View Full Version : Pathfinder Paizo's 'Pathfinder' Thought Exercise Brew Fleshcraft poison abuse

2016-06-22, 03:37 AM
Using only official paizo pathfinder(anything that is made by paizo and has pathfinder on the name) abilities/feats and such I have came up with the following using the already brokenness of brew fleshcraft poison from the pathfinder adventure endless Night and wonder if there is a 'better' abuse then this. using 25pt buy and 70,000 gp

There are some limits to the feat (only 14 body slots to use for the fleshcrafting is the biggest one) as well as some slightly unknowns to it (dc save is the biggest) but this is going on the base assumption that the save is passed or at least not a natural 1 rolled. But there are some useful benefits to the feat as well such as making original creations (in this case changing spells into other spells from creature's casting abilities)

Race: Drow Nobel
Dex 19
Con 13
Int 22
Wis 9
Cha 14

Eyes and ears of the city

Class:Spirit Whisperer wizard 10
1st:scribe scroll(wizard),toughness(1st lvl feat), Heavens spirit,Familier: Green-sting scorpion(call him scorpio)
3rd:Improved Initiative
5th:(at this point you can gain a hex instead of a bonus feat for wizard at this point we grab Starburn this lets us grab the extra hex feat sine we now have the ability to gain hexes) Extra hex: Coven
7th:Extra hex: scar
8th:You gain Void Adaptation letting you see into deeperdarkness and increases your darkvision by another 30ft
9th:Shake it off
10th:Brew fleshcrafting poison

Since any ability is un-fair game for BFP we grab the following:
1:Efreeti genie wish 3/day (this already is abuse here since the efreeti's wish says "non-efreeti only" under its wishs)
2:Will-o-wisp Immune Magic
3:Allip's Incorporeal (should be gotten last if you wanna make "sense" of this exercise)
4:Small Fire elemental's Immune fire
5:Xtabay's Immune Acid
6:Balor Lord's StormLord ability
7:Balor Lord's Master of Magic (as a custom creation)
8:Tarrasque's Regeneration
9:Nightgaunt's Faceless
10:Formian Worker's Formian Traits
11:Empyreal Lord Korada's Empyreal Lord Traits
12:Medium Skeleton's Undead traits(literally called Undead traits that can be found on paizo's offical website under universal monster abilities)
13:Lipika Aeon's Force Blast
14:Ochre Jelly's Split

With this buffet of abilities the caster now has the following:

Wish 3/day (SPL CL 11th), Immune fire, Immune to spells and spell-like abilities that allow SR, except magic missile and maze, incorporeal (immune to all nonmagical attack forms, half damage from spells or magic weapons, 50% chance of non-damaging spells and effects to affect, +cha deflection bonus, attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, can’t fall or take falling damage, can’t be tripped or grappled or make trip/grapple attempts, no str score, dex applied to melee/ranged and CMD attacks, can move full speed even if cannot see), Immune acid, Split (immune to piercing/slashing/electricity damage. Instead the creature splits, each with half of the original creature’s current hit point total rounded down. A jelly with 10 hp or less cannot be further split and dies if reduced to 0 hp), Master of Magic(additional spell-like abilities, 20 spell levels of 1-4th lvl useable at will and 20 spell levels worth of 5-8th useable 3 times a day), StormLord(change fire damage into electricity damage. Electricity resistance is halved and immunity is treated as resistance 20), Regeneration 40 (No attack can suppress, rises from death 3 rounds later with 1 hp if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains), faceless (no face but can see in all directions, immune to gaze attacks, no need to breathe, immune to all inhaled and scent-based effects), Formian traits (darkvision 60, blindsense 30, hive mind(+4 racial to initiative and perception. If at least one disbelieves an illusion, all within its telepathic range also disbelieve. If one is aware of combatants, all other within range also aware of combatants, resistance to sonic 10, cast spells as spell-like abilities, telepathy 60ft), Empyreal Lord traits(Blindsense 60, greater teleport at will(cl20), immunity to ability damage, abaility drain, charm, compulsion, death effects, energy drain, petrification, Immunity to electricity, resistance cold and sonic 30, lay on hands (EL=hd), speak with animals, truespeech (tongues), Undead Traits (immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, paralysis,poison,sleep,stun, any effect that requires a fort save unless the effect works on objects or is harmless, not subject to ability drain, energy drain, nonlethal damage, immune to damage or penalities to physical ability scores, as well as fatigue and exhaustion effects, not at risk of death from massive damage, force blast (can fire a force blast as an attack ation or four force blast as a full-attack action. These blast are ranged touch attacks with a maximum range of 300 ft. Each force blast deals 10d6 points of damage and has a critical threat range of 19-20. This is a force effect.)

