View Full Version : IC - Heroes without clothes (5th edition)

2016-06-18, 05:55 AM
Before the seas overcame the land, Quel T’alu was already on board a ship. His captain at the time was tracking a man trying to wake up an old creature.

He was there, when the creature was released. There was hundreds of ship when the storm arose.

A beam of light crashed down from the heaven. From the light, some creatures appeared. The seas started to run in circle, faster and faster. It didn’t take much time for the many sailors around to see what those creatures were. Gods of the seas venerated by many joined forces against the creature of evil. It rose with his temple, engulfing all light with him, forever…

This is the tale as Quel T’alu shared it so many time. Though from that moment until he woke up on another ship month later, he has no memory of what happened in between.

To this day, he remembers where the event took place. He remembers who he was at the time and who was taken from him. He saw his pregnant wife die that day.

The seas rose and the blessing of the elves became his nightmare. Cursed to live through ages of untold evil with a glimmer of light that faded away.

He decided to buy an old ship that he named the Dolphin in honor of his wife and unborn child. At that time, he decided that the rest of his life would have a meaning for the future generation for his, was a cursed one. It’s with a smile that he welcomed many sailors to sail on his ship. Taking job here and there, defending against disturbed creature of the seas and pirates.

As time pass by, his crew grew. The Dolphin became a jewel, a glimmer of hope for those who could not see better days ahead of them. He was nearing the end of his life, though he could probably outlive all from his crew. The captain was respected and one day, an old friend of his, the eccentric Master Shu… how could you describe someone from an old paladin order that forbid wearing clothes. The captain might not have been in agreement with all his choices but he was a friend and gladly accepted to take his pupil to join his crew. Though the crew was hesitant at first toward the always naked beautiful young woman, they came to like the young energetic Scarlet.

Though the crew never, besides the puppeteer and those who lost bets, took to her tenants to stay naked, they enjoyed a laugh mostly every night where they were alive. The puppeteer was a special case. He joined to live the tale of the famous captain. The Halfling was far from helpless until he met Scarlet. From that day on, he also took the tenet… no clothes !

The creatures of the seas were numerous and none were to be taken lightly. Days were rarely uneventful, especially for the Dolphin who was lurking close to the stormy are where the island was. The menace that usually was frown upon was fire. Though fire rarely happened on ships nowadays, one pirate gave the Dolphin and his crew some trouble. The captain and his crew were getting closer, so they thought, to piercing the secrets of the island. They had no time for this pirate, so they asked for the help of mercenary ships to help them getting rid of them. Though no one accepted the free work, one person decided to join the crew. The captain was starting to wonder how his crew would take to have another naked woman on board, but her fierce demeanor told him she was needed if they wanted to achieve their goal. And so, in exchange to destroying this pirate, the captain wanted her to help destroy the biggest evil this sea has known for a long time. Long time being relative to who you asked for the captain age, it wasn’t that long.

One day, while the Dolphin was dock at New Candlekeep, the captain crossed another naked woman. Though this time, she was wearing the seas as though it was clothes. He wasn’t staring at her features but at the woman as a whole. He was attracted by her, not by her beauty but something strange. A strange feeling that he decided must’ve been a sign. He asks her to join him on rescuing the land from the hungry seas, to stop the evil that committed this act and to bring balance back to the world. Nerra also had a strange feeling toward the captain. It was not coming from her, but from her lover. The strangeness must’ve pique her curiosity for she came to be a part of the crew.

It’s when they found Frederick, floating out of the island area that everything changed. They had a description of the creature and they went to New Candlekeep in the hope to found more about it. Knowing, the captain decided to keep it to himself for now asking his crew to be patient. A monk who heard of a find by the captain came to ask to join. His first reaction was thinking about how many women were going about naked nowadays… but he remembered the monastery she came from and knew she could be trusted. He accepted her, and rumors from the crew started with a fourth naked women the captain accepted in the crew. He brushes them off though the coincidence did put a smile on his face.

