View Full Version : Comics Inhumans: Why are they "heroes" again?

2016-06-29, 11:00 AM
Think that they have been taking Mookie School of Heroism again, get labelled as heroes because the creator said so. Let's see
- Haven't return to moon base yet despite having left Earth due to pollution.
- Haven't contained Terrigen Mist that pretty much pissed off everyone and don't have an idea about "controlled experiment".
- No mention of their caste system and slavery, which Marvel decided to ignore it to be "palatable".
- Heroes are only hero by label and not doing anything heroic.
Seriously, if Kamala Khan was shown the bad side of Attila (namely caste system), she would gladly ditch these gas xeno abominations and left. They are like Tau Empire (Caste System, trying to be a thing by the company, and rumors of castration on humans) but only without being in a universe where they would be nicest factions.
edit: Anyone in Marvel has a bolt pistol?

2016-06-29, 11:15 AM
Is anyone in Marvel a 'hero'?

They seem to be mostly whiny teenagers who have no real concerns beyound themselves and wanted to 'look like a hero'.

Frankly Dr. Doom might be the best hero in the Marvel Universe - at least he can be counted on when things are bad and works for the betterment of humanity (depending on writter).

If Disney ever buys Gamesworkshop perhaps the Emporer of Mankind can be reconned to be Dr. Doom ... which given Gamesworkshops poor decidion making recently I would not be surprised.

2016-06-29, 11:57 AM
Is anyone in Marvel a 'hero'?

They seem to be mostly whiny teenagers who have no real concerns beyound themselves and wanted to 'look like a hero'.

Frankly Dr. Doom might be the best hero in the Marvel Universe - at least he can be counted on when things are bad and works for the betterment of humanity (depending on writter).

If Disney ever buys Gamesworkshop perhaps the Emporer of Mankind can be reconned to be Dr. Doom ... which given Gamesworkshops poor decidion making recently I would not be surprised.

But not Inhumans, at least Marvel "heroes" is morally better than them.
They're a bunch of racist, slave keeping, classist piece of Cinema-tie-ins who gets to be "good guys" despite not being portrayed as one. Even the current writing isn't helping out either.
Then the Marvel is going to say "but they won't find Inhumans if they eliminate gas leaks" without commonsense about scanners or controlled tests.
edit: I mean MCU had good slate since they don't do that crimes yet but Marvel editorial still don't understand that concept and go with that idiotic decision just because of movies rather than let their universe be their own.

2016-07-01, 02:40 AM
I agree that the Inhumans are a poor replacement for Mutants in the Marvel universe. They work well as their own thing: Isolationist society of superbeings. But trying to make them the new "go-to" hero origin just serves to highlight the weird archaic nature of their own society.

They practice slavery for pete's sake (last I checked anyway. They still have those neanderthal slaves right?).

Mutants are a good go-to because they're essentially adrift and caught between leaders. Even with figures like Apocalypse as the "first mutant" no group can really call themselves a source or central authority among mutantkind. Meanwhile Inhumans and Atillan are intrinsically linked through Terrigan gas. In a very real sense Atillan is responsible for any inhumans running around.

As much as I appreciate that it gave us Kamela Khan as a character, the attempts at replacing mutants with inhumans reeks of corporate meddling, screws over so many X-men stories, and just falls apart when you look at it.

The worst part is I really don't mind the X-men movies being in their own universe, since mutants as the sole superbeings works with the idea of hate and fear associated with them. But when Marvel is so determined to drive some of their most popular characters into the ground for the sake of spite against Fox, I really would prefer they just reconciled their properties like Disney and Sony did.

2016-07-01, 10:29 AM
They practice slavery for pete's sake (last I checked anyway. They still have those neanderthal slaves right?).
Nope, they don't even mention about them.

2016-07-05, 09:13 AM

...but seriously, I haven't read enough Inhumans to really care either way about them? There is, I'm sure, a fascinating story to be told about an isolationist society of superbeings trying to rejoin the world, examining both their culture (and that of the rest of the world) and trying to adjust.

Unfortunately, from what I understand, that's not the story they decided to tell? So.

2016-07-05, 10:06 AM
It's just another group of people with powers. Some are good and heroic, some are bad, some just want to be left alone. The old culture and civilization of Attilan is gone, especially since it crashed into the Hudson. Things don't stay the same forever. Medusa and the whole royal family have changed a lot since they first met the Fantastic Four decades ago. A lot of people who used to be villains or at least ambivalent have become heroes at one point or another.

2016-07-05, 01:11 PM

...but seriously, I haven't read enough Inhumans to really care either way about them? There is, I'm sure, a fascinating story to be told about an isolationist society of superbeings trying to rejoin the world, examining both their culture (and that of the rest of the world) and trying to adjust.

