View Full Version : What enchantment should my "slaves" of Lolth have on them ?

2016-06-25, 06:44 AM
Hello Everyone

I run a very easy going DND/PF hybrid group .

Against my advice my naughty players have chosen to serve the forces of Darkness more specifically , The Queen of the DemonWeb . Boys are yucky , girls are cool and driders for everyone if you fail yadda yadda . Personally i dont think this is the best way to play DND but I believe in giving players what they want and all consequences that comes from it . Har har har.

So basically I made a few adjustments ie swop out wolf companion for spider companion . Have the priest channel heal spiders heck even gave him a freebee control spiders feat for his channel . Nerf priest at level 10 unless he genderbends .

My new combat thralls are tattooed with a spider and house insignia <house Pharn> that burn when their mistress summons them <Voldemort> and acts like a tracker and spycam . One of the forums suggested slaves of Lolth wear some sort of trinket with a spider . I like that idea .

What i am wondering is should i add in enchantment on the spider jewels and what should it be ? They can automatically be tracked and spied upon . Not sure what else to add.


2016-06-25, 07:06 AM
Refluff 'Enslavement Rings' from Forgotten Realms: Underdark (p71) to your liking and go from there :smallcool:

2016-06-25, 09:22 AM
My first thoughts on this were that "Fiend of Corruption (or is it the Blasphemy one?)" PrC that allows one to scry, or kill, any "cultist" on the same plane.

Then I thought about Illithids and their "mood stones" that force saves vs. (one specific emotion), or their "brain mates" magic items.

Perhaps a "Command" spell for something like "drop prone". If a slave manages to escape, the guards shout the command word while giving chase. Some kind of condition like "Fatigue" could also work.

2016-06-25, 11:47 AM
Wow these ideas are awesome . Thanks a bunch .

2016-06-25, 12:14 PM
Are your players all drow? Because if not, then the only way they would end up serving her is as brainwashed (read: mindraped) servitors with no free will, or in the slave pens for torture. If you want to hold true to Lolth's dogma that is. If they are drow the I guess it's not so much an issue, but then, if they were drow, you wouldn't exactly be referring to them as "slaves" would you.

That said, do what you want, but in my opinion, degrading the lore just so players can do what they want doesn't sit well. If they really want to serve some kind of higher evil, then Lolth isn't the one for them.

2016-06-25, 02:46 PM
Are your players all drow? Because if not, then the only way they would end up serving her is as brainwashed (read: mindraped) servitors with no free will, or in the slave pens for torture. If you want to hold true to Lolth's dogma that is. If they are drow the I guess it's not so much an issue, but then, if they were drow, you wouldn't exactly be referring to them as "slaves" would you.

That said, do what you want, but in my opinion, degrading the lore just so players can do what they want doesn't sit well. If they really want to serve some kind of higher evil, then Lolth isn't the one for them.

I played an official DND module called Test of the Demon Web . This High Priestess is literally having fun with lab "rat" heroes not confronting or killing. For the most part it was try to subdue them . To be honest the only thing interesting about this module was the potential of making it bigger later.

End of this adventure was a Join us or Die speech . They happily joined . I would have loved to have said I broke their spirits but those naughty cute lil buttons were just waiting for something like this . Mod says take em to UnderDark and torture them in experiments till they say "this sucks" and escape . Lore wise how on earth is escape possible ? The gal in charge is obsessed with experimenting so why not have adventurers mucking around the Night Above as a grand experiment ?

Drow enslave anything and everything thats a fact with that standard equipped sleeping poisons . Lolth loves causing endless chaos for her favorite children say for example an... elf zealot / slave and human male priest of Lolth or how about A Filthy Do Urden Male running amok on the surface .

Degrading the lore so they can do as they want you say ? Believe me when i say the players can no longer do as they want . Hmmm last time i checked , I was DM and Lolth reports to me.

Might it interest you to know I have also transported all of Faeruns underdark into the middle of Golarion cause it suited my personality yet I also have a fairy portal that leads to Faeruns dino continent of Chult .

No my party is not drow . 2 elves , half elf , gnome and human and catfolk . You might be pleased to know we have a potential new player female drow rogue called Chewy .

Any questions Lore Master ? :smallbiggrin:

2016-06-25, 05:17 PM
Any questions Lore Master ? :smallbiggrin:

As I said, it's just my opinion, but if you start twisting everything just to fit what suits you then things being to lose meaning. Sometimes you just have to say "this is how things are, if you don't like it, then do something else". In this case, I would follow the module, and have them be taken away to be tortured and eventually sold as slaves after their use as experiments is over. As for why a drow wouldn't instead put them to better use? It depends. Do they have sufficient control over the subjects? If yes, then sure, why not, but in this case I don't think they have much, if any control over the players, meaning they have absolutely no reason to trust the players. If they DO opt for control, the control would be absolute (ala dominate or the like) meaning the players would have no control over their actions, essentially making them NPCs.

Honestly, if the players really want to be evil like this, just let them re-roll drow.

2016-06-25, 06:04 PM
Umm all this awesome lore was some sucker pulling stuff out of his botty so he could claim his salary . I see no reason to not use it as I please .

Instead of torturing them and making them slaves I just made em slaves . I do indeed believe I have sufficient control without the need for a dominate spell . The players are slowly understanding this and yes if it gets too intolerable we will make a new "game" .

Nope the players dont care about Lolth enough to all make drow characters .

Some players are interested to see how long they can keep this up under these conditions . Yes i think its downhill from here and my game is broken but i am also somewhat curious . In some ways this is kinda like the army life except it ends in drider retirement in which case to keep the game going they will be tossed and forgotten . They will be driders but they will do as they want again . I was thinking these unwanted failures could seek refuge in fairyland .

<They made friends with a fairy queen <very UN DND> but she ignores them now that they are evil combat thralls >

2016-06-25, 06:37 PM
I would give them some body modifications using the Willing Deformity (http://alcyius.com/dndtools/feats/heroes-of-horror--70/willing-deformity--3146/index.html) and Aberration Blood (http://alcyius.com/dndtools/feats/lords-of-madness--72/aberration-blood--8/index.html) for example.

2016-06-26, 09:30 AM
I would not force that on my players nor do I think vain creatures like Drow would care for that .

Thats more of a demon thing me thinks