View Full Version : What Colors of Magic the Gathering are You?

2016-06-25, 08:09 PM
As much as I hate to admit it, if I were a Planeswalker/creature in the Magic multiverse, I'd be blue/white.

Why those colors? Blue for intellect and white for order. Lawful Neutral, one might say.

Why do I dislike those colors? Because blue cards are annoying for a red/black/green player like me to deal with in that game. Decks with red, black, and/or green are so much easier and fun to play.

What about you? What color combinations describe you?

2016-06-25, 09:00 PM
Green/Blue or Green/White.

I'm obsessed with life and living things, and have a fair amount of fascination for death and the line between the two. And I have a million random facts in my head and love trivia and the pursuit of knowledge and underlying structures (blue) and I also have a strong streak towards orderly structures and categorization and a deep care for altruism and fascination with angelic imagery (white).

Blue Ghost
2016-06-25, 09:17 PM
Posting links to Mark Rosewater's color pie articles for reference.
The Great White Way (http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/great-white-way-revisited-2015-07-13)
True Blue (http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/true-blue-revisited-2015-07-20)
In the Black (http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/black-revisited-2015-07-27)
Seeing Red (http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/seeing-red-revisited-2015-08-03)
It's Not Easy Being Green (http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/its-not-easy-being-green-revisited-2015-08-10)

For myself, I'm white primary, blue and green secondary.
White: My primary drive is to do what I believe is right. I'm deeply religious and have a strong sense of morals and justice, and I try my best to do what I can to make the world a better place.
Blue: I'm a highly logical person, always approaching all my decisions with a logical mindset. I have a curiosity to learn more about the world and a drive to improve myself. But I don't see rationality as an end in itself, but rather a tool in service of morality.
Green: I believe in the interconnectedness of all things, and I believe that everything happens for a reason. I have respect for the natural order and for tradition, and while I don't believe they're perfect, I believe in looking to them first before trying to change them.
Red: I recognize the value of emotions, but I'm not a very emotionally driven person. I generally don't do things on impulse.
Black: I'm actively opposed to most of what black stands for. I have a selfish side, but I resist it instead of embracing it.

2016-06-25, 10:31 PM

Found a test for it. I come up as "Black/Red". I'd say I more lean towards Blue/Black really though.

2016-06-25, 10:40 PM
Blue/black all the way

2016-06-26, 01:26 AM
I don't know much about Magic, but people have told me I'm Green, Black and Red. Mostly Black and Red. I know that has mostly to do with being emotional and looking out for myself, but I try to think of it in a positive light. It also kinda meshes with the whole satanist thing, conveniently.

Is green mostly about tradition? I'm not a big fan of "because it's always been this way" unless there's sound logic behind it. Tradition to me usually equates to "you can't do this because it's unnatural" or whatever. I am the kind of person that hates changes to my personal life and needs schedules (albeit with a lot of flex) to function in a day-to-day capacity, though.

2016-06-26, 02:01 AM
I don't know much about Magic, but people have told me I'm Green, Black and Red. Mostly Black and Red. I know that has mostly to do with being emotional and looking out for myself, but I try to think of it in a positive light. It also kinda meshes with the whole satanist thing, conveniently.

Is green mostly about tradition? I'm not a big fan of "because it's always been this way" unless there's sound logic behind it. Tradition to me usually equates to "you can't do this because it's unnatural" or whatever. I am the kind of person that hates changes to my personal life and needs schedules (albeit with a lot of flex) to function in a day-to-day capacity, though.

Green is all about looking to the natural world for solutions to problems, I'd say. Not so much tradition as in cultural tradition (which is more white) as demonstrated solutions. Don't reinvent the wheel. It's where it clashes with blue (which I would say has the attitude of "why keep wheels when we could invent antigrav?"). Do you need the strength to accomplish this thing, don't overthink it, get a whole bunch of ox and a pulley. Need some healing, here are some herbs that are good for that based on experience.

