View Full Version : Pathfinder [PF] Help with Body Mod focused Wizard

2016-06-22, 02:26 AM
So I randomly got hit with the urge to roll up a Wizard that specializes is body modification. This includes crafting magical tattoos and piercings to use on himself and others. I plan on using a Transmutation (Shape change) Wizard with Craft Shadow Piercing and Inscribe Magic Tattoo as the base. I know about Spark of Creation to reduce costs by 5% and having a Valet Archetype familiar to speed up the crafting process. Is there anything I am missing aside being a Dwarf to further speed up crafting or using a bonus feat for Arcane Builder?

I am not sold on race yet. Human bonus feat and extra spells known is nice, Elf for free spell penetration and other caster goodies, or Dwarf for faster crafting.

2016-06-22, 04:11 AM
Look into Drow Fleshwarping while you´re at it.

2016-06-22, 03:44 PM
I have looked into it, but really can't find much in the way of useful information on creating the poisons or what types of abilities are okay. Its original source is not OGL and I do not have the book/PDF for it in my possession.

2016-06-24, 05:05 PM
*sorry for the double post. I feel I might get more/better help on this if I explain the character more completely*

I am building this for a friends game that is starting at level 5 with a 20 point buy for stats.

I want to play him as a bit of a mash up between a body modification enthusiasts that is covered in tattoos, piercings, scarification, and other modifications that are mainly cosmetic, and a bit of a hooligan.

The back story I have for him is that he comes from a family of wizards and other studious backgrounds. While he was away at Wizarding College, he learned from some other students about magical tattoos and piercings and became fascinated by this relatively new art form.

This led him down the rabbit hole of modification, and he found himself addicted to it. To him it is a perfect blend of personal expression and magical knowledge. The creation of "normal" magical items is a cop out and only for the uninitiated.

His journey into this new subculture exposed him heavily to the influence of Bards and Skalds whose magic natively lends itself to showmanship. Their passion for their arts and magic, as well as how it blended together so seamlessly made him think Wizards are doing it wrong.

The idea of studying for hours and years on how to perfectly craft strategies and magical wards seemed pointless. What good was it to have that much power if you only used it subtly if at all. Still, his parents were paying his way and he couldn't exactly make it on his own yet.

Over time he took his studies to places his teachers less than approved. Instead of thinking in terms of strategy and what would be considered tactical application of spells, he started using his magic to "get reactions" and "put on a show". This started simply as pranks, greasing door knobs, using Pyrotechnics to enter rooms, glitter dusting people that irritated him so they "sparkled brighter than their personality", and more of the like. It grew problematic when he began to shocking grasp people in bar fights, use Flaming Sphere to burn obscenities in the school gardens, and worse.

It wasn't long until he was expelled and met up with a band of adventurers. He travels with them to make a living, but still feels magic should be "flashy" and used to "put on a show".

I want his personality to be a bit of a mash up of Paul Bettney's Chaucer from A Knight's Tale and Rhyse Ifan's Nigel " the leg" Gruff from The Replacements...with a dash of stereotypical Soccer Hooligan thrown in. I am just not too sure how best to do this mechanically aside packing the crafting feats and throwing around a healthy dose of Evocation to back up the Transmutation.

2016-06-24, 07:04 PM
Hm.... tough.

The whole "Bodymodding" thing is actually covered by the country of Nidal in PF/Golarion. They´re actually quite good at that and stuff like Nidalese Shadow Piercings or certain magical tattoos are their forte.

Mechanically, basing it on a Fetchling Arcanist (Brown-Fur Transmuter) seems to be the best approach, as that combination really is all about transmutation. Switch over to Umbral Court Agent for levels 11 and up.