Unfortunately, from what I understand, that's not the story they decided to tell? So.
Mm hmmm, would be better as immigrant tales or a "have to coexist with other culture in new homeland".
Also Kamala would get sterilized in name of eugenics and/or relegated to lower caste based on her status.
Though I may have mistaken first one with Tau (rumors/ slanderous imperial propaganda) though.

It's just another group of people with powers. Some are good and heroic, some are bad, some just want to be left alone. The old culture and civilization of Attilan is gone, especially since it crashed into the Hudson. Things don't stay the same forever. Medusa and the whole royal family have changed a lot since they first met the Fantastic Four decades ago. A lot of people who used to be villains or at least ambivalent have become heroes at one point or another.
and yet you just made them sound like a bunch of space classist who wish to get their privileges.
And no mention of their dirty sides and reminisce about their culture and might have entire past retconned to make them mutants?

2016-07-06, 02:10 AM
Why exactly would Kamala be a lower caste in Attillan? From my memory I thought they sort of ranked things based on how powerful or generally useful the powers you got from the Terrigan gas was. (Sort of like a Meritocracy where your skills were determined almost randomly.)

So obviously you have the absolute powerhouses like Black Bolt (can destroy cities with a whisper) and Gorgon (Can cause Seismic events by stomping) in the royal family, and Kamala's powers definitely rank below that, but her powers are definitely useful, and I recall that the bottom tier of Attillan society (besides the Alpha Primitives) were those whose Terrigan mutation generally made them worse off than they were before.

I'm not defending their culture, but I'm honestly curious if there was some aspect about the Inhumans I missed. (I only read the one Graphic Novel about them, the one where they had to survive various nations trying to attack them and claim their resources before they eventually escaped to the Moon.)

2016-07-06, 02:28 AM
Mm hmmm, would be better as immigrant tales or a "have to coexist with other culture in new homeland".
Also Kamala would get sterilized in name of eugenics and/or relegated to lower caste based on her status.
Though I may have mistaken first one with Tau (rumors/ slanderous imperial propaganda) though.

Actually both of those ideas seems really far off. The inhumans dont sterilize anyone, thats rather counterproduktive to the idea of wanting to preserve your community.
For the caste part, then im pretty sure she would not get placed in a lower caste than she already where before she turned inhuman.

2016-07-07, 11:55 AM
Well, after my very brief respite, i think I finally realized my reasons.
Somehow they make Cyclops as evil even though they have a point and make Inhumans villains by comparison.
Not to mention that terrigen has arc sounds more like a tantrum and Inhumans to be Poochie of Marvel Universe.
That and ignoring their icky aspect to be more palatable.
:smallsigh: Marvel, can you at least try to control "make everything MCU" urge for once? I mean audience would later learn that MCU Inhumans do not keep slaves and caste system.

2016-07-07, 01:30 PM
At this point, I have no idea what Marvels plan with Cyclops is.

I don't know if they intended him to be evil and it backfired, catapulting him to higher levels of fame...or if he was intended to be complex, somewhat controversial, and fans just won't accept that as intentional story telling.

Either way, I love Scott's status quo and find it really fascinating. And say that as a fan of the character, way back to the nineties. Cyclops is best X-Man.

2016-07-07, 02:33 PM
At this point, I have no idea what Marvels plan with Cyclops is.

I don't know if they intended him to be evil and it backfired, catapulting him to higher levels of fame...or if he was intended to be complex, somewhat controversial, and fans just won't accept that as intentional story telling.

Either way, I love Scott's status quo and find it really fascinating. And say that as a fan of the character, way back to the nineties. Cyclops is best X-Man.
Consider that Marvel editorial board as intellectual capacity as High Lords of Terra, ala If the Emperor Has Text to Speech (https://youtu.be/VM_9NRoGUOg?t=1m57s), I am guessing former since they are deliberately trying to be evil but sympathetic with Marvel not knowing their own actions.

2016-07-07, 02:46 PM
Either way, I love Scott's status quo and find it really fascinating. And say that as a fan of the character, way back to the nineties. Cyclops is best X-Man.

Isn't he currently dead? Cyclops prime I mean, not talking about the younger time-displaced one.

2016-07-07, 02:57 PM

...but seriously, I haven't read enough Inhumans to really care either way about them? There is, I'm sure, a fascinating story to be told about an isolationist society of superbeings trying to rejoin the world, examining both their culture (and that of the rest of the world) and trying to adjust.

Unfortunately, from what I understand, that's not the story they decided to tell? So.

They want a "Random Person Gets Superpowers" origin that they own the cinematic rights to.

Now, The Inhumans are basically what the X-Men were, with Medusa playing the role of Professor X. The only real difference, as far as I can tell (I've read inhumans-adjacent stuff, but nothing focusing on the core Inhumans) is that they have a vague "Isolationist Society" theme, instead of the whole "Feared and Hated" angle. Also, the idea of the Mists causing a lot of Inhumans to undergo terragennesis in one big wave, rather than Mutants gaining powers randomly across the world.

