View Full Version : Pathfinder Boxing rules

2016-06-16, 07:50 PM
Hi All,

A quick search didn't throw anything up for me here and google was all over the place, so I thought I would ask out right. I am looking for rules on making a boxing match more realistic rather than just using the single punch mechanic, what have you used before and what was fun?
This match may be run through text and not live. A little more back ground below.

Passing some character down time during a DM swap in a large town and my character is a Lvl 3 (just) Half Orc, Barbarian invulnerable rage, wants to increase his funds to buy a nice shiny falchion, Masterwork +1, maybe 2 if I can afford it from the town's best smith, looking to get Keen on it asap. To do this I am looking at doing a spot of boxing and hopefully winning. New DM has confirmed there is a boxing scene in the town and fights are regular, however as we are all new to PF we don't really know how to run a good, realistic boxing match.

While we could just make it up, and adapt some AD&D methods (only previous playing experience in the group is in AD&D), I thought I would ask you folks how you've done it before.



Knight Magenta
2016-06-16, 08:15 PM
I've not run boxing, but here is how I would do it.

Presumably, the party does not want to sit around while you play out a tournament, so using the combat rules is out. I would have you roll a profession check to determine how much money you make, except you would use your BaB + your strength modifer + 3 if you have improved unarmed strike for the roll. Since boxing matches don't run that long, I would let you use your strength while raging to calculate your bonus.

So say you are level 5, with 22 strength and Improved unarmed strike. You would roll d20 + 14. Say you rolled a 10. you would then earn 12gp. Its not much, but there is a reason people go adventuring.

2016-06-16, 08:37 PM
Hi Knight Magneta,

Thank you.
Yep, you're right, we don't necessarily want the party to sit around while the DM and I just slug out a match or two. However that depends on who wants to be involved.

If the party get on board I think we would need to use the combat system as we know the prize money for fights and payments will be pretty small, the money, as with all of these events is in the side betting. The town is quite large and has a prosperous upper city, so the betting could be quite high in some areas. So for us to bet on the fight we need to either randomize the result with suitable variables or play it out.

I think the DM and I would like to play it out (by text or live), and depending on how many of the other party want to bet on the fight we could play out the evening as a special event. There is a lot of creativity that can go into an event like this, with people having different roles in the party, as we are pretty new together it could help cement our friendship. It could also either give us a reputation in this town that we are planning on hanging around for a little while.

Thoughts appreciated.



2016-06-16, 08:48 PM
You could go with combat rules... both contestants get into the ring, just shorts and gloves (gloves restrict to nonlethal), and have a mostly-normal combat until one or the other is unconscious.

For the other party members:
1) Betting (including talking up the fight to garner interest in betting).
2) Cheating (low profile buff spells with Silent & Still or something, slipping poisons into the opponent's water, whatever)

Of course, there will be refs looking for cheating, and who's to say you opponent doesn't have guys interested in him winning?

2016-06-16, 11:49 PM
Good and realistic? Forget it. Not going to happen.

The easy way would be to run normal combat with whatever penalties the GM assigns to emulate the rules in place (since many boxing styles, e.g. the Queensberry rules of boxing, are very different than normal combat).
You could also roll Profession (boxer), if you want things to be quick and easy and unfulfilling.

2016-06-16, 11:58 PM
[QUOTE=BWR;20901008]Good and realistic? Forget it. Not going to happen.QUOTE]

Yeah, I assumed that this would be the case. I think fun would be the better way to go. Scheduled a meeting with the DM this weekend to catch up and see how we're going to run it.

Thanks guys, please keep them coming.



2016-06-17, 02:21 AM
Pathfinder has special combat rules you might be interested in; the first is Dueling (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/duels) (where the combatants agree to a set of rules before the fight starts, and special actions called Dueling Dodge, Dueling Parry and Dueling Resolve are added to your normal set of combat actions), and Performance Combat (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/performance-combat), where the attitude of the crowd can affect the outcome of the match. Simply use "fists only" and "nonlethal gloves" as the basic rules and you should be able to put together a boxing match with those two.

2016-06-17, 10:30 PM
This should be enough to keep us going, gloved duel looks like the way to go.