The captain is now trying to confirm the trajectory the island is going through. He has for once a map showing all of it and he doesn’t think it’s changing.

You are about to set sail from New Candlekeep, to follow the floating island.

The captain approach you We are about to go, if you still have business in the city, now is the time. We wont be coming back for at least a month.

The city is very lively close to the port. There are other ships there, though the Dolphin is the most impressive.

2016-06-18, 08:25 AM
The meditating girl opened her eyes as the figure approached, listening calmly to him as she sat cross-legged at the bow of the ship. She gave him a nod, and then lithely stretched as she stood, the motion rippling the various scenes tattooed across her skin; her form left bare to display the illustrations thus wrought. "Very well, Captain. I believe that I have all I need, but I shall check with the others."

2016-06-18, 09:56 AM
All's good, Captain! Scarlet says, coming out from belowdecks. I've not really got a need for much.

2016-06-18, 12:25 PM
"Heh. About time captain." She stands up, loosely gripping the battleaxe she carries everywhere just beneath the head. "You know nobody's foolish enough to still be here if they've business left, so direct us, and let's be off already."

2016-06-18, 07:44 PM
The captain took note in his mind that even though the girls in his crew were young, they were still from a world that knew only the seas. They were ready and that thought put a smile on his face.
Very well, then here's what we're setting sail for the next few months. The time has finally come to assault this cursed island. I have friend looking out old manuscript here and while they gather informations, we are going to confirm one last time the route the island take. I've been following it for a long time, it's going to get close to New Candlkeep in about a month. While we wait, i've heard that a ship has gone missing not far from here. We're going to go investigate and bring them back.
The captain turned back toward the helm showing the girls to come with him. As the last of the crew brought the bolts for the ballista in the ship, the anchor was lifted. All sail ! Two on the look-out ! There will be things worst than pirates at this time of the year, keep your eyes open !

The captain look at the girls and lowered his voice I'd like one of you to keep watch at the look-out. I'm pretty sure the ship we're setting to find wont have any survivors. Be wary of what lurks beneath the surface.

The captain mumbled some words with a certain gesture and the wind picked up filling the sails. Take turn between the look-out and the wheel. You may know how to sail, but what will be coming wont be as you've been used to. Scarlet have been with the crew the longest, she saw what follow and what precede it. The storms are diabolical in nature. The captain cough up and sighted I'm close to the end of my life, i'll do all i can to help you conquer that evil. After that, the seas are going to go back to how they were... i assure you, the land is worth it, it is beautiful and that's coming from someone who've loved the seas for close to 800 years. He looked at the stars a moment Scarlet, take the wheel, we're going north-west for about 3 hours then west. I'm going to sleep, when i come back, we'll be close. Come get me if anything seems strange, take no risk. There are more lives at stakes than the crew.
The captain left toward his cabin, letting Scarlet in charge of navigating. The sea was calm though the magical wind was filling the sails. You could see well in the sea, it was clear and beautiful. Nothing at this moment could announce trouble.

Stat wise
The Dolphin is a three mast sailing ship with a crew of 20 with a balllista. There's also a possible 20 passengers, there are 5 plus all of you counting in them. One is a map maker to help the captain with the maps, one is a surgeon and the others are there to help the crew or replace them when needed.
The weather is slightly hotter than usual; there's a slight wind; and there's a few pocket of light rain from time to time.

At his point, for following the direction given by the captain, the person at the wheel must make a dex save. Success will mean you've kept to the right direction, as for failure means you've had to make many adjustment so the 3 hours to get to the point of going full west wouldn't be just 3 hours. And since you dont know exactly where you're going, i'm not going to tell you if you've succeeded or not though obviously 5 or 20 are easy to guess if it's a success or not. :smallwink:
You can ask for help for that roll or even have someone else take the wheel is you think he can do it.
If you have proficiency in water vehicle, add your proficiency bonus.

When on look-out, you have advantage to perception and you'd have to make one each hour. I'll roll often offline when it's not in combat.

Does everyone saw the map, is it clear?