As for anything icky in their backstory, Technically the multiverse was destroyed and rebuilt almost-but-not-quite the same, so Marvel could just say "Yeah, all the Slavery and Eugenics stuff never happened in this version of the world."

Scowling Dragon
2016-07-07, 03:12 PM
I would love if a Fox CEO just suddenly gave the rights back to Marvel about Mutants and the Fantastic Four in a press conference whilst talking about how everybody should read their comics.

And then watch the marvel writers have a heart attack realising what a botch job they did on all these characters.

2016-07-07, 03:19 PM
As for anything icky in their backstory, Technically the multiverse was destroyed and rebuilt almost-but-not-quite the same, so Marvel could just say "Yeah, all the Slavery and Eugenics stuff never happened in this version of the world."
Oh great, white washing their unique strange icky history to make them better in future why slavery is bad story.
About castrating Kamala, I am pretty sure that they try to abort Black Bolt's kid at one point but then again amounts of inbreeding, bb being sibling to crazy brother, and possibility of Inheriting destruction if he open his mouth.
Depends if they encourage Kamala to help them out like Waterworld instead.
"We can look to our own for repopulation but doing too much result in (at Maximus and Black Bolt's son) undesirable."

2016-07-07, 04:30 PM
Isn't he currently dead? Cyclops prime I mean, not talking about the younger time-displaced one.

An off screen death, with neither body nor discussion of how it happened?

Yeah, that'll stick!:smalltongue:

But. Yeah. Should have clarified; I liked Scott's extremist Magneto status quo.

2016-07-07, 04:52 PM
About castrating Kamala, I am pretty sure that they try to abort Black Bolt's kid at one point but then again amounts of inbreeding, bb being sibling to crazy brother, and possibility of Inheriting destruction if he open his mouth.
Depends if they encourage Kamala to help them out like Waterworld instead.

To start with i suspect castrating her would be more or less impossible due to the limitations on her transformation powers.
And for that matter also a waste of time since she seems to have a healing factor.

But all the same i still dont understand why this weird idea is brought up yet again. You dont remove the ability to reproduce from a member of a small population if you want it to continue.
its something that might be considdered by diverse goverments, but even that would not work as there is no doubt to many passive carriers of the inhuman genes.

2016-07-07, 04:59 PM
An off screen death, with neither body nor discussion of how it happened?

Yeah, that'll stick!:smalltongue:

But. Yeah. Should have clarified; I liked Scott's extremist Magneto status quo.

Well, not quite off-screen (http://i.imgur.com/PTPVUzx.jpg), he was killed confronting God-Doom during the whole Secret Wars thing. I honestly don't know the details beyond that as Secret Wars was a run I tried to avoid...
Though that being said, I certainly wouldn't argue one whether it will stick.

2016-07-07, 05:17 PM
To start with i suspect castrating her would be more or less impossible due to the limitations on her transformation powers.
And for that matter also a waste of time since she seems to have a healing factor.

But all the same i still dont understand why this weird idea is brought up yet again. You dont remove the ability to reproduce from a member of a small population if you want it to continue.
its something that might be considdered by diverse goverments, but even that would not work as there is no doubt to many passive carriers of the inhuman genes.
Stemming from misconception about Eugenics?

2016-07-07, 05:22 PM
Well, not quite off-screen (http://i.imgur.com/PTPVUzx.jpg), he was killed confronting God-Doom during the whole Secret Wars thing. I honestly don't know the details beyond that as Secret Wars was a run I tried to avoid...
Though that being said, I certainly wouldn't argue one whether it will stick.

Secret Wars was weird, though? None of Scott's stuff in it got any exposition in the main books (X-haven, Phoenix egg) then I believe Extraordinary X-Men implied he came back to life with the rest of the universe..?

Secret Wars was weird. Cool, but weird.

Aotrs Commander
2016-07-09, 05:59 AM
Well, not quite off-screen (http://i.imgur.com/PTPVUzx.jpg), he was killed confronting God-Doom during the whole Secret Wars thing. I honestly don't know the details beyond that as Secret Wars was a run I tried to avoid...
Though that being said, I certainly wouldn't argue one whether it will stick.


Of course they did.

Couldn't have Scott carrying on being really interesting (I never liked him until Whedon got his hands on him and through that whole arc until the phoenix nonsense I thoroughly enjoyed him finally having had enough and kicking all kinds of arse. I liked him then. I liked him and Emma, I found it much more entertaining than him and Jean.) But hey, why have that when we can rewind all the interesting character development?

And this is why the only title I'm now reading is X-'92 and even that is Marvel's final probation (and that comes with X-Men 1990s Scott and Jean, who I am particularly apathetic to, but it does have Jubilee (the primary draw), Proper Wolverine and a boat load of other characters they uncerimoniously offed over the years in compensation.)

