice flow, so captains that find themselves in such a predicament usually "go fishing" and gather a large number of the critters when such an event happens. It also has the added benefit of making things warm while the Jelly fish are around, giving the crew a small reprieve from the harshness of eternal winter all around them.

-2 PAP; Unlock Plane: The Palace of the Sun Zean has unlocked the plane so that the gods of Vitae and the elves that reside within might be able to enter and leave this place. The society of Yggdrasil has not been touched by this, and still exists and functions as it had in the past (albeit, mourning over the fallen god instead of praising them) however...

-2 AP; Form Society: The Reclaimers A society of elves has risen up that desire vengeance on those that destroyed the Tree, burned their world, froze their homes, and who still pillage and corrupt the natural order. An entirely martial society, the Reclaimers have based their economy and hierarchy on warfare, militarizing as much as they can, and calling to the gods of vitae to grant them strength. Their goals are simple; Purge the world of the blight that did such harm to their homes, and then remake their society from the corpse of the World Tree. Unlike the elves of Yggdrasil, the Reclaimers do actually want to leave Sol, and wish to return to lands where they have become forgotten, and members from every organization, caste and background of their old society can be found among their ranks.

I do not control this society, and I am handing it over to ArcaneStomper, to do with as he pleases.

-2 AP; Form Society: Haven Built from the union of the Orchani and Numenor colonists, Haven exists as the perfect example of inter-racial cooperation. An offshoot of Numenor to a degree, it is a proper society in and of itself. Ruled by an elected council of the social elite, Haven does its best to represent all aspects of its eclectic society, and one can see the gardens of the Orchani-Miran alongside the marble architecture of the Numenor, both standing as the pinnacles of what these societies can achieve, and made all the better because of it. Haven's ruling body is counciled by Voice-That-Speaks-Wisely (when she is available) and Gelphenyr, and they have a "token" royal family that functions much like the Queen or King of England, descended from Jericho's line. All of Jericho's line are born as Golden Men, which many take as a sign of Zean's favor in the civilization (when really, it is just selective breeding brought along by Gelphenyr finding the best candidates for the position and having them keep the line strong).

Haven, having had ~50% of its human population as part of the military branch of Numenor, has a surprisingly strong military for such a small border nation. Military service is compulsory in times of strife, and everyone who lives in the borders is expected to pick up the blade and bow, and know how to use them. Haven always is seeking to expand, and other races that are fleeing from wars are more than welcome to come to their lands to find refuge. After all, if evil stands united, then good must rise up to the challenge.

-1 AP; Form Organization; The Silver Legion Just making the Sentinels into a proper organization. (It was sort of odd how the military didn't really add anything to combat, now wasn't it?)

Ending AP: 2

2016-09-14, 04:27 AM
The Jungle of Seeking, Valhalla

Zean was led through a vast jungle just outside the edges of The Plains of The Unworthy. If the god took the time to look around, he would see that the place was home to every single kind of nasty imaginable. Leaves were deep dark red and bark was black as night.

At the center of the jungle, Zean would come across Tolvan himself. The God of War was propped up against a fallen tree, barely able to stand even as new wounds wracked his body and tore at his flesh. Blood poured freely into the red mud, the jungle being so red from Tolvan's blood.

Tolvan lifted up his face and eyed Zean as he slumped down into the mud, a fresh gash happening across his left eye. "Zean, you are here."

2016-09-14, 04:46 AM
The Jungle of Seeking, Valhalla

Zean was led through a vast jungle just outside the edges of The Plains of The Unworthy. If the god took the time to look around, he would see that the place was home to every single kind of nasty imaginable. Leaves were deep dark red and bark was black as night.

At the center of the jungle, Zean would come across Tolvan himself. The God of War was propped up against a fallen tree, barely able to stand even as new wounds wracked his body and tore at his flesh. Blood poured freely into the red mud, the jungle being so red from Tolvan's blood.

Tolvan lifted up his face and eyed Zean as he slumped down into the mud, a fresh gash happening across his left eye. "Zean, you are here."

Zean, Tolvan - Valhalla

Zean was not interested in the plane, nor did he think that the sickness of this plane might translate to sickness of the god himself. The Golden God was here for Tolvan and Tolvan alone, and he could feel the suffering of the great deity even from here. And he couldn't help but give a relieved sigh... at least the God of Strength was alive.

But the moment that he saw what had become of the Champion, Joy's heart broke. Instantly Zean was at Tolvan's side, holding up the god and pressing his hand into a wound, trying to stop the flow of blood. "Tolvan, my friend... what has happened to you? Who has done this? Why... what is happening to you?" He asks, voice cracking with sorrow.

2016-09-14, 05:04 AM
The Jungle of Seeking, Valhalla

Tolvan's bloodied hand reached up and brushed Zean's away. The god grunted through the action and stared Zean in the eyes. "I am sharing in every last bit of suffering throughout creation. Every wound inflicted, every fall down the stairs, every sickness.. I feel it all. I did it to myself...a bit of balance..heh."

Tolvan bent over as his body was wracked in silent pain and when he recomposed himself, he continued on. "Have you not noticed? People are suffering less as I take on their pain... Mmmmm... It's a eye-opening experience."

2016-09-14, 05:33 AM
Zean, Tolvan - Valhalla

"Every disease... every injury..." Zean said in a horrified whisper, as the god pushed him back. Even in his weakened state, Tolvan was still strong enough to make Zean stagger back a few steps, but the god of Joy was already back by his friend's side before the next wound could appear. Looking into the Chamiopn's eyes without flinching, Zean's expression would switch between sorrow, rage and joy as he gave a mirthess laugh and said, "Every injury, and you made the Orken with no way to turn them off?!" Tears streaming down his face, Zean would shake his head and laugh at the irony of it all, and rub one blood-soaked hand along his face to wipe away some tears. "Tolvan, why is it that you, out of everyone, can find the most paradoxically stupid way of getting yourself in trouble? Why is it always you? I'm supposed to be the fool, and you're supposed to be the sensible one... remember?"

2016-09-14, 05:45 AM
The Jungle of Seeking, Valhalla

Tolvan laughed as he leaned back against the tree, clutching at his side as a rib shattered. "There's always a way to shut things down... Nothing is without defeat... Some methods, however are less agreeable than others."

"Ha... I wasn't going to bring orcs, orken or any of their kind into Creation... even if I didn't, there would still be others who bring suffering. It's in my nature isn't it? War and Brutality. Blood and Suffering. I didn't choose to be this way... I just wanted to see my tribe rise up to greatness."

2016-09-14, 06:02 AM
Zean, Tolvan - Valhalla

Moving to sit besides the warrior, reaching out to gently hold Tolvan's broken hand while he shook his head. "Tolvan... you are who you choose to be, not who those domains or whatever make you. Didn't you wonder how I could divide myself like I do, but always remain the same?" He asked, smiling gently at the great green giant. "I'm always me... regardless of what people call me, or what divine aspect I might have splintered off. We are more than just these things that give us power. They make us, not the other way around..." Looking at the face of the Champion, Zean would whisper, "... But of everyone, you would know that most, wouldn't you? Do you really believe that you deserve all of this... horrible, horrible pain? What have you done to..." And the tears were starting to gather once again.

2016-09-14, 03:42 PM
The Jungle of Seeking, Valhalla

Tolvan reached up and with a bloodied thumb, wiped the tears upon Zean's face away, leaving only a small smear of blood under the kindly god's eye. "Our domains are our nature. You know this. It is what defines us as deities, what inspires mortals to call our names. This suffering.. I deserve it and more, both for the things I have done and for the things that I will do."

He moved his hand and his blood took shape, battling orcs and their kin, blood dragons and all manner of cruel creatures that he has created. "Everything I touch brings War, Blood, Conflict, Wrath and Strife. Not a single good and kind thing has emerged from my hands.. Never will there ever be such."

2016-09-14, 06:42 PM
Irt - Gogledd

The icy seas around the fortified outpost receded, and ships of the Hallowed Union were thrown hundreds of feet in the air. Scores of enormous, black millipede figures drug themselves up from the murky waters, throwing their bulk against the docks and walls. Immediately behind them, carried by the high tide of the returning black waters, road dozens of black-sailed norn ships of the llongau'du. As the ships made land fall, innumerable merfolk rose from the sea, falling in with the legions of ice elves making landfall.

Overhead, spinning grey vortexes opened over the town, from which issued even more of the ominous black craft, these slightly smaller and sleeker.

The landward fortifications trembled and collapsed down into a yawning black pit to disappear into an inky globe of annihilation. Those that looked on watched in horror as the globe slowly receded, and from the pit came screaming hordes of demons, orcs, lycans, tieflings, and orken intermixed with thousands of undying fythol, brightly armored urddas, and norns.

As the ships circled above buildings, horses, men, and supplies were flung hundreds of feet into the air as if the worlds gravity had inexplicably reversed itself. There they hung momentarily suspended at the apex of their sudden ascent before the pull of gravity returned and they plummeted to their deaths.

A nearly identical scene played out in Amaranthine, Esgaroth,and Bogcrown.

Ft. Glacier

The slopes of Mt. Aquilo were beyond frigid. The very air itself seemed to crack, pop, and freeze. The forces of the Unyielding Republic that remained on the surface huddled together for warmth. Nothing unusual or untoward had happened since they had established the fort, but cold prevented complacency from setting in. They were, however, caught completely unaware as the Norn nations led the the hordes of their allies up through the uttercold vent, and ripped a hole into the underground fort from below. Tens of thousands of alliance forces issued forth from Dregscape. As the fort was exposed and overrun, dozens of spinning wormholes opened over the volcano, out from which streamed the black-sailed ships of the ice elves.

A nearly identical scene played out at First Reach.

War in the West - The Hallowed Union

As the Liberated Gold Shields of the Hallowed Union struggled and fought Vorn Bloodscreamer's Uruk-Hai, the air and ground opened all around them. Black ships erupted from sky above them turning the uttercold magic they had been using against them. Ildri watched in horror as thousands of her troops were flung helplessly into the air only to crash to their deaths moments later. Countless demons, tieflings, and ice elves poured out of the earth around the gold shields and their leaders. Whirling spheres of annihilation consuming their elemental allies. Vorn smiled around his enormous tusks, as he assumed command of the motley host, laying waste to everything in his path.

Vorn commands the Alliance against the Hallowed Union. The Lycans are in command of the assault on Bogcrown and the River People. The Ice Elves are in command of the assaults in Gogledd. The exact disposition of Heros and Avatars will be worked out in the OC.

2016-09-14, 07:24 PM
Tolzean - Valhalla

Zean's frown at the images shown to him of Tolvan's creations... and then held up his own hand and conjured images of Valhalla as it once was. Of the feast halls and orcs and men standing beside each other. Laughing, equal... happy. And images of the Valkyrie, warriors who brought suffering, yes, but only on those who deserved Justice to be rained from above, and who brought comfort and peace to the dying. And he showed images of the Brotherhood of Steel, proud defenders of their homeland that used their strength not to wage war, but to endure its horrors. "Not everything you have created, my friend. Your more recent creations might follow that trend... but back when we worked together, this was not your way."

Closing his eyes, Zean would whisper, "Perhaps it's because we always worked together before... you made the things, and I tempered them, like the valkyries. Perhaps... I need to do so again, if only to protect you from yourself." And with a snap of the god's fingers, the orken and blood dragons began to change.

As the divine energies ripped out, Zean would open his eyes once more and look straight into Tolvan's own. "Now maybe you'll be able to hear me through the slightly smaller haze of pain surrounding your mind. You are not defined by your domains, you define them. So what if you are a god of war, war can be waged for any number of reasons! It does not have to lead to tyranny and suffering. A god of wrath... well, why are you angry? Again, it's a large domain, could mean any number of things. Blood? Who better to know the body, and how it might be cured. Suffering?" With a sad smile, he would touch a cut along Tolvan's cheek. "Who else will know what the mortals feel? Who better to cure them of their ailments, and try to end that suffering?"

Please Tolvan... listen to what I am saying. You do not need to be a thing, some kind of monster that others revile. Every god can choose to use their power for the good of others, or to make creation worse, but it is always, always their choice. Mortals can be wrong, reputations can be changed, and understanding of ourselves, of our capabilities..." He would whisper, looking vaguely in the direction of the Carnival, and remembering how he had almost eradicated the place in one moment. "It is something that we can all share."

The First World

The change... was instant. Wherever the Orken went that held daylight, they simply stopped, dropped their weapons, and sat down. Be it Xenago's harsh red glare, or Sol's blue, nurturing light, the solar bodies began to sap their will to fight. Of them all, only Vorn and those raised to be his lieutenants were left standing, but even they would feel its effects, and fight with far lesser zeal than they normally might. And since the Western Continent and Golgedd were on the same side of the world, and that's where they wars were being waged... the suffering caused by Tolvan's own children slowed to a trickle. And then came to a stop. The Orken did not participate in the war, and the armies of the alliance wavered as the bulk of their shock troops simply sat down and watched the wars unfold.

Starting AP: 2

-1 AP: Curse; Sight of the Light Orken and Blood Dragons are cursed to be docile in the light of either sun. It simply saps their fighting spirit.

Ending AP: 1

2016-09-14, 09:23 PM
Above the Mountain
Enoch nodded as he listened to Egide's words. He was still wary, but he could understand such actions. "My name is Enoch of the White Lotus Host. My god would be happy to talk with you and discuss what you could do for this world, but worry not. There were few innocents left on the World Tree."

Suddenly his head whips up and he gazes north as the Lotus alerts him to an influx in prayers from the Hallowed Union. "You may have your chance to do good sooner than you think. If you wish you may join the forces of Vitae in defeating a most foul evil."

Formal invitation to Vitae for Egides.

The Glacier Fort
The Iron Guard were surprised at the sudden and overwhelming onslaught. But they had trained in the jungles of the Verdant Moon where panic lead only to death. So their response was immediate. In a flash of golden light every single one of them vanished. A few moments later their safeguards ignited taking all their supplies and equipment up in gouts of flame. In moments nothing was left to the invading Norns, but an abandoned and ruined fortress.

2016-09-14, 11:41 PM
Before the hobbits dared to journey to the Dismal Bog, the Lycanthropes had called it home. They had learned that the Pack is what kept one alive and safe from the illusions of the deep forest, where souls would be trained. They had learned the rituals to perform to unlock the beast that Xenago encouraged in them. With the latest upheaval they even learned to locate the beasts who would turn into humanoids during the night and welcomed them with open arms despite the inverse nature. So when the attack started, the Tattermunge were ready to claim this land once more for their tribe while being led by Tokrich.

The Wilds of the North
The Rimewind were a mysterious bunch of mostly Wereelk that had been recruited during the span when the Fracture interfered with their prayers of aid in the frozen north. They stuck to the blizzards, finding solace in the snow, and minded their own business for the most part. Yet lately their shamans had been receiving visions from the Changing Cycle Above. Visions that if they aided the Norns, the Tattermunge, and the Demonic Court that they would be rewarded with lands that they could call their own. Under such pretenses they fought as scouts and assassins, never mounting a large enough force that the ones they stroke against could defend against just them.

The Coasts of the West
Waves of Surrakar attacked first with the Dwyrdraig, supported by strange bubbles covering their heads as they lashed out. When the Merfolk attacked with the black ships of the Norn they brought forth further terrors of the deep, the Leviathans, that crushed against those ships who attempted to stop their comrade's attack. It became apparent from survivor's tales that there were in fact four separate Schools or tribes that fought: The Inkfathom to the Northeast, Gravelgill to the Southeast, Wanderbrine to the Southwest, and Deepchannel to the Northwest. The Inkfathom and Deepchannel followed the teachings of the Norn and took no survivors, seeming to enjoy a bit too much drowning those they captured, while the Gravelgill and Wanderbrine did everything in their power to capture as many cowards as possible.

The Demonic Hoards
Almost as one the Demons attacked. They, of all of Rathazook's various children, were his favored and it was apparent as the various organizations took their places. The Torchbearers helped keep the defenders warm by setting fire to anything that would burn while also serving as messengers between the various forces and fronts. The Thrill-Killers and their various Gangs mingled with the Norns as they helped summon forth reinforcements or better deploy the elementals that inevitably got created. After all they had gotten particularly good when a band of demons attempted a coup. The Sultai meanwhile acted much like the Rimewind, serving as scouts and ambushers for the Demonic Court.
Most impressive of all were the Demon Lords. Each of them towered over the other creations at nearly twenty feet tall, finally free from their cities as they seemed to revel in the slaughter. The tallest of them all fought alongside Vorn, wishing to see the hobbits they had raided since the beginning finally driven to heel. Yet none of them seemed to attack to kill but to maim, all so that the survivors could be taken below and broken eventually into a new generation of tieflings. The Norn call for no survivors in the North was even casually ignored when it was convenient, the urge to inflict cruelties overriding the desire to have a swift and decisive victory.

Emperor Demonking
2016-09-15, 02:55 AM
Bogcrown, Free

The dragon hunters magics gave them an advanced warning of the masses of dragons coming their ways. Many were hidden in holes and they had already begun their prayers to Dragon and Rylios - although they were trapped by the blades and did nothing - they wre to wait for conflict to begin and elementals to sprout up before really acting - the chorusters would risk little else. This seemed like a generational battle and thus the losses would be accepted.

This means of course that those dead from gravity were the elite members of the Dragon Hunters who were to get the conflict started.

Choo'Wohn, The North

Things had been going bad for Choo'Wohn and the prayers that she could hear showed that they were going bad for all the world. She felt Tolvan leave, and that only made her angry at Lotus. She calmed down that woud not do. She redirected her anger at the ice elves. That would not do either. She was a goddess and ought to be calm. Her anger dissipated.

16 AP + 2 PAP

Curse: The repugnance of Evil, The hatred that Choo'Wohn feels for the norns is shared by all living things other than Norns. It takes much strength of mind to be in combat range with a Norn and to not strike.

16 AP

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-15, 11:03 AM
Above the Mountain
Enoch nodded as he listened to Egide's words. He was still wary, but he could understand such actions. "My name is Enoch of the White Lotus Host. My god would be happy to talk with you and discuss what you could do for this world, but worry not. There were few innocents left on the World Tree."

Suddenly his head whips up and he gazes north as the Lotus alerts him to an influx in prayers from the Hallowed Union. "You may have your chance to do good sooner than you think. If you wish you may join the forces of Vitae in defeating a most foul evil."

The Goddess' head rose a bit as she heard the mention of evil. Good. Allies will be needed in that war.

I'll gladly smite evil for Vitae if that is the help you need.

Ah, if only that face could express emotions. The Great Bird is overjoyed at the thought of having allies that soon.
Egides flapped her wings eagerly, then spoke back to Enoch.

Show me where I should meet your God.

Join Pantheon (1AP): Vitae
Accepting Enoch's proposal, Egides joins Vitae.
7-1 = 6AP

Emperor Demonking
2016-09-15, 11:57 AM
The River People Army, Thorngate

The army tried to take over the Thorngate; a decisive feat. The plan was for the angels to go in first for conflict to begin. Then as elemental were spawned to cause conflict, the choristers could come in to focus it. The more mundane armies surrounded it, as they begun.

However, the first step was for the Bound Guardians to go in to scout it out.

Southern Free

They did not know of the attack on Bogcrown; the wall blocked off contact. They did know of the attack on the Hallowed Union, or at least they had heard rumours. As the Free army began to gather in the southern border, one of their dukes suddenly realised something and a message was sent.

"In the interest of the long-held bond between Hobbits we offer our support to the Hallowed Union."

2016-09-15, 03:57 PM
The Jungle of Seeking, Valhalla

Tolvan reached up and grabbed a fistful of Zean's hair..gently yet forceful, The God of War pulled The God of Joy into his embrace and placed his rough, calloused and broken lips against Zean's soft and gentle ones.

He pulled away, his eyes staring into Zean's with raw fire and said "Monsters are needed to create true Strength."

Those were the last words that Tolvan ever spoke for with those words, Tolvan dissipated and merged completely with Valhalla... The Plane and The God were one and the same.