2016-06-18, 07:59 PM
Dex Save, with proficiency thanks to Water Vehicles proficiency: [roll0]

Scarlet heads up to the wheel, thankful that the captain hadn't given her look-out duty (for the moment). Too many times had her oblivious nature been to the detriment of the crew, and she didn't want it happening again.

2016-06-20, 08:06 AM
Keri nodded, and began clambering up the rigging, taking to the ropes as if she was born to it. Which, come to think of it, most people probably were these days. In any case, she settles into the crows-nest, enjoying the feel of the wind as she began to scan the horizon.

With Advantage: [roll0] / [roll1]

2016-06-20, 11:40 AM
Scarlet was at ease at the wheel, the weather was nice and the sea was gentle.
The crew was now used to seeing these beautiful woman on the ship but couldn't help taking a look as Keri climbed to the crow-nest.
She some some giant eels coming close to the ship but they never seemed lickely to attack and thus they ended up going out of sight and some minutes had passed.
After a couple of hours, Scarlet made the ship turn full west as the captain said.
It was pretty much uneventful, though some might've wanted some action, most of the crew weren't warriors and were still glad the way went so well.

Thanks, i was searching the name : Crow-nest :smalltongue:

The captain come back out of his cabin. All seems good Scarlet, the heading is as it should. Good job, we might get there sooner than i anticipated.

Coming into view, you see another ship in a small mist that seem to be drifting. There doesn't seem at first to be any movement though you can see some humanoid shape on the deck.

2016-06-20, 11:54 AM
I've learned from the best, after all, Scarlet says. Want to take the wheel, captain, or is she mine to direct still?

2016-06-20, 01:11 PM
The captain smiled at Scarlet comment Always so thoughtful, yes, i'll take it. Go take a small break, if my assumption are good, you'll be needed soon. You can ask the other girls to take a short rest, we're getting close to out destination.
The captain took a somber look toward the crow-nest and scanned the horizon. His worry was visible on his face and he shrouded it off smiling to Scarlet showing her to go.

2016-06-20, 01:13 PM
We're on break, Keri! Scarlet yells up to the crow's nest, heading for belowdecks.

2016-06-20, 01:25 PM
We're on break, Keri! Scarlet yells up to the crow's nest, heading for belowdecks.

With a hand lifted to shade her eyes, the girl called back down: "You'd better hold on a moment. Captain! We've got a ship showing ahead, in the mists." Her warning given, she made her way down the rigging and to the wheel to deliver a full report. "... off the port bow, there" she points. "Didn't see any sails, and she looks almost adrift, but I think I spotted some crew aboard."

2016-06-20, 01:26 PM
Did they look okay? Scarlet asks.

2016-06-21, 06:40 AM
Sena tightens her grip on her everpresent axe. "Let's go take a closer look. We can get a better idea over there than from here."

2016-06-21, 08:37 AM
Nerra, who was also supposed to be on lookout, was doing a rather poor job, being a bit too homesick to focus on keeping an eye out for other ships and the like. The feel of the ocean spray against her face, even this high up, was so inviting...all it would take is one jump off the side...

She was brought back to reality by another lookout's shouted warning; focusing her eyes, she too saw the approaching ship. Sighing, she began making her way down the rigging towards the main deck.

2016-06-21, 08:40 AM
Did they look okay? Scarlet asks.

She shook her head. "It was too far to see, but as I said, I didn't spot any sails, and that is not generally a point in their favor." Letting her eyes drift to the horizon, she crossed her arms underneath her breasts, looking thoughtful. "Is it not still our duty to assist those in need?"

2016-06-21, 09:52 AM
You are right Keri, we have to go see and help however we can if possible. Though stay alert.
As the Dolphin approach the ship, there's no one to be seen though you can hear a faint whining and gratting coming from what should be the crew cabin. A portion of the mast if blocking the door.

You can all make a perception check or investigation check.

2016-06-21, 10:46 AM
Investigation [roll0]

Understood, captain, Scarlet says, drawing out her sword and shield.