2016-06-26, 02:17 AM
I've taken a few tests and I tend to get a mix of the following: White, Red, Blue, Black.

So, yeah, anything but green really. I value order and historic tradition, but not so much as to prevent new ideas and step on what I think are other people's rights. I'm immensely greedy and self-serving, but think people should be less like me (and I am trying to better myself in that regard), I think stepping back and being rational can help solve most problems people face. Don't always follow through on that, and have been known to let my anger get the better of me on a few occasions though. And despite spending my days researching and surrounded by books, I find some good primal joy just using my fists on an opponent.

2016-06-26, 02:24 AM
Gotta admit, so much black is a little worrisome given the reasons for it. I love me my necromancy decks (especially my golgari deck) but the self serving nature of black is anathema to me.

One of my big recurring complaints in games is the lack of ability to play non-nihilistic/non-evil necromancer type characters.

Southern Cross
2016-06-26, 02:54 AM
After trying the test I got Red/Blue.

2016-06-26, 03:01 AM
Gotta admit, so much black is a little worrisome given the reasons for it. I love me my necromancy decks (especially my golgari deck) but the self serving nature of black is anathema to me.

One of my big recurring complaints in games is the lack of ability to play non-nihilistic/non-evil necromancer type characters.

You could go Discworld Death style. In my homebrewed setting, I have a god of art, pain, death, and magic who is known as the Lord of Mercy because he brings release from all pain. He's not the only death god, another is the shepherd of inevitable, fearsome death, as well as grief in loss, and as a result most Clerics of the Lord of Mercy don't really like undead, seeing them as suffering past death, but still.

Personally, I'm pretty Simic, that is Blue/Green. Sometimes I consider if I've a third color, but I don't think so today. I am absolutely about self- and society-improvement, but I also think it's quite arrogant to assume all that came before is discard-able; we must know our basis or we have nowhere to stand. I also believe greatly in the power of a shaped and crafted instinct, as I have trained mine from mostly oblivious to sharply perceptive, and I very much see my ideal community as a somewhat tribal one: a collection of people I know and trust personally. I have too little trust for big, faceless, White organizations, I think bureaucracy, though sometimes the best option, too easily forgets empathy, and I find both Red and Black to be far too destructive and thoughtless, albeit in different ways.

Sometimes I have thought I was a little Black or Red, because I have a strong drive for individuality and freedom, as well as powerful, if controlled, emotions, but right now I think my rejection of White is probably sufficient to describe that.

2016-06-26, 03:32 AM

2016-06-26, 05:40 AM
I'd probably be mostly red/blue with a healthy dose of white and a speck of green; I'm driven about in equal parts by logic and by emotion. I'm definitely more chaotic than orderly and I subscribe to many ideas about personal and social freedom (even though I approve enough of some degree of paternalism that I could add white to the pie). I spend much of my time in the nature enjoying the world filling all my senses (a green trait) as well as in various art exhibitions, opera, ballet, concerts, and of course dance events of all sorts. However, ultimately I consider the pursuit of knowledge the goal of life and the highest ideal a human can hold. I'm altruistic to a fault and it's something my friends (and lovers) have frequently complained to me about (a white trait). The only reason I can be bothered to take care of myself are people dear to me and the fact that my being hurt would hurt them as well. I don't suit black very well at the present though I'm trying to learn selfishness and making wishes for myself.

5a Violista
2016-06-26, 06:42 AM
Whenever I take the two-color test, I consistently get Green/White. One time I found a good tricolor test and I got Green-Red-White. Monocolor tests, I‘ve found, are either extremely biased or stereotypical and so depending on how they are biased or how extreme they are, I get either green, red, or white.

Those three colors make a lot of sense to me, I think. I am largely driven exclusively by impulse and emotion (red) when making decisions. I have a large affinity with nature (green) and nature is one of the few things that can make me relax (the other things that relax me are music and being with other people, which I suppose fits with the “community“ aspect of White).