With the custom Master of Magic SPL:
Dispel Magic
Etheric Shards
Divine Power
Black Tentacles

polymorph any object
True Seeing

Now the wizard does the following.
1:Cast Etheric Shards on herself. This now splits the wizard (if at max hp) in half which the two 'halves' are still in the area causeing them to split making a total of four, which are still in the area causing them to split into eight, which are all still in the area causing them to split for the 4th time into sixteen total creatures with about 7 hp each.
2: All 16 copies spend a wish each to each make a Simulacrum of themselves, the Simulacrum will only be at 1/2 lvl and with none of the brew fleshcraft poison abilities and such but that won't last for long.
3:Each split copy now uses a use of master of magic Polymorph any object spell on the Simulacrums turning them all into the real deal (according to James Jacobs Yes, the simulacrum becomes real and can age and grow, but such a change wouldn't be permanent. A simulacrum is the same size, is related, and has the same Intelligence as a real human, but it is not in the same kingdom or same class since it's an illusion effect, not a living creature. As such, its increase to duration factor is +6, and thus this would only last 2 days, at which point it reverts to simulacrum and any aging or self-improvement or whatever that it accomplished resets as well. meaning it would gain everything Super-Drow has ability wise.
4: Each of the P.A.O Super-Drows repeat steps 1-4.

Do this for about 5 minuets and you should have over 1 trillion of you. Everyone stay in a cube formation and because of the teamwork feat everyyou gains +4 to all saves. And with coven and scar hexes your caster level as high as 4Pi(R^2) or 17,516,524 since that is as many yous you can get in a mile-1. But lets just drop that down to 190 you's using aid another to boost CL for an even CL 200, this gives you 92,192 casters with a cl of 200 (BTW with a caster lvl in the 17 millions one can cast Disintegrate at the range of 33,175 MILES, that is over 1/10th the distance of the earth to the moon still nothing for pun-pun but impressive non the less)

With the formian traits all your spell casting is done as SLA meaning no need for materials or such nonsense as well as a hivemind network with all of you.

+20 to inititave, from Divine power you get +6 luck to attack, weapon damage as well as an extra attack if you full round attack, +dex to-hit, ignore armor, natural armor and shields with any attack(aside from force).

Storm Lord ability lets you switch out the damage from fire on your spells and SLA and turn it into electric damage that ignores immunity (treating it as resistance 20) and halfing all resistances. If something has a save then just use the Lipika's Force blast that crits on a 19-20 for 10d6 force damage with that many yous there is bound to be some crits in there. Starburn hex lets you cast 1d6 fire per 2/levels with no cap, this means 87,582,620 d6 fire for an average of 306,539,170 damage (only 153,269,585 for half on a succesful save at a dc 153,269,603 fortsave) since coven improves your hex's lvl as well.

As far as I can tell is immune or nearly immune to all damage and any damage it does take can heal from and has plenty of 'clones' as well that can keep churning out more never endingly

2016-06-22, 11:37 AM
Don't forget to Tattoo Potion with your nifty SLA ignoring the required existing potion then learn every spell under Level 3.

Don't take any item crafting feats, except as required for prerequisites, but take cooperative crafting. Polymorph into a Half-Elf and paragon surge to grant yourself and all of your clones the crafting feats that you want, with enough clones you can craft any items in the game instantly given the $$.

Also don't forget "Keep Watch" which makes a standard action count as 8 hours rest, specifically allowing you to regain spells. It has the side effect of making you fatigued if you have to take any strenuous activity but you don't care because you are immune to fatigue.