2016-06-21, 07:05 PM
As you are about to board the ship, Nerra spot wet marks on the deck, almost like footprints that goes toward the opposite side of the ship toward the sea. Scarlet spot that the rowboat is missing and it's binding seems to have been cut off in a hurry.

2016-06-22, 09:05 AM
Leaning against the railing, Keri frowned as she observed the seemingly stricken ship. "No one come to meet us? Perhaps they're scared, or.." she flexed her fingers, limbering her arms for a moment. "... it's a trap. Feel like taking the lead, Scarlet?"

2016-06-22, 11:31 AM
Leaning against the railing, Keri frowned as she observed the seemingly stricken ship. "No one come to meet us? Perhaps they're scared, or.." she flexed her fingers, limbering her arms for a moment. "... it's a trap. Feel like taking the lead, Scarlet?"

Gee, when you put it that way... Scarlet says, rolling her eyes. However, she still takes the lead, shield ready to block anything, and continues on forward.

Readying the Dodge Action if anything nasty should pop up.

2016-06-22, 11:49 AM
As Scarlet board the ship, nothing happens. There's still sounds coming from the crew cabin, with the door being blocked by a portion of the mast. The floor is wet and slipery, though it might not be that strange for a ship who's been adrift.

2016-06-22, 03:50 PM
Sena follows after her, axe at the ready, and glances about, trying to spot anything out of the ordinary.

2016-06-22, 07:47 PM
Gee, when you put it that way... Scarlet says, rolling her eyes. However, she still takes the lead, shield ready to block anything, and continues on forward.

Keri grinned. "It's only logical." Gracefully, she vaulted over and across to the other ship, her bare feet feeling the planks beneath her soles. Moving forward at the ready, she moved to examine the ruined mast blocking off the cabin door. "Hoi, the ship!" she called, ratting her fist against the door. "If there's anyone in there, we're here to help."

2016-06-22, 08:24 PM
Gah! Scarlet says as Keri pounds on the door. Warn me next time...

2016-06-24, 07:02 PM
As you bang the door, the sounds stop for a moment then it start banging harder on the door as if desperate to get out. The weather is shifting slowly and a small rain is starting to fall as a small fog start to cover the sea.

At this point, you have options on the ship. You can clear the door for whoever/whatever is behind it, you can go to the captain cabin, you could also go back to the Dolphin and leave or, well, it's up to you really, just giving options (the most obvious ones :smallwink:) to help out.

2016-06-28, 01:46 PM
Scarlet carefully opens the door, shield at the ready.

Readying the Dodge action again, just in case something nasty comes out.

2016-06-28, 02:24 PM
Scarlet move the wood blocking the door. As she open it, she spot four zombies. Two are fighting over what seems to be the arm of another crew member and two trying to go through the door for a fresher snack.
As the door open, four hideous form climb on the deck from the side of the ship. The humanoid creature is a complete opposite to the beautiful woman that stepped on the ship. Those creatures are twisted form with a sickening greenish color. Sea Hags !

Initiative everyone !
Sea Hags [roll0]
Zombies [roll1]

All those who see the hags have to make a wisdom saving throw with a DC 11 or be frightened for 1 minute.
If you fail, you can try again on each of your subsequent turn though with disadvantage if the hags are still in view.

2016-06-28, 02:26 PM

Save [roll1]

2016-06-30, 12:18 PM
Sena turns around as she hears the hags climb onto the ship, and takes a two-handed grip on her axe when she sees them, Scarlet's presence calming her in spite of her irrational fear.

Initiative: [roll0]
Save: [roll1]
Note: additional +5 due to Scarlet's aura results in a pass.

2016-07-01, 05:29 PM

Initiative: [roll0]
Wisdom Save: [roll1]

2016-07-07, 12:20 PM
"Uegh!!" Nerra groaned as she retreated, doing her best to hit one of the hags with a blast of pressurized water, despite the fact that she could barely look at them without becoming ill.

Attack (disadvantage): [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

Wisdom Save: [roll4]

I checked, and it looks like Frightened doesn't apply Disadvantage to saves. If it turns out I missed something, though, let me know and I'll roll another save just in case.

