View Full Version : Pathfinder A Fighter and his Chainsaw

Endless Query
2016-06-27, 03:19 PM
After finding an... Amusing image of a female warrior shredding her way through orcs with a chainsaw, one of my friends was inspired to dig into the tech weapon rules (as available on the SRD, anyways), and had an idea for making a chainsaw wielding Fighter. Toss an Impact on it, Vital Strike, happy days all around (Except for whoever just soaked that 8d6 damage hit to the face. They're probably not too thrilled. 12d6 if my buddy can get an Enlarge Person. Hilllarious), except we noticed one little thing...

While the Fighter has a cybernetically augmented archetype, there doesn't actually seem to be a technological weapon weapon training group or AT that grants some equivalent thereof, so far as I can tell your only route there is to go Weapon Master (Chainsaw), or whatever your tech weapon of choice is, which doesn't seem ideal, anything we missed? Or are you just better off going for something other than a fighter since you're going to have manipulate/replace weapon training regardless?

Obviously this is largely a "Just for fun" build, but I was curious if there was something that would at least give it a solid core (especially with throwing away a feat on Exotic Weapon Prof).

2016-06-27, 05:21 PM
James Jacobs has answered this


Endless Query
2016-06-27, 05:38 PM
Well that sorts that out right proper, thank you.

2016-06-27, 05:45 PM
Now I wonder about down-teching a chainsaw from a ICE-based thing to a steam-powered chainsaw, would make it fit in more with low-tech flintlock gunslingers. Would a steamsaw be too ridiculous, or would you rather stick to a standard ICE-based chainsaw?

Endless Query
2016-06-27, 05:55 PM
Really, at the end of the day, I think that's between my friend and the GM. Being as the GM is allowing a lot of custom race shenanigans, I suspect my friend might try to finaggle a 12 point "Human" or "Elf" that has Recharge 1/day since the GM is allowing people to go up to 15 RP because Aasimars.

So the answer might actually be "It's a magic chainsaw, it runs on this character's magic, or an arcane caster's magic." And just sort it out that way. Or it might not happen at all because the GM might go "... I'm pretty lenient, but a chainsaw? Really?"

Still a fun bit of theorycraft, though.

2016-06-27, 07:58 PM
Is it bad that I can honestly imagine tinker gnomes inventing chainsaws for dwarves to help clear small nearby forests?

In a somewhat related note it can't be any more impossible than that gauntlet prosthesis Ash made in Army of Darkness. :smalltongue:

2016-06-27, 08:27 PM
I wouldnt modify the weapon as having so many more 10D6's.

i would give it some sort of, "Super Improved Sunder"

Where you can just remove limbs and cut through weapons and shields like a shoddy light saber.

Just some food for thought. either way chainsaw is definitely awesome.

2016-06-27, 08:42 PM
Here's some stuff i thought of regarding a chainsaw: (Just throwing it out there.)

Bisect feat/Special attack: Upon a successful crit/hit user can spend a full round action and bisect a humanoid shaped enemy. If enemy is larger than can be physically bisected, 2D6 per Class level.

10-50% chance, or maybe a DC check against the enemies toughness, the chainsaw gets stuck when bisecting an enemy.

Parry Grinder: if in a defensive stance, user can roll attack against the enemies attack roll (plus modifiers)
If user beats the enemy's dice roll, user rolls damage on the enemy's weapon. If weapon is destroyed this way, the enemy must make a reflex save or take the remaining damage (from the previous roll.)

Bisecting parry: combines the first two feats

all i got, good luck

2016-06-28, 11:47 PM
Is it bad that I can honestly imagine tinker gnomes inventing chainsaws for dwarves to help clear small nearby forests?

In a somewhat related note it can't be any more impossible than that gauntlet prosthesis Ash made in Army of Darkness. :smalltongue:

*crushes goblet*


As someone who has used chainsaws, unless you have an unarmored enemy that's standing still, their "high damage" is a movie fantasy

Now a circular saw.... That would be the ticket