View Full Version : Share your unique and interesting magic weapons!

2016-06-17, 09:35 AM
Hello again!

I'm looking for any interesting or unique magic weapon ideas! These can be magic weapons you've created or have come across in various games you've played. Share as many as you can! Thanks!

2016-06-17, 09:45 AM
I don't know if my GM found these swords somewhere or invented them himself, but Amarinthian weapons (an ancient, lost kingdom from his game world) will turn the bodies of anyone they kill to ash. It's a mostly cosmetic effect, though it does make it notably easier for things like... uh... hiding bodies. And... generating ash. If you need lots of ash.

2016-06-17, 10:05 AM
Well, if you don't mind weapons from other editions as an inspiration...

I've created few magic weapons over my DMing career, I think I can share the latest two (they are from PF Eberron game, not sure how the later would translate into 5e)

"Insanity" is originally a hobgoblin weapon. Hobgoblins in Eberron are fond of chain weapons (spiked chains, flails)...this one is a flail made from metal called byeshk. Byeshk can get through damage resistances of many aberrations.. Millenia ago, during the Daelkyr invasion (Daelkyr are powerful outsiders from Xoriat, Realm of Madness (Eberron's equivalent of Far Realm), creators of Mind Flayers, Beholders and various other aberrations and so crazy they can turn people insane just by being around them). During the war, this (then) unremarkable flail was used to kill one of the aberration's Daelkyr masters. However, the weapon was tainted in the process, and now spreads its victim's madness both to its wielder and his enemies. It would be something like this:

Byeshk flail, on an attack roll of natural 20, roll 1d6. The target is affected with a spell according to results of the roll (no save):
Hideous Laughter
Rage (this spell does not exist in 5e, you may replace it with barbarian's Rage ability)
Crushing Despair (this spell does not exist in 5e, but Hopelessness effect of Symbol spell should work)
On an attack roll of natural 1, the spell targets the wielder instead.

In its original form, it was +5 weapon, you can change it to whatever you want for 5e
Shard of Rage
Shard of Rage is an adamantine greatsword with ten runes engraved on each side of its blade and with a fist sized black gemstone set into its crossguard. The runes are symbols of binding and control, and the gemstone is a Khyber Dragonshard, a magical crystal commonly used in the magic of binding outsiders. This Dragonshard is part of the shattered prison of the demonic Overlord Ral Tulkhesh, the Rage of War. Apparently, someone had the bright idea of using an imprisoned essence of the embodiment of rage, hatred and war to create a weapon.

The fiend is normally dormant, and the weapon works as a non-magical, though well made, sword. However, every drop of blood it spills on the battlefield, every strike in combat feeds and empowers the demonic essence within. With every hit in combat, one of the runes on the blade starts to glow and transforms into demonic symbol (demonic runes for hatred, rage, pain, fury...that sort of thing). With every transformed rune, the weapons grows more powerful and destructive (I'm not sure how to translate it into 5e, in original, it was +1 weapon after one hit, +1 keen weapon after two, +2 keen after 3, +2 keen and bane against the target's creature type after 4, etc. Perhaps increasing enhancement bonus and giving bonus damage for every hit? Maybe it's too fiddly and complex to work in 5e). That would be a great thing for longer battles...except when all the runes transform (after 10 hits), the magic imprisoning the demon fails and it's free to either possess the sword's wielder or take on a physical form of Balor (it's only a fragment of Ral Tulkhesh's full power).

Fortunately for the world, when the weapon is not used to attack someone for 1 minute, one of the runes transform back to its original form and imprisons the fiend once again. For each minute without a fight, one more rune transforms back, weakening the weapon, until the demon's dormant and the whole circle can start again. So far, the fiend always ran out of victims before he could try to find and re-unite the shards of its prison, free itself, gather its full power and destroy the mortal's civilisation.

2016-06-17, 10:12 AM
I did have a ritual in one game for binding people into magical weapons to make sentient weapons. It was kind of a way to allow players to retire their characters but to keep them in the game world.

2016-06-17, 10:22 AM
A few I have made for my next game I will be running. Custom setting, so some names may not make sense :)

Wardancers Blade
Weapon (Scimitar), rare (requires attunment)
A weapon often carried by the wardancers of the Nightwolf clan. Little is known about how these weapons are made, for if one is lost the Wardancers dedicate their life to recovering it. Some few though have slipped passed them over time, and are desperately sought by collectors and bardic warriors.

Whenever you critical hit with a Wardancer’s Blade, you may immediately use the effect of one of your abilities that require a bardic inspiration die to use.

Abrahams Enlightenment
Weapon (handcrossbow), Rare
A small hand crossbow carved with several sigil on the Order of Alucard, a famous order of Undead hunters who guard the Free holds from the undead of the Cursed Glade and the Deadlands. When the trigger is pulled, the carved runes glow, creating a bolt of pure light.

This weapon is treated as a hand crossbow that deals radiant damage, requires no ammunition and loses the loading property. Each bolt fired emits 10 feet of light. When a creature takes damage from Abrahams Enlightenment they emit 10 feet of light as bright as sunlight for 1 minute.

Ulriks Honour (This is named after the parties favourite drunken dwarf barbarian form my current game, he met his fate all too early :( )
Weapon (Greataxe), Very Rare
A greataxe carried by a once great Dwarven warrior, who lived past his time. This axe was carried by Ulrik until he fell in the battle of Viller Plains, where he stood by himself against an elven archery battalion. Although he died, due to his heroic sacrifice many dwarven women and children managed to flee to safety.

Ulriks Honour is treated as a +1 Greataxe that has the following properties
It deals an additional 2d6 fire damage on critical hits
You have resistance to ranged weapon attacks
You have advantage on death saves
After being attuned to this weapon for a week, you begin to grow a marvelous dwarven esque beard, despite your gender.

And finally, a sentient weapon

Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang
Weapon (sword), Legendary (requires attunement by non chaotic character)

Tatsumasa is a +2 one handed sword that deals 1d10 slashing damage and has the versatile (2D6) property.

Honour Bound
As a bonus action you may declare a challenge against a single foe. They must make a DC 15 Charisma save. On a failed save, the creature is drawn to you, compelled by Tatsumasa will. For the next minute, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you, and must make a Charisma saving throw each time it attempts to move to a space that is more than 30 feet away from you; if it succeeds on this saving throw, this spell doesn't restrict the target's movement for that turn The effect ends if you attack any other creature, if you cast a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the target, if a creature friendly to you damages the target or casts a harmful spell on it, or if you end your turn more than 30 feet away from the target. Yo may use this ability once, before being unable to use it again before taking ashort rest.

You can use a bonus action to state a purpose, and awaken the sentient spirit of this magic sword. If Tatsumasa feels your purpose is worthwhile he will soar from your hand and come to life. The blade turns into a Young Bronze Dragon using the rules on page 108 of the monster manual. Tatsumasa rolls it's own initiative when summoned, and acts as an independant character under the GM's control. Tatsumasa stays in his dragon form for one hour, or until his purpose is done. Once Tatsumasa returns to his sword form, he may not take his draconic form for 7 days.

Tatsumata is a sentient neuteral good weapon with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 18 and a Charisma of 15. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its calm and serene, like a still pond in a deep cave. While you are attuned to it, Tatsumasa also understands every language you know.

Tatsumata speaks with a dignified, calm tone, almost like a wise old grandfather. The swords purpose is to defend serfs, peasents and any folk of the lower class despite their race. It sees it's duty as protecting those that cannot defend themselves, much as a kindly lord would protect his people.