2016-07-08, 10:36 AM
Keri grunted as the four creatures came over the railings, and she shot Scarlet a sardonic look. "Speaking of warning people.." she murmured. Hefting her quarterstaff in both hands, she gracefully crossed the rolling deck, lashing out at the nearest of the hags with a rhythmic strike.

Attack: [roll0] | Damage: [roll1]
Extra Attack: [roll2] | Damage: [roll3]

2016-07-08, 11:42 AM
AV is successful in her attempt to shrug off her fright.
Magentawolf his twice sucessfully for 22 damages.

Hag A 30/52
Hag B 52/52
Hag C 52/52
Hag D 52/52

Zombie A 22/22
Zombie B 22/22
Zombie C 22/22
Zombie D 22/22

Nerra's blast of water goes right between two of the hags while Keri advance and hit easily the hag.

As Scarlet stays in the way at the door, the zombies tries to lash at her. The two that were eating leave their meal while the two others tries to squeeze through the door to both get at Scarlet.
Seeing them closer, Scarlet can see they weren't dead for so long and they were probably part of the crew.

Zombie A vs Scarlet

Zombie B vs Scarlet

Next is JNAP and Modigar !

2016-07-08, 11:50 AM
Stand fast, friends! Scarlet calls out, striking out at the zombies with her rapier.



2016-07-08, 03:16 PM
Sena leaps forward, roaring her defiance at the hags as she swings her axe at the nearest.

Firstly, activating Rage. If possible, flanking with Keri, if not, she'll be using reckless attack. Either way, gonna throw both attacks at the same hag, and be using Great Weapon Master.
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

Edit: to clarify so you don't have to go looking for it if you don't already have it memorised, Reckless Attack grants me advantage, and automatically yields advantage to attacks against me until my turn comes around again.

2016-07-11, 06:55 AM
- Scarlet hit the zombie twice downing it
- Sena hit the Hag twice for 54 damages... i'll go see tonight but i can't see how you get to +17 bonus on damage. And if i'm not mistaken, reckless attack only work for your first attack so you wouldn't have advantage on the second one though in this case it didn't matter. :smalltongue: (and you only have +3 on the attack roll? i'll definitly have to look it up again with my books later)
So, if it's really +17 bonus on damage, the first hag would be dead. I'd be surprise that it wouldn't be dead anyway so i'll post now considering her dead.
- For flanking, it's an optional rule that would be too hard to manage without a proper map so we wont be using it.

Hag A 30/52 (possibly 0)
Hag B 52/52
Hag C 52/52
Hag D 52/52

Zombie A 0/22
Zombie B 22/22
Zombie C 22/22
Zombie D 22/22

Scarlet first cut pierced the zombie then she finished it with a second slash from her rapier. As the zombie fall to the ground, it seems to want to come back up but can't.

Sena arrive quickly at the side of the injured hag and finish her off with two massive hit taking her head clean off her shoulder.

The remaining hags smile at the barbarian who took the life of their companion and shows their razor sharp claws as they jump toward her with their frenzy.

Side note : AV moved away so isn't in contact with any hags; one goes straight to Sena and the other two too though they would still be at melee range with keri (Hag B and C at contact with keri); none are injured.

Hag B
[roll0] [roll1]; [roll2], if crit [roll3]
Hag C
[roll4] [roll5]; [roll6], if crit [roll7]
Hag D
[roll8] [roll9]; [roll10], if crit [roll11]

Edit : Sena is hit for 31 damages; it's AV and Magentawolf turn !

2016-07-11, 07:00 AM
Nerra shoots the most injured hag as she continues her retreat away from the ugly monstrosities.

Attack (Disadvantage): [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)

Wisdom Save (Disadvantage): [roll4] or [roll5]

I literally have to walk out the door in the next minute or so, and I'll be at best unreliably available for the rest of the day; if I need to make a save or something for the game to move on later in the round, go ahead and roll it for me.

