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Tanuki Tales
2016-06-24, 09:24 PM

”How can Kung Fu stop something that stops Kung Fu?”

-Po, Kung Fu Panda 2.

Youxia are heroes who follow a path, forged by strength and tempered by honor, that leads them to a destiny that they can only strive to craft as a righteous one. They are a wandering knight-errant, a champion for the weak and oppressed, who are beholden to no authority save their own creeds and will use the vindictive power of their bodies and souls to see justice done.

Masters of armed and unarmed combat, Youxia are more than simple practitioners of the martial arts. They are conduits for the supernatural power of their disciplines, utilizing it to achieve feats that would shatter and kill lesser men. A Youxia is a hero born from the ether of the world, raising up from unassuming roots to become an unstoppable force of chivalry. It matters not if the evil they find standing before them is a single man or an entire nation they will put their fists and heart completely into carving out a future that is for the benefit of the greater good.

Alignment: Any Good.

Hit Dice: d10

Class skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str)
Skills: 6+Intelligence Modifier per level

LevelBABFortRefWillSpecialAncient Secret
1st+1+2+2+2Ancient Secret, Enlightened Armor, Hornet's Barrage, Wushu Strike +1d62
2nd+2+3+3+3Combat Accupuncture, Dance of the Storm's Wind, Insightful Strike2
3rd+3+3+3+3Wushu Strike +2d63
4th+4+4+4+4Armory of a True Hero3
5th+5+4+4+4Fortified Essence, Wushu Strike +3d64
7th+7/+2+5+5+5Wushu Strike +4d65
9th+9/+4+6+6+6Wushu Strike +5d66
10th+10/+5+7+7+7Nieli Blast 3d66
11th+11/+6/+1+7+7+7Wushu Strike +6d67
12th+12/+7/+2+8+8+8Nieli Blast 4d67
13th+13/+8/+3+8+8+8Wushu Strike +7d68
14th+14/+9/+4+9+9+9Nieli Blast 5d68
15th+15/+10/+5+9+9+9Wushu Strike +8d69
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+10+10+10Nieli Blast 6d69
17th+17/+12/+7/+2+10+10+10Wushu Strike +9d610
18th+18/+13/+8/+3+11+11+11Nieli Blast 7d610
19th+19/+14/+9/+4+11+11+11Wushu Strike +10d611
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+12+12+12Inner Peace, Nieli Blast 8d612

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Youxia are proficient with all simple, martial and improvised weapons. They may select one exotic weapon of their choice to be proficient in. Youxia are not proficient with any form of armor or shields.

Disciple of Xia
When taking their first level in this class, the Youxia selects one of the six ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) and once this decision is made, it can not be changed. When a feature of this class is based off an ability score, the Youxia uses their selected score.

Being a Youxia requires an incredible amount of devotion and self sacrifice to upholding the Tenets of Xia, leaving little room for other callings or parallel paths on the road of life. The Youxia loses the abilities granted by this class, aside from weapon proficiences, if less than half their total class levels is in this class.

Ancient Secrets
The Youxia spends much time contemplating the nature of reality, meditating on the balances and cycles of life as they hone their bodies to their absolute pinnacle.

Starting at 1st level, the Youxia selects two Ancient Secrets (listed below), gaining the features associated with it. They gain an additional Ancient Secret every odd level (and an additional one at level 20). Ancient Secrets are considered Extraordinary abilities, unless noted otherwise.

A Youxia is able, through extensive meditation, to learn Ancient Secrets beyond their normal allotment gained by taking levels in this class. This requires the Youxia to sequester themselves to a natural environment at least three days away from any form of civilization, though this only includes civilized areas that are generally known to exist, not secret ones. The Youxia is only able to bring with them the resources to perform the ritual, nothing further. Items, gear, etc. found after embarking on this pilgrimage do not count against this requirement.

The Youxia must spend four hours cleansing their bodies and minds, the actual ritual taking four hours of uninterrupted meditation, during which the Youxia is considered helpless. The Youxia must expend 1,000 gp in resources (which can take the form of oils, herbs, incenses, paints, gems, candles etc.) and 100 xp when performing the ritual. Upon completion, the Youxia learns an additional Ancient Secret that they would qualify for selecting. This ritual can be performed as many times as the Youxia has the resources to complete, but the cost increases by 1,000 gp and 100 xp for each Ancient Secret obtained beyond the first. The Youxia is also only able to perform one such ritual in any given 24 hour period.

Enlightened Armor (Ex)
A Youxia does not use things such as steel or leather to protect their bodies, relying on their inner discipline and sense of the world to stave off those who would harm them.

