View Full Version : Miniatures Found some old Space Marines, looking for advice

Bobby Baratheon
2016-06-18, 08:39 PM
So I went through some old stuff a few weeks ago, and found a well hidden box of WH40k minis. There's some broken Catachans, some Cadians, a mortar, a lascannon, a broken heavy bolter (I'm guessing, it looks like a machine gun), a few genestealers and eldar rangers.

Oh, and a bunch of Space Marines. :smalltongue:

What I found were: two dreadnoughts (one of them has lascannons and missiles, while the other one has what I think is a multimelta and a fist/cannon thing), 14 normal marines, two rocket launcher marines, six scouts (two with sniper rifles), a standard holder, 5 assault marines (with plasma pistols and chain swords) and what looks like a captain. My 40k crunch chops are pretty weak - I've only ever played two games, both of which were simplified and a decade ago (I was thirteen at the time, so I don't remember a ton). Where can I go from here? From what I've seen online so far, I feel like I should get a Rhino or two, a librarian, more scouts and maybe some devastators. I'm not super sure what direction I should take this group. I did come up with some chapter basics, and a pretty rad color scheme, but any advice would be aprreciated.

I'm not really interested in tourney play, but I would like to field a competitive and flexible army.

2016-06-19, 12:17 PM
Rulebook: $165 from GW
Codex Space Marines: $105 from GW
Codex Astra Militarum (Imperial guard): $98 from GW.

...this is why I got out of 40k.

Bobby Baratheon
2016-06-20, 12:06 AM
Rulebook: $165 from GW
Codex Space Marines: $105 from GW
Codex Astra Militarum (Imperial guard): $98 from GW.

...this is why I got out of 40k.

Well, I have no interest in the Imperial Guard codex (there are only six usable figures, five of which are Cadians, so at best they're an ally choice if I pony up for some more).

I did get the rulebook on a steal from an old friend of mine since the OP, so it's really just the codex I need.

2016-06-20, 12:57 AM
Rulebook: $165 from GW
Codex Space Marines: $105 from GW
Codex Astra Militarum (Imperial guard): $98 from GW.

...this is why I got out of 40k.

Codex is only $60.

But yeah, sounds like you got the core of a decent army there. May I suggest asking on the existing 40k thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?490777-Warhammer-40K-Tabletop-XXVI-Frequently-Asked-Frequently-Ignored)?