Black and blue, while lovely colors, don‘t really fit me. Although, when I played Magic I would occasionally throw in my deck a single black card just for fun. It was that “while this card is in play, you cannot win and your opponents cannot lose“ demon card. I occasionally found ways to play it. Between blue and black, I suppose I relate slightly more with black than blue? (I mean, black is the Slytherin to blue‘s Ravenclaw, and I am totes Slytherin. But that‘s getting off-topic. Even further off topic, Gryffindor would be red and Hufflepuff, white. That makes green Hagrid.)

The Great Wyrm
2016-06-26, 09:27 AM
Blue, with a bit of green. I highly value science and technology. I appreciate the natural world, but also want to improve it for humans.
(However, most of my decks are pure green.)

2016-06-26, 10:02 AM
As of my last test, I got white/red (as indicated by my signature). That was a while ago however, so I figure I should retake it. Does anyone know of any really good quizzes?

As I think back on it, I think some of my results from that were kinda wishful thinking. I want to be (or at least part of me wants to be) white red, but in reality I'm more mono white.

2016-06-26, 01:12 PM
(However, most of my decks are pure green.)

If we're going what decks we play, then red/black.

There's something about killing off all my opponents creatures before they can even do anything then blasting my enemy with fireballs that I find immensely satisfying.

Incinerate was always my favorite card, back when I actually played.

2016-06-26, 01:16 PM
Maybe I should actually take one of these tests. I get the feeling id have some blue in there thanks to my fondness for finding a use for every new technology or concept no matter how niche it may be and my desire for everyone to eventually replace their dumb fleshy bodies with robot ones.

2016-06-26, 04:05 PM
Maybe I should actually take one of these tests. I get the feeling id have some blue in there thanks to my fondness for finding a use for every new technology or concept no matter how niche it may be and my desire for everyone to eventually replace their dumb fleshy bodies with robot ones.

That's about the most anti-green thing I've ever read.

2016-06-26, 04:14 PM
That's about the most anti-green thing I've ever read.

Hey, part of the reason I listed myself as green blue is because I want to invent a new species someday. Something cool which incorporates elements of all my favorite species.

Also, there is the Vicious Swarm, the Green Phyrexians...

2016-06-26, 07:33 PM
Hey, part of the reason I listed myself as green blue is because I want to invent a new species someday. Something cool which incorporates elements of all my favorite species.

Also, there is the Vicious Swarm, the Green Phyrexians...

I think that thought's usually portrayed as straight blue.


2016-06-26, 07:55 PM
I think that thought's usually portrayed as straight blue.




Blue Ghost
2016-06-26, 11:48 PM
Pure blue would dispense with nature altogether and create something from scratch. It requires some green to recognize the value of the natural way and incorporate that. The original Simic definitely leaned more toward blue philosophically, with a focus on innovation and improvement, and incorporating green only into the tools they used to achieve that. The new Simic are much more green in their philosophy, recognizing the importance of being anchored to nature and traditional principles as a grounding for their innovation.

I haven't yet seen any color tests that I'm really satisfied with. All the ones I've seen are quite stereotyped and don't really delve into the nuances of color philosophy. I'm a big fan of the EasyDamus alignment test, and I'd really like to see something like that for Magic colors. Maybe we could make our own.

2016-06-26, 11:51 PM
I play almost entirely black, some are red/black or green/black but all of them are black.

In real life I believe I am more blue/white, heavy emphasis on law and reason.

2016-06-28, 03:06 PM
Easily Red/Blue with a tiny bit of Black. I fit the creative intelligence part of those two (CS degree and graphic design minor), don't give a fig about laws, and am occasionally goal-driven to the point of self-destruction.