2016-06-17, 10:34 AM
I had one I really liked the really short version is they are used by a secret society that removes threats the community is unwilling to remove themselves they have a couple special tools but the interesting one is the mask.

Wearing the mask subsumes you into the identity of the oath keeper your appearance your gender even your scent are overwritten by your new identity even magic is fooled treating your masked form as a separate individual.

So if someone used divination to try and find the killer it would not consider you the killer unless you were wearing your mask, even alignment detection would not work provided you only did evil deeds while wearing the mask.

2016-06-17, 11:33 AM
A few I have made for my next game I will be running. Custom setting, so some names may not make sense :)

Wardancers Blade
Weapon (Scimitar), rare (requires attunment)
A weapon often carried by the wardancers of the Nightwolf clan. Little is known about how these weapons are made, for if one is lost the Wardancers dedicate their life to recovering it. Some few though have slipped passed them over time, and are desperately sought by collectors and bardic warriors.

Whenever you critical hit with a Wardancer’s Blade, you may immediately use the effect of one of your abilities that require a bardic inspiration die to use.

Abrahams Enlightenment
Weapon (handcrossbow), Rare
A small hand crossbow carved with several sigil on the Order of Alucard, a famous order of Undead hunters who guard the Free holds from the undead of the Cursed Glade and the Deadlands. When the trigger is pulled, the carved runes glow, creating a bolt of pure light.

This weapon is treated as a hand crossbow that deals radiant damage, requires no ammunition and loses the loading property. Each bolt fired emits 10 feet of light. When a creature takes damage from Abrahams Enlightenment they emit 10 feet of light as bright as sunlight for 1 minute.

Ulriks Honour (This is named after the parties favourite drunken dwarf barbarian form my current game, he met his fate all too early :( )
Weapon (Greataxe), Very Rare
A greataxe carried by a once great Dwarven warrior, who lived past his time. This axe was carried by Ulrik until he fell in the battle of Viller Plains, where he stood by himself against an elven archery battalion. Although he died, due to his heroic sacrifice many dwarven women and children managed to flee to safety.

Ulriks Honour is treated as a +1 Greataxe that has the following properties
It deals an additional 2d6 fire damage on critical hits
You have resistance to ranged weapon attacks
You have advantage on death saves
After being attuned to this weapon for a week, you begin to grow a marvelous dwarven esque beard, despite your gender.

And finally, a sentient weapon

Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang
Weapon (sword), Legendary (requires attunement by non chaotic character)

Tatsumasa is a +2 one handed sword that deals 1d10 slashing damage and has the versatile (2D6) property.

Honour Bound
As a bonus action you may declare a challenge against a single foe. They must make a DC 15 Charisma save. On a failed save, the creature is drawn to you, compelled by Tatsumasa will. For the next minute, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you, and must make a Charisma saving throw each time it attempts to move to a space that is more than 30 feet away from you; if it succeeds on this saving throw, this spell doesn't restrict the target's movement for that turn The effect ends if you attack any other creature, if you cast a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the target, if a creature friendly to you damages the target or casts a harmful spell on it, or if you end your turn more than 30 feet away from the target. Yo may use this ability once, before being unable to use it again before taking ashort rest.

You can use a bonus action to state a purpose, and awaken the sentient spirit of this magic sword. If Tatsumasa feels your purpose is worthwhile he will soar from your hand and come to life. The blade turns into a Young Bronze Dragon using the rules on page 108 of the monster manual. Tatsumasa rolls it's own initiative when summoned, and acts as an independant character under the GM's control. Tatsumasa stays in his dragon form for one hour, or until his purpose is done. Once Tatsumasa returns to his sword form, he may not take his draconic form for 7 days.

Tatsumata is a sentient neuteral good weapon with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 18 and a Charisma of 15. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its calm and serene, like a still pond in a deep cave. While you are attuned to it, Tatsumasa also understands every language you know.

Tatsumata speaks with a dignified, calm tone, almost like a wise old grandfather. The swords purpose is to defend serfs, peasents and any folk of the lower class despite their race. It sees it's duty as protecting those that cannot defend themselves, much as a kindly lord would protect his people.

These are very interesting! Question: did you try to balance these items using some kind of guide or system or did you just wing it? One of my problems creating magic weapons is determining what an appropriate one would be for a given level.

2016-06-17, 11:58 AM
Sling of the Sparrow

These weapons are created by zealous holy men and women who see wealth and greed as dangerous and corrupting.

This +1 sling is made of cheap leather and never needs ammunition (ordinary rocks will do). If pieces treasure worth 50gp or more are used as ammo the sling deals 2d6 extra damage but the treasure is destroyed. Creatures and characters struck by attacks from the sling have their wealth and its trappings discarded or destroyed ( coins and gems fly from pouches, jewelry and embellishments are damaged, fine clothing torn and removed...).

The sling becomes +3 when used to attack a creature who compulsively hordes treasure (dragons or anything with a horde in its lair).

If the sling is used to attack intelligent creatures whose wealth is less than the wielder, then the wielder must make a DC 13 charisma save or the sling explodes. Burning the sling on an alter to a God of greed or while sincerely praying to such a God causes it to explode. Submerging it in the blood of 100 paupers cause it to explode. The exploding sling filles a 20 ft cube with gold dust. Creatures in the cube must make a DC 13 dexterity save. Creatures succeeding gain a level of exhaustion. Creatures failing take a permanent -1 to con saves (gold plated lungs) and a +1 to most charisma checks (breath smells of gold).

The sling functions as a mundane sling against anyone who has no wealth and no way to gain it (paupers, those with poverty vows), and those who don't care about riches (animals, many undead).

2016-06-17, 12:20 PM
A little bit ago I decided that heavy armor helmets (think judges from FF XII) can have a permanent arcane eye that shows the wielder what's going on much like Iron Man. Also medium and heavy armor can be enchanted with a permanent Presdigitation so that they stay the perfect temperature..

Working on essentially make an iron man type system where everyone is a commoner with a magic suit of awesome.

2016-06-17, 01:17 PM
A barbarian in my old group from a while ago had a prized x3 crit maul that he never went anywhere without. A doppelgänger who stole this maul and robbed us was captured and tried to communicate with him telepathically. Our barbarian immediately freaked out, raged, and crit. Turning him into an impromptu Gallagher act. We all agreed to never touch his maul under any circumstances.

Officer Joy
2016-06-17, 01:19 PM
The throwing axe of Callos, an hand ax with a d8 base damage, slightly better range, and the returning property.
The barbarian really likes not having to bring a bunch of trowing spears just to have a range attack.

The players didn't find these yet, so I can't tell you how they like them but

Ice arrows that do an extra 1d4 Ice damage on a hit,
(as there are no archers in the team now I wondere what they'll do with them)

The sword of Morrello; a broken sword with a handle decorated with red rubbies,
Once activated this handle becomes a flaming Great-sword. It does 4d4 fire damage on a hit and 1d4 fire damage on a miss.

Dragon claw gloves
When you wear these gloves made from the claws and teeth of a dragon you do an extra d4 damage with an unarmed strike.
(we all feel the monk hasn't really been able to contribute in combat.)