2016-07-12, 09:18 AM
Serene as ever, Keri pressed forward with her attack, attempting to take some pressure off of Sena as the hags advance. Her quarterstaff swung with rhythm, the graceful monk following up with a one-two kick that left her bare leg pointed towards the sky before the follow-through once more planted both feet firmly upon the deck.

Attacking Hag B, spending 1 Ki point for a Flurry of Blows.

QS1 - [roll0] - DMG1 - [roll1]
QS2 - [roll2] - DMG2 - [roll3]
Flurry3 - [roll4] - DMG3 - [roll5]
Flurry4 - [roll6] - DMG4 - [roll7]

2016-07-12, 07:05 PM
- AV hit Hag B (i assumed the closest to you since the most injured is down on the floor) for 12 damages
- Keri hit Hag B once out of four attacks for 8 damages

Hag A 30/52 (possibly 0)
Hag B 32/52
Hag C 52/52
Hag D 52/52

Zombie A 0/22
Zombie B 22/22
Zombie C 22/22
Zombie D 22/22

Nerra manage to overcome her fear of the ugly hag in front of her and hit her straight between the shoulders.
Keri rythm is strong but the hag she's aiming for manage to follow her rythm and avoid most of Keri's attacks.

The battle is fierce with the Hags while Scarlet maintain her hold of the zombies as they try to slam her again.

Zombie B [roll0]; [roll1]; if crit [roll2]
Zombie C [roll3]; [roll4]; if crit [roll5]

Edit : None manage to harm Scarlet; It's JNAP and Modigar turn !

2016-07-12, 07:10 PM
Scarlet swings again at the zombies, saying Ha! You're pathetic, you old crones!



2016-07-13, 10:47 AM
Still maddened, Sena turns her assault upon another hag.

Same routine once more except this time I have my bonus action free.
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
If I crit or reduce one to 0hp, I can spend my bonus action for a further attack.
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
Edit: hoping I get that bonus action attack =P. Rolled the crit damage in OOC, total is 38.

2016-07-14, 06:37 AM
- JNAP; both attack touch Zombie B for 16 damages
- Modigar; both attack hit, i've assumed you've target the one already injured, so you put her down and can use your bonus attack on another one. So with your crit, you hit another Hag for 38 damages.

Hag A 0/52
Hag B 0/52
Hag C 14/52
Hag D 52/52

Zombie A 0/22
Zombie B 6/22
Zombie C 22/22
Zombie D 22/22

Seeming inhindered by the zombies, Scarlet try to down another one. Her aim is perfect but the Zombie held on his feet though his footing is wavy.
Sena assault is brutal chopping the hag cleanly in two. A nauseating stench coming from her entrails and a splash of a greenish liquid mixed with algae splatter all over Sena. Her powerful swing come back down again chopping cleanly an arm of another Hag.
They Hags are not stupid creatures and they show it. Knowing they were outnumbered and with that beast of a woman chopping them, they fled to the water.

Both remaining Hags disengage, then jump into water.

Edit : It's AV and Magentawolf turn !

2016-07-19, 01:38 PM
Nerra peered over the side. "It looks like they're gone," she commented, still shaking a bit from the thought of their ugly mugs. "Want me to go in after them?"

2016-07-19, 02:14 PM
Nerra peered over the side. "It looks like they're gone," she commented, still shaking a bit from the thought of their ugly mugs. "Want me to go in after them?"

Possibly. We can't let them continue wreaking havoc... Scarlet says. What do the rest of you think?

2016-07-19, 02:16 PM
"Do as you will about the cowards, but I'm going to assist Scarlet!" Sena cries out, still furious, and turns to start doing just that.

Doing absolutely nothing, because it's not my turn =P.

2016-07-19, 02:22 PM
"Do as you will about the cowards, but I'm going to assist Scarlet!" Sena cries out, still furious, and turns to start doing just that.

Doing absolutely nothing, because it's not my turn =P.

"Oh yeah..." Nerra trailed off, absentmindedly shooting some water jets at the walking corpses.