2016-07-09, 06:35 AM
Is anyone in Marvel a 'hero'?

They seem to be mostly whiny teenagers who have no real concerns beyound themselves and wanted to 'look like a hero'.

Frankly Dr. Doom might be the best hero in the Marvel Universe - at least he can be counted on when things are bad and works for the betterment of humanity (depending on writter).

If Disney ever buys Gamesworkshop perhaps the Emporer of Mankind can be reconned to be Dr. Doom ... which given Gamesworkshops poor decidion making recently I would not be surprised.

No, Doom is definitely not a hero in any sense of the word except in the mind of apologists.

That said, yes, there are a lot of people who do get called heroes who are also terrible. Not as bad as Doom, because Doom is a man that played bets with the existence of the planet for nothing more than his own ego, but pretty damn bad.

And then that said, there are definitely a few heroes left. A reason why Kamala's book is so refreshing is that she's straight up, unabashedly heroic. She just wants to help. That iis her entire thing. She doesn't have a guilt complex or a tragic backstory, she's just a girl that wants to help and has the superpowers to do so. This is why I found it absolutely hilarious when, in a recent issue of avengers, Captain Falcon bitched out the younger members of the Avengers for being dangerous and not behaving like proper heroes. Dude, every single one of the people you're yelling at is singlehandedly more heroic than literally the entire adult roster of the current Avengers, because those adult Avengers include Vision (who was being turned evil at the time), Tony Stark (who is Tony Stark), Thor (who is kind of a battle-happy human ram), Captain Falcon (who in this series is written like an ***hole). In the meantime, the teen section is Kamala (who is basically new Spider-man in the power/responsibility ratio), Nova (who is the definition of an idiot with a good heart and an inability to let injustice go), and Miles.

2016-07-09, 10:02 AM
No, Doom is definitely not a hero in any sense of the word except in the mind of apologists.

That said, yes, there are a lot of people who do get called heroes who are also terrible. Not as bad as Doom, because Doom is a man that played bets with the existence of the planet for nothing more than his own ego, but pretty damn bad.

And then that said, there are definitely a few heroes left. A reason why Kamala's book is so refreshing is that she's straight up, unabashedly heroic. She just wants to help. That iis her entire thing. She doesn't have a guilt complex or a tragic backstory, she's just a girl that wants to help and has the superpowers to do so. This is why I found it absolutely hilarious when, in a recent issue of avengers, Captain Falcon bitched out the younger members of the Avengers for being dangerous and not behaving like proper heroes. Dude, every single one of the people you're yelling at is singlehandedly more heroic than literally the entire adult roster of the current Avengers, because those adult Avengers include Vision (who was being turned evil at the time), Tony Stark (who is Tony Stark), Thor (who is kind of a battle-happy human ram), Captain Falcon (who in this series is written like an ***hole). In the meantime, the teen section is Kamala (who is basically new Spider-man in the power/responsibility ratio), Nova (who is the definition of an idiot with a good heart and an inability to let injustice go), and Miles.
And now, these three kids have left and formed Champions.
Back to Inhumans, Blackbolt still roam free and Marvel might make him "say" (cardboard signs, text to speech, etc) that his gas allow him to search Inhumans with editor's "creativity".
Codex Astartes will not approve of this action.

2016-07-09, 12:07 PM
Back to Inhumans, Blackbolt still roam free and Marvel might make him "say" (cardboard signs, text to speech, etc) that his gas allow him to search Inhumans with editor's "creativity".
Codex Astartes will not approve of this action.

Dont think there are more than a handful of humans who can stop Black bolt from searching where he pleases, but all the same this comment is kinda confusing.

2016-07-09, 12:27 PM
Dont think there are more than a handful of humans who can stop Black bolt from searching where he pleases, but all the same this comment is kinda confusing.
Well, just a hunch on Marvel trying to justify his reckless act on releasing terrigen gas while trying to make them "good guys" for MCU audience and ignoring how much atrocities were done at that action.
Like reason for not trying to destroy or contain that gas as a form of searching device that would be rendered moot with some form of device.

2016-07-10, 03:51 PM
Well, just a hunch on Marvel trying to justify his reckless act on releasing terrigen gas while trying to make them "good guys" for MCU audience and ignoring how much atrocities were done at that action.
Like reason for not trying to destroy or contain that gas as a form of searching device that would be rendered moot with some form of device.

Well.. that would certainly not excuse people like Tony Stark or Reed from sitting on their hands during the act, they are the ones its most believeable could have dealth with it.

2016-07-10, 05:15 PM
Well.. that would certainly not excuse people like Tony Stark or Reed from sitting on their hands during the act, they are the ones its most believeable could have dealth with it.
And since Marvel decided to make the gas' property on sterilizing mutants, what you say is just worse now.
I mean can't they just try not to make every comic MCU for once and not throw equivalent of tantrum.