Not really a weapon but;
Unicorn Horn, When you are attuned to this horn you can once a day use an action to heal 2d8+2 hp. As long as you have it on your person.
If you bury it, a Unicorn will grow out of it in 4d4 days or half as much when planted in its Glaive and half again as much when cared for by a fey.
(they encounterd a horn before, but it was compannied by a pixie that asked them to bury it and they did, I wonder what they'll do if there isn't someone actively asking them to bury it.)

If anyone has oppinions or comments about these please share.

2016-06-17, 01:25 PM
I designed something that I don't have with me right this second:

The Lupinaxe
+2 Handaxe

When thrown it returns to the wielder after the attack (Returning). It emits a long howl on a critical hit (Might add a fear effect here). Once per day, able to summon a friendly Dire Wolf for 1 hour. Recharges at dusk.

2016-06-17, 02:03 PM
I'm personally a fan of cursed magic items. Big, potentially powerful effects, but at a price.

Biting Blade
This ancient, serrated sword is stained with aeons of spilled blood, for which the blade lusts. When attacking with this sword, if you roll the maximum damage value, you must make another attack as part of your attack action against the nearest target, friend or foe, once all of your normal attacks have been resolved. This effect is cumulative; multiple maximum damage rolls will prompt an equal amount of attacks, however, attacks generated by this weapons effects cannot generate further attacks. If there are no available targets, the attack is directed towards the wielder. If there are multiple targets, the wielder decides which to attack.

2016-06-17, 04:52 PM
Purple Worm Shield.

This shield is made from the still living scales and body of a Purple Worm. As an action, a person attuned to this shield can slide a piercing or slashing melee weapons across the inside of the shield, slicing skin between the scales. This will coat the blade in Purple Worm Venom. The shield holds only enough venom to count as a single dose. Over a short period of time the shield will heal the wound caused to the inside of the shield and the venom will build back up. At the next dawn the shield will be whole again and have enough venom inside for another single dose of Purple Worm Venom.

2016-06-17, 05:42 PM
Hammer of the Ancients
Weapon (Warhammer)
An ancient hammer of smooth-hewn onyx. Inscriptions in a language long-winded lost decorate the handle. This weapon functions as a +1 Warhammer. With each successful attack roll made with this weapon, the target is aged by 5 years. If the target is immune to aging, apply a similar appropriate effect, such as rust on an Animated Armour (discuss with DM if necessary).

Al'Ghazar's Iron Boots
Boots made of blackened iron, and enchanted in an unusual manner. Impossibly light when worn loose, but when clasped shut, these boots become incredibly heavy. It is unknown as to why the scholar Al'Ghazar needed footwear so heavy. When these boots are being worn, the wearer can clasp the boots shut as an action. When you do, your character's weight is multiplied by ten times it's usual value and you gain +2 to your AC. If your character would normally be unable to lift, push, pull or carry this amount, then you become stationary until you use an action to unclasp the boots.

2016-06-17, 07:06 PM
Got this recently, i actually made it in game by asking the DM if i could carve some hide off a Purple worm to try and make better leather armor, i had to make an int check (to figure out the patern) and a dex check to not screw up the sewing, failed the int check so it was all kinds of screwed up,

But he said i had enough to try once more (i think he just liked that someone was trying to do something interesting for once :P )
This time i nail both checks and end up with leather armor giving a 17 with max dex 3
So my ac ends up going up by 1 putting me at 20, but the best part was it also gives resistance to non-magic bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage! Really good i know, but later that same game it helped prevent a TPK!

2016-06-17, 07:42 PM
Cloak of Afterimage

Upon physical inspection of the cloak the cloak appears on one layer, and made from an obscenely dark cloth. Across the cloak in fine detail is spiders silk, and upon closer exploration little sewed in spiders as well, the cloak is Drow made. The cloak was mainly worn by Drow Priestesses, a lot of movement was involved in their rituals, and the afterimage of their bodies made the ritual all that more enticing, The item periodically when worn and viewed from a distance alters its appearance in slight ways, changing to different colors, or even appearing as different materials, the user has no control over this effect on the item.

During combat the user can use an action to pull the hood of the cloak over their head. When moving an afterimage of the user is left in the user’s wake, giving disadvantage on attacks of opportunity when moving out of an enemy’s square, if the user is hit, they lose the afterimage for the round and it starts again at the beginning of their next round. The user can use this ability three minutes out of the day or three encounters, whichever is shorter, after which it recharges at dawn the following day.

Pistol of Hope’s End

The Pistol is of Dwarven make, with runes inscribed across the barrel of the weapon, the item once was a symbol of power from a dwarven clan, it was worn as a symbol of power, and usually as a badge of office. It was most often used to kill officers who fled from battle. The weapon made a large chiming sound once the ability was used, signaling those across the battle field that a coward was dead, and the battle must continue to fight on.

+1 Magic Pistol when creatures are fleeing or have surrendered. Once per a day instead of rolling to hit, the wielder of this item may instead choose to automatically score a critical hit on a creature of their choice within range. A creature must be fleeing or have surrendered to score a critical on them. This ability can be used once a day.

Hammer of Undying

The Hammer was made in the elemental plane of air, it is said after it was forged it fell from the sky and landed in front of the first person who was deemed worthy to hold its power. This weapon is unusually light, and the hilt of the hammer along with the head of the hammer feels hollow, despite being extremely sturdy. The shaft of the hammer is forged from a brilliant white metal unknown to this plane, and metal wings are forged into the head of the hammer opposite to the hitting side. In legend this hammer has been passed down between many monster hunters, all whose tales have been passed down for generations, whoever wields this hammer great things are expected from them.

Despite the item feeling extremely fragile it is unbreakable, when wielding the item the user is imbued with over whelming confidence, when the user take damage but is not killed outright he is instead brought to 1hp instead, the user can use this ability once per a long rest. When the user has been killed in battle, the hammer immediately disappears into the sky.

2016-06-17, 11:18 PM
Gift of Death: a rapier, Latin inscription elaborately inscribed in the blade, hilt made of bands of black, white and purple wood. Our rogue made a pact with Baron Samedi and found the weapon in the next encounter. While being wielded, it grants the Dual Wield feat. A couple levels later, the rogue asked to be consecrated as a paladin, and volunteered to give up the blade as part of his penance for consorting with dark powers.

Blade of the Fencing Master: this one had the spirit of a fencing master bound into the blade. A fencing master who would yell at you things like "Parry quinte! Quinte, you brainless buffoon! Lunge, remise, you lackwit, that means make the pointy end go that way! No no no, don't parry like that, you'll nick me!" Butter him up with a successful CHA check and you'd usually have an enhancement bonus, with the blade twisting in your hand. But if your own attack bonus was too high, he'd sulk. "No, no, you're doing just fine, no need for elegance or precision, just rely on gross brute strength and ignore me. I'm ashamed to wielded in such a clumsy manner, forsooth. Indeed a loutish farmboy has more style than you do, sir, and you walk like a duck. I must assume that your master was St Vitus, was it not?"

2016-06-18, 12:25 AM
The big bad in an adventure I ran recently was an incubus in this small town collecting on past demonic deals. He offered the players each a rare magic item from his centuries-old collection in exchange for remaining silent and letting him conclude his business in peace and safety. The party fragmented in a rather spectacular fashion before most of them agreed. These were the items I made for them (the druid and the bard's items are modified from items in the DMG, but the others were new).

For the druid: a Natural Mace. An ancient sect of druids devoted to cleansing the world of all that was unnatural poured their magic into growing weapons to aid them in their battle. Such a weapon is called a Natural Mace: a thick wooden handle that ends in a snarl of root-like growths tightly gripping a heavy, perfectly round stone. This is a Mace of Disruption from the DMG, but only druids can attune it, it doesn't glow, it can be used as a druidic focus, and instead of affecting undead and fiends it affects undead, aberrations, and constructs.

