View Full Version : Re-Usable Spell shapes for battle maps?

2016-06-23, 10:13 AM
My group has a few spells with lasting effects that are pretty big and drawing them out on the map repeatedly can be a pain in the butt. I did some light googling, but work firewall blocks a lot of D&D type sites.

Does anyone know of a company that makes/sells things like an outline for 40' radius on a grid that could just be laid down on the map and picked up when done? Just thinking the outline as then you dont have to move any figs or impact anything that might already be drawn out on the map, etc.

Not looking to break the bank on this, but willing to devote a small amount of resources.

2016-06-23, 10:24 AM
You can just buy some pipe cleaners (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipe_cleaner) and bend them into the shape you want. Bonus: you can get lots of different colors, fit any size of grid, and create any size of template (for when your PCs pull out that widened energy wave).

Jay R
2016-06-23, 12:12 PM
I recommend a piece of cardboard, a compass, and a few minutes with a sharp knife.

But if you'd rather pay, here's a link to an 8" diameter embroidery hoop (https://www.google.com/shopping/product/10553055164130519588?sclient=psy-ab&biw=1366&bih=674&q=8+inch+embroidery+hoop&oq=8+inch+embroidery+hoop&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.&bvm=bv.125221236,d.cWw&tch=1&ech=1&psi=WBZsV6XyNIvy-QHjuJfIDw.1466701397711.9&prds=paur:ClkAsKraXxcJ-XfgDVODE6S7UU_k26csdosWeL6puwAp5_i0yejtWgbeX2MCx8C 9cME4ukFMyNNPwssTvMpGy4ftJMIpxzIAWWPrJYwXyvZL3KmaT oeaIp0O3BIZAFPVH724dMOJLbO6Fabw2jEgN-w86uaaMg&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivlcj70L7NAhWFKiYKHUANABYQ8gIIkwQwAw).

Here's a plastic one (https://www.google.com/shopping/product/2669192722496445654?sclient=psy-ab&biw=1366&bih=674&q=8+inch+plastic+hoop&oq=8+inch+plastic+hoop&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.&bvm=bv.125221236,d.cWw&tch=1&ech=1&psi=WBZsV6XyNIvy-QHjuJfIDw.1466701397711.11&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX117pKxB9R_-gmVGXYDOik3mrop3gCZEptxEKtMh6MZROs7hgivc45d39OT44B AEdjBz2MBnif7p5jZ6dVwCiK92jB5yruAYJ8ZWKBzl-8dMw-owpRIZAFPVH73A_87sJ0ET49MiTuKmEG4IhKd-lg&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVnvLV0b7NAhVFNiYKHVhWA5gQ8wII8AIwBA).

And finally, a metal cake ring (https://www.google.com/shopping/product/17328426989333140808?q=8+inch+metal+circle&biw=1366&bih=674&bav=on.2,or.&bvm=bv.125221236,d.cWw&tch=1&ech=1&psi=WBZsV6XyNIvy-QHjuJfIDw.1466701397711.5&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX9zqtjXefgX4wjc8yqAcPj5W90VGwAYN kVgghz16U1PsRIREvGL-3jc0JOnn88IrWyRcKNz9kCUMbbN-rt3NZ_z0-Quu5IKZOjF_pInVzcK1GChqnhIZAFPVH70QwPe8---xKk4dddYhlcHqbW_BlA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGjPLM0L7NAhXMZiYKHTTtDy4Q8wII0AMwCA).

2016-06-23, 12:33 PM
Here's some Paizo offers (http://paizo.com/search?q=gamemastery+spell+templates&what=products).

For my purposes, because I'm a cheapskate, I just took some stiff wire and cut and bent it into the proper shapes.

2016-06-23, 03:18 PM
I picked up a giant sheet of thicker plastic, and cut out the shapes. For larger areas (20' radius and above) that need to remain on the table, I did them in quarters (to make it easier to pick up figures, put down the Solid Fog, and put them down again).

I'm totally stealing the pipecleaner idea, though.

Barbarian Horde
2016-06-23, 09:36 PM
White board,(Any object such as a pen or pencil, Expo Marker, and string.

Draw your grid.

Tie the string to both the pen and the expo marker, give your self enough to make 40ft radius.

Take your expo marker while holding your pen/pencil in place and pull the string tight by moving the expo mark as far as you can pulling the slack out of the line.

From there just drag the expo marker in a circle

Otherwise I agree with the above post, I think Pipecleaners is your best beat, they are cheap and come in a variety of colors.

2016-06-23, 11:54 PM
The pipe cleaners are a good one, but in case they aren't available where you are, you can also go with... err, I actually don't know how this (http://alambregalvanizado.es/wp-content/uploads/alambredulce-Small.jpg) is named in english, in spanish that would be alambre, but I think the image will suffice to illustrate what I'm trying to show. Still, the pipe cleaners are probably softer and may end looking better if you can find them in colors.

2016-06-24, 08:54 AM
The pipe cleaners are an excellent idea and I just ordered a box of 1000 in various colors from Amazon for $16. They're 12 inches each, so I'll have to daisy chain them together a bit, but having different colors will make differentiating separate effects much easier.

Thanks for the suggestions.

2016-06-24, 02:31 PM
I see that the OP has already made a choice, but I thought I'd add my solution: 3-ring binder dividers. You can usually find ones that are just sheets of colored, semitransparent plastic. I laid them over my battle mat, traced the relevant shapes, cut them out, and now store them in a sheet protector.

2016-06-26, 12:25 AM
pipe cleaners are terrible. They dont retain shape well at all. I tried it all man. Pipe cleaners, cut outs, the preformed metal ones are great but are limited in scope. If I had though of it I probably would have just cut out a generic cone shape and put it over a flash light and shine it down on the table.

In the end we play on a tv now with roll20 but spell area effects manually are the bane of my gaming existence. You could also go with a gridless type of measuring and use string to show distance.

you can also use soldering wire, thick stuff easy to bend.

2016-06-26, 07:30 PM
pipe cleaners are terrible. They dont retain shape well at all.
Acquire a cheap soldering iron and spool of solder. Solder a big juicy dollop on each corner you have bent. It will retain the shape nicely forevermore.

2016-06-26, 09:48 PM
Acquire a cheap soldering iron and spool of solder. Solder a big juicy dollop on each corner you have bent. It will retain the shape nicely forevermore.

Ahh, now see that part I didn't know and until now, no one ever suggested lol.

2016-06-27, 07:28 AM
40k has these:

Not sure if the size is right though

2016-06-27, 12:44 PM
@schreier - The issue with those is placing them onto a grid where there are targets that would be in the effect.

I got my pipe cleaners from Amazon. The one I built for Entangle certainly seems like it will be tought to keep/hold it's shape, but smaller ones for 10' radius and 20' radius seem much more managable/durable. Maybe I'll look at doubling up the pipe cleaners on the larger one to give it a bit more stabilty as I'm not a welder.

2016-06-27, 04:48 PM
You don't have to be a welder to use a soldering iron it's almost like using a lighter and candle wax