Didn't realize there were zombies! :smallredface:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (+[roll2] if crit)

2016-07-20, 06:43 AM
- AV attack zombie B and down it

Hag A 0/52
Hag B 0/52
Hag C 14/52 (fled)
Hag D 52/52 (fled)

Zombie A 0/22
Zombie B 0/22
Zombie C 22/22
Zombie D 22/22

Nerra let go a jet of water that open a clean hole in the zombie who crumble to the ground only to be replace by another zombie.
They are still two zombies going for Scarlet as she block them in the room.

Zombie C [roll0]; [roll1]; if crit [roll2]
Zombie D [roll3]; [roll4]; if crit [roll5]

edit : JNAP and Modigar then AV

2016-07-20, 07:00 AM
Roaring, mostly incoherently, Sena charges into the fray once more, trying to eviscerate the remaining zombies.

Third verse same as the... seriously, this is a tad repetitive =P.
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
And if I put one down, bonus action attack.
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]

2016-07-20, 08:24 AM
I'm not even rolling the undead fortitude, the damage is too imposing and the lowest DC from Sena attack would be 24 with the one from the bonus action... it beat the best they can do lol.

Sena charge toward the door. Scarlet takes a step aside as Sena weapon slice the zombie clean in two. The second look helplessly as Sena make his head fly to the sea.
In her rage, she couldn't see, but Scarlet now wore a layer of gore slurping down from her toward the deck of the ship.
For a moment, calm had came back on the ship aside from the heavy breathing of Sena rage.

2016-07-20, 11:17 AM
Scarlet wipes some of the gore off of her, then, seeing it's a bit too much to deal with for the moment, shrugs. Good job, Sena.

2016-07-20, 03:08 PM
Sena pants heavily for a few moments, catching her breath. As she does so, the fury slowly leaves her face, a semblance of reason taking it's place once more. As the blood drips from her gore-covered form, she finally speaks up, "Heh... heh... heh... thanks.... my...my pleasure."
As she finally comes to her senses wholly once more, she notices the gore coating Scarlet as well. Looking about as sheepish as possible when 6'2" and covered in other people's blood, she mutters, "Uh... sorry about that."

2016-07-20, 04:28 PM
Sena pants heavily for a few moments, catching her breath. As she does so, the fury slowly leaves her face, a semblance of reason taking it's place once more. As the blood drips from her gore-covered form, she finally speaks up, "Heh... heh... heh... thanks.... my...my pleasure."
As she finally comes to her senses wholly once more, she notices the gore coating Scarlet as well. Looking about as sheepish as possible when 6'2" and covered in other people's blood, she mutters, "Uh... sorry about that."

Scarlet pats Sena on the back, saying Worry not-it's a harmless mess. Well-harmless to us, she adds, looking around, her face having its expression fade from the thrill of combat into a sort of jaded weariness at the death of all those on board the ship.

2016-07-20, 06:12 PM
Keri approach the side of the ship and looks around toward the horizon then toward the group. Well my friends, i'm afraid i'll see you later.
She smile toward Nerra Foolish girl, my master will find her, hahaha
Keri wave her hand and water rose from the sea as a jet of water goes straight to her legs to throw her down.
I'll wait for you all at my master place you fools ! You'll never defeat us !
Keri jump in the sea.

She spend 3 ki point on her water whip (it's going to hurt if she hit :smalltongue:)
Nerra have to make a dex save with DC 14 (Nerra isn't in Scarlet aura of protection, that's part of the reason she choose to attack Nerra)
If you fail the saving throw you take all of it and get knocked prone. If you succeed, you take half and stay up.

edit : Before you ask, this counted as a surprise round, that's why i'm not allowing a reaction to it though you'd have time to say something before she disappear.

2016-07-20, 06:22 PM
Keri approach the side of the ship and looks around toward the horizon then toward the group. Well my friends, i'm afraid i'll see you later.
She smile toward Nerra Foolish girl, my master will find her, hahaha
Keri wave her hand and water rose from the sea as a jet of water goes straight to her legs to throw her down.
I'll wait for you all at my master place you fools ! You'll never defeat us !
Keri jump in the sea.