For the bard: a Bricriu Violin (yes, the bard was offered a fiddle. I couldn't resist the opportunity). Many have heard of Instruments of the Bards, each named after one of the seven legendary bardic colleges. There is, however, an eighth order of such instruments: the Bricriu Violins, created in secret to better serve bardic spies in their clandestine work. A Bricriu Violin has all the abilities common to Instruments of the Bards (with one exception noted below), and its personal spells are clairvoyance, tongues, sending, and detect poison and disease. Unlike other Instruments of the Bards, a Bricriu Violin does not contain protection from evil and good.

For the hunter ranger: a Colossus-Felling Shortsword. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Such a statement was as true to hunters of ancient monsters as it is now. Some monster hunters took this adage more to heart than others, however, creating specialized weapons that grew in strength with the challenge they faced. These are Colossus-Felling weapons. Colossus-Felling weapons require attunement by a ranger. A Colossus-Felling weapon deals an additional 1d6 damage of its weapon type (piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning) for every size category above medium the target is: +1d6 vs large foes, +2d6 vs huge foes, and +3d6 vs gargantuan foes.

For the beastmaster ranger: Bands of Brotherhood. Rangers of old pursing the path of the beastmaster often found their companions fragile and short-lived and sought methods to change this. To that end they created Bands of Brotherhood: a pair of iron bands inscribed with intricate carvings of woodsmen and fierce predators together in the hunt. Bands of Brotherhood require attunement by a ranger, one band worn by the ranger and the other by his companion. While worn, a ranger’s animal companion gains 1 hit point per ranger level and makes death saving throws like a player. The companion’s attacks count as magical for purposes of bypassing damage resistance. Finally, when either the ranger or his companion is struck in combat the other can use their reaction to draw the injury into themselves. The ranger and his companion have resistance against damage taken in this way. Ex: the ranger’s companion gets hit for 20 damage. The ranger can use his reaction to take that damage with resistance, so instead of the companion taking 20 damage the ranger takes 10 damage.

For the monk: a Ring of the Thunderball Fist. In ages past, the countryside was threatened by a fierce dragon. An order of monks took it upon themselves to defeat this great foe and establish themselves as protectors over the villages near their monastery. Over the years, the power of their devotion and accomplishments seeped into the rings that they wore to mark their order, and thus was born the first Rings of the Thunderball Fist: silver rings etched with the shapes of thunder clouds and lightning. A Ring of the Thunderball Fist requires attunement by a monk. A Ring of the Thunderball Fist has a maximum of 10 charges and regains 1d4+2 charges daily at dawn (although I'm toying with the idea that it doesn't regain charges naturally, instead gaining 1 charge whenever a monk uses a ki point). Charges can be spent in the following ways:
i. The wearer can spend any number of charges when making an unarmed strike or throwing a weapon, increasing the reach for that attack by 10 feet per charge and changing the damage type to thunder. Ex: if you burn all 10 charges you can punch someone 105 feet away.
ii. The wearer can spend 1 to 3 extra charges when making an unarmed strike. If the strike hits, the target takes an extra 1d12 thunder damage for each additional charge spent.
iii. As an action, the wearer can spend all the charges remaining in the ring. If there are at least 3 charges in the ring then each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from the wearer must make a Constitution saving throw (DC=8+proficiency+the wearer’s dex bonus). On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 thunder damage and is either knocked prone or is pushed 10 feet away from the wearer (wearer’s choice). On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone or pushed. For every 3 additional charges the range of this ability increases by 10 feet.

2016-06-18, 06:54 AM
Currently I made an item set for one of my players. It's a set if black plate, and a crimson great sword. They take up two attunement spots as of now.

The sword does 1d6 nec damage, and if the armor is worn with it the wearer heals the 1d6. It was due to them not having a healer and him being their main tank with no healing abilities. He is a lawful good character, and I have build in that once it heals him around 70 total hp, I have a counter on going, the curse spirit inside the armor will awaken and slowly start currutping him to evil and darkness. I need to work out the armor swords next stage though.

2016-06-18, 10:23 AM
These are very interesting! Question: did you try to balance these items using some kind of guide or system or did you just wing it? One of my problems creating magic weapons is determining what an appropriate one would be for a given level.

Wing it.

I like magic weapons to feel super unique/awesome to have. so for me rare is 10+ uncommon is 6+
most of my players don't get a magic item until 5-7 as I rather cool items and a feel of bad assery from having one as opposed to just +1 this, +2 that

2016-06-18, 10:31 AM
In 2e, my cleric of Waukeen had two 'sacred relics'

I had a +2 flail that on a critical hit made silver coins equal to the damage I dealt fly out of its head, and gold coins equal to the damage dealt if the crit killed the target

I also had a set of scale mail where the scales were coins, and it got +AC based in the value of the coins

2016-06-18, 03:28 PM
Mask of the Hunter
An ornate wooden mask carved in the likeness of a hunter of times long past, who took down prey with ruthless efficiency. The wearer learns the spell 'Hunters Mark', which can be cast once per long rest.

Map of Gar'Lt'Zuul
A seemingly blank rectangle of hessian, torn and tattered by years of use and being passed from owner to owner. To read the map, the owner must use an action on their turn to do so. The map does not display what a map would usually display, instead, it shows a 50 foot by 50 foot grid, centred on the reader. The map reveals all magical effects and hidden areas within that 50x50 square. The reader takes 1d4 necrotic damage and gains a level of Exhaustion, as the dark spirit within the map forces information into the readers mind. Only the owner can read the contents of the map, and it will appear blank to all others who try to read it while it still has an owner.

2016-06-19, 12:17 AM
In 2e, my cleric of Waukeen had two 'sacred relics'

I had a +2 flail that on a critical hit made silver coins equal to the damage I dealt fly out of its head, and gold coins equal to the damage dealt if the crit killed the target

I also had a set of scale mail where the scales were coins, and it got +AC based in the value of the coins

First one explains games like Final Fantasy.

Second one sounds like I would start manipulating the currency of a country real fast... Like, next to my AC I would just out "DM".

2016-06-19, 02:24 PM
Well, here is something I cooked up when I was only getting into 5th edition. It is by no means supposed to be a very strong item but I liked the idea of its main ability a lot.

Staff of Life Dew

Made from thick willow and covered in patches of bright moss, fungi, and flowering vines, this sylvan staff glistens with pure life force.

+1 Quarterstaff

Each morning on sunrise, if kept outside and uncovered, will produce enough fresh dew for one person. The person drinking this dew will stabilize automatically the next time their hit points fall below 0 before the next sunrise.

If the staff is stuck to the ground on the grave of anyone who has ever drunk its dew, it will cast Reincarnate on the body on next sunrise. The staff grows into a tree and produces one fruit from whence the character is reborn in their new body. This process destroys the staff and exhausts its magic.

2016-06-19, 08:23 PM
The Goddamn Stick

Weapon (Quarterstaff), artifact

This weapon functions as a perfectly normal, non-magical quarterstaff until it scores a critical hit. When you roll a natural 20 on the attack roll, the targets deity personally appears in the middle of combat and condemns the target to an eternity of damnation. The target and the deity then both disappear, the deity back to wherever they where beforehand and the target (presumably) to one of the lower planes. When used against a target that does not worship a deity, the DM chooses what deity appears.

