View Full Version : Pathfinder (3.P) Confirming Critical Hits

2016-06-29, 01:34 PM
I'm looking for ways to increase my bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls. Is there anything besides the Critical Focus feat?

2016-06-29, 03:50 PM
The Barbarian Rage power Mighty Swing automatically confirms critical hits.
The 6th tier champion ability Critical master also auto confirms criticals against non-mythic monsters.
Any Spell, Feat, class feature, or Item which gives you a bonus on attack rolls should also increase your chance. Additionally any ability that grants you a reroll such as the Witch's fortune hex

Pitspawned weapons grant a +2
Visitor's Luck from complete Scoundrel
Power Critical from complete warrior

those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head.

2016-06-29, 03:52 PM
There's a choker in the Magic Item Compendium for 3.5 that can auto-confirm a crit 3x a day.

2016-06-29, 08:51 PM
I'm looking for ways to increase my bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls. Is there anything besides the Critical Focus feat?

There are actually quite a few in Pathfinder, you might even say a plethora of them.
Problem is that most of them have "this does not stack with the Critical Focus feat", and even then they usually have restricted weapon choices as well, so you wind up being better off with the Feat anyway.

Sometimes the "not critical focus" -can- be better than Critical Focus, but not by enough to care.
Half-Orc Paladin's can get +1/3 to Crit Confirm rolls every level (Favored Class bonus), which maxes out at +_5_...at level 15...only when Smiting Evil...yeah...

2016-06-30, 12:33 AM
Several traits that give +1, Anatomist, for example. Some that give +2 under certain conditions -- Toxophilite (Racial for Aasimar, only with bows). Stalker class (3rd party, DSP Path of War) gets a class feature that replaces Critical Focus, allowing you to get your wisdom as a bonus to crit confirms.

2016-06-30, 04:31 AM
If possible, optimize your to-hit bonus, as it indeed affects your confirmation roll as well.

In addition to what was already listed, the Quarry class feature (rangers and slayers) auto confirms threats

2016-06-30, 08:54 AM
How about a Crusader's Scabbard (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/c-d/crusader-s-scabbard)?

2016-06-30, 09:09 AM
Butterfly's sting will allow you to auto threaten and confirm if your ally threatens. Might not be exactly what you want but can help a scythe wielder - highcrit weapon combo.

2016-06-30, 11:36 AM
The Bless Weapon and Eaglesoul spells will autoconfirm against evil targets, although they will not stack with the keen or similar magical properties (namely, you can pickup Improved Critical instead)