View Full Version : 3D designing minis help

2016-07-01, 02:50 AM
So I have been making my minis by slicing from already made ones, which is very time consuming and tedious. I have been looking for a way to stream line the process and have come across HeroForge.com. I love their customizing program but they don't sell or give you your .stl file. The look is great but I don't want to spend $25 a pop for a print ($15 for a very bad quality one) especially when I own a 3D printer. I am trying to help my group by giving them their own personal mini but we are all poor full time college students. I would just all have them create and buy their own but our DM kills us off frequently and isn't worth it. 3D printing is much more economic in this matter.

So my question is, does anyone know of a similar program that does give you the .stl?

My other idea was to have the guys I play with create a character in skyrim, download that file and 3D print it. That does come with two issues, first being I don't have any clue how to download their character and two skyrim is fairly limited on character creation (minus mods).

My second question would be, does anyone know how to go about that?