2016-09-16, 04:12 AM
Zean - Alone again

For one, short, far too short moment, Zean surrendered himself to Tolvan's grasp... but then, the god was gone. Gone into the land all around him, in the earth itself, and the life found it. Left sitting there, Zean would think on the God of Strength's words. Wiping away the last of his tears, Zean would put his mask over his face and slowly stand, before walking away from the last resting place of the Champion, looking back only to whisper, "My lo... Tolvan. You were never a monster... but I will b-be stronger for you. I'll... miss... you..." And then, Joy left Valhalla once again.

The Verdant Moon

When he re-appeared, Zean would look down at the world and think of what had to be done. The world still suffered, and the warriors of the Destined were running around, unchecked. Misfortune befell too often, and good was simply being pushed too far back because of it. So then... perhaps good needed just a little bit of luck on their side.

Raising his hand to snap his finger, the god of Joy would hesitate... and then in a much more subdued manner turn his hand calmly instead, and release a gentle pulse of energy. Letting luck seep from him, Zean would let the blessing swirl and spread to the foes of the Destined. There was more to do but Zean did not have the power to spare for it yet.

Instead Zean would sit down and put his head between his knees, curling up within the forests of the Verdant Moon. Alone.

Starting AP: 1

-1 AP; Curse: Lucky Breaks The plots and plans of the Destined will be made infinitely harder, as their targets almost always seem to slip out of their grasp. Whether it be a spy that should have been caught escaping, or a prison break that should have been put down being successful, things just always seem to go wrong for the mortal followers of the evil gods. Almost as if all of their luck not only disappeared, but was given to their foes. This affects things more on the small scale, as in wars there are simply enough bodies on the field to negate the effects of luck, but even so, individuals opposing the Destined Alliance can very easily become a thorn in the evil blighter's sides.

Remaining AP: Nope

2016-09-16, 08:56 AM
Irt - Gogledd

The icy seas around the fortified outpost receded, and ships of the Hallowed Union were thrown hundreds of feet in the air. Scores of enormous, black millipede figures drug themselves up from the murky waters, throwing their bulk against the docks and walls. Immediately behind them, carried by the high tide of the returning black waters, road dozens of black-sailed norn ships of the llongau'du. As the ships made land fall, innumerable merfolk rose from the sea, falling in with the legions of ice elves making landfall.

Overhead, spinning grey vortexes opened over the town, from which issued even more of the ominous black craft, these slightly smaller and sleeker.

The landward fortifications trembled and collapsed down into a yawning black pit to disappear into an inky globe of annihilation. Those that looked on watched in horror as the globe slowly receded, and from the pit came screaming hordes of demons, orcs, lycans, tieflings, and orken intermixed with thousands of undying fythol, brightly armored urddas, and norns.

As the ships circled above buildings, horses, men, and supplies were flung hundreds of feet into the air as if the worlds gravity had inexplicably reversed itself. There they hung momentarily suspended at the apex of their sudden ascent before the pull of gravity returned and they plummeted to their deaths.

A nearly identical scene played out in Amaranthine, Esgaroth,and Bogcrown.

Ft. Glacier

The slopes of Mt. Aquilo were beyond frigid. The very air itself seemed to crack, pop, and freeze. The forces of the Unyielding Republic that remained on the surface huddled together for warmth. Nothing unusual or untoward had happened since they had established the fort, but cold prevented complacency from setting in. They were, however, caught completely unaware as the Norn nations led the the hordes of their allies up through the uttercold vent, and ripped a hole into the underground fort from below. Tens of thousands of alliance forces issued forth from Dregscape. As the fort was exposed and overrun, dozens of spinning wormholes opened over the volcano, out from which streamed the black-sailed ships of the ice elves.

A nearly identical scene played out at First Reach.

War in the West - The Hallowed Union

As the Liberated Gold Shields of the Hallowed Union struggled and fought Vorn Bloodscreamer's Uruk-Hai, the air and ground opened all around them. Black ships erupted from sky above them turning the uttercold magic they had been using against them. Ildri watched in horror as thousands of her troops were flung helplessly into the air only to crash to their deaths moments later. Countless demons, tieflings, and ice elves poured out of the earth around the gold shields and their leaders. Whirling spheres of annihilation consuming their elemental allies. Vorn smiled around his enormous tusks, as he assumed command of the motley host, laying waste to everything in his path.

Battle in the west.

Ildri let loose orders “Pull back! Stop the illusion!” In seconds the trench filled with spikes and blades were visible. Angels web weaved down to the injured liberated, healing their wounds. The norns’ blast had thrown many of the shields into the air and many had not risen after hitting the ground. But some had stood up, some had forced their blood to flow through them with their force of will others, pulled broken bones together.

“Have the ballistas fire upon the demons! Get the elementals on each other! And begin a full retreat!” Ildri quickly jumped down from the wall as Vorn the butcher landed upon the wall. The hymn of battle changed, two elementals began to fight each other as ballista were fired then left. Great bolts of steel as long as a human struck deep in demon’s molten forms, the gold shields were trained to maim over kill and for it many demons suffered two bolts before the mercy of death.

As the demons fell to their wounds, they erupted into uttercold some only hitting orken and tieflings but some got other demons. Ildri watched, it wasn’t enough to win this but it would be less to fight in the next battle. The last trap was sprung, small fires lit and burning in the abandoned village.

“War leader, thank your new allies, for your men have been cheated this battle and all you have to show for their loss is ash!” Ildri yelled at Vorn as the angels web weaved the gold shields away. The Uruk-Hai had won a battle if it could be called such, but the war was not theirs.

In minutes the village and the trench was an inferno.

The battle of Irt.

The gold shields rallied quickly, they had been ready for disaster but this came from nowhere without a sign. Some liberated were killed by the fall, some survived the fall, holding onto life though will alone and got lucky some only had a broken bone.

Light dragons and angels flew through that air catching who they could, then they started to heal what injured they could find. A few gold shields ran to their ships while most were stranded on land, they were covered and they housed ballistas to fight ship and monster.

Massive bolts flew through the air, tearing apart tieflings, piercing the hide of water dragons and ripped open holds in norns ships. Gold shields moved forth, acting as their name sake holding back the attack, shattering bone and ripping the tendons of their foes that got close. Gold dragons and mages threw back the magic and spells their foes made, while uttercold couldn’t harm norns few can breathe while the air in their lungs is frozen.

Perhaps it was bad luck, maybe it was attacking so many places but Irt was a place better left untouched by the destined. “Your courage fails you.” A god spoke it and so the soldiers of the destined felt their courage crumble like a facade. The defenders of Irt weren’t sure what of those words was inspiring but they found more courage in those words then they know they had.

Rylios stood atop a tent, his left hand raised, his staff transforming in to an iron gauntlet on this right arm. “Those that would die to save others, I ask are willing to face death again?” Beams of yellow light erupted from the healer’s left hand, they moved fast seeking the defenders of Irt and wiping away their injuries. Some saw the healing light undo the work of uttercold, claiming how it couldn’t be. Then they saw those accepting Rylios’ offer as their dead allies stood once more, hearts beating, lungs breathing and not a cut upon them. Death's touch wiped away.

Rylios knew these who had died would not be willing to return again, many had refused initially and more would the more they died. The healer did not only help the people, the fortifications damaged so soon into the attack started to rebuild themselves. Even the tunnel the demons had come from were closing, not at great speed but it fast enough to be seen.

6 ap 0pap 1fl no artefact charge

Create organisation (1ap): the light dragon hoard

While the light dragons are a new life for they learnt much in Irt, about magic, fighting, farming and even a little architecture. But then the norns attack and the dragons worked hard to fight back while trying to save who they could. This conflict has driven the light dragons together, forming this organisation.

Ooc: I have had the plan to make an organisation each week and the plan of this week was ninjas or the like. But with the attack on Irt I figured I’ll have the light dragons help with the rcr if it happens.

5ap 0pap 1fl no artefact charge

2016-09-16, 10:40 AM
Trespass – The Deep Dark
It was almost a dream come true for the Merfolk that drug the Surrakar through on the other side. They were able to give pause to most of the creatures of the deeps, sometimes even being able to turn one horror against another. Most of them began to fantasize about bringing such terror to the seas of the First World to further cement their position as terrors of the deep. Yet eventually they made their way to the coast after generations were born exclusively in Adeteerin and not knowing the relative safety of the First World.
It was these Adeteerin Surrakar, black as the Deep Dark, which breached the surface for the first time in generations in helmets that were only ever used to migrate to a new village. It was they who would discover the horrors that waited for them on the land. They spoke in the guttural tongue of bestial intelligence of not trekking into land any further, of denying the Merfolk that forced them forward, and of returning to the sea as free creatures. Yet for all their talk of mutiny they did nothing as they learned the lesson of their forebears and didn’t touch a thing.
So when a creature made itself known it was a cause of alarm, since everything else was hellbent on killing them. Yet it spoke, which meant that the merfolk could speak to it as well. A pair of the half dozen explorers broke off and returned to the water while the other four eyed the native warily. In about the same time as it took for them to break off they returned, the nearest body of water having a pair of vaguely crocodile like bodies breaching the surface to look at the native.
When they finally spoke, for the Surrakar could communicate well enough among their kind but not convey an actual language, their voice was one of malevolence with the slightest undertone of a hiss. ”Greetingss. We heard you sspoke to the Ssurrakar. We were chossen from the Sschool to sspeak. Who are you? What iss thiss plasse?”
The Deep Dark

If the white robed figure heard the malevolence in the voice it did not show it. Its hands moving about as if it had a plethora of buttons and levers and other such items to attend to.

“NaMeS. It Is A hErNeGlIsCuS, pLeNiPoTeNtIaRy Of AdEtEeRiN aNd ThE lAuGhInG oNeS. YoU, mErFoLk, ArE iN aNd oN aDeTeErIn. PlAcE aNd GoD aNd ThInG.”

Its hands paused in their movement, and A Hernegliscus turned its palms towards the merfolk, revealing multihued eyes.

“We HaVe WaTcHeD yOu FoR sOmE yEaRs. YoU hAvE dOnE wElL hErE. NaMe YoUr PrIzE.”

The Carnival

“I didn’t come here. Where am I? Why won’t you tell me where I am?”

A hobbit stumbled between two tables, there were other hobbits lining them, feasting on food that seemed too big, too tender. They didn’t seem to notice him, not when he talked about certain things. It seemed to the lost hobbit that this place was designed by a man that saw the pillars of a good and happy life and believed that by exaggerating them, a better life could be lived. A bleeding hobbit skipped by and the man fought the bile which threatened to push past his lips, how could the headless live?

“I was on my farm! There was an orc! Where is my farm? Where am I?”

Starting AP: 20 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL
Raise Hero -2 AP (A Hernegliscus): Classic Hernegliscus.
Infuse Hero -3 AP (A Hernegliscus): Don’t mess with a plenipotentiary.
Gain Domain -3 AP: Family (Charity)

4 AP – Create Mythical Life: Rajeam/The Gifted
3 AP – Infuse Hero: A Hernegliscus
Remaining AP: 12 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL

2016-09-16, 05:43 PM
Fort Glacier

The Glacier Fort
The Iron Guard were surprised at the sudden and overwhelming onslaught. But they had trained in the jungles of the Verdant Moon where panic lead only to death. So their response was immediate. In a flash of golden light every single one of them vanished. A few moments later their safeguards ignited taking all their supplies and equipment up in gouts of flame. In moments nothing was left to the invading Norns, but an abandoned and ruined fortress.

As the supplies exploded and the troops disappeared the horde of demons, tieflings, lycans, orcs, and orken withdrew back down the caldera of the once great volcano, and wormholes opened seemingly at random intervals to gobble up the norn ships. A number of white-clad norns remained behind to make certain that the underground facility was entirely collapsed beneath the glacial ice.

Black-clad norn Spider-Rider patrols ranged out from the glacier to ascertain if the area were indeed clear.


The River People Army, Thorngate

The army tried to take over the Thorngate; a decisive feat. The plan was for the angels to go in first for conflict to begin. Then as elemental were spawned to cause conflict, the choristers could come in to focus it. The more mundane armies surrounded it, as they begun.

However, the first step was for the Bound Guardians to go in to scout it out.

As the Bound Guardians approached the mouth of the fortress, the black thorn-shaped ice towers erupted with the blaring of trumpets. Black figures atop their massive iceback spiders seemingly materialized out of the shadows, forming wide arcs flanking both sides of the approach to the gates. The rhythmic clanking of drawn chains was followed by a heavy *CLUNK* as the gates opened and out issued a horde of every imaginable monster and abomination. Behind this monstrous horde marched columns of ice elves - the Urddas in their riotous motley attire, followed by legions of norns, and white-robed Nuwiol.

A second blare of the trumpets preceded rank upon rank of undying Fythol, whose columns centered on a giant, hulking figure with the demonic horns of a goat. Pure white eyes gazed out from its sunken, dead skin. A crown of wickedly sharp rime-frost erupted from its brow - a thick, black ichor slowly trickling down its face.



The battle of Irt.

The gold shields rallied quickly, they had been ready for disaster but this came from nowhere without a sign. Some liberated were killed by the fall, some survived the fall, holding onto life though will alone and got lucky some only had a broken bone.

Light dragons and angels flew through that air catching who they could, then they started to heal what injured they could find. A few gold shields ran to their ships while most were stranded on land, they were covered and they housed ballistas to fight ship and monster.

Massive bolts flew through the air, tearing apart tieflings, piercing the hide of water dragons and ripped open holds in norns ships. Gold shields moved forth, acting as their name sake holding back the attack, shattering bone and ripping the tendons of their foes that got close. Gold dragons and mages threw back the magic and spells their foes made, while uttercold couldn’t harm norns few can breathe while the air in their lungs is frozen.

Perhaps it was bad luck, maybe it was attacking so many places but Irt was a place better left untouched by the destined. “Your courage fails you.” A god spoke it and so the soldiers of the destined felt their courage crumble like a facade. The defenders of Irt weren’t sure what of those words was inspiring but they found more courage in those words then they know they had.

Rylios stood atop a tent, his left hand raised, his staff transforming in to an iron gauntlet on this right arm. “Those that would die to save others, I ask are willing to face death again?” Beams of yellow light erupted from the healer’s left hand, they moved fast seeking the defenders of Irt and wiping away their injuries. Some saw the healing light undo the work of uttercold, claiming how it couldn’t be. Then they saw those accepting Rylios’ offer as their dead allies stood once more, hearts beating, lungs breathing and not a cut upon them. Death's touch wiped away.

Rylios knew these who had died would not be willing to return again, many had refused initially and more would the more they died. The healer did not only help the people, the fortifications damaged so soon into the attack started to rebuild themselves. Even the tunnel the demons had come from were closing, not at great speed but it fast enough to be seen.

A light dragon slammed into one of the norn ships, shredding it to pieces, as the ice elves tumbled to the frozen earth. Another dragon slammed to the earth, overcome by the twisted gravitation field conjured by the elven Dark Speech. A number of ships were ripped asunder by the massive bolts fired by the Liberated Gold Shields, some tumbling to the ground, while others continued their low circuit around the fortified outpost.

The swirling masses of frigid uttercold that were thrown back upon the alliance forces simply winked out of existence, nullified by the Absolutes of Trefn y Ocwlt.

One of the water dragons collapsed back into the dark waters, with an enormous ballista bolt embedded between its eyes. The creature's bulk crushed three ships of the Hallowed Union, throwing splinters and icy waves in a massive arc.

As Rylios rose above his troops and spoke, the monstrous onslaught slowed, and stopped as the forces of the Alliance were overcome with fear and doubt. What was at first a mere handful of orc, lycans, and norns retreating into the underground breech soon became a torrent, as the field was suddenly lit by a bright golden light and the fallen Gold Shields arose - their bodies suddenly restored, their wicked wounds closing and their broken bones miraculously knitting themselves back together.

Despite being ridiculously outnumbered, the defenders stood strong and defiant. Too brief was that moment. Too brief was that flicker of hope. From the sea strode a giant, hulking figure with the demonic horns of a goat. The uttercold aura of the ice-lich could not freeze the black waters of the north, but those who stood upon the shore were struck down instantly.

As the figure strode upon the shore it leveled its spear ominously at Rylios, and twenty more ice dragons erupted from the sea as legions of ice-elves streamed ashore.

The retreating troops of the Alliance stopped their descent back into the earth, as a field of black, life-leeching energy crested from the hole, spilling out over the battlefield. Where the darkness fell upon the dead and dying they arose as twisted, heinous abominations. A giant, hulking figure with the demonic horns of a goat, slowly pulled itself up from the ground to stand over the demoralized troops. In its hand it gripped the black heart of the Ebon King. Holding it aloft, the figure drove back Rylios' light and the monstrous horde of the Alliance rushed back into the fray. The giant ice-lich pointed the Ebon Heart at Rylios, "Ask not if your feeble band is willing to face death again. Instead ask if they are willing to face DEATH ITSELF! DEATH INCARNATE!"

Iâ Cysgodol & Yr Ail(presuming that Eliana is also here)

2016-09-16, 07:18 PM
Battle in The West

Vorn let out a snarl of a smirk as he watched his enemy retreat. Such a thought... She actually believed his kind valued such things? He, along with the rest of his ilk found great entertainment in that.

"Weird Boyz... stop the fire." The command was unspoken, a rippling thought which was directed through the horde of Uruk-Hai from every mind to every mind. Despite their general lethargy under the the bright light in the sky, The Orken were still quite formidable and the Ice-Elves, despite their supposed superiority could only stare and wonder as the fires were snuffed out.

"Gather whatever is left.. Orken rest and wait for the light in the sky to pass. Set orcs and Ogres to guard duty...tell the elves to halt their advance and the demons to stand down." The words once again spread across the horde and as one single entity, their numbers gathered with Orken entering homes and holes to hide from the sunlight and to spread their spores and non-orken taking up guard positions and messengers frantically running between the forces of the Alliance.

2016-09-16, 07:44 PM
The Goddess' head rose a bit as she heard the mention of evil. Good. Allies will be needed in that war.

I'll gladly smite evil for Vitae if that is the help you need.

Ah, if only that face could express emotions. The Great Bird is overjoyed at the thought of having allies that soon.
Egides flapped her wings eagerly, then spoke back to Enoch.

Show me where I should meet your God.

Join Pantheon (1AP): Vitae
Accepting Enoch's proposal, Egides joins Vitae.
7-1 = 6AP

Enoch points to the Verdant Moon, a viridian orb floating peacefully in the void high above the world. "You can find the Lotus there, and occasionally others of Vitae as well. Though I do not know if they are there now. Will your creations join in this fight? If so I can take them to where the rest of my host prepares for battle."

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-16, 08:16 PM
Enoch points to the Verdant Moon, a viridian orb floating peacefully in the void high above the world. "You can find the Lotus there, and occasionally others of Vitae as well. Though I do not know if they are there now. Will your creations join in this fight? If so I can take them to where the rest of my host prepares for battle."

She turned her head toward the Whirlwind Armors, then looked back at the Angel.

My children long for battle against evil. They arent many yet, but if enough are left to patrol and guard the Skypeak mountains and the Great Tree's remains, the rest can go and help you.

She flapped her wings vigorously before going toward the Verdant Moon.

So long, Enoch, May the Whirlwind Armors be of great help on the battlefield.

Egides soared toward the Verdant Moon, as a few of her creations flew toward the Angels. They could do a bataillon by themselves, but not an army.
An older-looking Armor got closer and spoke in a metallic voice to Enoch.
"We're sorry. Our forces are directed toward scouting and guarding our home and the remnants of the Skeletton Tree, but I promise that we will send you more soldiers as our numbers grow."

2016-09-17, 01:51 AM
Enoch and the Whirlwind
Enoch nods at the armor, one being of steel and armor to another, "Our gods do not ask that we defeat the forces of evil alone. Only that we do what we can to overcome the trials ahead. Come I will show you the proving grounds of the angels."

Enoch and the Mountain
To the mountain of steel flew Enoch trailing behind him a retinue of angels and whirlwind armors. There on the once home of the forge god they found that the angels had been busy indeed. The mountains rang with the clashing of metal as legions of angels freshly created by the forge trained and fought to prepare themselves for the battles ahead.