2016-07-10, 07:19 PM
Well.. that would certainly not excuse people like Tony Stark or Reed from sitting on their hands during the act, they are the ones its most believeable could have dealth with it.

I feel like the whole terrigen mist thing is being taken out of context. Black Bolt didn't just set it loose for no reason. It was done during the "Infinity" story, where Thanos came to Earth looking for a child he had with an Inhuman long ago. He visited Attilan first, obviously, and they knew he was going to cause destruction whether or not his child was there (he wasn't). Black Bolt had good reason to think Attilan and with it the entire Inhuman race, could have been exterminated all at once by Thanos, so he had Maximus set off the bombs as Attilan was going down. He didn't know there was another hidden Inhuman community in Greenland where Thanos' child had been raised. During the event, Reed and Stark and everyone else was busy fighting Thanos and his minions, who went to Wakanda next. Black Bolt's act wasn't viewed favorably, but it wasn't completely unjustified, either. In the immediate aftermath, all those illuminati genius characters were busy with the parallel earth incursion problem, which only escalated in frequency leading up to the final incursion and Battleworld. I am a little surprised that the clouds still seem to be creeping around out there with nobody doing anything to stop them, but then people have been very occupied. Reed is outside the multiverse. Maybe it's a thing the Ultimates should deal with, but they don't seem concerned. Beast is occupied trying to solve the M-Pox problem. I don't know that this is really in Stark's area of expertise, it would be more chemistry/biology rather than strictly tech. Dr Strange is dealing with magic being erased from the world, he doesn't even have enough power to save himself, never mind banishing a world-wide cloud to another dimension. I do think it is awfully convenient/unbelievable that the cloud has hung around this long, I feel like it must have been at least a year, maybe two, in-universe time since the terrigen was released, and there still seem to be clouds drifting around randomly to conveniently create new supers whenever the story calls for it. I guess I don't know the chemical or physical properties of terrigen to say for sure how the gas should behave or how long it would remain potent in the atmosphere. Maybe after Civil War II, someone will try to contain the terrigen, get it under control, get it back into crystal form, or something, so they can control their own transformations again.

2016-07-10, 07:39 PM
Is anyone in Marvel a 'hero'?

They seem to be mostly whiny teenagers who have no real concerns beyound themselves and wanted to 'look like a hero'.

That's my impression as well

2016-07-11, 04:27 AM
Alright fair enough, exploding those bombs really sounds like an unusually dumb idea all the same, forcing people to take a spin at the power wheel instead of letting them chose to do so.
But all the same its at least understandable why none of the major movers and shakers have done anything about it.

2016-07-29, 11:01 AM
Counter argument, based on the comments (https://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/6351552.html#comments):
The Inhumans have been sabotaging attempts to contain Terrigen mists, launch false flag operations to make them look like victims, try to stop one "villain" for trying to stop enslavement device, and the recent one show them thriving while mutants died by what presumably not considering containment or such. And trying to make people as villains for reasonable causes (namely mutant sterilization). Then they engage in foreign intervention on not-North Korea even if it was ran by tyrants (possibly going to turn the citizens into serfs for good measure). Entire society that would bully and discriminate Kamala just for her upbringing had it not for crashing on earth and need for recovery. Secondly, they act like Teen Titans Go and Game of Thrones houses without horrible universe to justify it.
Marvel doesn't seem to understand trying to make them heroes even if they retconned the slavery and eugenics. And not trying to use the comics as something they can do differently rather than trying to be a movie.

2016-08-02, 01:46 AM
And that debunked all arguments for Inhumans since they stockpile weapons, and trying to be mutants while being a privileged jackass. Also writers making errors about Crystal who was forced to marry for sake of their Tau wannabe empire.
I guess they are Tau Empire after all. What with sterilization of lesser species (I think they will geld humans for serfs with Marvel's intellect), caste system, and promoted by their companies as a thing (at least GW try to limit that but Marvel seems to be lacking in comparison). Only MCU heathens will fall into that trap.
Except Tau are more benevolent and life as their gelded slaves are a lot better than both Imperium (who happily geld and blew up their own planet) and Attila (Kamala may not be slave but Attilans would gladly oppress and shun her as outsiders or respect her with scorn for enrichment of their inbred gene pool). And Inhumans still practice never combat.

2016-08-02, 03:41 AM
Going by what I've read here so far no they're not... there I wonder if you'd accept that summary?

If it was me I'd link the Inhumans to the gradual extinction of mutants as they would see them as an unnecessary threat to their existence especially Xavier's school for gifted children which they'd see as an outright threat!

Maybe in a couple of years they'll release a new crossover series first dealing with Kamala discovering the Inhumans true agenda and their responsibility for both Civil Wars and why they still don't make sense!