At 1st level, the Youxia gains a +4 dodge bonus to their armor class. This bonus increases by an additional +1 for every four levels they possess in this class, to a maximum of +9 at level 20. This bonus applies to Touch attack and when the Youxia is flatfooted. The Youxia loses this bonus when immobilized or helpess or if they carry heavier than a medium load.

Hornet's Barrage (Ex)
Like a swarm of enraged hornets, spilling from their hive to relentlessly attack those they perceive as threats, the blows of a Youxia can rain down as a blur.

Starting at 1st level, when making an attack action, the Youxia may make an extra attack at their highest base attack bonus. If they choose to use this extra attack then they take a -2 penalty to all attacks in that specific routine. The Youxia may make an additional attack and increases the penalty by an additional -2 for every five levels after the first, to a maximum of four additional attacks at 16th level.

The Youxia may substitute disarm, sunder and trip combat maneuvers in place of normal attacks.

Wushu Strike (Ex)
Youxia possess great skill and force above that of normal men and can put this knowledge to good use when wielding themselves or any object as a weapon.

At 1st level, and every two levels thereafter, the Youxia gains a 1d6 damage bonus on their Unarmed Strikes. This bonus modifies the damage dice the weapon deals, being added in addition to the normal damage dice. [For example: A 1st level Human Youxia would treat their Unarmed Strike as if it dealt 1d3+1d6 damage instead of 1d3.]

When wielding a weapon they are proficient with, which is not an Unarmed Strike, the Youxia's Wushu Strike is treated as four levels lower (minimum 1). Non-proficient weapons do not gain the benefits of a Wushu Strike.

This bonus is multiplied by a critical hit. Any item, feat or ability that would increase the effective level of a Monk's Unarmed Strike increases the effective level of a Youxia's Wushu Strike.

A Youxia additionally gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. If the Youxia would already gain this feat from another source or later gains it from another source, they may choose another feat they qualify for instead.

Combat Acupuncture
The Youxia begins a long and deep path towards understanding the use of their own chi, pressure points and the flow of life force of all natural (and some unnatural things) things for good and for ill.

At 2nd level, a Youxia must declare they are using this ability before making an attack. If the attack is successful and the foe takes damage, they must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 the Youxia's level+the Youxia's selected score modifier) or be stunned for one round.

This is an Extraordinary ability. Creatures normally immune to stunning (except Constructs) are not immune to this ability. The Youxia may use this ability a number of times per encounter equal to one half their selected score modifier (minimum 1).

At 7th level, as a standard action that invokes an attack of opportunity, the Youxia does several quick jabs to themselves or an adjacent ally. The target then gains Fast Healing equal to one half their total hit dice (minimum 1) for a number of rounds equal to one half the Youxia's level+the Youxia's selected score modifier (minimum 1).

A target can not benefit from this ability more than once every three hours. This is an Extraordinary ability and Constructs are immune to its effects. The Youxia can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 their total levels in this class+their selected score modifier.

At 10th level, as a standard action, the Youxia makes a melee touch attack against an adjacent foe. The foe must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 the Youxia's level+the Youxia's selected score modifier) or be paralyzed for a number of minutes equal to 1/2 the Youxia's level+their selected score modifier.

This ability affects creatures normally immune to paralysis. This is an Extraordinary ability and Constructs are immune to its effects. The Youxia can use this ability once per encounter per two points of selected score modifier they possess (minimum 1).

At 14th level, as a swift action, the Youxia does several quick jabs to themselves or an adjacent ally. The target then can make a new saving throw against any one negative effect currently affecting them at its original DC. They also gain a bonus to the saving throw equal to half the Youxia's selected score modifier.

A target can not benefit from this ability more than once every three hours. This is a Supernatural ability and Constructs are immune to its effects. The Youxia can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 their total levels in this class+their selected score modifier.

At 15th level, once per day, the Youxia may announce one attack as being a Quivering Palm strike. If the attack is successful and the foe takes damage from the attack, the Quivering Palm is successful. From that point on the Youxia, for a number of days equal to the Youxia's level, they may kill the target simply by willing it so. The target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10+1/2 the Youxia's level+the Youxia's selected score modifier) or be slain instantly as their body breaks down from the inside out.

This is a Supernatural ability and Constructs are immune to its effects.

At 18th level, as a standard action that invokes an attack of opportunity, the Youxia may make a melee touch attack against an adjacent foe. If the attack is successful the target must make a Will save (DC 10+1/2 the Youxia's level+the Youxia's selected score modifier). If the target fails the save, the Youxia dictates how the target will take their next turn. The Youxia has access to any abilities or tactics the target has but must decide exactly how the target takes their next turn as soon as the target fails its save. The target will then follow these dictated actions to the best of its ability. A creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours after being affected by it (regardless if it makes its saving throw or not).