Here under the guidance of Enoch the angels had replenished their numbers even exceeding the original hosts of their creators. There were no words, no great speeches of motivation. The angels had been brought into the First World to fight evil. For millennia they had kept this pact, though many had fallen along the way.

Now they faced their greatest challenge and they would not fail.

Enoch and Death
Leaving the angels and whirlwinds behind to prepare and follow after him Enoch flew onwards. He knew that if the followers of Vitae who still fought on the northern continent were to be saved time was needed for the forces of Vitae to regroup and reinforce them. And he would buy that time. With his life if necessary.

Winging up and over the blade at a speed that no mortal and few angels could match he blasted towards the north leaving behind a long and ringing boom. At last he arrived at Irt, and as he feared the forces of good were hard pressed, even though the very god Rylios stood with them.

As the massive figure below bellowed its challenge Enoch plunged to the earth. The angel alighted with a crash in front of the figure. It's metal armor shone with the soft green light of the Lotus. It's arms bristled with thorns and vines as it prepared to match the other avatar in combat. Around the icy ground crackled as new growth bloomed and covered the ground despite the cold and death which permeated the air.

"Death itself I might fear, but I do not see Death incarnate here. Only a child playing with a toy it does not understand. Even the one who gave it to you cannot claim to be death incarnate. For I saw him pull it from the bones of ancient divinity defeated by sorrow not combat."

The Resplendant Empire
As Yamoto watched its retainers practice with their blades in the courtyard its contemplation were interrupted by a crash of thunder. The slender panels that made up the walls of the compound shook as a shooting star crossed the sky.

With wonder Yamoto watched it passed even as its followers asked what happened. Its reply was simple. "It is a sign from the gods. It is our time. It is the time of the Panji. We march at once."

And so the great war garden of the Panji set out. A teeming mass of angry flowers singing songs of glory and war spreading across the world.

It was really a very pretty sight.

The Southern Jungles
Perched atop a stone ziggarut which had stood for centuries sat a being even more ancient than the structure itself. Wise and venerable it regarded the jungle on the slopes below. At first glance it was normal enough. The trees swayed, the animals prowled, and the birds chirped.

It was only at a second glance that the abnormalities stood out. The birds chirped in sequence and relay. The animals all prowled in one direction. The jungles swayed not with wind, but with movement. An entire sea of life filled with one purpose as it slowly crept north.

With no sounds the being reached out. Its mind brushed against that of another. "So you are finally moving. What has brought this on."

And with a whisper the other thought, "Our god has spoken. Those who killed the First One lie in the north. We go for vengeance."

"Vengeance is a terrible thing." "We know, but there comes a time when it is the only thing."

The ancient being shook its head and slowly stood up. The Pith had stood patiently for eons watching the world go by. It personally had seen most of that. Their god was dead, but their purpose was not forgotten. And the Orch had helped them take the first step towards that purpose. If the Orch were going to war, then so too would the Pith.

Hopping down the Ziggarut's steps with a nimbleness that belied its age the ancient being headed towards the secluded holds of the Pith. It had no doubt that they would answer the call of Aard the Eternal.

Earlier, the Aetheric Plane
For the first time the Lotus reached out. Across the psionic plane its call resonated, and one and all the Orch heard the voice of their god, "My children. By root and branch you have descended from my first creations, and you have made the world your own through every obstacle."

"Your success and growth has pleased me in every way as a testament of your devotion to life. Now however I bring grave tidings. There are gods beyond those you know. Gods of fire and ice and destruction. They seek to end this world. Fortunately they are blocked from the world much as I am, but they too have their followers and children. And those twisted mortals will stop at nothing to carry out the wishes of their gods."

"To the north lie other lands and other races. You have met some of them, and others you have not. Even now they struggle against the followers of the Gods of Destruction. Perhaps they could overcome them on their own. Perhaps the Orch need not get involved. I would rather you be free to continue your own lives, and enjoy the wonders of creation on your terms."

"But perhaps the other races will fail. Perhaps they will fall one by one to the combined creatures of darkness. And then so too shall the world be consumed. It is a risk I find myself unwilling to take."

"And so I say to you. Go North. Aid your fellow races of creation. Root yourselves against the forces of destruction, and know that I am always with you."

With a thought the Lotus withdrew its mind from that of the Gestalt. And at the same moment the Orch moved.

In the jungles of the south thousands of Orch rolled north. Accompanying them were the Hachi bee people, the last of the pure Orcs, and entire jungle of animals tamed to the Orch's aims. In the east the the Orch climbed the blade, and a vast fleet launched from the peaks of Orch'Voi. In vast beasts they sailed the sea of stars around the curve of the world to reach their destination.

The Verdant Moon
General Harmond walked along the parade ground. His arm ached, and he rubbed at it absently. Only to realize once again that it was no longer there. Cut off by the sword of one of those accursed ice elves. Every time it's absence surprised him once more. He grimaced and surveyed his forces.

In front of him were rank after rank of Iron Guard. Their helmets carefully painted to not gleam at all. Their armor was plain and unadorned covered in greys and brown. These were not the magnificent warriors of an army on parade. These were soldiers who fought against the very forces of nature. They had protected the republic from a land where everything wanted to kill them, and despite everything they had succeeded.

In the distance a steady drone announced the arrival of the Wasp Warriors. The very presence of which was a mark of the determination of the Iron Guard. Once the terror wasps had decimated the republic. Once every town had been protected by archers, and every city by ballista.

Now, now the wasps flew for the Republic. As Harmond watched, flight after flight of the massive insects buzzed over the assembled ranks of the Iron Guard. They were headed for the webweaving gates. They would go through first and engaged the black ships in the skies, then the Iron Guard would follow and secure the ground. All they needed now was a bit of time.

Sol, the Reclaimers
Even as part of itself spoke to the Orch, and part of itself resided in the Verdant Moon, another fragment of the Lotus, in fact its physical form, moved to Sol. And through it into the city of the elves. It saw the assembled Reclaimers. Those elves who wanted to return to the First World. And it spoke to them.

"I am the Lotus. For many ages my children and your ancestors lived on the World Tree together. They did not live in harmony, for they knew nothing of each other. They at least did not war against one another, but neither did they aid one another."

"For a time all was well. But now the World Tree lies ruined. Its corpse frozen and broken. For the elves left it and the Orch alone could not save it. I ask that you take this lesson to heart. Do not face the world alone. Work with my children and the followers Vitae."

"I will teach you the powers that I know. The way of the Verdant to control life. The Words of Power to draw on my strength. The knowledge of the Aether so that you need never be alone. And finally the art of web weaving so that you may go forth and do what you must."

And with another thought the Lotus reached out and gave the elves a great gift of knowledge. Along with a few parting words of wisdom, "Use these gifts well. For with them comes the potential to do great harm."

Starting AP 0: Starting PAP 0
(+7 AP, +2 PAP) Rollover

(-3 AP) Infuse Hero: The Gestalt
In times of need the Gestalt can extend its psionic link upwards into the very mind of its god, or vice versa if the Lotus desires a presence on the First World.

(-2 AP) Form Society: The Remnants Longing For Perfection
Led by Aard the Eternal this is the society of the Pith. For years they have lived in seclusion on the southern continent waiting for their god to return and continue their ascension. In recent times they have been in contact with the Orch who showed them the dormant form of their god.

This made the Pith mournful and slightly bitter, but the Orch also shared the entire plan that El had for them and have offered their aid. The Pith have agreed and dedicated their society to fulfilling their god's plan, which after all is nothing less than the perfection of their race and civilization.

(-2 PAP) Form Society: The Angelic Legion
There aren't many hosts of pure angels left. But Enoch has gathered those who remain after so many eons and formed them into an organized legion to better serve the gods of Vitae.

(Fabled Life) Create Monstrous Race: Celestial Gardens
Launched from the top of Orch'Voi these massive cloud grazers have been modified further by the Orchani'Miran to grow to immense sizes and survive in the void. Their internal gas chambers have been repurposed as living quarters and gardens with grand windows to allow the Orch to live in the Void and drink in the undiluted light of Sol.

In time the Orch hope to transition to a point where they can live in the void unprotected, but these are a good first step.

(Infused Plane) Alter Land: Grand Starburst
A grove of massive starburst plants that the Lotus has grown near the Iron Fortress.

(Bless Artifact) Bless: Guardians of the World
Vitae is a pantheon of guards dedicated to the protection of the world and ensuring the survival of the mortal races. And as the gods move so do their mortal followers. All worshipers of Vitae are granted a special insight into the hearts and motivations of other worshipers allowing them to collaborate on even the most complicated endeavors.

(Hero Artifact) Raise Hero: General Harmond
An old and disciplined hobbit who has spent decades training the Iron Guard into the resolute and steadfast organization which it now is.

(Organization Artifact) Create Organization: The Wasp Warriors
Through extreme dedication and effort the Iron Guard have managed to tame a number of terror wasps. These have been used to form the air branch of the Iron Guard, the Wasp Warriors.

Even the domesticated terror wasps are unfriendly and hostile to everybody but their handlers, so while enormous they are only used for combat rather than transportation or scouting.

Each Terror Wasp is ridden by an experienced druid who uses Verdant Infusion to see through the senses of the wasp and direct them in combat. For protection each druid rides in a raised section of the wasp's own carapace, which has been molded by the Verdant Infusion and forms a harder armor than anything the Iron Guard possess.

(-2 AP, Minor Artifact Artifact) Create Minor Artifact: The Gauntlets of Life
Infused with the energy of the divine these gauntlets are made of bark and vines from the depths of the Verdant Moon. They allow anyone wearing them to tap directly into the power of the Verdant Moon.

The direct touch of the living heart of the verdant moon is far more powerful than anything possible with its mere radiated energy. This means that anyone wearing the gauntlets can use the verdant infusion as an extension of their own will. Rapidly changing themselves or others as circumstances suit.

Ending AP 0: Ending PAP 0

Emperor Demonking
2016-09-17, 05:52 AM
The Northern Forces, Thorngate

The River People had long been used to having oter creatures in their ranks and workin with them, but the River People were Hobitts and the angels and ship guardians they worked with were foregners. However, the cold trek into what was likely to be death altered that for many. While many longed to return home - they knew not of the Free uprising, or of the wall - others thought about making a home here, and so did angels - not out to fulfill some duty to Choo'Wohn but out of friendship and loyalty -, and so did Ship Guardians who were finding the young hobbitts more intersting than the immortal guardians had expected; so often spending their lives aloof.

As they burried the rafts of the Bound Guardians, they spoke of perhaps conquering Thorngate and when evil was scrubbed out turning it into a home for the Northmen.

Still the battle had to be won first.

Choo'Wohn, To Mt Steel

Choo'Wohn had been kept informed of everything via prayers, however that all stopped when she evaporated through the spres. She cursed this abuse of her daughters only creation. Calm! Calm! Sher considered walking through Free as a symbol of power. That was even worse than anger.

As fast as the wind she was a Mt Steel and the Vitae forge. The ship goddess was not going to allow the Norns to be the ones with the Flying Ship and thus she got to work. Her ship was large. Almost showoffingly large with a great spike at the front. It could be steered easily by its posessor, provided that that owner had the mind required to steer it - a mortal that tried would surely die.

She guides it out of Mt. Steel and looked around. She was told by some of servants that Enoch had gone by and picked up many soldiers for the fight against the Destroyer. Choo'Wohn saw this was good. However, many River People who took this as their new home were still here and Choo'Wohn invited them onto her ship; those that were able to fight but had not volunteered before.

Then it set off with Choo'Wohn's touch guiding it.

16 AP
- 2 AP: Create Society: The Northmen; Hobbits, Angels, and Ship Guardians fored through adversity.
- 4 AP + Viatae Forge Artefact: The Great Ship: Combat artefact in the form of a great flying ship.
10 AP

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-17, 10:01 AM
Enoch and the Whirlwind
Enoch nods at the armor, one being of steel and armor to another, "Our gods do not ask that we defeat the forces of evil alone. Only that we do what we can to overcome the trials ahead. Come I will show you the proving grounds of the angels."

Enoch and the Mountain
To the mountain of steel flew Enoch trailing behind him a retinue of angels and whirlwind armors. There on the once home of the forge god they found that the angels had been busy indeed. The mountains rang with the clashing of metal as legions of angels freshly created by the forge trained and fought to prepare themselves for the battles ahead.

Here under the guidance of Enoch the angels had replenished their numbers even exceeding the original hosts of their creators. There were no words, no great speeches of motivation. The angels had been brought into the First World to fight evil. For millennia they had kept this pact, though many had fallen along the way.

Now they faced their greatest challenge and they would not fail.

The mountain of Steel
The older flying armor tilted their head.
"Proving grounds ?"
Having never seen the world beside the Skypeak Mountain and its viscinity, the Whirlwinds behind them looked. Despite their emotionless appearance, they were both excited to see the world around them (and maybe bring back some things for their home if they ever could), and determined to fight the evil plaguing the First World, just like their Goddess asked them.
Following the angels in a typical V shape, the metallic birds looked at the steel mountain, waiting for a signal or an order from the Lotus followers.
They looked way more docile than when Enoch first met them around their goddess.

The Verdant Moon
Egides finally arrived on the moon. She had trouble finding a place to land on, as most of it was covered in forest and she didn't want to accidentally harm Lotus's realm, but she found a large field (or a leaf ?) where she could rest.
The field itself was covered in sharp grass, and as she looked around her, she saw the luxurious forests growing and the flowing rivers. The area itself was abound with life; birds sang their heart out, the forests rustled with wild animals and insects were buzzing around flower patches.
The Goddess watched over this Eden of life, looking for people to guide her toward the Lotus, or even the God themselves.

2016-09-17, 10:23 AM
Spooky Scary

A reverent walked through the city of glass, humming some melody she had once known in life. Sat down on a bench, eyes purposefully avoiding the burnt in image of a body on the floor nearby. She had died there, instantly consumed in heat and noise and fury. She tried not to think about it, it was uncomfortable to remember your death after all. The mockery’s eyes skipped over the mark, if a person had been watching it would have been clearly obvious that she was avoiding looking there. Eyes do not lie. But her eyes flicked back, for lying there, was her. Her body as she had been in life was there only long enough for her to know truly that it had been her corpse, and then it was gone.

Starting AP: 12 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL
Curse -1 PAP (Corpses keep falling on my head): When a flesh and blood creature dies, its corpse is transported to The Corpse Fields, within Adeteerin. To avoid literally everything dying, if that corpse was going to be eaten by its killer, it does not poof to Adeteerin immediately, instead waiting until said consumption is done. (This one is ongoing)
Blessing -1 PAP (A Good One Down): Every flesh and blood corpse that has ever died, is sent to the Corpse Fields. If there is rotting, it is fixed. Even those that have had their bodies scoured away by nuclear fire, are given semblance of what they were in life before being whisked away. There is no ongoing thing keeping them from rotting again once there. (This is not ongoing, the curse handles the dead after the point of this blessing)
Create Monstrous Life -1 FL (Skeletons & Zombies): These undead are fixated with flesh, for flesh is their economy, preferably the flesh of the living, for it takes longer to rot, but the flesh of the dead works, even the flesh of the undead. Skeletons and Zombies are sometimes looked at as different things, but they are in fact, the same creature. The possession of flesh makes a skeleton into a zombie, and makes it faster and stronger, more able to acquire more flesh. Once the skeleton has acquired the flesh, preferably from a victim with a still beating heart, it only needs to press the flesh against its body and it immediately becomes stronger and faster. Thus skeletonism and zombieism can be viewed at as more as a spectrum. Both ends are notoriously hard to kill, kept animated through necromantic energies long after even a liberated would have ceased moving.
Alter Land -1 IP (The Corpse Fields): In Adeteerin there is a place where the ground is bodies, and the trees are bodies and the lakes are blood and bile. These are the corpse fields, a land constructed from the uncountable corpses that have been created since the dawn of time. The air is a toxic miasma of the rotting bodies, the ground sloughs beneath your feet. Worse still, Skeletons and Zombies and other undead make their home here. Profane mists spring up every so often, and where they flow, the bodies that make up the landscape rise into undeath.
Remaining AP: 12 AP 0 PAP 0 IP 0 FL

2016-09-17, 10:57 AM
Battle in The West

Vorn let out a snarl of a smirk as he watched his enemy retreat. Such a thought... She actually believed his kind valued such things? He, along with the rest of his ilk found great entertainment in that.

"Weird Boyz... stop the fire." The command was unspoken, a rippling thought which was directed through the horde of Uruk-Hai from every mind to every mind. Despite their general lethargy under the the bright light in the sky, The Orken were still quite formidable and the Ice-Elves, despite their supposed superiority could only stare and wonder as the fires were snuffed out.

"Gather whatever is left.. Orken rest and wait for the light in the sky to pass. Set orcs and Ogres to guard duty...tell the elves to halt their advance and the demons to stand down." The words once again spread across the horde and as one single entity, their numbers gathered with Orken entering homes and holes to hide from the sunlight and to spread their spores and non-orken taking up guard positions and messengers frantically running between the forces of the Alliance.
The Battle in the South
The Demonic Court was not as unified as it could've been. The forces of Tidehollow and Rix Maadi would listen to the command to stand down, the Lords already starting to mold the lands into something more fitting for their uses. Yet Screamreach wouldn't listen for they had been raiding the above ground world since their prizes banded together in societies. In a slow circle they began to enslave the small groups of hobbits that stood against the Court and smashed against the more well defended points. With every step the Lords took, though, the ground grew barren and hot, nearly too much for the natives of the Crackling Below.

The Deep Dark

If the white robed figure heard the malevolence in the voice it did not show it. Its hands moving about as if it had a plethora of buttons and levers and other such items to attend to.

“NaMeS. It Is A hErNeGlIsCuS, pLeNiPoTeNtIaRy Of AdEtEeRiN aNd ThE lAuGhInG oNeS. YoU, mErFoLk, ArE iN aNd oN aDeTeErIn. PlAcE aNd GoD aNd ThInG.”

Its hands paused in their movement, and A Hernegliscus turned its palms towards the merfolk, revealing multihued eyes.

“We HaVe WaTcHeD yOu FoR sOmE yEaRs. YoU hAvE dOnE wElL hErE. NaMe YoUr PrIzE.”

The Carnival

“I didn’t come here. Where am I? Why won’t you tell me where I am?”

A hobbit stumbled between two tables, there were other hobbits lining them, feasting on food that seemed too big, too tender. They didn’t seem to notice him, not when he talked about certain things. It seemed to the lost hobbit that this place was designed by a man that saw the pillars of a good and happy life and believed that by exaggerating them, a better life could be lived. A bleeding hobbit skipped by and the man fought the bile which threatened to push past his lips, how could the headless live?

“I was on my farm! There was an orc! Where is my farm? Where am I?”

Starting AP: 20 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL
Raise Hero -2 AP (A Hernegliscus): Classic Hernegliscus.
Infuse Hero -3 AP (A Hernegliscus): Don’t mess with a plenipotentiary.
Gain Domain -3 AP: Family (Charity)

4 AP – Create Mythical Life: Rajeam/The Gifted
3 AP – Infuse Hero: A Hernegliscus
Remaining AP: 12 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL
The Deep Dark - Hernegliscus, Silvergill Merfolk
The merfolks pondered the question, seeming to communicate among themselves in their guttural language, before one turned to the creature. He said "We sseek power and meanss to ensslave the dirtwalkerss on the other sside. We dessire to be Lordss of the Ssea." The other one then spoke up, adding "We will remain in thiss land though, for the journey iss long in your sseass."
Starting: Fabled, 1 PAP
Alter Land (Fabled}: The Marching of War Where the Demon Lords fight and march, the ground beneath cracks and burns. Even if they're pushed back they leave behind ground that can't be worked until possibly after the war and it can be properly healed.
Create Organization (-1 PAP): The Axesharks Warriors of the Schools, these Merfolk train hard to push their ability to travel along the ground so that they can join the Surrakar on their raids. While they may not be as fast of a swimmer as a typical Merfolk they can at least move as fast as a hobbit so that they can smash them into a pulp with stone weapons.

