View Full Version : Need Alternate Dimension Ideas

2016-06-20, 03:03 AM
The party Summoner accidentally managed to fall out of reality, and is currently dimension hopping. I have no idea if she actually intends to try and get back to her home dimension, but whenever she finally does it's going to be the first omen of the Apocalypse.

Okay, enough end of the world junk. Until then I need random dimension ideas to preoccupy the Summoner with. Literally any idea is acceptable. Wonderland universe? Great! Could you send her to this land I made up? Absolutely! The point is that I need lots of random ideas to occupy the Summoner while she tries to make her way home.

One shot encounters in unique settings? Yes!
Entire mini-adventures for an extraordinary artifact? Yes!
A town worth exploring with weapons, magics, gods, races and so such entirely different from anything in the standard D&D and Pathfinder rules? I love it! (Just add specific information like details to help me out if you could)

Seriously I want the most remarkable and bizarre things you can think of, inside or outside the rules!

2016-06-20, 04:37 AM
Disney universe
looney toons universe
marvel universe
real world, modern earth
a universe ruled by clowns
nothing but cheese

2016-06-20, 06:19 AM
A world where strength is indicated by hair length (to superhuman levels and beyond) and social status by hair shortness. Ridiculous balls of floof fight against the tyranny of the Bald-Emperor's shining scalp.
A world that's pretty much completely normal and familiar - in fact, the Summoner recognizes her environment and even some of the people. Everyone just happens to have forked tongues. If they find out she doesn't, she's treated as an abomination.
A world where all water has alcohol-like properties. It can be lit on fire and everyone is perpetually drunk off their asses. Society still manages to function with relative normalcy, but someone with full use of their faculties can easily game the system.
And just to change the mood: a world seemingly devoid of all life, apart from plants, but with completely intact buildings and such in place. After some wandering and looting, the Summoner finds herself pursued by a growing horde of interdimensional beings intent on wiping her from existence, like they have done to all other animals in this world.

2016-06-20, 12:25 PM
A deadly plane where nature itself has risen up against civilization. Every humanoid left alive has class levels after surviving for as long as they have.
A technology-based plane where magic was never discovered. On the other hand, they have sufficiently advanced technology which becomes indistinguishable from magic.
A plane locked in renaissance time, with wooden ships and iron men. Cultures have stagnated enough to become caricatures of themselves.
A living plane, the plane of Wormwood. The land you walk on lives and breathes. Buildings are formed of chitin-like substance and sometimes grow over the course of a day or three in the middle of nowhere. Animals and plants are like cells of a larger creature.

Or send the summoner to your tv show/video game setting of choice.

2016-06-20, 12:46 PM
Different campaign settings: the Ravenloft dark powers might be vexed that someone walked in sans their permission; jaunt through athas; pick up a dragonlance in krynn...
Lost Planes (like the observatory or moil)
The world of mirrors
A world that is a tree
In PF there is a plane tied to decks of cards
A vast and strange afterlife shaped like underground catacombs
Some cyberpunk techno future without magic
(I figure the summoner has their own planar bubble)

2016-06-20, 01:22 PM
I like the known planes - Dragonlance, Eberron, Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Ravenloft, Mystra, Darksun, Rokugan (l5r), or even the cartoon universe! (with Dungeonmaster! maybe even put them in the pre-d&d amusement park? -- there's a cartoon sourcebook out there), etc ...

Fun things to add in:
World Serpent Inn
Blackmoor (check out the ad&d module Adventures in Blackmoor)

2016-06-20, 03:37 PM
Maybe have her stumble into a small dimension, used as a prison for something...?

2016-06-20, 09:45 PM
A world with nothing but shrimp.

2016-06-21, 12:51 AM
Disney universe
looney toons universe
marvel universe
real world, modern earth
a universe ruled by clowns
nothing but cheese

Given the Summoner's character and that of her player they'd love these! :smallbiggrin:

A world where strength is indicated by hair length (to superhuman levels and beyond) and social status by hair shortness. Ridiculous balls of floof fight against the tyranny of the Bald-Emperor's shining scalp.
A world that's pretty much completely normal and familiar - in fact, the Summoner recognizes her environment and even some of the people. Everyone just happens to have forked tongues. If they find out she doesn't, she's treated as an abomination.
A world where all water has alcohol-like properties. It can be lit on fire and everyone is perpetually drunk off their asses. Society still manages to function with relative normalcy, but someone with full use of their faculties can easily game the system.

These are just straight up awesome! :smallcool:

A technology-based plane where magic was never discovered. On the other hand, they have sufficiently advanced technology which becomes indistinguishable from magic.
A plane locked in renaissance time, with wooden ships and iron men. Cultures have stagnated enough to become caricatures of themselves.
A living plane, the plane of Wormwood. The land you walk on lives and breathes. Buildings are formed of chitin-like substance and sometimes grow over the course of a day or three in the middle of nowhere. Animals and plants are like cells of a larger creature.

Or send the summoner to your tv show/video game setting of choice.

I love how Eldritch the wormwood idea is. She'll be horrified:smallbiggrin:!

Different campaign settings: the Ravenloft dark powers might be vexed that someone walked in sans their permission; jaunt through athas; pick up a dragonlance in krynn...
Lost Planes (like the observatory or moil)
The world of mirrors
A world that is a tree
In PF there is a plane tied to decks of cards
A vast and strange afterlife shaped like underground catacombs
Some cyberpunk techno future without magic
(I figure the summoner has their own planar bubble)

The tree, cards and mirror world could all fit into this one wonderland type world I was working on for her. They totally fit the aesthetic I was going for and sound just so freaking cool! :smallbiggrin:

Also, she doesn't actually have her own planar bubble. I was planning on having her have to deal with all of these dimensions at face value. No protective bubbles for her!

I like the known planes - Dragonlance, Eberron, Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Ravenloft, Mystra, Darksun, Rokugan (l5r), or even the cartoon universe! (with Dungeonmaster! maybe even put them in the pre-d&d amusement park? -- there's a cartoon sourcebook out there), etc ...

I loved the cartoon! :smallsmile: That would be tons of fun because she hasn't actually seen it and so it would all be a huge surprise for her.

Maybe have her stumble into a small dimension, used as a prison for something...?

Maybe I'll have her end up there and then get arrested for breaking in somehow. :smalltongue:

A world with nothing but shrimp.

I think she might have a shrimp allergy. Perfect! :smallbiggrin:

2016-06-21, 01:34 AM
The tree, cards and mirror world could all fit into this one wonderland type world I was working on for her. They totally fit the aesthetic I was going for and sound just so freaking cool! :smallbiggrin:

if you want the alice and wonderland feel, find a copy of EX1and EX2 Dungeonland and The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror and convert those to 3.5