This is a Supernatural ability and Constructs are immune to its effects. The Youxia may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 their total levels in this class+their selected score modifier.

Dance of the Storm's Wind (Ex)
A Youxia's body moves with far greater swiftness than that of others. They travel like blurs, their motions almost like lightning itself as they even pierce the heavens with their efforts.

At 2nd level, the Youxia gains Evasion. If the Youxia makes a successful reflex save against any attack or effect that would normally deal half damage on a successful save, they instead take no damage. Evasion can only be used if the Youxia is wearing light or no armor. A helpless Youxia does not gain the benefit of Evasion.

At 3rd level, as long as the Youxia is conscious and not helpless they take no damage from falling.

At 6th level, the Youxia may treat any surface as flat solid ground, regardless of makeup or direction. This allows the Youxia to travel as normal across walls, ceilings, water or even open air. The Youxia must begin and end their movement on a surface that has some substance (so while ground, water or even a cloud suffice, open air or a void would not). If the Youxia would travel across a substance that would normally deal them damage (such as acid or lava) they do not take damage unless they end their movement upon it. A successful Reflex save (DC 20) halves this damage and Evasion can not be applied. The Youxia may additionally make a full attack as a standard action.

At 9th level, the Youxia gains Improved Evasion. The Youxia now takes only half damage on a failed reflex save against an attack, ability or effect that normally allows half damage on a successful reflex save.

Insightful Strike (Ex)
Youxia have long mastered the art of seeking out a foe's most vulnerable points and assaulting them for the best results.

At 2nd level, a Youxia gains a bonus to attack rolls and combat maneuver checks equal to half their selected score modifier (minimum 0).

Armory of a True Hero (Su)
The Youxia, continuing down the path to true Inner Peace, have learned how to fashion and wield their chi to rival even the mightiest mystic armaments.

At 4th level and every four levels after, the Youxia gains a +1 enhancement bonus to their unarmed strikes and their AC. They may elect to instead gain a weapon or armor special quality equal to the bonus they would normally receive. Once this decision is made it and the enchantments chosen can only be changed when the Youxia gains another such bonus.

At 4th level, a Youxia's unarmed strikes count as magic weapons for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction and attacking incorporeal foes. At 10th level, a Youxia's unarmed strikes are treated as Adamantine for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction and attacking foes. At 16th level, a Youxia's unarmed strikes are treated as Good for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction and attacking foes.

Fortified Essence (Ex)
The Youxia's chi enters a state of hyperactivity and responds in stronger force to the Youxia's discipline and force of will, granting them incredible resilience and fortitude to dangers mundane and supernatural.

At 5th level, the Youxia adds half their selected score modifier (minimum 0) to their Constitution modifier when determining bonus hit points and their Fortitude save. This effect is retroactive to all previous Hit Dice the Youxia possesses.

At 6th level, the Youxia gains Spell Resistance equal to 11+their total levels in their class+1/2 their selected score modifier.

At 8th level, the Youxia is immune to diseases, poisons, fatigue and exhaustion. This immunity does not apply to supernatural diseases or poisons.

At 17th level, the Youxia no longer takes penalties from aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that they have already taken stay in place and they still accrue bonuses as normal and the Youxia still dies when their time is up.

Nieli Blast (Su)
The first steps of mastering chi has been discovered by the Youxia as they can now form their very energy into a potent weapon.

At 10th level, as a standard action the Youxia can make a ranged touch attack out to 60 feet with a range increment of 30 feet. This ranged touch attack deals force damage as shown on the table above. A foe struck by this attack is treated as if if bull rushed by a creature one size category larger than the Youxia. Use the Youxia's Combat Maneuver bonus to resolve this attempt, using the more favorable size modifier. If the creature is flying and is successfully bull rushed, it must make a Fly check (DC 10+1/2 the Youxia's level+the Youxia's selected score modifier) or lose the ability to fly for 1 round, automatically plummeting to the ground.

The Youxia may use this ability once per encounter per two points of selected score modifier they possess (minimum 1).

Inner Peace
The Youxia has finished their long, arduous journey at last. They have found inside of themselves a true state of peace and nirvana, becoming a master of their destiny and art.

At 20th level, The Youxia gains the following benefits:
The Youxia can use Commune with Nature as a spell-like ability once per day. The Youxia gains knowledge of areas even if nature has been overcome by construction or settlements.
The Youxia selects one specific substance that they partake of (such as wine, peaches, tobacco or pork) and this is designated as their "elixir". The Youxia no longer has a maximum age category and as long as they partake of their elixir once every five days they revert and stay in their physical prime. The Youxia takes no physical penalties from aging and is immune to any form of aging (magical or otherwise) in this state. The mental bonuses for aging still accrue as normal.
A spell that fails to overcome the Youxia's spell resistance is stored by the Youxia for a number of rounds equal to the Youxia's selected score modifier. As long as the Youxia has a spell stored they receive a bonus on saving throws against the spell's school of magic equal to the spell's level. The Youxia, as a standard action, may expend the stored energy to either heal 1d10 hit points per level of the spell, increase their movement speed by 10 feet per level of the spell for five rounds or have their next Nieli Blast or Wushu Strike deal damage as if they were one level higher per level of the spell.

