View Full Version : Pathfinder Help with a Monk/Oracle

Dire Roc
2016-06-22, 08:49 PM
Don't get MAD, ask the playground for help optimizing an unoptimized concept!

I've had a concept for a while of a Lizardfolk Unchained Monk/Oracle using the Ki metabolism power and cold blooded curse to go an absurdly long time without needing to eat (48 days before making checks, although it would be uncomfortable). A ring of sustenance could bypass the need completely but whats the fun of that? If I want to actually use this character in a game at some point he needs to have abilities beyond that one gimmick, which is where I'm asking for help. The multiclass is inherently going to be extremely MAD, especially since Lizardfolk don't automatically speak Common.

For the monk I don't have any particular preferences although working in the natural weapons would be nice, alternatively using a monk weapon to flurry maybe a sansetsukon? For the Oracle half I'm looking at Wood, Metal or Battle mysteries for the combat boosts and maybe Dual-Cursed for the bonus revelations and to add a curse that scales better.

I'm imagining him as combat focused with the casting as a supplement, probably buffs and healing if the group I use him for needs that. For feats I'm looking at Corungan Stun, and either the Crane or Mantis Style chains although Dragon is always worth considering, as well as the essential Power Attack. I'm open to pretty much any suggestion though.

I also haven't decided what balance of the two classes I would like or how to alternate them, so advice on that front would be appreciated as well.

Thank you!

2016-06-22, 09:45 PM
Stats are gonna be tough-since you are going to use the oracle spells for buffs, you want the bare minimum charisma to cast for however many oracle levels you go. Also, are you going to mix em half and half? Just a dip in oracle for the curse? 4 levels in monk to get the ki metabolism power? I assume you are going more into monk than oracle since you wanna be combat focused with some casting. Since your non oracle levels count as half levels for the curse, you can progress it outside oracle. I would go no more than 3 oracle levels, probably just a dip. If you go dual cursed make your lizard curse the one that never improves and pick a stronger one, and grab something else to improve. 5 levels of oracle is a lot for an extra revelation, and there are probably only 1-2 key ones in your bloodline worth considering.

You can't afford to dump anything except maybe int, and just bite the bullet and spend a rank in linguistics to learn common. Since you get strength and con bonuses you might want to leave those at 10 pre racials. You need to put as much as you can afford into dex and wisdom, and get no more than 12 charisma off the bat-since your casting is only for support and not save based. However, you can use a revelation to get AC and saves/CMD based off charisma instead of dex and dump dex to be slightly less MAD.

If you are only here for the curse and some spells, then look through every mystery to find a good revelation. Battle has the ability to roll twice for initative and pick the highest, which is amazing. The time mystery has a similar ability. Flame has cinder dance for +10 speed, but you probably won't need speed as a monk. Lore, lunar, and nature all have revelations that would allow you to dump dex and use charisma for armor and reflex saves(nature for armor and CMD) for less mad. Spellscar has a revelation to get resistance 2 to everything, and +2 to saves against spells and SLA's, which is okay.

Power attack is a must for any martial, and all the styles you mentioned are good, just depends on what you want to do.

2016-06-22, 10:03 PM
A Mystery that provides a virtual armor Revelation will help. It's a DM call I think whether the Bone Armor from Bones interferes with monk, but the Cloak of Darkness from Dark Tapestry is fine. Bones and Dark Tapestry tinge evil but don't have to be, and maybe you can flavor text the fluff. Ancestors gives a Spirit Shield, so you're good to go there.

MAD is a problem. It is easier to focus on being a monk and have oracle augment it. Charisma can be at minimum necessary and don't choose attack spells. Buff and remove affliction spells are key. Especially for being a monk and wanting to move about the battlefield, your number one priority spell to know is Grace. You want it, you want it, you want it. That should be your first 2nd level spell known. It is more valuable to you than the staples Bull's Strength or Bear's Endurance.

A neat trick for any warrior-type character who casts cleric spells in a game that uses traits. Take the one that gives you an extra +1 luck bonus for anything that gives you a luck bonus. Cast Divine Favor. Profit. Perhaps your other trait could be Magical Knack to boost your caster level for duration spells.

2016-06-22, 11:04 PM
Would a monk VMC oracle work for your concept? Much less MAD, you get the curse immediately

2016-06-23, 12:55 AM
@Dire Roc:

Which version of Lzardman do you want to use for this? Bestiary with RHD or the reworked one from ARG?

Dire Roc
2016-06-23, 02:20 AM
@Dire Roc:

Which version of Lzardman do you want to use for this? Bestiary with RHD or the reworked one from ARG?

I'm using the ARG version, with the variant that gives a climb speed.

Would a monk VMC oracle work for your concept? Much less MAD, you get the curse immediately

I hadn't considered VMC, monk should give enough feats to help make up for the loss, and I can use Magical Talent to make up for losing Create Water (which I'd like to have for flavor reasons).

My gut still has me leaning towards a more conventional multiclass but I'll definitely keep VMC in mind. If I do multiclass, are there any items that increase effective oracle level for curses (or even better revelations)?

Based on the feedback so far I'm thinking start with oracle and then alternating with monk until oracle 3, then straight monk from then on. Three levels of oracle would give me a few 2nd level spells and 2 revelations, plus a decent start on an extra curse from Dual-Cursed. I was thinking of Deaf for the curse but if I'm putting less emphasis on casting that loses its benefit, any suggestions? I'm also now narrowed down to Ancestor, Battle, Time and Wood for revelations. Wood gives a virtual armor and pseudo-full BAB with wood bond, Ancestor has virtual armor, and Battle gives the awesome initiative boost, as does Time.

2016-06-23, 02:31 AM
Consider using a Lore Oracle then, with the Sidestep secret to swap DEX for CHA on AC.