2016-09-17, 04:30 PM
Yahn, The Jade Empire

Most folk in The Empire didn't pay much mind to the black and bleeding obelisks. They saw them as divine sculptures but there really wasn't any real interest...at least among humans and hobbits.

Among the vampires, it was a completely different story. With the more Lawful aligned, they recognized their debt to The Dragon and continued to venerate The First Blood... but others among them.. they were not content... Those who had little patience for structure or tradition found themselves gathering towards Yahn, one by one, drinking from the blood before disappearing under the Capital, rarely to be seen by mere mortals.

Over a small period of time, those vampires who drank from the basins upon the obelisks found themselves slowly twisting and changing in their mindsets..exceptionally cruel and wholeheartedly devoted to Sith'Rakaar.

0AP, 0PAP Start
+6AP, +2PAP Rollover
-2AP Form Society: The Blood Halls - A society of vampires dedicated to their cruel mistress, Sith'Rakaar. The exist in a series of hallways and hidden rooms beneath Yahn, feeding from the obelisks when able... on mortals when necessary. They are exceptionally cruel and cold hearted.
-1AP Form Organization: The Blooded - The Elite among The Blood Halls. They serve as both Sith'Rakaar's personal guard and as secret shadow Enforcers.
-2AP Raise Hero: Sith'Rakaar
-1AP Form Organization: 1st Red Guard Legion
-1PAP Form Organization: 2nd Red Guard Legion
-1PAP Curse: The Blood provided through the obelisks in Yahn was directly squeezed from Tolvan and from Valhalla itself... such a wonderful blood source while intoxicating proved to be too much for most vampires, driving them into depravity and insanity.
*While the J.I.D. was comprised of humans and hobbits, the R.G.L. was comprised solely of vampires, twisted and cruel in every aspect.
0AP, 0PAP Remaining

2016-09-17, 07:27 PM
The Jade Empire Marches

Sith'Rakaar flew high above the forces of The Jade Empire as they marched through the mountain passes of their home out of The Citadel. Human, Hobbit and even Vampire marched side by side in a sea of red and green.

Not a single battle hymn or song rose up from these forces, a silent and tactical move to converge upon Irt using vast amounts of carnum to disguise their approach along with whatever cover was naturally gifted to them through the mountains.

The Jade Empress herself used the clouds as cover, silently gliding through the sky with a watchful eye ever directed below.

The Hallowed Union

Night had come and gone 3 times in total as Vorn's forces gathered in strength just within the borders of The Hallowed Union.

During their rest, the Orken spread their spores about the dark and shadowed places and before long, their numbers were greatly replenished as Orklings, Orken children were formed.

"Arm the little ones and prepare them for battle... place them in the front." Arms and armor of the dead were hastily scraped together from the battlefield and shoved into the eager thin green arms of the Orklings. Before long, all were ready for war.

The Alliance once more took up arms and marched towards The Heart of The Union. Songs of bloody battle resounded and at the front of it all, 10,000 Orklings, shaking in their mismatched armor as they moved forward with Vorn amongst their ranks.

2016-09-17, 08:32 PM
Thorngate - Gogledd

Y'Trydydd strode across the frozen landscape toward the forces waiting to attack Thorngate, then transformed into a rolling bank of uttercold mist. The frigid cloud swept across the hobbits, angels, and spirit guardians decimating their ranks. The billowing mist rolled over the land seeming to pick up speed as it went, until it faded into the steel grey sky.

Starting AP = 1AP +(7AP + 2PAP +1 Artifact Charge + 1 Fabled Life Action)rollover

Emperor Demonking
2016-09-18, 03:13 AM
The Great Ship, Thorngate

Guardian Spirits are born when a ship is being used while housing a practising priest of Choo'Wohn. This ship had numerous of those. It even had Choo'Wohn. Great was born. Great was only young, but the way she could chirp to the combat artefact equalled Choo'Wohn. As Great steered the ship above the wall, and to the other side, Choo'Wohn was pleased and flew off to leave it to the young hero.

The ship crossed many continents to get to Thorngate.

AP: 14 + 2 PAP
- 2 AP: Raise Hero: Great, the Guardian Spirit of the Great Ship.
1P: 12 + 2 PAP

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-18, 07:24 AM
The Verdant Moon

Egides flew over and over the forests, looking for a sign of sentient life. Maybe they hid very well, or maybe there were none at all. But Lotus would surely have some servants walking this moon to serve them...
No, this won't be enough. The goddess needed scouts to find that god. She should have taken a few Whirlwind Armors with her when she took off to the Verdant Moon.
Exasperated, she beat her wings. As loose feathers fell from her wings, thousands of ridiculously small iridescent birds took shape from them. Forming a thick colorful cloud around her, they shortly scattered across the jungle, like little bolts of rainbow lightning zooming back and forth between flowers.
The Great Bird sat still on a tree, focusing on each of the sprites to see through their eyes.

6+4AP 0+2PAP [rollover]

Create Monstrous Life (1PAP): Hummingbirds
Fast, small, discreet, shy; these birds fly at amazing speeds. Displaying the most vibrant and iridescent feathers, they reproduce quickly, but to keep up with their hyper life, they drink as much nectar as they can from flowers. They are extremely territorial against anything smaller than them who dares approach their flowers.
Egides can see through their eyes if she focuses enough.

10 AP, 2-1 = 1PAP

2016-09-18, 12:37 PM
Just beyond Irt

In the mountains just beyond Irt, the forces of The Jade Empire laid in wait for their Empress' command to attack. They hid among rock and shrubbery with powerful carnum furthering their ability to remain deceiving of the naked eye.

"Captain, the ferals are getting restless." said a Legionaire to High Captain Wong of The Blooded. The High Captain turned his malevolent gaze upon the soldier for a brief moment before casting his gaze back over the leashed and tethered ferals which served as attack dogs for The Blood Halls. The creatures were restless as they could smell the scent of blood in the distance.

Wong extended a slender hand out towards the ferals and conjured up the powers of necrocarnum to ease and comfort the creatures. As one, they fell into a carnum induced slumber, waiting for their chance to feast.

Free Create Monstrous Life(Fabled Infusion from Blood Dragons): Feral Vampires - Feral Vampires are created when the subject of transformation is either mentally inadequate or the Sire makes a mistake, intentionally or not. Ferals are mindless monsters, no more intelligent than common attack dogs and are used as such among the vampires of The Blood Halls.

2016-09-18, 02:23 PM
The Verdant Moon
As Egides sat in the tree it budded and formed a pure white flower. The flower stretched its petals and turned to Egides. Then it spoke in that ineffable way that gods do. "Greetings, it is always good to see a new friend in these troubled times. What brings you to my garden?"

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-18, 02:58 PM
The Verdant Moon
As Egides sat in the tree it budded and formed a pure white flower. The flower stretched its petals and turned to Egides. Then it spoke in that ineffable way that gods do. "Greetings, it is always good to see a new friend in these troubled times. What brings you to my garden?"

It took her a few seconds to get out of her hummingbirds's mind, but as she turned to where the voice came from, she emitted a small windshime noise out of surprise. It was Lotus, no doubts. And their appearance's size justified why she had so much trouble finding them in the first place.

Greetings. I am Egides. I was looking for you, as Enoch, one of your angels, suggested that I join Vitae in the war against evil. I came to meet you, and would like to ask if I could join your cause, and how could I help you.

2016-09-19, 05:44 AM
The Soldiers of the Isles - Irt

The rangers that had accompanied Eliana, and the Squires of Steel, found themselves hard-pressed. While the Ironbranch Rangers had been able to send warning of the imminent attacks and ensure that the expeditionary force was not completely caught off guard, at the cost of ten of their finest, they had not been separate from the battle once it actually reached them. Working together as strike teams, they continued to fight, going to every part of the battlefield that they could reach. Everywhere there was the fiercest fighting, there humanity's finest showed their metal, striking back at the darkness to buy Eliana time, and to hopefully spare some of their allies from the horrors that rained upon them. But it came at a cost.

The rangers died to a man. Their bodies lay scattered among the broken battlements, surrounded by allies and enemies alike, sixty fallen humans, silver men and the golden child that had led them. Both dragons of fortune besides Selphenyr, their last stands having come beside their human friends and the golden men they had ridden into battle besides, spread their fortune and calamity to friends and foes alike until a Kraken rose up from the water. Having fallen in the act of defeating this monstrosity, they lay within the port, while their riders fought on, cut to ribbons yet refusing to die as their Grit carried them beyond what should have been possible, even for their own remarkable capabilities. But they as well were dead men walking.

The Squires, led still by Lionel, would have been driven back to the keep under pressure from the Norns, having felled one ice dragon just in front of the gates. Reduced to just a dozen, they would be preparing for the final assault, ready to give their lives in one last act of valor...

But then, Rylios's blessing worked miracles.

Of the sixty Rangers that had fallen, fifty rose once more to fight. Both dragons and the Golden Men that had rode upon them returned in a brilliant, dazzling flash, their wounds restored, and their determination blazing as an inferno as they dove back into the heart of the Norn forces. All of the fallen Squires, knowing that they were being offered the chance to earn yet more glory in battle, returned, and Tolvan's faithful set to battle a contingent of their god's green, chosen people. And the battle continued. The Rangers would fall to a man, time and again. The second time, forty once again rose to the Healer's call and rejoined the bloodbath. The third, thirty five held such devotion to their cause that they would brave the horrors of death once more. However, their fourth death and on, those warriors who had fallen would not only accept the call, but demand to return, laughing at the idea that Death could hold any terrors for them, and warped by their repeated demise such that the thought of fighting and dying eternally was just a joke to them.

And those that returned from death only became stronger with each resurrection. Their grit pushed again and again to its limit and beyond, only to be restored with their bodies the moment that they lived once more propelled all thirty to the level of golden men in meteoric fashion. And then... they grew into something more. Dying and returning repeatedly themselves, the dragons and their riders would join their companions in their special kind of madness, fighting with wild abandon and dying, only to come back and continue their battle against this nigh-endless foes. As they fought, these warriors would make humor about the entire debacle. Every cut delivered a pun, every wound taken a joke and laugh, every life ripped from Norn body a toast to their companions.

And so it was that when the Demon Lich arrived and proclaimed itself Death Incarnate, the Death Jesters just laughed at the claim, for death was nothing for them to fear any longer. And for such a being to call itself Death, oh, but that was just the greatest joke of all! Death was far, far worse than anything this little lich could come up with... something that the Jesters would be glad to prove. And so, while some of their companions would shy away from the challenge, these thirty-four undying beings would accept it, and charge straight into the guard of the avatar, their burning determination protecting them from the uttercold aura of this monster.

Eliana, Wage War - Irt

As the battle raged outside, Eliana stood within the keep proper and concentrated, creating a web-way portal that would be large enough to allow all of the coalition forces to escape, and yet collapse once the last of their number had been evacuated. If she could just draw upon a small amount of Zean's power... No, father needs that for himself. I need to be able to do this alone... Still, the sounds and sights of combat raging on just outside of Irt's collapsed walls was concerning, and whenever she could, the Platinum Child would add some of her own magic to the melee, a ball of flames to break the lines, or an eruption of steam from the earth to melt through the scales of an ice dragon, and expose its soft flesh.

So focused was she on escaping that it was to her great surprise that a battalion of Sentinels marched out of the portal moments after it had opened. Taking up a defensive formation, they would almost look as surprised as her when their sergeant called, "Beloved, do you need our assistance?"

Speaking with them in an instant with her latent psionic potential, Eliana would discover that ten companies of warriors from the Isles lay ready to be deployed. Two thousand five hundred soldiers, trained, ready and many of them already tested. With them was also a detachment of thirty dragons of Fortune, and almost six hundred warriors trained from the refugees of Spirehold. While that last one would make her hesitate Eliana would still smile, especially upon learning that all of them were already within the Isle of the Gods, loading ships specifically to come here... and the plan would change drastically. Modifying the portal to remain open until she decided to seal it, Eliana would order the first fifty men to the front lines, implanting how to kindle the Fires of Determination in their minds, before going through the portal and calling to the gathered soldiers at the other end.

Less than half an hour later, the battlefield of Irt would look quite different as Eliana's armies began to join the fray. Burning as bright as Sol in the white flames of their Determination, the silver-clad Sentinels would press forward in a solid line of flesh and steel, while impeccably placed arrows from the Rangers found the hearts and eyes of Orken, Norn and Demon alike. Where one fell, another was ready to take their place, pressing out to try and drive back the hordes of the Alliance. Fortune dragons filled the sky, young and old in wing together as they twisted luck further and further into their favor, cursing enemy Adepts to draw upon too much power and accidentally annihilate themselves, while ensuring that the blades and armor of their companions would be in the right place at the right time. The flames around these companies would protect the inhabitants of the Isles from the brunt of their foe's magic, keeping all but a handful on the ground when gravity reversed itself, and keeping entire contingents from being frozen solid by blasts of Uttercold that washed along their ranks. Meanwhile, those that did fall and fall again slowly began to inflate the ranks of the Jesters, becoming only more wild and deadly as the chaos of this bloody, long battle drew on.

All of them were ready to fall back at a moment's notice at the command of Selphenyr, who flew above the battle with Eliana astride her back. The half-god rained lightning from her hands and the clouds above, incarnum twisting around her fingers, and gathering a storm to rain death upon her foes once more. Of course, Enoch's arrival drew her attention to the duel that was brewing between the Lotus' champion and the assembled liches. Directing the dragon to carry her there, and dropping from the Mother of Dragon's saddle once she had grown close enough, Eliana would hit the ground with a roll and smoothly draw her blade in the same motion, striding to stand beside Enoch and laughing as she approached. "Death itself, are you?" She called to the lich, mockery in her voice and leveling her blade at that black heart in its hand. "Well let's see; I've punched the God of Champions in the face and defeated an Orc Warlord with but a single blow to its mount... I've always wondered just how hard it would be to punch out Death." Swishing her blade to the side, and taking a fencer's pose, she would say, "Let's find out, shall we?"

Calling to the God of Heroes, Eliana would say, "Rylios, I believe it is time to cut the head off of these snakes, and send them back to their frozen hell-holes!"

Starting AP: 0

Rollover AP: +5, +2 PAP, +Fabled Race Infusion

-1 PAP: Create Organization; The Death Jesters Devoted men and women of the Isles of Man that have died so many times that death itself holds no intrinsic fear to them. In fact, they have been warped by their experiences such that they look forward to their next death, as it gives them yet another chance to ride through the Veil and return to yet more glorious battle. No longer truly human in mind or soul, despite outward appearances, these beings have ascended to the level of Golden Men and then farther. Their souls so infused with Grit that is overflows from them without end, and without any control.

All of this said, while they will always be willing to return from the grave and have incredible power, their resurrections are subject to approval of Rylios... and their souls can only handle so much Grit before it overwhelms them and grinds them away into nothing but a bag of flesh driven by will. Once they are pushed to this state a Death Jester might as well be immortal... to a point. They are unkillable by mortal means, but then they will turn into dust and fade from time itself once their task is accomplished, beyond any form of healing or resurrection.

As might be expected, Death Jesters are a short-lived organization, only existing in the most fierce of battles, and those that survive the experience will go find a violent way to die again once peace is had (having become addicted to the experience). They are little more than stories in times of peace, when there is no need for the loyal sentinels and rangers of the Isles to give their lives again and again.

Ending AP: 5, PAP: 1, Divine Infusion (race)

2016-09-19, 06:24 AM
The Battle of Irt

Without any notice, silent as the night. No horns blew and no War Drums were beat. Arrows flew through the sky, fletched in greens and reds, some finding their marks in soft flesh while others simply seeped into the blood-soaked ground.

A horn was blown, a single blast into the night before a contingent of approximately 300 members of The Blooded in their crimson armor stepped forward. In their hands, they held tightly onto chains as feral vampires struggled against their bonds to rush towards all the blood ahead.

A second blast tore through the night and The Blooded released their attack dogs, falling back into the treeline as the J.I.D. and the R.G.L. marched forward with spears leveled and blades drawn. The Blooded brought up the rear and the great banners of The Jade Empire blew in the wind high above their heads.

The clouds above twisted and churned and Sith'Rakaar dove down from the highest reaches of the sky, snatching up a Fortune Dragon in her red talons. She tore through it's flesh and ripped the thing in half before draining it of blood and Incarnum. "Invaders! Interlopers! Thieves and Squatters! You are trespassing upon the lands of The Jade Empire! You will pay the fine in blood!"

2016-09-19, 02:51 PM
First Reach, Esgaroth, Irt

The assaults on Esgaroth and First Reach ended before they truly started as the disillusioned and isolated tutela of the Kingdom of Somnium laid down their weapons and surrendered. The armies of the Alliance rounded up the strange, marble-skinned tutela nobility who were given the opportunity to accept the Gospel of Shadow or watch helplessly as their followers were exterminated. Like the elves and the pith, the tutela were disillusioned from being abandoned by their divine patron. Though several refused, many willingly accepted the Gospel of Shadow, joining forces with the Alliance.

Those that refused were consumed by the recently arrived massive roiling bank of uttercold fog that was Y'Trydydd. Gathering forces as he went and adding the remains of the Kingdom of Somnium's troops, Y'Trydydd moved on Irt.

2016-09-19, 07:58 PM
"I am Naw-Deg-Tri. Master says I am yours to command."

Nioteru gave an unpleased... and annoyed look at Naw. "Your master is foolish. He offers me to command you; that would bring ruin to you, his gift. Unless, he wishes me to break his toys? Doubtful, go to your master.". If the being had nothing else to say, Nioteru would wait for his departure, otherwise he would answer his questions.

2016-09-19, 08:19 PM
Nioteru gave an unpleased... and annoyed look at Naw. "Your master is foolish. He offers me to command you; that would bring ruin to you, his gift. Unless, he wishes me to break his toys? Doubtful, go to your master.". If the being had nothing else to say, Nioteru would wait for his departure, otherwise he would answer his questions.

The phantasm drifts momentarily closer to Nioteru, then turns away and hisses, "As you wish...."

It raises its hands and conjures a grey and black whirling vortex that appears to open into another place....a cold coastal fortress embroiled in a massive battle....then steps through, closing the vortex behind it.

2016-09-20, 12:34 AM
It took her a few seconds to get out of her hummingbirds's mind, but as she turned to where the voice came from, she emitted a small windshime noise out of surprise. It was Lotus, no doubts. And their appearance's size justified why she had so much trouble finding them in the first place.

Greetings. I am Egides. I was looking for you, as Enoch, one of your angels, suggested that I join Vitae in the war against evil. I came to meet you, and would like to ask if I could join your cause, and how could I help you.

"Egides, I welcome your assistance. You may not be aware, but even now a great battle rages between the forces of those who wish to protect the world, and those who wish to destroy it." As the Lotus speaks a massive lens forms in the air above them. It shows one battle field after another until it comes to the greatest battlefield of Irt far in the north.

"My children are on their way. And I cannot help them with my own being, for I cannot enter the First World. There is nothing more I can do now. If you're children can aid mine it would be greatly appreciated. But I will not begrudge you if you wish to keep them safe from this fight."

Pretty sure Irt is where most things are massing at the moment.

2016-09-20, 01:52 AM
Nioteru watched the shadow leave through it's portal, noting it's hissing. He took note of the battle, Rylios and Zean did say there was war on the first earth. That confirms that his father... mother... spiders did bring him to the right place.

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-20, 11:44 AM
"Egides, I welcome your assistance. You may not be aware, but even now a great battle rages between the forces of those who wish to protect the world, and those who wish to destroy it." As the Lotus speaks a massive lens forms in the air above them. It shows one battle field after another until it comes to the greatest battlefield of Irt far in the north.

"My children are on their way. And I cannot help them with my own being, for I cannot enter the First World. There is nothing more I can do now. If your children can aid mine it would be greatly appreciated. But I will not begrudge you if you wish to keep them safe from this fight."

Pretty sure Irt is where most things are massing at the moment.

Lotus could easily tell Egides was itching to smite the evil creatures as she watched the lens. She was seething with rage toward evil. Very quiet repetitive dinging noises came from her blade, which could be assumed to be growls. She regained her composure and looked back at the flower.