The Code of Xia

A Youxia must always be of Good alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if they ever knowingly and willfully commit an act that goes against the tenants of Xia.

A Youxia must be honorable by upholding justice and aiding the poor and helpless. A Youxia must use their considerable might not only for personal gain but for the greater good. The Youxia need not submit to any higher authority but must do their best to maintain social justice. A Youxia must repay any benefactor who has given them deeds of grace or favors, but only if the benefactor is themselves righteous and honorable. A Youxia must always seek vengeance to bring a villain to justice, but must also practice forgiveness, passion and mercy. A Youxia must always be loyal and obedient to the wishes of their Master (if they have one). A Youxia will only settle disputes between themselves and any ally or peer in the confines of a one on one duel.

Associates: A Youxia may be allies to anyone of any walk of life as long as doing so would not violate the Code of Xia. A simple thief or con man may be considered a friend but a Youxia only works with the likes of cold blooded murderers and tyrants under the most dire of circumstances.

A Youxia who ceases to be of Good alignment, who knowingly and willfully breaches the Code of Xia loses all class features granted by this class (save proficiencies) and can no longer take levels in it.

A Youxia who commits a truly heroic deed of justice (as determined by the DM) and who is then subject to an Atonement spell regains all lost class features and may resume taking levels in this class.

Tanuki Tales
2016-06-24, 09:27 PM
Ancient Secrets

Bonded Environment Reformation

The Youxia finds themselves at home no matter what environment they may be traversing, but by centering themselves and attuning to the world around them, they can rebuild their bodies to better allow them to survive and excel.

Prerequisite: -
Benefit: A Youxia may spend one hour in deep meditation, beginning this trance as a full-round action. While in this meditative trance, the Youxia is considered flat-footed and takes a -10 penalty on Perception checks and Reflex saving throws, as they have blocked out the physical world to concentrate on the metaphysical. Ending the trance prematurely is a standard action, but leaves the Youxia dazed or one round and fatigued for one hour afterwards. After this hour, the Youxia selects one of the environments listed below, gaining the benefits associated with it. The Youxia has the gained abilities until they enter another meditative trance to change which environment they are attuned to. The features gained from this Ancient Secret are considered Supernatural in nature.

Cold (ice, glaciers, snow, and tundra): The Youxia is treated as if under a constant Endure Elements effect and gains Cold Resistance 5. Additionally, their sight is not hampered by rain, sleet or snow.
Desert (sand and wastelands): The Youxia is treated as if under a constant Endure Elements effect and gains Fire Resistance 5. Additionally, the Youxia does not require water to survive and gains their selected score as a bonus on saves against desiccation effects.
Forest (coniferous and deciduous): The Youxia gains their selected score as a racial bonus on Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks. Additionally, the Youxia gains the Woodland Stride and Trackless Step abilities of a Druid.
Jungle: The Youxia gains the Hide in Plain Sight special quality, as long as they are in an environment with a heavy presence of plant life. Additionally, the Youxia gains their selected score as a racial bonus on Fortitude saves against diseases and poisons; if they have immunity to mundane poisons and diseases, this bonus only applies to magical and supernatural ones, but is doubled.
Mountain (including hills): The Youxia gains a climb speed equal to their base land speed and can breathe normally regardless of elevation, as long as oxygen is present in some amount. Additionally, the Youxia gains their selected score as a racial bonus on Stealth checks when in rocky or stone terrain.
Plains: The Youxia doubles their base movement speed and if they have moved at least thirty feet that round, they deal an additional 1d6 damage on attacks made in the same round. Additionally, the Youxia gains their selected score modifier as a racial bonus on Perception checks.
Swamp: The Youxia gains the Natural Cunning special quality of a Minotaur.
Underground: The Youxia gains the Hide in Plain Sight special quality, as long as they are in shadowy or worse illumination. Additionally the gain Blindsight out to 60 feet.
Urban (buildings, streets, and sewers): The Youxia gains their selected score as a racial bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. Additionally, the Youxia may use Locate Object or Locate Creature once every three hours.
Water (above and below the surface): The Youxia gains a Swim speed equal to their base land speed and no longer need to breathe (gaining immunity to drowning, suffocation and effects that require inhalation). Additionally, the Youxia is immune to environmental pressure and gain the Keen Scent special quality.