2016-06-19, 08:45 PM
Well, there is this magic item I made...

Shield of Spell reflection ( Legendary )
Shield-(Requires attunement)

This shield appears to be a Shield with a mirror-like surface.

This shield gives a +2 bonus to AC when wielded.

When you are targeted by a spell that requires an attack roll, a line spell, or Magic Missile, you can use your reaction to interpose this shield between you and the spell, then roll a d6. On a 1-4, the spell is negated, and on a 5-6, the spell is negated, and the spell is then reflected back at the original caster, making it the new target of the spell. Once a reflect is activated, roll a d20. On a 1, the shield's mirror surface breaks and loses it's reflecting power. It then becomes a regular +2 shield.

The shield can also be used as a mirror, and reflects images and light as such.

2016-06-20, 01:07 AM
The Brineblade is a magical longsword that secretes saline acid. When using the Brineblade against an undead creature you can ignore it's Undead Fortitude a number of times equal the Brineblade its charges. (Max. 5 /long rest. Roll a d4+1 to recharge during a long rest.)

Bloudbound Encyclopedia
- Wondrous Item, requires attunement.
- 1d6 charges per long rest
- You can use a 10 minute ritual to imbue the blood of a slain creature inside your encyclopedia. Using a charge you can recall any single piece of information on the creature you require. (Including stats, spells, AC, resistances, immunities and special abilities.) As a bonus action.

2016-06-20, 02:07 AM
Fangs of the Furious
Weapon (Shortsword), Very Rare (requires attunement; set)
This serrated shortsword appears to be crudely cut, but is in remarkably good condition. If identified, it appears to be one of a pair.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. You can choose to deal either piercing or slashing damage with the weapon.
Curse: The sword counts as a Sword of Vengeance (DMG pg.206), bestowing the curse upon those who attune to them individually. The vengeful spirit is of a single person, split between the two blades.
Set: The weapons can't leave from within 1 mile of each other and while both weapons are attuned by different individuals they must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw each day or be compelled to move towards the other sword until the wielder is engaged in combat whether or not the Curse of Vengeance is activated. When brought together and if wielded by separate individuals, they are compelled to attack each other until either one is dead. When attuned to by a single individual, the weapons are no longer treated as Swords of Vengeance, except that the wielder is still unwilling to part with either weapon. In addition, when together, the blades bestow a number of other effects upon the wielder.

You gain an additional +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these magic weapons.
When you hit a single target at least once with both weapons on your turn, the target takes additional 2d6 slashing damage. The damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

Remove Curse only lifts the attunement, but doesn't break the curse. The curse can be broken only by casting Banishment while both blades are present. Once the curse is broken, the weapons become +1 weapons with no other properties, except you can still choose to deal either piercing or slashing damage with the them.

Gauntlets of the Berserker
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
These thick leather gauntlets have blood-caked knuckle-studs made from unknown black metal.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with your fists as long as you wear both gauntlets. Your unarmed strikes count as magical weapons for the purpose of damage reduction.
As a bonus action on your turn, you can speak a command word. When you do, the knuckle-studs extend to sharp blades the length of a dagger which change your unarmed strike damage to either piercing or slashing (your choice) each time you make an attack with either of your fists. These blades last until you use your bonus action to speak the command word again to dismiss them.
Curse: as the Berserker Axe (DMG pg.155)

2016-06-20, 10:41 PM
Axe of Gruumsch
Magical Greataxe, +2 Str, Disadvantage Perception rolls relying on sight(one eye becomes blind)

Lucky Arrow
Attacks with Arrow have advantage. Arrow is always recoverable, though can be left behind. After each use roll a d20, on a roll of a 1 the arrow becomes non magical.

Lucky Bow
Rolls of a 1 to hit are not automatic misses, but hits as the arrow hits in the most improbable ways.

Bow of Force
Bow deals D10 Force Damage instead of Piercing, does not require ammunition. May spend Bonus action to increase next attack by D10 Force Damage.

Rod of Rulership
+1 Mace, Set Int, Wis, Cha to 16 unless already higher.

Sending Stones
Requires attunement. Paired magical stone, allow at will telepathic communication so long as they are on the same plane of existence.

Helm of the Minotaur
So long as the character has moved at least 10' in a straight line they may make a 2d8 Gore attack as a Bonus Action. The wearer can never be lost.

Bladesinger's Song
+1 Longsword, Finesse, Arcane Focus. Requires Attunement.

2016-06-20, 10:46 PM
Stick of Bloodgeoning

16 inch wooden rod,
Deals 1d4 Bludgeoning on impact and 1d6 Bleed for 1d6 rounds.

2016-06-21, 08:17 PM
Another FF inspired item: Windlash bow. Fires arrows of hard air when used without ammunition, if used with normal arrows it acts as a longbow of distance. (it was +3 but it was 2nd ed)

Glass dagger: ignores AC due to armor, and bypasses any resistance, but needs to roll a save not to break on a 1.

2016-06-21, 08:32 PM
Working on this bow... Bear with me...

The Hand of Zoth-Ommog

Created in antiguity by the imprisoned Great Old One Zoth-Ommog for use by his minions fighting the servants of the Elder Gods, the hand may not be entirely of this plane, and its carvings s sometimes seem to writhe when viewed from the corner of the eye.

Minor properties:
(13) Strange material- The bow is carved from one solid curved piece of black horn from an unknown creature. It is covered in carvings of lidless eyes,, tentacles and beaks, and grip is adorned with inlays of abalone and black mother of pearl.
(6) Guardian- Whispers warnings to wielder granting +2 initiative

(8) Item grumbles and mutters in an incomprehensible ancient alien tongue inside the wielder's head. After each encounter, the wielder recieves a dc14 intelligence check to recognize the urgent exhortations that signify danger. Only after a successful check does the wielder receive the initiative bonus.

(11) Repulsive. The bearer feels a sense of distaste
when in contact with the item, and continues to
sense discomfort while bearing it.

This revulsion is not unwarranted, because the power of the Hand of Zoth-Ommog comes at a price...

The alien voice in his head begins to insinuate itself into his psyche, like a starfish prying at a clam; looking for cracks and weaknesses to exploit.

Every day the wielder either bears the weapon in hand for 4 hours or more, or uses it to engage an enemy in combat, he has a 3% cumulitave chance of having to roll on the insanity table. In the event of a failed roll, the DC for the save (either WIS or CHA, wielder's choice) is equal to half the percentage when the failed roll occurred.

Every day the wielder does not use/ bear the weapon causes the percentage chance to drop by 3%.

Checks are made at the beginning of a long rest.

In Combat:

The Hand of Zoth-Ommog has no string. In the hands of an attuned wielder, when aimed and drawn, a string and arrow of eldritch power appear. The weapon acts as a +2 longbow with respect to all statistics, except that it does not require ammunition, and it does force damage instead of piercing (note that normal or magical arrows cannot be fired from this bow). On a critical hit, the target must make a strength save vs DC (damage done) or be knocked 10' away from the wielder.

The Hand was last known to be located in the City of Brass, its last owner trading it to a powerful Efreet in exchange for a cure for his madness.