Then reveal their return to the heavens as they attempt to outright seize power turning most of the population into their slaves but are narrowly defeated leading to Kamala ostracised from their society perhaps her brother is killed helping her escape?

So anyone against them turning into the next generations enemy ala Magneto & Co?

Scowling Dragon
2016-08-02, 10:29 AM
So anyone against them turning into the next generations enemy ala Magneto & Co?

None whatsoever. But its not gonna happen because marvel is written by utter HACKS at the moment.

Like the last fish in a Pond thats slowly having arsenic dumped into it, they are the REFINED generation of Hacks. When Dan Slott is your "Elder Guru", then you are in a terrible place.

Recently they pretty much declared that they will never BOTHER with contenuity whatsoever. They will just play with the toys in their playset until Disney Burns the house down.

2016-08-02, 12:22 PM
Well, made me miss War of Kings and Warren Ellis.
I mean they could get better synergy if they are their own things, Marvel version of typical Warhammer (40k or FB) adventure (any idea who would be the armless failure, other than Thanos? Or an undead Lich making a mess in fictional third world country.), and try to be heroic for once.
Guess they are High Lords of Terra (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VM_9NRoGUOg) after all.
Anyone willing to drop contexts and defenses, you may do so in futility. I even have to talk with a chat friend (a MCU heathen but he did try to defend Tau as bad guys or at least not as grim dark) on why getting power from gas is different from puberty, along with possibility of being bullied/enslaved/harvested (I think sterilized might be an option if they bother to mate with a literal mutated blob) if they come out as something out of Guillermo Del Toro movie. And new issue will get Blackbolt tried at court but might use idiotic of judge who believe in any idiotic of defenses (like how not containing the gas is allowing them to find Inhumans despite having a thing called scanner and use invitations, you white skinned, not-slit in head having Tau)due to Marvel's trying to make them a thing and use villains despite having good points.
Hand an old Inhuman book to Kamala Khan's author, she would allow her character to leave Atilla depends if they do nasty just as she is to talk her rebuttal.

2016-08-06, 01:31 AM
As I have compared the Inhumans to Tau (except Inhumans do not suck at Closequarters Combat and much smaller and definitely do not have a slit on the face), Kamala would go all Farsight (http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Farsight_Enclaves) (aka secede and try not to be Attila) on them. This time with robots-servants and democracy thing and BOTHERING TO BUILD SOME SCANNERS rather than shoving people or just smiling and let the gas roam and do some damages (I mean even if you are an Inhuman, let's just say that caste part comes into play if your not-Attilan parents didn't give you proper genes to at least give you a higher chance to turn you into something reasonable, just look at poor Triton and Lockjaw depends if he was an Inhuman or some in-canine). From a discussion, they said that Inhumans are helping Beast with it, but currently arguing about trying to at least contain the gas. I mean I know they are on grudge with Tony and other members of Illuminati are dead, missing, or busy, but at least they can come up with giant air bags and there's plenty of methods used in comics where the heroes have successfully contained gas leaks. Maybe call Spiderman to weave a bag, or at least make a minor storm, ask if Kamala Khan can be stretched into a bag but she's no Plastic Man, or get T'challa to do some science stuff. Depends if looking to their own for reproduction has left one quirk "undesirable" *cue Banjo noise*.

Avilan the Grey
2016-08-06, 02:53 AM
Is anyone in Marvel a 'hero'?

They seem to be mostly whiny teenagers who have no real concerns beyound themselves and wanted to 'look like a hero'.

Frankly Dr. Doom might be the best hero in the Marvel Universe - at least he can be counted on when things are bad and works for the betterment of humanity (depending on writter).

If Disney ever buys Gamesworkshop perhaps the Emporer of Mankind can be reconned to be Dr. Doom ... which given Gamesworkshops poor decidion making recently I would not be surprised.

So what's your saying is that you have never read a Marvel comic?

2016-08-06, 11:04 AM
And that debunked all arguments for Inhumans since they stockpile weapons, and trying to be mutants while being a privileged jackass. Also writers making errors about Crystal who was forced to marry for sake of their Tau wannabe empire.

Ehh.. what??? every major power stockpile weapons, the only ones who dont do so are those to poor to afford them. I have honestly no idea how on earth thats an argument against the inhumans.

Only MCU heathens will fall into that trap.
Except Tau are more benevolent and life as their gelded slaves are a lot better than both Imperium (who happily geld and blew up their own planet) and Attila (Kamala may not be slave but Attilans would gladly oppress and shun her as outsiders or respect her with scorn for enrichment of their inbred gene pool). And Inhumans still practice never combat.

Also, there are no hard evidence for Tau sterilising people, it has as far as im aware only been mentioned in notoriously unreliable imperial propaganga (famed for comment suchs as "Genestealers are slow, and only armed with dull claws").
For that matter, gelding is a little different from sterilisation, and its only the later the Tau is even accused of doing.