Dance of the Eager Viper

Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains Dodge and Combat Reflexes as bonus feats, using their selected score modifier or Dexterity score (whichever is higher) for Combat Reflexes.

At 6th level, the Youxia gains Mobility, Sidestep and Improved Sidestep as bonus feats.

At 8th level, the Youxia gains Disorienting Maneuver as a bonus feat and adds half their selected score modifier as an insight bonus to their armor class.

Flight of the Afternoon Zephyr

Though capable of immense patience and temperance, the Youxia is at their heart a creature of unbridled energy. They move with the grace of a gazelle, always racing to cross the next finish line they've set for themselves.

Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains a competence bonus to all movement modes they possess equal to their selected score, rounded up to the nearest interval of 5. This does not apply to any movement mode the Youxia possesses temporarily, such as from a spell or power.

At 6th level, the Youxia may, each round, ignore a number of squares of difficult terrain equal to their select score modifier.

At 8th level, the Youxia is treated as if under the effects of a constant Freedom of Movement effect. Unlike the other features granted by this Ancient Secret, this is a Supernatural ability.

Grasp the Light of Dawn

The Youxia is both a being of the physical and metaphysical worlds, their reach extending into this duality as aptly as one born solely of each. But before they can hold the rays of dawn between their fingers, they must start small and what better practice than snatching arrows from the air?

Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains the Deflect Arrows and Snatch Arrows feats as bonus feats, but are able to apply them to ranged attacks generated by natural weapons and do not require a free hand to use them.

At 6th level, the Youxia can use the feats three times per round and can use them against unusually large ranged attacks.

At 8th level, the Youxia can use the feats a number of times per round equal to their selected score modifier (minimum 3) and can use them against ranged attacks generated from spell effects. A spell effect counts as a thrown weapon for the purpose of the Snatch Arrows feat.

Harvest of the Regal Savannah Monarch


Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains Improved Trip and Improved Drag as bonus feats.

At 6th level, the Youxia gains Greater Trip and Greater Drag as bonus feats.

At 8th level, the Youxia gains Riptide Attack as a bonus feat. Additionally, the Youxia can make a Coup De Grace against a helpless foe as a standard action, instead of as a full-round action. If they could already do this because of another ability or source, it is further reduced by one action step, to a minimum of an immediate action.

Hushed Guidance of Forgotten Ancestors

As a Youxia meditates, as they dream the deep dreams of the wandering mind, whispers and knowledge from minds, from lives long past filter to their subconscious. New insights are given and enforced, the boundless wealth of experience from ages ago making them more effective in the now.

Prerequisite: 1 rank in the chosen skill
Benefit: When selecting this Ancient Secret, the Youxia chooses one Youxia class skill that they have at least one rank purchased in. Any ranks are automatically refunded, able to be spent at the next level up and the Youxia now possesses only one rank in that skill. From that point onward, whenever the Youxia spends 8 hours resting, be it in meditation or in actual slumber, they gain an additional rank in that skill. The Youxia continues gaining ranks until they reach the maximum for their hit dice, this process continuing whenever the Youxia gains additional hit dice.
Special: This Ancient Secret can be selected multiple times, choosing a different Youxia class skill each time.

Invocation of the Humble Mantis


Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains Hamatulatsu, Improved Grapple, and Quick Draw as bonus feats.

At 6th level, the Youxia gains Greater Grapple and Piercing Grapple as bonus feats. The Youxia may use their unarmed strikes for the purpose of the Piercing Grapple feat.

At 8th level, the Youxia gains Hamatula Strike and Hamatula Grasp as bonus feats.

Last Stand of the Rampaging Boar

Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains Diehard, Endurance and Toughness as bonus feats. If they already have an ability that functions similar to Diehard (such as Ferocity), they increase the threshold at which point their character is considered "dead" to a number of hit points equal to their Constitution Score or levels in this class, whichever is higher.

At 6th level, the Youxia gains five points of damage reduction that cannot be overcome by any means (i.e. DR 5/-). The Youxia also gains Heroic Recovery as a bonus feat, but may use it as a free action and a number of times per day equal to their selected score's modifier (minimum 1).

At 8th level, the Youxia's damage reduction increases by five points (i.e. DR 10/-). The Youxia also gains Heroic Defiance as a bonus feat, but may use it a number of times per day equal to their selected score modifier (minimum 1).

Perilous Beauty of the Blossoming Sundew


Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains Improved Disarm and Combat Expertise as bonus feats.

At 6th level, the Youxia gains Greater Disarm as a bonus feat. Additionally, if successfully damaged by a melee weapon, the Youxia may attempt a disarm combat maneuver as an immediate action.