She spend 3 ki point on her water whip (it's going to hurt if she hit :smalltongue:)
Nerra have to make a dex save with DC 14 (Nerra isn't in Scarlet aura of protection, that's part of the reason she choose to attack Nerra)
If you fail the saving throw you take all of it and get knocked prone. If you succeed, you take half and stay up.

edit : Before you ask, this counted as a surprise round, that's why i'm not allowing a reaction to it though you'd have time to say something before she disappear.

1) I wasn't gonna ask, because the "it's a surprise round" answer was expected.

2) I wasn't aware hags had a "Detect Class Feature" ability that could be used as a free action. This makes slightly more sense if it's the dropped PC.

3) I have no idea what they're talking about, so I hope somebody else was paying enough attention to know.

4) [roll0]

2016-07-24, 10:26 PM
Even through her exhaustion, Sena's refound rage is extremely clear. Dropping her battleaxe, she reaches for her handaxe as she rushes to the side of the ship Keri leapt from, futilely hurling it in her direction.
I figure that an actual attack is off the table, but Sena is gonna try anyway. Roll for if it's actually relevant:
[roll0] [roll1]

2016-07-24, 10:28 PM
Scarlet speaks a single, imperiously commanding word. Stop!

Casting Command, DC 16 save.

2016-07-25, 09:30 AM
As soon as Keri is standing on the water, she takes out a jade orb as an axe pass beside her. As Scarlet tells her to stop, she turn around smiling. She put the orb toward the sky and scream COME TO ME !

Clouds start swirling and you hear a great roar. You also see a great wave coming toward Keri, and you.

Let's see what you're going to do. :smallbiggrin:

2016-07-25, 10:23 AM
Scarlet rushes forward, bringing her hood up as she does, diving into the wave to cut off Keri's retreat (but staying careful to stay out of her reach while she positions herself).

2016-07-25, 10:48 AM
As soon as you get underwater, you see a green mass coming fast. That's definitly what's making the wave, though you cant yet know what it is for sure. One thing, it's huge and it's coming toward Keri.

Those still on the ship, you can see what seems like spears coming through the water... it's a spine ! You can almost make out a form through the water.

2016-07-25, 11:01 AM
Scarlet tries to get a better look at the creature, shouting back to her allies There's some kind of creature down there!

2016-07-28, 05:39 PM
Seeing the spine, Sena grabs her battleaxe and sprints towards the edge of the boat, preparing herself for if it gets closer.

Running to the edge of the boat, and readying an attack for the wildly unlikely possibility of it passing close enough to the boat to attack. Unless that somehow happens, the rolls can safely be ignored =P.
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

2016-07-30, 06:42 PM
The wave is rising as is the spine. It sea gives way quick to let the beast out... now gliding toward Keri, you can see a green dragon. His eyes are focus on intently on the orb held by Keri. Almost at the same time, you hear a new roar as the swirling sky gives way also to a creature. A blue dragon soar through the clouds focused as the green one toward the orb... and Keri.

Keri smile again unfrightened by the dragons apparition as if she'd expected it. The green dragon plunged under the sea in a quick motion as the blue one continue his descent.

Not sure if i should end the show and move on or let you act. I'll give you a time to react if you want and i'll end it monday if no action are taken. (yes, your actions, if you decide to take one, might change something)

2016-08-02, 07:00 PM
Ok, let's move on then.

Suddenly, the green dragon push from under Keri and send her in the air where the blue on grab her to flee toward where the floating island should be.

The green dragon stays in the air a moment watching your movement as if inviting you to dare going against it.

The Dolphin (your ship, been a while so thought i'd mention it :smalltongue:) is coming back closer to where she droped you on the deck of the Hag and zombies infested ship.

The green dragon goes away towards the blue one.
Rare were dragons in the time of the land, rarer is to see one in the time of the seas, this you all know.
with the treath over, what do you do?

XP, you all gain 969xp