2016-08-06, 12:32 PM
Ehh.. what??? every major power stockpile weapons, the only ones who dont do so are those to poor to afford them. I have honestly no idea how on earth thats an argument against the inhumans.
Well, consider that they considered themselves as "oppressed and targeted" *cough* like X-Men *cough*, that panel along with shoving everyone as Inhumans did not bode well with Marvel's editorial decisions.
And did you look at the comments on this scans-daily (https://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/6356820.html#cutid1)? That's enough for my arguments.
Also when will they finally show them working with the Beast, which some chaps told me about other than using fake Mutant attacks to make their privileged status look oppressed.
And the quotes that reflected how much Marvel are ignorant of continuity and making them MCU,
"With Ms. Marvel, Moongirl, and the up-coming series, Mosaic, The Inhuman books are not relying on metaphorical stand-in for the purposes of diversity and representation, they’re utilizing a cast that is actually diverse and more fully representative. Likewise, All New Inhumans has maintained a hugely diverse cast, both in terms of ethnicity as well as gender, nationality, sexual identity, and even the disabled."
*cough* Jubilee, Storm, Sunspot, Darwin, and any non-white characters. *cough*
Also the moment the "Nu-humans" discovered Attila's caste system and slavery, they will gladly leave, or form splinter settlements. Maybe go with culture clash, based on this scans (https://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/6366723.html), which the other colony seems reasonable, egalitarian, and used robots for menial labor. Maybe make them like commentary on civilization and diaspora vs. mother culture, rather than sterilization on Mutants and acting like brats who wanted to act like oppressed minority except with more hypocrisy.
So care to explain the contexts.

2016-08-06, 03:26 PM
Well, consider that they considered themselves as "oppressed and targeted" *cough* like X-Men *cough*, that panel along with shoving everyone as Inhumans did not bode well with Marvel's editorial decisions.
And did you look at the comments on this scans-daily? That's enough for my arguments.

What argument? you have still not made any, just linked to some scans, and yes, i have read those scans. But i cant see anything there that supports your decision. Perhaps its because some contex is missing.
But so far all we have seen, is that they have hidden weapon stores. So what? Thats not an argument against them, know who else got hidden stores of extremely potent weapons? Iron Man, and he is a hero.

Also the moment the "Nu-humans" discovered Attila's caste system and slavery, they will gladly leave, or form splinter settlements. Maybe go with culture clash, based on this scans, which the other colony seems reasonable, egalitarian, and used robots for menial labor. Maybe make them like commentary on civilization and diaspora vs. mother culture, rather than sterilization on Mutants and acting like brats who wanted to act like oppressed minority except with more hypocrisy.

Did they not stop using those slaves you keep mentioning quite a while ago?

So care to explain the contexts.

No, why should i? you have still not explained why stockpiling weapons makes the inhumans bad, when its done by every single nation, as well as quite a few heroes.

2016-08-06, 03:30 PM
The current Attilan society is not the same as it once was. Things change, in comics and in real life. Since it crashed into the river and Black Bolt went missing and the terrigen cloud, everything was thrown into disarray. Karnak, before killing himself, said he saw the flaw in all things and told Medusa she needed to forget the past. Medusa took command and is rebuilding things in a different way. She knows Attilan is no longer an isolated society, they need to be diplomatic with those around them. She has been very careful to act in a way that the Inhumans will not be seen as a threat, they have been mostly cooperative with other super heroes. Inhumans are not acting like an oppressed minority, they are acting like a sovereign nation. It isn't clear how much of their old societal structure remains. It is still a monarchy, obviously, but the genetic council overseeing breeding seems like it has been left in the past. Terrigenesis is no longer able to be controlled, obviously, most of the terrigen crystals are gone. NuHumans learn how to deal with their abilities and are welcome, there's no clear caste system. Those who have shown bravery in certain situations and have really useful abilities or skills have been called on to help out, those are the central characters in the comics now.

Also, Black Bolt freed the alpha primitives from slavery and stopped having them cloned in a story in the 1970's. That hasn't been a thing for a long time. Though the ones that remained were not capable of forming their own society or taking care of themselves, they aren't a slave race anymore. After all the events fighting with the Kree, moving back and forth from the earth to the moon to space, back to the moon, back to earth, and now crashed in the river, it isn't clear how many of them are left or what they are doing.

They have shown Beast working in New Attilan. He hasn't been a major part of the stories, so far. They haven't focused much on the actual M-Pox or sterilization effect yet. The X-Men have been busy fighting stuff and the Inhumans have, too, and we're not hearing much about the science of terrigen and X-genes.

NuHumans have no reason to hate Attilan, it doesn't look like there are any deep, dark secrets or nefarious plots by the royal family to oppress anyone. Medusa appears to be a conscientious ruler that wants to help her people and stay on good terms with everyone around her. Of course, Civil War is now bringing them in conflict with Tony Stark and anyone that is helping him, but that's expected in a thing called "civil war".