At 8th level, the Youxia may use this Ancient Secret against any melee weapon used against them, regardless if the attack was successful or not. They gain their selected score as a bonus on such a check and may use it as a free action, three times per round.

Pierce the Unseen Veil

Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains Blind-fight as a bonus feat and is treated under a constant See Invisibility effect (which is a Supernatural effect).

At 6th level, the Youxia gains Improved Blind-fight as a bonus feat and is treated under a constant Arcane Sight effect (which is a Supernatural effect).

At 8th level, the Youxia gains Greater Blind-fight as a bonus feat and is treated under a constant True Seeing effect (which is a Supernatural effect).

Pose of the Eager Grasshopper

The Youxia's constant action and training has metamorphosed the muscles in their legs into powerful cords akin to steel, ready to snap into motion when called upon.

Prerequisite: 1 rank in Acrobatics
Benefits: When making a Jump check, the DC for the check doesn’t double if the Youxia fails to move 20 feet in a straight line prior to jumping. If the Youxia does move 20 feet in a straight line before attempting a jump, they gain a competence bonus on the check equal to 5 + their class level.

Practice makes Perfect
As one thousand punches each morning grows a powerful force of destruction and one thousand leagues run each evening hones a runner made of wind, so to can dedication to any pursuit bring forth a genius born of hardwork. The Youxia is no novice to this concept and calls it their peer on their travels.

Prerequisite: 6 ranks in the selected skill
Benefit: When selecting this Ancient Secret, the Youxia chooses one class skill they have at least 6 ranks in. The Youxia from that point gains a +10 insight bonus to checks made with that skill and can always take 10 with it.
Special: This Ancient Secret can be selected multiple times, choosing a different Youxia class skill each time.

Rigorous Nature Training Regimen

The world is eternally the classroom for the Youxia, teaching them new lessons and allowing them to perfect their bodies regardless of actual "equipment" being at hand.

Prerequisite: Character Level 6
Benefit: When selecting this Ancient Secret, the Youxia selects either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, gaining a +2 bonus to that score. This bonus increases by an additional +2 for every six additional hit dice the Youxia possesses, to a maximum of +6.
Special: This Ancient Secret can be selected multiple times, choosing a different ability score each time it is taken.

Knell of the Hungry Rush

Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains Power Attack, Improved Sunder and Smash as bonus feats.

At 6th level, the Youxia gains Greater Sunder as a bonus feat. If the Youxia successfully destroys an object on another creature's person, they make an Intimidate check to demoralize them as a free action.

At 8th level, each time the Youxia attacks an object and does not successfully destroy it, they gain a +1 morale bonus on their attack roll and damage against that object, to a maximum of +20. Additionally, the Youxia adds their selected score modifier as an Insight Bonus to the Intimidate check granted by this Ancient Secret.

Strike of the Archerfish

Marshaling and shaping their chi, the Youxia learns to mimic the range and accuracy of the eponymous fish, granting flight to their blows.

Prerequisite: Character level 3
Benefit: The Youxia may choose to resolve its unarmed strikes as if they were ranged weapons, with a range increment of ten feet. This does not increase their actual reach or the area that they threaten and thus can not be used with attacks of opportunity. Though the attacks are resolved as if the Youxia was in melee range with the target, the targets can benefit from cover or concealment.

Tongue of Sun and Moon

The Youxia's travels take them far and wide, exposing them to a myriad of cultures and ways of life that few ever get the privilege of interacting with. A traveler quickly learns a common tongue if they wish to survive and the Youxia is not the kind of fool to ignore this lesson.

Prerequisite: -
Benefit: When selecting this Ancient Secret, the Youxia adds a number of languages equal to their selected score modifier to the list of languages known. This does not allow them to select secret languages (such as druidic) and is not retroactive if they later increase that score.

At 6th level, the Youxia is able to converse with any living creature as if they possessed a shared language, even if they do not. Even if they now share a language, other creatures are still limited by their intelligence and concepts of the world when it comes to having a conversation with the Youxia. This feature of the Ancient Secret is a Supernatural ability.

Traveler down the Path of War


Prerequisite: -
Benefit: The Youxia gains Martial Training I as a bonus feat. The Youxia's levels in this class count as their initiator level, if higher.

At 6th level, the Youxia gains Martial Training II as a bonus feat.

At 8th level, the Youxia gains Martial Training III as a bonus feat.
Special: This Ancient Secret may be selected multiple times, selecting a different discipline upon taking it.

Tanuki Tales
2016-06-24, 09:33 PM
Reserved Post

Tanuki Tales
2016-06-24, 09:38 PM
So, it was brought to my attention that something with the formatting for my original posting of this class was causing severe screen deformations when attempting to view it on a computer. After taking a look at it, it appeared it would require extensive re-coding and since I already had some rework ideas I wanted to do, I just put it off till I wanted to rework the class.

