View Full Version : What do you think I should do next?

2016-06-25, 03:04 PM
Hey everybody! So I've been running a d20 zombie campaign. Ok so The group has found refuge with a small group of soldiers inside of Detroit. And so far the group has just been running small errands for the small military group. To be honest I'm a bit lost on what i should do next. I feel that the party is too safe in this "stronghold" and hey don't want to do anything that could end poorly. So I come to the playground to ask today what should I do next in my campaign? Last session they ran into a group of cannibals who posed as a family who lived on a "seemingly normal" farm. They were running a errand to get gas for some of the military trucks and the highway they were taking back and forth to and from town was overrun by zombies. (Long story involving one of my players throwing a grenade and drawing a lot of zombies to the sounds of explosions.) So this session went with them stopping for the night with this seemingly normal family who then tried to kill them in their sleep. A firefight started and the party came out on top. And the session ended with them taking the family's truck and driving away from the family's home. So what should i do next to keep the campaign Interesting and challenging? Thanks guys! :)

2016-06-25, 05:19 PM
Small fortified village dealing with ordinary disease needing to go look for a cure

Getting stuck in swamps... Water zombies! slow rafts! A shipwreck they can get back in working order

Radio transmission from an aircarrier or cruise ship that has become it's own island nation

2016-06-25, 07:54 PM
It depends on where you and the players want to go. get with them and ask them if they want to pursue any of the following:

Mutating zombies. (Which would also make the need for bigger and better guns)

Landscape changes. (Icy mountains, scorching desert, humid jungle, island.)

Change in time zone features. (Maybe a lot of time has passed and your characters are much older, or flashback to earlier time, or even a different group altogether, which could be awesome, because 2 seasons further down the line, the two groups could actually meet up) or maybe just a few characters.

A deadline - this would ultimately result in a season finale, with a very small possibility (Based on exceptional PC decisions and awesome dice rolls)

But you could do, timed nuclear bomb, birth of monstrous mutant zombie, Tidal wave or other natural disaster, Disease or contagion, demons or devils if you want to get twisted. Maybe even go ethreal or different dimensions with it.

But again those options most likely result in a campaigns end.

Good luck