Black Socks
2016-06-28, 04:10 PM
http://rumandmonkey.com/sites/default/files/styles/main_image/public/testgenimgs/20795.jpg?itok=mkq0BZOK (http://rumandmonkey.com/widgets/toys/testgen/5261#.V3LnnaNTHVj)

Me? Scattered and unpredictable? No.....:smallbiggrin:

2016-06-28, 09:04 PM
Pure blue would dispense with nature altogether and create something from scratch. It requires some green to recognize the value of the natural way and incorporate that. The original Simic definitely leaned more toward blue philosophically, with a focus on innovation and improvement, and incorporating green only into the tools they used to achieve that. The new Simic are much more green in their philosophy, recognizing the importance of being anchored to nature and traditional principles as a grounding for their innovation.

I haven't yet seen any color tests that I'm really satisfied with. All the ones I've seen are quite stereotyped and don't really delve into the nuances of color philosophy. I'm a big fan of the EasyDamus alignment test, and I'd really like to see something like that for Magic colors. Maybe we could make our own.

Just speaking personally, I view nature and technology as a continuum. Technology is based on study of the natural world, and form gives rise to function while desired functions dictate form. If you want a result that has a natural antecedent, look to mimic that antecedent and improve on it. If you want a novel result, look to unexplored design space. And when implementing, merge the two.

I like mixing a heaping helping of study with a certain amount of instinct and natural flair. I like building little automata that mimic the behavior of living things. I love Strandhbeests. I like the idea that in the future, the distinction between humans, animals, machines, and tools will be... blurrier, and I'd rather assign rights and responsibilities based on inclination and ability than as a categorical thing.

If I were to pick a card that I'd like to think matches my aspirations, it would be Biovisionary. I don't want to fix the world particularly because I don't think it's particularly broken (I feel like a combination of logic and experimentation and proven solutions can be found for most any problem, and that some problems add a little spice to the experience of being alive), but I would like to make improvements here and there. I want to see interesting new things, but I also want to build on what's here. I'm not interested in conflict, I just want space to play my own game with people who agree with me, and figure out some non-aggressive way (like Simic Cytoplasts) to offer the benefits to other people who are interested in sharing them. I want to see more... Variety, in life, I guess. I feel like monocultures are bad, and I like learning from and studying the natural world: my ideal place to live would be the pacific northwest because temperate rainforest is such a cool ecosystem to me and I want to learn more about the kelp forests and other coastal ecosystems that border it, and my second place would go to the amazon basin because... Soooo much biodiversity, so much to see and understand, so much to think about... I used to experiment with what would make plants happiest in my environment, and I love animals just the way they are and don't want to change them, I just want to learn from them and prove what I've learned.

Murgle. I'm terrible at explaining it. But SIMIC!

Lord Raziere
2016-06-28, 09:59 PM
Red/Blue man, Science! Magic! Passion! TECHNOLOGY! All the way. I want to create cool gizmos, friendly robots, flying cars and explosions in that order, and I don't care about society or rules that stand in the way of that. I want to shake the world with my imagination and genius!

Blue Ghost
2016-06-29, 01:02 AM
Just speaking personally, I view nature and technology as a continuum. Technology is based on study of the natural world, and form gives rise to function while desired functions dictate form. If you want a result that has a natural antecedent, look to mimic that antecedent and improve on it. If you want a novel result, look to unexplored design space. And when implementing, merge the two.

I like mixing a heaping helping of study with a certain amount of instinct and natural flair. I like building little automata that mimic the behavior of living things. I love Strandhbeests. I like the idea that in the future, the distinction between humans, animals, machines, and tools will be... blurrier, and I'd rather assign rights and responsibilities based on inclination and ability than as a categorical thing.