2016-06-22, 03:10 AM
I never had the time to create it, but I was planning on making my Bow of the Bleeding Heart (or maybe Bruised Ego?) for my archer valor bard:

Bow of the Bleeding Heart
Attunement, bard only, must know the Vicious Mockery cantrip

this longbow is made from Minotaur horn with a string made of Xorn Tongues of xorns who have suffered form the Vicious Mockery cantrip. The bow looks like an otherwise normal black longbow, but upon closer inspection the bow is engraved with very fine engravings of insults the looker has used in the past to hurt someone (investigation DC 13). The string of the bow seems to always be quivering as if it is almost giggling (perception DC16). The wielder may choose to use the Vicious Mockery cantrip instead of shooting an arrow. if the wielder has the Extra attack feature he may use the bow as many times as the number of attacks he has through the normal use of the bow.

When the user draws the string back without an arrow while (viciously) mocking his target (Verbal component, canot be used silently) an dull black barbed arrow appears on the bow knocked to the string as if it were there when the wielder pulled back the string. when shot the arrow, instead of its normal sound travels with an ethereal mocking laughter from children to its target where it pierces the heart without leaving a phycial wound, but leaving a mark in the form of a red teardrop (medicine check DC 17 to recognise), these marks will disappear at a rate of one per day at dawn. if hte victim is killed by the mockery effect an autopsy will reveal a literal broken heart. The arrow does damage like the vicious Mockery cantrip as if cast by the wielder. The secondary effect of disadvantage on saves will not be applied.

Feats and classfeatures that apply to 'regular' archery (like sharpshooter and the archery fighting style) will apply to the use of this bow.

When damaged or wanting to make the bow, the bow is constructed out of 5 minotaur horns (2 per arm of the bow and one for the handle) and the bowstring from 3 xorn tongues. The mender/creator of the bow much possess at least 1 bard level and the Vicious Mockery cantrip, the Magic Initiate feat can't be used to simulate the bard level and cantrip knowledge.

When attacked by a wielder of this bow you can find out the general location (area of 4 times the area of the wielder) of the attacker by a DC13 Perception check

so, for a lvl 6 valor bard that makes for 2 attacks, dealing 2d4+dex.mod psychic damage each, compared to 1d8+dex.mod piercing damage. At later levels (when the damage from vicious Mockery gets increased) this bow will truly start to shine.

Also, did I mention that this cantrip is the sole reason I started playing 5e?

2017-09-27, 03:18 PM
Probably not what you're looking for...but:
The Assassin’s Friend

The Assassin’s Friend is legendary in the shadowy back-alleys of Pellias. While very powerful, it is rumored that this weapon will eventually turn upon and kill it’s owner (whoever that may be.) Jemmie the Purse, the last to lay her hands upon this steel was found with her heart and left eye punctured. The Friend was found 4 feet away; the last six inches of the blade red with blood. It is assumed to be Jemmie’s blood, but…Jemmie made a lot of enemies. As the blade is capable of changing sword types at the owners wish, only the ornate pommel with the embedded amber cat’s eye gem allows for easy identification. When unowned, the Friend seems to default to a simple short sword shape. No matter the transmutation, the pommel and the cat’s eye stays the same. They say that if you stare long enough the cats-eye will blink and that…something is looking back at you. But…”they” say a lot of fool things.
Ring Effects
Shape Adjust: The Assassin’s Friend can take on the shape of any edged/bladed sword that the user desires and will do whatever damage that weapon is capable of (Character is still required to be skilled in that weapon.) Unlimited usage.
Double Friend: The Friend is capable of duplicating its owner down to the last detail. While in battle, the owner may attempt to hide in shadows as per normal. If successful, the owner and The Assassin’s Friend will be duplicated in their attack position thus allowing the character to maneuver around the battlefield unnoticed while his/her duplicate carries on the fight. The duplicate has the following traits:
o Half the HP of the Character
o Same Attack Bonuses
o Same AC
o Same Damage
o Unable to cast any spells or perform any special feats or use any magical objects
o Unable to act of its own volition and cannot speak or communicate
Character retains the original “Assassin’s Friend” while his/her doppelganger battles on. Double will be dispelled if:
1. Character fails hide check at any time
2. Character chooses to become visible for any reason
3. Double reaches 0 HP (Double reaching 0 deals 1d4 damage to owner and cannot be summoned again for 24 hours)
May be used 1, 2, 3, 4 X Per Day/Character Level.
Attack/Damage Bonus: +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, (Dependent upon Character Level)
HP Substitution: Character may, once per day, choose not to invoke his/her double and instead pass any damage taken directly to the potential double. Once the double reaches what would be 0 HP (owner does not take 1d4 damage during substitution) all further damage is taken from character’s normal HP. Once per Day until 9th level.
Darkness: At level 9 Character is able to cast Darkness as level 7 Wizard. Once per day.
Level Effects

Level Double Friend Attack/Damage Bonus HP Substitution Darkness
(As WIZ 7)
0-4 1 +3 1 -
5-8 2 +4 1 -
9-12 3 +5 2 1
13-16 4 +6 2 1
17-20 4 +7 2 1

The Catch(es)
Conspicuous: This weapon is highly identifiable. 25% that any rogue in the area will attempt to steal from owner. 10% any fighter type will attempt to take weapon from owner.
Treacherous: DMs discretion.

2017-09-27, 11:23 PM
I theorycrafted a Charge Blade, in conjunction with the DM of our game.
Sadly, the game died after the first session, but.. I'd love to share this idea with the Playground.
Maybe someone else can make some good use of it.

Charge Blade
Weapon (Longsword/Greatsword), Rare (Requires attunement)
This weapon is a combination of a Longsword and a Shield, which count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances.
As an action, you can sheathe the blade into the shield, twist it off the gauntlet, and speak a command word to turn the Shield into the Blade section of a Greatsword.
Doing so lets you keep applicable bonuses from equipped Shield that aren't related to boosting your AC.

Alternately, you can use your action and speak a command word to turn the Greatsword into a Shield and Sword combo.

In addition, you can charge the blade with the effects of a suitable magic weapon or shield to transfer the effects into the Charge Blade. This process takes an hour, and can be performed over the course of a short or long rest.
Charging the weapon in this way destroys the magical item you are channeling into the weapon, and this will override any existing effects the weapon currently has, that aren't the ability to charge it with a new magical weapon or shield.
If you charge the weapon with an weapon that requires attunement, this attunement happens over the same period that you take to channel it into the weapon. If you channel a Shield that requires attunement into the weapon, that will use another attunement slot. You cannot channel both a weapon and a shield into the Charge Blade using the same 1 hour period.
You also cannot channel a sentient weapon or an Artifact into the Charge Blade in this manner. (Legendary items at DM's discretion)

As a bonus for you fine folks:

Mirror Shield of the Great Sea
Shield, Legendary (Requires attunement)

The shield can hold a maximum of 20 charges. If you are targeted by a spell, you can use your reaction to absorb the spell, and gain charges equal to the level of the spell that was absorbed.
You gain resistance to the damage of this spell if you didn't have resistance to it already.

If the Shield has enough charges, you could use your reaction and spend between 3 to 9 charges to cast Counterspell at the level equal to the charges spent.
Use your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is highest, to resolve the Counterspell.

You can also spend 5 charges to cast the Shield spell.

I'm not entirely sure if I made the Mirror Shield too strong, as I haven't had any chance to playtest it.
If some of you fine Playgrounders would like to test either of these items and let me know if they performed to expectations, I'd be delighted!

