View Full Version : Player Help So i am going to try 5e, is there an artificer class?

2016-06-24, 04:09 PM
So i got invited to a new campaign, using 5e for the first time in my life.
I understand its a bit more simplefied then 3.5 and pathfinder to wich im used. but i also heard the options for character creation are a lot less.

question: is there something like an artificer or tinkerer in 5e? some wizard archetype that specializes in building things/devices/constructs?

2016-06-24, 04:17 PM
There was a playtest Artificer wizard subclass in Unearthed Arcana, but I wouldn't recommend it.

2016-06-24, 04:20 PM
So i got invited to a new campaign, using 5e for the first time in my life.
I understand its a bit more simplefied then 3.5 and pathfinder to wich im used. but i also heard the options for character creation are a lot less.

question: is there something like an artificer or tinkerer in 5e? some wizard archetype that specializes in building things/devices/constructs?

Yes - but it is not officially ratified material. The Eberron Unearthed Arcana article contains a wizard path for the Artificer. You could also just play a Rock Gnome and do some minor tinkering if that would satisfy your need for a tinkerer (i.e. mostly fluff).

2016-06-24, 04:21 PM
Not to my knowledge (but I only know the main player's handbook), but there's a gnome sub-race that lets you make some small mechanical devices. None are powerful, but some could be used for distractions or utility.

EDIT: ninja'd. Rock Gnome was what I was referring to.

2016-06-24, 04:27 PM
As stated, there is no "artificer" class.

That being said, as with many MANY other questions of this variety, my first reaction is to say:

This is D&D, take any class, reflavor/refluff it so that now it uses whatever flavor you like.

Lets say you want to be a tinkerer that has all his little gadgets spewing out elements and poking enemies with pointy things.
Ok so take a sorcerer. Now you magic missile is actually a little gyrocopter that flutters around you shooting little arrows. Your firebolt is a belt that you push a button and a ball of fire shoots forward. Your shield spell is a helmet that drops a sheet of heavy chainmail when it detects an incoming attack, then has to "recharge" for a bit.

This is a game of playing pretend. The only real thing is the dice, you can make rolling them mean anything you want.

2016-06-24, 04:34 PM
wow. thanks for the quick replies guys. ill look into all of it/ask the dm.

2016-06-24, 04:57 PM
wow. thanks for the quick replies guys. ill look into all of it/ask the dm.

I actually love the so-called "UA Artificer". It isn't really an Artificer, but it is fun in its own way.

2016-06-24, 05:36 PM
I actually love the so-called "UA Artificer". It isn't really an Artificer, but it is fun in its own way.

it does have a few balance issues, but I don't think they're likely to come into play at low levels.

anyways, the UA artificer is a perfectly adequate subclass (apart from those minor balance concerns). it just isn't at *all* what people wanted when they asked for an artificer. we all had this image in our heads of the eberron artificer. WotC somehow managed to assume we all wanted a regular wizard that can also make a tiny subset of magical items, and doesn't really correspond to the eberron artificer at all.

2016-06-25, 03:24 AM
If tou are looking for reflavoring I recommend the Warlock instead. Invocations are easily translated to magical equipment. Pick up the new Alchemist Feat. Eldritch Blast is your wand/gun etc.
Go Chain Archetype so you get a homemade homunculus (sp) for Patron... No idea. :)

Just my 10 pints for you Roger.

2016-06-25, 04:46 AM
If you're allowed DMsG homebrew, then this class (http://www.dmsguild.com/product/174669/THE-ARTIFICER-5e-Class-) has all the feel and flavour of the old artificer, even up to the Robot Buddy.

2016-06-25, 09:26 AM
Talked to the DM. he likes the refluffing idea and im allowed to play a caster and play it off like magic devices. any advise on what class is suited for this is welcome :)

2016-06-25, 09:53 AM
Talked to the DM. he likes the refluffing idea and im allowed to play a caster and play it off like magic devices. any advise on what class is suited for this is welcome :)

I would suggest wizard, maybe abjuration for a force field of sorts, and your spellbook is a invention book.

2016-06-25, 12:11 PM
If tou are looking for reflavoring I recommend the Warlock instead. Invocations are easily translated to magical equipment. Pick up the new Alchemist Feat. Eldritch Blast is your wand/gun etc.
Go Chain Archetype so you get a homemade homunculus (sp) for Patron... No idea. :)

Just my 10 pints for you Roger.


Warlock is a great class to re-fluff into an Artificer. Devil's Sight? Special Goggles you infuse with magic. Eldritch Blast? Magic Crossbow that shoots bolts of Force.

Pact of Chain and calling it a Homunculus is perfect.

2016-06-25, 12:22 PM

Warlock is a great class to re-fluff into an Artificer. Devil's Sight? Special Goggles you infuse with magic. Eldritch Blast? Magic Crossbow that shoots bolts of Force.

Pact of Chain and calling it a Homunculus is perfect.

what about the patron pact stuff?

2016-06-25, 12:58 PM
what about the patron pact stuff?

I would suggest fiend.

The first level ability is an adrenaline injection, dark one's own luck is a either knowledge about the thing, or some sort of armour/speed boots. Fiendish resilience is armour. Hurl through hell is a inter-dimensional teleportation bomb.

2016-06-25, 02:29 PM
Hurl through hell is an inter-dimensional teleportation bomb.

I need this to be a thing. Legendary magic item, perhaps? I can see it now: a metal orb that expands out into a series of rings that rotate around each other with a glowing mote in the middle with a command word. It opens, the rings spin around the creature, then they snap shut.

2016-06-25, 02:55 PM
looking at the great old one patron is funny too.
the thought shield is my tin foil hat for instance...

2016-06-25, 03:28 PM
I would fluff the patron as a course of study for the Gadgeteer (I feel that is really more the style of this rather than an Artificer). Like the GOO is figuring out mind-altering technology and so exploring the applications of it, while Undying is more like a biomedical engineer.

2016-07-04, 06:32 AM
Thank you everyone. I did go with the warlock in the end. First session was great.
Unlimited casts of prestidigitation and detect magic. (Sonic screwdriver and Special goggles respectively) are super amusing.
I may have played him a bit too much like a scatterbrained scientist, since i managed to avoid the entire combat by disassembling a toilet that looked cool. But hey! i needed spare parts!

Thanks for all the advise, and me and my drone (pseudodragon familiar) are looking forward to a cool campaign.

2016-07-04, 04:14 PM
Sounds awesome! Cheers.

2016-07-04, 07:19 PM
Just running this off the top of my head, but why not mix features from classes of equal ish power?
For example
take the sorcerer root, go the storm archetype, reduce the meta magics received by half, then add the beast masters perk from the ranger to compensate for the reduced power.
Then flavorer the beasts you get as mechanized versions that perhaps run off your spell power/points?

Ofc this is just me making stuff on the fly and not even attempted to balance it or go into detail, but if you did then you might be looking at an artificer build that could work.

2016-07-04, 07:35 PM
Thank you everyone. I did go with the warlock in the end. First session was great.
Unlimited casts of prestidigitation and detect magic. (Sonic screwdriver and Special goggles respectively) are super amusing.
I may have played him a bit too much like a scatterbrained scientist, since i managed to avoid the entire combat by disassembling a toilet that looked cool. But hey! i needed spare parts!

Thanks for all the advise, and me and my drone (pseudodragon familiar) are looking forward to a cool campaign.

Sounds like you'll have a blast playing this character, and I'm glad it all worked out for you!