View Full Version : Friendly Advice Creativity

2016-06-17, 06:20 AM
Link that inspired this topic:


You know, this scene got me thinking about the nature of creativity. Here we are each of us making our own story with the things we create. Sure some people may frown upon them, put them down, and try to hurt you (sometimes succeeding). But what I love is how people make their characters, worlds, ideas and their subsequent roles in the world their own. How we each of us have a creative spark, of whatever nature, that makes our experiences in our own imaginations (and in life itself) our own. So whatever people think, say to you, or do to you I just wanted to say: Don't give up hope. We each of us have some story of some kind that we can share with someone. And even if a story ends, there's always another one to take its place. I know this is corny, and I don't care. Despite the terrors and evils of the world, I feel glad to be alive and even if I may not always feel this way I'm still glad for it.

I know I just talked about myself there probably to excess. But I just wanted to say to people: Your story matters. No matter what. And despite what you may think, you can be creative, you just need to try. Even the smallest amount of creativity counts, at least to me.

Rock on people.

2016-06-17, 06:26 AM
I like it!

I once thought (and mostly still do, I suppose), everyone has a story to tell. Not just their personal life story, but if we all had at least acceptable writing skills, everyone would have a unique, interesting fiction to whip up. Maybe some people's past experiences lend themselves to steampunk, some to Lovecraftian horror, some to sword and sorcery, some to historical, etc.

2016-06-17, 06:45 AM
Mythopoeia: Philomythus to Misomythus (http://home.ccil.org/~cowan/mythopoeia.html)