2017-09-27, 11:45 PM
Belt of Many Daggers

A belt which Holds 6 Random daggers. Once a dagger is taken from the belt it will exist only for 1 minute or until it is destroyed. You will Only know which Dagger each Dagger is only after you remove it from the belt (D20), with the exception of the Fake Thief Dagger. After Each long rest roll a D6 to replenish that many Daggers up to the Maximum of 6 at a time. All Damage is Dagger Damage.

1. +3 Dagger
2. -6 Dagger
3. Burning Dagger , Damage is Fire, Can ignite Flammable Things
4. Exploding Dagger, Deals Fire Damage to Everyone, 5ft Radius
5. Spirit Dagger, Only damages Undead, Fiends, or Fey, Always Crits.
6. Rubber Dagger, Its a Toy
7. Silent Dagger, Makes no sounds, also silences anyone it is currently stabbing
8. Screaming Dagger, Unleashes a very loud scream until it vanishes
9. True Sight Dagger, While it is held you have True Sight
10. Blind Dagger, All who touch it become blind for an Hour
11. Ice Dagger, Can Cast Ice Knife Once from the Dagger, Does Cold Damage
12. Frozen Dagger, on contact with anyone they Take Cold Damage, Movement is reduced by 10ft for 1 minute.
13. Thief Dagger, Can Open Any lock
14. Fake Thief Dagger, Makes you think it is the Real Thing, Seals any Lock Shut.
15. Dagger of Stabbing, This daggers damage cannot be ignored or resisted by anything.
16. Dagger of Healing, Doesn't really Heal but will cure Any and all Conditions of anyone that is Stabbed. They still take damage, and feel the pain. 1 Stab cures 1 Condition.
17. Summoned Dagger, a Tiny Construct, Has 10 Hp, can Fly, AC 16, Dagger Damage, Speed 30
18. Evil Summoned Dagger, Same as above, but will attack whoever is nearest.
19. Bloody Dagger, Any Damage Done will be gained back in Hp. Sucks up Blood like a Vacuum
20. Cursed Dagger, You are compelled to Stab yourself as a Bonus Action, Every 6 seconds. Cannot be dropped, cannot be resisted. After Each stabbing roll against a DC 15 vs Strength, to Throw the Dagger.

i made this for fun, like a month ago, its never been in any game, and i have never dm , but had fun making it

2017-09-27, 11:56 PM
A powerful drow armor, but - as it was the case in the old days of D&D - drow gear couldn't handle sunlight ...

Veldrincress (drow for armor of woven shadows)

The battle of Keeper's Dal has left many artifacts in it's wake, some from the noble knights fighting, and some of the cruel drow. Their cold-blooded assassins wore these enchanted black leather armors, as it complemented their Kyone Veldrin fighting style

leather armor
Armor bonus +1 (so AC equals 12+dex mod)
Stealth bonus +2

At nights darkest moment, a veldrincress gains 1d3 charge (max 3)
When you are attuned with it,

reaction (1 charge): increase your AC with your stealth modifier until the start of your next turn
reaction (1 charge): after you roll a stealth check, instead use 18 as your roll

When exposed to direct direct sunlight (once per day, and in addition each time the daylight spell is cast) decrease the maximum amount of charges with 1 permanently. If it's maximum charges are already 0, Veldrincress instead crumbles to dust.

2017-09-28, 02:21 AM
There is a sword that exists in my world that is one of the most powerful weapons in it, but it is sentient and a hardcore pacifist. It refuses to field or be wielded for any reason, even in self defense. To use it, you have to win a contested charisma check to have control over the blade for an hour, but the entire time the sword is telling you how evil you are to force it to do things it doesn't want to do, and every time it kills someone it weeps.

There is another sword that has a unique sort of curse I created. Whenever you kill someone with the weapon, it traps their soul inside of it and sometimes the wielder of the sword will see these spirits. It can be pretty unsettling when every meal has a dozen or so images of mutilated bodies just standing around staring at you or begging to be freed while you're trying to sleep.

There is also a pretty unique sword, that isn't very powerful but still pretty fun when players find it, that was created by accident. It was meant to hold the soul and intelligence of a great master at arms who wanted to live on inside of a training sword so he could continue to teach others his art and values. I won't bore you with all the details and history, but long story short a squirrel interrupted the ritual and ended up having it's soul stuck inside the weapon instead. So this living, thinking weapon has the intelligence and instincts of a squirrel which can often cause some pretty funny moments when using it.

As far as just "magical weapons" go, those are the most unique I suppose. Quite a few others with various powers and abilities, but none that stand out with personality like these as the vast majority of them are not sentient.

2017-09-28, 10:46 AM
Current game contains the following three items. I tend to favor items that grow with the PCs. Also, I hide powers not available (by level) to the wearer until they are of the proper level or they seek out more powerful divination.

Flames of Commesurable Flair

In the hands of anyone who can cast spells, these short swords function as normal weapons.
In the hands of anyone who does not have spell casting ability, these
short swords glow with a faint flame aura.

Once attunded, if the wielder is 3rd level or greater, the damage dealt by the swords is rolled with advantage,
similar to savage attacker feat. When wielded, a very visible flame is present surrounding the blades.
This does not cause normal materials to catch fire and gives off no heat, and functions as a light spell.

If the wielder is 5th level or greater, the swords function as magical weapons damaging
creatures with mundane resistances.

If the wielder is 10th level or greater, two dice are rolled (2d6) for damage, instead of using only the higher number.

The two swords come as a pair, though, could be separated and used apart.

[Diety's] Devoted Mantle

+1 Full Plate.

If worn and attuned by a paladin, it allows those who have taken an
Oath of Devotion to use their Devotion powers as bonus actions rather than full actions.

The armor grants a Paladin of 5th level or higher an additional use of a Devotion power instead of the usual 1/rest.

Staff of the Cat-folk

This oak quarterstaff is of fine quality. At one end there is a bell and some feathers attached by a thin, two foot string.
When the user moves one end of the staff, the bell will ring and the feathers will move so as to attract the attention of onlookers.
Cat-folk love this.

(This item was created by the PC who wields it. She is a cat-folk. So far, it has not been much use aside from entertainment)

2017-09-28, 05:33 PM
+2 dagger
3 charges

-1charge warps time (mirror image)
-2charge can cast slow or haste
-3charge rewinds 6 seconds (1round)

Recharges 1 charge after killing 5 sand beasts (anything reskinned to be made of sand), a long rest or recharges full at a temple altar once a week

2017-10-03, 12:40 AM
I made an admittedly trolley kind of weapon, a whip that would ignite in flames to do an extra 1d6 fire damage, but the whip itself is not enchanted against fire, and as such, is not fireproof, so after a few rounds it would burn away.

2017-10-03, 04:01 AM
Many amazing magical weapons in this thread!

I got this made for my 18th level character last session. He's a rogue 5/ shadow sorcerer 13.


2017-10-03, 04:44 AM
I’ve been reluctant to hand out magic weapons in my latest campaign, but I have created one:

Shard of the Night: Attunment requires minimum CHA 13. Whoever is attuned to the sword (a short sword, but could be anything) has the power of devil’s sight while, and only while they physically touch the sword (teeth clamped on blade counts, scabbard not so much). No bonus to damage or to hit, though it does count as magical for resistance purposes.

While a character is in contact with the sword they will hear whispers and promises of great power, spoken in their mind.

Yes it’s basically a plot foil to put a player in touch with a hexblade patron. We’ll see how it goes.

