View Full Version : DM Help Effects of duration on item rarity

2016-06-26, 06:02 PM
So some events in my custom campaign setting (which I will eventually get around to posting in the worldbuilding forum...) mean that no one in the civilized lands knows how to create permanent magic items (and probably not temporary ones more advanced than potions of healing). I would like for the player characters to discover the necessary formulas, but at higher levels. Until then, I was considering allowing them to discover how to craft (or have crafted for them) temporary item enchantments. These would add a simple property (like +1, or elemental damage, etc) to an item for a limited duration. I intend for these to be consumables, so maybe 2-3 charges max. The question is how the limited duration and charges would affect the rarity of such enchantment objects.

Simple numerical bonuses can be modeled on a Wand of Magic Weapon, which should be (I think) uncommon at +1, rare at +2, or very rare at +3. Other things are not so easy. Does anyone have ideas?

So playgrounders, what do you think? Does the added flexibility balance the decreased convenience? Is it too fiddly? Is there a better way of allowing smart players to bypass the resistances/immunities of monsters to non-magical attacks without giving them permanent magic items?