I'll have the Ancient Secrets up later.

Tanuki Tales
2016-06-24, 11:08 PM
Alright, I have six Ancient Secrets, with three more planned, but I'm getting too tired to keep typing all that up at the moment.

I would like to give credit to Xefas and the whole Mythos Project (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?335295-Mythos-Compendium), who massively inspired the Ancient Secrets. If you haven't been exposed to their amazing work, please go look.

Now. :smallamused:

Tanuki Tales
2016-06-27, 12:14 AM
Alright, lied about the other three Ancient Secrets; I ended up not liking the concepts as much as I originally did.

The class is otherwise done and open for critique and suggestion.

Tanuki Tales
2016-06-28, 03:56 PM
Added two new Ancient Secrets and a feat.

2016-06-29, 08:42 AM
Combat Acupuncture's first ability still scales off Wisdom instead of your selected ability modifier.

Hushed Guidance of Forgotten Ancestors seems kind of weak, to be honest. Maybe combine it with Practice makes Perfect, so that you gain a +10 competence bonus once you have 6 ranks in the selected skill.

Tanuki Tales
2016-06-29, 02:22 PM
Combat Acupuncture's first ability still scales off Wisdom instead of your selected ability modifier.

Thanks for catching that.

Hushed Guidance of Forgotten Ancestors seems kind of weak, to be honest. Maybe combine it with Practice makes Perfect, so that you gain a +10 competence bonus once you have 6 ranks in the selected skill.

Well, both of those are based on actual Excellencies from the Mythos Compendium. I wouldn't call them very strong, like some Excellencies, but HGoFA is the equivalent of a feat.

I was pondering maybe doubling the amount of Ancient Secrets granted by the class and/or adding in a mechanic to purchase more Ancient Secrets.

2016-06-30, 11:19 PM
I think that bumping up the ancient secret learning to be at every odd level would make ones like HGoFA and PMP come into play more. I was bored and mathed out a thri-kreen one of these the other day. I made my friend almost hit me, because I got the jump check modifier to be +161 ish at lvl 20.

Tanuki Tales
2016-06-30, 11:39 PM
I think that bumping up the ancient secret learning to be at every odd level would make ones like HGoFA and PMP come into play more. I was bored and mathed out a thri-kreen one of these the other day. I made my friend almost hit me, because I got the jump check modifier to be +161 ish at lvl 20.

And double the ultimate amount you get.

Hey, Jumplomancy was broken BEFORE this class. :smallwink:

2016-07-01, 01:07 AM
So do you gain your whole SCORE or your modifier as a racial bonus to perception from the planes part of the terrain mastery? Because it says score, and that is quite a big difference, because that's like adding the ability to see into the ethereal plane because you have so much perception because getting a score of 30+ at high levels is not terribly hard.

Tanuki Tales
2016-07-01, 04:52 PM
So do you gain your whole SCORE or your modifier as a racial bonus to perception from the planes part of the terrain mastery? Because it says score, and that is quite a big difference, because that's like adding the ability to see into the ethereal plane because you have so much perception because getting a score of 30+ at high levels is not terribly hard.

Thanks for catching that; yeah, it was supposed to be their modifier.

Tanuki Tales
2016-07-02, 09:43 PM
Added in a way to purchase Ancient Secrets and added another Ancient Secret (Pierce the Unseen Veil).

Tanuki Tales
2016-07-03, 05:06 PM
Added another Ancient Secret (Dance of the Eager Viper).

2016-07-15, 01:59 AM
Oh, cool! Love the Mythos style, you're really concise and effective with your prose so the fluff-focused presentation works like a charm. I don't see anything I find bad or wrong, so I don't really know where to start.

So, first things first, how does Wushu Strike work when wielding a weapon? It only applies to unarmed strikes as of yet, and the part where a Wushu Strike is more effective when wielding a weapon with which one is not proficient makes me think this is a glitch.

I adore Bonded Environment Reformation. It's so versatile and clever, with a focus on non-combat benefits. Way to go!

I think there's an formatting error in Pose of the Eager Grasshopper - "20 feet in a straight line prior to jumping" has a line break in the middle.

Tongue of Sun and Moon not being retroactive has weird implications, but I can see the conundrum you ran into and I understand it. It's not a big problem, and by level six you have tongues so it's explicitly a low-level issue.

The 6th level benefit of Dance of the Storm's Wind has me confused. How does this interact with all the Jump synergy in the class? How is it supposed to stack out with things like Eager Grasshopper and Afternoon Zephyr? Also, the part where moving now does not prevent a full-round action from being taken is a tad nonspecific. Is it Pounce? Does it reduce the action needed to Move to a free action once per turn? Does it refund you a move action after you move? Does it let you Move as part of a full-round action, or take a full-round action as part of a Move?