2017-10-03, 06:36 AM
I’ve been reluctant to hand out magic weapons in my latest campaign, but I have created one:

Shard of the Night: Attunment requires minimum CHA 13. Whoever is attuned to the sword (a short sword, but could be anything) has the power of devil’s sight while, and only while they physically touch the sword (teeth clamped on blade counts, scabbard not so much). No bonus to damage or to hit, though it does count as magical for resistance purposes.

While a character is in contact with the sword they will hear whispers and promises of great power, spoken in their mind.

Yes it’s basically a plot foil to put a player in touch with a hexblade patron. We’ll see how it goes.

So, did you craft it after they expressed a desire for a Hexblade patron MC, or because you want to tempt the player into such a thing?

Because either way is pretty sweet.

2017-10-03, 06:55 AM
So, did you craft it after they expressed a desire for a Hexblade patron MC, or because you want to tempt the player into such a thing?

Because either way is pretty sweet.

No desire expressed...

Edit: but objectively it wouldn’t be out of character. I really don’t know what’ll happen

The patron in question does have a role to play later in the campaign whatever happens

2017-10-03, 07:55 AM
My hexblade warlock who has a pact with Cathulu. I walked him through a to a normal person a nightmare but to him as a pc and player a dream and then turned his weapon into a mimic.when he hits with this weapon the mimic can make a bite attack as a free action. And if he want use the grapple ability the mimic has. But can't use the weapon to attack with untell no longer grappled. This gives him a little control with a grapple and a free attack which bladelocks can use.

My players were rewarded with 2 vials of liquid luck and tears of a Phoenix.
Liquid luck: for the next 10 hours you are Extremely lucky and everything seems to just go your way. You roll twice the dice for every dice rolls and take the highest ones. Example you attack roll 2d20 take the higher. Then when you do damage you roll you damage twice and take higher. Yes it is powerful but they only have 3 uses of a vial.

Tears of a Phoenix
For the next 10 hours you have Resistance to fire damage. When you deal fire damage you deal a extra d4 of fire. And you are under the effect of the death ward spell.

Viper's Den
Magical sword or dagger sheath
When you sheath your sword or dagger then draw from this sheath. Next time you hit a creature the weapon you pulled from this sheath is under the poison Condition. Any creature that is Immune to this condition is still effected by the poison condition.

Dagger of binding
A dagger with a small chain hanging from the Pommel .
When you hit a creature with this dagger the chain animates and start wrapping around the creature Restraining it.

Boots of ________ (haven't came up with a name)
These boots increase your your movement speed by 20 and allows you to walk on air. If you end yuour movement in the air you start fall at the start of your next turn if you don't make your movement the first thing you do.

2017-10-03, 08:30 AM
Boots of ________ (haven't came up with a name)
These boots increase your your movement speed by 20 and allows you to walk on air. If you end yuour movement in the air you start fall at the start of your next turn if you don't make your movement the first thing you do.

Inspired by Ocarina of Time's version.
Maybe alter it a bit that they should start and end their turn on solid ground, maaaaaybe allow for a 1 turn hover. But I fear that letting them stand on air for a single turn might end up being abused and 'extended' due to 'forgetting' that particular caveat.

Beyond that, they look pretty good. Low power winged boots, I suppose. Have your players get creative.

2017-10-03, 08:35 AM
Some of my favorites that I have come up with (with some help on here)

Whip of Encouragement
Whenever you attack with the whip you may shout "try harder you lazy scum" and the whip will cast the guidance spell as a cantrip on the target. This lasts the normal duration of the guidance spell, but does not require concentration. Once per short rest, you may shout an insult as you hit with the whip. The next time the hit target makes a roll with a d20, it will have the total reduced by 1d6.

Eager Dagger of Returning
Weapon (Dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)
The bearer does not require an interaction to draw or sheath this weapon, and can be called back to your hand after being thrown as a free action as long as it is within 150 feet (by shouting a command word).

Leaching Greataxe
Weapon (Greataxe), uncommon (requires attunement)
Once per long rest, when you successfully hit an opponent, you can deal extra necrotic damage and gain the same amount of temporary hitpoints. The die used for the extra damage is the nearest die to your level (rounded down).

Pixie Dust
Single Use thrown item - throwing Range 60 ft
When the bag impacts on a target or spot, the Pixie dust explodes outwards and spreads 10 feet from the spot of impact. Roll 5d8 and characters in the area fall asleep per the effects of the sleep spell.

Two Faced Coin
Single use item
The magic coin is golden in color with stamping on either side of it. One one side it shows an image of a happy looking man, on the other side there is a man with his head on the table. As a free action you may speak the command word, the coin will pop out of your pouch and flip into the air. Roll a d4 - on 1-2 it lands with the happy man face up, 3-4 the sad man. If flipped manually you get of feel of woe or happiness based on how it lands. Once used the coin fades into a normal gold piece (worth 1 GP).
Happy Man - The roll that you just rolled turns into an automatic success
Sad Man - The roll will turn into a critical failure. On an attack you drop your weapon. On a skill check it will have the opposite effect intended. One a save, the spell will be doubly effective.

Cheaters Coin
This appears to be a normal copper coin, with a King’s head on one side and a Queen’s on the other. With experimentation you discovered that when you focus on a side, it will always land on that side.

Poisonous Dagger
Not a magical item, just a specially made dagger. There is a screw in the pommel that can be removed to reveal a small container where poison can be stored. When you hit with the dagger the poison is forced to the blade of the dagger instantly applying it to the hit creature.

2017-10-03, 08:39 AM
Inspired by Ocarina of Time's version.
Maybe alter it a bit that they should start and end their turn on solid ground, maaaaaybe allow for a 1 turn hover. But I fear that letting them stand on air for a single turn might end up being abused and 'extended' due to 'forgetting' that particular caveat.

Beyond that, they look pretty good. Low power winged boots, I suppose. Have your players get creative.

I wanted to mimic the boots from the Dr.Strange movie.

2017-10-03, 08:46 AM
I wanted to mimic the boots from the Dr.Strange movie.

The Vaulting Boots of.. something/someone starting with a V.
I'd argue they could use those to ignore Difficult Terrain, maybe scoot by an enemy without drawing an AoO. Or at least it's made at Disadvantage.

Sariel Vailo
2017-10-03, 11:28 AM
Welp here we go.
this whip is an unusual whip it starts as a wicked looking whip it deals necrotic damage. as it kills one hundred humanoids or one humanoid of a good alignment it gets an additional whip attachment. the number of whips total is nine. the number of humanoids needed for each inceases by 100 or one if its a good aligned humanoid. thus 9 good humanoids 900 dead humanoids. the player and dm should keep track it has a grapple atack dealing its damge as each subsequent whip headdamage so i believe 9d4 plus these are the damage types fire,necrotic,cold,acid,thunder,slashing bludegoning psychic. i need one more but i digress. the more whips the more it whispers into a good aligned wielders head to do dark deeds. the more the wielder resists the more unwilling the whip to listen until the final straw the whip will attempt to seize control. and have its wielder kill itself.usually via hanging itself from a nearby tree with the whip.

roll on the artifact table for buffs and detrimental as apropriate towards stage of whip eveolution start with a single detrimental effect. go with a more demonic thematic effect if you dont wish to roll.
it can only be banished by a planittar or deity of sufficent enough power. but will return in d10x200 years in the hand of a strong enough demon or mortal truly evil enough.

A while ago i created a nalfeshnee with a chefs hat.and gave that hat special properties as well as advantage on perception checks and cooking checks.it gives plus 2 ac and lets you speak abyssal