View Full Version : What scrolls should I choose?

2016-06-18, 06:49 PM
Right now I recently finished an adventure my party was sent on. What happened is irrelevant but the reward is what matters. One of the rewards is 3 scrolls of any spell of up to 3rd level wizard spell and I need ideas of what should I choose. Extra info you might need is that the whole party is evil all hextor followers and it is of 4 characters, a human cleric 4, hobgoblin fighter 3, half-orc barbarian 1/fighter 1/ dragon shaman 1 and the character who has this reward a dwarf fighter 1/ wizard 3. Any reccomendations for what should I pick? If you need any extra information just ask and I will provide it.

2016-06-18, 06:56 PM
What spells has the wizard got?

2016-06-18, 07:30 PM
What spells has the wizard got?

Color spray
Charm person
Mage armor
Obscuring mist
True strike
Silent Image
Magic missile
Scorching ray
Fox's cunning
Hideous laughter
Mirror image
Phantasmal assailants

2016-06-18, 07:34 PM
Ray of Stupidity
Melf's Acid Arrow

(Though I'd probably choose three 3rd level Spells, in all honesty)

2016-06-29, 08:17 PM
I know I am sort of reviving the thread but tomorrow we will go for the next adventure and I want to see if there are any more good spells you guys can suggest

Edit: Due to some problems we could not do it so I have some extra time but it is supposedly going to happen the 3rd of july (sunday)

2016-06-30, 07:48 AM
Dispel magic, fly and haste are what I'd choose.

2016-06-30, 09:03 AM
I know I am sort of reviving the thread but tomorrow we will go for the next adventure and I want to see if there are any more good spells you guys can suggest

Don't worry: you can 'revive' a thread until 45 days after the last post. What you did was allowed.

2016-06-30, 09:18 AM
Dispel magic, fly and haste are what I'd choose.
Definitely key spells, go with these.

2016-06-30, 04:44 PM
I already have a dispel magic scroll since 1st level. This is another reward and btw all books allowed not only core

2016-06-30, 05:02 PM
Phantasmal assailants is a great pick.

2016-06-30, 05:03 PM
Animate dead is a useful spell. Vortex of Teeth as well.

2016-06-30, 11:12 PM
Phantasmal assailants is a great pick.

As I already mentioned I already have phantasmal assailants. Also thank you ExLibrisMortis for the suggestion but animate dead is a 4th level wizard spell so I cannot choose it unfortunately, this reward is arcane scrolls of up to 3rd level for the wizard.

2016-07-01, 05:07 AM
As I already mentioned I already have phantasmal assailants. Also thank you ExLibrisMortis for the suggestion but animate dead is a 4th level wizard spell so I cannot choose it unfortunately, this reward is arcane scrolls of up to 3rd level for the wizard.
Hm, I was thinking of the cleric version. Sorry about that.

Magic circle against evil can protect allies in the area against mind control, and also allows you to use planar binding later on. Definitely useful.
Greater magic weapon is useful for your melee allies (and yourself, if that fighter dip is an indication).
Explosive runes allows a lot of nasty tricks. Good for 'saving up' damage, if you need to bomb something.

2016-07-01, 06:08 AM
Hey there!
I've used some pretty useful spells that were the solution in a specific situation. It's the power of scrolls, It should be a spell that you normaly don't prepare but could be the key saving your ass.
(excuse my english, probabily the traslation isn't the real spell's name)
- Reagroup (PH2), teleport you're allies next to you.
- Sentinels Legion (PH2), surrounds your foes with ilusionary soldiers.
- Dispersion Trap (PH2), just for laughs, cast and see how your enemies fades and appears randomly through the battelfield

2016-07-01, 06:56 PM
Hey there!
I've used some pretty useful spells that were the solution in a specific situation. It's the power of scrolls, It should be a spell that you normaly don't prepare but could be the key saving your ass.
(excuse my english, probabily the traslation isn't the real spell's name)
- Reagroup (PH2), teleport you're allies next to you.
- Sentinels Legion (PH2), surrounds your foes with ilusionary soldiers.
- Dispersion Trap (PH2), just for laughs, cast and see how your enemies fades and appears randomly through the battelfield

Thank you for the suggestions checked them out and Sentinels Legion seems like a really good choice and regroup like a decent one but unfortunately I could not find the 3rd one.

2016-07-01, 07:15 PM
If you are just writing scrolls into your spellbook, then this is really just a question of what spells you should learn.

If you want to know what scrolls are good to carry around as scrolls, a great one is Command Undead, duration of days, and no save on mindless undead, so just say "Hey you big scary skeleton, come be my friend forever" and then recast it from your slots on your days off every few days. But without ever preparing it, it still does a great job just carrying the scroll, the first time you ever see a skeleton.

2016-07-01, 09:09 PM
Here are my suggestions, best first, with gaps between major power gaps:
- Gaseous Form
- Clauraudience/Clairvoyance
- Fly
- Wall of Light (SpC)
- Levitate (don't forget the ranged targetability)
- Spider Climb
- Invisibility (don't forget it's for both players and objects)
- Wind Wall
- Telepathic Bond, Lesser (SpC)
- Tongues

IMO get Gaseous Form and 2 Clauraudience/Clairvoyance. Or instead for the 3rd spell: Wall of Light, or Invisibility. Because fly, levitate and spider climb are partly redundant with gaseous form. If your DM railroads excessively, I'd get Wall of Light and either Invisibility or Levitate instead of Clauraudience/Clairvoyance.

What spells you put on a scroll is usually different from the spells you prepare, and I disagree strongly with most suggestions that are good only in daily combat. Especially those that are save dependent. But also a one-off scroll that is amazing 1 out of 10 days (gaseous form) is better than a one-off scroll that is useful everyday (haste), which is very different from prepared spells. That's why other spells I saw in the PHB and spell compendium didn't make the list. In a couple levels you'll be preparing them anyway, and it's a bit of a waste of treasure to scroll them.

2016-07-02, 07:46 AM
Thundaerl's universal taster; because some day your wizard's going to be invited to dinner by the powerful (and secretly working against you) noble and you'll need a way to identify any poisoned, diseased, or otherwise tainted food (since detect poison just isn't flashy enough :smalltongue:).

DRAGON #185 September 1992, p.62
(So it'll require a bit of conversion to 3rd Edition.)

2016-07-02, 08:13 AM
Ive always gotten good mileage out of nerveskitter and steeldance. Launchbolt too, but you need to build yourself towards that one for it to get and stay powerful.