On Nieli Blast: do effects with a hard limit (60 feet) normally have a range increment? I'm not sure, nor does it bother me, but I thought I'd bring it up. I feel the damage might could afford to be raised, since it's a standard action attack that can't be multiplied by effects such as Hornet's Barrage or haste.

Tanuki Tales
2016-07-18, 04:39 PM
Oh, cool! Love the Mythos style, you're really concise and effective with your prose so the fluff-focused presentation works like a charm. I don't see anything I find bad or wrong, so I don't really know where to start.

Thank you most kindly. :smallredface:

I dispense with a lot of the fluff when doing my Untamed Barbarian, partly because it was quite exhausting doing it for this class and partly because that felt right for a savage. :smalltongue:

So, first things first, how does Wushu Strike work when wielding a weapon? It only applies to unarmed strikes as of yet, and the part where a Wushu Strike is more effective when wielding a weapon with which one is not proficient makes me think this is a glitch.

When wielding a weapon they are proficient with, which is not an Unarmed Strike, the Youxia's Wushu Strike is treated as four levels lower (minimum 1).

I thought it was implied you don't get it at all when using a non-proficient weapon, but I'll include that language.

I adore Bonded Environment Reformation. It's so versatile and clever, with a focus on non-combat benefits. Way to go!

Thanks. :smallredface:

I think there's an formatting error in Pose of the Eager Grasshopper - "20 feet in a straight line prior to jumping" has a line break in the middle.

Yeah, copy paste error; fixed.

Tongue of Sun and Moon not being retroactive has weird implications, but I can see the conundrum you ran into and I understand it. It's not a big problem, and by level six you have tongues so it's explicitly a low-level issue.

If memory serves, it was to set it apart from one of Xefas' Mythos classes.

The 6th level benefit of Dance of the Storm's Wind has me confused. How does this interact with all the Jump synergy in the class? How is it supposed to stack out with things like Eager Grasshopper and Afternoon Zephyr?

I'm not sure where your confusion is on this bit. The level six ability of Dance of the Storm's Wind allows you to treat areas that normally wouldn't be treated as stable terrain, as stable terrain. Flight of the Afternoon Zephyr makes you faster, so you simply can cover more ground with a move action. Using an Acrobatics check is part of another action, so you can jump while moving.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if there exists confusions between the listed class features and the Ancient Secrets. The class features were created to balance internally with the class, while the Ancient Secrets are a wholly new addition created in a vacuum.

Also, the part where moving now does not prevent a full-round action from being taken is a tad nonspecific. Is it Pounce? Does it reduce the action needed to Move to a free action once per turn? Does it refund you a move action after you move? Does it let you Move as part of a full-round action, or take a full-round action as part of a Move?

I clarified it so that a Youxia can simply make a full attack as a standard action.

On Nieli Blast: do effects with a hard limit (60 feet) normally have a range increment? I'm not sure, nor does it bother me, but I thought I'd bring it up. I feel the damage might could afford to be raised, since it's a standard action attack that can't be multiplied by effects such as Hornet's Barrage or haste.[/spoiler]

The sixty feet is its initial range, not a hard limit. The Nieli Blast was originally created as an anti-flyer ranged attack with a rarely resisted energy typing, which then had a grounding effect added. It's purpose is around utility, bringing flyers closer to the Youxia so they can pummel then, than for flat damage.

With the creation of the "Strike of the Archerfish" Ancient Secret, I don't personally believe it needs a damage buff, but could possibly has a duration increase.

Tanuki Tales
2017-05-15, 06:01 PM
Added two new Ancient Secrets (Invocation of the Humble Mantis and Traveler down the Path of War).

I'll also be play testing this, finally, next week. :smallsmile:

Tanuki Tales
2017-05-15, 09:23 PM
Added another Ancient Secret, "Harvest of the Regal Savannah Monarch".

2017-05-15, 10:10 PM
Absolutely fabulous work!

Tanuki Tales
2017-05-16, 09:25 PM
Absolutely fabulous work!

You're too kind. :smallredface:

I added two more Ancient Secrets ("Last Stand of the Raging Boar" and "Knell of the Hungry Rush"). I realized there wasn't an "Iron Shirt" technique available to the class and the latter Secret felt appropriate.

Anything thematically I seem to have left out?

Tanuki Tales
2017-05-17, 03:35 PM
Added another Ancient Secret, "Perilous Beauty of the Blossoming Sundew". With that, I think that covers all the conventional combat maneuvers and I'm more or less out of ideas for Ancient Secrets.