I already sent some of my best warrior Whirlwind Armors to aid Enoch, but I had to let some of them stay to guard the Skypeak Mountains and its surroundings. But as more come to life, I'll regularly send them to aid Vitae when they are ready, you can count on me.

She paused for a moment before looking back at the lens.

If I find a way to split the duties and ensure that the Skypeaks along with my children are well guarded in my absence, I could come myself to the battlefield if it is needed.

2016-09-20, 05:49 PM
Nioteru sat upon his oak as the surrounding waters around him went to hell in a hand basket. He contemplated his next move and decided that there was too much he didn't know, and if wars were being fought that meant the Gods had armies... he may need an army himself. It was at precisely this moment that Nioteru felt a prick on his arm, it was a spider, small as an ant and black as night.

Shivering as it tugged on Nioteru's arm, it must have come from deep deep underground, where the core warmed the lower earth of the crust. It was now realizing it's folly as it realized just how cold it was up here, it began to run but Nioteru snatched it in his hand, holding it in place by his index finger. He squeezed it, crushing the poor helpless spider... it's body crushed as well as 7 of it's legs. It's head and right first leg continued to struggle even after Nioteru released his finger. It could not move, yet it still fought. It's movement slowing, the cold now beginning to settle in. The island created a warmth but it was only slight, enough for a mortal to live on... not an insect.

Nioteru was impressed, this creature was resilient... if it was more than just an insect, it would be strong... able to take what it needed and plan... and think. Nioteru placed the bug on the ground and dropped a seed next to it. The seed grew roots and moved to entangle and entomb the spider, dragging the helpless creature inside of the seed as it struggled for life and freedom. The seed grew and grew and the spider grew with it. The seed was a form of life support, it provided nutrients from Nioteru's power and it replaced the broken body parts of the spider. The seed's roots replaced what was broken and torn, creating a spider root hybrid. That wasn't the only change however.

It's face and front legs had begun to change to a more humanoid form, while it did keep the features of a spider, it also grew a spine and upper torso, a neck and finally a humanoid head that ended in a spiders face. It's first two arms grew hands, with 5 humanoid digits in each one with it's fingers becoming claws that extended a foot out. They also were capable of evolution but that would come later from Nioteru's own power.

The process was also quite painful, the creature never stopping it's futile effort to escape. It screamed in pain... and showed one more aspect of it that had been replaced, it's brain... it yelled out in pain forming it's own language. It also spoke the universal language, a gift from Nioteru.

When it was finally ready, the seed let it go and opened up creating many spores. These spores dug deep into the ground and dug it's roots even further. The spores turned into seeds themselves and captured more spiders from deep underground and stole them up to the service. All went through the same process, creating a new breed of sapient life.

Shafers were born, Nioteru named them after the similar pattern he used to make his own name.

Nioteru looked at his first Shafer. "Shadows...Suffering... Spiders: Shafer, that is the name I give you. You all will live here, until I say otherwise. Mushrooms will grow in these caves, you will eat those, you will drink from the salt water... you will fight, kill and eat your kin, you will repopulate these caves quickly or you will die. I have made you to be skulkers of shadows, I have made you from suffering... I will not give you the choice to serve me, to spare you from ruin."

Nioteru said to his first. It spoke back "Than I am to lead your people?" it said, a raspy pained voice. Nioteru looked at him for a moment, his eyes piercing the soul of his creation. Nioteru walked out of his throne room and said to his first, as he left, "I destroy kings... fight amongst yourselves, if your ruling party is always different than you will be spared." Nioteru walked out of his throne room, leaving the spiders to do their work.

The first Shafer looked around in horror, the others looking at him. Unlike him, they were pure without roots replacing parts of their flesh... they saw a crippled Shafer, alive only because of the aid of their God. He saw in their eyes anger for being second to him, cunning for he was different... food, for they were hungry. They rushed him, as well as each other, all clawing at each other, ripping each other a part as the spores created more seeds and drew more spiders from the deep. The first fought back but there were many, though many others betrayed the many... this was hell, an all out fight for dominance. It would be quite a while of non stop death and blood shed, before the first of many rulers would be crowned.

AP: 13AP + 2PAP

Create Sapient Life -2PAP: Shafers Humanoid spiders. They possess a spiders 6 back legs and abdomen. They possess a spine that bring their back upwards like a humans with a humanoid torso. It's front legs are now arms, with finger nail claws that extend a foot out. It has a humanoid neck and head but the face of a regular spider. They possess a brain but Shafers are not quite as intelligent as other sapient life. Large and fast with all the qualities of spiders and humanoids. They also lack the ability to use mundane weapons and armor, making them sitting ducks to archers and even fights, relying on stealth or numbers for quick kills and hit run tactics. Able to reproduce with other Shafers, but not other sub species... except the Monarch.

13 AP - 0AP = 13 AP
2 PAP - 2PAP = 0 PAP

2016-09-20, 05:57 PM

Wars waged on within The First World. Blood spilled and warriors died. Tolvan, even as he merged with Valhalla was not exempt from the curse that he placed upon himself.

With every wound suffered, every pain inflicted and every death granted the whole of Valhalla rocked and shook. Finally, in one great heave as an orc cleaved his hobbit slave down the middle, Valhalla split.

It was as if a great blade was brought down upon the plane itself as land split from the doors of The Halls of The Worthy and ran the length of the plane unto the portal which led to The First World. Crimson quickly filled the gash, sloshing and churning as it rushed forward like the waters of a broken dam.

Divine Sangria poured forward through the portal, staining land and water alike crimson red.

Free Alter Land(Valhalla): Divine Sangria - Divine Sangria and a river of Tolvan's literal blood which splits Valhalla in two and pours out through the portal to The First World. The blood sloshes and churns in such a manner that makes it highly difficult to navigate, requiring most visitors to Tolvan's realm to be carried in by Valkyrie.

2016-09-22, 12:15 PM
Lotus could easily tell Egides was itching to smite the evil creatures as she watched the lens. She was seething with rage toward evil. Very quiet repetitive dinging noises came from her blade, which could be assumed to be growls. She regained her composure and looked back at the flower.

I already sent some of my best warrior Whirlwind Armors to aid Enoch, but I had to let some of them stay to guard the Skypeak Mountains and its surroundings. But as more come to life, I'll regularly send them to aid Vitae when they are ready, you can count on me.

She paused for a moment before looking back at the lens.

If I find a way to split the duties and ensure that the Skypeaks along with my children are well guarded in my absence, I could come myself to the battlefield if it is needed.

"I appreciate your assistance, though do not feel pressured to fight in the wars if you do not wish to."

The Lotus considers, "There is a way to divide your essence. By infusing a mortal champion with a portion of your work you can empower them to act a protect in your absence. You will eventually n to do so in fact. Or find yourself completely barred from the First World."

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-22, 02:45 PM
The Verdant Moon

"I appreciate your assistance, though do not feel pressured to fight in the wars if you do not wish to."

The Lotus considers, "There is a way to divide your essence. By infusing a mortal champion with a portion of your work you can empower them to act a protect in your absence. You will eventually learn to do so in fact. Or find yourself completely barred from the First World."

The only problem with mortals is that they can die, and I do not want to waste my children's lives if it can be avoided. They are strong, but I fear that they could be outnumbered if demons from Azgol wanted to reach the remnants of the Great Tree. My presence seems to be dissuading enough, but when the time will come for me to leave the First World, I'll need someone to replace me.

The bird goddess gazed at the razor weed growing below. Her children grew them where they could and when they could find it, as it was a reliable food source. She looked at the forest. In here, her Hummingbirds flew. Some probably already got eaten by the native creatures, or fell when they couldn't find a flower to drink from in time. Maybe they landed near roots, making nutritious soil for the plants growing here.
She made bright windshime noises as she found a compromise for her problem.
A hero rising from their own ashes. A hero who will always come back until evil perishes.
Looking back at the white flower, she spoke in a happier tone.

Perhaps I need a hero that will always come back.

She flapped her wings, then took off. She turned to the other god.

Farewell Lotus. I have work to do, and need to leave your company, but I am sure we will meet again. Until then, I will ensure Whirlwind Armors will come to help your children in every way they can.

As Egides took off, numerous colorful hummingbirds flew toward her. Some accompanied her on her way back, others couldn't reach her in time before she was too far and came back to the forest. Lured in by the smell of sweet godly nectar, a few that were close enough hovered around the flower.

Skypeak Mountains

Egides came back to her mountains, near her temple at the edge of Hurricane. Whirlwind Armors flocked toward her, asking for orders and new information.
She only answered them with a few words.

I need to know who is our bravest warrior. Organise a tournament, death and lethal blows will be forbidden.

As her children scurried to work, she flew to the highest peak of the mountains.
There, she started to work.
Plucking out one of the feathers covering her heart, she inscribed glowing blue runes on it with her holy sword, and infused it with divine essence. As a result, the soft downy feather took on a metallic color, shining with Egides' power.
Then, she put it back on her chest, and flew back down toward the small temple.


Divine Infusion (3AP): Egide's Renewal Feather
Useless to another God, it can only be used as a receptacle for part of Egides' power and her future Avatar's soul. Right now, it only has a portion of her power. Deals damage to any evil creature holding it in this phase.
(Will dissapear as a "Raise Hero" action once used.)

10-2 = 8AP 0PAP

2016-09-22, 03:35 PM
dead men tell no tells.

Upon the deck of a norn ship a knife cut through one of the crew’s cheek, cutting up their mouth. Jumping from crew man to crew man were two small humanoids with daggers stabbing the crew in the mouth.

The humanoids had appeared out of nowhere and moved with great speed. By the time the crew was had an idea of what was happening one of the attackers had jumped over board and the other had run below deck. As odd coloured smoke rose from the deck one of the crew men opened his mouth to see his tongue and blood come from it. Upon seeing his own tongue, the norn realised what the attack's plan was, as if on cue the ship started to fall for there was none to speak the black speak.

for every inch.

The hallowed had not meet the alliance’s great armies with great armies of their own, instead they sent medium size forces. All but a handful of battles were won by the union [that means most], in most when the tide was against the shields, they ran, leaving a few men to be a thorn in the invaders side. The shields use placed traps before the army’s path, redirected rivers, men hid under the ground and struck any enemy supply lines they found vulnerable.

Some claimed this was a last ditch attempt to slow the invasion, others thought they were trying to bleed the attackers.

Whatever the case the invaders found something, odd coloured streaks on blades of grass, they were in the water and upon the chickens of the land too. At first few were sure what it meant, but the next day the invaders knew all too well, it was poison. Not a poison to grass, trees, fish, tiefling, the birds nor the bees, to them it accumulated and made them odd colours. But it was a poison to norns, demons, orks and Orken.

Call upon allies.

Angels of the hallowed union travelled far to whatever would be ally they knew off. They carried letters and messages over sea, land and even in to place of the sky.
The wording of the messages was different for each culture and people it was sent to, however it asked the same requests.

First they told that the hallowed union could sent about a dozen men to each nation the demons and their pawns attack. But as the union was in a large war already they could send no more and this force would be best used to disrupt enemy operation and help undo the damage done .
Then the messages asked that if the nation was not in strife to send what they could to help the union fight this enemy. Or send such help to other nations that fought these wicked evils for any work against them would save lives.

Finally should the hallowed union be unable to stop this force, they would have a great number of refuges to be settled. It was asked if these people could be settled in lands of other nations, but the union asked that these people be allowed to hold on to their customs and beliefs. Many of those that were to be resettled should the union lost had been thrown away from their own lands before for reasons of belief and the hallowed union wished this not happen again.


Quietly the gold shields started to more people away from the temple district claiming was dangerous to stay. For these that wouldn’t move the gold shields left them there not trying to make a scene. Captain Botal walked before empress Sith'Rakaar as gold shields moved unseen and aimed upon the blood dragon.

“I am captain Botal of the hallowed union and gold shields!” The captain yelled to the empress. “Sith'Rakaar we have information claiming that you have murdered a member of the court before becoming empress. I as a gold shield haven't seen or heard of any attempted to investigate this claim. How do you respond to this?”

5+4ap 0+2pap 1fl artefact charge
Create Organisation (1pap): the order of the trap

This order consists of highly skilled people from the hallowed union that act as a non-frontline defence force. This order preforms two duties, first to work against sabotage within the territory of the hallowed union (and allies) while the second being to sabotage the enemies of the hallowed union (and allies).
While acting against the enemies of the hallowed union, this order strikes fast and uses stealth, with the intention for getting in and out before any one knows what has happened. The members of this order use webweaving and uttercold (when norns are not a possibility) alongside simple tricks to make it seem as if they are more than flesh and blood. (this organisation will not be part of any current rcr.)

Create mythical concept (1pap 3ap): alchemy

This art is at its core is adding, removing, magically infusing and combining martials to make a new martial. These change martials can be mundane or magical, with the magical ones acting like alchemy ether delayed or self-sustaining. As examples one could make a liquid that heals wounds on touch or a rocklike substance that constantly turns air into a poisonous smoke.

Alter land (1fl): poisoned land 1

Though industrious work, a little luck and a lot of alchemy the people of the hallowed union have made the solid, earth and water of their lands poisonous to the invaders . These poison are made by the ground and water slowly build up in plants and animals that live in the area. (see below)

cures(1ap): poisoned land 2

To orcs the poison (from poisoned land 1) causes pain in there joints and their joints eventually lock up, Orken share the symptoms of orcs but also extreme a head ache that doesn’t go away. Demons and Kathari (or whatever the fire bird people are called) find their strength and heat sapped until they can’t stand under their own weight and their heat can’t even boil water.

Inside Ogres bodies their poison cause highly flamable gas to build up, this stretches their skin and pushes apart their bones. As if this was not enough the rare phenomenon of spontaneous combustion became an inevitably for the ogres. The poison effects on the norn seemed small at first, a nose bleed ever now and then, but then they started to bleed from their eyes, ears and mouth. The poison weakens the norn’s healing meaning simple wounds heal slowly and eventually not at all.

ooc: counter poisoned land 1 to stop the poison being it the solid, the water and such, counter poisoned land 2 to stop the poisons effect on orc, orken, norns and more. hope that makes sense and stays with in the rules and there spirit.

Raise hero (artefact charge): Botal

Botal was born a liberated and at a young age he wished to help people. The gold shields seemed a natural choice, he moved up the ranks of the gold shields. The change of a life time presented its self when Botal was asked to be the captain of the exposition to Yahn.


6ap 0pap 0fl no artefact charge

2016-09-22, 09:55 PM
The Call
As the Lotus watched Egides fly away it considered its other allies. And it considered what they stood against and how hopeless things currently seemed. Its thoughts were melancholy and it decided to ease them slightly. To ease them it sent out a burst of mental energy across the aetheric plane. It was felt by every thinking creature both those known to the Lotus and those who the Lotus was still unaware of.

In some it was vivid. A vision of death and destruction of the world drowned in blood that alternately burned and froze. To those less sensitive it was only a slight unease. A feeling that something was not quite right. But to everyone who felt the call it encouraged them to take action. To go out and fight against the forces who dealt in death and destruction.

It was not an urgent sense. Merely a prick of conscious. A mental note that encouraged thinking beings to fight for their own survival. Except that is in one place. In the dark halls of the Omen it was far far more urgent. No mere prick there, but a call to action. And a plea for the last members of Vitae to see the plight of their comrades and join the fight.

2016-09-24, 02:21 AM
Nature's Growth
The massive wars raging along the eastern continents might have attracted most mortals attention, and even most gods. And the Lotus was no exception. However the Lotus was also keenly interested in natural ecology, and when jungles and fields all over the world suddenly subsided several feet it took notice.

It didn't take long for it to realize what was happening as dead bodies continuously vanished into thin air as creatures died. And with all the many many deaths occurring in recent times it was also easy for the Lotus to track where these bodies as they moved across the planar barriers. They led to a vast field of death and carnage. Huge plains of decay where the dead roamed and fought each other for scraps of flesh. And in these fields of despair the Lotus saw an opportunity. Just leaving bodies to rot had been wasteful anyway. As long as they were all being gathered in one spot it would take advantage of this resource.

And so it spun a creation out of the depths of the Verdant Moon. Huge beasts of chitin and implacable flesh. They scoured the hills of flesh leaving nothing but ground bones in their wake. And when they had been satiated they returned to their verdant moon where they deposited their rich loads of biomass at the roots of the grand starbursts the Lotus had been growing.

The next stage was relatively simple. The Lotus simply loaded the starbursts with the appropriate matter and let loose. Its first target was the Blade. And soon a rich coating of unspeakable substances covered the southern side of the vast wall. A touch of life to kick things into motion and the results were gratifying indeed. In mere months the wall had been covered in green and growing things. In years it had become as thick a jungle as existed on any horizontal surface. Of course there was a slight problem when the entire wall seemed to lurch downward a few feet, but that stopped soon enough.

Starting AP 0: Starting PAP 0
(+7 AP, +2 PAP) Rollover

(Infused Plane) Create Monstrous Life: Corpse Eaters
Giant snails. And by giant I mean the size of small islands. Their shells are covered with plants and serve as homes for other wildlife, but this is ancillary to their main purpose and their namesake.

Corpse Eaters devour dead flesh. They bottoms are covered in teeth and as they slowly slide through the area they grind up and devour anything that gets underneath them. They're slow enough that pretty much anything which can move is in no trouble. But that's why they mainly feed on the corpse plains.

Their main purpose is to take all these dead bodies, feed on them for sustenance, and then excrete a healthy and nutritious fertilizer. Healthy for plants that is. As such a corpse eater will generally spend several weeks trawling through the Corpse Fields before heading back to the Verdant Moon to unload. (The bridge to the corpse fields and where they unload at are addressed below.)

(Bless Artifact) Bless: Green Curtain
The Southern side of the Blade has been coated in a vast wall of plants. From thick tree, to vines, to scraggly shrubs a vertical jungle has developed along its entire surface. This is a mirror to the ice which coats its northern surface.

(Infused Race) Alter Land: Crush Depth
With ice one side, plants on the other, and weighing a fairly considerable amount in and of itself the Blade requires more than just random outcroppings to hold it up. In fact it requires rock that is extremely dense. Even the slightest cavity is too weak and immediately collapses under the weight of all the rock above it.

(Organization Artifact) Create Organization: The Summer Petals
The elite guards of the Amaranthine Empire they act as the Emperor's personal bodyguard. Which Panji being what they are usually means they are also in the vanguard of any major Panji war garden.

Unlike other Panji who typically use weapons of some sort of the Summer Petals have honed their very bodies into weapons. They line their stems, petals, and leaves with strips of razor weed and then charge the enemy in petal to petal combat.

(Hero Artifact) Raise Hero: One-Who-Climbs-The-World
One of the rare Orchani who does not desire to take root and become an Orchani Miran. In large part this is because One-Who-Climbs loves to explore the world, and does not want to give that up for a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition however One-Who-Climbs has come up with a technique to discard part of its own body mass in order to actually climb more effectively, which both gives it its name and prevents it from reaching the point of immobility that forces most Orchani into the rooting stage.

(-2 AP, Minor Artifact Artifact) Create Minor Artifact: The Dung Spitter
The Starburst grove has grown and twisted together into one large organism. It's root network host huge numbers of Corpse Eaters which deposit their droppings to fertilize the Dung Spitter.

As the name implies however not all of this excrement is digested by the Spitter itself. Instead great masses of it are loaded into it's long stems and shot out at the First World. This has two effects. First some of the dung burns off in the atmosphere, and the ash while not quite as nutritious is still a fairly potent fertilizer in its own right, and one that can diffuse in the wind over large areas.

And of course the main impact point will receive a heavy dose of fertilizer, albeit at the cost of anyone unfortunate enough to be standing there.

(-2 PAP) Bridge Plane: Adeteerin-Verdant Moon
The roots of the Dung Spitter penetrate the very walls of reality providing passages into and out of the corpse fields of Adeteerin. Of course the two ends being what they are the only ones who actually can or will make use of this are the corpse eaters going to their feeding grounds and the occasional skeleton slipping by them in search of fresh flesh. The occasional zombie that tries the same thing quickly become food for the corpse eaters.