If I were to pick a card that I'd like to think matches my aspirations, it would be Biovisionary. I don't want to fix the world particularly because I don't think it's particularly broken (I feel like a combination of logic and experimentation and proven solutions can be found for most any problem, and that some problems add a little spice to the experience of being alive), but I would like to make improvements here and there. I want to see interesting new things, but I also want to build on what's here. I'm not interested in conflict, I just want space to play my own game with people who agree with me, and figure out some non-aggressive way (like Simic Cytoplasts) to offer the benefits to other people who are interested in sharing them. I want to see more... Variety, in life, I guess. I feel like monocultures are bad, and I like learning from and studying the natural world: my ideal place to live would be the pacific northwest because temperate rainforest is such a cool ecosystem to me and I want to learn more about the kelp forests and other coastal ecosystems that border it, and my second place would go to the amazon basin because... Soooo much biodiversity, so much to see and understand, so much to think about... I used to experiment with what would make plants happiest in my environment, and I love animals just the way they are and don't want to change them, I just want to learn from them and prove what I've learned.

Murgle. I'm terrible at explaining it. But SIMIC!

That is indeed very blue/green. Not the only way that blue/green can manifest, but it's certainly one of the more organic ways.

2016-06-29, 06:13 AM
Hm... I'm pretty sure the tests never result in Colorless. There's really only one card I would ever want to play.


OK, maybe squirrel farm, too.

2016-06-29, 06:29 AM


2016-07-05, 11:47 AM
The quiz gave me white/blue, but the quiz is wrong. I am red/blue, though white would probably be my third color if I had one.

I value intelligence and logic but also emotion. And most importantly, I like simplicity and directness, which is why I would put red above the trickery of blue.

Oddly, I mostly play black though I do also play a lot of red and blue.

2016-07-15, 08:15 AM
nanrangi (orange)

2016-08-04, 02:24 PM
White/blue (as seen in my signature), although there's probably some red in there somewhere, too. Go Azorius!

2016-08-08, 10:39 AM
Blue-blooded since birth and entirely unabashed.

2016-08-08, 11:41 PM
Blue/Red! and proud.

Probably some black in there too, way too selfish for my own good.

2016-08-09, 12:37 AM
Interesting question. It's easy to analyse myself and come up with the answer chaotic neutral when the question is alignment, but the colours in Magic take into account more than just chaos/law and good/evil.

My inherent dislike of organisation and law is much too great for either White or Blue to be in there, that's for sure. Green's probably out as a dominant colour, although I'm less certain about that. Red has to be in there; I much prefer action, I tend to solve things by might if it's an option (on a much lesser level than any of the cards, of course), and I do struggle with anger problems. Freedom and individualism are also quite important to me. Black... well, I do tend to be fairly self-interested, although I try not to be, and in a world which had magic I could easily see myself taking up power as a primary goal. Aside from the law and order aspects of it, White is probably what I would most want to be, but it would be rather innaccurate to say that I am like that. Blue, well, I am interested in technology and I do like to think things through, but realistically there isn't much of Blue in me aside from those traits (and I tend to default to solving things instinctively first even so). The only problem with Red as a dominate colour for me is that while I am given to anger, I'm mostly not an emotional person.

Red/Black is what most tests I've taken have given me. I'd rather it be Red/White, but I'm afraid that Red/Black is probably a more realistic assessment. Maybe Red/Green.

2016-08-09, 08:41 PM

I enjoy using all colors to my advantage, I am Blue/Black.

2016-08-09, 10:14 PM
Red/Blue. I have powerful emotional drive behind my goals, but being autistic I don't express my emotions and prefer my own thoughts and solutions, them being direct if they can be. While my emotions sit as unalterable goals I strive for without consideration for what others think I should do, my actions to obtain those goals are meticulously calculated to an absurd extent, and I practice full control over myself and my feelings that I view as the only true freedom.

My strive for knowledge and creation is in equal parts out of curiosity and desire as it is for the power that comes from it, and the freedom that power provides. The people around me think of me as void of emotion and robotic, but the truth is I feel love, hatred, sadness, and all other emotions just as strongly as others(or more likely much more so) they are just coupled with an absurd level of forethought and control.

I generally play Red/Blue aswell, or just Red/anything.

2016-08-11, 12:20 AM
Personally, I feel I am Green with Red/Blue secondary but according to the quiz I am:
