View Full Version : Pathfinder PF Modern: Alien Invasion!

2016-06-22, 10:30 PM
So I've decided to run an alien invasion campaign with my group using the d20 Modern Pathfinder rules. We will be playing on Roll20, and the campaign itself will probably be relatively short (a half dozen sessions or so).

So now for the premise: the players will all be playing themselves, starting at 3rd level and going no higher than sixth. They have gathered together in our hometown to play D&D when the alien invasion hits. Our hometown is by no means anything more than a small town, so it won't be the scene of an alien shock-and-awe campaign to stir terror. If anything, it's the sort of place where reconnaissance drones would abduct people (an advance force of them may have been doing it for decades already).

The PCs' goal is ultimately to fortify, survive, and meet up with the military's guerrilla forces at a secure site later on down the line. They themselves will not be responsible for the aliens' defeat on a large scale, but may be somehow instrumental in securing their own local area. Eventually, loss from guerrilla warfare convinces the aliens that trying to take Earth just isn't worth it, and they depart for another planet.

I've got ideas for skill challenges for each of my players, since I know them as people and therefore know what their characters will look like. Here's the breakdown:

A U.S. Army vet with medic training, currently attending a pre-med program. He's in the National Guard while attending college. I'm thinking that his skill challenges will involve medicine, military tactics, and general leadership.
A mechanic and gun sportsman who has a great deal of interest in law enforcement. He has a small cache of weapons, some degree of survival experience, and a great deal of mechanical expertise. His skill challenges will revolve around typical mechanical things and defense—getting vehicles up and running, securing and fortifying sites, and keeping others safe.
A caregiver with a smattering of random skills. I believe he's the only one in the group with any hunting experience, and he's also the best with people of anyone in the group. I suspect he will be the face of the party. Skill challenges will include social interactions, hunting, and survival
A recent college graduate with a degree in Linguistics. She's got a small cache of non-firearm weapons (mostly bladed weapons) and a little knowledge of how to use them. My thinking is that her skill challenge (or one of them, at least) will be a major turning point in the resistance. Considering her recent degree in Linguistics, she will be responsible for the decoding and translation of alien communications, allowing the resistance to have some degree of insight into the aliens' plans.

Each session will probably span the course of a month, for a total of about six months of alien occupation of Earth.

So what do you guys think? Any suggestions? I'd love to play with some classic alien tropes (abductions, probes, flying saucers, etc.), so if you've got any ideas on how to integrate that, I'd love to hear them!

2016-06-23, 02:37 AM
For a modern setting, I think it´actually good to include at least one major Profession skill on each character so you have a fallback options to simulate the broader knowledge we have in the modern world.
So Profession: Soldier on your army vet, and so on.