Ending AP 5: Ending PAP 0

2016-09-24, 09:05 AM
Et Tu, Rathazook?
Rathazook continued to play the game with His oldest friend. Yet slowly He began to realize something that He had attempted to hide since He first laid eyes on the deity. Nihilism had no place in this universe and, even though the Bastard of Uttercold had changed He feared it was too little. No… The Norns needed the Cruelest Touch.
With the last move of the game He stood from His seat. He reached out to apparently place a hand on His friend’s shoulder. Yet with one quick slash the head was severed from the shoulders. He hefted the head of Marwolaeth and said to it ”You had a good run, friend. But you must have realized that your purpose in life was contradictory. Don’t worry; I’ll take care of your children.”
Before He could leave and continue His own plans, He heard the cry of a child. With the most exasperated sigh He looked for the source of the sound and knelt down to face the thing. Slowly, seriously, He said to it ”Stay here, My newest child. I will return soon and we can see what future you have.” He then stepped out of the Far Broughs.

The War in the South
For a while the battles seemed to go well for the Alliance. The creatures that called the land proved to be little issue for the combined might of the Norn, Demon, Orken, Lycan, and Merfolk as every step left the destruction behind even as the gods of their enemies attempted to stop them. Sure the Orch and their creations caused some more concern than the hobbits and kin that they had honestly grown bored raiding since before their targets began to band together. Even the Angels, the oldest enemies of the oldest race in the Alliance, caused little pause as they were butchered in droves.
Then Dragon joined the fray. And it all went to ****. Slowly the advances were halted, and then pushed back. Tunnels to the Crackling Below were closed as the forces of Vitae slowly but steadily pushed them back to Azgol. The Lords were killed, one by one, until Karrzuul was all that remained in the South. It was He who closed off the ancient volcano and with one mighty stomp turned the South into something the hobbits would surely enjoy.

The War in the North
It was at the height of the battle of Irt that Rathazook finally looked closely at the First World for the first time. With a chuckle He took the severed head of Marwolaeth and chucked it right at Irt. As the dead deity’s head streaked toward the First World He called out loud enough that everyone could hear the Tyrant in the Dark ”Gaze upon the might of the Dweller Below! Do not worry, children of the Alliance! You are in good hands! Oh, and those that wish to fight us? Don’t come into MY lands.”
The Staff of the Eternal Fire flared to life even without Brus’s touch. With it the Alliance felt a new bond, a flare of cruelty through the members. Fire burned in their veins, even the cold hearts of the Norn, and they knew on some level that Rathazook would always hold a part of their soul in His grasp. Perhaps that was why the battle started to shift toward the Vitae. Perhaps the crater left by the deceased deity’s head was the final nail in the attempt to attack. Or perhaps the devils finally turned the tide for the city.
The Alliance was steadily pushed back to the frozen wastelands of the true North for whatever reason. Thorngate was theirs, no matter what the Vitae tried, and as if proof was needed Ormendah severed the Sable Forest. A new land would be created for the Norn, and whatever Alliance forces decided to stick around. To the South, the Demons slowly retreated to their Crackling Below while the Schools returned to the sea, leaving the forces of Yahn to screw with the forces of Vitae that remained.
Starting: 7 AP, 2 PAP, Fabled, Infused Artifact
Bless (Infused Artifact): The Fires of Rathazook The Blood of the Alliance burns hotter than any attempt to sever such brotherly connections. Sure, the Orken and Demons have grown close but now the Norn know the joys of being a part of all the torture circles of the Crackling Below. Thankfully the Norn don’t have such a nihilistic voice calling for such quick destruction and instead enjoyed the sweet whisper of the Cruelest Touch, driving the Norn to greater evils.
Alter Land (Fabled, 2 PAP): The Shattering of the Crackling Below In the West, the Upper Crackling Below appears to snap under the strain of the land above. Unfortunately for them the vision was a lie as the villages of the Upper Crackling Below sinking further down and closer to the Lower Crackling Below. The cumulation of such things was the sinking of the Sable Forest so that Thorngate was free from such filth as the Vitae in the North and the collapse of Azgol in the South, closing off the Unnamed Continent from future raids…for now. Otherwise the lands where the battles took place have been absolutely trashed beyond mortal means of repair, instead relying on a kindly deity to fix the damage of the Great Western War.
Steal Domain (-6 AP): Death (Murder) I got a killing blow, I can steal a domain?
Ending: 1 AP

2016-09-24, 09:30 AM
Deep Dark

Giggling filled the air, coming from all around, laughter from the trees, the rocks, and the water. The figure in front of the Merfolk looked around for a moment, before vanishing. A moment later thirteen figures took its place. Thirteen fish out of a nightmare swum through the air, dozens of powerful ropey tendrils pushing them through the air as if it was water. As they moved past the merfolk caught glimpses of a cluster of three eyes on each of their heads, which burnt to look at, sending spikes of pain directly into the brain.

“ℽȰɄℜ ϢℹȘℏ ẘℐℒℒ ɃḜ ⅁℟Ɑȵȶ℮ⅆ, ⱥ⒝ℴℓℇŤꜧ.”

The Hernegliscus turned its gazes upon the merfolk, and their world went black. And when they woke up, all of the bodies of the merfolk hat had entered Adeteerin resembled the form that The Hernegliscus had worn and they knew they were the Aboleth, true lords of the sea. The Hernegliscus was nowhere to be seen.

The Corpse Fields

In the time between blinks a figure appeared, white robe making it stand stark in contrast against the rotting landscape. A Hernegliscus moved aside to let a Corpse Eater pass, noting the shell. The exarch made a path through the fields, ignoring the undead that pawed at it by taking flight. Eventually finding the planar breach it raised an arm, testing the boundary and finding it more solid than any matter could ever be, deep under the hood a smile formed.


The Carnival

Jovian frowned, he was just trying to eat. Was that so hard, to sit down with some of his friends and eat a meal. This was the third time he had been interrupted, minding his own business, watching a skilled nine handed juggler keep eighteen brightly coloured balls in the air when some had suddenly started screaming. “I’m dead. We’re all dead.” Please, just because none of them remembered how they had arrived to this place did not mean they were dead. He was having great fun here, doing things he had always wanted to do. The kindly nine armed fellow had taught him juggling, although he could only use four balls.

“Shut up! We’re trying to eat.”
“Don’t you see it? Before you wouldn’t have even been angry! We’re dead and our boat is crumbling!”

The Lands of Terror

“So it’s been a while Leon. I had to go back to the First World for a little while. The last of my descendants died. I couldn’t get the body, some snail found it first. You get used to these thing though, being the greatest… Oh. Did I tell you that I found a new monster? Yeah, it was… sorry, my hearts not really in it. It was scary I guess, I wasn’t in any real danger though. What do I call it? Ugh… They are the Kruthik. I guess that is a stupid name… They weren’t so big, like a big mastiff maybe. But there were lots of them, swarming a pack of dire wolves. Stabbing and biting. I guess they look like insects… but four legs and some sort of armour plates. I might call it there, I need some sleep Leon. Good night.”

The World Tree

In the ocean drifted the corpse of the World Tree, what had once stood as the greatest living organism had been brought low, perhaps a commentary on the wars that raged on in the north. But there was still movement on the First World’s biggest corpse. A lone Hernegliscus had searched for decades, unsure where its quarry had been placed. But finally it had found them. Reaching down it slipped the eye and the tongue into a cavity it formed in its chest and looked at its surroundings. This place would have to be destroyed of course, The Hernegliscus would want it so. Reaching into its races potential it created weaved together new life, which started consuming what was left of In-arl’s nest. Having what it came for the Hernegliscus moved out of the nest, eyeing a whirlwind armour that was flying in the distance, it disappeared back to Adeteerin.

Starting AP: 18 AP 2 PAP 1 IP 1 FL
Create Subrace -2 PAP (Merfolk into Aboleth): At 20 foot long, the Aboleth resemble some form of primeval fish. Several dozen long tendrils provide them locomotion through the water and for limited stints on land, as well as providing passible manipulation of objects. Above a fanged maw rest a series of three eyes that cause pain to those that look at them, and in them rests the seat of their power. Aboleths are naturally psionic, and even without formal training can rob most mortal creatures of their free will. But perhaps worse than this they are for the slime they produce, a magic biological weapon that robs air breathers their ability to… breathe air, forcing them to live underwater for the remainder of their lives. Or typically when it is bottled and used as a weapon, robbing them of their lives.
Create Monstrous Life -1 IP (Kruthik): A race of insectile creatures that inhabit the Bleak, the Kruthic are about 3-4 foot long when fully grown. Covered in a carapace that is sparsely covered in razor sharp serrations, they move around on four legs. The Kruthik function together in hives, much similar to ants. While clearly not sapient, they can communicate among each other, in some fashion. Highly aggressive, they swarm outwards, spawning new hives and dragging back almost all life they can find.
Create Monstrous Life -1 FP (Yggdrasilan Ooze): This organism, originating inside what used to be In-arl’s nest, burns with an inner heat, allowing it to survive despite the constant heat drain that sits underneath it. Prolonged contact with the ooze can defrost a tiny layer of the tree, which is rapidly consumed, exposing the next layer. Each slow meal adds to its mass, allowing it to spread slightly further out. The ooze appears as a clear goop that glows with an inner light, and burns to the touch, both from the heat and acid.
Remaining AP: 18 AP 0 PAP 1 IP 0 FL

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-24, 09:34 AM
Skypeak Mountains

And so the tournament began. Egides watched the Whirlwinds fight from her perch above Hurricane. The steel avians were fighting, and althrough lethal hits were forbidden and each one loved their brothers and sisters, they fought ferociously. It lasted for the rest of the afternoon, and the goddess watched as the two finalists bowed to each other before ascending into the skies.
Each sweep of the training rapier was more agressive than the one before, and both of the contestants seemed to dance, gracefully gliding before diving on eachother.
As dusk came, one of the Whirlwinds plumetted. They were tired, and their hits were slightly less accurate than their opponent's. The winner quickly caught them before they could crash to their demise. Again, they bowed to each other. To them, losing wasn't important if it was among their kin, if it meant they would be in good hands.

Egides descended from where she was resting. Her children made room for her, leaving the center of the arena.
As she landed, she watched them all. They were way more numerous than when she sent some of them to aid Lotus. She spoke with her somewhat melodious voice.

My children, you fought courageously, and I am proud of you. This tournament truly showed your talents at swordmastery, and how brave you all are.

She looked at the ones she created. They were all looking at her, listening to their goddess.

As you all know, a terrible war is waging. In the far north, beyond the blade, lays Irt. Norns, evil creatures of ice, along with other despicable beings, seek to destroy what we all fight for: Good. If we stand there and do nothing, they will overhelm us, and it will be too late.
I needed someone to guard the Skypeaks, in case evil fools want to conquer what power is left of the Skeleton Tree. The ceremony will take place tomorow, as the first rays of the sun come to us. For now, rest, my childrens, as you will need all your energy to fight the evil plaguing this World.

Without any other words, the goddess took off, flying toward the highest peak.
As the whirlwinds celebrated the victor and every one of them prepared what could be assumed to be festivities.
Egides landed, and, ever watchful, looked around, looking for any intruders, while her children slept. Tomorow, someone else will take that place. Tomorow she will send her new soldiers to the war. Tomorow will be eventful.

The Verdant Moon

Most of Egides' hummingbirds stayed on Lotus' garden. While the Verdant Moon was far, Egides still can see through their eyes when she wishes, or sense if something very unusual is there. After all, as their creator, Egides could communicate with what she gave life to. However, this night, a few of her hummingbirds deemed something important enough to tell her. Unable to communicate, they mostly sent her their thoughts, which Egides saw as pictures that had to be translated back.

Something powerful, something powerful...
Is it evil ?
Not evil, not evil, not evil.
What is it that you want to let me know then ?
...Strong, very strong.
A god ?
This place is Lotus', of course they are here. I do not take kindly to being bothered for nothing.
Not the flower god, not the flower god.
Who is it then ?

Egides considered for a moment. A god on the Verdant Moon that is neither evil nor Lotus ? That was worth noting, but it wasn't a priority. Maybe it could be a new potential ally.

I'll see what I can do. Keep on following them, and tell me any information you deem relevant.

As Egides stopped the conversation, some hummingbirds hovered toward flower patches near the god they sensed. Flying too close could be lethal to their tiny size, but following godly power from afar was possible. The god wasn't moving too much, but if their target ever wandered a bit too far from the forest and its numerous flowers, that would be a bit more difficult...

2016-09-24, 04:00 PM
War in The North

Seeing their allies break for it and realizing the battle lost, the collective numbers of Uruk-Hai tore from the battle and retreated into the Crackling Below.

In a similar movement, the forces of The Jade Empire also retreated from Irt and returned to their Empire.

The War in The South

They thought they were winning but as time went by, their supply lines began to dwindle. Slaves were freed, rebellion broke out and Uruk began to die in waves.

"Retreat." The voice rumbled throughout the Aethric Plane, Orken gathered up their people and just as quickly as they arrived..the disappeared into the depths of The Crackling Below.


And the collective losses of his followers, Tolvan's realm swelled with new occupants. The whole of Valhalla shook and rumbled as the god's laughter filled the silence.

2016-09-24, 07:41 PM

Even though the wars of The First World slowed to a crawl before reaching an end with The Alliance of Ice, Fire and Blood losing against Vitae in an Epic Struggle of Good vs. Evil, war continued to strive in Valhalla.

All across the plane, blades were unsheathed and endless clashing of steel and hacking of limbs echoed through the sky. Warscreams tore across the battlefields and blood poured across the landscape.

Tolvan, merged with Valhalla shifted and spread his consciousness all about, tendrils of smog and blood twisted and churned before rising up into the sky and tearing open a bloody red hole into The Void.

The Void

Visible across The First World, a new celestial object formed in the sky. A blood red circle which oozed and throbbed and always appeared beside The Verdant Moon, moving along the same exact orbit without fail. Rumors of curses and stories of what The Blood Star actually is, spread across all the peoples. Some even say that they could hear screams of battle if they focused on it long enough.

+6AP,+2PAP Start
-2AP Create Land: The Blood Star - A simple red star? It moves along the same orbital path as The Verdant Moon and is only an eight of the moon's size.
-2AP Bridge Plane: Valhalla to The Blood Star
-1PAP Curse: Whispers of The Blood Star - Very very very few are effected but among those that are, The Blood Star whispers to them. They hunt and kill other sentient beings and pour their blood upon the ground as an offering to ease the maddening whispers. Failure to do so increases the volume of the whispers, eventually ending in cascading screams which cause their heads to explode in a glorious shower of blood and brain matter.
-1PAP: Create Organization: Seekers of The Star - The Seekers are an obscure cult of those suffering from The Whispers of The Blood Star. They have taken to worshipping The Blood Star as a deity and practice a variety of obscure blood rituals and incarnum.
2AP, 0PAP Remaining

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-25, 10:33 AM
Skypeak Mountains

And so the next morning, when the first rays of the sun hit the Skypeaks, Egides was there. The victor of the tournament stood in front of her, while other Whirlwinds who chose to come were around them.
The feather she infused shone on her heart.

Igneos Aerophis, you proved me your strenght and virtue. Thus, I decided that you were worthy of gaining more power. But with great power comes great responsibilities, and yours will be to protect your brethen, as when the time will come, I will have to leave the First World.
I'll give you power, but those are the last minutes you will spend in that form. Are you ready ?

Yes. Yes I am.

Very well. Then, I shall start.

With her holy sword, Egides touched Igneos, causing him to explode in a myriad of colorful flaming gases. Gathering them, she flew to the top of the mountain, leaving an aurora-like trail behind them. When she arrived, her infused feather floated in front of her, and she infused it with Igneos' soul. The gases wraped themselves around the feather, taking the shape of a flaming bird shining with the seven colors of light. The phoenix's first birth.

Igneos, your new shape allows your rebirth, but beware: it will take you some time. Watch over these mountains, and smite evil when it is needed. I trust your judgment with what to do with this power, but I'm warning you, should you stray away too much from the path of good, I'll remove the powers I gave you myself.

With that, both of them separated. Igneos got back to Hurricane, explaining his new duties, while Egides chose to go back to the Verdant moon. There, she could probably see one of Lotus' angels and ask where help is most direly needed. Before leaving, Egides blessed the Skypeaks with some of her power.

8+4AP, 0+2PAP [rollover]

Raise Hero (using Egide's Renewal Feather): Igneos the Phoenix
Charged to watch over the Whirlwind armors, Igneos is also more than able to deal serious damage in battle. If he ever dies, his corpse will be consumed with fire in a radiant explosion, and his soul will be transported on the highest peak of the Skypeak mountains, where a blaze will burn for a week before he can come back in a new body. Egides can telepathically communicate with him if needed.

Bless/Curse (1AP): Skypeak Radiance
Evil creatures find it painful to climb or fly near the Skypeak Mountain. Touching its stones deals damage to them, and it is almost impossible for them to get a good rest. If they do, their dreams (or nightmares), are filled with voices demanding that they repent and leave at once. The environment becomes hostile to any malevolent creature.

12AP, 2-1= 1PAP

2016-09-25, 07:20 PM
An Open Field, The Isles of Man

Lily ran, her soft padded shoes thudding across the dirt, oats whipping across her face and exposed skin. Her hearts was racing and her mind was focused on one thing and one thing only...survival.

"Ah!" She hit the ground with a violent thud as a mean-eyed Aasimar stepped out from behind the oats and grabbed her arm with such abnormal and violent strength. Six figures, human, aasimar and even a couple of orcs fell upon her in a flurry of flesh and steel.

Pinned down, unable to move and unable to scream due to rough hands that held her down and a sour smelling gag that was shoved down her throat, tears poured from Lily's eyes as despair settled in her chest. Rough hands moved across her and her shirt was ripped open as the aasimar whom initially caught her hovered over her bared breasts with a twisted and evil looking blade and he whispered, wolf-like eyes staring into her very soul. "Lily, be thankful for you have been chosen. Blood is the price of The Ferryman. Blood is The Will of The Star. Blood is that which binds all the peoples of creation together. Tonight, Blood shall flow."

The ritualistic words being said, the aasimar dug his blade in deep, drawing long lines across Lily's throat, chest, wrists and ankles... blood poured freely into the earth and all of the participating cult members whispered in unison.."Athwa"

2AP, 0AP Start
-2AP Raise Hero: Athwa The Blood Prophet - Athwa is the youngest of all the aasimar children of Tolvan. He was born weaker than the rest of his siblings, ridiculed for his cowardly demeanor. In recent days, however, he has gained a sense of confidence not seen before and among dark and sinister circles, he had come to be known as The Blood Prophet, speaker for The Star.

He appears as an average if not sickly aasimar with pale red hair, wolf-like eyes and copper-red skin. The back of his neck is decorated with the black feathers of his divine grandfather. Since his ascension to secretive prophet, he has become a much loved and generous member of his small-town community, his late night activities unknown to the vast majority of the populace.

0AP, 0PAP Remaining

Emperor Demonking
2016-09-28, 12:28 PM
Choo'Wohn, The Bound Island

Blue flying women were not a rare sight on the island of the Ship Guardians, however Choo'wohn was not just any blue fling woman. However, it was in the dark that she flew to a large ship, mostly submerged, and eneted it. It was the lowest point in Guardian Island and where nobody ever went, and it was Choo'wohn's home.

The Battle of Thorngate

It went poorly. Great - the Ship Guardian - was shot down and killed, the ship landed upon a gang of the Alliance looking to flank Choo'Wohn's army. Some Northmen went back to defend the artefact. Most of the army pushed forward. Most of the army died. But those that did not saw a retreat, and saw the b reaking of the continent.

The Northmen began to build their settlement on the northern most part of Goddleg, it included a high tower and several high spires. These were the primary place of operation for the Thorn Watch.

Choo'Wohn's Host

To cross the world is not difficult for an angel, and so it was not very long for them to return to - what was for many of them as home - Built Island. Most were surprised - although some had been informed by those that were there before - to find is utterly packed ith Hobbits. In addition to the taking of their home, their mistress was also nowhere to be found. Some set out to organise the Island. Some to explore the world looking for Choo'Wohn. Some to protect the River People. Some did some other jobs. Some did not.

