View Full Version : Quick question adding enhancements to items

2016-06-24, 11:00 PM
player wants to add +10 to his land speed by adding the longstrider spell to his boots. How would I go about calculating the cost of adding this?

Table 7-33 on page 285 of the dmg suggests

Spell level x caster level x 2000.

would it be:

1 X 1 X 2000?

Or since craft wondrous item requires a caster level of 3, would it be:

1 X 3 X 2000?

2016-06-24, 11:08 PM
Continuous longstrider would cost 1x1x2000=2000g.

If the boots were already magical, then multiply the cost by 1.5 and you end up with 3000g. (Adding new abilities, pg 288 DMG)

Player is allowed to use lower caster levels. The level requirement is only for taking the Craft feat itself.

NOTE: I generally do not allow players to enchant items with spells that have target Personal, and I would advise against it.

2016-06-24, 11:15 PM
Thanks for the quick answer!

Why do you advise against allowing target personal spells to be added to items?

2016-06-24, 11:27 PM
Three pairs of boots already have a +10 enhancement bonus to speed. The Boots of Springing and Striding (DMG 250), Boots of Skating (MiC 78) and the Boots of the Unending Journey (MiC 279). Prices are 5500, 7000 and 4000 gp respectively. All three also have another bonus attached as well (one being a relic). 4000 gp (6000 on another item with other bonuses) would probably be the lowest to go, as that is the same as the Boots of the Unending Journey, which likely has a price decrease for being alignment restricted counterbalanced by its relic power.