2016-08-06, 03:38 PM
What argument? you have still not made any, just linked to some scans, and yes, i have read those scans. But i cant see anything there that supports your decision. Perhaps its because some contex is missing.
But so far all we have seen, is that they have hidden weapon stores. So what? Thats not an argument against them, know who else got hidden stores of extremely potent weapons? Iron Man, and he is a hero.
Well, the comments say otherwise, or I might have missed a few contexts. I read the comments along with scans that led to my recent tirade against Inhumans.
Or their bias.
I am feeling a bit ballistic whenever Inhumans are mentioned.
Edit: Now that you mentioned proper pictures, let try arguing these "lovely" (https://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/6310834.html#cutid1) images (https://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/6340507.html#cutid1) (try explaining why they gleefully laugh as the Mutants gone extinct? If they truly care about M-Pox and such, they would fricking done it already and even gladly contain the gas rather than antagonizing them or sabotaging every attempts).

2016-08-07, 05:00 AM
Well, the comments say otherwise, or I might have missed a few contexts. I read the comments along with scans that led to my recent tirade against Inhumans.
Or their bias.

Im going to assume that with comments you mean the text in the comic pages, and not the random scrabling from other people beneath those pages.
Those do not work as evidence against the inhumans either though, since they straight up explain that those weapons were purely kept in reserve for self defence. Thats the same as every other marvel country, most of its organisations and quite a few of the heroes.

Now that you mentioned proper pictures, let try arguing these "lovely" images (try explaining why they gleefully laugh as the Mutants gone extinct? If they truly care about M-Pox and such, they would fricking done it already and even gladly contain the gas rather than antagonizing them or sabotaging every attempts).

But i have not mentioned proper pictures. I have so far mainly pointed out that you can not use the weapon supply as an argument against the inhumans. Actually it points them in a positive light, they have all those weapons, but mainly hide them away for if they ever get attacked.

2016-08-07, 11:09 AM
Im going to assume that with comments you mean the text in the comic pages, and not the random scrabling from other people beneath those pages.
Those do not work as evidence against the inhumans either though, since they straight up explain that those weapons were purely kept in reserve for self defence. Thats the same as every other marvel country, most of its organisations and quite a few of the heroes.
Well, the "random scramblings" do have a point too and wanted to know where the "Mutant False Flag" came from.
And the pictures on Death of X (Inhumans gleefully living in peace right after mutants were exterminated) and Inhumans vs. Mutants (seriously, Kamala Khan would nor rather join in the fray), I am going to say that Marvel seems to be trying to piss off X-Men fans and not bothering to portray Inhumans in likeable light.

2016-08-08, 05:51 AM
No, they dont have a point, they are in no way official. People are free to think what they want, but im not going to take it for more than it is, oppinions or speculation. And thats certainly not something that can be used as evidence against the Inhumans.

But since you have stopped mentioning it, then i take you concede the point that there is no evidence against the Inhumans on the page with the weapon storage.

2016-08-12, 02:20 PM
And anyone want to explain about "Mutant False Flag" operations that I keep hearing about, defendants?
Oh great, more whitewashing (http://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/6382423.html) to make Attila look great. I mean he should have seen Triton (poor sod who can only live in water) and reason why Karnak don't take magic gas. I mean I see that it's for good but it is trying to show that Attila never do such or never felt such a thing. And not to mention how much lives the gas bomb ruined, like Inferno's mother or other turning into huge blob. But nope!

2016-08-13, 05:29 AM
Why.. should we care about explaining anything to you? It seems rather clear that to proceed to ignore everything we tells you anyway. :smallconfused:

2016-08-13, 01:06 PM
Why.. should we care about explaining anything to you? It seems rather clear that to proceed to ignore everything we tells you anyway. :smallconfused:
Ignore the second paragraph, explain about "Mutant False Flag operation". When did that happen?

2016-08-23, 10:12 AM
Well, they finally mentioned the awful side effects of Terrigenisis. Just would find irony if two of her "aunts" are actually visitors or house maids.
I guess I owe any defendants an apology of my fit.

2016-09-19, 11:42 PM
Well, decided to come back here after someone told me about posting my peeve here.
Why are the Nu-Humans still serving those who gassed them and ruin their lives? And remember the last scans on the "reasonable" Inhuman tribes that do not keep slaves? Turns out that they act as sink to make Attilans look morally superior (then and there, Gorgon would talk about his daughter who ran away with a sterilized slave after he try to force her to go through gas). But NOPE! Sure Attilan society is not same anymore but Marvel is making it more like whitewash retcons.
I mean X-Men's main strength is kinship, this is a draft and eugenics right there had not Marvel completely disregard those unlucky ones.