It did not take long for the angels to find Enoch. This sizable band was represent by one angel stepping forward, and asking if they could join the legion.

A Northern Duchy

The Duke who had spoken to the representive of Yahn, found his dominion expanded. Survivors of the Bogcrown battle and those from remotely nearby dukedoms began to settle in his Duchy only just north of the towering wall. Things had not gone well for him, he had often thought as he huddled in furs next to the roaring fire, but now they finally were.

Free, Proper

Most of Free was south of the wall. They did not know of the Battle of Bogcrown. They viewed themselves as mostly avoiding the war. The dead who had died defending the Hallowed Union could be suitably honoured with fine monuments. The sttus of the injured veterans depended on the particular Duchy they returned to.

A book was even comissioned to recount the tales of those that died. A copy was sent to the Hallowed Union with the description of it being 'a history'.

AP: 16 + 2 PAP
- 1 PAP: Create Organisation: The Thorn Guard
AP: 16 + 1 PAP

Tanzan Aura
2016-09-29, 01:06 PM
Near the Verdant Moon

Egides was going to prepare to land on a high tree, but as she looked at the sky, she saw a red, sinister celestial body rise. This wasn't good. It started orbiting near the Verdant Moon.
This can't be good. She needed to ask Enoch or one of Lotus' other angels for informations about where was help needed in this war. She would need another bird to serve her. Taking a few ferns growing here and there, and adding one of her feathers, she molded birds with large muscular wings, camouflaging almost perfectly with their surroundings, besides for the lyre-like tail they adorned. They soon mimicked the sounds around them, gradually using them to make themselves a voice. Once they were done, Egides spoke to them.

I am Egides, your creator. Here on this moon you must find Angels. You will recognise them, they are made of metals and plants, and fly at great speeds. If you find one, ask them on my behalf where help in the war is most needed, and repeat what you heard to the Whirlwind Armors living on the Skypeaks below. This will be your duty, and you'll be the link between the Skypeaks and the Verdant Moon.

Your wishes are our orders.

I know you won't fail me. Go, my children, and deliver messages across the skies.

As the Lyrebirds flew in all directions, Egides chose to bless her children through Igneos as they'll have to face evil itself someday, then changed her destination and flew toward The Blood Star.

The Skypeak Mountains

Igneos looked at his brothers and sisters working. After a great bolt of light stroke him and jumped on each of them, he felt more powerful, as the elders and warriors armor shone. As they felt it was right after Egides left, the Whirlwinds took it as a final gift from their goddess before she left to war, and most of those that were in Hurricane scurried to make an offrand. The Phoenix looked at them. Perhaps they are now ready to face the demons.
But first, they needed allies. He asked some of the paladins to patrol the remnants of the tree, to help any good creatures that suffered from the fall of the tree. As a Whirlwind, he saw himself the damages in the area, and didn't want his goddess or his brethren to earn a bad reputation in the viscinity. Now that his duty is to stay and watch over the mountains, he cannot go back here himself, thus he had to send them, in the hopes of helping any tree-people (as the Whirwinds called the Orchanis).
Perhaps it was vain, but strengtening the bonds between non-evil creatures living in this peninsula could be a good tactical action when they will have to war against evil.


Create Sapient Life (2AP): Lyrebirds
Soaring back and forth between places, Lyrebirds are messengers of Egides. They can also be used by forces of Vitae if it is needed. They can easily camouflage in forests and soily environments, and can mimic most of the sounds they already heard. They have to find the sounds themselves unless Egides intervenes, and so, between themselves, they mostly use single sounds to show things (such as the sound of water flowing to indicate that a river is near in case someone is thirsty).

Create Mytstical Life (Divine Infusion)(3AP): Whirlwind Armors
Egides' first creations are stronger than ever, now. After theory comes practice though, and they'll have to face danger too... Oh and also the white shining runes of Egides appear on the armors of elders and warriors. Sweet.

12-4=8AP 1-1=0PAP

2016-10-01, 04:45 AM
The Legion of Angels
Enoch takes the time to hear out every angel that comes to him. He listens to them and helps them to decide where their skills would be of most use in the growing Legion. There are the forges of course, and the constant patrols. But for the more reserved angel he has a new task.

They are sent into the world to monitor the souls of the dead. To collect them and see that they do not get lost as the cycle of reincarnation totters like a rotten wheel.

The Verdant Moon
The first angel that the Lyrebirds encounter is too busy to talk, but it directs them onward. And so is the next and the next. But finally they arrive in the Garden of the Gods where a silent angel in robes of grey meets them.

It tells them that the first phase of the war is over, and that for now the Whirlwind Armors can stand down. But to remain vigilent and prepare. For the forces of evil always return.

Starting AP 5: Starting PAP 0
(+7 AP, +2 PAP) Rollover

(-2 AP) Create Subconcept: The Judgement
The Lotus worried about the horrible state of the cycle of reincarnation, with souls going every which way, reaches out with its divine power and grabs every soul that is just floating about or headed towards the Far Boughs. It brings them to the Garden of the Gods where it examines each one and judges them. Most it sends back to the First World. Some it deems worthy of living on the Verdant Moon. A few have committed such evil that it holds on to them while it considers what to do with them.

Unlike the cleansing of the Far Boughs mortals do remember a bit of all this. The extent of their memories of the experience and their past lives depends on their willpower, and even the most determined remember little more than a few skills or very important memories. But each one remembers with crystal clarity the moment of their last judgement. The moment when the Lotus speaks the destination they will go to, and what they did to deserve it.

(Infused Plane) Create Monstrous Life: Roses of Death
These roses look relatively normal except that they lack any color and have petals of a pure white. They grow all over the first world and attract the souls of the dead. It is possible to tell what a soul has done by looking at the color the rose takes on. Red for violence, gold for charity, black for destruction, and so on.

(Bless Artifact) Bless: Soul Siphon
Once a soul has been attracted by the Roses of Death a bit of divine magic latches on to it and pulls the soul from wherever it was to the Verdant Moon to be judged by the Lotus.

(Infused Race) Create Monstrous Life: Fire Squirrels
Not actually on fire. These are little squirrels that run around the floating top of the world tree. Their fur is pure crimson and they are highly resistant to temperature extremes and acid. They were engineered with the sole purpose of eating the Yggdrasilan Ooze.

(Organization Artifact) Create Organization: The Keepers of the Dead
A group of angels that help the Lotus by collecting souls that aren't handled by the soul siphon, gardening the death roses, and managing the souls that are waiting for judgement.

(Infused Hero Artifact) Raise Hero: Mot
A stoic and silent angel who is the leader of the Keepers of the Dead. He handles the more recaltrant souls and is both a necromancer of terrible power and a bueracraft steeped in paperwork. No ones knows which is worse.

(-1 AP, -1 PAP, Minor Artifact Artifact) Create Minor Artifact: The Book of the Dead
A book the records each dead soul, where they were from, their judgement, and where they will be reincarnated.

(-3 AP) Gain Domain: Civilization (Protection)
-(-3 AP) Infuse Hero: The Gestalt
-(-2 AP) Form Society: The Remnants Longing For Perfection
-(-2 AP, Minor Artifact Artifact) Create Minor Artifact: The Gauntlets of Life

Ending AP 6: Ending PAP 0

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-01, 10:48 AM
The Verdant Moon

The Verdant Moon
The first angel that the Lyrebirds encounter is too busy to talk, but it directs them onward. And so is the next and the next. But finally they arrive in the Garden of the Gods where a silent angel in robes of grey meets them.

It tells them that the first phase of the war is over, and that for now the Whirlwind Armors can stand down. But to remain vigilent and prepare. For the forces of evil always return.

The Lyrebirds nodded, before singing a few notes as a respectful goodbye and flying back to the Skypeaks. Some of them stayed though, as future communication might be needed. As those who were flying to the Whirlwinds' mountain were on their way, they kept repeating the information, mimicking the angel's voice almost perfectly.

The Blood Star

Egides got closer to the new celestial body; only to stop abruptly. Not only did it look like it followed the Verdant Moon, a foul aura emanated from it. The goddess probably couldn't hear the whispers some mortals could sense, but she could tell something was off. She decided to come closer, inspecting it.

8+4= 12AP 0+2= 2PAP [rollover]

2016-10-03, 09:57 PM
The Hall of Souls
All across the First World angels flew shepherding souls back and forth. Their destination was the Garden of the Gods, in particular a special hall that the Lotus had devoted to the keeping of the dead. Here the archangel Mot recorded the lives of the dead in its great tome aided by a vast host of angelic clerks. When every memory and every detail had been recorded the souls were sent on to meet the Lotus and receive their final judgement.

Of course all of this was merely for the angels benefit, and any mortals who might seek access to the halls of the dead while still living. For the Lotus was a god, and the creator of the entire sphere of mental magic besides. Merely looking at a soul was enough for it to know all that had been done. And with divine word send them on their way to reincarnation. Those who struggled and strived to overcome every obstacle. Those who did not let their circumstances bear them down twist them. Those were sent to the blessed land, the Verdant Moon, where they could be free to carve their own path in the untamed lands. Those who were bent and corrupt. Who let the world shape them and gave in to the seductive whispers of war and greed. They were sent back to the First World. To try once more to overcome the polluted world.

And yet a third category arose. Souls who were so steeped in corruption. So twisted in evil and vice that there was no hope for them in the cycle of rebirth. No redemption possible on either the First World or the Verdant Moon. The Lotus had no place for them, but it know who did. And so it sent its host out searching. Looking for the Dragon and the devils of the Dark Omen where it could leave the most vile souls to their fates. And until then the Lotus denied them rebirth instead keeping their souls safe where it could keep a petal on them.

2016-10-07, 07:19 PM
The battle of Irt

Tides of war

The battle went poorly for the forces of Vitae. While they did not falter in the defense of their outpost, and their soldiers made a good accounting for themselves, more and more simply fell and did not rise back up. The assault of the feral vampires into the Squires of Steel and the Sentinels proved disastrous, as while the grit manipulators were able to endure through the damage dealt to their bodies, only a few were of the level to do so, and fewer still were actually able to put down the blood-and-incarnum thirsty monstrosities. As that flank began to crumble, it sent out ripples into the rest of the battle that caused more lines to buckle and fall back, as weaknesses in the defenses were exposed. The soldiers of the Isles may well have collapsed fully were it not for Selphenyr's involvement, as when she slammed the new Empress of the Jade Empire into the earth, it crushed hundreds of Yahn's soldiers and abominations below both of them, and their bloody struggle caused yet more damage.

For a moment, there came relief as the unified forces of the Orch descended from the sky, peppering the battlefield with their spores, bodies and psionic powers, and giving the belabored defenders a chance to re-form and rest. Only the Death Jesters refused the momentary peace that was offered to them, under the leadership of a hardened warlord, a squire of steel raised to golden status, who kept his sanity despite the dozens of times he had already fallen, these eternal warriors kept gaily butchering the enemies of the Alliance, mostly focusing on assisting Selphenyr, as the dragon continued to battle tooth-and-claw within the heart of Yahn's army with her wayward daughter, and even the Mother of Dragons would have been swarmed over by the enemy if left alone.

But the rest given to Vitae's armies was fleeting, for the numbers of the Alliance were far, far too vast to be held back even by nature itself for very long. And while it was slow, the lines once again began to press in, and give way. Bodies of orch shock troopers lay where they fell, mere obstacles as endless demons, norn and orken rolled from their pits inside of the earth. Mer-creatures had already overwhelmed the docks, and as more and more soldiers died, the numbers of the Jesters began to swell. From thirty, to sixty, to over two hundred members of all races. Dedicated to this battle, to the sweet song of death and war that called to them so serenely, they flocked to the banner of their hero, and where they went, the Alliance began to be driven back.

Even these nigh-immortal warriors could not hold the tide back forever, however. More and more would fall, only to disintegrate and never rise again. Their numbers began to fail, while the Alliance only thinned. While the combined armies of Vitae were taking a bloody tole on their foes, their were too few of them to win the day. Until, that is, the first tactical nuclear strike landed.

The armies of the Devils did not pour from just the sky, and they did not appear within the already cramped and faltering lines of their mortal allies. Instead, they ripped holes within the sky, earth and sea, waves of blue fire lancing and erupting from their weapons of mass destruction as they came. A hail of lead followed soon after as musket-fire filled the air with the clatter of steel and blade. Like a tidal wave, the armies of Hell cut deep and bloody swaths within the Alliance's formations, each strike brutal, and then gone as quickly as it had come. Constant swirls of butchery that left only the dead, crippled and dying behind, with no foe to turn against and fight.

And when the leaders of the alliance fell, one simply beaten down too many times to rise anymore by Enoch, Eliana and Rylios together, and the other imploding as his patron deity was slain, the brutal assaults drove the followers of the Destined into chaos. And, as the weary defenders rallied and struck back, that chaos turned into a rout. As Enoch hefted the Ebon Heart high, and the Golden Shields and Sentinels reformed their lines to repulse and cut down any pockets of resistance, the Jesters and Orch ripped through the disorganized masses like cannonballs through paper and glass.

By the end of the third day, the last battles for Irt had finally ceased, the tunnels into the Crackling Below sealed, and the orken spores burnt away. But the tole had been great. Less than a third of the defenders still stood, with only one thousand of the Sentinels, four hundred Rangers, half of the entire Brotherhood of Steel and ten dragons of Fortune (young ones all) remaining to even help take care of the bodies. Of the Order of the Wyrm, only Eliana remained, her separation from the chapter that had taken root in what was now Haven felt all the more keenly as she was left to try and think of how the people of the Isles would recover from their first true war.

Of the death jesters, only their captain remained behind, having ordered the others to hunt down the fleeing Norn to their homes, and visit ruin upon the butchered and shattered ice elves such as they would never forget, a reckoning that would be felt for generations to come. Not one of these loyal soldiers would return home, casualties of war all. The captain himself refused to give his name to anyone, calling himself only the Reaper, and never leaving Eliana's side.

The refugees of Spirehold had disappeared near the end of the chaos, only half of them having fallen on the battlefield, and none could say where they had gone.

But despite all of the loss, bloodshed and destruction, Vitae had claimed victory (in no small part because of the Devils and the Orchani, both of whom became praised by the soldiers of the Isles). A Pyrrhic, hollow victory, but a victory none-the-less. And that victory would spread ripples throughout the North, giving them a foothold to stand upon, while their enemies were still reeling from the damage that had been dealt to them. But that was only if any of them truly wanted to continue the battle. For their part humanity had their share of blood today, and only the Jesters (already on their suicide mission) and the Rangers wished to continue the campaign further, to hunt down the last few adepts and foes who had escaped them, and to scout out all of the land that had been until recently denied to them.

Many of the rest... went home. To families and loved ones, and the families of friends who had fallen beside them. To share stories of valor, companionship, and the true horrors that they had stood against, and the gods and allies that had literally shaped the battlefield around them.

And Selphenyr went home to die.

Selphenyr and Sith'Rakaar - Humbling the Empress

When the blood dragon tore her "fortunate" cousin in half, a golden light would almost immediately pour from its form, and heal the injury as the dragon accepted the request to return to life. However, before it could begin to fight back, and before Sith'Rakar could once again tear into the smaller dragon's flesh, a shriek of unbridled fury and disgust would draw the attention of both. Diving into the empress's flank with enough force to knock the smaller fortune dragon from between the crimson empress's clutches, Selphenyr would drive Sith'Rakar down to the earth, the Mother of Dragons intent on teaching this interloper a lesson as the great beasts crushed hundreds of Yahn's soldiers below their bodies.

In a tangle of claws and teeth the dragons would flail and fight, errant wing beats and sweeps of their tail mowing down more and more lesser mortals as the duel grew larger. Whenever one dragon took flight, the other dragged her rival back to the earth, slamming them down into a bed of steel and flesh. The breaths of the dragons would bathe their mortal warriors, melting them and dooming them to misfortune time and again, and as minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into a day, it would finally become obvious who had the upper hand. While she was able to manipulate luck to her advantage, she was larger, and she did have the advantage of striking the first blow, Selphenyr simply lacked the murderous drive and combat experience of Sith'Rakar, and her breath seemed to have a far lesser effect on the Blood Dragon than that acidic spray did on the Fortune Dragon's scales. The length of their duel, and all of the divinely-infused injuries dealt to Selphenyr's body, eventually allowed the Empress to grind down the stamina of her foe and knock the Mother of Dragons to her back, bearing her vulnerable belly to the blood dragon's talons and teeth.

Still struggling and fighting back, Selphenyr tried to knock the ravaging claws of the dragoness atop her away, still attempting to desperately claw at her foe's underbelly in order to knock Sith'Rakar's bulk from atop her. However, having already been bled time and again, and now trapped below the Empress's body, her weakened blows would only make Selphenyr's situation worse. Not only did it fail to shift the dragon from her stranglehold, the blood pouring from her foe would have nowhere to go but the fortune dragon's body, and no amount of luck could keep that acid from scoring her thick scales all the more. Screaming in pain, her claws clenched deep in Sith'Rakar's flesh, Selphenyr would be defenseless as her hind legs scrabbled along the blood dragon's tail, and the Empres sank her grinning maw into one of Selphenyr's great wings and began to pull.

With a sickening crackle of bone being pulverized, and then the rip of flesh being torn asunder by divine teeth, Selphenyr's scream would become only all the more agonizingly desperate as her wing was removed fully from her body, leaving a jagged, bleeding stump behind and nothing more. But before the blood dragon could begin to drink from the wound, or cause any more harm to the dying dragoness below her, a flare from a controlled nuclear detonation along her spine would cause the empress to rear up, screaming in pain and annoyance. And it was at this moment that Selphenyr, her claws half-melted, her vision blurred and agony screaming across her mind, would take advantage of the other dragon's distracted state, and use the bulk of her larger body to her advantage.

Throwing herself up, desperation and adrenaline lending a strength that had not been there a moment before, and with the flames of determination burning along her wounded talons, Selphenyr would reverse the position of the dragons, pinning Sith'Rakar below her larger body, and grasping her claws along the other dragoness's skull. The impact of the slam sent a ripple of shattering cracks along the wings of the empress, pulverizing the bones of the delicate flight joints almost simultaneously, but that was just the first move, and Selphenyr was hardly going to leave her foe with just that to remember her by.

A talon from the mortally wounded dragoness above her would sink into Sith'Rakar's face, popping the eye of the blood dragon like a bundle of puss trapped within a zit, Selphenyr's own divine "weaponry" scored its own un-healing wound, and Sith'Rakar felt her head rising back into the air. Still clutching the other dragoness's skull and using her full, broken, bleeding and trembling body to do so, Selphenyr would lift up the empress's head as high as she could and slam it against the ground. Repeating the motion again... and again... and a third time as she used the uttercold-frozen surface as an unyielding platform, the Mother of dragons would unleash her fury until, with a fourth and final slam and a spray of blood, teeth and bone, Sith'Rakar's jaw would shatter at the joint upon the cold earth, and both dragons would stop struggling and fighting; drained, bloodied and unable to continue if they wished to, their twinned cries of pain signalling the end of their battle.

Leaning down to her foe, hissing and spitting her own blood into the ruined eye of the empress, Selphenyr would growl, "If you ever... ever harm another one of my children again, insolent welp, I will take more than your eye and a few teeth..." And, pulling her claws from the flesh of the defeated, but still living, empress of Yahn, Selphenyr would hobble, spread her one wing to fly only to roar in agony as her fresh, bleeding stump reminded her that she was no longer able to do so, and retreat from the battlefield surrounded by the Death Jesters that had come to support her. Leaving a great wing behind, and her body being dragged by the remains of her claws rather than walking proudly from the field, Selphenyr would crawl through the portal to the Temple of the Gods, leaving a bloody trail to the peak, and then lay within the nest of unborn eggs, kobolds scurrying all about her, and her blood staining the stone and wood below her shattered frame.

Feeling the divine magic of Tolvan pulsing within her wounds, and acidic blood eating ever deeper into her core, and the vital organs contained within, Selphenyr knew that her injuries would be un-mend able, even by divine intervention. Too much harm had been caused... and too much interference prevented it. With her soul slowly separating from her body, surrounded by her loyal kobold companions who even now struggled against the inevitable as they tried to desperately stop the flow of her blood, Selphenyr wrapped her body protectively around the remaining unborn eggs and would whisper, "At least... I managed to keep all of you safe..."

Knowing that Sith'Rakar would bear her own scars for the rest of her life, and knowing that the blood dragon would have to spend many, many years recovering before she could even shakily fly once more, Selphenyr would allow the rest of her life to pass. Hopefully, her sacrifice was enough to send the empress back into her hole, and it would protect Selphenyr's children for generations to come...


Standing in the pit created by their duel with the Lich lord, Eliana would look to the other divinely blessed beings standing beside her, feeling Selphenyr's life failing, and sensing, rather than seeing, the battle dying down around them as the forces of the alliance continued to be routed. Fighting back bitter tears at the senselessness and cruelty of it all, she would look to the prize they had claimed, the Ebon heart, key to the Ebon Court and throne, and an artifact of immense power... and she only barely held back from spitting on it. This tiny thing was not worth all of this bloodshed and loss. It had not been worth all of her friends.

However, they had won, and a great and terrible evil that threatened this world had been vanquished, in no small part thanks to her. She had felt the god behind the avatar die as her will and blade cut into it, some far off battle consuming the annihilator. And with that, all of the avatars fell as one, and the magic binding the alliance together that flowed from them shattered. There would never be a threat like this again within the world. Here, in Irt, the strangle-hold the Norns and their once-allies held over the North had been shattered, and the threat they had posed to her home was driven back.

But the cost had been great, and much work had to be done to repair the damage that had been dealt... and who better to start the repairs than ever-regrowing nature, and the healer himself? Looking to her allies, Eliana would ask, "Rylios, Enoch... while we have taken this field, and defended ourselves well, there is still much work we must do to undo the harm caused. A wall separates the world, volcanoes that continue to churn out endless winter and death, a plague moon that drives more and more decent folk insane, enemies that, while defeated, may one day return, and many, many families that suffer from it all. Where would you suggest we start?"

Beyond the War

Founding of the Inquisition

The rise of the Cult of the Blood Moon did not go unnoticed within the Isles of Man or Haven, as some of their citizens, normally easily kept peaceful due to the influence of the Golden and Silver people, participated in barbaric and bloody rituals that left quite the spectacle, and a response came in the form of a new policing society. Dedicated to hunting down those people and things that lurked in the night and preyed upon the innocent, the Inquisition was born.

While not its founder, and not actually even part of the main hierarchy, there was one member that distinguished himself time and again for his dedication, efficiency, and brutal effectiveness in hunting down those that would tarnish his homeland. Hailing from the descendants of Spirehold who had remained within the Isles, and keeping their traditional hatred of anything not human (or golden/ silver men, and kobolds... because who can actually hate those cute little buggers?) his name was Inquisitor Carazov, and this human had made it his goal to hunt down and cut the head off of the leaders of this "blood moon cult," and if necessary he would hunt them to the ends of the First World.

But of course, there was one more very, very important player left in this divine tragedy left to visit... and perhaps, he might be able to salvage a comedy from it yet.

Zean, wake up and conduct

The light of Sol had begun to rise upon the Verdant Moon when Zean felt his champion and friend Selphenyr die, and, looking up at the teaming life around him, the god of Joy would do something that he had never done before. He would call the soul of the dragoness out of the Cycle, and bring her to his side instead. Rising to his feet as a cascade of colors and light poured from the soul of the hero, only to condense into that small dragon that he had played with in Valhalla so many years ago, Zean would smile and hold out his hand for the dragoness, who happily pipped and, with a clumsy flap of her wings, flew to land upon her friend's arm.

Looking at where he had lain for so long now, Zean would take in his environment for the first time and blink in a little bit of surprise. Beasts and plants of all kinds had gathered around him, settled around the god of Peace in a protective circle, and only beginning to rise as he did. Beings that would normally never get along, giant wasps and beetles, Orchani and razorweed, and these strange, colorful humming birds all awakening with the deity. Smiling at them, his gentle touch and overpowering influence drawing this strange little community with him, the god of Joy would walk to a clearing within the forest so that he might look upon the first world, a cold knot of dread in his heart at what he might see in the North. But instead of finding it overrun with the dead and Marowleth's servants, and instead of seeing endless masses of those who did evil pouring towards the homes of his people, the god of Joy would be pleasantly surprised. The forces of the Vitae gods had managed to hold against the evil tide, and the alliance had been broken...

And Zean almost wept for Joy, because he felt the weight that had been on his shoulders lifted. He did not need to act to shatter this threat, or to bring down the vengeance that so many had been calling for. He didn't need to bring a reckoning like none had known upon so many mortals, and the innocents that were tied to them. The world had protected itself from annihilation without his interference... and because of it, Zean didn't need to commit the greatest genocide the world would now never know. And finally, finally, he was able to just let his head roll back and laugh. Laugh until he cried, the tears running down his face and staining the earth once more, Zean would actually dance for a while, taking beast and being in hand as they celebrated this victory. None of the others would know the full reason, but they could feel the raw happiness radiating from the god, and that would be enough to inspire them to join the festivities.

Of course, all things must end, and even this jubilation must eventually cease. After a few moments, Zean would learn of the other problems that plagued the people of the world in a storm of prayers. While the north was silent as far as requests went, the priests of the Temple of the Gods would dutifully relay the happenings of the Blood Star, and all of the other problems that faced the Isles. An analytical look, not charged with requests or suggestions, simply letting their god know what was occurring. And Zean would begin to consider just how things needed to be fixed.

Looking to the Blood Star, the god would sense Tolvan still within that place and, thinking quickly, he would draw together the gathered animals and beings, calling more and more humming birds to him and he clearing his throat. pulling a conductor's baton from his hand, and taping a podium that he conjured from the earth, Zean would wait for the assembled creatures to quiet down and wait for his direction. And then, Zean would slowly begin to weave together a song and his own divine inspiration. Each being contributed its own unique sounds, from the rustling of leaves, to the song of birds, and the insectoid buzz of beetles. In truth, the song wasn't the best of all things, but in it was carried more than just sound, more than just the nature and the voices that had formed it. In its simple, natural honesty, it carried with it memories, reminders, and above it all, love. So pure and simple, yet vast and incomprehensible that those that heard it would only be able to experience it. It would be impossible to explain just how deep and connected this song made them feel to... everything, and many would go on to try and write poems to explain why.

This song, this love letter to Tolvan, was infused with memories of life, laughter, kindness, shared grief and that warm, tender love that Zean possessed for the vanished deity, even now. It was a song that transcended all barriers, all thoughts and all pain, that cut away all these small and unimportant things, and that could calm the raging beast of even Tolvan's fury... if only for a moment. But it was not only meant for the God of Champions. For Zean, while he undeniably cherished the warrior god, knew they could not be together again unless Tolvan decided to once more walk the world in flesh and blood... and even if he may hope for it, Zean knew that there was too much pain for his love to return. No, this song was also a love letter to more than just a god.

It was to the mortals of the First World. All of them, big or small, cruel or kind, good and evil alike. All of them, reminded of love, of kindness an passion, and of long, good nights spent together. Of cherished memories of children playing, and friends telling jokes. All of the little things that just made life... bearable. And more than that, what made life worth living, and worth looking forward to every day!

And for some suffering the effects of the Blood Star, this was enough to reach them and to delay, and sometimes remove the curse entirely. This reminder of love and their bonds with their family strengthened their resolve, allowing them to beat the voices back, and to save themselves and their loved ones from the ravages of those bloodthirsty whispers. Their madness could not consume this pure flame that resided at their core, could not shake it, and could not twist it. It was changing, yes, but it was also undeniably permanent, and no mere voice could drown it out. Not even death could transcend this most important of all things, so what hope did a mere star have of accomplishing the same task?

As the song wound on, Selphenyr would add her voice. Calling to Eliana, the unborn children within he eggs, and all of those friends she had left behind, memories still burned permanently into her soul, the Mother of Dragons would add a tragic note to the the tune. One of love that could no longer be reciprocated, but that held such terrible, awful longing to be reunited. And a tear would fall from Zean's mask as he heard his friend cry for those she had left behind. But... while he was no healer, Zean had means at his disposal to change this one loss, at the very least. And Selphenyr's song would change once golden light surrounded her, gently infusing the soul of the dragon, and pulling her back towards the First World. Her song faltering, Selphenyr looked to her oldest friend as he waved to her, mask removed from his face so that she could see his smile as he waved, and she faded down, down, down...

Selphenyr, Dragon of Many Aspects... be reborn - Temple of the Gods

It had been a week of sorrows among the priests of the Temple, for so many dead were felt keenly by those who must prepare funeral rights... even if the bodies would disappear afterwords. But none had been felt so keenly as that of Selphenyr, the one body that had stayed, despite the curse. The divinity that had infused and slain her had given her strange immunities, even in death... so when the body suddenly crumbled into naught but soot and coal, the Kobolds that had been tending to the great beast's remains despaired almost enough to completely miss one egg shuddering and cracking. But one of the older females did see it, and she walked towards the (sterile) egg with confusion and a small trill of hope beyond hope. A foolish thought, yes, but the gods worked in mysterious ways, and...

The egg hatched to reveal a most peculiar dragon. The shape of a dragon of Fortune, with scales of pure white, and blood-red eyes, spittle and flesh, the newborn would gaze up at her with an intelligence that was so, so very far beyond the years of one so freshly hatched. And the first thing that this wyrmling did was look to the sky, and cry up to the Verdant moon in painful longing. Bending down to hold this wyrmling to comfort her, cradling this peculiar dragon, the kobold would call to her ilk to have them bring food, clean bedding (not drenched in the blood of the dragon who had bled to death here) and a fresh blanket, and she sent another group to find Eliana. For the Caretaker knew the dragon that she had served under for longer than most humans had been alive, and she knew when a Miracle occurred.

Starting AP: 5

2 rollovers: +10 AP, +2 PAP, +Infused Life

-3 AP: Infuse Hero; Selphenyr, Mother of Dragons, Aspect of the Gods Selphenyr was always meant to be more than just a single kind of all Aspect dragons, and now that she has been reborn, she has received the opportunity to correct this oversight. Now the mother of dragons has been given an ever-changing body that epitomizes all of her draconic brood. Anything that could be considered an Aspect dragon will influence her physically, and grant her the capabilities that are unique to each variety of dragon. This has given her an... interesting appearance, to say the least, and was only made possible by Zean sacrificing a small part of his divine essence to infuse her, to bring out her hidden potential, and to restore the life she had lost.

-2 AP: Raise Hero; The Caretaker The Caretaker is an honorary title given to the most elder matron of the kobolds. While never necessarily the most powerful of all their kind, it is the one that is infused with their race's devotion, love and caring most of all the little scaly race, and as such has a few advantages. Chief among these are that she can call upon kobolds to assist her no matter where she is, and they will always defend her as ferociously as if they were defending a clutch of eggs from invaders. Additionally she serves as a conduit for the kobold's faith, granting her access to Zean's divine magic and allowing her to channel the collective Grit of the race to do remarkable, beautiful things. This title automatically passes on upon death, and the new Caretaker gains some of the memories of her predecessor, sans memories that would be too unbearable for even a member of this plucky race to handle.

-2 AP: Raise Hero; The Reaper The Reaper is the only member of the Death Jesters to have kept his mind in the endless cycle of death and rebirth, and is the only one to have the capability to shed Grit from his soul. Functionally, this makes him an immortal warrior, but even though he has kept his mind more or less intact, the Reaper is still greatly affected by his experiences. Once a normal human, this Golden Man now only functions when there is a call to arms, or when he is guarding Eliana, a duty that he takes to with religious zealotry. Anywhere else he locks up, freezes, and finds himself unable to act or decide on a course of action, even if he knows what he should do. Knowing that he can never again live a normal life, he has taken upon himself the mantle of the deathbringer, and has dedicated his life to battle... for the protection of others, so that they never have to live like him.

-2 PAP: Form Society; The Inquisition The Inquisition is a military society dedicated to hunting down those infested by lycanthropy and the Blood Moon's influence. While it has no true borders, and is more like an ongoing crusade, it does have its own laws, its own leadership (made of the most dedicated and experienced Inquisitors), and its own form of currency. The Inquisition has multiple branches, from research divisions, to ambassadors, to the soldiers that make up the bulk of their civilization, but all of them are bent to military ideals. To join the Inquisition, one must merely renounce their old citizenship and lives, and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are both not corrupted by the Blood Moon, and that they are not lycanthropic. Demon worship, while frowned upon, is not out-right banned in this society. Merefolk are also enemies of this society, and anything from the Lands of Terror are things meant to be hunted and destroyed.

Currently located in the Isles of Man and Haven, the Inquisition is a rapidly-expanding movement that calls out to the rejected, the vengeful and the disillusioned. Many monster hunters of all kinds are also drawn to their banner, and they are looking for lands to make their own headquarters.

-2 AP: Counter-Blessing; Love's Call (Curse of the Blood Star) This blessing is simple... those who experience true love, in any of its forms, are immune to the effects of the Blood Star. Or at least, they are immune to it while the object of their passion is beside them. Be it a lover, a child or a close friend, these precious things are able to not only drown out the voices, but to silence them and drive them back completely. But this blessing goes farther than that. A reminder of love will calm even the most red of bloodlusts, quell unstoppable fury, and turn a raging berzerker into a gentle giant. This can cause those suffering from such violent emotions out of their frenzy, though it will not fix any damage already done.

-3 AP: Gain Domain; Emotion (Love) For the lord of Laughter, and the caller of Community so loved the world and all those in it, that it became an aspect of his divinity. A beacon of Devotion and Compassion to all those suffering from heartbreak and hatred.
-3 AP: Infuse hero, Selphenyr
-2 AP: Raise hero, The Caretaker
-2 AP: Bless, Love's reach

Ending AP: 3, Mortal Infusion

Zean is now an Intermediate Deity

Tanzan Aura
2016-10-07, 08:25 PM
Near the Blood Star

She was watching the new celestial body. Something about it felt oddly familiar. As if she felt the presence of something she knew, yet she couldn't put a feather on who or what.
Her, a god, stopped in front of something reeking with aggressivity by a mere odd feeling of déjà-vu. The conflicts in the first world were losing their intensity. She looked down. Clouds passed by, and she could see the Skypeaks. She could feel her children fighting. She could feel the Whirlwinds sword slash through the evil daring to approach them, she could feel the Lyrebirds song be relayed from one part of the world to the other, she could feel her hummingbirds wings beat with all the strenght they could muster, she-
A thought, probably from one of the hummingbirds that followed the god for her, breached in.

Joy. Harmony. Hope.
Pardon ?

She got interrupted. A soft song came from the Verdant moon. The low buzzes of insects, the sound of the wind passing by leaves, the singing of birds, even the voice of her own scout hummingbirds, guided by some godly being, made up a somewhat harmonic melody. The goddess felt hopeful, and strangely happy. A feeling of warmth filled her heart, as she, lured in by the song, glided her way closer to the source of the music.
From her point of view, she could see the orchestra of wildlife and pacific-looking creatures, conducted by a... god ?

2016-10-08, 07:55 AM
Irt, Rylios, small steps.

Rylios walked up to Eliana, a sword slowly being pushed from his chest by his healing. “Start small, with the bleeding men and burning building before us. Then consult the living, build monuments to the died and rebuild. That’s what I’m going to do, make sure the people here survive before we strike our enemies.”

The healer looked behind him at a bound norn and a tiefling becoming a liberated behind himself. “I don't know what you two should do or will do. But if you wish to bring battle to our enemies, remember we had a good lot of intel.”

Rylios started healing the injured near himself, as he waited for the others response. A thought entered Rylios’ mind, a simple preparation for the future. With a wave of the healer’s left hand divine energy moved around him unseen by mortal eyes forming a tool for the future.

14ap 2pap 1fl artefact charge

Bless(pap1): destruction undone
Destruction and harm done by the creations of the destined is undone easily, as if the world helps undo it. Wounds heal faster, swords made blunt by battle are sharpened easily, repairs need only half the men.

Note: this blessing needs the fixing party to apply some effect to perform the fix as it makes the fix easier but doesn’t do it automatically.

Create major artefact (1 pap 4 ap): the unseen forge of strings
This great artefact is made entirely of divine energy and spiritual force. Being practically invisible to mortals as they normal can't see such energies and is incorporeal as it has no physical form. Those that have seen it describe it looking like a number of strings strung from two points in the air. Whoever wields this artefact finds infusing ideas or making matrices of divine energy and magic far simpler.

Note this is an artefact of “create major artefact”

10ap 0pap 1fl artefact charge

2016-10-08, 10:20 AM
The Crackling Below
Even after their defeat the members of the Alliance continued to move about. Tunnels were moved, defenses bolstered, and new plans formed. After all Bitter Root, Thronhold, and Bogcrown were still theirs in the north and most of the Eastern Continent was theirs in the south. Perhaps in time they would attack again but first they had to reorganize and remove the weak links. Chief among such things was a severe lack of new slaves and the loss of several Lords.

Bitter Roots
In such confusion Impsy made his move. The Norns in the tree above were broken by the loss of their deity, even if they still received His blessing. With a mighty squeak he rose from Bloodfire and shouted loud enough that even the top of the tree could hear him. "EEEEEEEeeeego! Toooooolong! You! Youwillbeeeekind! BeeeeapartoftheCult! Beeeeborninfire!"
With a clap of his hands, Impsy set the entire tree on fire. For a brief second it was like Xenago itself was on the First World before it calmed to be a constant symbol of the Cult of Eternal Fire from a distance. On closer inspection it was still habitable, however. It was in this heat that a new race was born from the fires of Rathazook. Where Norns were masters of Uttercold their cousins were masters of Pyromancy, rivaling even the highest Torchbearer in their mastery of flame.
These Jagged-Scar elves served as the maintainers of their new home with the tieflings they once hunted and hated serving as their fellow devote aides. For within the Cult of Eternal Fire all is given freely to insure that everyone within can live a fulfilling life. Slowly other devotees of the faith would make their way to the burning tree as a pilgrimage and if they needed to contact the headquarters of the Cult in the North. With a slam of his staff, Brus decreed after a couple months "Fellow Cultist! It is good to see the Good Word spread like a wildfire since Impsy taught us the true path! And now we have our former enemies in our fold! With the blessing of the Eternal Fire our luck will finally turn as we fight back against the deities that attempt to limit us mortals! Go forth my fellow Cultist and continue to spread the Good Word!"

Starting: 8 (7+1 Rollover), Fabled, PAP, Artifact
Alter Land (Fabled): The Burning Tree Bitter Root flares to life for a brief second before settling as a constant reminder of the Cult of the Eternal Fire and its presence on the First World. The branches and such are still habitable as only the outer layer is truly on fire, the insides just a comfortable 80-120F worth of dry heat.
Counter toward Lucky Breaks (Artifact): The Good Word The Cult of the Eternal Fire's luck changes for the better. So much so that it seems the luck of the Alliance shifts back to neutral, with a little kicker of the Cult getting a boost in reputation in some manner. The Sultai have their shipments flowing smoothly with a small percentage of profits donated to the Cult, the Thrill Killers are able to summon more reliably if they put on a circus show before doing so, the Torchbearers find their routes safe again if they burn symbols of the Cult every mile or so, etc.
Create Magical Subrace of the Norns (PAP, 1 AP): Jagged-Scar Elves Whereas Norns care about Uttercold, their cousins care about Pyromancy. Their skin takes on a nearly universal indigo that classes nicely with the reds, oranges, and golds of their hair. Otherwise their bodies are like any other Elf as they serve their newest cause: the Cult of the Eternal Fire.
Ending: 7AP

2016-10-15, 05:30 AM
Nioteru stood outside on the beach of his island, staring at the sky, at the Blood Moon. Nioteru knew that was a new one, or at least assumed as much. He had been staring at the sky for quite some time, almost en hammered by it... the vastness intriqued him.

"A little while longer... soon, it will be time".

AP 13 + 8 AP (2 AP x 4 weeks) = 21 (reduced to 16 because of limit)

Remaining AP: 16